Topic: visit to a friend


Date: 2006-12-08 22:47 EST
she stood outside the entry way , not sure if this was even the right place to be . she didnt quite know if her thoughts of what happens " after " fit in with what this place stood for . what she did know is she missed her friend and this seemed to be the place to go when you wanted to honor someone who had gone on. so , in she went.

it was quite here , a cliche type of quite that didnt set right with her - as if quiet ever did . as she walked along the path careful not to step on - anyone ? she was drawn to the flowers left behind and realized she hadnt brought any along with her , her shrug was meant more as a reminder " next time " to her self than anything else .

there was a bench , over along side a very tall tree , that sat full square in the sun so thats where she decided this would happen , in the sun . she made her self as comfortable as possible and just started ...

" ....hello , lew " she swallowed and held her breath for just a split half second afraid that she might get a verbal answer , and that would scare what life she had left right out of her " , im not sure if this works or not , but if it does ...." she shrugged as memories flooded her brain and rushed across her heart bringing a wonderfully bright smile to her face - setting her more and more at ease , just like he used to do " ....i just wanted you to know that you are deeply missed and thought of often in a great way . " her right hand went up to the pin tacked at her left shoulder , his pin , given to her by his wife , the pin of the queen he had died in battle for .

she stood and held her place in the sun for just a moment before she turned to leave , going back the way she came " i just wanted to say hi " words not heard by any ears but felt by the heart intended for

(( i signed on recently to read new stuff on the message boards, and you know how the small pictures / icons of chars. come up over on the left hand side - well , the picture / icon for GreyMantle popped up - nearly scared the living poop outta me and ill admit , made me cry. ya see, IRL Greys player passed away over a year ago , and last night there was a ranger at the inn - get the picture = memories . OOC Grey's player and i used to talk quite a lot and IC Grey was onea the first chars. to interact with mine :) so when the picture / icon popped up well ....i just wanted to say hi to a friend ))

- mic