Topic: RhyDin Vineyard

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2007-01-13 03:47 EST
Leaving the tavern I found myself yearning for something in my life. I've gone thinking of all the things I enjoyed out of life as I took a walk on that cold winter night. I thought about all the different types of wines and ales I have drank over the years in the taverns. Not a single one ever brewed from RhyDin itself, always from far away land or deep dwarves mine. I started thinking about my love for alchemy and gardening the years I've studied. All the teachers I had from so long ago who taught me everything I knew.

The night cleared up a bit"the moon was beginning to show. The longing for home filled me knowing I would never be aloud to return. I found myself wondering so far to the very outskirts of the city, I was getting close to the farm lands. The roads this far out of town start to get pretty muddy this time of year I mostly was dodging puddles before long I found myself knee high in mud. Some slick elf I am cant even go skipping over mud puddles in the dark.

I must have been traveling north for some time I've come close to the hills and forests. I found a badly run farm their, he seemed to be trying to grow wheat on a very steep hill. The land was dry and overly used and not cared for. For a good long time I was their looking at this run down farm standing in the middle of the road. The sun started to rise, watching as it did a warm breeze rolled in ever so slightly bringing the scent of the sea. Pondering for a while longer the lights went on in the little farm house.

Out came a very tired old man, beard and hair ratty and un kept. His clothes covered in mud from the day or week before. He noticed Jesterin, the tall slender elf adorn in fine clothes with mud to his knees. He waved and made his way down to the road.

"What bring you hear at this time of day me" Lord?" Jesterin smiled looking to him. "Not much just contemplating what to do with my life and found myself here on a long walk." The two stood their for a good moment in silence the old farmer seeming very confused. The farmer was just about to excuse himself before Jesterin started to speak. "What would you take for your whole farm, land and all"

The farmer seemed slightly stunned. Scratching at his beard and arms now and then trying to think. I was most generous with my offer and the farmer was thrilled. He darted inside to tell his wife. Looking over at the farm I discovered I have taken on a huge responsibility and it felt good inside. Doing something other then reading books and studying things long forgotten.

It was almost noon before he got back to town to his little house just near the Red Dragon Inn. Making my way into the study I sat at my desk and began writing letters. Everything from Contacting the city for business permits, the sale of the land and of his home. To local business for constriction of the brewery, warehouse, and a greenhouse. Much work had been done already so many things going through his head he decided it would be a good time to go to sleep and save the rest for the next day.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2007-01-13 17:53 EST
I awoke late in the day, very tired and groggy Cleaning myself up as quickly as possible I made my way down to the local bank. I made set arrangements for the farmer and his wife to paid for and signed all the appropriate paper work involved. . Things seemed to be moving smoothly with no delays. Being since I had much time perhaps I would travel and try to find some interesting grapes that can grow in this interesting region. I started with the local market, truly not expecting to find anything a look couldn't hurt.

The bustling of the marketplace at this time of day can be quite a rush, the courtyards filled with people all talking and haggling. Knowing the market mostly for my alchemy needs I was very aware of the Growers market, possibly in the future ill open shop here. Not knowing this section very well I ended up spending hours going through bags upon bags of seeds. Lucky their was a trader from over seas, Arabic in nature it took some time before we could start communicating with each other. He informed me he was just in a well known region for wine making, he seemed very well informed. After several hours and a very vast lesson on grape seeds and growing methods I felt compelled to at least purchase some of his produce. Shifting my way through the market stopping at every shop it seems I found everything that could be found here.

Knowing I was going to have to experiment with many different varieties of grapes to create my own personal blends. Trying to remember some of the finest wines in my life remembering a goblin wine that was sweet like candy. It wasn't very common and only have seen it in a few taverns and inns through out my journeys. My only choice was to travel to the great swamps and pray I will be in fates favor and find a camp that actually cultivates or gathers their grapes. Taking the winds under his feet he swiftly travel to the greater swamps, knowing I wouldn't be able to just travel these lands without being bothered I would have to change my form. Using some Fae Glamour Magic my form changed to the ugliest nasty goblin. I bared no tribal clan marks or colors knowing that could be worse then a elf in these parts.

Treading through the mud I haven't seen a single Goblin or Orc, thinking to myself was I in the wrong region. Continuing my way through shoulder height mud I was happy to be in the goblin form, theirs bodies where very well developed for this sort of work. Keeping a open eye out for any type of grapes that might be growing as well, seeming only to find Muck Weeds and Wither Vines. My hopes began to drop as I found what seamed to be a badly built dirt road. The swamp was filled in the rocks and stones then covered with dirt and sand to create a simple road. I was happy to just get out of the mud and have my feet on solid ground. The sun just set behind me and the swamp gets deeper the further east I travel so I started down the road. Every once in a while it seemed that posts have been hammered into the side of the road and filled in more, not sure who built the road they did try to keep care of it.

Coming to a crossroad their was a sign post with two destination scratched into the rotting wood. It took some time to read the writing, poorly written as it was. It was goblin and with that my heart raised, the two roads pointed north and east. The swamp thickened to the east and their where mountains to the north, my best luck would be to travel north and find some more dryer lands. The make shift road seemed to get slightly better the further I went down. Their was a wooden railing now and the ground was stomped rather then just poured. This was much easier on my feet it didn't give me any confidence of a goblin camp near by. I saw the mountains in the far distance and I knew I was going in the right direction. The swamp even seemed to start getting dryer, more plant life was starting to make a appearance. This was a good time to get off the road and keep my eyes out for plants and goblins.

Almost skipping through the mud which was only up to my knees this is a goblins playground. One thing I learned is never fight a goblin in the swamp they will win ever time. I hared some strange noises up the way, slowing down I started sneaking from tree to tree. What fate a group of goblin gathers, I decided the trees would be better for me and slipped up one of the many swamp trees. Their was 10 of them mostly woman they seemed to be grabbing at everything they came across. They did know where they where going though bringing me to what seemed to be a cultivated area. It surly wasn't in any standard of any civilized race but it was.

Watching them dig through the mud and uncover stones their was one the was pulling vines from under the water and mud, pulling tiny grapes from it and dropping them into a basket. Luck again on my side, waiting for several hours for them to leave I snuck my way down from the trees back into the mud. I began pulling the vines up from the mud finding very few grapes but what would have to be enough.

I've become tired and the trudging through the mud has taken its toll on me. Once again I called upon the winds this time to take me back home to RhyDin. I left the goblin form turning back to my normal self, slightly relived stretching out my back. I stumbled into my tiny home in town tossing my leather pouch onto the table?.I will have to go through my findings in the morning.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2007-01-15 02:48 EST
The next several weeks where spent traveling far from home. Spending weeks on the road at a time stopping at small to large sized vineyards. Speaking with many different growers and wine makers it seemed I didn't know as much as I thought I did. About the possess and storage even how to incorporated magic to bring the fullest flavors of the wine to the surface. I was lucky to speak with a Wood Elf by the name of Pix Wisp, he lived in the Willow Wood. Willow Wood is one of 5 of the great Fae forests.

He was a tall man much like Jesterin, he had long green hair he kept braded with many silver feathers and beads decorating it. Mostly wearing leather he never wore shoes never needing to since he has never left Willow Wood. He was well now in these parts for his wine and his art of controlling plants through magic. Taking me to his vineyard I was introduced to the head brewer Pix's twin brother Dangel. He was a true alchemist in all aspects, he treated every bottle like I would my finest potion.

Dangel took me to the brew house, everything was either glass or brass incorporated into the woodwork of the tree. He showed me the advanced art of using magic for almost every aspect of making the wine. This fascinated me since I would be doing most of the work at my own vineyard. From picking the grapes to possessing was all done with magic. No hand ever touches the grape even while they are growing, One single factor could change the entire bottle I was trying to make.

Fae wine was even more difficult then that. Using glass or crystal is the only thing the wine should ever touch before someone's lips. Even the type of magic that cares for it will change the type of wine you make. For example I was given a a glass of Fae magic wine which I have had many time before. Then I was given a glass of wine only made using necromancy. This was the first time I have ever tried anything close to this, I was told a Hermit of a man makes it and trades the elves one bottle a year for provisions. At first I was nervous and I was insured nothing evil comes from it but like Fae wine it does have effects. I was no stranger to necromancy even I was known to use it on rare occasions.

The wine was black and it surly was a Black Wine, not even blood wine could come that close. It was served in a wooden wine cup. Still unsure I took the wine in hand and took a good long sip taking in all of the wine in once. I wanted the true effects of the wine to hit me and it did. My heart slowed as did my breathing. I was cold and everything became distant. I now knew what was happening as the first spirit appeared. It brings you close to the other side, this was interesting. While sitting in my chair I traveled the spirit realm not completely their but very close. It takes some people years to be able to come to this place with much effort. The Wisp's knew I was lost and took me to a room they would have to show me the rest of their vineyards the following day.

(Lost To Time)

Date: 2007-01-15 15:38 EST
Waking in the Wisp's home I was surly tired. Not like Fae wine I was hangover, my head felt as if it had a spike in it, and my stomach filled with slime. It took me all morning of eating and drinking water to get the hangover to fade. The Wisp brothers found it very funny and took full advantage of it, smashing pots and pans while making breakfast and speaking slightly louder then normal. I guess I deserved it was my own fault for drinking so much of the Necromancers wine. It was good though and very interesting experience.

I spent the next few days with them helping out around the vineyard as they showed me the more advanced techniques of growing and brewing. I was told I should go see the dwarves of RhyDin, and was showed how to enter the under dark to their caverns. The Wisp brothers sent me on my way with a bag full of seeds and a bottle of their wine and one of the necromancers.

The entrance to the under dark was a long cave that seemed to go on for ever"It was light with small torches fueled with the Fae magic's. They where scattered through out the cave, noises of drips and scattering of feet could be heard all around you. The under dark was no place for Elves specially ones like myself that yearned for skis above their heads. The cave floor became muddy and slippery, great once again I am without my mud gear. I truly hated the mud skipping from little island to island, I soon came to a cavern with a small wooden bridge the crossed it. On the other side I could see the entrance into the dwarves city"Its massive gate and inscriptions where the calling card of the dwarves, everything was massive nothing to scale but their mines.

Making my way across the rickety bridge the wind blew my hair into my face and I spent more time fixing then walking. Finally I made my way across a splinter or two in my hand from the railing I was at the gate. At first I tried knocking, no answer. Then tried opening it with no luck. After some time I noticed a bell rope on the far side of the wall. I rang it and sat waiting. I started sipping the Fae wine that was given to me by the Wisp brothers, then went to my book to read for the next hour. After some wait the door slowly started to creep open. Their was a dwarf of great stature standing their. He seemed very much of a gentleman and was very well kept. I said, I was here to speak with the brew master, he asked who had sent me and I explained I was told to come by the Wisp brothers. He nodded and began bringing me through the entrance of the Great Dwarven City.