Topic: Romance in the stone. ~A Paragon Tale~

Fae Pendragon

Date: 2012-07-05 08:41 EST
Romance in the stone

"How can it be forbidden?"

Eyes that had been studious of the stone beneath her feet, lifted to search the face of her king. Seeking just a trace of mercy in features that could be etched from solid rock. The face of a god. The king of gods no less. Tongue flicked out to moisten her lips. Even questioning him, made mouth feel as parched and dry as a dessert dune.

Thebes had thought the matter decided. But this young goddess dared to question his decision with a question. His expression did not alter as he looked down on her, from his seat set centre of the raised dais. Other elders sat in a semi circle on both sides of him. All of which were now paying attention to the lone female that stood before their king.

"It is forbidden. You are a goddess." His words were ambrosia for the ears. Melodic. "He is a common dragon. When it is time for you to have a husband. He will be a god. He will be worthy of you." Thebes voice did not change. Not once. "And the choice of husband, will be mine Tiamat."

Tiamat curled her fingers into tight fists, letting the nails jab into her palms. All so the jolts of pain would keep her senses sharp in the wash of such majestic tones. Tones that brooked no refusal or argument. A breath was taken. Held. Summoning her strength. So when she let breath out, it would form into words. Rushed out.

"No." It was a single word. A simple word. But how such a word could cause strength to flow like liquid iron into Tiamats veins and have her stand straighter. Taller. "You can not chose who I will love. When I will love. The choice is mine and I have made it. I love Tarris."

"No?" It had a been a long time since he had heard that word. Not since he'd wrested his power from the former king of the gods, had any dared to utter a refusal. Thebes hand curled around the arm rest of his elegant throne, fingers gripping tighter as he sought to keep both features and voice. Balanced. "I am your creator. You will bow to my commands."

A small flicker of pride was pushed aside at her bravery. His creation was fearless as she was flawless. Perfectly sculptured out of white marble flesh and soft generous curves. Yet, Tiamat could not be allowed to disobey him. In any shape or form. His word was final. "Bellum. Stand." His hand gestured to the war god two seats down to his right and as he waited for him to stand. He once more addressed the goddess Tiamat. "Since you desire a husband so greatly. You shall be married to Bellum." The first expression thus far in the conversation, passed over Thebes lips, a smile. "The god of war, should have some luck taming my daughter of the ocean."

With her fingers still curled into tight fists, Tiamat had been waiting for a sudden show of fury. The king of the gods, her king, her very creator. Was known for his temper and how quick he was to strike down those who offended him. Her relief was short lived. His words stole her breath away, coal black eyes turned to fix on the rising Bellum. "I will not." The words suddenly felt hollow. Small. In the vast silence of the hall.

The pride he had felt for his wayward creation was quickly turning to anger. His hand fell against the arm rest in a hard slap, so that it buckled and broke under the assault. Rising to his feet and descending on Tiamat, so swiftly that many of the gods that watched. Missed his actions due to the sheer speed of them. He grabbed her arm, wrenching her forwards. So that his eyes would find her own. No matter how hard she tried to avoid such a fate.

"Strong of will, you may be. My goddess of ocean deep,but hark my words and hark them well." He punctuated his words with bone jarring shakes against the arm he held. "You will marry Bellum by the light of the new dawn." Thebes hissed the words at her. Cold as ice. Eyes boring down into Taimats. "And if you seek out the touch of that dragon ever again. I shall cast you down into stone." Fingers squeezed the arm of Tiamat one more time and he let her go. Turning to face the gathered assembly of gods.

Tiamat realised her mistake, seconds to late. She had taken her eyes from Thebes and the moment she looked back. He had flown his throne and caught her in a bone crushing grip around her upper arm. Breath was sucked in as she had no choice but to stare into his eyes and how she wished she did not. His power was truly awe inspiring, it wrapped around her core and sunk icy fingers into her heart. By the rise of the sun, she would be tied for all time to Bellum. As his wife. By the time Threbes made his threat, she was already numb. To his words. To his violent shakes to her much smaller frame. To everything. So when he let her go, she simply turned and fled the hall.

Fae Pendragon

Date: 2012-08-15 11:03 EST
With Thebes's words still ringing in her ears, Tiamat ran from the hall. Finding her way from the realm of the gods blindly, her eyes wet with tears. Her heart felt like it was being crushed, like the king of the gods had left icy finger marks around it and not her upper arm.

How much time did she have left' The goddess Eos would soon be bringing dawns first blush of light to the dark sky and she still had to find Tarris. Each second that passed her by, was a second less she had with the dragon that had earned first her respect, then her friendship and finally her love. She had to find him. She had to say goodbye. Even the thought of it made the air thin, hard to breath.

Tarris. The first moment she had literally stumbled over the dragon, her life had changed. He had been sleeping by the side of her favourite lake and gone unnoticed. Thus both had been surprised. When she took to the water for her daily swim, only to surface and be nose to nose with a very large dragon. A tense minute had passed. Staring at each other. Judging. Then he had taken to the sky, without a word. But the next day and then the next. He had been waiting by the side of the lake. Soon silence turned to a morning greeting, then a conversation. Till most of the day was spent by the side of the pool of blue. Together.

Her flight from the gods took her where she desperately hoped she would find Tarris. The lake. Where they had first met. Where they had fallen in love with each other and now, where she would have to leave the pieces of her broken heart.

"Tarris." Tiamat's voice sounded as broken as her heart felt. It rasped out of her lips. Hollow and lacking volume. She looked along the shore line, feeling the icy grip tighten. There was no familiar outline and time was running like mercury though her fingers. "Tarris!" This time it was a despondent cry. A echo that fled over the flat surface of the water.

For Tarris it had been a long wait, but then every second away from Tiamat seemed endless. Still. This time the wait was torturous. He had tried to pass the time by hunting, but his attention had turned to Tiamat. Over and over again. Till he had given up in defeat and returned to the lake. Now he heard his name cried over the water, like a banshee calling him to his doom. He leaped into the air, a few powerful wing beats and he was following the sound willing. Be it his downfall or not. He would follow that voice to the afterlife, if needs be.

"Tiamat" Tarris whispered her name as he allowed the spread of his wings to cushion his gentle landing a few feet in front of her. The moment he saw her, his heart leapt as it always did and then it burst into flames when he caught sight of the tears that trailed over the pale flesh of her cheeks. Head lowered at once, so he could nuzzle the tears from her skin.

Crushed spirit lifted at the mere sight of her love lowering from the night sky, but when his head lowered with intent to bring comfort, she jerked back from his touch. As if scolded. "No..Tarris..We cannot touch..." Voice broke as fresh pain speared her heart anew. "We have been forbidden." The tears that filled her eyes, till she could only see a blurred outline of the mighty dragon before her. "We can never again be together."

Fae Pendragon

Date: 2012-11-27 17:30 EST
"Tiamat!" The anguish was heavy in his voice, he felt it laden his heart, his very soul with a dread weight that was quick to turn to fury. Talons slid out from his claws, slicing into the rock beneath him with the ease of a warm knife cutting into butter. "Love cannot be forbidden. The gods hold no sway over the choices of the heart and they never will." Barbed tail lashed to the side, splintering a boulder into sharp shards. "Not even Thebes himself can dictate a heart."

When his fury erupted, she stood in the midst of it. Weathering the storm without flinching. When she did speak, it was quiet. "No he cannot." Her eyes rose, to find his own. Slender form trembling, as if the chill that gripped her heart was spreading outwards. Replacing blood with ice. "But he can command me to marry another and before the sun even reaches its highest point. I will be married.

Hope lit his soul at Tiamats words, tampering his temper as it did so. "Then we shall fight this unjust judgement. If I must spend the rest of eternity without ever touching you, so be it. My heart and soul belong to you Tiamat. I can endure anything, as long as we are together." Then it dimmed. The light. Then relit with a burst of fury. "No. He cannot force you.." But even as the words were spoken, he knew the king of the gods could do just that and indeed would.

"Tarris.." Voice broke when she saw the sudden glimpse of hope in his eyes. How could she say the words that would bring him the very same pain, that she herself suffered? That while Thebes could not dictate the heart, he could and would see her married to another. A fate by far worse, then any other and one that would torment her for all time.

Fresh tears turned her eyes into watery pools, till she could hardly see the dragon stood before her and yet, it could not hide the way the horizon was beginning lighten at the very edges. The first hints of a glorious dawn. "Tarris." Once more she stumbled over his name. The air in her lungs betrayed her, choking her up as if her very heart wanted to beats its way out of her chest and land broken at the feet of her dragon love.

As the first fingers of golden light stretched ever higher, a steely resolve awoke inside her. A flurry of blinks swept the flood of tears from her eyes, ignoring the wet trails they left over pale cheek bones. "No." A soft sigh of words and then again. Stronger. "No. If I cannot marry you. I will marry no one."

"Tiamat no.." The moment Tarris had heard the words, he knew what she intended and it caused his heart to stutter. "I will live without you, as long as you live..I can survive." Even if a part of him died without her. He would gladly endure the torture of the thought of another man, holding her. Loving her. Claws slid out and cut into the earth he stood on. His emotions and reactions a bland betrayal of the jealousy and woe, just the idea caused him.

Tiamat did not need to hear the sound of stone being grinded by sharp claws to know how much it would slowly poison Tarris. There was no choice. For either of them. So as the first flush of sunlight rushed over the surface of the lake and bathed them in gold. She reached for him.

"Without you, I would be as cold as stone." One hand lifted to run a hair length above his muzzle, head tipping back as she let eyes devour him. Drinking in every last detail. Then leaned closer, whispering a soft melody. "I love you." A kiss was touched against the very tip of his nose, the hand that had hovered over scales. Now caressed. Once. Then grew still. Cold.