Topic: Sanity Suicide


Date: 2009-10-03 12:13 EST
As I got off the train in the subway it was really crowded and I barely had room to squeeze past to head for the stairs up into the thoroughfare. I was unreasonably anxious and kept flicking my tongue against the back of the ring through my lip as I rounded the tiled corner of the station to pop into the ladies to throw some water over my face. It had been stifling on the rain and I knew outside wasn't going to be any better or get any easier, I still had the trek home. So I was rifling through my bag for some body spray, just some cheap can to throw on because I had become paranoid that I stunk after all the perspiring on a sweaty carriage for fourty minutes, when a guy stepped right up to me and walked not past me but through me.

At this point she leans forward to the coffee table and finally accepts the plain black lighter left there for her. They knew she was a creature of habit, a terrible one at that, guilty as charged Gv'nuh! The lighter was generic as the room around her and the face on the body sitting in the chair parallel to her. The Psychologist. Elai was certain they were all the same. Stock Standard. Recycled and then thrown down some chute for the next office in need of a therapist. He smiled at her as she rolled the wheel and lit up, but it was the kind of smile she expected from him, in being just a clone, in that it was effacing. Satisfied. Smug. He was watching the staircases of smoke that ascended around her face, into the air, trying not to cough or sneeze, playing it casual, because looking at the client directly, too regularly, makes them feel like notes are being taken, that feeling of being analysed, which while their paying for, it was easier to pretend you were talking to a friend. Also, because if he put his client off edge, if he lost that comfort he had afforded her he was worried it was all lost. Baby steps and especially with clients like Elai. Especially with her.

So he passed through you? And when he passed through, were you overcome with any sensation' How are you certain you saw someone" You had been out drinking, after work, isn't that so"

I had been, yeah. Stacey and I had been bar hopping for a few hours before I told her I had to turn in. But I know that I saw him because this guy that walked into me and out again he was on the train with me. I hadn't paid any particular amount of attention to him but I recognised him.

Then she brought her legs up beneath her. I didn't feel anything more than a light breeze.

And did you speak on the train, have any interaction whatsoever" Did other people on your carriage seem to be aware of him' Did he stand out in any way, shape or form"

She hunkered forward and stared at her hand. The tattoo of the small feather along the bottom of the front of her thumb was twitching, seeming to flap as she bent it.

I don't know if anyone else did. I glanced at him a couple times. He had long blond hair. It looked so soft and sheeny. I guess it was just a distraction from the heat on the carriage. He didn't stand out in any way, I wasn't into him if that's where you are getting with this.

Elai exhaled again.

But you have always had a preoccupation with angels, haven't you? You said so yourself before we even sat down in here just an hour ago. As if you didn't want me to doubt you. And I don't. And serendipity is a funny thing...

And right then and there as I looked at this Grade A Replica, I realised violently that he didn't believe me at all and that I was wasting my time, but most of all, that I didn't believe me either. Why should I bother going into other experiences? It was just going to verify me as insane to him. And later, all the clones would sit around by a giant pool and sip cocktails and laugh about the Girl Who Saw Angels. And I would again have JOKE writ beside my name.

So I walked out.


Date: 2009-10-03 21:30 EST
I don't really know whether it is coincidence or another of my habits, or whether this is a part of my underlying idea that I am seeing beings that aren't really there but when it is a stormy day I see them. And I always come back to Option Three because I am under the impression something about the charge in the air and the yelling sky provokes them in some way and they end up making themselves known. Like with animals and the times of year when they migrate, or mate, it seems that storms are seasons for the ones I see. They walk freely then. So when I get the first scent of rain I always get a bit excited. Unless I've been inside all day at my office desk or sleeping or just come out of a movie cinema and I see them. Like what happened to me last night.

I was with Stacey again and we had gone to see a thriller that had been released that night. I was feeling that anxiousness I get before seeing one, but it was all dark and there was just the screen and I had no idea that half an hour ago a quick downpour had flashed the town in lightning and water. I was preoccupied but I was trying to get into the film. Stacey knows about my "condition" and so kept reaching over to pat my knee or shove some popcorn in my face. Distractions. They are a way to blot the keyhole I have to these beings. Maybe it will stop, that's what Stacey says and I think it does bother her. We were driving home one night and she suddenly broke down and had to pull us over. Launched into this emotional plee for me to try and get some help, because I had been her friend since we were five and she wouldn't know what to do without me and she started yelling and saying I would disappear and I looked at her and said I wasn't going anywhere and she said "NO, NO YOU ALREADY HAVE. YOU'RE SLIPPING AWAY!" and then I started crying and rain was pelting the windshield and I covered my face and really wanted to jump out of the car and run of down the highway or into the meadow nearby it and maybe an angel would see me so exhausted by them they would come up and wipe my tears and assure me it was okay, that everyone saw them, not just me.

These are the things I think about.

I put down the coffee I hadn't touched and looked across to the therapist. She was rapt and had a look of sincere inquisitiveness, but that could have been practiced, she might do acting a few nights a week. But I sent those thoughts out of my head and just continued to open up. This is the flood.

So go back a bit, to the cinema and what happened afterwards"

Stacey and I were walking back to the car talking about the film but now she was distracted too because of the rain and she was looking around us the way someone does when they think they are being followed. I kept my head down and put my hands in my pockets and quickened my step until we were behind her red bomb and in the vague, fine heat of the streetlamp. And I turned around to look up at it and started thinking about halo's and looked down and there was one. Long black hair and holding a silver box. He was smiling but walking the other way, glancing back. So I walked over and said HEY, in a voice like he had just broken into the car, to alarm him, but he kept walking. So Stacey is shouting and freaking out by the car and telling me to come back but I'm already around the corner and walking after him and he turns around and shakes his head, but he's grinning, so I find myself grinning too. He shakes his head again and holds out the hand not holding the little silver box and I assume he doesn't want me to keep going so I return to the car and Stacey has the lights on and her hands are gripping the wheel and her eyes are wet and she's gritting her teeth.

Why is Stacey so angry do you think"

Because she thinks I'm going to go.

You don't think because it stresses her, thinking you are going mad"

Sometimes I think she does see them. That night I was sure she saw that guy. How could you not see a three foot wingspan like that! I think she's worried that it is real, more than me being crazy.

Do you think you are crazy"