Topic: Seventy Experiments In


Date: 2015-05-16 00:20 EST
"We" Hunted giants"."

Thundering pounds rolled across the dry red dirt of the mountain plain encased in trees. Flat feet on legs thick as trees pounded the ground under bodies so large they resembled running whales.

"Hunger drove our every moment. Hunt or starve. Success or death was understood by all. Our prey was ferocious even for the grazing oversized plant muncher it was."

A pack of creatures, just over a meter taller than a man, tore after the misshapen creature that fled with such intent. Snarling mouths of teeth like saws snapping shut with each furious rush of air from lungs. Crested heads turning to the side quickly as the predators, five beasts just as unimaginable as the prey they rushed behind, conveying wordless messages among the pack.

"Have you ever tore into something taller than a tree" The rush it gives you is something no drug I have found since" then has reproduced. "

Yellow the same shade as the dust that flung into the air from three talon toes leapt and sunk teeth into the side of the much larger beast with a downward swing like an axe.

"Death was everywhere, even for the predator"."

The massive beast whipped its" long neck to the side and screeched before jerking itself to the side and dragging itself against a tree. Yellow the same shade as the dust that flew into the air smashed and flaking scales pressed flat against the thick trunk in a soft paint of crimson.

"We were animals" We hunted for blood without concern for what we left behind."

A second great lizard, deep grey with forearms held low and clawed fingers open, sped up the thunder of his own footsteps and chuffs to charge at the beast's side. Pale blue like the ocean's shallow pools turning up to chocolate eyes filled with fear staring back down.

"Business for us was killing."

The hunter turned its" head from the prey only a brief moment before snapping it back with that same axe like motion the other followed. Soft flesh under thick scale on the beast's upper chest making for the easiest of tissue to split between saw like teeth.

"And business was good."

The prey screeched again but when the sky blue and blood red lizard jumped on her back, talons sinking in and carving while teeth took away chunks, sent the monster of a dinner down to the ground and rolling.

"I think people called us" Uh' Dinosaurs. No....That isn't what we were". We were uh?"

Only one predator hunted the great long necked herbivores of what would one day be called the Appellation Mountains. They feasted on the creatures all other hunters only sought the young of. The predatory instinct in them driving the pack of massive monsters to kill and hunt regardless the difference in size between them.

"Oh yeah, Allosaurus."

One day this section of North America would be home to another king, but now in their time the Allosaurus was the king of North America. Not the biggest, not the fastest, but they were kings none the less.