Topic: She Writes Letters to Herself

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-10-21 05:46 EST
This hotel room had creeping walls that closed in upon her when she could not sleep.

She did not like this place as much as the Inn, and Haydee began to gather her things in the quiet of pre-dawn, sleepless morning, to pack them. She would stay at the other Inn, where, at least, there was laughter mingling within the tears there.

She would go to the other Inn, because, that is where he returned to her. Even though it was not the man she had loved two years ago—he who had died—it was still the same face. And Haydee, as horrid as she knew it sounded, wished to be in a place where he had been.

It would explain why it took her so long to leave the beach. He had loved the ocean so much.

The broken harp with no strings" It was garbage. It was not the same harp that he had given her but it represented so many things right now that she kept it; she packed it carefully into a bag.

All the letters he had written her since his return" She kept them. She packed them into the same bag as the broken harp. As well as all the letters she had written to a dead man and to herself. Little lost Haydee, and her little lost words.

Monsieur, only Haydee can save Haydee.

Her own voice haunted her then, in the swallowing hiss of no-sound that filled her ears.

She wondered if she wanted to save herself.

If she was worth it.

If any of it was worth it.

The only one, of course, who could answer Haydee was ...Haydee. And she was so used to remaining silent that perhaps she would have to relearn how to answer herself.

She knew she was broken, and, when she shut the door to sling bags and suitcases behind her—she understood it and accepted it.

Now she only needed to find a way to glue these pieces back together.

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-10-22 04:48 EST
Hope was a fleeting thing, a cruel thing, and for Haydee, it was a thing that had simply fluttered out of her hand in one evening—-again.

She had been standing at the bar when she read the letter, when all the stars in her hair winked out and faded away. She had folded it carefully and removed herself discreetly from the Inn to retreat outside.


It pains me to write this. It pains me to pen these words. It pains me to think of the look on your face when you might see them. I only wish I had the true courage to deliver them to you myself. I have done a great deal of thinking. I have realized that no matter what I want, or how badly I want it...

It's not what you deserve. You deserved him, you truly did—-but he was broken. Flawed beyond repair by either of us.

And I" I am a monster. Even if I could love you—and I have no doubt that I would not be enough for me. I would desire more than just love from you. Perhaps the power over you, of your fear of me. Of what I could do to you.

That is not what you deserve.

I am sorry that I gave you hope, when perhaps you had none. I am sorry that I am not him—and that I could not fix him, so that perhaps you could have loved him in a way he did deserve, in a way that you deserved.

The only thing I ask of you, my Mignonette, is that you honor his memory. Your own memories. Do not let them be sullied by time and strife. In you, hold a piece of yourself for him. Love him for what happiness he gave you.

I think he would have liked that.

For so long, you were a beautiful bird, Hayd"e, trapped in an equally beautiful cage. —And no matter how lovely it was, it was still a cage. I am sorry that I could not free you of it. But I am glad you seemed to have freed yourself.

Let your hair down. Free from it your stars of mourning, my beautiful Hayd"e. Not even they are more beautiful than you.


Across the floor of the inn were dark little pearls, black as night. They were odd things to be found the day after, as if some fine woman's necklace had snapped.

In truth, they were some the stars Haydee had captured and woven into her hair to mourn a man who had died...come back from the dead...and left again.

They were cold, black, and lifeless.

She fled from the Inn in the wake of a shadow.

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-10-23 04:31 EST
She did what she only knew how to do.

She wrote him a reply in a letter that she left behind the bar, the initial G~ written in hurried strokes.

"Monsieur, I do not know if this letter will ever reach you. I do not know, at all, whether you have left upon your ship and if you are sailing within the stars as I leave this behind. It is not in the box I rented for your letters. I am too bitter now for that and perhaps I will always be. I have left it behind the bar tied with a piece of my hair so that you will not miss it. I am very angry, Monsieur. I am very, very angry. I wish that you would have come to me so that I could have some sort of closure. I wish that you had come to me so that I could look upon you and see for sure, for myself, this monster that you claim to be. I wish that you would have let me come to the decision on my own. Even if I looked at you and saw a Ghost, loved a Ghost—perhaps realizing that without a smart slap to the heart would have been better. Monsieur—I could have learned to love you, Monster or not. I was there....I was there for years and I watched you work...I knew what you could be, I knew.. I am so angry at you for leaving me behind a second time, for not trusting me to come to such a decision and perhaps as angry for the fact that you have put yourself through more pain at my behalf than anything. All of us are Monsters, Monsieur. Some prettier than others. I have lost all my stars, they were for him. I could have put flowers there for you. I am so very lost. -H"

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-10-25 04:47 EST
There were days in which Haydee felt like nothing more than a little pawn in a cosmic chess game that had become some giant joke.

This evening's outburst by Monsieur Noir had left her unsettled more than anything else. He should not have been unkind to Madame Piper, and yet—and yet she could not explain to him why it had upset her.

She tried to explain to him that one cannot blame someone for not knowing something; but he had told her that such things were not important. Only her feelings. Flattering, oui. Yet, it had made disquiet settle in further.

She had meant to tell him that such things mattered to her. That perhaps, she had cared what Madame Piper felt.

After all, the woman had been one of that had picked up her dagger and given her time to run—the first to speak to her. The first to smile and clasp her hand in warm friendship.

Some how, she had not managed to tell Monsieur Noir any of that and it had bothered her hours later.

She had a feeling that Monsieur Noir and herself would not see eye to eye on many things in the future. For some reason—

-this did not bother her in the slightest.

Perhaps that was the most unsettling thought of all.

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-10-25 18:05 EST
Tho' I battled blind, Love is a fate resigned Memories mar my mind, Love, it is a fate resigned Over futile odds, And laughed at by the Gods And now the final frame, Love is a losing game-


It had been four days, seven hours and forty three minutes since I have seen you last.

I wonder if you have sailed in your ship amidst the stars very far. I wonder if you've simply moved to another strange little pocket within this place, too.

I wonder if you see the stars and you think of me as much as I have these past days.

Monsieur, I have a Shadow. I feel a little like Peter Pan, but more confused than ever.

He is quite adamant suddenly in being everywhere I am. He is a little bit like you, Monsieur but not truly. I do not know yet what to do with him, it is as if he is waiting for me to realize something. I am not sure what it is he wishes from me when I am like this—when I am still thinking of you and what you would say or do.

I think, I may have made a friend here. Her name is Piper. She is very enchanting, she was the one to pick up my dagger for me. You would have liked her very much I think, because she too, seems delicate but made out of steel when she needs to be.

I would like to let you know that I miss you. I will admit freely you were all that I was familiar with, all that I knew here, that your presense—as harsh as it could be, was a comfort.

Now that you are gone again, I feel like I have lost much ground I covered by myself. And perhaps I feel a little older.

I miss you. And I am still angry with you!


-Amy Winehouse, Love is a Losing Game

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-10-26 04:22 EST
Hoping....feeling... I will come back to you And hold you in my arms And I... I know you're wrong but I can't change a single thing-


It has been five days, four hours and thirty two minutes since I have seen you last.

Oui, Monsieur, I am counting the moments. I take them all in my hands and keep them, lording over each tick of the clock. Each motion of the hands is a moment where I am further away from you and it hurts a little more instead of getting a little better.

I know, Monsieur, that is it foolish for me to think so. That it is wrong of me to fall into this blackness I once did before.

I am trying very hard to be brave Monsieur, because I think that is what Monsieur Noir expects of me, perhaps even Madame Piper.

I have met another interesting sort, Monsieur, there is a man here with skin dark as the night without stars and pointed ears. His name is Welverin and he seemed terribly weighted.

Also, I think you would have delighted to see the woman with cat ears and tail, long claws, the male cat-person who works behind the bar here, and a bright blue man who also had pointed ears. They are called elves here, Monsieur—the one's with pointed ears I mean—and of course my new Shadow whom I still am not sure why he follows me so.

Tonight, surrounded by all the laughter as well as noise, the bustle in addition to listening to the warm cheer of friends, family, I felt that weight again at my heart.

I missed you. I missed Albert. I missed Giovanni, Baptistin and Ali. They were all my family, you pulled us all together and then left us all to drift apart.

I missed them something horrible tonight, Monsieur, and I had to go so that I would not cry in front of anyone anymore.

I promised that I would not cry in public anymore, because I do not think this world needs anymore sadness, even my own.

Monsieur Noir did not seem pleased. But I did not have any time to explain, or I knew I would break down in front of them all.

Monsieur, I would like to think that the second heart break will be easier than the first—but it does not seem to be so.

I think of you often, every few moments but I hide it well. Please do not be offended, Monsieur when I tell you that I can not wait for the day when I only think of you once a day, far away and sailing through a ship of dreams.

Good night, Monsieur. Where ever you may be, I hope that you will never feel lost or small.

I am still angry with you. -H"

This letter she wrote by starlight and candle. She left her window open even when it became too cold to write properly and she should have long covered up, closed the window and gone to bed.

In the end, she fell sleep with her cheek pressed to a stack of papers, several of her tears staining the ink of newly written letter that she would never send.

-And I lyrics, Wolfsheim

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-10-27 13:55 EST
He had given her the heavens.

Not truly the real thing, but with a click of a button and a press of her fingertip, Haydee could turn on the flickering image brought forth by little metal disc and watch star fields, galaxies, planets spin.

Holograms; illusions of things once real. It suited her. She felt like a replica of what she once was or could be—and that night after retiring from the small group, Piper, Stitch, Noir—she contemplated many things in the light of that Hologram.

Including laughter, spoons, clay.

In the glow of false stars and lantern light, Haydee picked up her pen.

"Dear Monsieur,

It has been six days.

I will no longer record the minutes, seconds and heart beats since you have left me. It is not that I do not know them in that pocket of my heart and mind where I find you, where I find him—but that I do not think I should count those.

It is half way, oui" I will give you days and keep the seconds to myself, because in some ways I am greedy with your memory and do not wish to share it with anyone.

Last night there were only a thousand reminders of what I had, and what I could have had. This is down from a million.

But let us not talk about selfish Haydee anymore, let me tell you more of this place:

Madame Piper and Monsieur Stitch, have I told you of them already? I think I have. Madame Piper shapes the earth into many different things, pottery. She is most enchanting when a bit of it is smeared upon chin and she does not know it.

Monsieur Stitch I think, is very honest. To the point where he does not care anymore what he says. He and Madame Piper bug each other constantly. It is like family, non'

My shadow brought me a little disc which shows me the stars. I did not cry when he did this Monsieur. Are you not proud"

Madame Hodge seems preoccupied and I did not wish to presume. I do not yet know too much of her to write here, but she is sharp I think—like the northman I met with you here.

Welverin bought me hot chocolate and it was most kind of him. He is not from this place either, I think. I do not see as many of him as I do everyone else. Perhaps they think me one of these 'elves' because of my ears?

It has been six days, and while I have stopped myself from putting down the minutes, the seconds, the heart beats—I have whispered them to myself.

I have never been very good at being strong. But I will try.

Good day, Good morning, Good night to you, Monsieur, where ever you may be.

Some day, I hope this gets easier.

I'm still angry with you.


As always, this letter was placed with the rest. He had left her no address to send them to when he went. She touched the envelope fondly, thumbs and white fingers bird's wings across paper, then smoothed it as a mother would the brow of her child before getting up from her writing table.

She blew out the lantern light, but left the hologram of galaxies spinning to wink, flickering steadily in the night.

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-10-29 05:39 EST
She had spent the day simply holed up in her room. It was not a childish thing so much as a selfish thing. She read a book and came down long enough to order dinner to her room. She left a note for Monsieur Noir detailing she would be taking the day and the evening for herself and had settled in.

The day had been one dedicated to day dreaming, chocolate, a long hot bath and reading. The night was a little bit tougher but they always were.

Just before sunrise she could no longer deny the urge and had arose from the bed in cloud of silk, settling to the writing desk.

"Dear Monsieur,

Today is yet another day that I have survived without you. When I look back on the two years of my life that I mourned, it seems so different from now.

I drifted then. I did not have a home or place to stay often simply because I did not care. I would stand on the beaches for hours and watch the waves. Perhaps I hoped the ocean would have carried you back to me as ridiculous as it sounds.

But enough about selfish Haydee, let me tell you about my days.

Madame Piper has invited me to come see her work and I must admit I am anxious and looking forward to seeing her create. I think that she has a large heart and puts a piece of it in many things that are within her hands reach.

I believe that Monsieur Stitch sees this and would like to protect her from undue heart break.

I envy her that.

Most of the time when she and Monsieur Stitch speaks it is over my head however. They talk of things I do not know very much of: a dance between two hearts, if I had to guess. Though Monsieur Stitch would like to pretend it is cruder, I would like to believe Monsieur Stitch has some poetry within him too.

Then again I could be very, very wrong and making horrible assumptions with both of them. I hope I am not.

I met a very charming young man by the name of Monsieur Killian. He is very sharp, wise, and is very good at being a gentleman. He asked me some day if I might like to dance. In all honesty, I do not think I was made for dancing, only the music. But I have broken all my harp strings, like dancing, I am not ready to fix them.

I have not seen my Shadow today or tonight. I needed an evening where I could think without his presence distracting me. He is without a doubt, a friend of mine, yet there is much ...I do not know how to word it. He is like you in his darkness that he tries very much to keep from me. He makes no apologies for what he is...But I still feel as if he keeps part of himself far from me.

Did you do the same for me, Monsieur" Did you keep pieces of yourself away from me all this time because you thought I would shatter"

I would like to think I was stronger than that.

I miss you very much. I will not write down the days you have been gone tonight.

I am still angry with you a little bit. -H"

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-10-31 01:28 EST
She had forgotten, entirely to get herself a bottle of ink last night the first time she'd traipsed down the stairs.

She did not forget the second time.

Cheeks seemed permenantly stained to high-color this late evening as she settled down in odd shifting gown at the writing table once again. Shaking away her sleeves from the paper to keep it from ink, Haydee began to write:

"Dear Monsieur,

It is now, officially more than a week since I have seen you. Please forgive me if it sounds dramatic but it feels like a small eternity. Not a large one, but a little bit of forever.

I miss you very much. Last night I dreamed of you and when I awoke to find myself here I was not very happy.

I pulled myself from my melancholy and my room to visit the world about me. I saw Welevrin this evening and he seemed to be having a most serious talk with a very enchanting lady.

Later, after I retired to my room and came back down for ink, there was my Shadow. It was most fortunate timing, as I had some how missed his presence looming over mine.

He was in a very fine mood, Monsieur. He told me that he had missed me, and later, that I was beautiful. Beautiful!

He says many things to me that confuses me very much. He says many things to me that make me feel as if there were moths circling candles within my belly, but they also make me feel very frightened, Monsieur. Very scared. I do not know why either emotion exists and I am not ready to think on it.

Had you asked me a week ago Monsieur, I would have told you that he was not a very patient man. That he was not the sort to wait for anyone or anything. And yet today' Today I would have told you that I think he is learning to do just that and prepared to do so for as long as it takes.

The question, Monsieur, is how many more years will you haunt my heart' Another two' Another ten" How long am I worth waiting for"

And what happens at the end of waiting" What does he see in me" What does it mean to not ache so much' Will I ever learn to stop mourning Edmond or you?

I am feeling very small this evening, and as if I have run from something.

I wish that you had taught me some things before you left. I miss you. I am still angry with you a little bit.


Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-11-01 04:48 EST
Haydee did not write a letter this evening. Not truly. She did commit words to paper, but it made sense only to the little star-woven woman.

"Everything is moving too fast to catch my breath, it feels like I have been running. I want to stop before I lose my head but I cannot.

Is it wrong of me to want something" To want this" Is it wrong for me to still mourn and hope?

I am so very confused and happy."

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-11-04 18:56 EST
After a surprising haul of candies for Halloween and an even sweeter gift that evening, sightings of Haydee have been few and far between.

The few occasions she's come from her room or gone walking alone about the Marketplace or further, she has seemed thoughtful and distant.

Politely, she has refused all company recently. Be it the charming gentlemen Renely, Lady Piper, or the looming shadow that most usually followed behind her, Haydee has kept to herself.

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-11-06 07:36 EST
Winter had come this year, not with a bang and a pile of snow but with the slow creep of the longest slumber. For so long, fall had lingered then she simply let go one day. Haydee had slunk from her room to settle in the dead quiet of the Inn's mornings with a blanket and cup of hot chocolate, staring off across the railing to the street.

Let go.

Those two words had been constantly buzzing around her head, rattling about since she had asked the world to give her a few moments of piece and quiet.

Admittedly, Haydee's world consisted of Piper, Stitch, Welverin, Renely and her Shadow at the moment, and the first two she hadn't seen in almost a week, while the third was near silent and the fifth was almost always with her until she requested him to not be. But the fact was that she needed to collect herself.

Her Shadow had given her a promise and a taste of things that was very new to her. She did not want to make the wrong decision suddenly. For two years she had spent her life mourning for a man who had'returned only to leave again. To move forward" To see hope"

What will people think of me, she questioned. They will only see the Haydee they have just come to know in the arms of another man. What would Piper think of me" What will be said or thought"

And then: What does it matter what people think of me" Is it not so that those most important to me will understand who I am and who I am not' Will they not support me in any decision I make"

In a perfect world such things would be true. This however, was not a perfect world, for if it were, he would have never left her and she would not be standing here worried about the state of her virtue in the mouths of strangers.

Setting the cup down on the rail with a click, Haydee appeared to brace herself against nothing, only the thoughts in her head.

Damn what they think. I do not want to cry forever.

It was a new day, and for once, she faced it without a letter in hand or tears in her eyes.

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-11-12 05:42 EST
Be my friend Hold me, wrap me up Unfold me I am small and needy Warm me up And breathe me-

This letter was not addressed to a man who would never read it, it was passed along with implicit instructions as to whom to deliver it to.

"Dear Monsieur,

I know that I said this evening I haven't written a letter in nearly a week, but you must forgive me. I am a creature of habit and perhaps always will be.

I write my letters because, some times I feel as if the secrets I spill come easier with ink and paper. Some say it is a coward's way to say things. I do not agree, Monsieur. I think that letters are the perfect noises in between the silences when one cannot see the other. The perfect chance to say the things we forget when crowds or emotions muddle speech. Do you not agree?

I am writing you because I wish to. Because I do not think, now, that all my other letters will ever be answered. Because, in all the time I have been here it has been you that ended up with the unfortunate task of stringing me back together. And that, Monsieur, you have become my rock in the storm that is myself.

It is odd for me to say such things, Monsieur. It has only been a handful of months and yet I feel like maybe I could smile for you.

You do not have to write to me, Monsieur. I do this because I want to. And because you are my Shadow.


-Breathe Me lyrics, by Sia

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-11-19 08:42 EST
But out of the black pools I've risen up I've risen up above Cause I still love you I've risen up I've risen up above-

"Dearest Monsieur G,

It has been some time since I have written you, has it not' Perhaps two weeks, maybe more.

Monsieur, you must forgive me when I say that I cannot think of this in a negative light. Though you will always haunt me, though my past, that which you have taught me, showed me, blessed me with will never truly leave me"I think perhaps that fourteen days without words to you has been a good decision.

So. Why does Haydee write to you now, you wonder"

That is a very good question, Monsieur, and I will try my best to answer.

You were my first love, Monsieur. Women do not forget their first loves, no matter what they tell men in the quiet of night with coy looks at feet.

Non, women do not forget the first man to hang the stars within their eyes and they do not forget the heart ache first loves always bring. We can forgive them, Monsieur, but we never forget. It is our way, oui" To have long heart-memories.

This is why I write to you again and still. You were my first, and I will never stop loving you.

So I write to you to let you know that I think"I think Monsieur that I am smitten.

You will never read this, I know. You are out there somewhere in the stars being alone and sad. But to me, I should confess these things in paper so that some day, perhaps, if you ever return you will not feel so betrayed. That you will understand that while I love you, and I have loved you and mourned you for so very long"I cannot deny myself the little things anymore.

I want you to know that I do not see you in him anymore.

I want you to know that I am trying very hard not to be angry with you and to forgive you, so that you may forgive me for becoming smitten.

Oh, Monsieur"am I even making sense?

A little bit angry but not very much and very confused, -H"

-Charlette Martin, Under the Gravel Skies lyrics

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-11-24 11:15 EST
You moved like honey in my dream last night Yeah, some old fires were burning You came near to me and you endeared to me But you couldn't quite discern me

Does that scare you " I'll let you run away But your heart will not oblige you You'll remember me like a melody Yeah, I'll haunt the world inside you-

"Dear Monsieur,

It finally snowed a little bit. Two days ago a fine dusting of white fell from the heavens; Monsieur, to tell you the truth it seemed to me like a thin baby blanket, swaddling the world in cold comfort.

It melted of course. While fall is no longer digging her nails in deep, Winter cannot seem to wrest control from her grasp. I am sure that soon enough it will be able to. Christmas is coming, Monsieur. There must be snow for Christmas!

Ah, but, do you even know what Christmas is" I haven't asked, I do not even know if you celebrate the Giving of Thanks like some do, so I did not think to seek you for that holiday. I hope that you were not lonely on Giving of Thanks day; I hope you can forgive me for being a quiet woman who does not come about often.

I have started work you see, with an agency that will place me in some Lordling's home no doubt for work. While it is good that Monsieur G and Edmond has made sure that I want for nothing, living the idle life would drive me insane. I must do something. I must do something for myself that is by me.

I often look up to the stars and see you now. Though I know there is sadness within them, there is also hope.


-Slow like honey, Fiona Apple Lyrics

Her Dark Strings

Date: 2007-12-17 07:31 EST
"Dear Monsieur,

That you have been this patient with me while I deal with this seasonal touch of blue which makes me hide like grass beneath the snow, speaks much.

Though I cannot say, or am not ready to tell you the things I should—I know that some times I do not need too.

I do not think Madame Piper will be as understanding, but I will send her letters for Christmas, oui" So that she knows I am alright in my room or quiet night walks.

When you see the stars, Monsieur, do you see only cold fire" Or do you see hope?


Her Dark Strings

Date: 2008-06-22 09:19 EST
"Dearest Monsieur,

I am sure that you probably think that I have forgotten you! It has been a very long time since I have written to you, oui"

It is not that I have forgotten you at all, Monsieur, non, it is that I have grow up a little in some places and a lot in others since I have written you last. I have learned a great many things about myself, Monsieur. It is amazing, is it not, how we can know so little of our own soul let alone someone elses"

I do not know where you are, of course, my Count, I have not seen you nor heard from you in many months. I do not even know if my letters reach you but I send them. Please forgive me when I say truthfully that I do not send them just for you—there is something that is good in feeling when writing, is there not'

I do still think of you, almost everyday. But it is not with so much heart break now. It is with much affection and warmth that I remember all that you tried to do for me. I am so sorry I was so stubborn and that I preferred to wallow in my own sorrow than listen.

You should forgive me though, I admit that most of my thoughts are consumed by other shadows and Kata.

Do you remember my mentioning of Madame Piper? She is the one who rescued me that horrible night when our worlds went upside down. I have been remiss in my friendship with her in sending letters, but I have returned to find her quite well and in health. That too, has made me very happy.

I hope that where ever you are among the stars you too, are happy. Monsieur, I am sure there is someone out there who will make you feel what you have given to me.


Her Dark Strings

Date: 2008-07-16 07:43 EST
"Dearest Piper,

How does this summer find you?

I do hope that it finds you well and happy!

I must beg your forgiveness for being absent so long. I do enjoy so much getting the chance to speak to you, but the crowds sometimes at the inn—oui"—they are a bit much and tire me sometimes.

Is your business booming? I am sure that it is. You have such dedication to what you do and no doubt pour your heart into the clay that you shape. I keep meaning to come and watch you, to buy something, but Monsieur Noir is distracting me!

I did promise to write you, and though it may take me some time to get to it, a promise is something I will not break.

I hope today is a wonderful day for you, Piper!
