Topic: Sola Fide


Date: 2013-11-15 14:09 EST
These days, Skyler spent his time wandering Rhydin's streets without much to do. He had no job, and he stole his food and clothing. He got drunk often and picked fights. One day during his wanderings, Skyler met a boy named Spike who was Skyler's own age. Spike was a reprobate as well. Together they got into plenty of trouble and did a lot of rabble-rousing.

One afternoon, they came across a young man named Garland who was standing on a street corner rambling like a madman. A small crowd had gathered around. Everyone found Garland's rants severely annoying and offensive. He spoke of spirits, laws, punishments, and made all sorts of accusations.

Spike whispered to Skyler, "This freak is blaspheming. He ought to be silenced." Skyler agreed, then began to heckle Garland. The crowd joined in, and eventually they became violent. They took up rocks and stoned Garland to death. Somehow, Garland seemed to die peacefully. He looked up at the sky and had a serene look on his face, even as the rocks broke his bones.

The crowd took off their coats and laid them at Skyler's feet. "Thank you for convincing us to purge our town of this madman," they said. "He had friends that are just as dangerous. Someone should stop them from spreading their poisonous ideas."

Skyler approved of their killing him. "It had to be done. If there are more like him, I should stop them. Let's go, Spike." So Skyler and Spike mounted their horses and left town at a gallop.


Date: 2013-11-17 16:42 EST
The day was bright and the road was empty as the two youths rode their horses out of town, leaving a trail of dust behind them. They were on the lookout for more of Garland's crazy friends. "You sure showed that bitch, Sky," Spike shouted, laughing. "That'll teach him not to spout all that garbage. Let's kill "em all!"

Skyler smiled and nodded his agreement.

All at once, the light of day became a thousand times brighter to Skyler. He pressed his eyelids closed, but the light passed through them like rays of dawn penetrating morning fog, blinding him. Skyler shouted, "I can't see!" He let go of the reins and shielded his eyes with his hands, but it did no good. The light pervaded everything that Skyler could perceive, invading not only his eyes, but his mind as well. Not only could he see nothing but light, he could think of nothing but the light. He toppled off his horse, struck the ground, and rolled for several yards in a cloud of dirt before falling still.

Spike heard Skyler shout and looked back just in time to see the fall. The boy turned his horse around and returned to his fallen friend. "Sky' Sky' You okay' What happened?"

Skyler could neither see nor hear Spike. There was only the light . . . and then a voice spoke to him from within the light. "Skyler, why are you are troubling me?"

Skyler was terrified by the voice—it resonated like no human voice he had ever heard. Rather than slipping in through his ears, it exploded off the walls of his skull and shook his brain. He got to his knees and swiped at the air in front of his face. "What is going on' Who are you?"

"I am Mashiach, whom you are harassing. Now get up and go back to Rhydin, and you will be told what to do."

"You're the one," Skyler moaned. "You're the one who made me." Blind, feeble, Skyler fell on his face in shame.

"Sky!" said Spike. "Talk to me! What's going on' I heard that voice but I didn't see anything. What happened to your eyes?" Spike saw blood oozing from the corners of his friend's eyes. They had turned fully white—the irises and pupils were gone. "Come on, let's go home for now." Spike took Skyler's hand and helped him onto Spike's horse. "Hold on to me tight so you won't fall.?

They shared a saddle all the way back to Rhydin. Skyler pressed his face against Spike's back the whole way, weeping, having become painfully aware of his own corruption. When they returned, Spike took Skyler to his hideout to rest, then guided him to a bed so he could lay down. Spike peered down into his friend's face, and there he could see something like scales covering Skyler's eyes.


Date: 2013-11-22 09:24 EST
Skyler was blind and sick. He neither ate nor drank. As he lay still in bed, aching and dehydrating, the voice that had assaulted him on the road filled his mind with visions and knowledge and understanding. He prayed to the voice, repented, surrendered, and realized how evil his previous actions had been.

At last, after three days, a hooded man entered the hideout and came to Skyler's bedside. The man knelt down and placed his hands on Skyler's chest and forehead. "Mashiach, who appeared to you on the road, sent me here so you could be filled with the Paraclete." The scales that covered Skyler's eyes immediately fell away. He blinked slowly. His electric blue eye color had returned, but they were sharper and shrewder than before, as if the soul behind them contained extensive wisdom. Skyler's face had also changed. The fresh-faced youthfulness that had characterized him for so long had faded. Now, his visage was more sober and ascetic, and he appeared to have aged several years.

Skyler stood up, ate, and regained his strength.


Date: 2013-12-01 14:23 EST
Skyler went out that day and began to teach what he had supernaturally learned during his sickness. He strolled Rhydin city blocks, engaging all who would listen.

When he arrived at the marketplace, he stood upon a horse cart and spoke to the crowd gathered there. "All that you are, see, and do — One entity made and caused all of it. The Creator created the universe and owns it. The universe is His possession, and He governs it by His own autonomous authority. The Creator is One entity and all power you have, magic or physical, was provided by Him." Most of the crowd only listened to Skyler with vague interest, but a few of them watched curiously, waiting for him to say more.

Skyler continued. "He is not bound by some abstract system of law that exists outside of Himself or independent from Him. Nor is He under some external law; rather, He is a law unto Himself. This does not mean that He acts or behaves arbitrarily. Rather, His activity is performed by His own completely righteous character. All His acts flow from His own internal righteousness. His external authority comes from His internal righteousness. The Creator's authority is intrinsic. It is not leased, taken, or assigned from any other source. This is called divinity."

A heckler in the crowd shouted, "Words are wind! How do we know what you're saying isn't just mad ramblings" What proof do you have?"

A crippled man in a wheelchair watched Skyler from the front of the crowd. He said, "Is this the Creator that sent the Mashiach — the One whom Garland told us about?"

Skyler nodded. "The Mashiach is the bridge between the Creator and us. No one can be united with the Creator until we know the Mashiach." He looked down at the cripple's legs and saw that they were stumps below the knees.

"I believe your words," the cripple said. "I believe He can make me walk again."

The heckler in the crowd said to the cripple, "You have been a cripple from birth. Every healer in this city has tried every imaginable magic to regrow your feet and nothing has worked. What makes you think this teacher can help you?"

Skyler fixed his gaze upon the cripple, and saw that he had the faith to be made well. He said with a loud voice, "Stand upright on your feet."

Instantly, new flesh extended from the cripple's stumps and formed into feet. The cripple, crippled no more, stood up for the first time in his life. The crowd let out a collective gasp. Some ran away screaming; others fell on their faces before Skyler. "The gods have become a man and come down to us," some muttered.

"Wrong," said Skyler. "No "gods" exist but the One I tell you about. I am a man of the same nature as you. It is the Mashiach who makes all things new." He climbed down from the cart and left the marketplace, looking for other crowds to teach.

The crowd followed Skyler, begging, "Tell us more about this Mashiach!"


Date: 2013-12-09 09:49 EST
One day, while Skyler was wandering and teaching, he noticed a brothel which sat on the corner of two streets. He entered the building, stood in the foyer, and began sharing his knowledge with a woman he met near the front door.

The passion in his voice carried throughout the house. One by one, the doors of the bedrooms opened. The occupants — some prostitutes and some johns — gathered in the upstairs hall and peered over the railing at him as he preached.

". . . and each and every one of you can live forever, but you must stop the evil you are doing in this house and turn to the righteous One, the One who made you. That is the only way, I assure you."

"Get out of here you judgmental ass!" shouted a woman. "Who says you have the answers" How do you know there's only one way?"

"There is but one way," Skyler said. "And that is asking for and receiving the grace of the Mashiach. Any other method that someone tries to tell you is sham, a farce, a lie."

Another prostitute from upstairs scowled at him. "Your ideas are so arrogant! What's with you being so exclusive" Why is it your way or no way' Why are you so close-minded?"

"I do not make the law," Skyler said. "Argue with the One who did. But imagine you were a literature teacher, and you tasked your student to extrapolate a poem to earn his merit in your course. But instead, the student presented you with a painting. Would you accept his submission?"

The woman was taken aback and said no more.

He continued. "You see, in the beginning, the Creator made man and woman and we were perfect. But then we did evil. We fell. The relationships between man and the Creator, with each other, and with nature, were all broken. There is only one way for us to find our way back. Follow me outside and I will demonstrate my meaning."

Eight of the brothel's occupants, six women and two men, followed Skyler into the backyard. An old, dried up drinking well sat in the center of the yard. He instructed them to stand in a circle around the well with him. "You," Skyler gestured to the woman at his immediate right, "please draw up a bucket of water."

The woman scoffed. "There's no point, you clown. This well has been dry for over ten years. Why do you think we have to walk six blocks and lug back a jug of water three times a day?"

"Do as I say," Skyler told her, politely.

So the woman lowered the bucket into the well. Hollow, empty noises rattled up from the hole as the bucket clanked on its way down. A loud thud resounded from the darkness below as the bucket touched solid ground and the rope went slack. Then she drew the bucket back to the surface, where everyone gathered could see that it was as dry as a bone. "Told ya, weirdo," she said.

Skyler pointed at a man across from him. "You sir. Perhaps my friend here simply has no skill in water-drawing. Please try to draw up a bucket."

"I'm losing patience with you," the man said. "Obviously the well is dry." Nonetheless, he grasped the rope and lowered the bucket into the well. The same hollow sounds echoed in the deep hole, and the bucket was as empty and dry as before when he withdrew it. "See" What are you trying to prove" You are nothing but a scheming charleton!"

Skyler said to them, "no one here can draw water from this well, but I can. Just so, there is only one way to live forever, only one way to draw each of you into eternity, and that is through the One I told you about."

"You can't draw any water from that well, you fool! There's no water down there!" shouted one of the prostitutes.

Skyler regarded her. Sensing the Paraclete coursing through his body, he closed his eyes and said, "Creator, I have faith that the Mashiach bought and paid for my soul with blood, that I am now His slave, and that He connects me to You. Please show these people what I have told them: that there is only one person who can draw water from this well, just as there is only one way to reach you."

Skyler stepped forward and seized the rope. He dangled the bucket over the well and dropped it. It plummeted into the darkness, and then a loud, wet, plop sound arose from the hole. The group gasped. Skyler began to draw the bucket up, his slender arms pumping rhythmically, his back straining, the rope groaning with the burden. At last the bucket emerged, sloshing and overflowing with water.

The group circling the well gaped at Skyler, some of them in admiration, some in abhorrence. ". . . how" How!" one of the women stammered, her face panic-stricken. "This is some twisted sorcery!" another woman shouted. "No, he's telling the truth! He's proved it!" said another.

Skyler said to them, "What the Creator did here through me was nothing. If you had faith the size of a seed, you could command that mountain to leap into the sea." He pointed fiercely at the distant horizon where a high mountain met the sky.

Just then, the earth began to shake beneath their feet. The stones of the well rattled. The sound of a rushing deluge developed within the well, and suddenly a geyser of water burst forth. The stream was so thick and powerful that the stones of well burst apart. The geyser shot high into the air, thrice as high as any rooftop nearby. The backyard of the brothel quickly flooded. The six prostitutes, two johns, and Skyler were swept from their feet and washed across the yard.

No one was hurt, but all except Skyler were shocked and dismayed. He led them away from the flooding yard. They all stood on the street and watched the water from the geyser flood the brothel, flowing through the back door and filling the lower floor. More prostitutes and their customers ran shouting from the house, joining the group on the street.

"Your Creator is the Creator," a man said to Skyler.

"I believe now," a woman said to him. "I have faith in what you tell us."

Many citizens, having heard the deluge and the uproar, came running from all directions and gathered around Skyler and the group of prostitutes he had just taught. "You, you are Skyler, the wise teacher and prophet," remarked an upper class woman in the crowd. "You teach of being good and righteous. Why do you offer these whores your gifts" Surely they are not worthy."

"Wrong," Skyler admonished, turning to her. Behind him, the geyser continued to erupt, but his voice carried over the thundering noise. "The only ones not worthy are those who hear this news and reject it." The backyard of the brothel was now shoulder-high with water, putting great pressure against the wall of the house. "Prostitutes are in no danger of finding life so satisfactory that they can't turn to the Mashiach: the proud and the self-righteous are in that danger." A cacophonous crack resonated throughout the neighborhood as the wall of the house buckled. The second story collapsed upon the first, the roof and walls crumbling. "The Mashiach uses many broken vessels to fulfill His sovereign purposes. Neither your evil ways nor mine are less evil than theirs."

The geyser suddenly ceased, and the high waters that had filled the brothel's backyard washed the remnants of the house into the street and then faded away. "Now, none of these women or men will ever participate in the sex trade again," Skyler prophesized. "The Creator has helped them understand their own corruption and worked in their lives for good. His change isn't always painless. Some of these may now even go hungry for a time, but it is better for us to lose our hands or eyes than our whole bodies to be cast away."

All the members of the crowd were astounded by Skyler's words. He left the flooded ruins behind, and they all followed him.


Date: 2013-12-20 09:44 EST
Skyler wandered the city and taught the crowds for several more days. One afternoon, a proconsul in the region—an intelligent man—summoned Skyler to his palace because he wanted to hear the word of the Creator. So Skyler went alone into the palace to share all that he knew with the politician.

The palace estate sat atop a hill on a country road a few miles outside of town. It was a cold snowy day, but Skyler made his way to the destination on foot. By the time he arrived, his long shiny black hair was flecked with snow and his nose and cheeks were pink.

A footman greeted him at the gate and led him across the estate, into the palace, and into a warm sunlit atrium. A large stone brazier with open hot coals sat in the middle of the area, surrounded by benches. Skyler seated himself on a bench, closed his eyes, and prayed as he waited for his host.

The proconsul soon entered, dressed in a elegant flowing garb. Elymas, a sorcerer who served as the proconsul's advisor, followed. The sorcerer wore an ashen robe embroidered with arcane symbols, and his eyes were full of dark intent.

The proconsul and Elymas sat on a bench across from Skyler. Skyler told them about the Creator's intrinsic holiness, about mankind's inherent corruption, about the Mashiach's redemptive capabilities, and free grace.

"These are all lies," said Elymas. "No redemption is free. You must work for it! Who is your god that issues such fallible laws?"

"You are wrong," Skyler rebuked. "Justification before the Creator is by faith in His Mashiach alone. The Creator justifies the unholy, not the holy. He does so freely, not out of any debt or obligation." He turned to the proconsul. "You see, the Creator decrees all evildoers to be righteous because the Mashiach paid the complete payment for all our evil. He was perfect, and by His shed blood He did all that was necessary for our justification. This justification is either received as a gift, or it is not received at all. Those who think that they are righteous by their works can't be justified. Justification is for those who believe in the Mashiach and Him alone for it."

"You are a heretic!" shrieked Elymas. He stood abruptly and began to make bizarre summoning gestures.

Suddenly a viper materialized at Skyler's feet. The snake formed itself into a coil and snapped at Skyler, fixing its fangs firmly onto his hand.

"Elymas, you treacherous dog! What have you done?" said the proconsul.

Skyler glanced down at the viper and shook the creature off. He flung it upon the hot coals of the brazier, where it died. He then looked calmly at Elymas. "The hand of the Creator is upon you now. You shall be blind, not seeing the sun for a time."

The whites of Elymas" eyes faded to black. The sorcerer brought his hands to his face and clawed at his eyes, as if trying to tear away a veil. He muttered incantations and tried to summon more spells, but nothing happened. Finally he stumbled blindly from the room, moaning.

The proconsul watched Skyler for a time, expecting the young man to swell up and die from the viper bite. Skyler, unfazed, continued teaching him. After a while, seeing that Skyler suffered no ill effect, he asked, "How can I be like you? How can I find this salvation and transformation, like you have?"

"Sola Fide," Skyler told him. "By faith alone!?