Topic: Star Crossed

Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-03 23:28 EST
(I SLd this with a friend a long time ago and eventually lost touch. I've just recently pulled it out again and revised it. I'd love to finish it with someone someday....Anyway...I hope you enjoy. I don't think any of you would know him, but I feel like I need to mention his name anyway....FXHummel)

Destiny, one of the most vicious and splendid things that uide the divine light of men upon this tempestuous earth. From frivolity it bequeaths greatness and from greatness, it produces ruin. Man has but to accept it; to deny it, is to deny life. It can bring love, or decimate the heart. It can rule the absolute despot, or free the serf. That is the nature of it's double edged embrace. The sun would rise upon the field of battle in two hours. It had rained the night before, soaking the soil and transforming it from its pristine solid state, into a venomous slush upon which the readiness of the field artillery would eminently fail. In two hours, two warning nations would meet in the form of entire divisions, then battalions, companies, squads and finally soldier to soldier. This would commence as a formation and end as a spectacle of individual feats of courage on Death's chosen field. Did the generals pick this little field near Bresse to engage each other" No. Fate chose it. Fate has chosen the sacred earth upon which men have bled since the beginnings of time. Charles Darnier was Captain of the Red Battalion, 73rd Heavy Calvary, son of Lucien DarnierVisconte and Minister of Finance to the King, and it was on this day, on this field, that the beginning of that fate would intercede and send the young son of France into the lion's den, on an adventure that Odysseus could not have imagined. Two hours before the dawn of morning's light, Charles knelt to the north, towards the battlefield, his sword between his hands at the Lord's Cross, whispering softly, "O Lord and God above, give me the strength to lead my men, the strength to live and to avenge my household against these English tyrants. Oh Lord, give me the strength to avenge my Renee"my beloved Renee, against these swine. Grant me that alone, Lord and I shall never ask for anything more. Grant me this, so that I may die, upon this field, in happiness, knowing that vengeance has been fulfilled. Amen." Standing slowly, he slid his sword into its scabbard and stared into the darkness of the passing night; his eyes glowing with a sublime rage, born from the past, focused on a solitary being across the plain in the English camp" Lord General Reginald Warbuton. Two years before he had led the invaders as far south as Tours, he led his armies into the outskirts of Avignon , raping and pillaging as he went; among the victims, Charles" new bride, Renee. She had been defenseless, and alone. What Charles found when he returned from official business in Paris , the author cares not to repeat, but it left in him a sense of emptiness only equal to his thirst for Warbuton's blood. He would kill Warbuton or die at the head of his charge. Nothing less would satisfy him. Two hours later, the sun slowly crept over the tree line. Cannons had been placed as well as they could, despite the mud. Thousands of footmen stood ready in formation, their spears aimed at the sky. To the rear, the Red Battalion was mounted, their curved sabers sheathed, ready to be drawn the moment they received the order to charge. At their head stood Charles Darnier, in brilliant polished armor, a breastplate with his coat of arms; the crimson phoenix, covering a brilliant red tunic. His eyes were blue, though as pale as the eyes of death Himself, shone furiously in the morning rays. The French Army was ready for war. The first blasts shook the earth within thirty minutes of sunrise. They hailed from English 40-pound cannons and long-range guns, though they fell short of the lines. The march began. It was six thousand French men heading against eight thousand English. The clanking of armor and weapons resounded through the previously peaceful air. French cannon responded to English cannon. Entire companies were lost. Death was a veil behind the smoke of an exploding ball. The first companies met, engulfed in struggle and as a result, the ground stained red in a flash from the instant death of hundreds. A trumpet sounded. The English called for their heavy Calvary . The French responded in kind. Charles reared his horse about to face his men and issued a shout so vociferous that for a moment on the field of battle, silence seemed to fall and a vast gloom came forth from within the hearts of men. Only those near him heard what he said, "Il n"y a que vie; aujourd"hui on muert." What followed next was as if the gates of Hell itself had been thrust open. Charles swirled about, drew his saber and charged into battle on his black war steed, a demon of vengeance from another world. Behind him followed three hundred others, all servants to his bidding, all carrion swarm that in squadrons, engulfed company after company of English. Shrapnel exploded all around them, but still they issued forth from the boughs of the underworld with a spirit only found in the soul of a Frenchman who fights not for his country, but to avenge his soul against those who have wronged him beyond the realm of decency. The first hour of fighting seemed to favor the French. They fought with unparalleled skill and ferocity. The English retreated. Their lines broke. They were on the verge of defeat, but then the hand of destiny came forth to intervene. The night rain had not allowed the French to reposition their guns. They could not support the advance. Companies over-extended themselves, battalions became disorganized and scattered in the melee, the frenzy was upon both sides and it was the English who had the solid ground and the range. Fire reigned down on the French infantry. Their blue tunics were now camouflaged red with death?s lake of blood. The heavy cavalry, who were still gaining ground, fell under the fire of English guns. Rounds had exploded into their formation, ripping legs from horses and severing limbs from screaming men. Still, Charles Darnier, remained unharmed. His black steed's shiny coat had now dulled, caked with red gore from its victims. His saber's blade gleamed in the rising sun, as if it were the fell hand of an invisible force drawn toward one objective, now almost in sight. It would be unstoppable, until it could slice and dismember the being that had wrought this damned curse in the first place. The burning desire of revenge raged in the heart of Charles. He would kill Warbuton. At the beginning of the conflict, there were almost three hundred men. Through the English onslaught and by the third hour of fighting, their number had dwindled severely to a mere fifty. Yet, they closed in on the English observation point. All was in sight. It would be full charge, a mere sixty yards. Fifty. Thirty. It was then that the English general's guard rose up and sliced through them. Charles felt burn of steel slice through his left arm. It went limp. Still, he pushed onward. Onward to redemption and revenge. He felt renewed determination rise, giving him the strength he needed to sever the head from the English serpent and forever put to rest the face that tormented him in his dreams. Five yards. His saber came up high for the deadly strike. In a rush, he felt steel pierce his body and in that moment, he felt his mount drop to the ground with a shrill scream. It seemed to all happen at once. Through burning, bloodshot eyes, he saw his nemesis, his eyes hollow and white with fear, the face of death reflecting its fear into the bringer. Charles's uninjured arm came down with an unnatural force, his eyes filled red with rage, as he tore through his enemy's body and then all went black. Despite his courage, despite the terrible vengeance of his battalion, the French would lose this battle. They would however, not lose the war. As for Charles Darnier? Charles Darnier was not dead. He donned a new title: prisoner of war.


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-03 23:30 EST
Hoofbeats. It sounded as if there were twenty steeds, yet there was only one; One handsome, sleek white stallion, which carried the light-as-a-feather, Lilly. Any horse would be proud to carry such precious cargo. Lilly Benedict was beautiful beyond measure. She was the spoiled English princess of Canterbury , the daughter of Queen Sophia and King John III. Golden rays, or so it seemed, streamed in silken waves behind that radiant face. The doe-eyed beauty's cheeks were flushed with desire, thrill and anticipation. Her lush, rose red lips were pressed tightly in concentration as she rode forward. She would make the jump this time. Already, she had pressed Aeolus at full speed. Oh, how she loved the feel of his power and strength beneath her. She longed, even in her dreams, for the freedom she felt when the two of them became one. She loved to make him jump"to fly. Yet, he would not'simply would not, despite her best efforts, jump the highest point upon the stone gate. She pressed him on, harder and faster with her heels. He responded with a toss of his regal snowy mane and the hoof beats grew into a frenzied cadence. They drew closer and closer. ".Black. All went black. As Lilly came to, she realized she must have bumped her head during the fall. Damnit! He had refused to jump again! Darkness clouded her pale blue eyes. Seething, she pushed herself up from the muddied earth. Her cheeks pinched a darker hue of rose. As if Aeolus sensed her dismal mood, he took a few steps backward. An authoritative tone rose from her voice as she spoke, "You *will* jump." Immediately, her hands went to work, brushing the grime from her silver dress. Wrinkling her nose, she mumbled, "Oh, Aeolus, look what you've done. You've ruined my dress." Truly, it wasn't as if it *really* mattered to her. She could have had a hundred of the same, but being scolded by her mother or worse, the old hand maiden, was something she'd rather avoid. Carefully, she picked dried leaves and a few clumps of dirt from long strands of hair. "Dreadful, simply dreadful, I suppose mother will have a fit when she sees?" It was then that she heard it. It was there in the distance, barely audible, but within ear shot none the less"trumpets. Completely forgotten was the dress, her hair, the horse and all the thoughts of selling him off. The men were not to return for days. Something must have happened. She would be needed, no doubt. She hated all of this. Why couldn't she for one day"have peace" As she neared the stables, servants were already rushing at her, carrying a halter for the stallion. There was a great commotion, servants, men of lower status and noble men alike were all scurrying about. Something was amiss. Had something truly significant occurred in the war already? She barely noticed her hand maid, Maya, fussing about. She was fretfully chattering something about Lilly's dreadful appearance, how horrifically unlady-like Lilly was and yet another stitch about shame. All of this fell upon deaf ears. Suddenly, Lilly turned to Maya, "Where is my father" Is he hurt' What is all of this commotion?" "My lady Lilly, if you weren't always about?" Lilly gripped Maya's full arms so that he fingers nearly dug into the poor woman's flesh. "Maya, tell me now and scorn me later. I must know!" "Your father is well my lady. It is the prisoner who causes such fervor." "Prisoner"What prisoner?" "Come, let us speak as we," Maya's eyes looked again disapprovingly upon Lilly's ruined dress as she continued, "prepare you." She was already leading her off into the keep. "Prepare me?" Lilly allowed Maya to lead her, it was easier this way. As long as the maid was convinced she was cooperating, it would be much easier to gather answers. "For what?" "There will be a feast. This is good for your father".and for England . We will gain much from the capture of this prisoner." Lilly sighed. The maid knew so much already. Yet, it was beneficial at times like these. Lilly never cared to pay much attention to politics. It simply bored her. Maya, on the other hand, reveled in such matters and would often stay with Lilly at the princess's briefings on matters of state. She advised the princess on this and that and made it her business to keep the girl informed. The king encouraged it. He hoped by this, Lilly would somehow become more educated in these matters and perhaps, just perhaps, Maya's enthusiasm would rub off a little. It hadn't worked yet?


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-03 23:33 EST
Lilly sat"bored, as she watched her father at the head of the long table. He was laughing whole heartedly at something. The words that came forth from his lips seemed foreign to her. She hated it when he talked on war. Yet, that seemed as if it were all she was surrounded by these days. Her mother, Sophia, winked at her from across the table and made a motion for Lilly to push back her shoulders and sit up straighter. An invisible line she drew across her lips, was a sure sign for Lilly to smile as well. Lilly suppressed the urge to roll her eyes and instead nodded and obediently pulled her shoulders back, straightened and pressed a compliant smile to her lips. It was then, amid jovial, mottled conversation, that she heard it. She didn't know how she could have amongst the nonsense that surrounded her. Perchance, fate took its course" Who knew" But what filled her ears next, would change the course of her life forever. "He's sooo ruggedly handsome." She heard a maid whisper. "Non, he's just soooo handsome." This produced a fit of giggles. "Girls," She heard another more serious maid admonish. "He's the enemy. Such talk is not fitting for him. You would do well to hold your blasphemous tongues." She could hear the snorts as the girls tried desperately to hold in their laughter. When they could no longer help themselves, she heard one whisper, "Ahh, but alas, if he were to beg me leave of my king, I swear I would. Just for those beautiful, pale blue eyes." "Blasphemy!" The conversation between the girls had soon faded into the rise and fall of noisy conversation. Lilly's eyes were wide. Her face had drawn pale. She should have that servant's head for what she spoke. It was blasphemy. It was worse that that! Treason! Yet, something stronger pulled her mind from that very thought. Was the prisoner they spoke of, the very same that she kept hearing so much about' Carefully, she found herself straining to sort through the threads of conversation. She hoped to learn more and any piece of conversation that involved this "prisoner? would be devoured and kept for later thought. She must know more.


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-03 23:36 EST
That night, as Maya brushed Lilly's golden hair, it was hard to keep her thoughts from lingering upon the prisoner. She had made her mind up long ago. She would go visit him. Ignoring most of Maya's chatter, a brilliant idea filled her mind. "Maya, send for Angela." "But M'lady, it's nearly bed time. What could you possibly need from the cook" You've already eaten. I don't under——" "Do it!" Lilly snapped. Really! Maya was trying her patience. Maya sighed in resignation. She was used to catering to Lilly's whims, but this"This was an odd request indeed. Lilly was not accustomed to eating again after dinner. However, she was a servant to her miss's needs. "Very well then." She spoke softly, not entirely sure that she wasn't being roped into one of Lilly's awful schemes. "And tell her to bring her extra uniform".as well as anything she might wear with it." Came the call from Lilly. Off went Maya to serve, but not without mumbling to herself, "Why"I never?"


Not long after, a door opened and a confused Angela and an agitated Maya stood before Lilly. Lilly quickly stood and grabbed the uniform draped carefully over Angela's arms. "Now, help me undress and into this uniform I go." She found herself looking into the ever widening eyes of the two women. "Posh, don't look at me like I've lost my noodle! Help me!" The two servants stood, looked at each other with their mouths agape and then turned back to gaze uncertainly at Lilly. Maya was the one to speak first, "Whatever for?" Lilly sighed. "*Must* you question *everything* I do' I am a woman"a princess. I make my *own* decisions. I know what I am doing. You are servants here to serve"now come" help me. And"let us not tell anyone about this mm?" Angela was nearly in tears. She was a gentle spirit, not used to being ordered around with terse instruction. Lilly looked over her shoulder. Upon seeing Angela's demeanor, her own softened a bit and she spoke quietly, "Come now Angela, all will be well if you do as I say. No one will know of this, but us three. No trouble will come of it." Nodding slowly, Angela joined Maya in buttoning the last few holes. Lilly knew as they put on the last few pieces of clothing that what she told Angela about "no trouble will come of it," might not be entirely true. If anyone (especially the king) found out what she planned to do, she might be tried for treason herself. Pushing those thoughts from her mind, she forced a smile toward the two. "You," she pointed to Angela, "may go. I will have Maya return the outfit when I am through." When she saw the hesitation in the young cook's eyes, she added, "Cleaned and pressed." This seemed to satiate her slightly. Angela offered a curt nod before she swiftly took her leave. No doubt, before she was ushered into any other ideas the princess might contrive. "Where are we going?" Maya asked quietly. "No where. At least, you aren't." Lilly replied. Maya opened her mouth to protest, but Lilly held a hand up to silence her. "Hush. I need you to stay here, to be sure I am not found out." An impish grin crossed those plush, rose-bud lips. "I am wily enough dear Maya. I will not be found out. Perhaps if you do as you are told and guard my little secret, I will reward you with the knowledge that you so keenly enjoy." The hand maid might have disagreed, but it did not play out in her eyes; for they dilated and seemed to glow eagerly. Maya quickly nodded and lowered her head as she chewed her lip and twisted her hands nervously. "Tsk Princess, the things you put my old heart through." Her large chest heaved with a heavy sigh. "I suppose it's something you feel you *must* do. After all, I am only at your command." When she looked up to see if her words had incited any guilt, Lilly was already gone.


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-03 23:39 EST
"Angela" crept through the passages and hallways carefully. If anyone were to stop her, she simply was bringing bread to the prisoners. "Who goes tha??" Replied the prison guard in response to the knock. Lilly tried her best impersonation of Angela. She would have to make her speech less refined if it were to come off. "Tha' cook"Angela sir." Through the door came the mocking reply, "Tha' cook, Angela sir?" A snort and then a haughty laugh could be heard. "No, I dun think so. T"was M'lady Vanessa's turn tonigh"." The tone in his voice revealed to Lilly that Vanessa and the guard must have been quite"close." "Non," came her swift reply. "Vanessa is sick. She sent me and bade me ta give ye somethin"." "Oh?" Came the curious voice. "Very well. Come on quickly then." As the door opened, it didn't take Lilly long to deduce that he was a disgusting bit of a man. His grimy hands groped toward her as she entered. "Give me." Lilly blanced inside. She knew what he wanted, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. She must make do. Choking back her repulsion, she leaned forward to give him a kiss on his sweaty, dirt ridden, red cheek. "Ahh, M'lady, Vanessa is good ta me. T"would have been twice the kiss had it been upon ma lips, mmm?" At that, he puckered and pushed his fat, grease stained lips toward her and made obscene kissing noises. Lilly thought fast, "Ah, but I fear I've not half the lips as she." His beady eyes slithered over her form and then toward her lips. He promptly squinted, scrutinizing her. "I dun" think so. I think ye would do jest fine?" Lilly side stepped another grope, "Uh, yea, well" I really mus" be going then." She held the bread basket up to block him and also to remind him of her business at hand. The evasion was not missed. He chuckled lewdly and nodded, stepping aside so that she might pass. Lilly breathed a sigh of relief as she passed through the door to the main prison. Keeping her head low, she ducked past a few of the guards she was more familiar with. Ah, there it is"the wing where the prisoners were held. Her fingers clutched at the bread basket tightly. For a moment, fear and panic nearly overwhelmed her and she felt as if she were making some terrible mistake. It wasn't too late. What if she were found out' Why was she taking this risk anyway' Fear was a formidable foe, but a young girl's curiosity was not to be dismissed. It might drive a person mad if they do not quench it. And so" Making her way through the doors that held misery, her senses immediately became overwhelmed. The smell of filth and waste gagged her. For a moment, she felt as if she might faint but then, her eyes began to adjust to the darkness. Slowly, as she regained sight, she saw with horror, the stone cold floors. A rat scurried past her feet. Holding a hand over her mouth to stifle a scream, she deemed it a small miracle she was able to keep the bread basket in tact at all. Lilly was shocked by the stillness and quietude of the prisoners'save for the occasional distant groan or scream of a delinquent who'd be taken out for a corrective whipping. Most prisoners, however were sleeping or appearing to be lost in thought, with their heads between their hands; some were pacing aimlessly. Lilly remembered that it was forbidden for prisoners to speak unless they were spoken to. The price to pay for such disobedience was high. She wondered if that might be a huge detriment for what she wished to accomplish. For the most part, her coming and going was ignored. Lilly rationed out the bread, careful not to drop the bread from her shaking hands. She was halfway through her task, when she was struck with a thought. Lilly was most assured she would know who the French prisoner was when she saw him, but what if she didn't' Her footfalls slowed as she considered this. Finally, she neared the tenth cell on the left. Something drew her toward this particular one. The man within the cell had his back turned toward her. He had shoulder length brown hair that looked as if it was in dire need of a comb through. Could this be the one" Pulling her full, brown dress toward the side, she stooped low to push the bread through the small hole designated for the mutual passing of food, water and waste. Her blue eyes focused on the back of the prisoner before her. Her breath nearly caught in her throat at her anticipation, but she managed to whisper one word, "Bread.?


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-03 23:40 EST
He heard the word, plain and simple as he had every other day. "Bread." Slowly, he turned to reach for it. His lifeless body was now more corpse than imbued with life. Yet, his blue eyes were consumed with hateful fire. They glanced at the hand passing the bread. It was a different, lovely hand'smooth and un calloused. This observation caused him to glance up. Quietly, he whispered in a voice strained from lack of use, "You don't belong here." All breathing ceased. Lilly felt as though her heart had stopped. Her own blue eyes widened and she concentrated upon keeping them trained to the floor. What was she to do know" She hadn't considered this" Quickly, she withdrew her hand and spoke softly, forcing her words from her quivering lips as her heart seemed to make up for time lost. "Aye sir. Aye, I do." Charles ignored his bread. Instead, he brought himself up against the wall, his right arm crossed his body to clutch the open wounds on his left arm. Wincing slightly, he strained his voice further, "Your hand is too delicate to be a servant. Your false accent is poor" he stated simply. Lilly froze in place. She was still kneeling, but her eyes lifted toward him slowly, seeing him for the first time. Beyond the clear pain etched upon his face, the dirt smudged features and generally prison like appearance, she could see what the maid servants were talking about. What struck her most were his eyes. Beautiful. Yet they were clouded with hate. "I" I am a newly acquired servant. I use the accent to help me fit in." The lie came quickly. A faint smile crossed his lips, despite the pain shooting throughout every inch of his body. What the hell. He'd play her game. His eyes worked to see her clearly in the dark. "Ah, mademoiselle, you are too lovely to be a servant"but as you wish." Pausing for a moment, he then continued, "But, why do you take such an interest in *my* cell then?" Lilly shook her head slightly, choosing to ignore the question. "Might I do something for your pain" Would you like a sedative?" She suddenly felt great pity for this man. He could not help but laugh at this, but quickly stifled it, because of the pain it caused in his chest, "Ah, now I know you are no serving girl, Mademoiselle"prisoners must deal with their pains. Sedatives are wasted on us, who are meant to suffer." How could she have been so dimwitted! Of course! She had simply felt compassion for this man, but there was no place for compassion within these walls. She would have to be more careful. As she forced her senses to become sharper, something struck her. Why hadn't she noticed it before" It was so obvious, yet somehow beneath the excitement and fear'she had missed it. Even when the maid servants spoke of it, she had somehow ignored it. This prisoner was French. He was the enemy. Her heart should be led to hate him. The only words she could utter fell from her lips before she could stop them, "You're French." Again, he laughed and bent down so that his blue eyes could look straight at hers. She'd be shocked to find a deep hatred burning there. It was a fire that burned against the English and this Lady; for he knew already that she was at least a Lady, English and therefore, the enemy. He stared at her for a long moment before stating simply, "And you are English. Perhaps our roles will soon find a reversal when my fellow countrymen invade your island. For a moment, she was taken as their eyes met. Her mind became distracted again until he spoke. All senses pulled to full alert, and the rage and fire were mirrored in her sapphire gaze. Standing to her full height, with all style, grace and pride, she flung her hands forth and curled them around the dirty prison bars and in her passion, forgetting the royal ring adorning her finger. It was folly. In all of their diligent care, none in the three women had thought to remove it. It was simply over looked, for it was a part of Lilly as a piece of her flesh. Lilly had enough sense to keep her voice low as she spoke, anger filling her words and escaping her lips, "Never have I". Such blasphemy! I should have you hanged!" "Hang me?" He sputtered incredulously, standing fully erect for the first time despite the pain it caused. His imposing power and strength, bred into generations of cavalier French aristocrats bore down upon her person. "No doubt, cher Princess," he sputtered her title as if it were venom upon his lips. "You would be just as valuable a prisoner to the French as I am alive to the English. I killed your Lord Warbuton on the plains near Tours , my men annihilated English formations. If that does not merit death, then I ask you, would even *you* have the power to kill me" I think not. You English' you kill our women and children and then keep us alive to suffer as a mere political card up your sleeves. Perhaps you should feed the other prisoners their bread, or be more forthcoming. It is you who visit me." His voice raised slightly, laced with a hint of amusement, "Or perhaps I shall make myself a bit louder. I am capable of it." He was quite imposing, standing at full height before her. If she had not encountered men of his stature and refinement every day, she might have been moved, or at least intimidated. Yet, there was something different about him. But no, she pushed aside all impure thoughts of this man before her. He was French. "Princess," the word echoed through her thoughts and pierced her heart like a knife. How" She quickly withdrew her hands from the bars, as if realizing they had become vipers as she remembered"the ring. She was about to curse herself all over again when his words reached her,"I killed your Lord Warbuton," Lord Warbuton, the name struck her with fresh mourning. The two had exchanged words, they flirted and laughed. It was whispered that the princess might even be in love with the dashing young Warbuton. Her eyes filled with tears and rage. His hate filled words echoed in her mind"it couldn't be....Her fists clenched and her ears rang. So, this was who he was" her love's murder. Lilly's breathing became hard and ragged. She dropped the breadbasket as her hands flew to her stomach, clutching it desperately. She couldn't breathe. Slumping to the floor, she covered her mouth with a trembling hand, "You" and then louder, fueled by anger, "You!" Slowly a long, thin grin crossed Charles's lips as he took relish and delight in her torment. How unexpected, yet it was now obvious to him that they had been lovers and now he found himself in a position to completely enrage her. He turned his back to her and whispered in a breath so low; one would have to strain to hear. "He raped my wife and killed my children." Through clenched teeth Lilly fought not to scream, "Liar! Liar!" Then, she checked her voice, speaking in low controlled monotone. "You are a liar. You know nothing, nothing!" She felt her heart being ripped out again. "You speak filth from your dirty French lips." Another bout of sobs wracked her fragile form. How could this man be so cruel" Still, with his back to her, he relaxed himself a bit because of the pain. The woman was delusional, but she would soon learn the truth. He would make her see it, and he would enjoy being the one to tell her. "Let me ask you, does a man leave a country estate and five million francs a year to fight a war" Does a man with a family risk himself blatantly in a full charge, at the head of his battalion, out of his own army's artillery range, to kill one man' Does a person who has everything to lose, risk himself like that' Never! Your Warbuton took everything from me and now, even in his death, he has taken my freedom." All sobbing ceased, as she looked upon him with tear filled eyes, now void of all emotion. She stood slowly, smoothing out her attire and wiping the tears away. The next words she spoke were in a flat tone. "This that you speak of, I do not believe it. However, I am fair and just as you would not, I'm sure, believe. So, if these matters are true and I doubt that they are, then I will react in fairness. If you are deceiving me, and I feel that you must be, then I will react with a strong fist. Having said that, her composure seemed to return and all account of the previous display was void, save for the moistened cheeks. She was now acting from years of direction under her mother's watchful eyes. Charles turned to face her and stare into her eyes once more. This time, his gaze was consuming and painful, but still confident. He was well aware of his current position with the English. He was a valuable prisoner. Princess or not, she was bluffing. He knew she wanted the see him buckle under her threats. He had ridden into battle against men even more fearsome than she would ever be. No, she couldn't comprehend the situation as he did, nor did she understand that he didn't care. His mission of vengeance had been fulfilled. Though, he did have one card to play with this young woman. Now, for the first time, Charles took the time to acknowledge her young beauty. He looked at her, allowing his eyes to wander and take in her lovely and clean skin, her beautiful eyes, her splendid silk like hair. She reminded him slightly of his wife, but he would still play his card. She needed a lesson in manners. "You believe I am cut off from the world in this prison, do you? I assure you, I am not Princess. Nor am I afraid of you. A princess of a country in fear, oh yes, I do know that the French fleet has taken the English fleet in the channel. What will follow" An invasion' Perhaps then, I could take you to tour Avignon , Lyon, Toulouse and all the other cities where your people have raped our women and killed our children. For a moment, she feared he would not answer. Instead, his sharp gaze seemed to stare. Her cheeks flushed at this and although this man was now revealed as an enemy, years of breeding could not be extinguished. Her eyes lowered and then lifted as she spoke. "You *will* be afraid of me, prisoner. You hold no authority in here'shackled." She gestured to his bindings. The French *will* fall and when they do, your lies will be put to death with them. Her words were spoken with such authority, such willfulness that had he been anyone else, they might have believed it. Instead, he sat down, took the previously offered bread, brought it to his lips and took a hearty bite. He chewed it for a long moment, letting the silence linger between them. When he spoke again, he looked directly into her eyes and merely said, "Now who's lying to themselves?" She parted her lips to speak, but was cut short by a voice in the distance calling, "Angela!" Her eyes widened as she realized she had been there for much too long. "Angela!," came the louder call. Quickly, she leaned close to the bars and hissed, "We shall see," And with that, she quickly departed down the thin hall away from the approaching male voice. Charles watched her leave and then shook his head. The gruff, disgusting man emerged from one of the tunnels and found the bread basket left by the French prisoner's cell. Leaning down to inspect the forgotten basket, he grumbled and then raised his bushy brows toward at the prisoner, slurring his words as he spoke, "Who left this" Speak now, or I shall beat you senseless French swine." "Who left it' Why, you did, you drunken swine," came Charles's insolent reply. "Fool!" He spat and rubbed his cheek where "Angela" had kissed him earlier. "What did you do to my dear Angela" Left her basket in a hurry.?" He fondled the basket through his rough, calloused, thick and greasy hands. Charles stood up and smiled at the oaf of a jailer. "I thought you were going to beat me" Well, please do. My cuts are infected and I coughed up a storm last night. Perhaps it is the plague." His smile deepened as he added, "or something worse." The jailer's small, beady eyes beamed at the prospect of a beating, but then dulled upon hearing his words. "Oh, bah," he gruffed in response. After all, he really didn't want to catch the plague. You'll get a double dosage in the morn" to be sure. He knew it would not be dosed by himself, for his shift was nightly. With that, the large man lumbered off, basket in hand, still mumbling something about his dear Angela. "I'm overjoyed at the prospect," retorted Charles in his absence and then went laid himself on his small cot, tired but consumed in thought. She was, perhaps? a little charming.


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-03 23:41 EST
Lilly swept into her chambers and breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately, a dark figure pounced on her from the shadows. This, inevitably, produced a scream from the princess. Her fearful eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. It was Maya. Lilly took deep breaths, trying to slow her racing heart. "Maya," she placed a hand over her heart, "Oh, thank God it is only you!" "Who else would it be?" She took the princess by the arm and pulled her toward the crimson velvet fainting bench, for fear she might collapse. "So?" "So, what?" Came Lilly's irritable response. "What's he like?" Maya prodded. "Oh," replied Lilly flatly. "Really quite dull; Dull and most dreadful." Yet, something in Lilly's mind contradicted the words she spoke. There were other adjectives to describe the French prisoner; strong, handsome, brave and charming in an arrogant sort of way. Then, as a cold chill seeped to her very core, she remembered?It didn't matter what good traits this prisoner might possess, he was a murderer. He would pay for killing her love. He must die.


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-04 00:04 EST
The words echoed down the prison halls, "Make way for the princess. Bow before Princess Lilly." This was unheard of. What was the princess doing in the prison' Yet, sure enough, coming into view, the Princess Lilly, her hand maid Maya and three guards made their way briskly down the prison's dank halls. The troupe halted before Charles's cell. Lilly turned sharply, her sapphire orbs fixed blankly upon him and her lips pressed together in a tight, serious line. She stood before him in a gown of purple and blue silk. It did justice to her lithe form. Her long, curled hair fell around her bare shoulders donned by a few well placed braids. The small crown upon her head left no doubt as to whom and what she was. Yet, even without this symbol of regalia, none could mistake her true identity. She was well taught. Charles had been badly beaten as promised. Despite this, he appeared healthier than when she first saw him. He had the air of someone defiant and although he was powerless, he seemed to transcend his current situation and appeared more powerful. Upon hearing her approach, he straightened, ready for her and her entourage. He looked over her and the guards, his reputation in war had obviously spread from the look of fear in their eyes. They knew who he was, what he had done and that he was a great warrior, while they were only guards. To them, Charles was the concept of a thing that they had never in their lives seen and it terrified them to see it embodied in the enemy. After burning his eyes into theirs, he shifted his glance back to the Princess and let a smile form on his lips that only she could recognize, then bowed his head as gentlemanly as he could, placing a hand over his heart, "Princess Lilly, it is my honor. But what would bring you before a mere prisoner, the likes of myself, for this FIRST time." Lilly squared him in the eyes, her cheeks flushed with anger as she ignored his comment. One of the larger guards spoke gruffly. "He does not bow before the Princess Lilly. We.."

Lilly cut him off by raising a hand dismissively. "No matter." Now, it was her turn, as a small grin spread over her own lips, "He will die today and then we shall be bothered with his insolence no more. Yes, Charles I have convinced my father to let your day come a bit, earlier than previously planned. Guards," she motioned for them to open the cell gate and place him in chains. Charles had a thin, straightened piece of metal which he slipped into the palm of his hand before they had entered. He was determined not to stay in prison long and certainly not ready to allow this young princess to take his life, as much as he wished to die. Perhaps he would even take her with him. She needed a lesson in proper manners. In any case, he bowed his head in feigned defeat and allowed himself to be chained. "As you wish, Princess." She blinked, this was nearly too easy. Yet, how could he resist, he was clearly outnumbered. He would not dare defy her. She watched as the guards moved forth to chain him. Then, turning slightly to speak over her shoulder, she called for the other guard not too far off. "Ready the equipment."


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-04 00:51 EST
The "equipment' most assuredly meant axe, or perhaps some other torturous device. Slipping the thin piece of metal from his wrist, he worked it in the lock and with a lightening snap, it opened.

Before the ignorant English guard to his left knew what hit him, Charles unleashed his fury. He shoved the filing through the guard's throat, then quickly pulled the dagger from his belt and plunged it into the other guard's breast. With expert skill, he drew the sword of the guard he had just slain and sent it through the air into his would be executioner's chest. All of this happened in a blink of an eye.

Not two moments afterwards, Charles held a knife to the princess's throat and spoke softly, yet with purpose and command. "Silence!" His eyes snapped to Maya, "One word and your mistress dies. "

Lilly was in shock. It had all happened so fast. She shook in terror against him as he held the knife to her pale throat. A trembling and fearfully dismayed Maya nodded in response, wide eyed as she watched her Princess. Charles motioned to Maya. "That guard's uniform.....Take it off of him and kick it on the floor towards me.' Then, he whispered so low that only Lilly could hear, "I will not hurt you Princess, I swear it upon the life of my dead wife and children." As Maya did his bidding, Lilly heard the words, but it did not soften her fear. With all the might she had, she elbowed him in the stomach. He grunted as he felt the sharp pain, but recovered quickly, grabbing her wrist with his free hand and pushing her on her back to the floor. He held the dagger menacingly above her heart, looking into her frightened eyes. "You, servant continue." He commanded without looking at Maya. "Don't make me kill you, Princess. But let me ask you, if I was going to kill you and your servant, would I not have done it right after I finished the guards and executioner" I am capable of stealing a uniform myself" Mayas eyes were wide with fright, as her trembling hands finally finished the task. She threw the uniform quickly toward him.

Lilly gasped as she found herself flat on the concrete. Embarrassment, fear and hatred filled her hear, "You will pay for this. They will torture you. Do you really think you can get away with this?" He grinned, leaning over to pick up two sets of irons near the fallen guards. He used them to clasp Lilly and Maya together on their knees and then gagged them both while he made the change into the guards costume. When he was through, Charles looked down at Lilly, bending near her ear and whispered simply, "Yes."

Next, he unbound Lilly and Maya and pulled the gag from their mouths. He put his dagger's point against Lilly's back so that it was concealed with in the folds of her dress. "Princess, if you or your servant utter a single word, I will kill you and then her. I swear it. But, if you comply you both shall live. Do you understand?" Lilly was desperate, yet she could not think of any escape. Her mind was racing with fear. Maya looked at her, wide-eyed and horror struck and for the first time in Lilly's life, she realized how much she truly love the woman. Softly and with a shaky voice, she nodded her head and whispered, "Understood, yet I plead you to give up Maya." He looked at the servant for a moment and then made his decision. "She will be allowed to escape the moment we clear the gates. Is that satisfactory?" Slowly, she nodded again, her lips pursing together in determination. She directed a stern look toward Maya as the woman began to protest. "It will be so." Reluctantly, Maya closed her mouth and swallowed. She knew Lilly well enough to know the girl would have her way one way or another. "Excellent. Now, let us go....and walk normally." He nudged her slightly with the blade and they commenced his escape from the dungeon. From listening to the other prisoners and guards, Charles had already developed his escape route. Once they reached the gates, Charles had a surprise in store, no doubt for this Princess who probably thought he would never make it out of Canterbury alive. She jumped forward at the nudge and begrudgingly edged forward. Her feet were unsure. Just how did he plan to escape with a princess! He was a fool, she concluded. She would be rescued before they even made it out of the door. Therefore, even as she felt the dagger press in upon her, she seemed to walk with an arrogant stride. He watched her carefully as he followed. He had planned to use the rear exit, where she it seemed, counted on him using the front, which he knew, passed by the guard's barracks. "Turn here." He said quietly and motioned toward a dimly lit corridor opposite the one leading to the main entrance, "One hears many useful things when the royal guards are drunk" he said smiling Her cheeks flushed in anger. She was furious. How could this happen to her" Delusions of grandeur took over as she thought of taking him out. She could get one side and Maya another.... They continued, the first views of sunlight coming through the nearby exit. He knew that by now, spies in the palace would have been alerted to his execution and hopefully, everything would be set in motion in preparation for his escape. They were almost there. He motioned for Maya to open the gate and just like a good little servant, she did.

He hoped his work in the dungeon hadn't been discovered yet, but even if it had been, the likelihood of his escape was still high. He looked from the Princess to Maya and twisted his dagger just a bit, letting it tear through Lilly's dress, allowing her to feel its sharpened steel edge against her flesh. "Only a little bit further and Maya will be free." A gasp escaped her, he would pay for this. How could he be so cruel? He was a savage. She was driven by renewed rage and so she went with thoughts of escape ravaging her mind.


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-04 01:45 EST
They finally approached a small cottage, hidden behind the hedges of a splendid English Garden. Charles found himself smiling brightly. It was where they said it would be. It was only downhill from here. Before long, he would be kissing the shores of his beloved France.

It seemed like he came out of no where....a large ominous, bald man with missing teeth. When he saw Charles, his stride quickened and they embraced, patting each other with a brotherly gusto upon each other's backs. When they pulled away, they spoke words in French. The bald man nodded with a knowing laugh and grabbed Maya's arm.

Before Lilly could even utter a goodbye to Maya, she was swept away by the man. Her mouth dropped open in shock and anger and she spun it all around full force on Charles. "That was horrible and cruel! " Her teeth clenched and for a moment, she thought she would rip him limb from limb, but as she took a step forward, her lips quivered slightly and she felt herself choke down the sobs that threatened to escape.

"I'm sorry Lilly, but there was no other way." He moved forward and she flinched. Sighing, he grabbed her arm more gently than she had anticipated and pulled her into the small cottage.

His voice came soft, as he glanced at her, pulling a bottle of brandy from a nearby shelf. He knew the place. She wondered how this could be, but felt the tears rise again as she regretted losing Maya so suddenly. No, she would fight the tears until death.

Charles drank from the bottle as he watched her. "Don't you want to know where we are going?"

Lowering her head so that he would not see the lone tear wetting her cheek, she mumbled, "Enlighten me."

For the first time since his capture, he genuinely smiled at Lilly. "Lift your head, Princess. It is unbecoming of you to lower it. As for our destination, we go to London, where the Persephone awaits us. From there, to Cherbourg and then, Paris. Have you ever been to Paris before" Her head rose and as quickly as the weak moment had come, it passed. Her eyes filled with hatred as she snapped back. No, nor do I wish to visit with you." "Sadly, you have no choice lovely Princess, but I assure you that you'll be well taken care of."

Upon the table, there sat a small wooden box. He opened it slowly, taking out a straight razor and a pistol. A satisfied smile crossed his lips and carefully, with one hand, he began shaving his face clean, all the while training the pistol on Lilly's heart. "You are dreadful," her lips curled in scorn. "I hate you. I want to be released, right now!" The latter said as if a spoiled school girl stood before him. Without paying her much heed, he cocked the pistol and then leveled his eyes at her. "That can be arranged. However, you would be much more lively in Paris , Lilly." Scoffing, she leaned back against the wall and suddenly, she remarked with something akin to resolution, "Fine, shoot me then. I'd rather die than go to Paris with you." Then softer, under her breath, she added, "You wouldn't shoot me anyway." His glance never wavered as he pulled the trigger. The gun tilted slightly at the last minute so that the bullet just barely missed her head. Immediately, small pieces of wood splintered and fell around her head. He leveled the pistol at her heart again and cocked it, "I assure you, Lilly' my aim was not off." She heard herself scream as the bullet whizzed past. Immediately, she began to struggle in her bondages. She found herself shouting and yelling. "Let me go! Let me go!" Charles used his free hand to splash some water from a dish near him on her face. "Calm down Lilly. I told you I wouldn't harm you. Stay still, stay quiet and you shall live. It would be a shame to kill someone as lovely as you, but I will." Her lips pressed together tightly, but if looks could kill. She sputtered as he splashed the water. How dare he!" In slow even tones she spoke, "They will come after me. You will not live long enough to see your escape through. Then'then I shall laugh." He'd finished shaving and cleaning his face. It was clear now, that despite a few scars, his handsome features had been restored. "I'll be the one laughing. We'll be in London within the hour and in France within the next eighteen.? The princess remained silent in her loathing. Casting another look of spite in his direction, she turned silently to look out the window.


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-04 02:23 EST
*** An hour had quickly passed and soon they were at a remote quay near the Dutch ship, Persephone, though she was actually French. Attempting not to cause a great row, Charles forced the Princess on board as quietly as he could and secured her below in his quarters where she would be trapped for the short voyage. "Would you like for me to get you anything?" "Yes," she simply stated. Her large blue eyes lifted and searched his own for a moment before she spoke, "Freedom." "That, you will have later, but for now?" he fetched her some fruit as well as wine, bread and cheese, laying them out before her on a table. "Lilly," he paused. "I want to introduce you to someone who, perhaps will convince you of something." "Jacques," he called, "please meet Lilly," he motioned for Jacques to come forward. "I want only for you to see one thing. Jacques, if you would...please show her your chest...the mark on it." Silently, the man unbuttoned his shirt. When he pulled it apart, it was easy to see the man's chest was a scar of sorts. Lord Warbuton's coat of arms had been crudely burned into his flesh by a hot dagger's point. "I'm sure you could ask him about his daughter, but then that was much worse and....he has no tongue to tell it." Lilly grew quite still as this display was shown. Her lips pursed tightly and she shook her head as she looked away. "Don't be afraid. Look at him. Ask him. ASK HIM!" "NO!" She tried desperately to push the image away. She searched frantically in her mind to find something that might explain the situation away. Nothing came to mind. She just wanted this to disappear. "So be it. Don't acknowledge the truth, refuse to see it because of your silly prejudices. You English make me sick. You fail to see the truth and so readily accept the lies. Well, accept this one truth, your lover was a vile murderer and rapist!" "LIAR!" She screamed back at him. "YOU are vile." Standing from her chair, she placed her hands upon the table, "leave me be." Straightening, she turned away and walked to the back of the room. "So be it." He made sure that all of the sharp objects were gone, before gently guiding Jacques out of the cabin. He had to satisfy himself with the fact that at least the images of horror would now be forever etched in her mind. He wondered. Did he lie to her and tell her she was the only one" Perhaps... She sighed and shook her head, trying to rid her mind of the images she had seen. Clearly, it was enough to give her doubt. Could her love have done those awful things" Then again, why should she believe the Frenchman' Then, something hit her, quite simple it was and really without relevance. She did not even know his name. Well, she didn't care anyway. Did she" Her stomach rumbled a bit and at that cue, she quickly nibbled on a few bites of the food he left for her. It might have been poisoned for all she knew, but she didn't care. She was suddenly ravenous. She was careful that no missing food would be noted. She would have him believe she would rather starve herself than eat food that came from him. He returned a moment later, looking quite different from when she had seen him earlier. He was lavish, in clothes worthy of any English Lord. Upon entering, he bowed to the Princess and smiled, "Now I may introduce myself properly, my name is Viscomte Charles Darnier de Avignon." As she heard his footsteps approach, she scrambled to where she had stood when he left. She turned when he made his entrance and watched him, feeling slightly jealous of his attire; for he had made her change into something less inconspicuous back at the cottage. "Hmph," she snorted defiantly, "your name will always be "prisoner " to me." "Now, now Lilly, do you really find me that repulsive" Think, before you answer, since after're still alive." No, she did not really find him that repulsive. That would not be the word she could use to describe him. He was quite handsome after all. As she stole another look, she could fully appreciate his good looks and accompanying attire. Then, something became clear to her. She could play nice. After all, a women did have wiles didn't they'


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-04 23:47 EST
Suddenly, something in her whole disposition seemed to change. A slow smile curled upon her lush lips as she looked up at him through large blue eyes. Repulsive" Why no, not at all. Charles noted the change in her body language. He poured himself a glass of wine and was about to speak when a massive thunder clap rang throughout the cabin. "Cannons. My princess, I hate to depart when it seems we were about to be on speaking terms, but I have business to attend to. You'll be quite safe here below deck," although in his mind, he was uncertain. "Adieu, until this affair is over." Her eyes widened and she ran toward him. All thoughts of possible seduction now far from her mind. "Don't leave me! You can't just leave me ...alone!" He almost laughed, until the echoing thunder of another round of cannon swept through the ship. "Lilly, there is a war being waged above deck. You'll be safer here. Have you ever seen cannon fire?" She was shivering now, obviously terrified. "No." He grabbed her arms firmly, looking directly into her eyes. The fierce passions of battle were beginning to take hold of him. "Come if you must! But stay low and stay near me." She really did not wish to go with him, but she could see no other choice. If she stayed, she would be alone. Although a part of her felt offense at the way he grabbed her, his strength comforted her. She nodded slowly and swallowed, trying to gather her courage for what might lay ahead. "Remember, stay with me." He grabbed her arm to keep her close as he rushed to the upper deck to examine their predicament.

An English Frigate returning to port had intercepted them. She was a powerful match for the Persephone and scored the first blow. Water had already began to cover the main deck all the way across the beam, making it slippery.

It was hellish to see. Charles, with Lilly in tow, made his way to the captain under the deafening sound of the ship's cannon lashing out against he enemy frigate. Twenty guns, firing in rapid succession, were unleashing a wall of fire. It was a horrifying, yet magnificent sight to behold all at once. Charles found a safe corner, where he could deposit Lilly. He stayed as near to her as possible, while aiding the gunners and helping to direct fire. At every sound of gun fire she cringed and resisted the urge to scream. She did as Charles bid and stayed close to him. Then, like a sharp dagger, piercing the line of fear, somehow she was able to gather her thoughts. If she were to make an escape, she must make it now.

Swallowing hard, she looked around her. There was no possible escape. But wait! They were fighting the English...her England. Would they recognize her" They might shoot her first, before ever realizing her identity. Then it came to her....she could jump ship. Surely, there was a small boat somewhere. Slowly, she edged away from Charles, careful to evade stray bullets or watchful eyes. There! There it was! She leaned slowly over the side and saw the small boat attached. Quickly, looking over her shoulder, she saw that Charles was engaged in an intense bout of gunfire. "Fire!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. The massive battery of heavy naval guns opened fire at the same moment as the enemy's weapons sounded. The two barrages struck simultaneously, each with devastating effect. The hail of French guns had torn into the enemy frigate's hull and entered the magazine. Fire erupted from all sides of the enemy vessel, her haul splintering into a thousand fragments.

Then, all hell broke loose. Someone shouted fire. Charles whipped around to see a fire near the powder stores aboard the Persephone. He knew immediately, the ship would soon suffer the same fate as the enemy frigate. He scanned the tattered deck for Lilly, spotting her finally as she attempted to reach the launch. He jumped forward, almost picking up her entire body and before she knew it' he had jumped over the side with her. Moments later, the powder stores were ignited and the Persephone began it's rapid decline to the bottom. She was unsure who had grabbed her and why. One moment, she was untying the ropes that held the small boat and the next, she was flying over the edge with Charles. As the two sank beneath the waves, she opened her eyes. All was silent. It was like a strange and beautiful dream. She watched the sinking fragments and debris beneath the water. It seemed like an eternity before they surfaced. When they broke through gasping for air, she could not believe the chaos and horror before them. She could see it all, yet strangely enough, she could not hear any of it. The opening blast had knocked Charles a few feet from Lilly, just before he had entered the water. He kept shouting her name, swimming toward her. The water was freezing. He needed to get her out of the water and out of shock. Finally, he reached her, still calling her name. He yelled for her to get onto a nearby piece of wood large enough to serve as a raft for one. She should have been filled with fear. Instead, she felt a calm sensation sweep over her and she began to tread the water slowly. Her eyes were void and fixated in front at the disaster before her. Charles reached out to grab her shoulder. It was then, he realized she couldn't hear him. Stricken by the vacant look on her face, he shook her a little harder and pointed to the floating mass of wood, his gestures insistent that she climb aboard. As Charles grabbed her shoulder, it seemed to jar her slightly back into reality. She nodded slowly in response and grabbed the wood. Awkwardly, she climbed on top. What would they do now" How wee they going to survive?

Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-05 00:05 EST
It was fortunate that that the ship they were on was crossing the channel at one of its most narrow points, near Calais. If, and it was a distant hope for Charles, the coastal fleet had heard the fighting, they would dispatch a ship to investigate and hopefully rescue them. It would have to come soon though, Charles knew he would not long survive in the cold water; Perhaps thirty minutes at most. He found himself more concerned for Lilly however, and mouthed to her. asking if she was okay. She looked at him strangely for a moment and as she realized what he was asking her, she dipped her head once. It was a lie. She was not okay. It was cold. Her lips and body were wracked with shivers and she was still in shock.

As the screams of the dying dissipated and all began to fall silent, reality slowly seeped back in and suddenly Lilly began to shake her head wildly. She nearly fell off the board as she lifted her hands toward her ears in horror. She could not hear! "I can't hear" She shouted, "I can't hear!" She tried desperately to shake it. What was wrong" How could this happen" Her eyes welled with tears. He reached up, touching his hand to her cheek and smiled, attempting to soothe her, though inwardly he had no hope whatsoever. He had to appear calm if he was to reassure her; but even he knew what she may not have realized yet, she would long outlast him on the raft. Her eyes searched his and fear subsided for the moment. She became aware that being in the water he would freeze. She spoke very softly, weighted by the fear she felt, "You will die." "Don't worry about me," he said, smiling very softly. "The shore patrols should have heard the cannon. I can last perhaps a half an hour. They should be here before then." She squinted as she tried to make out the words. He seemed resigned to whatever fate might deal him. She offered a weak smile in return and searched the waters for any source of help.

When she turned back to him, she gasped as she saw him slipping beneath the water. Frantically, she grabbed his arms and tried to shake him awake, "No! can't leave me alone! Wake up! Wake up!"

She looked around, desperate for help amidst the nothingness. "Help! Someone! Help!" What was she to do'

A cold fear gripped her, as she realized there was only one thing she could do. She would have to swim. Where" She did not know, but if they both stayed there in the chilled water, they would surely die.

Carefully, she slipped off the wood. Lilly held onto Charles as if her life depended on it. Ice water pierced her veins and struck her to the bone. She swam slowly, determined, desperate....Swimming to...nothing

Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-05 00:50 EST
Then, suddenly she saw it.....The boat she had seen attached to the side of the Persephone. She was amazed it had not splintered into pieces. With a renewed effort, she swam with Charles in tow toward the boat. It took a while and it was a clumsy and exhausting effort, but she had somehow managed to lift him onto the boat and used her last bit of energy to pull herself in afterward. Lilly was emotionally and physically exhausted. She was freezing. Her teeth were chattering uncontrollably. What would they do now" She could not think. Instead, she curled up next to Charles in a futile attempt to keep warm and fell asleep while they both drifted.

Once out of the cold water and slowly warming again with the appearance of sun, Charles stirred. For the moment, he was oblivious of where he was or what was happening for he was still in a partial daze. As the moments passed, he became more lucid. He felt Lilly's warmth next to him. Soon he pieced together everything that had happened. She had drug him to the boat, in the ice cold water. He quickly moved to warm her, rubbing his hands against her back and sides, whispering her name softly and continuously. Suddenly, he was awash with emotion. He actually liked this woman; yet, it went beyond that. She was the enemy. Although, there was something about, her ....something new and unique...fresh. He looked at her face, flush from being in the icy water. "Oh Lilly, why did you have to be so stupid and try to save me" ?" Her pale lips twitched slightly and her eye lids fluttered. She was dreaming....riding her stallion when someone kept calling her name. It was faint at first and she wanted to ignore it; yet it became more persistent. "Lilly..Lilly.." She felt hands upon her, rubbing and warming. Warming" Her hand flew to her head and she felt wet and cold. Suddenly. she struggled upright gasping as she remembered. She could hear! Confusion etched its way upon her fine features. Charles looked at Lilly when she bolted upright, staring at her for a brief moment. His thoughts were mixed, "Why did you save me?" Slowly, she turned to face him. "I..I don't know." She really did not know why should would save her enemy. All of this added to the confusion she felt. Now, they would need each other to survive. "Well," Charles shifted slightly, "we can't depend on the current to get us to shore anytime soon, especially now with night setting in and the tide going out. We could be sucked into the North Sea. He glance about, looking for oars near him and not seeing any. Lilly, Look behind you, do you see anything we might use for oars?" Looking behind, she was amazed. There was still an oar within the boat. It was shoved just so, that it too, had made it through the attack. Lifting it up, she held it out awkwardly to Charles, "Here.."

"Merci," he took the oar and began rowing towards the shore. "Lilly, tell me about your life?"

She sat there cold and we,t pulling her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them tightly. Her long locks fell in damp curls around her shoulders, for it had long since fallen from its neat little bundle. Her head cocked slightly toward the side as she watched him and then she spoke softly, suddenly unsure of what to say...unsure of this man before her. "What is it you wish to know?"

He gazed upon her for quite some time before responding. He was quite taken with her beauty. She was disheveled, wet and in massive disarray, but she was beautiful; amazingly beautiful. The sight of her was intoxicating. Quickly, he broke off this vision and responded softly, "Anything you wish to tell."

Her eyes lowered and her cheeks flushed as she became aware of his intense gaze. Something fluttered within her stomach and she felt strange. Her lips pursed before she spoke, "Well, I'm sure you know most everything there is to know about me." Suddenly, she felt uneasy, awkward...No one had ever asked her that question before. They were always so busy telling her what to do. She cleared her throat softly and spoke with measured words, deciding to test the waters, "You know I am the princess of England. You know my mother is Queen Sophia, and my father is King John III. You have met my hand maiden, Maya," at her name, she glanced up at him and it looked as if there was a slight twitch of a grin pulling at the corner of her lip, "other than that, I suppose there is not much else to speak of."

He shifted his eyes, not wanting to look directly at her. "You miss her, don't you?"

"Maya?" A surprising little laugh twittered from her lips, "No, I don't. Well," she scrunched up her nose slightly, her face seeming to soften a little, "maybe a little. She can be quite...overbearing. I just...I just want to be free, that's all. I'm tired of being told to do this and that. I just want my own life to live." Oh! She was quite surprised at herself for sharing this much. He seemed to just...draw it out of her.

Charles let loose a bit of laughter himself and an easy smile tugged at his lips. "Your position certainly binds you to your country, but then, that isn't anything unusual. Let me ask you, was your arrangement with Warbuton political" Such things usually are in royalty" he mused.

Upon hearing his name, her smile fell and her eyes darkened. She hesitated, weighing the question in her mind and wondering whether she should grace him with an answer. Despite herself, she felt the word come tumbling from her lips, "Yes."

"Mm, it was as I thought," he paused. "Yet, you seem so attached. Tell me, what was it that you really wanted?"

Lilly furrowed her brows. She felt confused and torn. Why should she tell this man anything" He was still her enemy, despite what they had just been through. Yet, he had such a disarming demeanor and when he looked at her like that, it seemed as if it were okay to reveal whatever he wished to know. Besides, she reasoned, the chances of them making it out alive were slim. "He was...the better of the three," and the best rider, she added mentally.

It was as he had thought. She was in a political arrangement. Charles had been destined for the same thing, but he had refused adamantly for love. His smile faded as he remembered his dead wife. He felt silent and sulky as he rowed, thinking upon everything that he loved...all gone.

She watched him carefully. The pleasant visage and banter seemed to have left him and had been replaced by a mask of pain. She bit her lip and spoke her next words softly, "And what of yourself?"

He sighed, looking at her again and talking in an almost inaudible voice, "I was thinking of my wife and my children. Dead. I wanted to die on that battlefield."

For the first time, she felt compassion for this man. "Your wife, what was she like?"

He closed his eyes, bringing back the vivid images he held so close to his heart. There were times he wished the memories would die, to escape his mind forever and to stop tormenting him. "She was simple; someone I had met in town. She was a smith's daughter, intelligent, bright and beautiful. I loved her. My father had arranged a marriage for me to the Countess de Arras, but I refused it...for her. She was the light of my life and they ravaged her. I fought scores of battles seeking death. My quest to die for her made me fight ever more fiercely. I lived, all the while wishing for death. I still live, hoping to die."

She had never heard a man speak like this. His passion moved her and her heart throbbed for his pain. What was there to say' "Well," she whispered, "we may find it yet."


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-05 01:03 EST
He laughed a terrible, cold laugh, "We won't. The coast isn't more than a few miles away. Besides, I need to get you to safety. Unless, you too wish to die?"

She shivered at the sound of his laugh and then shrugged. "It doesn't matter, I cannot go back anyway."

He looked at her, slightly puzzled, "Why do you say this, Princess?"

"Because by now they will have found out what I've done. When I came to see you in father will not forgive it."

"Ahh....he will forgive you. Curiosity is only natural, especially with the young and intelligent. In France, you would be forgiven."

"No, it's not just that. It's so much more," and at that, she fell silent.

Charles noted her silence and decided to offer something he normally would never have considered....had she been any regular hostage. "Lilly, what if I could give you your freedom?"

For a moment, she looked at him, trying to figure out if he was playing with her mind, but then she shook her head slowly, "Where would I go?"

"I have several estates. You could choose one. A vineyard perhaps" Something that would generate income for you. You would be free, have a new name, a new could do whatever you pleased."

She wasn't sure why, but he had struck a chord in her defiant nature. Straightening, she tossed her hair and clenched her jaw determinedly. "I could not. I would *not* accept anything from you. Set me free if you wish....and you *will* to be sure, but I will find my own way."

"If I set you free Lilly, how would you live" What would you do on your own?" He sighed in exasperation, "So be it. You are free. You can go the moment we reach shore, but please...choose wisely. Stay with me. At least for the time being. I can teach you the French way of things."

Her anger returned. Lilly's visage grew cold, "I will do fine on my own. I do not *wish* to learn the "French way of things."

Charles's jaw clenched. "Have it your way Princess," he retorted. "In fact, since you wish to have it your way, please...take the oar," he let it drop lifelessly into the boat, "I am perfectly fine with dying at sea."


Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-05 01:21 EST
Lilly gasped. The nerve of this man! Any ground they had gained in the realm of decency was quickly forgotten. She stared at him incredulously, "Row the boat," she demanded and stood a bit wobbly, pointing at the oar. "Row it!"

He looked at her squarely in the face and motioned to the oar, "If you won't row Prin-cess, I'll throw it overboard."

Folding her arms stubbornly, she simply looked at him blankly.

Charles had become livid. all the feelings he had begun to feel for this woman...this girl....had disappeared. If she would not row, then she would die. It was that simple. Grabbing the oar, Charles quickly pushed the oar overboard and then simply leaned back in the boat closing his eyes. If he could die in battle, he would choose to die at peace in his sleep.

Lilly's mouth dropped open. How could he be so cruel" Did he really expect her to row" Her blue eyes blazed with rage as she thrust her finger in the direction of the floating oar, "Get. It."

Charles opened one eye, glancing at her for a moment and then promptly shut it. "You're free Princess. You can get it yourself."

She could not believe the nerve of this man. "You! You are...Humph!" Her arms folded across her chest as she looked toward the drifting oar. Softly she muttered, "You don't really expect *me* to retrieve it."

His eyes were still closed as he spoke, "Who told me she didn't need any help" She could do everything on her own" Well....rescue yourself Princess."

"Well, I..." She paused for a moment, sputtering for the words that she might say next. Instead, she pressed her lips together tightly. "FINE THEN!" Quite suddenly, she sat down and pushed one arm and then another into the cold water, trying rather unsuccessfully to row the boat toward the escaping oar with her arms and hands."

Charles laughed heartily as he heard and in turn, saw her hands splash into the water, working determinedly to steer the boat, "For an intelligent person, you certainly aren't that bright, are you Princess? Perhaps you failed to notice the coil of rope behind you."

In response, she directed a cold glare his way. "Ah, a coil of rope to hang you with. Yes, how useful."

"Now, if you only hand a yard arm, Lilly..."

"You are contemptible."

"So are you, but I'm the only one who has offered help, who has tried to free you from your aristocratic prison and who, until several moments ago, was perfectly willing to row you to shore and to safety."

It was really too much. She had never met anyone like him. No one ever talked to her that way. How cruel he was! Still, she held her silence as she turned her back toward him, miserably eying the vast water before her.

Charles smiled to himself, happy that she had stopped talking. Perhaps the silence would give her an opportunity to realize her position in society. She would no longer be waited on, or treated as royalty. No, if she was determined to make her own stubborn way, Charles would show her truth and exactly what her decision would mean.

Tapping her fingers upon her folded arm, Lilly found herself becoming quite distraught. Clearly, he was not going to budge. Pressing her lips together, she came to a decision.

There was a splash as Lilly dove into the water, swimming toward the oar...

Leoni Lupin

Date: 2012-09-05 01:52 EST
Charles's smile grew wider. Perhaps she was finally beginning to understand. He decided to put it to the test, getting up and grabbing the rope and then throwing a length out to her, "Do you need help?"

She was struggling with the force of the water which fed her fury further. When his voice called out it sounded...smug. Even though she could desperately use the help, she refused it and his question was duly ignored as she breathlessly reached out and grasped for the bobbing oar.

He would continue to play her game. Charles pulled in the rope and would let her do it her way...the hard way. "Lilly, Lilly, Lilly...," he mused aloud. "You may be free, but you've so much to learn."

Her anger was mounting as she turned to swim back toward the boat. "I would swim all the way to shore if I knew where to go, just to rid myself of you. You, contemptible beetle!" She hated being in the cold, murky water and so, she redoubled her efforts on the way back.

Charles shrugged and returned to laying back in the boat. "So be it Lilly. I won't conceal your identity when we reach shore, since you don't need my help. The guillotine will make a quaint companion for you. It's blade is about as cold as you are."

Reaching the boat, she struggled to climb in. She became ever more annoyed that it hadn't been so easy and annoyed with the struggle it took to land herself within the boat. "You..." breathlessly she spoke, "wouldn't dare."

"Who wouldn't dare, Princess" You're the one who tried to have me killed. I offer you help, you don't want it. I won't help you one bit now. If they discover who you are, and they will, it will be your own doing."

"Nonsense," she had finally settled, soaking wet within the boat. Her clothes felt heavy and they made movement difficult. Again, she held the oar out toward him. Her brows lifting, as if to encourage him to take it.

He turned his back to her in response, "Only if you ask."

A soft, resigned sigh escaped her lips, "Please."

After a long moment of silence, Charles finally turned toward her and took the oar. "Was that so difficult, Lilly?"

She twisted her mouth slightly and folded her arms, looking away and choosing not to answer.

"I thought so. You know you want to be something you aren't. Why don't you just give in?"

"I have everything I need. I do not need the French, of all people, telling me what I want and do not wish. Why should I give in" What good will that do me, aside from making me weak?"

"So, you'd rather be back in England then" What do *you* want Lilly?"

"What I want is of no concern to you. Just get us to land and we will part our ways."

"Of no concern" It seems our fate is inevitably linked, because when you go your own way...your own way will lead you to death."

"So be it." She didn't mean it, but found herself with nothing left to say.

He could see clearly as he rowed, that she did not feel that way. Staring at her for a long moment, he stated simply, "Drop this act, Lilly. You don't hate me. You know you don't. Just as I do not hate you."

She was silent for a long moment. "You are French. I am English...a princess."

He looked at her plainly, "Not anymore."

Slender brows arched as she eyed him curiously, "What do you mean?"

"Would your father accept you back into the fold of royalty' By your own admission, no. What will you be to the rest of Europe, under the French yoke?"

She tried hard to suppress the tears that filled her eyes. She knew this was all too true, but to hear him speak it aloud....She shook her head slowly and found it suddenly hard to speak.

He let the oar slide into the boat, stopping for a moment to slowly approach her and envelop her in his arms. "Lilly, sweet Lilly, from now on, you can just live. You'll be Lilly, not the "Princess of England," bound by custom and law. This is a profound beginning for you, not an ignoble end. All you must do is seize it."

"But," suddenly she felt childish, "I don't want to be plain....a commoner." As much as Lilly tried to overcome it, she was still young and it showed blatantly in this moment.

Charles did his best to soothe her as he rubbed his hands along her cold back. "Lilly, I never said you'd be a commoner, just not a princess. The further down you are, the more freedom you are allowed."

He was so warm. Finally, she felt herself give in and relaxed against him. She layed her head on his shoulder and before she could help it, her next words seemed to slip out, "I"m scared."

He held her close and laughed softly. It was a soothing sound, not of derision. "Don't be scared. Be brave. You've been brave enough so far. If you can stand everything that has happened so far, you'll do wonderfully."

"But, where will I go' What will I do?"

"I can arrange something for you. If not in France, somewhere else. If you want to, you can stay with me."

Lilly stiffened and pulled away slightly, her eyes found his as she spoke softly, "I...don't know. I am so frightened and there is just much."

"Shhh," he put a finger to her lips and whispered, "Take your time Lilly. We have many hours before we'll reach the shore."

Lilly nodded slowly, as her eyes lifted and looked past him toward the beginning of a shoreline. It seemed an impending doom, or was it as he had said....a new beginning? She was unsure, but she knew that her life, whether she liked it or not, was in the hands of a sworn enemy....a French man, whom she could not seem to call an enemy of her own no matter how hard she tried to see it that way.

((And that's all folks. If you wish to continue this storyline with me, please by all means....let me know. I hope you enjoyed it either way.))