Topic: Step By Step (18+)

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 00:14 EST
It was a party. Just a party. But going to that party was another big step for the timid Wisp and her edging towards regaining herself and who she had been before ....well, before coming here, to RhyDin. The Tinker was responsible for convincing her. And as it turned out, perhaps too big a step too soon. There was panicking and drinking and babbling, and eventually the pair decided to escape before causing a scene of their own. Which was how they ended up here, the Phantom of the Opera and his Christine, running through the trees back towards the den.

Jared ran with Frankie, laughing. "My shoes are all slippery!" He kicked them off, where they ended up he'll never know. It was much easier to run barefoot through the grass as they headed towards the den. "Are you really going to teach me to dance?"

"Sure, why not?" Frankie grinned back at him, pushing her mask up on top of her wig and dislodging the whole thing in the process. She laughed, catching both mask and wig before they hit the ground, and shaking her blonde hair out. "Oh, that's better!"

"Much better!" Jared laughed approvingly. He could have run for hours with her. "I like your real hair. It's pretty." He kept her hand in his as they neared the caverns.

"Tink!" She giggled, relieved to be away from the crowds and with someone she trusted so well. As they neared the den, she slowed, kicking off her slippers and dropping her handful of papier-mache and synthetic hair on top of them. "Okay ....hear that music?"

"What?" He laughed as they came to a stop. Quickly the jacket and cape were shed and on the ground with her wig. "I hear it." He nodded. "But what does that mean?"

"That means ..." She grabbed a handful of her voluminous skirt and stepped up to him, "....we get to dancing. It's real simple, trust me." Dropping her skirt, she slid one hand into his, and lifted the other to curl over his shoulder. "Put your hand on my waist."

He watched her curiously and did as he was asked. His hand went to her waist and his other reached for and lifted her other hand. "I've seen pictures. I just can't move like they do."

She smiled, tilting her head back to look up at him. "Of course you can, you just need to find the beat," she insisted. "Just sway with me, okay' No moving your feet much, just swaying."

If he were a metronome, he'd have been thrown away a long time ago. The rhythm he swayed to was of his own heart, not the music that was playing in the distance. He tried, valiantly, to move as she did, his lip bitten in concentration.

Frankie did try not to giggle at the intense expression on his face. "Jared, dancing isn't something you do, it's something you feel," she told him with a grin. "Like a heartbeat. Listen." Her hand slid around in his and laid his palm innocently over her heart where he could feel her heartheat. She moved in time with it, swaying from side to side as she watched him.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 00:15 EST
Now that he could understand. As his hand rested above her heart, he smiled. It was nearly in synch with his own. Slowly he moved with her, his smile growing incrementally as the moments passed in silence. Light dawned in his eyes. "I got it!"

Her own smile was wide and happy as he moved with her, holding his hand over her heart as her feet started to move, tiny, baby steps back and forward. "Move your feet," she whispered, not wanting to break the rhythm by raising her voice. "Do what comes naturally."

His knees stiffened and locked as he lifted one foot, then another. He teetered back and forth, like Frankenstein. "Like that?" he whispered.

"Relax. Loosen up your legs." Her bare toes nudged against his as she bounced up and down a little to demonstrate. "See" Your knees want to bend, let them." Her fingers started to tap a waltz against his over her heart.

He bent his knees and bounced, flat footed. "One two three.." he counted as her fingers tapped. Now he looked like a jaunty sailor doing a jig.

She couldn't help it, she laughed softly, shaking her head as her feet and fingers stilled. "What does it take for you to relax, Tink?"

He stopped moving when she did and laughed with her. "I'm relaxed, I just can't dance." he shrugged and bobbed his head a bit. "Maybe if we got closer" That way my feet won't feel like they're all alone."

She blinked a little, glancing between them, and looked up innocently. "Okay ....uh close do you mean' Like this?" She gently shifted his arm out from between them, dislodging his hand from her skin, and stepped closer, until their torsos were brushing.

"Yeah, just like that." He grinned. His arm snaked around her waist, holding her close. His hand took hers and held it up. "And one two three.." he laughed as he stepped lightly in the beginnings of a waltz.

"Hey ..." Frankie's lips curved in a suspiciously amused smile as he caught up her hand, moving with him easily. "I thought you said you couldn't dance."

"This isn't dancing." He smiled as they moved gracefully under the moonlight. "This is waltzing." he dipped her low, then brought her back up. "One two three, one two three."

She squeaked a little as he dipped her, clutching tighter to his shoulder with a soft laugh. Her feet followed his automatically as she stared up at him incredulously. "So all that bother ....that was just a trick?" she asked laughingly. "What on earth for?"

"What trick?" He was confused and brought the waltz to a halt. "I really cannot dance. But waltzing is easy. You count, you move your feet every time you count. Nothing to it." He shrugged and took a step back.

"But waltzing is dancing," she protested with a smile, stepping with him. "You just move to the music, to the beat you can feel and hear. Let your body do what it wants to do."

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 00:17 EST
"No no no." he shook his head. "Waltzing you stand stiff and only move your feet. You don't bounce, you don't bend. You just glide. Waltzing is gliding. Not dancing." He nodded, folding his arms over his chest.

"So this ..." She stepped back, flashing him a challenging smile. Her arms lifted above her head and her hips rolled, feet moving easily as she swayed to the beat they could just hear from the town. "This isn't dancing?"

He watched as she moved away and he shook his head. "No, that is dancing. That is not waltzing." He couldn't understand why she didn't understand this simple concept. "See, waltzing." He lifted his arms as if holding her and stepped off, gliding in a circular motion. Then he stopped and wriggled, arms flailing, legs stiff and chest puffed out. "That's dancing. And my dancing sucks."

"So why didn't you waltz when we were dancing?" she asked, pausing to cross her arms over her chest. "Yeah, I get it, it's gliding, but it's a type of dancing. What stopped you waltzing with me" Apart from the 'fairy'." She lifted her hands to make bunny ears, grinning at him.

"Because it wasn't one two three music." he shrugged, it was all so simple to him. "And don't do that. I'm going to have nightmares for a month!"

"You're in good company, then." Her impish smile faded, though, and she wrapped her arms around herself. "Sorry, bad joke."

He wrapped his arms around her, too. "Oh, I'm sorry, Wisp. I didn't mean to make you sad." He sighed and shook his head. "We'll dream about foot long hot dogs and wrestling around in front of Mother Coyote. How about that?"

"You didn't make me sad. You never make me sad." She lifted her head, winding her arms around his waist to squeeze gently as she smiled. "You're my best friend."

"You're my best friend, too, Wisp." he grinned as he looked down at her. His smile faded as he felt gravity or something pull his face towards hers.

She gazed up at him, her own smile staying in place as she nestled into his arms. Innocent as she was, she didn't expect anything beyond a nuzzle, or a kiss to her cheek from his slow advance.

His eyelids felt like lead as they drifted closed. He couldn't see, but he could feel. His lips brushed hers every so gently before he pulled back and the lead left his eyelids so he could open them again.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 00:19 EST
She gasped softly when his lips touched hers, colour flooding her cheeks as she stared up at him with wide eyes. Her lips fell open, her tongue sneaking out to wet them before she swallowed. "Jared?" she whispered softly, not pulling away.

"Yeah?" His voice soft and he blinked, a little confused himself. But he didn't make a move away from her either.

"What just happened?" Her hands flattened on his back, warming his skin through his shirt. Brown eyes fixed on his, softly questioning.

"I, uh." he blinked rapidly, trying to process what had just happened. "I kissed you?" He glanced away, just for a moment, then back. His grin was back in place. "Yes, I kissed you. That's what happened."

A faint frown touched her brow, moments before his infectious grin brought a smile to her lips. "Why?" she asked curiously, all but oblivious to any reason why he would want to kiss her in particular.

His nose twitched and he realized he still had that mask on his face. "My lips wanted to." he shrugged, then lifted his hand to start tugging on the mask. "I mean, it's like one second we're laughing and the next my mouth said move forward. Or maybe it was gravity. Or I don't know. But it felt right." He continued to tug, spirit gum stretching and not letting the mask go. "Ow."

"Ow," she murmured in a sympathetic echo, stepping back from him and taking his hand. "Come here ....go and stick your head in the lake, it'll help the glue come free." She gave him a shove towards the water, following along behind him. Her hand raised to her lips, touching lightly where his lips had touched, and a secretive smile appeared on her lips.

He got pushed and prodded towards the lake. Going to his knees, he plunged his face into the cold, dark water. He began shaking his head and blowing bubbles that popped on the surface around the cloud of hair that haloed his head.

Watching him, Frankie braved the splashing just long enough to clamp a hand on his collar and drag him up again, before squealing and hurrying out of range of the flying droplets.

When she dragged him up, he whipped his head back and the water arched over his head as his hair moved with it before slapping on his back. "That's cold!" He laughed and turned to look up at her. But he could not see a thing through the mask that had slid across his face and covered the eye closest to her. "Hey! I'm blind!"

"Not only that, you're deformed!" Frankie couldn't help it, edging forward to poke at his slipped mask. She wasn't entirely sure she trusted him not to get her wet on purpose.

"Oh no! I turned into the Phantom!" He laughed and put his fingers around the edge of the mask and pulled. "mmm nnnn..." and finally it came free, leaving gobs of spirit gum on his face. "Whew! I'm not blind." He grinned, blinking rapdily.

Giggling helplessly, Frankie dropped to her knees in front of him, the huge skirts of her dress billowing out around her. Her hand lifted to pick at the gobs of glue still stuck to his face, gently cleaning him as she laughed with him. "You're such a goof, Tink."

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 00:21 EST
Smiling, he lifted his face so she could clean it better. "Sometimes I try to be. I just like people to smile." He closed his eyes and sighed contently. "Can I kiss you again?"

There was that blush again, joined this time with the shy smile she'd offered him when they'd first met. Her eyes lowered to where her fingers were playing with the gobs of glue, picking at them nervously. "If you want to," she nodded, lifting her gaze to his again with a faint nod.

"I do." He grinned and lifted his chin to give her a quick kiss this time. "It makes me all tingly inside." He laughed at himself and had to turn his head to keep her from seeing the deep red blush of his cheeks.

She laughed quietly, flicking the glue away to lay her hand gently on his arm, craning her neck to look into his face. "Me, too," she confessed timidly, biting her lip as she smiled. "Can ....can I kiss you?"

He turned to look at her, stunned. Then he nodded with exceitment. "Yes, you can kiss me, too." He leaned forward and puckered his lips, eyes clenching shut.

Shy and slow, she leaned forward, pecking his lips with hers nervously, fast and not very gentle. But then she took a breath in, lifting her hands to touch his cheeks gently, and leaned close once again, setting her lips to his as her eyes closed.

He flinched at the first attempt, then settled and let his lips simply rest against hers in the second attempt. His hands moved to her shoulders and squeezed gently.

Her lips parted softly in the moment before she drew back, opening her eyes to blink up at him. A soft smile rose on her face as her thumbs smoothed down his jaw. "That was nice," she whispered shyly.

Even as she pulled away, Jared remained transfixed in the position he was in during the kiss. His lips moved, fish like for several moments before he realized that he was no longer being kissed back. One eye popped open to look at her, then the other. "Very nice, indeed."

For a long while, she remained gazing up at him, unable to help the way her eyes flicked from his eyes to his lips and back again, slowly dropping her hands from his jaw to his shirt front. "Well, then ..." But she couldn't think of anything else to say.

They were nearly negative mirror images of each other, simply staring and not moving. That is, until she spoke. He didn't know what to say, either. But, her voice had broken the spell he was under and his smile returned in spades.

His smile sparked off another smile from her, and she sat back on her heels again. Her head tilted curiously as she looked him over. "What?" she asked in confusion, tapping his chest with her finger.

"Nothing. But if you believed what some of the fishermen used to say, you're going to have a baby soon." He pealed with laughter then, rocking back on his own heels.

"What' Jared!" That tapping finger turned into a poke, and then a shove as she laughed with him, blushing furiously. "You're impossible!" Back to poking, and that, naturally, turned to tickling.

It had been a party. Then a lesson in dancing. And that lesson had become something else, indefinable but important in both hearts. And, of course, that in turn had become play, something the two lynxes were growing proficient at. Because somewhere in the middle of playing and laughing, in the centre of building a friendship that would last, something else was building, slowly, step by step.

((Adapted from Live Play with Jared and Frankie Torres.))

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 06:56 EST
Grooming is a very time consuming process for a cat. It can take place over several hours of each day, and even longer when that cat is not a cat for most of the time. Living among humans had helped Frankie to cut that time down a little, though she still did most of her personal hygiene in lynx form. Right now, though, she was sitting on a boulder outside the cave mouth, watching the moon rise, and dragging an unforgiving comb through her unrepentant hair.

Jared was not too far away. Ever since that kiss in the dark, he spent as much time near Frankie as he could. Watching her comb out her hair, he canted his head, hands in pockets, one foot crossed lazily over the other, toe on the point as he leaned against the mouth of the cave. "Do you want me to do that for you?"

With the comb snagged in one particularly unforgiving snarl, Frankie turned her head, grimacing slightly at the ache from the tug of her hair. She blushed a little on seeing him; but then, she blushed a little everytime she saw him now, since their surprisingly frank exchange of kisses. "If you think you can do a better job of it than me," she shrugged, and winced. "I think I've got the comb stuck."

"I don't know about better." he smiled with a shrug. Pushing off of the wall, hw walked over, then sat down behind her. Scooting forward, his legs on either sides of hers, he moved her hands from the comb and gently untangled it from the rat's nest. "You've really got pretty hair." He mused as he took the ends in one hand and gently combed through them, loosening and getting rid of the snarls there.

"It's just hair," she shrugged with a smile he couldn't see, hiding winces each time the teeth of the comb snagged or pulled. Never mind how nice it felt to be surrounded on three sides by him, it was actually pretty pleasant to have someone comb her hair for her. "Yours is pretty, too." Even as she said it, she cringed at herself. Smart, real smart ....who tells a boy he has pretty hair"

"It's your hair." He tried to be gentle, but it was a real mess back there. Every time she winced, he did too. "I'm sorry it hurts." He whispered sincerely. "And I've got a mop on top of my head. I'm really bald." He grinned, waiting to see if she'd turn around and try to inspect.

"A mop" Tink, don't be daft don't, do you?" True to form, Frankie twisted around in the vee of his legs, a faint frown on her brow as she lifted one small hand to inspect his hairline. "You don't," she accused him with a shy laugh. "You're such a tease."

He squinched up his nose and laughed at being inspected. While she was distracted, he'd managed to untangle that snarl of hair that had stuck the comb earlier. "I'm not a tease. I'm a goof, remember" Tease, goof. Make up your mind." He tapped the end of her nose with the comb.

She stuck her tongue out at him, making a grab for the comb. "You're both," she corrected herself playfully. "And you're cute and funny and daft and all sorts of fun to be around." Each compliment that followed on was accompanied by a poke of her finger to his shoulder.

"Ow, ow, ow." Jared laughed at her poking. "I don't know who you're talking about, Frankie. I think you've got addle brained or something." He glanced over his shoulders to see J'rial not so far off, keeping sentinal over them. "Unless you think Scales is all of those things?"

She followed his gaze, her head tilting in feline fashion as she took her time comtemplating the Saurian thoughtfully, determined to tease the Tinker just as much as he teased her. "Hmm ....maybe it is him I was talking about," she mused playfully.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 06:59 EST
"Well, he is kind of cute." He grinned broadly and turned back to gaze down at her. "Not as cute as you, of course," he corrected quickly. "But in a strange, lizard kind of way, cute."

Oh, she couldn't pass that one up, not when it had been offered to her on a silver platter. "Tink, are you saying what I think you're saying?" she laughed softly, brown eyes twinkling with teasing good humour. "Are you falling in lurve with Scales?"

"Oh, I am!" He pressed his hands to his chest and squirmed left and right. He laughed lightly and then shook his head. "You're such a goose. For a cat, you're a goose."

"Am not!" she declared amid a hail of indignant giggles, shifting right around to sit cross-legged facing him on that boulder. "You're swooning and sighing over Scales, admit it! Bet you dream of doing kissy-kissy and suck-face with him all night long!"

"Stop telling on yourself." Jared grinned and offered the comb back to her. "I heard you rumbling in your sleep about 'Oh Scales, yes, Scales.." His voice had went into falsetto for that.

"I don't talk in my sleep," she objected, taking the comb from him and rapping it rather smartly on the end of his nose. "Anyway, if I was going to say his name in my sleep, it would be his name, Tink, not his nickname. J'rial has such a noble ring to it, don'tcha think?" She smirked impishly at him, tilting her head in a coquettish flirt that would have surprised her if she'd realised she was doing it.

"Do to!" He grabbed his nose when it was bopped. "Ow!" Holding his nose, he began to laugh. "It does have a noble sound to it. Though I don't think you could pronounce it in your sleep. It's a bit of a tongue twister."

"S'not any more of a tongue twister than Francesca, and you seem to manage that one just fine," she grinned impishly, tapping his nose once more with the comb before wriggling around to slide down off the boulder with a soft giggle. She was certain she had him that time.

"What?" He double blinked as his nose was tapped again. He slid down after her and stood with his hands on his hips. "Is that what your name means" Francesca" I thought it was fraidy cat!" He grinned and took off like a shot.

"Fraidy - you come back here!" The comb was forgotten, dropped onto the rocks by the den as Frankie took off after him, intent on revenge for that jab.

Jared laughed as he zig zagged across the grassy glen. "Fast as fast can be, you'll never..." at that time he stubbed his toe on a rock and went tumbling into the grass. "catch me."

Well, she wasn't expecting that. The little woman let out a yell and jumped awkwardly over him rather than land on top of her friend, lost her footing, and found herself tumbling down a rather steep slope to land flat on her back in a breathless heap in a small glade she'd not seen before.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 07:02 EST
He lifted his head in time to see her tumble out of sight. "Wisp?" He was up quickly and ran to the edge of that slope. "Are you alright?" He lost his footing, arms pinwheeling as he slid onto his bottom, all the way down the hill.

She was just getting to her feet when Jared came sliding down towards her, too startled to get out of the way in time. He knocked her feet out from under her, her slight frame landing on top of his as she 'eep'ed in startlement before bursting out laughing. "Tink, are you alright?"

They lay there, a jumble of limbs. He laughed, struggling to sit up. "I've been Wisped!"

"So now you're my slave, you have to do everything I tell you to do, right?" She giggled, pushing herself up to look down at him as she made a spirited attempt at capturing and pinning his hands.

"I don't do that anyway?" He laughed and got to his feet, dusting off his behind. "I mean, you snap your fingers and I jump, don't I?"

Frankie rolled off him and thumped down onto her backside, undoing all his good work with the comb as her hair picked up every loose bit of bracken it came into contact with. She leaned up onto her elbows, watching him with a grin. "Really?" Up came her hand, and click went her fingers.

Oh, he saw that coming a mile away. When she snapped her fingers, he jumped alright. Jumped so that both his feet were on either side of her waist and then plopped down to sit on her rump.

Frankie let out a squeal of laughter as she was squashed face down in the bracken, flicking her foot up to thump lightly against his backside as she twisted to look up at him. "Get off me, you goof, you'll squash me!"

He put his arms in the position of the Thinker. Sitting stoically, he stared down at her. "No."

She narrowed her eyes at him, not making any attempt to hide her laughter, and twisted around to lie on her back. Her hands lifted to push at him. "I'll tell on you," she threatened teasingly.

"Tell who?" But as she was now on her back, he stood up and stepped over her. Then he plopped down beside her, stretched out, long and lean. His palm cupped his head behind his ear, elbow to the ground. "Tell who, Wispy Wisp?" He poked at her belly.

She squeaked and squirmed, grabbing at his hand as she wriggled under that poking. "I'll, I'll, I'll tell Miha, and she'll ..." she trailed off, her wriggling bringing her right up against him as she grabbed his hand with both of hers.

"She'll what?" He laughed as his hand was grabbed. He was grinning madly and waiting to see what she'd do as such an opportune moment.

She stared up at him from the amazing distance of less than three inches, her mouth working silently as she tried to think of some dreadful threat she could use against her best friend. She knew he wouldn't take her seriously, no matter what she said."Oooh, you -!" Completely out of inspiration, she released his hand and made to roll away.

With the way her mouth moved, he thought he might get one of those kisses again. Just a little disappointed when she rolled away. Laughing at her frustration, he sat up and hugged his knees to his chest. "She could sic Scales on me!"

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 07:04 EST
"Oh, a girl can't deal with you herself, huh?" She rose up onto her knees, pouting outrageously. "Miha could whup you ten times round the Glen and back without breaking a sweat!"

"Nu-uh!" He poked his tongue out at her. "She thinks I'm cute." he grinned, nose in the air.

"She would if I asked her to," she smiled with a sickening sweetness that could only be put on. "She thinks I'm cuter than you." She stuck her own tongue out at him and blew a raspberry in his general direction.

"Nu-uh!" Jared stood up and turned around to wiggle his rear end in her direction. "My butt's cuter!"

She shifted, lifting her leg and planting her foot squarely on his behind, giving him a shove to send him sprawling through the dry undergrowth again. "Your butt's bigger, not cuter!"

"Ah!" He fell forwards into the crackling underbrush. "You, you!" He turned quickly and waggled his finger at her.

Both her forefingers waggled back at him impishly. "Me, me!" she teased him, leaning over to tweak at his nose with a giggle.

"That's it, you're in trouble!" He lunged towards her when his nose was tweaked. Of course, he only gave it half of his power.

It was enough to send her sprawling backwards in the undergrowth with a loud shriek of laughter. The fall was mainly her doing; she overcompensated with leaning away and fell backwards with a loud giggle, holding up her hands to ward him off playfully. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, but I would. Rawr!" He curled his fingers into wiggling claws and attacked her belly in a very tickling fashion. "I would, I will, I did!"

"NO! Tink!" She shrieked with laughter, wriggling around underneath him wildly as she grabbed at his hands. "Stop, I'll wet myself and you'll have to clean it up!"

"Eww!" He scrunced his nose up and quickly moved away from her. "That's just nasty, Wisp!"

She slumped back, breathless, flushed and giggling, grinning over at him wickedly. "Got you to stop, though, didn't I?"

"You're so weird." He laughed and sank down onto the soft grass.

"I am not," she objected laughingly. "You're weird." She reached over and poked his side impishly.

He scooted away from that poke. "You are too. Threatening to wee on me!"

"No, I didn't! I threatened to wee on me and make you clean me up, there's a difference!" She scrambled up and sat across his thighs. "Now ....this would be threatening to wee on you," she grinned. "Sorta like marking my territory, isn't it' Isn't that what boys do?"

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 07:07 EST
He laughed and let his hands rest on her hips when she straddled his thighs. "Like I said, you're so weird." He grinned with a chuckle. "And yeah, we mark our territory. Want me to wee on you?"

"Eww!" Her nose scrunched in almost exactly the same way as his had done. "That's gross!" His nose seemed to be her victim of choice today, for it got another tweak for that suggestion. "You saying I'm part of your territory?"

He grinned, at least until his nose got tweaked. "The nose! What'd it do to you?" He put his hands over it protectively. " you?"

Her smile faded as she looked down at him, her expression soft and a little uncertain. "I don't know," she murmured softly. "Do you want me to be?"

He looked up, just as confused as she was. "Um, if you want to be. Then yes." He nodded with a grin finally.

Chewing on her lip, Frankie seemed lost in thought for a long while, before finally offering him a shy smile and nodding slowly. Then she made a slightly worried face. "You're not really going to wee on me, are you?"

He laughed out loud and flung his arms around her to hug her tightly. "Not unless you want me to, Wisp."

Caught up in his hug, she fell forward to purr and nuzzle at his cheek for a moment. "You'd better not, or I'll do something worse to you," she threatened cheerfully.

He purred and nuzzled, happy to be hugging. "Oh no, what could possibly worse than weeing on me?"

Frankie snickered, leaning up on her hands as her hair dropped over her shoulder to tickle at his cheek. "You really can't think of anything worse?" she smiled sweetly down at him.

"Oh no you don't!" He quickly wriggled from under her. Jumping up, he ran up that steep incline. "You're not going to tickle me!"

"Hey!" Knocked onto her backside by his wriggle, Frankie scrambled to her feet, laughing at the huge headstart he'd given himself. "Come back here, you coward!" With her face set in a wide smile, she scrambled after him, using hands and feet to get herself up to the top of that incline.

"Look, got the yellow belly to prove it!" Jared grinned and lifted his shirt before darting towards the caverns.

"Why, you - you goof!" Not a great insult, to be sure, but she was more concerned with making up the ground on him. She almost managed it, too, flinging herself towards him and catching at his ankle with her outstretched fingers.

His ankle was caught and he lurched forward. The trademark arm pinwheel and widened eyes as he fell onto his stomach with an "oof?, the wind knocked out of his sails.

Cackling in triumph, the little Wisp crawled forward hurriedly, right on top of him, to pin him to the ground. She bounced on top of the captured Tinker, giggling. "Dude, you are so out of your depth!"

"Oof! Oof!" Each time she landed, his arms and legs flailed upwards. "Am, oof! Not oof!" Quickly, he rolled to his stomach and sat up, catching her in a hug meant to keep her still.

Now this was an unusual position to find herself in. Sat straddling his kneeling legs, with her arms around his neck and his around her waist, Frankie blushed through her giggles, somewhat startled to discover herself quite this close to him. "Are too," she murmured sweetly.

"Who has who here?" Jared laughed and looked down into her face. He was asking himself that question.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-10-28 07:09 EST
She gazed into his face, slightly stunned by the sudden overwhelming strength of his scent, the sensation of being wrapped up in his arms. "Uh ..." she cleared her throat awkwardly, a blushing smile taking the place of her giggles. "I'm not sure."

" either." He blinked rapidly, his body changing and tingling inside. Her scent was overwhelming and he had the sudden urge to bite her neck. and without a single hesitation, he leaned forward to do just that, with a soft purr.

Her head tilted as his breath touched her neck, eyes beginning to close only to snap open with a sharp gasp at the bite. Her arms tightened around him, scratching her nails across his shoulderblades in an instinctive response that came from the blast of tingling, crackling heat that shot through her even as she purred into his ear.

His body shuddered and his head snapped up when she clawed his back. Blood trickled from the corner of his mouth. "Ow!"

She gasped again, shocked at herself for hurting him. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" was exclaimed over and over again as she loosened her grip on him, looking everywhere but his face as she wriggled to escape, not wanting to face what she'd done.

"Hey, no, it's ok. I-it just surprised me." He held her tightly, then noticed the shining mark on her shoulder. "Gah! I'm sorry!" he wriggled beneath her to get away from himself.

"Sorry for what?" To be honest, she hadn't noticed the ache in her shoulder, more frightened that she had hurt him. And to have him suddenly wanting away from her after telling her that what she'd done was okay ....Frankie was very confused. She let him release her, dropping onto her backside on the grass and curling her arms around her knees. "What did I do wrong?" she whispered worriedly.

"I, oh!" He danced about, a worried expression on his face. "Miha's going to whup me and good." He glanced around and then knelt beside her. With a tug of her dress, he pulled the neckline up until the bite disappeared. "There. Now it'll be ok."

"You said I was your territory," she murmured in confusion, looking up at him as he covered the mark his teeth had left behind on her skin. "What's wrong with leaving you mark on me" Miha wouldn't scratch you if I told her the truth."

"She wouldn't?" He knelt down slowly and gently tugged the neckline of the dress down to its natural lay on her skin. "I didn't mean to hurt you." He gently touched the already shining mark.

Her eyes lifted to his, warm and uncertain. "You didn't hurt me," she told him softly, blushing furiously as she glanced away, and then back to him. "I ....I-I liked it."

He reached up to quickly scratch at an errant mosquito bite on his neck, hand moving quickly. "You did?" He looked at her in wonder as his head canted curiously.

She nodded, lifting her hand to run her fingertips over the mark he'd left on her skin. It ached a little, but nothing that truly hurt her. "I-it felt ....good," she shrugged, chewing on her bottom lip as she looked up at him. "I'm sorry I scratched you."

He kept watching her in amazement. His back didn't even hurt anymore. It tingled. "I-it's ok. Just surprised me." He started to grin and stood up then. "Come on, let's go show them. We marked our territory."

What that meant for them, neither could know. It wasn't a mating, or a bonding. But maybe, for now, friendship was enough.

((Adapted from Live Play with Jared and Frankie Torres.))

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-02 23:21 EST
Jared woke up with a grumble to his belly. He was hungry. Hungry for fish. Slipping out of the caverns, he quickly dove into the lake. He was one cat that tolerated the water, only because of the plentiful bounty of food stored within those aqua depths. Before too long, he had three or four catfish tossed up onto the bank. Crawling out of the pond, he sat beside it to dry off in the early morning sunrise.

Frankie stirred on hearing the splash, feeling the cool where there should have been a warm body curled up next to her. She stretched, yawned, and rolled over, looking around the cavern curiously. "Jared?" she whispered, thinking maybe he'd just moved away from her in the night. Then she heard the sounds of swimming, and clambered to her feet, creeping out of the den to wander down to the shore, rubbing her eyes sleepily. "What are you doing, Tink?"

Upon hearing his name, he glanced over his shoulder with a smile. "Good morning, Wisp. Just getting some breakfast." He gestured to the pile of fish. "Ever eaten catfish before?"

One hand snuck under her wealth of blonde hair to scratch at her scalp as she sat down near him. Not too near - he was all wet, after all. "Catfish' I don't think so," she mused with a yawn. "You're soaked."

"Yeah, had to catch them somehow." He chuckled and just sat there, letting the water drip from his hair and off of his back. "Go ahead, sink your teeth in. The skin's tough but the fish is so good!"

Frankie gave him a slightly uncertain look, but did as she was told. However, being a picky sort, she wincingly grew the claws on one hand to skin and debone the fish she chose first, before venturing to take a mouthful. Fresh water fish wasn't something she'd encountered before. "It's not salty," she exclaimed, slightly confused by that fact.

He watched her eat with a certain proud smile on his face. He'd provided for her. That, in of itself, was a major boost to his confidence. "It doesn't live in salty water, so it's going to have a more delicate flavor than say salmon." He nodded. "Do you like it?"

"S'diff'ren'," she mumbled through the last mouthful, wiping her lips on her wrist. She smiled at him. "But I do like it. Do you always jump in water to catch your breakfast?"

"Not always." He continued to grin and watch her. "Sometimes I hunt small game like rabbits and raccoons." He gave a proud nod. "What do you hunt?"

She stretched her arms up with a groan, easing out the aches of the night. "I've never hunted alone," she admitted. "Well, not decent food. I lived on rats and voles when I was ....coming here." Frankie shrugged lightly. "They're not very nice to eat."

"Yeah." He nodded and looked out over the sun rising over the lake. "I've had times like that, too. Dock rats are the worst." He made a disgusted face. "Blech."

She made a face with him; she could only imagine how disgusting city rats must taste. "Aren't you cold?" was her next question. She herself was shivering a little in the cool dawn air, and she wasn't dripping wet.

"A little" He admitted, trying to stifle a shiver and failing miserably. "Want to go inside?" He was about to put his arm around her, then thought better of it. He was all wet still.

"No, I like it out here." She looked him over for a minute, and an idea occurred to her. "Stay there." Clambering to her feet, Frankie then ran up to the den once again, and emerged a few moments later with a soft blanket, and one of the pelts. The blanket she threw at him. "Dry off and you can get under this with me," she told him with a grin, shaking out the pelt.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-02 23:23 EST
He was a little surprised and watched her dash off. Grabbing a catfish, he sliced it open and began picking at the meat. When she came back, he got a face full of blanket! Laughing, he put the fish down to begin drying off. Clothes were quickly removed and set aside. Once he was good and dry, he sat back down and waited for the snuggling to commence.

She kept her eyes averted as he stripped off and dried himself. It was odd, she had no problem seeing the pack naked, but his skin made her shy and uncertain, the way her own skin did. Still, she had promised. She thumped down next to him and wrapped the pelt around both their shoulders, biting down her distaste of the drips that fell from his hair down her neck. "Better?"

"Oh, much better." he grinned and pulled the pelt even more tightly about the both of them. This time, his arm did go around her as they huddled together. "So what are we going to do today, Wisp?"

Her cheeks were flaming still as his arm went around her, pretty much swallowed up in the pelt when it was pulled tight around them. "I don't know," she shrugged - or tried to. When her shoulders lifted, nothing was really visible as a gesture. "What do you want to do today, Tink?"

"I don't know." he grinned with a tilt of his head. "Just take the day as it comes, I suppose. Do you want to come to the wharves with me?"

She looked up at him warily. "Is it safe" I mean, for me?" she asked curiously. "You know all about the wharves and stuff, and I'm just a coward, and I might get you in trouble."

"I think you'll be okay there." He nodded with a confident smile. "If you don't like it, I'll take you back home immediately."

"You better." Her elbow nudged back into his ribs as she offered him a tiny, teasing smile. One hand crept up to pull her hair between his wet locks and her skin, and she nuzzled against him. "You are going to get dressed first, right?"

He rocked gently with the nudge and tilted his head to lean it against hers. "No, thought I'd go naked as a jaybird. Let the world see what I really don't have to offer."

She giggled, blushing again. "I can't say anything to that," she pointed out shyly, "but if you do, they'll see my mark on you. And even dressed, they'll see your mark on me. Won't that cause trouble for you on the docks?"

"That won't cause a bit of trouble. There's nobody on the docks that had any kind of mark on me." He nodded firmly. "You and only you, have left their mark. I promise, you won't be any trouble, Frankie. You worry too much."

"Only me?" Her head tilted back, just far enough to look up at him from such a short distance away. "You really mean that' You haven't been marked by anyone else ever?" She blinked in confusion. "But you're so confident and you always know what you're doing ....I thought you were sure to have had a m- a friend, before."

"Just you." He nodded with a grin, looking into her face. "Never found a best friend before, Wisp. So nope, no other marks on me." He laughed, felt like giggling.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-02 23:23 EST
She smiled up at him, enormously delighted with his assurances for some unknown reason, and leaned close, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of his laughing mouth. "For some reason, I'm glad," she nodded. "I don't know why, but I am."

"Me too." He turned to press a kiss to her lips fully, then pulled away. "Going to be a good day, Wisp."

"Promise?" Frankie made a ridiculous face at him, one hand reaching up to brave the water in his hair to brush dark locks off his cheek. Her head tilted thoughtfully. "Why d'you spend so much time with me?" she asked then. "There's gotta be better things for you to do than babysit me."

"I'll do my best." His smile warm and friendly as they sat there, huddled under that heavy pelt. "Why do I spend so much time with you?" He gave her a quizzical look. "Isn't that what friends do' Hang out with each other?" His head cocked in a definite feline fashion.

"Well ....yeah, but ..." She paused, wriggling under the pelt to face him more easily, laying her bare feet on his thigh. Her head tilted in an echo of his feline curiosity. "Why me" There's so many others you could spend your time with and not have to persuade them or trick them into going further than this from the den."

"You're my best friend, Wisp." It was spoken simply, for it was a simple concept. "And you weren't happy just staying in the den, afraid all of the time. Now we laugh and play and wrestle. And it's fun." He grinned then, a toothy grin. "Plus, I like to see you smile."

She studied his face thoughtfully, leaning her head back enough to get a decent view of him even as that smile he wanted appeared on her lips, the expression making her brown eyes warm. "No one put you up to it, or anything like that?" she asked, glancing to the den. "I wouldn't think any less of you if they did. I know I'm not normal, for a lynx."

"Well, Miha asked me to keep you company, that you needed a friend. But I'd have done it anyway." He nodded quickly. "You were scared of your own shadow when I met you. And your confidence grows every day."

"I'm still scared of my own shadow, Tink," she laughed, insinuating her arms around his waist under the pelt and hugging him. "But I know you'll kill it if it hurts me, so I play along."

His arms were around her and he gently pat her hair down her back. "Oh Wisp. I promise, nothing's going to harm you, not while I'm around."

She snuggled into his arms, squeezing him affectionately. A drop of water fell from his hair onto her nose, and she shuddered. "Apart from you dripping on me, this is almost perfect," she murmured with a smile, wiping the moisture away.

"It is perfect." he smiled and tightened his arms around her. "We've got each other, a home, and protection from the pack. But mostly, we have each other." He felt his head begin to move towards her, dipping and slightly wavering. His lips definitely wanted to meet hers.

She felt him move, just that infinitesimal amount that seemed to poke at her instincts. Her own head raised to look up at his, closing the distance between their lips as she blushed in anticipation of a sweet kiss like those they had already shared.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-02 23:25 EST
His hand moved of it's own accord to gently cup the slight curve of her jaw as his mouth delicately found hers. A flash of heat and he found himself wanting more, but not knowing how to get it.

Her eyes fell closed as his lips touched hers, the touch of his hand on her cheek sending a tingling shiver down her spine. Her hands flexed and smoothed against his back without purpose, feeling a pull towards something more. And she trusted him enough to follow what her instincts told her next. Her lips opened, just enough to suck his lower lip into her mouth before another soft kiss was touched to his lips.

Oh sweet Jesus and the saints! That one, tiny move of touching his bottom lip with tongue just about sent Jared out of his head. He leaned back and blinked at her rapidly. "That made me..." He glanced down, then back up at her. "Don't look at that." He put his hand over his quickly growing arousal.

"Don't look at ....oh!" Just pointing it out made Frankie glance down, and her blush was crimson red before she even looked back at his face. "I'm sorry!" Her arms slipped from around his waist and she scrambled away from him, ducking out of the pelt. "I-I-I didn't mean to - doesn't that hurt' I mean ....uh ....sorry!"

He turned about ten different shades of crimson as Frankie freaked out. "No, no! It doesn't hurt. It feels good, real good. But it has a mind of it's own." He glanced down at the now limp appendage. "See?"

She had her hands over her eyes as he spoke, determined not to look again, but the temptation as he offered her the chance to see was a little too much. And of course, this being Frankie, she had to reach out with every intention of touching said appendage. "How does it do that?"

"I don't know." he sighed with a shake of his head. "It can't ever decide if it wants to wake up or not." He looked up at her then. Leaning back, he'll allow her to explore any part of him she wanted.

Her fingers stopped short of actually touching him, inching forward on her knees as her eyes explored where she didn't dare to touch. "It does look ....odd," she murmured, glancing up at him. "What made it stand up?"

"It's a funny little thing." He nodded in agreement. "And I think how you kissed me did it." He gave another solemn nod. " felt good." He smiled shyly.

She straightened from her half-crouch over him, sitting on her heels with an awkward smile of her own. "I ....I don't know what made me do it," she mumbled, only just managing not to avoid his eyes as she blushed. "Kiss you, like that, I mean. It just felt right."

"It felt great." he smiled up at her and then sat up. "Do it again?"

"Oh ....okay." With a slightly trembling quirk of her smile, Frankie shuffled forward to him on her knees, lifting herself just enough to slide her hand along his jaw. Her lips touched to his, a soft breath of a kiss, before pressing a little more fully. Again her mouth opened, and her tongue touched to his lip, shy and tentative and eager all at once.

He watched her, breath baited in anticipation. His head tilted into the kiss and his lips parted just enough so that the tip of his tongue briefly touched the end of hers. It was as if electricity ran through him and he had to pull away. "Oh." He stared at her, wide eyed. "That"

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-02 23:25 EST
She drew back just enough to stare into his wide eyes, her own expression seemingly glowing with delight. Her fingers stroked absently against his cheek. "Wow's a good word," she agreed with a soft little laugh. "Does it feel the same if you do it?"

"It feels better. Look." He glanced down, then back up at her with a wide grin. "You woke it up again."

Her head tilted, a little confused. "You've done this before?" was almost asked in completion before she glanced down, and her hands retreated from his jaw in startlement. "Jared, it's moving!"

"Nope, you're the first of everything." He nodded with a certain smile. "And like I said, it has a mind of it's own." He sat back up and glanced around. "Want to know a secret?"

She, too, glanced around, although it was hardly necessary. Between them they had noses sharp enough to pick up any scent before the owner approached within hearing range. "Only if you want to tell me."

He glanced left and right again. Tongue wetting his lower lip before tugging said lip between his teeth. "It feels good, to touch it."

"Really?" For some reason, Frankie's mind strayed to where it felt good to touch her, and she blushed brilliantly for a moment at the stray thought of what it might be like to have him do the touching. "Do you? Touch it, I mean?"

"Sometimes." He admitted, shyly. Glancing away, his face crimson. "But not when people are around. That would be strange."

She blinked with a slight frown. "And sitting on a shore in the middle of the morning showing your best friend your jumpy bits isn't strange?" she asked with amusement.

"Oh." he suddenly cupped his hands over his jumpy thing and turned away from her. "I'm sorry." Scooting along the edge of the lake, he found his clothes and quickly donned his jeans.

Frankie slid onto her bottom, digging her toes into the sandy grass as she watched him with a smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," she apologised. One hand had lifted, touching her fingertips to her lips as she privately relived her newest kisses.

"It's ok. I just thought, well, it doesn't matter." He smiled with a shake of his head. Kneeling beside her, he put his hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry for being strange."

"No, what did you think?" She shifted onto her knees again, bringing herself a little closer to eye level with his as her hands settled on his arms gently. "You're no stranger than me, Tink."

"You make me feel good, Wisp." he offered shyly. "But I didn't expect my thingie to wake up. Not so quick, like that. But once it did, I didn't think that you'd think it was strange."

"But I've never seen one do that before," she hurried to explain, "or felt it, or ..." She stopped herself there; no need to freak him out with her wandering thoughts. Her hands slid against his bare arms as her head tilted with a smile. "You make me feel good, too," she told him softly. "Would you ....would you like to do it again? The kiss, not the freaking out and getting awkward part."

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-02 23:26 EST
He was about to speak, when she made the perfect save. He grinned with relief and nodded. "I would like that, a lot." Leaning forward, his hand went straight to her jaw. "Because it feels so good." He whispered as he came closer.

Her cheeks coloured again, this time with pleasure as she smiled, hands lifting to cradle his jaw as he leaned towards her. Her face lifted towards his, her eyes flicking from his lips to his eyes. "So good," she whispered back to him.

He couldn't wait any longer. His hand slid into her hair, pulling her the rest of the way so their lips could meet. His parted and he tasted her lower lip. A taste he'd never forget and quickly become addicted to .

Trembling, her eyes closed to savour the feel and taste and scent of him so close, she followed the lead he gave her, parting her lips to taste him as her fingers slid into his hair. She drew back for a split second, gasping softly to take in a breath, before leaning in to continue that hesitant exploration of lips.

The tentative kiss grew more bold as his hands dropped to her sides and slide around her. He pulled himself towards her and held her against his chest. Not satisfied with just a taste any more, his mouth opened wide to devour her.

As his hands slid along her sides, pulling her against him, so too did her arms slide up and around his shoulders, one hand teasing her fingers through his hair as the other fell to press flat between his shoulderblades. Her lips parted wide with his, the sound that escaped her neither alarm nor protest as her tongue met his in a battle that was as old as time itself.

Slowly he shifted his weight, until he was pulling her down on top of him. His head remained lifted from the ground as he greedily and hungrily kissed her. A soft moan travelled through the both of them as the pressure of her body against him caused pleasure in a place where only his hands had delivered pleasure to before.

She honestly felt that she was drowning, losing her wits in an overwhelming flood of sensation and emotion as he drew her down onto him. Her hair fell in a pale curtain around their faces as she responded to the pleasure with her own hunger, breaking the kiss suddenly to gaze down at him in wonder, dropping softer kisses to his lips to soften the blow of such an abrupt break.

His arms were curled up so that his hands were up on her shoulders. The kisses that followed were soft and brief, but no less sulty and full of want and need. "Feel me." He whispered against her mouth as his hips rolled upwards, pressing his firm length against her belly.

She gasped as she felt the heat and stiffness of him pressing against her, dropping onto her elbows to run her fingers through his damp hair as she peppered soft kisses over his mouth. There was something burning inside her, but it was not painful. A little frightening, yes, but she trusted him not to let her get hurt. Perhaps it was the closeness of the full moon making them behave so. "Jared," she murmured as her lips brushed his, "what are we doing?"

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-02 23:28 EST
"I...I don't know." Her words were like a bucket of cold water and he placed one more kiss before gently lifting her and rolling out from under her. Truly, he did not know if she would be hurt if they kept going down that road. "Maybe we should talk to the Eros and Eranthe."

She lay on her front, propped up on her elbows as she looked over at him, concerned and a little worried. "Is that where our friendship is going?" she asked softly, rolling on her side to face him. "Do you want to mate me, Tink?"

He nodded, quickly. "I'd like that. A lot." hugging his knees to his chest, he looked down at her with a smile. "You're my best friend, Wisp. And we're not so young that it's not feasible." He canted his head then. "Don't you want to be mated to me?"

"Oh, no, it's not that I don't want to," she rushed to reassure him, pushing herself to sit upright and rest her chin on his knees. "I do want to be your mate. I just ..." She sighed softly, shrugging a little. "In my old pack, we didn't have an Eros and Eranthe. They just got on with it. I don't know how I feel about letting someone who isn't you show me how to be."

"Oh." his eyes lit up then. "I don't know how to be, though. And I don't want you to get hurt because I'm stupid and clumsy." He lowered his head so that just his eyes peeked out over his knees.

"But it can't be all that different from humans, when we're in this form," she mused thoughtfully, gently brushing his hair from his eyes so she could smile shyly to him. "And they manage just fine. Maybe it's different for wolves than cats." She shrugged. "Alastor and Inkeri frighten me, anyway."

He smiled when his hair was moved, and lifted his chin to kiss her hand. "They do?" To be honest, he hadn't paid much more mind to anybody else in the pack besides Wisp, Miha and the Alphas.

She nodded awkwardly, tweaking his nose gently with the pad of her thumb. "I haven't really spoken to them," she admitted softly. "At all, if I'm honest. They seem so ....distant, and isolated. I don't understand how you can teach about mating if you don't have a loving nature." Frankie leaned back, shaking her head with a little snort of laughter. "I'm just being silly."

"No, you're making sense. But I think that they just teach the physical part of mating. You know, the s.e.x. part." He nodded, hoping that he was right. "They can't love everybody they're teaching, can they?"

"I don't know," she protested, leaning back enough to curl her own knees to her chest with a sigh. "And the Dark is a wolf. How do I know that ..." she glanced around and lowered her voice to a whisper, "....s.e.x ..." her voice rose once again "....with a wolf won't hurt me?"

"He is too big." He nodded and scoot closer so he could huddle with her. "Maybe we should just, you know, do this on our own. I don't think the Mother Coyote or Lord Ulfric will mind. Do you?" He gave her an anxious look.

"W-we could ask them?" she suggested doubtfully, turning just a little beneath his arm to look at him. Her hand absently landed on his knee affectionately. "I mean, well, I would have asked them anyway, but ....if we want to try this on our own, then's probably even more important that we ask them. Yes?"

"Yeah, maybe we should." He nodded, agreeing with her. "I heard Lord Ulfric once say that he gets the final word on who mates with who." With a shrug, he glanced away for a moment. "What if they tell us no?"

"Why would they' We're a matched set, they can't make me mate with anyone else, I won't do it, I won't, I'll run away first!" Just the thought of being denied what made her smile and perhaps forced to do what could frighten her back into her shell made Frankie's voice rise in panic.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-02 23:29 EST
"They won't say no!" he pulled her close, hugging her tightly to his chest. "Don't worry, Wisp. Nobody's going to hurt you. I promise. I'll beat them all back if they tried to hurt you."

She clung to him, fighting down the urge to sob angrily at what was only a passing thought. "You marked me," she whispered, hugging him tightly. "You marked me, and that means they can't change it. You're my best friend, Tink."

"You marked me, too." He nodded as he held her close. "And you're my best friend, Wisp. They'll be happy that we're going to do this." He gave her another squeeze before kissing the top of her head. "And I'm happy we're doing this, too."

She nodded, her cheek rubbing against his skin as she did so. "So am I." It was a big step, bigger than any she'd ever taken, but even having known him so short a time, she felt safe and wanted and secure with Jared. And she'd never allowed kisses from anyone but him. Surely that meant this was the right decision"

He purred as they nuzzled cheeks, marking each other once again. The bond between them was more than purely physical. He'd die for Wisp, if it came down to it. She was the first person that he felt like that about. "Let's go see if we can scare Scales." he grinned, leaning back just enough to press a kiss to her soft mouth. Anything to break the little bit of awkwardness.

She giggled softly, lifting her hand to curl against his cheek as she returned that kiss with a smile on her lips. "And then we go to the wharves?" she asked softly, shifting a bit closer to kiss him herself, rather than be kissed. It seemed as though the more her lips touched his, the more she wanted.

"Or we could just go to the wharves." His lips moved against hers, and his hands went to curl around her face. And he made no effort to move from the position he was in. "Scales might have a heart attack at how ferocious you are."

"Mm, if he thinks I'm scary now, he should wait until the full moon," she giggled against his mouth, far from eager to move away from him as she nuzzled her lips to his, tasting him tenderly.

"Should I be afraid?" soft laughter against her lips as he was caught in the spell and refused to break it. So soft and sweet, he could taste her for hours on end if she'd allow it.

"Just hope you're quick enough to catch me." Her hand slid from his jaw to curl about the back of his neck, shifting herself closer if she could. "I love to run under the full moon." Her lips caught his in a fuller kiss, a purr vibrating from her to him.

"I'll do my best." he breathed against her lips. As the kisses halted any further conversation, he tasted her hungrily. His arms tightened around her tiny frame.

She could stay like this for hours, she knew, just trading kisses, holding and being held. It didn't even bother her any longer that he was only just decently covered, that there was warm, bare flesh under her hands as they moved over his sides and across his back. If that wasn't a sign that they should be mated, she didn't know what was.

Slowly, he lowered himself onto the ground and pulled her down with him. His back lay on the soft grass and he smiled as he looked up at her. "You are my best friend, Wisp. And that doesn't happen every day."

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-02 23:30 EST
Lying at his side, her arm laid out above his head, letting her fingertips play with his drying hair. "I never had a best friend before," she murmured, smiling warmly down at him. "I had friends, human friends, and my family pack, but ....I never felt so comfortable with anyone as I do with you, Tink. Even when your thingy jumps at me." Her smile turned teasing.

"Well he likes you, too." He grinned, with a roll of his eyes and a playful shrug of his shoulders. "But really, I've never had anybody before, Wisp. Always on my own. It's amazing how you got under my skin."

Her hand rested against his chest, one finger rubbing gently against his skin as she looked down thoughtfully. "Maybe you just never looked for a friend before," she said softly. "There must be some reason you came to the Glen that night, especially if you were spending most of your time in the city before then."

"I was chasing somebody." he smiled and nodded. "But you're right. Something bigger than both of us brought me here. Like some force said that we needed to meet or something."

She nodded for a moment, before that teasing grin alighted on her face once again. "You mean Scales came looking for you?" she gasped in feigned shock. "And you only said Miha wanted us to be friends, you never said we were set up!"

"If Scales came looking for me for the right reason, I'd be running as fast as I could the other way." He laughed and poked at the end of her nose. "Lady Geri said she wanted me to watch over you. She didn't play match maker."

"You tried to," she reminded him, pulling a face as he poked at her nose. "You tried to make me think about the Little Fox like he could be my mate. Remember?"

He laughed, thinking about Luke. "Yeah, I remember. You seemed so close to him that I thought you'd want him." he shrugged his shoulders and lifted his head to kiss her again.

She avoided his lips and kissed the tip of his nose instead, laughing. "He reminds me of my brother," she told him. "He was the one who got stuck as a lynx, but he was always playful and sweet. Luke's like him, like my little brother."

He rolled with her, tumbling a few feet. "Well it's a good thing I came along then." he grinned happily. "Wouldn't want you to be mated to your brother. That'd be just....ew."

"My mama did it," she snickered up at him, landing on her back as they rolled together. "S'why she only had two morphics." Her arms lifted and wrapped around his neck, pulling him down to kiss. "But yeah ....that is kinda eww."

He nodded his agreement, but didn't voice the little concern within the back of his head. He'd deal with it later, if it came down to it. Pulled into the kiss, he slipped his knee in between hers.

Her lips moved against his, hungry and soft at once, her hands moving against his back with restless affection. A soft gasp left her as she felt the skirt of her dress ride up her thigh at the push of his knee between hers, but she was too enthralled in him to bother trying to reclaim her modesty.

Clumsily, he lay atop of her, both knees between hers now. The kisses continued, though he was laboring his breathing to do it. It felt perfect, so right. But frustratingly wrong.

She, too, was breathless, clumsy as heat and unfamiliar passion rose within her. Her legs had opened wide for him, though she did not know why. As she moaned softly, flicking her tongue against his tentatively, her hands caressed innocently down his sides and up along his back.

At this point, animal instincts took a hold of him. His hips started thrusting, and he dry humped whatever was in his way. His breathing even more ragged as he looked up and around, then back down at her. His brow was furrowed in confusion, eyes littered with frustration at missing the mark.

Another gasp left her as his hips thrust hard against hers, her eyes snapping open in shock. Her hands left his back to press against his chest, her body wriggling unsuccessfully to escape. "Jared ....stop," she whimpered softly, brown eyes looking up at him and seeing the beast in his eyes. The last time she had seen that had marked the end of her life as she knew it, and it frightened her. "Jared!" Her fists bunched, and she thumped at his chest, struggling in fright. "Stop it! Stop!"

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-02 23:31 EST
"What, what?" He shook his head and the moment she started to cry out, he rolled off of her quickly. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" he foled up on himself and rocked back and forth. "I hurt you, I'm sorry, so sorry!"

She scrambled back from him, pulling down her dress so far that it stretched over her knees as she curled up in fright and shock. Her arms wrapped around herself as she trembled. "Don't ....don't make me do it again," she whimpered softly, pressing her face into her knees. "Don't make me hurt you again, don't make me choose between fire and death, don't ..." She wasn't talking to him, but to a memory. A memory that was all too recent, and haunted her sleep.

He looked over at her, confused. "Again? I...Wisp, are you ok?" He waved his hand before her face. "Wisp!" He felt so guilty. Leaning back, he hugged his knees to his chest again. "I'm sorry, Wisp. So, so sorry."

She jumped, startled, when his hand waved before her face, lifting frightened eyes to him. "Not you," was all she managed, suddenly coming out of her curled up state to crawl over to him and wrap her arms tight about her best friend. "Not you."

He held onto her when she crawled over. He couldn't quite comprehend the change that had taken over, except that it felt right at the time. But now, he was concentrated on her. Trying to alleviate her fears. He gently stroked her hair down her back. "It's ok Wisp. I won't do anything you don't want me to do."

"I killed him for looking at me like that," she whispered, squeezing her eyes tight shut. "For letting his beast out and still being human. I cut his throat with my claws. I killed him ..." She turned her face against his neck, holding on as though she was terrified that this was the dream and the rest reality.

"Oh, Wisp." he whispered and cradled her head to his shoulder. "It's ok, I'm sorry I made you think about that." He wasn't sure he wanted to know who she'd killed and exactly why. But if she wanted to say, he would be there.

"I was on fire, and the den was on fire, and they were waiting outside, waiting for us to come out so they could kill us, and he turned on us, he started hurting and killing us," she whispered raggedly, trembling anew with the memory. "Burn or be ripped to pieces ....I found another way. And it didn't save them, anyway." She drew in a shaky breath, swallowing hard. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I panicked."

"Shh, it's ok, no worries, Wisp. It was too fast, too soon." He hugged her tightly to his chest. "But it's ok, I won't hurt you and you won't ever be hurt again. No more fires, no more being ripped apart. You're safe and loved here, Wisp. Safe and loved."

Loved was a word she had not ever expected to hear again after her escape from her old life, after her world had come crashing down around her ears in fire and blood, killing everyone she had loved in that life. And now, there it was again. Loved. As though everything she had done did not matter to him. As though he didn't care that she had killed to survive. If he only knew what it meant to her that he had not pulled away in disgust ....Frankie clung tighter to Jared, squeezing him to her in genuine need. If he did love her, then she was going nowhere without him.

((Adapted from Live Play with Jared and Frankie Torres.))

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-04 06:34 EST
Jared bounded across the glen, in Lynx form, his little paws barely turning a blade of grass as he zipped through. He made soft snortling and growling noises, just to assure Wisp that he was still there. The pack was having their full moon ceremonial run soon and he wanted to be in shape for it.

For herself, Frankie was simply loving the feel of the grass beneath her paws, and the rush of the breeze through her fur. She meowed at Jared, just loud enough to warn him, before bunching muscles, and pouncing her full self into his side.

He heard the meow and then was plowed into. He flew to the side with a loud meow of his own, limbs and torso tumbling in the tall grass. Quickly he righted himself, shaking his head. That grin that only Jared could make, showed itself before he took off like a shot after her.

If she'd been human, Frankie would have been laughing so hard she couldn't stand. Instead, the smaller lynx had accelerated, settling into a smooth ground-eating stride that was sure to stretch Jared's muscles in his attempt to keep up with her.

She was quick, he'd give her that. He tried everything he knew how to do, leaping, springing, and even pouncing, but she continued to slip away from him. So he did the next best thing. Quickly coming to a stop, he sat on his haunches. Lifting his paw, he waggled it in front of himself with a soft whimper.

She heard the whimper, turning back with a soft mew of concern for him. Her paws padded her back to him, head leaning forward to nudge her nose at the paw he offered. It didn't smell hurt, and neither did he seem to be in any sort of pain. Her head tilted curiously as she licked her nose.

He let her sniff her out, then that grin appeared once more before he leapt forward, paws outstretched, towards her with a playful growl.

She reared back, startled, standing up on her hind legs in surprise as her forepaws batted towards him in retaliation. Behind the yellow of her feline eyes, the human in her was giggling again, enjoying the play at the most basic of levels.

Up on his hind legs, he swatted at her paws with his own. He growled and mewed, then lowered to nudge his nose into her belly. His tail flicked about in his excitement and smacked her on the leg.

As his nose nudged at her belly, she deliberately fell forward on top of him, catching his tail between her forepaws and gnawing on it carefully with a loud rumbling purr. Her back paw pressed on his nose, claws sheathed, holding him still as she batted at him with her tail this time.

His head flicked from side to side as her tail tapped first one side of his head then the other. Knocking her paw off of his nose, he grabbed her tail between his paws and brought it down for a good, long grooming.

It felt strange, being groomed by another lynx after all this time, but she couldn't deny she liked it. In response, Frankie began to groom him, running her tail along his flank in search of a rough spot she'd noticed before.

He moved so that he could groom her flank as well. It was nice, being groomed, doing it for somebody else. He lay there, purring and gently licking her fur into the appropriate direction. Snarls got a bit of a chewing to loosen them up before his head bobbed, tufted ears pointed forwards.

She crawled around, making a beeline to groom the one place most felines could only just reach to groom themselves, the back of his head and neck. Her paws held him down into place for her as she licked and chewed the fur there into some semblence of order with a low purr.

As she groomed the back of his head and neck, he closed his eyes and lowered his chin to his paws. Loud, very loud and content purring from Jared. A sigh of relief mixed in there somewhere. He hoped she would never stop.

But, of course, Frankie couldn't keep it up forever, and she had her own playful side still very much in control. Which is how Jared would find himself with her bodily on top of him, chewing on his ear like a kitten.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-04 06:36 EST
He lifted his head quickly when his ear was being gnawed on. He shook his head and rolled over to his side, hoping to dislodge the predator on his back. "Raaawwr!" he pounced, leaping in the air a good three feet before attempting to land on her.

Perhaps 'meep' would be the best description of the sound Frankie made as she was rolled off Jared's back and pounced on, growling cheerfully as her back paws raked gently along his belly in retaliation.

He gnawed at her paws as he rolled right on over her. Jumping up, he sprinted a safe distance, than lay back in the tall grass. His tail flipping left and right, an open invitation for a chase.

He wanted her to chase him, did he" Frankie wriggled onto her paws, making a big show of preparing herself, stretching, pouncing a little, before bunching her muscles and accelerating towards him like a small furry bullet.

He watched her carefully, eyes and head lowered in the grass. And just as soon as she took off in one direction, he leaped up and ran in the other. Now he thought this was particularly funny and he let out a series of meows that could have been mistaken for belly laughs.

With a tumbling turn that took her paws over head, Frankie reversed her direction stunningly fast, pouncing after Jared with a playful growl. She wasn't that easy to trick.

"Rawr!" his voice held a bit of a panicked screech as he turned up the heat and zipped through the grass. While she had speed and agility, he had that too, plus experience. A large cedar bush suddenly was in his way. Gathering himself up, he leapt high and over it, landing softly on the other side. Quickly, he backed up and under the lowest boughs. Hiding, lurking, waiting, watching.

Frankie just kept running. It hadn't been a lie when she said she loved to run, and he'd given her the perfect excuse to do just that. So what if her prey had disappeared from view" She could smell him, he was nearby. And she was just enjoying the freedom.

Laying his chin atop his paws, he watched her with those leaf green eyes, pupils wide in the dark. His tail flicked this way and that.

She tumble-turned back and forth, rolling her body over the grass with loud mews of pleasure, taking a circuit around the small grassy clearing at speed, pouncing at her own shadow. She knew he was nearby; if the scent moved away, then she would panic. But right now, she was just playing, tiring herself out with the exertion.

Quickly, he did get up and start towards her, yelping and jumping about as if he'd been electrocuted. He hadn't realized there was a fire ant hill where his tail had been flicking about. He ran as if his head was on fire and his tail was catching.

She looked up, startled by his yelping, and dodged out of his way, confused. What could possibly be wrong with him' If he had fleas, she wasn't going anywhere near him.

With a giant leap, he dove into the lake, the cool water quickly relieving the stinging of the bites he'd received at the jaws of those little fire ants. When he surfaced, he was reluctant to get out of the water.

She padded after him, shying away from the splash as he entered the lake, and paced a little along the shore, meowing in concern. But in this form, she couldn't exactly ask him what was wrong. Frankie turned away, heading over to where they had left their clothes, not more than a few feet from the lake shore anyway. She Changed with her back to him, lifting her dress to slide it on.

Padding along the water's surface, his paws finally struck sand. He made his way out of the water and immediately dropped to the pebbled beach to start cleaning his fur. He shook his head to release water from his ears.

"What on earth happened to you?" she asked him, advancing towards the sodden lynx with a blanket held in front of her either to shield her from the water droplets or to catch him up and dry him herself.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-04 06:37 EST
As he groomed, he slowly changed. Little red bumps covered his legs, rear end and waist. "Fire ants. Didn't you see them?" He took the blanket and pat himself dry. "Ooo it burns."

"Fire ants" I'm glad I didn't pounce you, then," Frankie giggled softly, watching him dry himself and wince. "It can't be that bad, surely?"

He pushed his feet out from under the blanket. The small red dots were forming blisters. "It hurts, Frankie." He nodded solemnly.

Her brow creased in concern, her laughter forgotten. "Well, I don't know what to do," she protested softly. "There aren't many fire ants in the Arctic Circle where I come from."

"Not much to be done." He shook his head. "It's ok, Wisp. It'll be gone in a few days." He smiled up at her and held out his arms. "Hug me, that'll make me feel better."

She smiled a little, dropping down to sit beside him. "Anything for a hug, huh?" she teased softly, tucking herself under his arms and squeezing him gently.

He held her close and smiled. "Well there is something that can be done. But you're going to say eww." He kissed her cheek softly.

She lifted her head, blinking up at him curiously. "You can't just say there's something I can do and then not tell me," she complained lightly, poking his chest with one small finger.

"You can, umm.." he looked up into her eyes. "Wee on me." He put his finger to her lips before she could object. "There's something in pee that makes the sting go away."

"Uh, okay. Ew." She leaned back further from him, making a slightly disgusted face. "Are you serious?"

"Told ya you'd say ew." he frowned and nodded. "Yeah. Saw a guy get stung by a jelly fish. Another sailer peed on him and he was all better."

Frankie stared at him for a long moment, but she couldn't see anything really all that wrong with the proposition. "Alright, fine," she agreed finally. "But I'm Changing to do it, and you're going to get back in that lake to wash it off straight after, okay?"

Was she being real. "Oh no, you don't have to do that, Frankie. I'll be ok. It just stings right now. It'll be gone by morning." He waved his hands at her. "Really, it's ok."

"No, if you think it'll stop it from stinging now, I'll do it," she insisted, scooting away and loosening her dress. "Step away from the blanket." She concentrated and Changed slowly, whimpering softly with the pain of the transition, becoming for a moment a lynx in in a bright turquoise dress before the material dropped and released her.

"Frankie.." He pulled the blanket off and tossed it to the side. He sighed sadly when she whimpered. He didn't want to cause her pain to relieve his own. "Please, Frankie, don't..." But the deed was already done. He stretched out and the rash was from waist to toes.

Well, it was an uncomfortable process, especially for a female, to spray all over her best friend's waist, legs, and rear end, but he said it would help. Frankie's tail twitched as she finished, and she backed away from him, her feline nose crinkling at the smell of her urine mixing with his sweat and the blisters covering his skin.

He lay there and covered his eyes. As hard as it was for her, he couldn't bear to look at what was being done. It was humiliating, through and through. And what made matters worse was that she put herself through pain to take care of him. He was supposed to be taking care of her! Soon as the job was done, he raced towards the water and dove in.

She padded up and down the shore line anxiously, watching him splash about. Her voice lifted in an enquiring mew of concern, wondering if she would have to do that again.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-04 06:38 EST
He had to admit, already it was feeling better. The water was cool and the tiny blisters that had formed already were either shrinking or completely gone. Climbing out of the water, he grabbed the blanket, wrapping himself in it. Then he sat down on the pebbled beach. "Wisp, you didn't have to do that." Reaching up, he scritched between her ears and pulled her into his arms to cuddle. "I'm sorry it hurt you, too." He whispered, continuing to pet her soft fur and rock her gently.

Her claws kneaded happily on his blanket-covered legs, her eyes closing in pleasure at the scritches as she purred for him. She didn't mind so much about the pain of Changing, not if it made him feel better. It was just a passing pain, and one she had grown used to over the years. She lifted onto her hind legs, licked his chin, and patted at his face with her paw, trying to turn his eyes towards the lake.

He kept gently smoothing her fur down her back as he lifted his head to look out towards the lake, as guided. "Thank you, Wisp. I feel all better, already."

She purred gently and leapt off his lap, licking at his fingers affectionately. The smaller lynx sat down, concentrated, and Changed, suppressing the whimpers of pain this time as she gasped her way into human form.

He kept his eyes on the lake when she jumped, then wrapped the blanket around her shoulders, so they could cuddle under it's warmth. "Best friend." he whispered, a kiss to her cheek.

She gasped again, her skin colouring in a fevered blush as he wrapped the blanket around her shoulders before she could reach for her dress. The sensation of being pressed naked against a naked man's side was one she was completely unprepared for. Her lips quirked in a shy smile when he kissed her cheek, brown eyes flicking to his fondly. "Definitely," she whispered back to him.

He hadn't thought about nakedness, he just wanted her to be close. The entire event left him feeling vulnerable and out of sorts. His eyes met hers and he smiled shyly. "Don't know what I'd do without you to pee on my leg."

She met his eyes, trying very hard not to laugh at his comment. Ultimately, the attempt at seriousness failed, though, and she burst out laughing, curling her arms around him in a warm hug. "You're such a funny goof, Tink!"

He grinned happily as his arms enveloped her in a warm hug. "I'm supposed to be." he leaned back and then kissed the tip of her little nose. "Smiles, that's all that I want to see on your face."

Her head tilted as she looked up at him, trying to ignore certain ....responses the chest area to being pressed against him. "If it'll keep you feeling good, I'll pee on you whenever you ask me to," she smiled impishly.

"Just when the fire ants bite." he nodded quickly, not wanting to have to go through that kind of humliation again. "And I'll make sure that I'll stay away from fire ants, from now on." NOd nod nod

Frankie giggled again, nuzzling her lips to his affectionately. "Maybe next time you should pay attention to why there's a nice, untouched cedar bush in the middle of a busy forest."

"Yeah, I'm staying far away from that bush." He nodded again. "Frankie, do you think it's always going to be like this?"

She drew back, peering at him curiously. "Well, no, not if you stay away from fire ants."

He laughed softly with a shake of his head. "No, I mean like, you and me, always friends." He was thinking about what happened with Tyler and Mihaela and it worried him.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-04 06:39 EST
"Why shouldn't we be?" she asked, her hands sliding from him as her face took on an expression of faint hurt. "I've told you everything about me, you've told me everything about you. I hope. We don't have anything to get in the way of being friends, do we?"

He hugged her tightly, sad that he'd brought even a tiny bit of hurt to her face. "You're right, Frankie. I just hope that what happened to Miha and Tyler, whatever badness got into Tyler never gets into me. He wasn't bad all of the time, but when he was, it was scary."

"He was a bit wild," she murmured softly. "You're not anything like him, Jared, and I'm not anything like Miha. We're different, so we can't expect the same thing to happen. Can we?"

"You're right." He already felt so much better. "We talk about everything and I trust you more than I have ever trusted anybody, ever. "

She nodded with a smile, lowering her hand to clutch a length of the blanket over her chest and legs. "Best friends, see?"

"Exactly." He smiled and nodded. His arms around her tightly and the blanket pulled around the both of them. "You make me feel all tingly inside, Frankie." He laughed, a little embarassed.

Pulled that little bit closer by the firmness of his hug, Frankie found herself nose to nose with him and slightly short of breath as a tingle of her own decided to take a trip down her spine. "Y-you do the same to me," she whispered with a smile.

"I think it's because we marked each other. That means we're mates." he smiled as he continued to hold her. "But we're going to have to teach each other what to do. Because I don't want to be touched by anybody else."

"Neither do I," she agreed with a small nod. "But I don't want to disappoint you and be awful at it, and Little Mother hasn't given her consent to us yet." She sighed softly, sagging a little. "It all seems so complicated."

"Does Mother Coyote need to give permission?" He reached up to scratch his head and then returned to hugging her. "I want everything to be just right." He nodded. "So we should ask, just in case."

"I don't know if she needs to give her permission," Frankie admitted, frowning thoughtfully as she wrapped her arms around him once again. "I don't really know how this pack works. It's nothing like the pack I knew."

"Well, just in case. I like it here, I really do. I met you here." He grinned happily, eyes lighting up. "So let's not take any chances, ok" We'll ask and see what Mother Coyote has to say about all of it."

She nodded slowly in agreement. "Does that mean we shouldn't be sitting together like this, just in case she says no?" she asked suddenly, her face stricken by that thought.

"I don't think they'd mind if we sat together. I mean, we're not doing anything." He laughed softly, his dark eyes twinkling. "Not that I don't want to."

"What if we started doing something and we couldn't stop?" Frankie asked softly, her own eyes warm. "Would we get in real bad trouble for it?"

"I don't know." he shook his head, uncertain. "I don't think anybody would mind, really. Maybe it's just a formality." he gave her a confused look. "It shouldn't be this hard."

Her eyes widened worriedly, inadvertantly flickering down between them to the blanket covering them. "Should I move, would that make it easier?"

"I mean, it shouldn't be this difficult. They all know I love you, Wisp. They know you love me. And nobody's said anything against it so far. I think they expect it."

"So why does it feel like we're doing something that's bad?" she asked softly, stroking her thumb along his jaw. "Not that it doesn't make it even more exciting, or anything ..."

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-04 06:39 EST
"It feels...bad to you?" He hesitated, more confused than ever. "I, um, if it doesn't feel right, then you shouldn't do anything at all." He nodded slowly and started to pull away from her. He couldn't hide the hurt in his eyes.

"No, it doesn't feel bad, it doesn't!" She tightened her grip on him, inadvertantly pulling herself flush up against him beneath the blanket with a soft, blushing gasp. "It's never felt bad," she whispered softly, responding to what she felt with a brushing kiss against his lips.

He held onto her and when she kissed him, he kissed back, just as thoroughly. But when the kiss broke, he still looked confused. "Then what do you mean, why does it feel like we're doing something bad?"

"I ..." Frankie paused, wondering how she could explain. "It's like we're doing everything behind their backs, even though we know they wouldn't object. Like this is just ours, it doesn't belong to anyone else, and when they find out they'll be upset with us for not sharing it. But that doesn't make it bad, it just makes it a secret."

"But Frankie." he gazed into her eyes as his hands took hers. "I don't want to share you, not like that."

She stared into his eyes, hands squeezing his lovingly. "I never said you should," she whispered quietly. "I'll claw your face off if you ever make me do that."

"I like my face where it is." He nodded solemnly. "And I wouldn't do that...with anybody else, either. All for one only goes so far. Friendship, siblings, fine. But not my mate."

Her hands left his to cradle his jaw possessively. "My mate, too," she nodded in agreement.

"That's right." He nodded and hugged her fiercely. "But it's going to be ok. They're going to say it's fine. They're going to laugh at us for waiting for permission, but they're going to be happy that we did, too. It'll show them that we respect them as leaders, and they'll show that they respect us as family. It'll be good, very good."

"You know a lot about this for someone who's never run in a pack before," she smiled, faintly mockingly suspicious. Her hands slipped down and she cuddled against him affectionately.

"Well it's how I am hoping that it's going to go. And I always hope for the very best. Nobody's really let me down before. Except the thugs down at the wharves. And they pay for letting me down."

She smiled, kissing his jaw warmly. Silent for a long moment in content comfort, a small thought occurred to her. "You love me?"

He smiled when she kissed him and then he gently rocked her as they sat in a contented silence. Her question had him leaning his head back and smiling. "I do."

Her head tilted back to look up at him, her expression soft and touched. "Nobody's ever said they love me before," she murmured quietly. "Nobody who really mattered anyway. I love you, too, you know."

He was touched deeply, nobody had ever said it to him, either. His hand went to gently caress the curve of her cheek before sliding back into her hair. "Come here, you." He pulled her forward gently and pressed a kiss to her lips.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-04 06:40 EST
She smiled faintly, lifting her lips to meet his tenderly. Her hand slid up and about his shoulder as she purred softly against his lips.

His chest swelled as he took a deep breath into his nose. The kiss lasted, lingered, neither of them wanting to move for fear of breaking that spell that had them bound together.

It was another kiss she could have wished to last forever, warm and safe and loved in his arms as her lips moved softly against his. How odd that she'd never felt like this about anyone, and then almost the moment she arrived here, she fell in love. With another lynx, of all things.

Ever so slowly, he lowered her to the ground and simply lay beside her. Still connected at the lips. He was amazed at the amount of love he could feel for one person. Wisp had turned his life upside down.

Laid gently on her back, Frankie's purrs grew louder as she curled her arms about him, tilting her head to tenderly deepen the kiss they shared, without a care for the further knotting of her hair as she did so. After all, he could always comb it for her.

His body had a mind of it's own at this point. Sliding on top of her, he continued to hold her in his arms, kissing her. The kisses grew more urgent as his feline instincts were kicking in, once again.

This time she felt it, that slow switch from man to beast as he kissed her. Her hands slid between them, pressing gently against his chest as she broke the kiss softly. "Shhh, Tink, not so fast," she whispered, gazing up at him. "Please?"

The kiss broken, he stared down at her and sighed heavily. She was right. He moved off of her and lay on his back. His hand searched for and found hers. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." She rolled to face him, brushing a soft kiss against his lips. Her fingers laced with his as she looked into his eyes lovingly. "Just be gentle."

He smiled when he looked at her. "I don't know how else to be with you, Wisp." he sighed softly, not knowing if she was giving permission right now, or in the future. He played it safe and bargained for the latter.

She smiled softly, leaning in to kiss him again, slow, gentle, forgiving. "It's not about having me," she murmured tenderly. "You've got me, Jared, I'm not going anywhere. But you let the beast out so easily, and it frightens me." She glanced down at their entwined fingers. "I don't want to hurt you for looking at me like that, not the way I did ....not like my brother."

"I don't mean to frighten you, Wisp." Soft kisses returned as he held her cheek in his palm, thumb gently smoothing the skin under her eyes. "I just don't know how to stop that from happening sometimes. It just...takes over."

"But you stopped it this time," she reminded him quietly. "I don't mean you should always stop it, but ....just this once ....can you try' I'm nervous enough without thinking I could kill you for being in the moment."

He slid his hand down to hold her hand against his chest. "I was able to stop because you asked me to stop it. If you can help me, I know I can do it for you, Wisp."

She nodded shyly, a small smile on her lips. "I know you can," she murmured, full of confidence in him. Her head turned, glancing around the Glen. "But not here ....what if someone from the pack comes out here while we're know ..."

He lifted his head when she turned hers and he glanced around. "Where, then?" He watched her with wide, dark eyes. Hard to tell where pupil started and iris ended. "Neither of us really has a place or money."

"What about that little glade?" she asked suddenly. "Where we marked each other, you remember. We could go there."

"Yeah, the glade!" He grinned and sat up quickly. "Come on!" He reached for her hand, eager to get them over there. Thing is, when a guy's as excited as he is, that quick of a movement can case some discomfort. He hid it well though, behind that pained smile.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-04 06:41 EST
She giggled at his enthusiasm, wrapping her arms around herself in an attempt to at least retain a little of her modesty. It's one thing to talk about something, it's quite another to actually embrace it. She rolled onto her other side, grabbing up her dress and shimmying into it, before her hand slammed into his and she jumped to her feet, shoving the blanket over his crotch with a blush.

Her attempt at helping him with his modesty had him cringing, and that grin fading just a bit as he groaned. "Yeah, let's." he hobbled behind her, blanket dragging behind him, and tangling in the leaves and dying grass. This was going to be different.

Completely unaware that'd she'd done anything to put a crimp in his enthusiasm, Frankie tugged him along behind her, seeking the little glade they'd played in only a few days before. "You are sure you want to?" she asked as they walked along. "I mean, with me?"

"Never more sure of anything in my life." he breathed out, walking was becoming easier as that certain appendage began to soften and shrink. What' Not like he can't get it back up again.

Her smile widened happily as she paused, turning back to surge up and kiss him again with a delighted laugh. "Come on then!" she laughed, tugging harder on his hand as her pace increased.

He held her tightly and kissed her deeply. So happy and so much in love. He hurried alongside of her and before they knew it, they were standing on the top of that steep incline. Sliding down, as he had before, was going to hurt like a son of a gun. So, this time, he quickly moved, jumping from one place to the next until he stood at the bottom, laughing. "Come on, it's easy!"

Bare footed as always, and this time prepared for the slope, Frankie giggled her way down to him, skipping from one flat place to the next before finally gaining the flat ground. She bounced herself right into his arms with a smile, flinging her arms around him tightly.

He held her waist tightly, pressing her body to his as he spun about with the inertia of her hug. Laughing, he came to a slow halt and lowered his head, kissing her deeply.

Her feet lifted off the ground as he spun her about, dropping down to take her weight in time to meet his kiss with deep affection. Her hands combed through his hair, smoothed down his cheek and neck, as she leaned into him, the sound from her throat more of a moan than any sound she had made before.

His breath caught and he sunk to his knees, bringing her down with him. His body trembled as he lay her on the ground. He looked into her face, her eyes shining and trusting as he gazed into them. "Please, let me do this right." He whispered as he lowered himself onto her.

"Let me take my dress off first, then," she smiled, gently pressing him back up to take the hem in her hands, easing it up her body. She was trembling as much as him, but was more nervous of the act itself, rather than letting him do it to her. She loved him; what better reason could she have to say yes to a mating"

He leaned back and watched as she undressed. His eyes adored every inch of skin that was revealed. Taking a deep breath in through his nose, he blew it out of his mouth slowly. "Are you sure you're ready, Wisp?"

She laid the dress to one side, curling her arms up about herself as her knees lifted shyly. "If I wait to be ready, I'll never say yes, Tink," she whispered to him with a soft smile. "But I love you ....and I want you to do this with me. Is that enough?"

He nodded slowly and reached for her, taking her in his arms. "As long as you say it's alright." He whispered as he lowered his head to kiss her gently. "I love you, Wisp. I don't want to hurt you."

"It's alright," she whispered back to him, relaxing into his arms as her hand slid over his skin. Her lips touched to his, clinging in a slow kiss. "You won't hurt me. I love you." Her arms curled around his shoulders as she pressed a fuller kiss to his lips, inching closer.

Frankie Torres

Date: 2009-11-04 06:42 EST
His arms tightened around her, pulling her close and closing the gap between them. "I love you, so much." he whispered as he lay her down, once again. "You tell me no, if it's scary or hurts." He sighed softly and pressed his mouth to hers in a hungry kiss. His body shook with the amount of effort it took to keep that lynx at bay.

"I will," she promised breathlessly, before surrendering control of anything but herself to him in the first touch of that hungry, demanding kiss that she was all too willing to echo. Her back arched, bring her up against him as her hands smoothed over his skin fondly.

He let his body do what came naturally. What felt good, he did. What looked like it'd feel good, he tried. He knew his body well enough to know just how to touch.

She sighed pleasureably beneath him, as much an explorer as he. Where he used his lips, she used her hands, touching and caressing her way across his body, learning what made him respond and what did not. When he made her body thrill, she encouraged him with soft moans. Her lips sought his once again, still eager and hungry.

As he drew closer to that sweet objective, his heart raced and he could feel the lynx, clawing to be released. Fear swept over him like a cold sweat. He couldn't stop now, and gave her an apologetic look as the Beast tore through, fur replacing skin, as his body rocked from the intense orgasm that triggered the loss of virginity, loss of boyhood and was the final step into manhood. A loud, feral cry of joy, pleasure and pain echoed through the small glade. And when he was done, he stood over her, ashamed.

There was no need for him to be ashamed. Frankie had never expected that her own beast could be so eager for release as his and yet, as he moved within her, every stroke building her body to greater heights of pleasure, she could suddenly feel it there, clamouring for release. She never saw his look of apology, caught up in her own transformation as the intensity of feeling gave way to the final step into womanhood for her, lifting her from the ground with a howl of delight. She fell back, just Frankie once again, and breathless as she looked up at him.

His transformation back to human was much slower and less dramatic. A slow, shy smile curved his lips. "I'm sorry I couldn't stop it." he whispered and curled up beside her. "I didn't mean to scare you or hurt you. Did I hurt you, Wisp?"

With her chest heaving and her eyes glowing with pleasure, you'd be forgiven for thinking Frankie was entirely used to this sort of enjoyment. She curled into Jared's side, kissing his cheek tenderly. "You hurt me as much as I hurt you," she murmured, running her fingertip over the scratches her claws had left on him, feeling the ache of his claws' mark on her hips. And you didn't scare me," she added softly. "Not much."

In the heat of the moment, he hadn't even noticed that she'd clawed him, or vice versa. And now that it was over, and she still smiled at him and looked at him the same, Jared was relieved. Sighing softly, he held her close and gently kissed her mouth. "I love you, Wisp."

"Love you back," she whispered against his lips, curling her arms around him warmly. Should she feel different, now she was truly mated" She didn't know. But she was fairly certain if anyone else tried to do that to her, they'd be recieving a very clumsy emasculation by claw.

Suddenly, surprisingly to him, he yawned. His body felt drained and completely content. They had a blanket and he pulled it up and over them as he curled his body more around Frankie. Tonight was special and they'd share it alone. No sharing a pile of pelts with the evergrowing pack that they called family. Tonight, it was just Frankie and Jared. And he was quite happy with that.

((Adapted from Live Play with Jared and Frankie Torres.))