Topic: Story Time with a Cantankerous Smith


Date: 2014-03-26 01:14 EST
The rain fell in an oppressive torrent hammering off the weathered stone of the ancient ruins, the thunderous sound as if a mob of blood thirsty arena goers yelling and screaming for blood. The once drab and compact floor of dirt and over grown grass had wilted into a muddy mess that gave under the slightest movement and dragged down on ones feet as if possessed. On one side of what once was a great hall now ravaged by time and neglect stood the warrior clad in brigandine and cloaked in leather, a bastard sword in hand. And across from him on the other side was a hundred stone worth of angry mountain troll with the charred, mutilated body of her child laid broken and lifeless between them.

The man's muscles screamed for rest, taxed from the battles before. His left arm lay worthless at his side, the splint that had held a broken forearm destroyed, crushed from the blow that caused the second break below his shoulder. The rain that spilled from the heavens fell as a curtain before his eyes and pelted at his head streaming blood into his eyes from some cut along his brow to burn and blur his vision. Of course the swelling from a hastily set nose worked more to blind him than anything else. Through the thrum of blood pounding through his head, the cacophony of the rain, and the rough, huffing breath of the troll he could barely hear the voice of the priest as he chanted some incantation likely over the broken body of the thief. Had they sense they'd likely have went to seek the hunter who had also joined the journeyed to this forsaken castle, yet such thoughts would never make voice as the sense of movement and the sound of scraping claws against sodden earth told of the clear and urgent focus: the troll had set into a charge.

The warrior steeled himself, digging his boots welcoming into the steadying pull of the soaked ground as he brought that blade back, winding up for one powerful strike at the massive creature. He had no reservations that he'd survive such a foolhardy defense, but he'd lived a long life and found no fear in the thought of his own death. He watched as earth and grass where torn asunder by the creatures rage fueled charge, as leathery fur covered skin twisted and rolled accentuating powerful muscles that strove for a singular hate filled goal as the creature bellowed in ire and anguish showing row after row of jagged teeth built for shredding flesh and bone. Time seemed to slow in that instant of facing death, yet before the warrior knew it that creature and closed and lunged, deadly claws forward, jaw ajar as that set of four red eyes that burned with hatred focused on the kill. With nothing left to do, the man matched the beasts rage letting out a demon possessed howl of his own as he arced that blade forth...

= = = = =

"You just can't start there!" The young girl harrumphed and flung her hands down in emphasis of her point, green eyes glaring at the story teller.

The older man gave the girl a lazy glance with eyes the color of the ocean depths, a heavy set brow quirking in inquiry. "An' why no'" Tis tha bes' part. Gots action, gots violence, gots beast kill'n, wha's not ta like?"

The young elven boy who sat next to the girl gave her hand a slight pat to calm her as he addressed the older man. "You just can't start at the exciting part without leading up to it....that just isn't how it's done! Who is this warrior" Who are the priest and the thief and the hunter" Why are they even at a run down castle in the first place facing off against trolls" We want to hear the whole story!" The girl gave an energetic nod in agreement.

A lazy sigh escaped the story teller as a massive hand rose to scratch in irritation at his thick corn colored beard. "Bu' tha' par' bae borin' w' lots of talk'n an' sorts wi'out a lotta fight'n." He looked at the two as they glared at him in determination responding in unison.

"Please Petar, tell us the whole story!" The older man cringed a little at the earnest plea, a weary gaze cast upon the two.

"Oi bloo'y 'ells tha' bae creepy. An' what if'n I don' feel li'e goin' o'er all that bor'n stuff?"

The two looked at each other before the girl would come up with a new strategy turning those starkly green eyes to the man but rather than a glare they would grow wide to emphasize the drooping of her features in downtrodden disappointment. "But....we really want to hear the story, the whole story....they are so much more exciting than those we've heard from other travelers, the Thompson brothers said so! We even brought you your favorite drink in hopes that maybe you'd be so kind as to....bu..but if you don't want to I guess we really can't force you too..." Had she the faculty she may even have shed a tear at this point.

Of course this only made Petar cringe even more as he leaned slightly away from the girl. She probably lead that poor boy around like a mule with a carrot and stick. Azure eyes would look away from the saccharine sight seeking comfort in the glass of whiskey he held, his payment so to speak. He watched for a long pause as a glove hand idly swirled the amber liquid about the glass before at last he'd let out an exasperated sigh, a tired look cast back to the youths. "Fin', fin' I'll tell ye tha whole story. Bu' only cause this liquor tends ta ma'e me nostalgic an' sorts."

The two nodded happily, their faces lighting up as they stared at him in earnest concentration once more. He still found this rather disturbing but a swig of that liquor and the burn of the alcohol as it traveled down to his core helped to alleviate such misgivings.

"Well, anyway, as'n I hear this all 'appen'd a few years back. Y'see..."


Date: 2014-03-28 16:39 EST
The sun hung low on the eastern horizon casting long shadows as it ascended lazily over the clay shingled roofs and cobbled street of that sprawling port city. The leisurely sounds of the morning cacophony slowly grew though along one of those many roads that led from the northwest trader's gate to the markets the sharp pang of metal working metal rang out over the din of civilization. The sound emanated from a modest sized two story building housing a home, forge, and storefront that pandered sundries and necessities nestled unassumingly among other simple crafts stores that lined the wide street.

It was a day as any other that had come before; the man that worked the smithy had been up since long before the cocks call to revelry preparing the forge for the days work. He was a rugged man who stood near a head above your average fellow and was near half as broad from shoulder to shoulder. His massive form was clad in simple work attire of leather pants, an un-dyed woolen work shirt, and a soot stained heavy leather apron. The simplicity of the garb almost clashed with the wavy locks of shoulder length auburn hair that he wore tied back with a simple leather strap, a well kept goatee rounding out the mature air about the fellow. Seated beneath a stern brow, deep green eyes that shone as emeralds stared with a sharp determination as he worked the iron.

The man moved in simple repetition though with purpose as he heated, worked, and cooled the iron bar in his hand; the motion nearly autonomous till the shout of the owner of the establishment brought him back to his senses.

"Oi, Omar, you've a visitor in the shop!" The stout owner of the business shouted from the front stockroom as he continued going over the inventory for the day.

Omar set aside the piece he worked on as he walked across to the store front, stopping at a basin set near the doorway to try and clean off some of the worked in soot that stained his hands. A whole minute was spent on the futile effort before he finally gave up on the prospect settling for putting on some gloves and hoping whomever was calling on him wasn't a very touchy feely type as he'd push into the small storefront.

"Welcome to The Right Tool Forge, "pologize for the wait. I believe you were calling specifically" The smiths words fell silent as he looked upon the wispy figure that stood at the entry way. Androgynous and tall yet not nearly so as the smith, the lithe figure wore simple yet fine cloth robes dyed a rich golden yellow with red and orange accents which clashed with the near ebony hue of their flesh. A thin smile crossed those gentle, angular features all the way up to almond shaped vermilion colored eyes as they looked over the smith that stood before it offering a slight bow showing off a host of long silvery hair braided back and the sharp points of elongated ears lined with rings of silver.

"Ah, it is so very good to make your acquaintance." The drow spoke with a gentle, airy tin to its voice. "You appear to be as much of the man as I've heard about."

"Is that so?" The smith offered a thin smile of his own though it wouldn't reach those emerald eyes of his. "Is there something I can do for you...?"

The drow smiled gently once more as its head lowered in an apologetic bow. "Ah, my apologies. I'm Mopey Knife-Ear, putz in service of Keg Lords Flame. And you must be..."

= = = = =

Petar fell quiet as he felt a burning glare upon him, azures lazily looking to his audience.

"Mopey Knife-Ear" Keg Lords Flame"! Oh come now, that is not their proper names!" The young elf glowered which in turn brought a glower from the girl as well; funny since Petar hadn't insulted her kind....he thinks. Another glance was hazard at the girl's ears ensuring their roundness before he took a lazy draw of that amber liquor.

"Loo' lad, wha' differ'nce does i' ma'e wha' I use fer 'is name" Ye'll come ta learn tha' tha's a much m're fitt'n name anyways..." A thought crossed his mind bringing a grin to those thin lips. "Well, okay, no' tha 'Keg Lord' bit....tha's jus' plain funny." That grin would almost blossom into a chortle if not for the wilting glare given in response to his joke.

"That's not the point! It's demeaning both to the character and any other 'knife-eared' people who might be listening! We've had to endure prejudice from..."

And up came that glass for another lazy swig of liquor as Petar tuned out the boy's tirade; mind wandering as he savored the growing warmth that rose from his core. This land, this city that he had found himself in had many faults though the homogeneity of it all tended to strike the hardest nerve. Ogres, kobolds, dragonkin, werebeasts, demon touched, and even vampires simply waltzed about the city without a care in the world and no one paid them another thought despite their typical nature to prey on humans. Of course, it was probably for this very fact that no one really asked too many questions. The city was the best place to run away and disappear into obscurity with the price of admission being you'd leave others well enough alone even if some of them would tear your face off if given half the opportunity.

At the sound of silence, or at least the lack of the boy's voice, he'd clear his head of such whimsy as his attention returned to the two youths who still glared at him, a rather defiant look upon the boy's face as if daring the older man to try and disprove his reasons for why everyone shouldn't join hands in brotherly love. Instead of answering the call he'd raise both hands in an apologetic gesture. "S'rry, s'rry, s'ppos'n yer right lad. Guess i's jus' 'ard ta put aside some ol' views."

The young elf seemed to relax at this placation, the tension draining some from his form into an almost self satisfied look. "No, no, it's alright....please, continue"

Petar offered a lazy nod, a thin smile repressed at the thought of how this just proved his theory before he'd continue...

= = = = =

The drow smiled gently once more as its head lowered in an apologetic bow. "Ah, my apologies. I am Bardiin Helvirret, priest in service of Kelor's Devine Flame. And you must be Sir Eric Armen, lord of..."

The smith raised a gloved hand to cut off the drow. "Nope, you've sought out the wrong person drow. I am Omar Briggs, smith, and certainly no lord of anything. Now if you'll excuse me I've got work to do."

He rolled about on his heel lurching forward back towards the abandoned forge. Behind that tinny voice called out. "Ah, wai...wait! You must be him, you match the description perfectly! Please, I beseech you to hear me out, I've a proposition for you that can prove to be most lucrative!"

Slow steps came to a stop as emerald eyes looked back at the drow. "No, you've a proposition for this Armen fellow whom is not here. All that's here is the owner of this shop and I whom are both simple smiths. So unless your proposition has to do with filing an order of nails to save the kingdom I at least am not interested."

Without waiting for a rebuttal he'd continue his journey back to the forge grabbing that abandoned piece and shoving it back amongst the coals to reheat. The drow followed quick on his heels though it's journey was quickly stopped as the owner stepped into the doorway between the forge and storefront blocking the path. "Oi, Omar, is this elfkin bothering you?"

Omar didn't spare a glance to the drow, his attention on the glowing coal as he stoked the fire. "Not so much, but we've no business to discuss and I've work to do."

"But!" Bardiin craned to try to garner the smith's attention but the stout man that blocked his way didn't yield.

"Alright elfkin, you've said your peace. Now less you've coin to drop on business I'd advise you to take your leave. I don't take too kindly to folks insisting on hindering my business." The drow gave the man a pleading look but he held his ground mustering a glare that retained it's authority despite the near head difference in height. Dejectedly the drow turned away, casting one last look at the smith who had by now returned to that autonomous hammering before they left the establishment.

The stocky fellow nodded at a job well done before turning to the other smith. "Blazes Omar, what in the twelve hells was all that?"

"A case of mistaken identity, that's all."

= = = = =

"Is this story about you!?" The young lass blurted out enthusiastically as the older man took a swig of that liquor.

Azure eyes leveled a flat gaze at the girl, his typical deadpan tone taking on an incredulous note. "Wha'" 'Avn' ye been listen'n?"

"Ohhh....yeah, that description does kinda sound like him." The elven boy added as if they'd just made some grand observation.

A derisive snort escaped the smith as a swig of liquor was taken to give his tongue pause so as his mind could cool the words he used. "How in tha 'ells does that fellow soun' li'e mae" Brown 'air, green eyes, named Omar."

"Tall, really broad of shoulder, kind of jerky..." The girl shrank a little from that hard glance the man shot at her. "Um, er, an....and a blacksmith just like you!"

A thick brow ticked upward. "Lo's o' people bae blacksmiths."

"Like you!" The boy chimed though this only warranted him his own wilting glare.

A weary sigh escaped the older man as he waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. "Loo', tis just some creative license eh' Easier ta ge' in tha role o' story tell'n if'n I can put maeself in tha boots o' tha story. An as fer being a blacksmith I jus' happen ta find tha' field relatable."

"Because they're cool like fezzes?" The girl chimed.

"Than who was this fellow really?" The boy asked.

He held back another sigh as a gloved hand pinched at the bridge of his nose. "Wha' in tha' 'ells does that even mean!" Fezzes..." He shook his head. "No, no, ne'ermind. Loo' dae ye wan' ta hear this story or don't ye?"

The two had begun to babble between themselves when that ultimatum was dropped drawing their attentions sharply to the smith. "We do! We do!" They pleaded in unison.

Azures cast a stern look on the youths. "Then shut yer pieholes an' listen, a'righ'?"

The two nodded solemnly, mumbling their acceptance and insincere apologies. "Righ' then. Now, le's see. Tha sun 'ad lon'...?


Date: 2014-03-31 23:01 EST
The sun had long since retreated beyond the horizon and the moons had already begun their ascent by the time Omar stepped out into the brisk night air. He stretched lazily before locking up the store, O"Connel having already left to track down how much damage his wife had done to his profits for the day. It had only been six months since he had arrived in this city yet already he was trusted with so much responsibility by O"Connel, likely a poor decision but given the mans past with wives he probably wasn't the type of fellow who made good decisions often. Omar mused over this as his legs carried him mindlessly down the cobbled streets towards the docks district. The increasing din of drunken merriment would bring his mind back to his surroundings as he gaze came upon his destination: The Tawny Crab.

It was a simple enough building made of stained stone and wood faded by the constant salty breeze from the harbor. Of course the inside was just as worn by the" lowbrow custom the bar attracted. The only real good points for the establishment were that it was cheap, they hardly watered down your drinks, and it carried a bevy of drinks and foods for foreign tastes being a port tavern and this was good enough for the smith. Omar ambled his way up the steps and pushed through the door letting the full heady atmosphere wash over him; the smell of cheap booze and smoke, the carousing of patrons, and the erratic energy of dozens of different problems trying to crawl into bottles or bosoms. It was his kind of place, and though such likely didn't reflect well on him it didn't lessen the fact any.

Shuffling through the throng of patrons he made his way across the commons to the bar top, a gloved hand raising long enough to garner the tenders attention before he'd shuffle about to settle upon one of the wooden stools that lined the oaken counter. Omar really didn't have any friends here, though that was mostly his fault as he really didn't pursue any kind of friendship. He came solely for one purpose and one purpose only, and this was presented to him in the form of two medium glasses of amber liquor set before him by the tender. A simple nod was given between the two men before the tender would move off to his next customer and Omar would take up that first glass. Unceremoniously the glass was lifted for a long draw of the amber liquid, a thin smile pulling on his lips as he felt the comforting burn giving way to that warm glow at his core. Emerald eyes would close lazily as he let his mind drift, another long draw of the alcohol helping to push his mind away from the din of the present.

A gentle voice beside him would bring his mind crashing back to reality. "Excuse me, may I take this seat?"

"It's a mostly free port; you can do as you li?" Those emerald eyes cracked open to see whom he addressed, the sight of yellow robes and silver hair tugging on remembrance. ?"what do you want?"

Bardiin took the stool gingerly next to him, a gentle smile curling on those angular features. "Thank you very much. And what I want is simply to speak with you about my proposition."

Omar's eyes opened so he could shoot the drow a sidelong glare. "Thought I already told you I ain't this Sir Rick Alfwasowhatever you were looking for."

That smile didn't leave the drow's face as their head craned slightly. "I understand, but I would like for you to listen to my proposal nonetheless. Perhaps you would be interested in it for yourself."

The smith snorted lightly, a drink taken as he dismissed the drow. "Not likely, I have a job and I ain't looking to switch to a different smithy."

"Oh, this isn't a smithing job. I seek other" talents that I believe you would have." The melodic tin of the elfkin's voice and the properness of speech thatstood at ends with the typical tone of the tavern.

Eyeing the drow once more revealed that smile hadn't waned any which only worked to annoy him. "Look knife ear, I doubt very much that I have any talents that would be of use to one so"fine of dress and manner as you."

An embarrassed chuckle escaped the drow, either oblivious or ignoring the mans insulting tone. "That is where you are wrong. I am in need of a great warrior, and you are such' or were." Omar made to object but the elf pushed on. "The way you carry yourself, the many scars of battles past that mark you, even just your presence is unnerving and the air about you daunting and dangerous. You are a warrior and nothing you say can dismiss that fact."

Omar stared a while longer at the elf who returned his gaze gently yet almost daring him to disprove their assertions. He broke the gaze with a lazy drink of that liquor, attention shifting away. "Alright, so you fancy me a "warrior," whatever. I am a smith now, and if you seek a fighter for hire you need only look around, I'm sure you could find any number of sellsword to tend to your business."

The drow's smile faded a little as his expression took on a more serious tone. "I do not seek any common sellsword sir, I seek a warrior of caliber of which I am certain you are" besides, I have something that may be of interest to you..."

The drow trailed off producing a simple silver ring from the folds of his robe. The ring wasn't of particular quality or remark save for a simple phoenix crest signet that adorned the crown. Omar eyed the ring with disinterest as he took a sip of that liquid ambrosia. "I hope you don't think such a bauble is any sort of worthy payment for a swordarm' it's hardly anything rare and looks to be well beyond worth in wear and tear."

That smile grew once more upon those angular features. "The payment isn't so much the ring in particular, but the owner of it. That is, information on them."

Omar let his attention drift once more as he nursed that glass of liquor idly. The elfkin simply sat there patiently letting the man mull over his thoughts. Finally Omar gave the ring another glance, that frown that pulled on his stern features growing a touch as curiosity finally took him, free hand snatching the ring without resistance from the drow's outstretched hand. He brought the ring up for closer scrutiny, taking note of the worn details of the crest and the nearly rubbed away scripture that lined the inside: Iv Yyglan Iv Dricroys Pas Viln U Tengrival ~ Lrs. Yylginfras.

The drow crossed it's hands atop the oaken counter. "It belonged to a sellsword by the name of Hardin Ingles, though I believe he was also known as Ilgenfrast."

"Belonged?" Emeralds locked onto the drow who simply smiled at the demanding inquiry.

"Yes, it was given as collateral on his last job' a job for my order to retrieve the artifact which I now seek and which I wish your assistance in acquiring."

Omar set the ring down next to those ebony hands. "And what happened to the last company that sought this artifact?"

"That is part of your payment' to find out what happened to the honorable Sir Ilgenfrast." That smile reached those vermillion eyes.

Omar turned his attentions away and back to the drink in hand which was nearly empty, the last bit downed before setting the glass upon the bartop. He'd take up the second glass now. "And what makes you think I care?"

"Just an intuition. Anyways, beyond that, if it is shown that he abandoned his contract than you would be entitled to his remaining payment on top of any acquisitions made during our quest."

A mild snigger escaped the man. "So you think I'm some sort of warrior who would throw himself into danger for an old acquaintance who's likely dead by their own stupidity for a bit of change and the opportunity for trinkets?"

"Yes." The drow's response was firm, a defiant tone creeping into that melodic voice. "Yes I do. All that as well as because Sir Ilgenfrast left an expectant lady in waiting who has bade me to find out what happened to her beloved as well, and I believe you are the kind to care about that as well."

Omar watched lazily as the drow spoke their case, that frown weary upon his features. When silence feel between the two once more his thoughts would turn inward as he idly nursed on that drink in hand. He had to give Helvirret one thing, they were well informed and knew how to use that to their advantage. Another moment or two would pass before he'd acknowledge the drow. "Is that so' A quest you said."

"Indeed." The drow matched the mans gaze, their expression serene yet defiant much like the cat that had a taste for other pets.

"So you've roped other dopes into this little farce?"

And once more that smile curled on those angular features. "Would you like to meet them?"

A weary sigh escaped the man, a hand raised lazily in an exasperated gesture. "Fine, fine, I'll hear you out' even if I'm not the man you seek. Are you happy?"

"Ecstatic! If you'll follow me they should be gathered in a corner booth this way." That lithe figure slipped off the barstool, a hand motioning for Omar to follow.

Well, things looked to be going from bad to worse as Omar slipped off his stool, drink in tow as he followed the drow to one of the large corner booths that surrounded the commons area.


= = = = =

"Uh' Petar?" The young girl craned her head as she brought her full attention to the silent man who himself stared at the empty vessel within his hand.

"Whelp, I'm out. Story tim's over." Petar stretched lazily, head tilting one side to the other with a dull pop accentuating each extreme. Azures glossed over looks of sheer shock that befell his young audience.

"Wh"what!" Bu..but we thought." The elvish boy stammered but the girl took a more direct form of protest.

"You can't just stop there! You've hardly gotten into the backstory much less the action!" Petar spied near outrage in the tense stance of the girl as she glared at him.

"Well, I trie" ta start off a" tha best bit bu' nooo, ye want'd all tha ex-position an' stuff "efore." That outrage didn't temper at his explanation, but rather spurred the girl.

"But action without context is like"like stew meat outside of stew, it's just unpalatable and non-sensical!"

"Huh' I rather li"e stew mea?" tha' toughness gives i?"" Petar didn't really shrink away from the intensity of that glare but he knew when being flippant wasn't really in his best interest. He watched the girl warily before raising the empty glass for the girl to inspect.

"Well, stew's aside I still bae ou" o' paymen" fer mae amateur bard"n." That glare faltered some at the presentation of stark fact and the flat stare of the older man which spoke of his seriousness.

Now it was the girls turn to stammer. "Well" I...we thought that just one would wet your appetite" and?" She fumbled into the pockets sewn onto the front of her apron; a hand tapping the elf's to prompt him to searching his person as well for any further coin. Petar watched the two with a stoic expression as they compared the random assortment of tidbits between them, their expressions dwindling at the dawning realization. Those azures would wander off having their fill of the sight when suddenly another voice would interrupt the quiet, panicked discussion between the two.

?"Nother tall order Pe~tar." Those azures snapped to the shapely woman that stood between the two, another tall glass of amber in hand as well as the blue bottle whence the contents came from. "On me" for onea my best customers."

Petar gave a mild glare of his own to the woman who only smirked at the gesture though this was quickly squashed by the bubbling excitement from the two youths.

"Oh Hannelore! Thank you, thank you, we'll work hard and pay you back, we swear. Won't we Kelen!" The girl elbowed the elf in the side knocking him into supplication as well. "Indeed! We will pay you back with interest, you have our word!"

The woman gave the two a mildly embarrassed look backing off some from the intensity of their platitudes. "It's alright, it's alright, just enjoy yourself" all of you." She offered a knowing wink to Petar who turned away scoffing the playful gesture though his hand would already be exchanging glasses. He waited a moment before taking a lazy draw of the amber liquid, that warmth at his core growing once more into a comfortable glow. Azures turned to catch as the woman sauntered off back towards the bar, and now he was left once more with the excited ones who did well to hide their contentment. A lazy sigh escaped him. "Sae"righ?" were was I?"

"An then Omar slid off-a his stool, drin in hand as he followed the drow to one-a the corner booths thaa surrounded thaa commons?"

Petar cringed to himself at the girl's poor impression of his accent. "Righ", righ?" anyway??


Date: 2014-04-06 01:32 EST
The drow was nearly aglow as the pair walked up to the motley trio that sat at the booth. "Greetings and salutations. I hope I haven't kept any of you over long."

"Nope! Just got here myself, though maybe I should have been a bit more late..." The auburn haired woman spoke with a playful tone that suited her younger appearance. Tanned skin matched well with the slim cut black leather jerkin and riding pants she wore which accentuated her lean yet strong build. A cross of baldrics over her torso held a bevy of pouches and the occasional dagger.

The man that the jab was aimed at laughed in a barking manner. He looked to be of middle age with short cropped dirty corn colored hair and an ill kept beard. His frame was strong yet lithe clad in simple fabrics and a hard leather cuirass with a wool cloak and straw hat rounding out the ensemble. Though he couldn't see all the mans weapons, Omar made note of the fine wooden long bow that the man cradled lightly against his chest. "Har, har, har, ya know me company is a droll. Right lassy!"

The man elbowed the last of the group who simple shot him a dirty glare from beneath the rim of her conical hat which covered short raven hair. The deep purple of the hat matched with the almost oversized robes that engulfed her small frame giving her the appearance of a child trying to wear her parent's cloths to look grown up. The young girl carried two mismatched satchels on each hip, a simple staff leaned next her which looked particularly new and unused save for the chard end.

Omar gave an assessing gaze of each before that frown crossed his features once more. "This is your merry band" I thought I was being glib when I said you'd roped some dopes?"

The two women gave him a sullen glare though the man barked out another laugh.

"HA! Is this the "warrior" you found" I likes him, strong and witty! Come! Join this group of dopes for a lull." He smacked a gloved hand upon the fabric of the booth seat next him, a broad grin near ear to ear upon his face.

Omar eyed the group once more, a look to the drow only getting another glance of that irritating smile. With a sigh he took a seat though he made sure to put some distance between him and the annoying one. The drow would take a seat across from him, hand motioning to each as he made introductions.

"Omar, I would like you to meet Lorent the Hunter..." a motioning to the man who continued to grin like a jackal "Raina the Mage?" the young girl with the floppy hat bowed her head embarrassed "and Ana the Thief" the well equipped woman began to nod before an annoyed look crossed her features.

"Hey! I am not a thief! I am a material redistribution consultant' and I thought you said the Warrior was suppose to be a man named Eric."

Bardiin raised a hand in placation "A case of mistaken identity, but Omar is indeed the Warrior."

The 'hunter' nudged at the woman. "Eric, Omar, look at him....hesa a beast! Can't go wrong in a fight with you, eh friend, Har!"

"See, Lorent is amicable to this change."

"But I thought Eric was special in some way?" The young mage spoke quietly as she looked Omar over hesitantly.

"Oh, but we all are special in our own ways Raina" and Omar's talents I'm sure we'll find to be most adequate for our task."

The 'theif' smirked lazily. "Yes, we all are special in our own ways, and some of us are particularly special. Hmmm Lorent?"

"Ho! You pickpocket is sneaky and clever of tongue, perhaps in other ways too?"

Omar took a lazy drink as he watched the group bicker amongst themselves, that feeling of impending doom growing by the minute. Finally growing tired of the jibs and placation he would speak up. "Er, is there any particular reason everyone has a moniker?"

Lorent chimed an answer. "For strategy planning. Makes it easier to keep track of our roles."

Omar couldn't help but quirk a brow at this. "In a group of five?"

"Five folks of diverse background and skill, yes?" Lorent beamed.

"To help the dullards?" All eyes turned to the sharp remark from the soft spoken girl who shrank under the brim of her hat from the sudden attention. This wasn't going anywhere fast and he was fairly certain the alcohol he had wasn't nearly enough to make wanting to deal with this group a good idea so Omar began to shuffle out of the booth. The drow noticed this, ashen hands rising as their expression turned serious.

"Please, everybody! We are gathered so let us discuss the quest I have implored you all to assist me with!"

The bickering ceased at the drow's implore, Omar himself stopping his exit though more so from the reaction of the others than on behalf of the drow. "Thank you. Now as all of you are aware I am a priest in the service of Kelor's Divine Flame, an order which seeks to purify the soul through the rigors of struggle and service in adversity."

Omar stifled a smirk at this statement coming from a drow of all people, Bardiin continued without so much as a pause. "For this goal his greatness left several holy artifacts, a few of which have been....lost with time."

Another quirk of that brow as the smith took a drink from that tall glass. "Lost?"

"Yes, lost. Our order has never been large and has been prone to....violent exchanges in the past with non-believers. It is such that a number of our ancient temples have been lost in time due to a lack of comprehensive history?"

"So your religion is unpopular and has been nearly stomped out a number of times so your scholars were too busy just trying to survive to care about the history." Omar lazily stared at the drow as he made the blunt observation; Bardiin simply offered one of those annoying smiles.

" are not uncorrect. We have lost much of our history; however, scholars in my order have discovered the location of one of our principle texts that was lost nearly 500 years before. We have ascertained it's location and it's safety within and now seek to retrieve this artifact' and that is where we come in."

"And we should bother with this daft quest for your unpopular order because...?" Omar's voice was the only one that arose in question.

"Because of respective payments promised to each of you. And as I said we have ascertained that the relic is safe within an old castle sans temple built into the side of a cliff no more than a fortnight travel from here. The castle was protected by wards, traps, and illusions so if the tome still remains safely within it can be assumed that the treasures of this ancient castle remain intact."

"Assumed?" Again, it was only his voice that rose in question.

"There can be no certainty in this; the previous group that ventured into the castle has not reported back in over two month's time and we fear the worse."

"Beings?" Now it seemed the placation of the drow was reaching its end with the others as Lorent made the inquiry.

"That they have befell the dangers of the wards or traps within the castle. As I've said, knowledge of what lay within has been lost to the annuls of time and so while we tried to prepare as best we could it was still a blind shot."

Omar finished his drink; deep emerald eyes settled a level gaze upon the drow. "Much as this venture..."

Bardiin's features kept that smile though his expression was beginning to wear. "Look, I am aware that what I ask of each of you is much and with little in the ways of guarantees, but I have sought each of you not only for your skills but for your adaptability. I had not heart to brave this quest with the first group that undertook it but I am vested in this venture and have complete faith in each of you."

The members of the impromptu group eyed each other warily, Omar in particular giving each member an appraising gaze. These certainly wouldn't be the four people that he would have chosen to undertake such a risky venture, particularly not for such a paltry reward" but still. He sighed inwardly as he gave his woefully empty glass a forlorn stare before leveling that gaze upon the drow as he made to air his major complaint.

"Well, okay Bardiin, you've got your reasons and your trusts, strange as they may be. But I gotta ask, what good is this pipsqueak going to do us?" Omar stared at the thief as she beat him to the punch though obviously it was a concern for others in the group as well as he made note of Lorent nodding sagely.

"Yes, the walking shield I sees for sure and the thief is integral and looks well established in career of looting yes" But the girly mage looks like one trick pony and that be roasting us and self which I don't see as very useful, no?"

The little mage positively bristled under the broad brim of her hat; Omar could tell from the uncomfortable tension in the air as the currents of magic grew agitated with the girl. She spoke low and menacing" or at least as menacing as one so small could muster. "How dare you ignorant cretins question my prowess and control of forces your tiny little minds could not begin to comprehend" should I show you just how capable I am!"

That last part was nearly yelled and worked to quiet some of the random conversations around them. All eyes in the group where on the girl who nearly crackled with anger save for Bardiin who raised his hands in a mollifying manner to all parties. "Please, Raina may be young but she is talented for her age and has just as much vested interest in this endeavor as any of you. I can personally vouch that she will be a useful asset in our quest."

The others didn't quiet look convinced but it seemed they weren't so keen on arguing, particularly not with an angry mage ready to explode, perhaps literally. Mayhap he had misjudged some of the wisdom behind the drows choices.

"I'm sorry, you just seem awfully young to be? um, well, just young I guess. No hard feelings, right?" Ana offered a brilliantly toothy smile to the girl. Raina simply continued to stew beneath the brim of her hat though at least the air began to smell less burnt. Lorent looked ready to say something but a surprisingly stern look from the drow would subvert any further commentary from the man. After a moment longer of silence the drow would smile once more.

"Right. Well then, if there are no other objections then I suggest we adjourn. I understand this is a risky venture based greatly on faith....but I have the utmost confidence in all of you and I believe this is a venture well worthwhile to everyone. I will be by each of your respective residences within the week once I've finalized arrangements and provisions for this journey. I urge you all to come prepared but to pack light; remember, you will be bringing back remediation once we finish our business." And once more the drow smiled that annoyingly brilliant smile, though whether it was because they were trying to instill camaraderie or simply hoping no one voiced objection Omar couldn't quiet pinpoint. Either way the drow would shuffle out of the booth pausing to ensure that the others would follow the lead rather than stay behind and potentially kill one another.

Ana scooted, hands absently checking over a few of her pouches as she stood with a touch of bounce in her step. "Alright! Well, I'll be seeing all you." With a wink and a wave she would stride off without as much as a look back. For a thief she had a rather blithe outlook. Lorent would slink out of the booth next, perhaps a little hurried to put distance between himself and the scorned mage. "Okay then, Lorent is off. Make sure you provision some steak for me and some sweets for our more delicate dopes hmm. Ha!" Even Bardiin's ever patient smile wilted a little at the man's barking laugh. With a rather disturbing wink and grin the hunter sauntered off himself in the direction that the thief went, likely to try and inflict his crass manner some more upon the woman.

Opting not to be the last to leave Omar would shuffle out of the "C" shaped booth himself leaving that empty glass on the table. Not much for such grandiose displays he would simply turn on his heel making his way for the exit without so much as a wave. From behind he heard that tinny sing song voice call out after him. "Be safe Omar, and thank you for hearing me out. I have faith you will be ready to journey with us come my return. You will not be disappointed!"

Of course the elfkin was wrong, he was already disappointed. He had little interest in this fools errand and yet here he was willingly roped into it for some trinkets and a stupid sense of responsibility to a person who was likely dead by their own stupidity. A wave and circle of his hand was offered to the tender who shot him a dirty look at the promise of payment next time, he being one of only a few who could probably get away with such without getting his legs broken, and out the door he would go. The air had a crisp cool to it that felt refreshing compared to the stifling atmosphere of the inn. A deep breath of the crisp air was taken to help clear his mind of that soar mood as he began walking once more down those cobbled streets towards the boarding house that he called home, his mind wandering off on the logistics of the mess he'd let himself be dragged into.

He'd almost not notice the patter of feet and rustling of cloth behind him, but suddenly "Omar!" a soprano voice called after him yanking his mind back to the present. He'd cast a look back to see the young mage running after him, her staff gripped to her chest as she ran, satchels and robe bouncing about just adding to that mental image of a child in clothing too large. She beamed a surprisingly friendly smile between gulping breaths as she caught up to him. "You" walk quickly' did you know that?"

Why was she being friendly to him' He had just as much doubts about her presence as the others" but he hadn't voiced them. Omar sighed inwardly as he had failed to be unfriendly and antagonistic at the one time that it mattered! Those emeralds looked down at the girl, his tone flat and disinterested. "Hadn't noticed. Is there something you needed??"

Having recovered her breath she would stand up proudly to her whole five and a quarter feet in height, a small hand thrust out towards him. "I don't think we really got the chance to meet or talk during that meeting. I'm Raina Van Kelwall, Magnus" or Magnus in training. And you?"

Omar looked at the offered hand then back to that beaming face. "Omar."


"Just Omar." He'd turn his attention back to the road ahead of him as his feet began to carry him forth once more.

A moment's pause and the girl would catch up to walk beside him, that friendly expression just a little dimmed. "So' you're a warrior huh."


That expression sank a little more. "Oh' but you do know how to fight' right?"

"A bit." He confessed, but just so.

She would perk up at this. "Okay! That's good" so' hey, can you believe those two?"

"Yes, I can." His answer was blunt, a look hazarded at the girl expecting that same spitfire as in the tavern. Instead he found that cheery expression had simply sank into depression illiciting an unease in the emotionally stunted man.

"Whaaat, you too' Why does everyone assume that mages need to be old and bearded to be any good!" The girl pouted as best she could while still trying to keep pace with the smith's broad steps.

Omar sighed wearily, form coming to a stop as he turned to face the girl. "Look Raina, no one's questioning whether you're a good mage or not. It's just this little farce we've all apparently thrown our lots into is dangerous. It may even be deadly"and that is nowhere for a young mage to be trying to cut her teeth."

Raina shot him an angry glare. "I'm not young, I'm seventeen, and I have just as much riding on this as any of you!"

"Oh?" A brow quirked in mild interest. What had the drow promised this lass to make her willing to go on this fools errand" "And what pray tell is that?"

"Bardiin said there would be ancient texts and relics of magic in those ruins. If I can get some of those then maybe I can convince those narrow minded idiots at the academy that even a low born deserves training too!" She would stab the end of that staff onto the cobbled street with a crack for emphasis though it certainly didn't improve upon the young ones accusation.

A hand rose to pinch the bridge between nose and brow as Omar sighed inwardly once more. "Wait' so you're not actually a mage in training?"

She began to bristle now. "I'm trained by myself! I had a maestro but when I wouldn't perform certain" tricks....he ended our arrangement."

And now that sigh found its way out. "Where are your guardians??"

The silence that followed stretched out a bit too long prompting the smith to hazard a glance at the girl. Raina bit the corner of her lip, the fire and defiant expression that lit her face mere moments before extinguished. Looking away she'd finally speak, her voice nearly a murmur that threatened to float away on the sea breeze. "That's none of your concern?"

Omar watched the girl quietly as she fidgeted in silence. After a bit she'd shore up her expression pushing back that blank mask she had at the table. "Well, anyway, I hope your half as good a fighter as Bardiin makes you out to be? I expect you to watch my back. Though I may not be experienced, I will pull my weight."

He considered her words a moment before offering a simple nod to the young mage. "Alright' alright"you have my word. And I expect you to do the same"but don't go throwing yourself into trouble, okay?"

She would offer a simple nod of her own, her expression brightening just a bit but she worked hard to hide this beneath her hat. The two would begin walking once more in silence. After another block passed Omar finally came up with something to fill the void. "So, you seem to have a fair bit of trust in the drow. Something like that isn't born overnight."

Raina shook her head, the point of her hat flopping about as she did. "I've known Bardiin for about a month now" probably the longest out of the rest of us."


"Yeah' we meet at the local arcane library. Bardiin then told me about Ana a week after and then the dumb one a week after that."

Omar considered this, so obviously he was the last one on the drow's list of people to seek out, he'd wonder why but that would just be silly. "So do you know what the others are after?"

The girl thought on this a moment. "I think Lorent was looking for somebody' for money I think" and Ana is in it for the profit."

"Hmm..." The smith considered all this, the drow certainly did a lot of research as no one of them where after the same thing. Passing a few more streets Raina would slow to a halt prompting the man to stop as well. He looked back at her as she turned.

"Well, this is my street." Omar simply offered a nod as she'd start heading down one of the side streets. After a bit of distance was made she would turn back, free hand waving back at the smith with a smile. "Be well, I'll see you again in a week!"

Omar nodded once more and watched her walk off till the street bent out of view. Alone with his thoughts once more he'd start on his own way home. Autonomously he wandered down the cobbled streets as he pieced everything together. By the time that he made it to the front of that small, run down boarding house he'd come to a conclusion. Now it all made sense, that manipulative dagger eared bastard! The drow had made choices based not only on what little prize could be offered to each person to sway them, but also to how connected each person was to the world around them. The mage was an orphan, the thief a loner by the nature of her work, the hunter" a loner by his nature and likely profession, and he himself had little connection to the life or place he lived. So in the end it wouldn't matter if they died or not' certainly not to a priest in an order that extolled the virtues of hardships!

Omar had half a mind to try and seek out that pointy eared priest and use them for martial practice" but as quick as his ire ebbed it would subside. A sigh escaped him....obviously the others had to have come to this same conclusion and yet it didn't stop them. Hells, it really didn't bother him that much either save for the fact that it turned out as such due to the machinations of another rather than the twisted humor of a cruel fate. Emeralds cast to the sky as he begrudgingly came to the conclusion that he really had no pressing objection to this travesty' though whether this was a good thing or not he wasn't sure.

"Ah screw it?? And with such sage words he would head into the boarding house to seek his bed.


Date: 2014-04-15 22:54 EST
A week and a half passed without incident and Omar continued with life as usual working the forge by day and the bar by night. Unfortunately on the evening of the twelfth day the drow was waiting for him outside the shop as promised; those bright colored robes replaced with a less bright orange tunic with a belt that had a number of large pouches affixed to it. Beneath the tunic gray breeches were worn that disappeared into tops of black riding boots. A mustard yellow wool cloak and matching pointed hood with lappets and ear holes finished the garish ensemble.

Despite the desire to ground the smiling pointy eared bastard into the cobbles Omar would behave not wanting to grievously injure the only potential healer in their merry band so soon into their journey. Instead the two walked in relative silence to his boarding house to retrieve his pack and change into his gear: a leather brigandine with steel plating, steel and hard boiled leather bracers and spaulders, a heavy leather cloak, a bastard sword held against broad back by a baldric, and an arming sword at his side. The sight was obviously a disappointment to the elfkin but that didn't really bother him.

Following one of the trade roads that followed the aqueduct out of town the pair met up with the rest of their compatriots. Other than a few extra packs amongst them most of the others wore the same garb as the night they meet though the light fare of the smith seemed to disappoint the others as well" save for the mage whom seemed to have chosen the man to be her buddy regardless of his disinterest. And so the "merry' band would set out along the trade road traveling west across the plains and into the mountains. It wouldn't be till a week into their journey that they would abandon the cart and most the extra mounts to cut off the road and into the wilderness that surrounded the mountain.

Upon the thirteenth night Omar busied himself as he did every evening tending to the fire pit. Nearly two weeks had passed and hardly two dozen words of note had been exchanged amongst any of the others in the party, each whiling the days away in their own thoughts or making idle banter and it seemed tonight would be no different. There was a certain uneasiness in the air born of an almost palatable lack of trust amongst the five individuals; they each may have had a stake in this little endeavor, but they only viewed each other as liabilities.

Omar sat on the far side of the fire from the others prompting the young mage to move over to him sitting with a smile. Lorent of course made his usual note of this. "Well now, looks like your little crush has found you you old hound you. Har!"

Raina glared at the man though the indignation in her eyes had worn to a mere annoyance over the past few weeks. "Go fall off a cliff idiot."

And this always drew a barking laugh from the hunter which had remarkably kept all it's grating quality throughout the trip. Omar glanced over to the thief and the drow who simply sat and watched the shenanigans with amused smiles on their faces. Other than the mages endearment with him those two were the next closest. Thick as thieves would be the bad pun though Omar suspected the woman was simply trying to work on the good graces of the one with the money.

The sudden end of the hunters barking laugh would bring Omar's attentions back to the man who stared at him' or more correctly past him, a wolfish grin curling upon his lips. "So old man, how good of a warrior are you?"

His expression remained that stoic disinterest as he shuffled lightly, staring at the hunter. "Like I've said, I'm not a warrior. Just a smith that knows how to fight."

"Ah, too bad, but looks be you ought improve in short order, yes?" Raina looked between the two men in confusion and then to the thief who's smile had waned.

"Uh' what are you two??" She wouldn't get the chance to finish her sentence as Omar lurched to the side, earth flying as he spun around into a crouch to face the tree line behind him, those emeralds scanning over the dancing shadows cast by the firelight. Over the surprised yelp of the mage he could hear Lorent do the same though this would be followed by a loud snap, groan, and twang as the man knocked and let loose an arrow into the gloom of the forest. A wet thunk and a half surprised half pained yelp would tell that Lorent found his target, the sound bringing forth the charge of figures from amongst the trees who descended with blades in hand.

From that crouch Omar exploded forward towards the first figure that crossed from the treeline. The attackers wore black leather armor and hoods which obscured their faces with little else telling of their identities, though that was really a question for after the threat of bloody murder was past. The closest attacker raised their blade as they charged to strike down the smith, the hard crossing slash dodged with a spin as Omar drew his arming sword only to sink its tip into the assailant's side as he passed. The attacker gasped as they grasped at their side turning to face the smith but the action was too slow, Omar had already turned about his blade arcing before the attacker biting through the leather hood to the throat beneath. The hooded figure gurgled as they dropped their sword, both hands clutched at their throat trying to stay the tide of life that ebbed from the wound as they collapsed.

Omar glanced once more to make sure the fallen stayed where they fell before he turned to the next who befell him, swords crossing and catching with a sharp twang. The attacker tried to push away, stepping back to gain leverage but Omar gave them no quarter as he pushed forward against the perpetrator. He shoved the assailant off balance, forcing open their stance before he drew his blade across the attackers face bringing out a sharp cry, their sword brought up in a panic to defend their face. This of course was taken advantage of as Omar drove the point of his blade into their exposed core drawing it out to the side causing the attacker to spin as they collapsed grasping to hold their viscera in place. The wound was not quickly lethal, but the point driven between the ribs and through the assailant's heart would help to speed them on their way.

The remaining two attackers that had set upon the smith now hung back uneasily. Omar watched the two as they warily separated, each walking a different direction around the large man to try and flank him. Rather than try to watch both Omar took the opportunity to assess the rest of the situation, those emerald eyes turning back towards the camp to see the fate of the others.

Lorent smiled like a madman as he continued to let loose arrows with surprising speed, dodging and riddling his would be attackers with shots to a varying number of strategic and painful locations. Ana seemed to be holding her own as she staved off a couple of attackers with daggers in each hand, her strikes and dodges fluidic and graceful as she killed her adversaries with a hundred pokes and cuts. The drow, despite their lack of weapons, seemed to be doing well for themselves as they dodged, avoided, and directed their attacker about the small clearing until finally striking, turning the poor bastards blade upon themselves before impaling it into the shadow of that cowl. And Raina" the girl scrambled along the ground avoiding the fighting as she moved towards her belongings apparently ignored by the attackers.

Assured of the continued existence of his traveling companions Omar turned back to the foes at hand as the one before him lunged with steel forward. It was a reckless attack which was easily knocked to the side with his blade as the smith turned to face the true threat behind, blade rising to meet the others halting the cut aimed to remove his head from top of his shoulders. Omar closed in, blades scraping as he pried the attackers form open to allow his free hand to cut upwards viciously into the shadowed jaw sending the assailant reeling back. He'd start to move in for the kill when he'd feel a hard thump at his side, the other attacker obviously trying to cut into him though the steel plates of the brigandine easily held off the poorly thought out attack. Omar rolled with the cut to his side, letting the blade bite harmlessly across the steel plates as he turned to face the attacker. The assailant had obviously noted the lack of result of his cut as they drew back to try another lunge, this one parried just as easily as the last thanks to the obvious discrepancy in strength between the two. Having the inside line Omar would step in, sword striking down into the shoulder of the attackers sword arm, his blade cutting through the unenforced leather with ease as it drove into the flesh and bone beneath. The attacker cried out as they involuntarily dropped their sword, hand grabbing at the smiths swords which was already drawing out only to stab down a few more inches into the figures chest. A twist was given for added damage before he sent a booted heel into the figures stomach freeing them from his blade as they sprawled into a heap on the forest floor.

Now to finish the other one though as Omar turned a high pitched squeal would snap his attention back to the camp and the young mage who made the sound. A lone attacker had finally taken note of the mage who was scurrying along the ground, his blade held high as he closed for the kill. Thought left him as his large form wrenched towards the attacker, the blade in hand launched forwards the assailant. He didn't have much hope that such a foolhardy move would actually kill the attacker but if only it granted him time to close. His feet tore at the foliage and earth to gain footing as he watched the blade ineffectually spin through the air, the attacker staving off the flung object with their free arm.

"NO!" Omar's voice roared out as the attackers blade fell. He could do nothing more but watch the arc of that blade as time slowed, Raina staring up at the coming doom. But suddenly the attackers form jolted, that blade slowing as the figure began to arch their back unnaturally. The reason became apparent as they turned slowly, the crimson stained point of a dagger which poked out from the cowl of the attacker glistened as it caught the light of the fire. The thief navigated the attacker like a grotesque puppet by that blade through their throat and another inserted into their lower back, turning them away from the mage before throwing their dying form off to the side.

And then the smith began to breath again, time catching up with him as he stumbled to the ground. The temporary relief was short lived though as a sharp, burning pain exploded in his shoulder; the forgotten attacker driving their blade between the steel plates and through the leather backing. Instinctively he lurched forward as he turned pulling his shoulder free from the blade as he faced his attacker who already drew back for another stab. His empty sword hand rose to deflect the next attack, bracer used as a make shift buckler to parry the thrust though he knew this strategy was going to fail soon as the attacker had all the advantage. Omar's mind raced for a solution when suddenly the smell of burning air washed over him, the hairs on the back of his neck standing on end as he felt the air around him become charged and agitated.

"Omar!" It was that same soprano that had squealed in fear earlier but this time it was determined, and that only meant one thing when dealing with mages. He would abandon any defense as he turned to flatten himself against the ground just avoiding the gulch of flames that ferociously burst forth above him enveloping the attacker. He pressed his face down into the cool earth to avoid the blaring heat as he held his breath against the vacuum created by the vortex of magically summoned flames. The screams of the attacker faded against the deafening roar of the flames, and after what seemed like an eternity all sound would cease save for the pounding of blood in his ears. He'd keep his face buried a moment or two longer before lifting his head tentatively to gulp in a much needed breath, those emeralds snapping open to take in the aftermath. The others stood in shock as they stared at the young girl who held her staff before her, the tip still glowing a bright orange. Hazarding a look behind him Omar could see the cone of destruction caused by the magical fire, the trees burnt black much like the charred remains of the attacker who still held the remnants of a sword" or at least the part that had not melted into a puddle of slag at their untouched feet. Omar gave the statue like figure a nudge with his boot causing the charcoal figure to crumble apart. Another look back to the mage would catch her beaming with pride at the devastation she had wrought.

Lorent grinned annoyingly as he slung his bow back across his back, whistling in a glib manner. "Hells that was a potent bit of flame for a kid as you, and look, the old one isn't even cooked either!" He barked a laugh at this garnering a murderous glare from the mage, his laughter faltering only when she pointed the red glowing end of her staff at the man.

Rushing past the two, Bardiin closed in on the smith as he slowly rose to his feet. "Omar! Your injured!" Those angular features were contorted into a look of concern as the drow offered the man a hand which was simply brushed aside as he stood.

"It's not bad." He rolled his injured shoulder slightly, wincing as it complained at the movement. Those emerald eyes scanned his surrounding but it seemed the shadows held no more surprises" or at least any that wished to try their luck.

"That's not the point, we need to dress that!" By this point the drow looked frantic, Raina joining them as she rushed over. "You're injured!?"

Omar didn't have time for this as he pushed past the drow and mage taking long steps to close the distance to the other side of the camp. "In a bit' Hey, Lorent, did any of yours survive?"

The hunter quirked his brow at the smith before that lopsided grin of his curled on his features, shoulders lifting in a shrug. "Sorry friend but much as you I don't kills to maim, I kills to kill."

Omar scoffed at this though he couldn't exactly argue that point as he had made sure that all that crossed blades with him didn't get the chance to again? well, except for the one that Raina had done the honors for. A grumbled curse would begin to rise when suddenly the thief spoke up, her tone serious "I've one here."

All attention snapped to the thief who knelled over a downed figure, her dagger pressed against their throat. Pulling back on the cowl and the cloth mask beneath revealed a middle aged drow with their head shaven and a white splotch of paint drawn up their brow. Crimson eyes stared up in defiance at the woman who simply pressed the dagger harder into their ebon skin.

Everyone hurried to crowd about the felled one as Ana cut slightly into the drow's throat. "Tell me, who are you and why have you attacked us?"

The drow smiled showing stark white teeth against his ebon flesh as he responded....gibberish. Omar looked to Bardiin finding the priest contemplative. "What did he say?"

"Nothing useful I'm afraid, something about....sullying mothers and other trite threats."

"Right?" The man scratched at his goatee in contemplation. "So, do you know them?"

Bardiin gave him an incredulous look. "Not all drow are related."

Omar shrugged lazily, at once regretting the habit as his shoulder yelled of it's still stabbed state. He turned his attention back to Ana as she had moved her dagger up to one of those vermillion eyes, a dark expression crossing her face. "I asked who you are and why you attacked us."

But the captive simply laughed, that smile remaining on its face before vanishing in a flash as they spat at the woman. She apparently didn't take kindly to this as without hesitation she'd turn the blade in hand driving it through one of the captive's pointed ears pinning it to the ground. Raina gasped as she hid her face from the display, Bardiin looking away as they moved behind Omar to try and work on stanching the ooze of blood from the hole in his armor. The captive screamed out a string of gibberish that was likely more cursing judging from the angered tone and lack of commentary from Bardiin.

"Not much good they be hmm?" Lorent said as had sauntered over to one of the bodies of the other attackers unmasking the corpse to be another drow with the same markings. The hunter lazily patted about the corpse giving tugs here and there as he shuffled about the leather garb that they wore. That wolfish grin of his waned a little. "Not much good any of them be, not a thing on 'im save his clothes."

"Not even a scabbard?" Omar noted as he looked at the other scattered corpses. Whoever they were they had to have camp nearby. "Bardiin" how far off are we from this castle, temple place we're going too?"

He felt the hands that pressed against his shoulder ease up some in hesitation, the drow obviously catching on to his line of thinking. "Um, about a day away now."

"Hmm, I see. And you really don't know this drow?"

"I already told you all drows?"

"That's not what I mean and you know it!" The smith snapped as he turned to glare at the drow. The priest shrank back from the ferocity of the statement.

", I do not know whom these attackers are?"

"Could they be what "befell" the previous team of explorers?"

Those angular features twisted in a cross between indignation and aggravation. "No, I don't believe so."

"But if they be some cult that has taken refuge in the castle?"

And now it was the drow's turn to snap back at the smith. "They can't be taking refuge in the castle, I know it is still untouched! The others in my order assured me that the wards that were put in place still hold. And we only lost touch with the team before ours until after they were in the castle, not before. I know what you are trying to insinuate Omar but I have no knowledge of who these people are or why they are here and if you don't trust that then I doubt anything I could say will sway you." Omar continued his glare as the elfkin proclaimed his innocence, the attention of the others gathering upon them. Raina looked between the two frantically before trying to step between them.

"Omar" I think Bardin's telling the truth." The smith looked down at the young girl who gave him a pleading look in return. He'd begin to ignore the girl's pleas for peace when a surprised yelp and a grunting curse in gibberish came from behind. Snapping about Omar saw the thief leaping back from the drow who had gotten hold of their dropped weapon, swinging it wildly with its less injured arm. Omar began to close in on the gibbering drow, the emeralds tracking the restricted movement of the blade when suddenly something blurred before his eyes and the drow ceased it's flailing as it's head snapped back into the ground driven there by an arrow.

Emerald glare tracked back to Lorrent who offered a sheepish grin as he slung that bow over his shoulders once more. "There were still questions to ask!"

The hunter shrugged lackadaisically. "Didn't seem like they were much for talking only cursing no?"

The thief stepped forward now, ire burning in hazel eyes as apparently the only thing injured by the sudden attack was her pride. "I can be very persuasive when I want to be?"

"Ha! That's I don't doubt but would our only interpreter have been up to the task?" Lorent grinned though without any of that typical droll mirth.

The two men and the woman turned their attention to Bardiin whose ashen hands rose in agitation. "Oh not you two too! Look?"

But it didn't seem like anyone was keen on listening as voices erupted in chorused argument. Their voices carried out through the gloom of the night as each bickered with and berated the others regardless of the morbidness of their surroundings. As it seemed the four would soon come to blows a new voice rose up resounding over the cacophony piercing the quiet night.

"ENOUGH!" A loud crack followed the sharp order as the mage stabbed her staff into the earth, a wave of energy causing the sticks and leafs in a three foot circle around the staff to leap away with quite a few burning. The squabbling ceased as all eyes turned on the girl who glared back at each of them, steely gray eyes burning.

Omar raised his hands in a palliative manner. "Look, Raina?"

"I said enough!" Omar shied back from the girl who bristled. "I will not have you lot tear each others throats out, not when we are almost to our cursed destination! Now Bardiin wouldn't say our destination isn't intact if it weren't?"

The drow relaxed a little as at least one of them seemed to side with them, but no one else seemed convinced as Ana spoke up. "Look darling, I know you want him to be right but?"

"But nothing! We are but a days travel away and we'll have our answer then. If Bardiin was lying then we can gut and incinerate him then but there is no point bickering about it now!"

And now the drow looked worried again. As for the others they looked about uncomfortably as well, a few feet shuffling before a generally apprehensive agreement on those terms was given. The mage nodded firmly, the flopping of her pointed hat would have been comical if not for the fact that she still looked two steps away from immolating the next person to step out of line. "Alright, now Bardiin tend to Omar's shoulder, the rest of you check the bodies for anything of import or value and stack them up."

Everyone grumbled approval before separating to their tasks. As it turned out most of the assailants were drow and marked in the same manner as the other save for a couple of humans, one of whom were just the pair of boots. None of assailants had any more on them save the cloths on their back and the iron swords they carried in hand. Finishing the tasks at hand the group stood back as the mage let loose her anger and aggravation in another deluge of flames which consumed the corpses, a burnt acrid smell filling the night air. By the time that she'd exhausted her ability to drive the magical flame the mound of corpses was little more than a pile of burning pieces.

Having had enough of the oppressive atmosphere Omar opted for a change of scenery, offhand grabbing his arming sword from where it lay as he wandered off. He rolled his shoulder experimentally; the alchemical poultice and bandaging that Bardiin had applied already alleviating the pain and stiffness of the wound. The drow had told him that it would be a few days before his shoulder was fully healed which worried the smith. Despite the elf's and mage's words he couldn't shake the feeling that more trouble awaited the plucky band at the castle, and that this trouble was organized and violent. He brooded over these doubts as he set about cleaning his blade and mending his armor, the worry all but a dull nagging before he headed off for bed but it still persisted. The group may have proven their capability, but it seemed that trust was still a luxury none of them had to spare.

= = = = =

Petar stared lazily in silence as the fourth log that he had fed to the hearth crumbled, spent of its fuel. The two youths stared at him for a long moment waiting for the older man to continue before the girls patience finally gave. "Umm, Petar?"

"Hmm' Oh' righ", righ", well, i" bae time ta "ead off fer bed now." He rolled his neck and shoulders languidly as arms stretched overhead. He didn't have to look at the girl to imagine the expression upon her face.

"But, the story! We're just about to get to the castle! You can't stop here! Do you need more payment"!" You've drank nearly a bottle of whiskey in just one sitting!"

The girl continued to rant as he finished his stretch, a sidelong glance cast to confirm his suspicions" yup, barely contained outrage marred the girls features while a simply dumbstruck expression held on the elf's face. He'd let the girl rant a little more before he raised a gloved finger to her face to quiet her. She jerked back, that outrage almost turning to action till she caught sight of the stern, steady gaze that he cast. He let the moment sink in before continuing. "As I said" bae time fer bed. I'm old an' I'm tired an' a tha rate this bae goin" I'd be at this till past the roosts rising."

The girl sank back, an uneasy look cast to her companion who shrugged apparently lost for words. A slight humph at the elves lack of helpfulness before she'd turn her attention back to the man, her expression shifting as she prepared to change tactics. Petar cut her off as he wagged his finger side to side. "I'll nae "ear another word on tha matter. If"n ye wish ta "ear tha rest o' this little tale ye know were I'll bae on the eve" o' tha' marrow. Granted o' course Hannelore's generosity continues unto tomorrow?"

Those azures cast a sly look to the tendress who would return a dirty glare to little avail" teach her to stick her nose in others business. The curvy woman looked to raise a complaint when she caught sight of the pleading looks from the two youths. She struggled valiantly to try and say no' but the burning gaze of the two destroyed any resistance she may have had. Giving up she tossed her hands up in the air in surrender. "Alright, alright' I'll bribe the conniving codger tomorrow."

"Don' bae cheap wi' it' I provide quality entertainmen's!" Petar grinned at the woman who looked ready to throw the glass in hand at those time weathered features. A wink of his own given to add insult to injury before those azures turned back to the youths who looked amongst themselves with mild guilt. Ah, they knew exactly what they had done and felt guilt at it' but not enough to stop them. He smirked lightly to himself as he lazily rose to his feet, large form turning for the door.

"So it's a promise, right' You'll continue your story tomorrow evening?" The young elf seemed to have found his voice again. Petar simply waved off the question dismissively.

"Aye, aye, fin" mae tomorrow in fine spirits an' I'll continue. Ye "ave my word." He looked down at the two who seemed to have gotten over their guilt quickly, their expressions full of excitement' ah to be young. With a mild backwards wave offered to the two and the tendress he ambled across the commons and to the door not pausing to catch any of the farewells. Letting the door close behind him he'd pull his leather cloak a little closer to his large form, azures lazily wandering up to the crescent moons that hung high in the sky.

"Hmm' Yylginfras?? He muttered the name under his breath letting it ring softly in the cool night's air. Another look up at the moons and his expression sank into that stoic frown of his as he'd journey off into the night for his home.


Date: 2014-04-29 00:42 EST
Pushing through the door of that tavern those deep azures scanned over the patrons hoping against hope that the" well crap. As if they hadn't left from the night before the two youths sat at the same seats by the hearth looking around nervously. He considered trying to sneak back out of the tavern but the elf lad spotted him, their expression brightening as they began waving exuberantly. Following her pets attentions, soon the girl would be waving as well before skipping across the commons to the man. "Peter! You came!"

The gruff man sighed lazily as he warily watched the girl approach, hand at ready to stop her if she were to try and do something awkward like hug him or some such nonsense. "O" course I did, didn' I say I woul?" An" my name isn" "Peter", it's Petar. Big difference."

The girls expression dimmed a little as looked to her feet embarrassed. "Well" you did" it's just that you didn't really seem the type to honor such yesterday?"

Petar nearly scoffed at the girl for this if not for the fact that he knew how he was. Instead he'd simply plant a gloved hand atop the crown of unruly auburn hair as he walked past her for his favored seat by the hearth. "Ye shoul" learn ta trust tha word o' honorable folks."

The girl batted at the massive hand not really doing much but to fuss up her own hair. Noticing the man continuing on she'd skip to catch up and try to keep pace with his long strides. "So does that mean you're honorable?" The girl asked with an innocent grin on her features as she teased him prompting a snort.

"Honorable "nough ta keep mae word leas?" speak"n o' word keep"n" " He waved to the tendress, a half cocked grin curling on thin lips. "A bottle o' whiskey' finer than'll make me blind but not so tha' i" losses the commoners character hmm?"

Hannelore shot the man an unpleasant expression but moved to retrieve the liquor nonetheless though not without a fair bit of grumbling. Reaching the sought after cushioned chair the large man would ease down with a mild grunt, form instantly slacking into a slouch as he extended booted feet towards the maw of the hearth. The girl settled down next to the young elf boy who bowed slightly in his seat. "Good evening Petar. Will you be continuing your tale for us?"

Petar eyed the elven male mildly, a dismissive gesture offered with gloved hand. "Aye, aye, I will, true ta mae wor' despi' mae pretenses."

The young man flushed slightly looking down embarrassed. "Oh,, I didn't mean to imply that you wouldn't, I merely meant to assess whether you were busy at the moment to do so or not. I'm sorry."

Deep azures gave the elf a skeptical look before he'd wave off the apology with another wave. "Bah, ye give mae tae much credit. If'n I tweren't sae attached ta mae drink ye'd ne'er 'ave seen hide nor hair o' mae."

The girl gave him a quizzical look and made to comment on his words when Hannelore approached with drink in hand offering it to the gruff man. "Your bribe payment Pe~tar."

The older man nodded appreciatively as he took the tall glass of amber liquor, a mild smile offered to the tendress. "Than' ye kin'ly Hannelore....well naw, where was I..."

= = = = =

The night passed with restless sleep for Omar though he was not alone in this as none of his other companions were better for wear at the cusp of dawn. It didn't help that the weather that morning had opted to mirror the dark mood that hung over the group as ominous gray clouds rumbled occasionally with mild threat. Having a quick breakfast of hard rations in silence the motley crew disassembled camp and set off for their final destination. Time seemed to stand still under the oppressive, unchanging overcast but after what seemed like an uncomfortable eternity the forest finally gave way to rolling overgrown hills that sat at the foot of the mountain beyond.

The hills and the group's journey ended suddenly at a shear cliff face that rose for a few hundred feet and followed along the mountain for at least a mile in either direction. Atop of the cliff the tattered ruins of what may have been a small castle sat precariously on the edge, the ravages of time having worn down the structure to a barely recognizable form with the overgrowth of vegetation further adding to the dilapidated appearance. If not for the few remnants of towers and what appeared to be windows the "castle" could likely have been mistaken for a rather ugly formation of rocks and trees.

Omar gave a derisive snort as he lowered the spyglass. "That is our untouched treasure trove?"

Bardiin shot a sharp look of offense at the smith. "Yes. It is."

He breathed out slowly as he tried to ignore the terse manner of the drow's words. "Certainly doesn't look untouched."

"Aye, touched hard by time maybe but other than this side don't look hard at all to just walk up, and into, that sad mound of stone." Lorrent spoke with a lack of his usual glibness as he looked about the castle with his spyglass.

It was now the drow's turn to breathe out slowly before addressing the concern. "Yes, it is meant to appear as such, but I guarantee you if you were to try and just walk up to the castle you would find the task to be quite impossible. A number of powerful illusion and confusion spells were set up to keep unwanted visitors from the temple."

A number of eyes turned to the young mage who squinted up at the cliff, a mild cough from Omar bringing the girl's attention back to the group. "What' Illusion magics" I don't know much about such, I'm mostly focused on elemental forces" but I do sense something about the castle."

Ana folded her arms across her stomach as she gazed up at the castle. "Okay, so the castle isn't approachable by normal means, so how do we get into it' The way we've approached seems to be the worst way to try' and please don't tell me we're going to have to climb up."

Bardiin waved off the woman's question with an ashen hand. "Oh no, we won't have to do that. There are ways to get to the castle" if you know how and have the ability to get around it's barriers. Please, if you all will follow me." The drow didn't wait for a response as they set off for the rock face. The cliff looked all the more daunting as the group closed on the base, the shear face proving to actually overhang slightly making the prospects of climbing up the cliff to the castle even less appealing. The priest would approach a particularly large stone that sat at the base of cliff.

"I present to you our entrance. Go ahead and investigate, please." The drow motioned towards the rock eagerly. The others members sullenly approached the rock, each giving it a skeptical assessment as they passed. After everyone's curiosity, or lack thereof, was sated the drow approached the rock themselves, lean form knelling as ashen hands clasped together as in supplication to the stone. Words of an ancient sounding dialect were chanted quickly and quietly under the priest's breath as their hands twisted about in a number of uncomfortable looking gestures. The air shifted uncomfortably as Omar felt the churning of arcane power awakening from dormancy. At long last the drow would fall silent, hands clapping together for a drawn out moment before they were thrust forward against....and into the rock! The massive stone seemed to ripple as if it were a reflection in a pond that had just been disturbed by a pebble; it's image blurring and with it it's once solid state. Gradually the stone faded away exposing a simple cave that had laid hidden behind. Bardiin smiled back proudly at the group though those angular features would falter at the lack of response.

"Ah." Omar summed up the general sentiment of the group. It wasn't that the 'feat' wasn't impressive, but at least for Omar's part he wouldn't give the priest the satisfaction.

The hunter crossed his arms over his chest as he looked about the newly uncovered cave. "This is same way other party took....yes?"

Omar followed the man's gaze noting the mild remnants of footprints and other tracks that lead off into the cave. The drow recovered quickly from the disheartening response their efforts garnered as they nodded sagely to the man's inquiry. "Yes, it is. I thought it would be best to go in via the same manner as hopefully the other party has taken care of most of the traps along the way."

"Or we coulds die in same manner as they hmm?" Lorrent quipped with renewed glibness. Bardiin shuffled uncomfortably under the unified gaze that fell on them and made to protest the suspicion when Ana would simply turn, lithe legs carrying her off for the cave.

"You all coming or squabbling, matters not to me" she gibed back as she ventured in without pause. The rest of the group watched dumbfounded as the woman disappeared into the darkness, a moments breath held before the dim beacon of torchlight pierced back through the dark. Bardiin and Raina quickly followed after the thief chiding her recklessness leaving Omar and Lorrent behind. The hunter gave the smith a gratingly smug smile as he motioned towards the cave. "Shall we goes off to our doom?"

Another hesitant look was cast at the cave before a relenting sigh escaped him. Shoulders squared, torch lit, sword readied and off into the cave he would follow with Lorrent taking up the rear.

The air in the cave held an arid, stale quality that seemed unnatural....foreboding even. The signs of tooling that made the cave looked surprisingly recent for what was supposedly a few centuries old constructed, the stone un-aged by the passage of time or at least untouched by nature or beast. A look back was cast to find the hunter grinning like a jackal as he looked about, that grin focusing as he caught the deep emerald gaze of the smith. "Erie....isn't it?"

"Hmm..." Omar'd be damned before he admitted any uneasiness to the buffoon as he stolidly turned his attentions forward.

Lorrent didn't miss a beat as he continued to prattle. "Never did like ruins....never know what might be lurking for you in them. Too much uncertainty right?"

Maybe if he didn't even make a sound the hunter would stop talking"

"Right." Lorrent nodded as he filled in the smith's part of the conversation. "Coarse there be plenty opportunity for riches eh' Or mayhaps a bit of glory' or just a good time."

Omar gave the hunter a withered look as the man waggled his thick eyebrows at him. "What are you getting at?"

"Oh nothing, just a bit of fishin". You don't seem as unscrupulous as the others in our company and I cannots help but wonder what a fine, upstanding grouch like you be doing on this little fools errand?"

He waved off the others questions with a dismissive gesture. "I have my own reasons" personal reasons. Anyway, are you lumping the little mage as being unscrupulous?" He flinched slightly as he realized what he'd called Raina, a scan of his surrounding taken to make sure no magical retribution awaited his disrespect. He'd catch the hunter almost aglow with that grin of his which only brought a dour scowl to his features.

"Oh all reasons be personal friend, just a manner of degree. Mine are personal to my purse and for me my purse is quiet personal to me indeed! From what I've gathered from the thieving one your reason be personal as well" a person, perhaps a benefitted acquaintance?"

The hunter put a little distance between himself and the smith as he goaded him with that fool expression. Of course the fact that he knew this much was troubling in several manners. "Oh' And why would she say such?"

Lorrent only smiled at the smith's attempt to be coy. "Because she has gotten it from the lips of our illustrious leader of course. Thick as thieves they are if you will."

Omar cringed slightly as the hunter barked out some laughter at his own bad pun. "I see" and what of you? As I've come to hear you be looking for someone yourself."

The man nodded excitedly. "Oh yes, heard from the mageling I am sure." That excited smile only grew as Omar's stoic mask faltered for just a moment. "Oh it is not so surprising, that girl is thick with elfy one too and she is just a matter of timid from baring herself so as to get bestial with you."

Omar's expression grew sullen as he scowled at the man once again. "Don't be an idiot' or moreso of an idiot."

The hunter simply continued to smile at the man's contempt. "I only speak as I see it friend. But to answer your most subtle change of direction; yes, I be looking for a person too' two in fact. Two men" very dear dead or living to others willing to feed my purse well for delivery of both or either living or less so."

"I see" so you are a bounty hunter." Omar made the statement bluntly.

Lorrent continued to grin dopily. "Mayhaps some times. Hunter of beast feeds my stomach, hunter of man feeds my purse and this little party will be sure to leave my purse fat and sassy."

He eyed the man wearily as he puzzled the pieces together. "And you bring this up because you think the one I seek may be one of your quarries?"

The hunter gaffed at the statement. "Oh that is a good jest! Sorry, but you are type to go after nobler kind than the rogues and vagabonds I pursue." The hunter let his chuckling die down, a shrug offered alongside that lopsided grin. "No, no, just fishing is all."

Omar glared at the man for a moment longer before turning his gaze away having had enough of the fools grin. He began to pick up his pace to try and distance himself from the idiot and to catch up with the others who had gained to the point of only being bobbing blots of light in the stagnant dark. A few moments would pass before the hunter would speak once more, his jesting tone having lost it's mirth. "Do you know you have a price on your head as well Omar?"

The smith slowed to a stop, emerald gaze turning back to the hunter whose grin had lost all its levity. "Is that so." His tone was cool and level.

Lorrent continued to grin in that cheerless manner. "Yes. All of you do actually. The law wants the thief, the scorned master wants the mageling, and you? well, you are a pretty popular sorts among a broad range of breeding."

Omar redoubled his hold on the pommel of his sword. "I see" so why tell me?"

Lorrent watched Omar for a long moment before his grin slid off to the side like a jackals tongue. "Fishing. You see, I am hunter of my age because I am wise and many things tell me that any pursuits of you would not nearly be worth the effort or risk."

He kept that cold stare upon the hunter. "And of the others?"

The hunter shrugged lazily. "The law is cheap and the scorned master I am certain should be glads at only being made bald and ugly by the young one."

Omar's restraint began to wane as he grit his teeth in annoyance. "So why bring it up at all!"

That jackal's grin firmed up into a mild smile. "Fishing. And because I think you are wise too to be so old and with so many paying enemies."

The smith's knuckles were almost white from the fury that boiled beneath that cold mask of his. He had had almost enough of the others foolish jibing and cryptic word play. That ire built within his throat, threatening to erupt a stream of curses at the hunter when suddenly a thought popped into his mind. "The drow."

That smile grew within that dirty corn beard as he nodded slowly. "The drow. Their price is not so great, not so meager, a decent wage" but only for about a foot worth from neck and up and preferably on end of pike."

That tension still resonated in the smith but his mind began to work on the implications of the others words. "So' Drow tend to make enemies simply by existing as I understand. The illegitimate half-breeds of true Elves or some such prejudice."

"Ah, but such is not so in this land. They be an exotic coloration of knife ear as most see it even if they are typically rather abrasive of personality. And as you may notice our Bardiin is quite the polite type."

Omar mulled this over, his hold on his sword loosening. "And do you know why someone would only want the drow's head?"

Lorrent simply shrugged. "I have no clue, was not able to dig up that much information before joining this little party."

A brow quirked slightly as the observation was made. "So you're being on this expedition wasn't just happenstance on Bardiin's part."

That grin faltered for just a moment before growing even broader. "Oh' you are a sharp one. No, I was in right place at right time because I made sure was right."

"So after all this banter why clue me in" Not afraid I'd stop you?"

The hunter's expression lost that mirth once more as he spoke. "No, because you are wise and trust dark one about as far as you can throw them, and while that mayhaps be far I do not think it is far enough to die for. I clue you in because too much is unknown and I would put my coin in with the wise if" or when things go deadly."

Omar half watched the man as he grinned coldly. He couldn't deny that he had had a bad feeling about the drow ever since he'd met them. This unease had only grown as time went on and the schism between knowledge and words only grew. He really knew nothing of the drow, his supposed order, or his motives. The sight of movement would jar his mind back to the present, emeralds watching as Lorrent began to walk once more. "And I should trust what you say?"

The hunter only grinned. "I have been more forthright then drow has I am sure, but past that no, you should certainly not trust me. But watch out for my back and I will return said kindness. Make of that what you will" Anyway, shall we not keep the others waiting" They mayhaps start thinking you and I be conniving, Ha!" He barked out a laugh as he'd turn his attention ahead picking up his pace to catch up.

Omar stared at the bow on the man's back as he made distance until he was left only with his thoughts. "Ah hells?" He would take up his pace once more to catch up with the rest of the party. It would take a few minutes before he'd see the gathering of lights at the end of the long passage, Lorrent's only joining the others a half minute before his.

Bardiin gave the two men a wary look. "What took you two?"

Omar leveled a mild look at the drow. "We were?"

"Me and Omar here were giving in to our passions! He is a beast!" Lorrent grinned ear to ear as he waggled his brows at Raina as he interjected.

He never saw the fist coming.

= = = = =

Petar set down the empty glass on the end table as he smacked his lips lazily. "Ahh, tha' was a goo' drin". I'll "ave another than's!" He grinned lazily to Hannelore who made a choice gesture in return to the man's jibe.

He canted his head left and right as he waited for his drink, azures hazarding a look at the two to who stared at him in shock. As usual it would be the girl who would recover first. "C" Can't you talk without a drink in hand!"

"Aye, I was jus" doin" such and I bae doin" such righ' now." He noted this mildly as he stretched his arms now.

"I mean with the story!"

"I'm build"n tension' twouldn't bae quality entertainmen" if"n I didn' build tension." The girl blanched red in rage as she tried to come up with something to say to the smiths broken logic. A glance at the elf would find a much more flat affect than the girls.

"You're a bit of a jerk." The elf boy spoke matter-of-factly.

Petar dismissed the accusation with a wave of gloved hand as he took the fresh glass that Hannelore held as she approached. "Lad, I am a lot o' jerk, bu' I've lived long "nough ta earn the right."

He took a swig from the glass, a content sigh escaping him as he'd lounge back in the chair once more. "Anyway, as I was sayin??"