Topic: Sublimation: Reunion


Date: 2013-10-21 03:35 EST
He jerked awake, bolting upright. An action he instantly regretted, groaning from stiff muscles and aching bones. His head pounded. Rotating his shoulder a few times, he looked around, trying to orient his surrounding. He was working a late shift last night, he was really tired when he got off, and....that was the last thing he could remember. Blinks a few times, trying to ensure what he's seeing is real.

"A field" What in the name of the gods am I doing in a field?" he asked aloud. Lowering his arm, he looked down at himself. He was still in his outfit from last night, slacks and a button up, and he even still had his white coat on. Well, it wasn't very white. In fact, he wasn't very clean altogether. He was covered in soot and dirt.

"Did I get drunk last night and not remember?" Elek asked himself, a little worried now. Starts patting his pockets, searching for his monitoring device. Feeling it in his left pocket, he digs into it to withdraw a small electronic device about the size of his palm. Hitting a button on the top edge, the screen lights up. With a twist and drag of his fingers, the screen is projected in front of him. "No service?" he declared, now even more confused.

Part of him was beginning to wonder if perhaps his old college mates were playing a prank or something. "I need to get back to town..." he muttered, folding his legs and creakily rising to his feet. Rubbing the back of his head he looked around the field, trying to decide which way to go. "How did they even get me here" What did they do, beam me down?" He was talking to himself now, looking around at plants. Some of them he didn't recognize, but he did not see any tire tracks. In fact, all of the foliage seemed untouched except for where he woke up. It was almost as though he had fallen from the sky.

Looks up at the sky, shielding his eyes with a hand from the sun. Drops his hand, still staring at the sun. "Holy sh*t."


Date: 2013-10-21 05:28 EST
Harcos had two suns.

He swore loudly, clenching his fists and then rubbing his face. "Alright, I need to find someone, something...Anything. Find out where I am...What's going on.." Elek rambled as he gave himself a pep talk. Turning in a circle, he surveyed the areas beyond the field he was in. It looked like there was a road, or a trail at the least, to his left, so he headed out that way. His lips were a little chapped, and part of him wondered for how long he had been passed out there. They weren't cracked, so he knew it hadn't spent too many days in the sun.

Speaking of time, he heard his stomach gurgle in hunger. He licked his lips, trying to keep an eye out for something edible and an ear for water. Not that he was sure if he should attempt eating anything as he didn't know where he was to begin with. Everything could be contaminated or...Otherwise. He briefly experienced a flashback to the war and his time as a field doctor. Shakes his head, not wanting to think about that, and instead focuses on cataloging his surroundings.

It was an open space, a thicket of trees behind him. It looked like they were thinning out now, scattered randomly. It looked like that for a long time. He wasn't sure how long he walked until he stumbled through a brush and hit a road, or at least something well-traveled.

Yes. Finally. The road to civilization. And hopefully answers.