Topic: Sublimation: Rosie's Return


Date: 2013-08-26 20:53 EST
(Links to this: Sublimation)

It had been little over six years since the last she stepped foot anywhere in Rhydin, much less the Red Dragon Inn. The official announcement had said that Rosalind Elizabeth O'Dell had passed away on June 10, 2007 at 8:30 am. There was mourning, and two monuments were erected in the little one's memory. In the six years that had passed since, much had changed. Some friends left, others remained. The city, especially the Marketplace, had changed. As she strolled from the Inn, she began to notice the little things. A new vendor in the open air market, a new sign over the doorway of a shop. There were mountains of rubble and new buildings, everywhere!

But, this is Rhydin, after all. The changes weren't nearly as strange as they could have been if she were in any other place. It was easy to rationalize the sudden (to her) growth of the area and the devastation. So when emerald eyes flit from one wonder to the next, it was with reason that she didn't ponder it's existence. Besides, she had a business to run and a schedule to keep! There were dishes to prepare for the Schneider bat mitzvah and dough to prepare for the next day's batch of award winning cinnamon rolls.

The brief visit with her adopted sister, Icer, had been pleasant. It was nice to see Icer, and the teasing about Brian's having little ones had her giggling all the way back to the deli. Her deli. The sign that hung from the building announced in big letters: O'Dell's Deli. It bore her name, but more than that, her heart's blood and sweat. Wrapped up in that warm, welcoming little restaurant were all of Rosie's hopes and dreams. Every time she stepped foot into the place, she relived the excitement of opening day. It wasn't that long ago, at least, not to Rosie.

She waltzed in, the bells on the door chiming her arrival. But her smile faltered and her steps slowed as she realized that the tables, booths and chairs seemed to look older. Not worn down or dirty by any means, just not as shiny and new as they had been prior to her visit to the inn, only an hour ago. She trailed her fingers along the back of one booth and then shook her head. That silly Nexus and it's tricks were to be contended with. It may wreak havoc on the rest of the town, but not her Deli!

With a shrug and a mental note to make a good scrubbing, she continued towards the counter. As usual, Dirk was behind the register, polishing silver ware or filling salt and pepper shakers. He'd stopped what he was doing when she came through the door. He stared, gap jawed. To this, Rosie laughed, and went on tip toe to kiss his cheek. "I told you I'd only be gone an hour or so. Don't look so surprised." Tapping his cheek with her tiny hand, she left him at the register. Traveling through the Deli to her office, she left behind a wake of dumb struck employees.

"Stop staring!" she muttered as she opened the door to her office. "I haven't been gone that long!" The door closed behind her and slowly the workers returned to their labor. The door hadn't been closed for a moment when Rosie noticed the portable crib set up in the corner. "What in the world" The Nexus is really in a mood to mess with me today, isn't it?" Shaking her head and chuckling, she sat down in her chair to go over some figures. The ledger before her wasn't in her hand and she frowned down at it. "OK, enough!" she called to the ceiling. "No more tom foolery with my Deli!"


Date: 2013-08-26 20:55 EST
Closing the book that she just knew would take days to straighten out, Rosie got out of her chair and went to the door. If nothing else, on this very strange day, she could get some baking done. The door opened a little too easily, because there was help from the other side. Rosie took a step back to avoid being hit and when she looked up, it was into the face of her best friend.



"What are you doing here" Shouldn't you be at the manor?" It took all of two seconds for Rosie to realize that Sadie was dressed in a deli uniform. "And what are you doing wearing....Sadie?" Rosie's eyes rounded as Sadie had become as slack jawed as Dirk earlier. Only, she didn't take coming face to face with a dead loved one standing up. Sadie had fainted. Darting forward, Rosie grabbed the toddler in Sadie's arms and snatched her away before Sadie hit the ground.

"Well," Rosie quickly put the panicked baby into the portable crib, then turned back to her friend. By this time, Dirk had arrived and was holding Sadie's head in his lap and was fanning her pale face. "I swear, you all act as if you've seen a ghost!" she exclaimed as she knelt down to hold and pat Sadie's hand.

"Libby, right?" Dirk nearly pleaded with the tiny red head that was kneeling and patting Sadie's hand. "You were here, when Rosie was born?" He searched the woman's face, hoping that she was wearing green contacts to cover over brown eyes. She certainly looked like Rosie, and had Rosie's scent. And when those emerald eyes met his own, he knew her for who she really was. Sitting back onto his bottom, he stared and shook his head. "How the hell?"

Rosie only looked up when her name was said, but what was coming out of Dirk's mouth was just a bunch of confusing rambling. "Of course I was there, Dirk," he wasn't the brightest bulb in the box sometimes, so she took a softer tact with him. "You were there when you were born, too." She shook her head once again and regained her attention on Sadie. "Wake up, Sadie. Come on, wake up."

Sadie was slowly coming around, and heard the name "Libby' being spoken. Of course! It had to be Libby! As her eyes opened and the relieved smile on the face of her mid-wife came into focus, Sadie shook her head and then closed her eyes. "I swear, Libby. Don't do that! You scared me!" And then it hit her, Little Rosie had been in her arms when she went down. "Where's Rosie"! Where's Rosie"!"

Dirk was doing his best to calm Sadie down, barely able to drag his eyes from Rosie (or her doppelganger). "She's in the crib, she's alright. Shhh, shh, it's alright."


Date: 2013-08-26 20:57 EST
But Sadie would have none of it, and muscled her way out of his grasp to stumble into the office. The room spun, but there was her daughter, all dark hair and Mat's blue eyes, staring up at her with a solemn expression. "Momma!" and little arms were lifted in the universally accepted gesture of a child who wants to be held and comforted.

Rosie's eyes were narrowed slightly and her brows creased in confusion as Sadie chewed her out and then started acting like a mother lion. Canting her head, she looked at Dirk who simply shrugged and was deep into his own contemplation of the confusing situation. To make matters even more perplexing, Dirk snapped his fingers, jumped up and ran out into the dining area, leaving Rosie alone where she sat.

"The heck is going on here" I'm right here, Sadie!" She turned and then stood, watching as Sadie was comforting the small child. The more she saw them together, the more she realized that the baby resembled Sadie a lot around her mouth and nose. Those creases between her eyebrows were going to become permanent because that look of utter and complete confusion was not going away. "Wait, you're her mother....and you named her....Rosie?" This last was spoken softly, as if the light bulb had just went on above her head. "You're a mother and you named your daughter Rosie!"

"Have you lost all of your marbles?" Sadie cradled Little Rosie's head to nuzzle her cheek and eyed the would be mid-wife warily. "You were here, hello' You held her before I did." She had to admit, the resemblance was uncanny, right down to the uniform. That gave her pause. "What are you doing in a Deli uniform' Did Dirk hire you?" She left the office in search of the wolf man. "Dirk!"

Rosie was now as dumbstruck as the rest of the crew. "But....but..." Sadie wouldn't let her get a word in edgewise! Rosie was right on Sadie's heels when she went into the dining room. There were a lot of questions that needed to be answered. Why Dirk would have those answers, Rosie couldn't say. But if Sadie was relying upon him to supply the answers, Rosie had no choice but to hear them out.

Dirk had found what he was looking for, and was about to return to the office when his name was yelled. He saw the two women coming at him, fast. "Now ladies," he held up his hands. In one hand he had a newspaper clipping and in the other, a current newspaper. "I think you should both sit down." He didn't use this tone very often, but when one was faced with sharing the news that a very dear friend was not only dead, but dead for six years and now back to life, the tone was a necessary one.

Sadie stopped abruptly when she saw Dirk's expression and heard that tone of voice. Biting her lip, she did as she was told and promptly sat in the first chair that available. Little Rosie was sat onto the ground to play at her mother's feet. It was safer there. Sadie didn't know why it was safer, but she had a feeling that Little Rosie was right where she should be.

Rosie nearly collided with Sadie, when she came to a skidded halt. "What is going on here" Dirk, explain yourself!" She stared at the man, then looked back at Sadie. "And who is Libby' I want some answers!" She stomped her foot in frustration and then flopped into the chair beside Sadie.

Dirk couldn't help but smirk at how fiery Rosie was. She'd always been bossy, and had a temper. In the years since her passing, he'd nearly forgotten. Sitting down, across the table from them, he placed the clipping in front of Rosie. It was her obituary. Tapping it with his finger, he spoke softly. "Notice the date, Rosie." He glanced at Sadie, and lifted his finger to stave off her objection of the woman being called by that name.


Date: 2013-08-26 20:58 EST
Rosie frowned, and then looked down at the clipping. Her eyes widened and she gasped softly. "This is not funny, Dirk Stevens," she said softly as she looked up at him. "Not funny, at all."

Dirk sighed and shook his head. "No, it's not. But it's the truth. That really did happen." Quickly, he put the copy of the Post onto the table and pointed out the Alignment, Ahoy! Get Your Telescopes Out! article.

Before Rosie could react, there was a newspaper shoved under her nose. She sat it onto the table, and Sadie leaned close so they could read the article together. They both finished at the same time and lifted their faces to look at Dirk.

"You think that this might have...?"

"I died" But how..." And what?s this...?"

Holding up both hands once again, he waved off their questions. "Yes, Rosie, you passed away. I think that this alignment and such wreaked havoc and somehow, here you are." It wasn't often that Dirk made sense and Quinn would have been proud if he could hear him just then. "You both know Rhydin as well as I do," he shook his head and then laughed. "Nobody stays dead, not for long."

It didn't take much convincing on either side of what was really happening. And suddenly there were tears of joy and tightly held embraces for both of Rosie's friends. Her namesake got a thorough cuddling and tickling before she was given back to her mother. And while the ladies celebrated, Dirk maintained a somewhat solemn demeanor. When Rosie and Sadie settled down into small talk, Dirk put a stop to it, abruptly. "What's the last thing you remember, Rosie?" Dirk didn't want to bring up any memories that might bring any more pain or sorrow. And he didn't want Sadie to, either.

"Well, I'd made a dozen calzones and doughnuts to take to the inn. I had come in early to make them and was by myself." She glanced between the two and then shrugged. "It was 2005 by Earth's calendar. Why?"

Dirk smiled and shook his head and Sadie caught on to what Dirk was up to. "Oh, he was just curious, that's all. I can't imagine jumping in time like that, Rosie. But, don't worry. You can see we've kept the business up. We still do the catering but mostly it's the sit in diners that keep us afloat now. And nobody has your recipe for cinnamon rolls, but me." Sadie announced with a smile.

Rosie smiled, and patted her friend's hand. "And it'll go no further. I knew I could trust you." She placed an arm around Sadie's shoulders and gave her a brief hug. "Thank you for taking care of the Deli," she smiled and reached for Dirk's hand, too. "You're the best friends a girl could ever have!?