Topic: Sublimation: The Smith's Anger


Date: 2013-08-29 14:15 EST
The older smith emerged from the cave lazily, azures squinting at the morning daylight that shone down upon him. The other men that had worked the night shift with him on the excavation stared about blearily as well, the long night of labor leaving them well and ready for a good rest. Despite the hysterics of his sub-foreman a sizable crew of men gladly volunteered to work the night shift with him for the extra pay showing once again that avarice was likely one of the strongest traits in humans. Pleasantries were exchanged with the day crew that arrived to continue the work before the older smith made for his tent at that glacial amble of his. He was looking forward to a long sleep, his nerves particularly shot from a curiously strong feeling of unease during the night while working at the portal site.

He wouldn't say that he had the auric sense that many of the mage types or hells, any types in this land seemed to possess about magic; however, rigorous training and survivalistic need pushed him to develop an underlying feel for shifting and uneasy arcane currents. It was a skill that had saved his life countless times in the past but seemed to be more of a bother than boon in a land that sat square in a nexus of such restless currents. This was only exasperated by the willy nilly attitude towards magic use of most the lands patrons who saw no reason to temper their playing with such powerful forces.

"Li'e bloo'y children wi' poppers..." He muttered sourly to himself as he canted his head to try and stretch out some of that anxiousness that tugged at the base of his skull. He pushed into his tent lazily, a pause to make sure the flap was tied shut before he turned back towards the sought after cot. Hands autonomously fell to his sword and sword belt to remove them as he let out a yawn.


Azures snapped open, keenly aware of his surroundings as the name rang hollow in the air. He scanned the enclosed space warily, hands altering their grip on the blade he held as he listened to the chipper song of the birds singing in the morning light.


He turned swifty on the ball of his foot, blade held low and perpendicular to his center of gravity as he tracked the whispy, hollow voice that called a name he'd not heard in years. "Who is i'?" His voice was cold, steely as his senses sharpened to pick out any movement or sound which may have been a threat.

Petaren Me'endevalo!

He whirled about once more, the world slowing as he turned. He felt the earth shift beneath him....or perhaps more accurately cease to exist as a sudden and urgent vertigo took his senses. He gripped that blade tightly as disorientation washed over him, his senses so sharp became muddled and worthless. Find your focus! Prepare yourself! He concentrated hard to focus himself, to try and will his senses to work yet the only thing he could tell for sure was that he still had hold of his blade....and that was enough. He tightened his grip, felt his hold on the hilt as his other hand held fast to the scabbard. He focused on the tension of his arm, that high strung thrum that told him he could lash out that blade in a deadly instant. The moment of senselessness stretched out to what seemed like an eternity when suddenly his senses would come crashing back as if the void he had been in just popped. He could feel his weight and the ground return beneath him as the smell of sodden earth and pine trees filled his nostrils. The din of a lazily summer shower filled his ears as the feeling of water falling and dancing on his skin washed over him. A blink and his vision returned as if it had never been gone, but instead of a canvas wall he now saw a mountainous forest that stretched out on either side of a muddy horse trail, the sky an ominous shade of gray.

He stayed in that crouched, ready to strike position as he took stock of his surroundings."Wha' in tha 'ells..."

A crack of thunder sent a jolt up his spine bringing with it that sense of bewilderment once more. There was something foul afoot and he didn't like it one bit. Slowly he shifted to a more agile stance as he continued to take in his surroundings trying to puzzle together his situation. He recognized these trees and horse trail, so unoriginal yet the scene was burned into his mind. This was the trail up to the village of his birth yet that was impossible....that village had been abandoned, he'd seen it himself that last time he had been in the land of his origins. Calm down....there must be...

Another crack of thunder almost covered up the sharp cry of pain that called out from the distance. "He...Help m..." The sound was lost in the downfall of rain. Without so much as a second thought he found himself running towards the voice. This isn't right....this can't be right... He pushed down the sense of dread that screamed from the back of his mind. No....this cannot be...this... He cut through the forest, feet carrying him over the stump of that tree that had been felled by lightening the summer before. He instinctively took the path to the right that didn't end in a thicket of spined shrubs. He could see the buildings in the distance, the periphery homesteads to the farms that circled the perimeter of the village. Think, there must be a rational explanation. There must be...

His steps slowed to a stop as he came up to that fallen figure that lay in the mud, a pool of crimson washing away in the downpour. He knew that uniform: the riders boots, the greaves, the hauberk, the bracers and gloves, that phoenix crested tunic and purple lined cape. He stepped forward slowly, azures casting their attention to the face. He already knew who's face he would see yet there it was again, twisted in shock and pain.

"Argorys..." The name fell from thin lips as he drew his blade. He knew this part too except he acted without hesitation this time as his blade cut a deadly arc up and through the chest of the silent assailant that fell upon him with scythe held high in hand. The man flew back from the force of the cut, form sliding in the mud as that makeshift weapon tumbled away. Azures looked down at the corpse of the farmer that attacked him, his expression stoically cold as he recognized this one too.

"Ser Troudar..." His free hand rose to feel along the crest of his brow, the scar still there from when this scene had played out more than two decades prior. How was he to know that Troudar was already dead.....he remembered his youthful self begging the man he knew from the time he was a child to stop his attack. He remembered the cold, brutal assault that finally ended in much the same way this time did save that he had taken a blow to head from the scythe during his pointless begging and the fact that he broke down crying like a babe in the rain afterward. But he had no more tears for this....he had shut away all this grief a long time ago behind that anger and cynicism. This was when that naive, hopeful boy he had been became the embittered man that we why was he here again?

Azures turned from the corpses to the sleepy village that lay ahead, that dread clawing more and more at his mind. Why was he here again? What foulness brought him back to one of the darkest times of his life" Would he have to relive all this hell again? Could he stand to relive all this hell again? How could he escape this....what even was this" The questions buzzed in his mind as he willed himself to take that first step forward. He didn't know why, but he was certain he would have to push forward if he was to escape this hell. A weary smirk cross those aged features as he reaffirmed his grip on his sword: march further into hell to get out of that was just twisted irony.

(From the Sublimation playable.)


Date: 2013-08-30 05:25 EST
He sheathed his sword, hands deftly securing it once more to his hip before he set to dragging the two corpses over to the barn and out of the rain. He started up a lantern to stave off the gloom in the barn making sure to turn down the light till there was just enough for him to look over the bodies without attracting unwanted attention. For the umpteenth time he verified that the two corpses where the same folks from his past as he thought they were.

"Bloo'y 'ells..." His hand fell to reach into his satchel, that silver flask he carried pulled out and given a mild jostle. That frown pulled harder on stern features as he heard hollow sploshing resound, an accusing glare cast to the near empty vessel. This was not something he felt like dealing with, and certainly not sober. Tucking the flask away he gave one last look over the dead guardsman, azures sizing the armor up with another frown.

"Standard issue 6..." Or for his purposes less than half the size that he wore or could hope to even squeeze into. A curse was bit back as he extinguished the lantern, his mind racing as he tried to dredge up details of this terrible day from the recesses of his hidden away memory. The battle was terrible, but moreso because he was unprepared for the horrors that awaited him. This time around he knew what to expect and if he where smart he could avoid the worst of what lay least that was the plan. Warily he checked the fields once more for any other would be assailants before leaving the barn; long, silent strides carrying him quickly across the large grain field to the far fence. He watched the home that he took a wide breadth from as he scaled over the fence; azures scanning for any movement which had lead to his next assault in his youth. He caught sight of the wispy red hair of Maser Troudar in the window of the small house though the woman remained within as he slowly crossed over to the forest line again. Seems the villagers for the most part are where I remember meeting them... It wasn't a comforting thought but it was a thought he could use.

He proceeded deep into the forest away from the rows of farms he had run along as a lad, azures continuously scanning the horizon for any other figures. After a few minutes of putting distance between himself and the farmlands he came to a stop by a particularly defensible boulder. This should do... Large form crouched down in the shadow of the boulder, blade held at ready as he focused his concentration once more as he had been trained. He shut out the distractions of his environment as his senses sank down into those primal chords of the ether. Azures closed to the world around him and opened to the undercurrent that permeated beneath; a hazy black fog loomed over the shallow pond of water that stretched to the horizons....his mental interpretation of what the ether of magic looked like. He could, sense the dark draw of spider webs dragging over the surface of the pond back towards a dark vortex that lay beyond his ability to see. Those azures snapped open, a few blinks to shake away the ghostly mirage that remained in his vision before he took stock of his real surroundings once more. It seemed the threat that had come over the village was well aware that some hapless souls had fallen into it's trap and that one of them had gotten away. Another curse was bit back as the possibilities of a surprise attack waned. His prey knew well that he was here....and as in his past it would be waiting for him to come.

"'Ells!" A fist drove into the monolythic stone that he hid behind with little effect save but making his hand hurt. He didn't bother to bite back his harsh words as he set forth once more directly away from the village. Nothing said he had to go to the village....he'd already proven this point by avoiding the fight with Maser Troudar and their son in the farmhouse. He also avoided having to stave off an overwhelming assault from all the farmers as his youthful self had opted to run full keel down the road and into the village center like an idiot rather than sneaking around has he had opted. So why did he have to go to the village in the first place" What was stopping him from just running away down the mountains all the way to the capital to offer his superlative foreknowledge of how the pending war would go and enact his revenge when the iron was still fresh and ready? Nothing, that's what, and so that was exactly what he was going to do.

Those long strides carried him further and further away from the village and into the dense forest as the sky wept lazily above. Nearly a quarter league was put between himself and the village when he'd suddenly come upon a wall of dense fog that stretched off engulfing the forest in either direction he looked. Was it like this origionally" That quick pace slowed as he began to enter the dense fog, the world seeming to vanish as he was enveloped by the dense murky cloud. He felt a strange resistance as he pushed forward, as if the clouds themselves where pushing him back. A leather clad hand was held up to his face....or so he was fairly sure. That hand closed the distance till he nearly gouged out his own eyes before seeing his fingers. This isn't right.. He batted frantically at the velvety fog as he stumbled back, his steps losing surety as if the ground beneath him were turning to fog itself. And as suddenly as he the world seemed to have vanished into the fog did it appear once more, his booted feet digging hard into the mud causing him to fall back onto his rump with a wet splat in the mud.

"Oi 'ells....wha' is this!?" His question echoed unanswered as he got back to his feet, azures closing once more to concentrate on the undercurrent of magic. He felt the distant spider web behind him and before him....electrified copper" He concentrated harder, the feeling familiar yet foreboding, unpleasant. The cache of 'feelings' that he had developed ran through his mind as he tried to recall what this particular 'feeling' corresponded to.

Finally those azures would snap open as a dour scowl crossed those age worn features. "The Nexus..." He really didn't understand what it was other than some powerful vortex of magic that seemed to be the reason why so many strange folks and creatures ran rampant in the land of Rhydin. Hell, he didn't even know if that was accurate or not but he did know that he always felt it in the back of his skull. It was a persistent sour tone like the taste of electrified copper that he had learned to tune out with years of living in Rhydin and yet here it was staring at him like a wall. He stared resentful at the dense fog, that blade at his side drawn and stabbed ineffectually into the murky gray. He'd give the fog a few more stabs and slices before sheathing the sword once more satisfied that all he'd done was look like an arse.

"Loo's li'e I can's jus' dispell this wizardry...? He looked back towards the village he had stormed off from, that frown of his growing. Looks like the hard way for me. With waning resolve he turned away from the fog and back towards the village; long strides carrying him once more to the same destination they had done when he was a lad: his home.


Date: 2013-08-31 09:26 EST
As he approached the village once more the smith crouched low slowing his pace to a crawl. He caught sight of some of the villag"of the ghouls that were once the villagers. They stood in the dreary rain like statues of stone on sentry, just the barest hint of color to their flesh telling of the weak circulation of vitae through the veins. He scoffed angrily at the sight but couldn't help to admit the tactical sense. It was a shock tactic meant to demoralize and damage the northern defenses of the empire: send kobolt and goblin raiding parties across the entire northern border to illicit a unified military investigation. While the defenders were away the Coven of Delicor, an order of 12 deathwalker vampires, snuck behind the lines and thralled the largest villages that these military forces came from effectively making their homes into death traps. Nearly a third of the entire northern military forces were decimated with a quarter more injured when the returned from their sortie and everyone that had survived were severely demoralized seeing or hearing about their friends, family, loved once becoming the weapons of the enemy. It was the first of many keynotes that sparked one of the bloodiest and atrocious wars ever recorded in Tangian history....a war he lived through if he was being generous with the term.

He stuck to the dense tree line, slowly circling about the back of his house as he tracked his line of sight to the" things that stood around; the lessons learned from his training echoing in his mind.

Deathwalker ghouls do not have senses as you or I. They can only sense life energy and are attracted to that energy. Their soul purpose lies in extinguishing that energy which they no longer posses. They will attack you, sometimes with weapons but do not let that fool you.....that is just muscle memory altering their natural inclination. Remember to always try to put something between you and them, preferably something alive like a tree but unliving things work as well. While they may not be terribly strong alone they are a deadly force in groups and can take large amounts of generalized punishment"

Slow steps stopped as he lost sight of all the ghouls. A long moment passed as he waited, watching to see if any of the few ghouls that did wander trying to fulfill a task so ingrained in them from life would cross his sight. Assured as he was going to get that no such threat would present itself he broke from the trees at a sharp sprint making a bee line for the structure. Those long legs ate up the distance quickly before his form slammed into the log and mortar side of the round residence, a breath sucked in and held as he gripped his sword listening for any shuffling that might come his way. The thrum of blood pounding in his ears quickly receded leaving only the sound of spattering rain and nothing more. With a weary sigh he released that held breath, his feet moving again as he worked his way around the building to the square offshoot that was the anteroom to the kitchen. Without ceremony he punched out one of the glass panes that adorned the door, hand reaching in to release the lock mechanisms before he quickly entered the residence closing and locking the door once more. He paused momentarily as azures caught sight of the fortune wreath that was hung over the archway that lead into the pantry, a sharp pang of nostalgia welling up in him as the memory of him an"No! I don't have time for this.

A sharp shake of his head cleared his mind of such thoughts as he set back to the task at hand. Long strides carried him through the pantry and kitchen, the smell of days spoiled food assaulted his nostrils telling of just how soon after he'd left the attack occurred. He proceeded through dining nook and past the entryway, azures taking note of the signs and tells that his youthful self had missed due to high emotions. He filed away this information coldly as he finally made it to the living room, azures falling upon the armoire that sat in the corner. Those long strides turned into a brief run as he threw a heavy shoulder between the two doors with a resounding crack before yanking at the metal handles rending the doors open, the remains of the lock mechanism falling to the floor. Good thing I was rubbish at locks back then" He sifted through the array of weapons and armor within producing a heater shield and chain coif that could actually fit him. This should do. He pulled on the armor on before azures fell on the last thing he had come here to find. In the corner of the armory laid a massive six foot long greatsword, that same sword he carried for so many years in his younger days. A smirk crossed those aged features as he looked over the ridiculously large greatsword, the joke obviously only funny to him. He reached out to grab the heavy hilt of the sword before lifting the blade with ease" or at least that's what should have happened. The massive blade lifted but still retained it's nearly seven stones of weight. A grunt escaped him as he tried to will the blade horizontal yet he could feel the enchantment on the weapon stir as it began to grow heavier in his grip.

"Wha" tha' "ells??" His arm finally buckled, the wrapped tip of the blade falling with a hard crack into the floor soon followed by the hilt which was pulled free from his grasp. He eyed the blade curiously as he removed a glove to rest a bare hand upon the hilt of the longsword at his side, his thoughts turning inwards" Oi, Ser Pointy n" Slashy, what the hells is going on" He waited patiently for a reply, brow twitching slightly when none came. Oi! Don't you ignore me. What the hells is going on!" Why can't I wield you? younger you? or whatever the hells you would consider that" Again he waited for a response before pulling that hand from the hilt to shove it back into his glove annoyed.

"Blast i' all?" He reached down one more time to grab the massive blade that lay before him, the weapon lifted begrudgingly once more before it again rejected him growing too heavy for him to hold. With a resounding th-crack the sword fell to the floor, the crossguard leaving a fairly impressive divot in the wooden boards.

"Grea?" jus" bloo"y grea". Now I can's use the one trump I had in ma youth an' mae gimpy equivolen" bae sulking too much or some such rot tae tell mae why not! I swear if"n I e"er ma"e i" back ta Rhydin I'm gonna find mae a mage tha' researches the Nexus an' I'ma goin" ta wring "is lil" neck for principal!" He gave the hilt of the sword a swift kick before he took a deep breath trying to drive down his anger. This was not the time to let his temper get the better of him. It's fine" it's fine" come on, I know better now how to deal with this threat than I could ever have hoped to back when I was young and look, I survived" by a fluke perhaps but survival is survival" His gaze lazily scanned the scene outside the window as he worked on his calm: the falling rain cascading down the glass, the statuesque ghouls that stood about like bumps on a log, the corn haired soldier lying in the mud" Azures instantly snapped to attention on the fallen soldier, long steps carrying him to the window to get a better look. He could barely make out the figure through the distortion of the cascading rain water but he could defiantly tell that the fellow was blonde and was mixed up likely with the corpse of his attacker.

"Nae...tha' couldn" bae" coul" *THUMP*" He leapt back with surprising speed as one of the ghouls slammed a hand against the pane of glass sparking a crack to form in the corner.

"Cripes!" The ghoul hit the glass again as it tried to get at him, the crack spreading and dividing in the glass. He didn't have to see clearly to tell that other of the statuesque people had begun to animate once more as they began to move towards the house. Teeth grit as his options quickly flashed within his mind, hands moving to his sword. Run. He shook his head. Run! Another shake. Do something stupid" He stared at the glass which now looked like a spiders web of cracks, the view outside quickly becoming obfuscated by a wall of bodies. He nodded his head tersely before lifting his shield and lunging at the window.


Date: 2013-09-03 22:58 EST
With a flying leap and shield held forward he would break through that damaged glass pane; the force of nearly twenty four stones worth of mad, flying blacksmith scattering the ghouls that had begun to swarm. Knees tucked as he landed on the unfortunate ghoul that had first noticed him; the brunt of his weight on the figures chest driving them into the mud. He glanced at the head twisted in an unnatural manner beneath him....sorry Gerend" the point of that heater was driven hard into the creatures face stopping it dead as hands where already clawing at the knees that sank in a little too far in it's chest. He quickly scrambled to his feet drawing that blade in a broad arc cutting a deep gouge in a few figures that closed. His shielded arm was used to knock down one of the cut creatures that had continued to close as he sent the point of that blade square through the skull of another attacker, the sword drawn out in an arc sending the corpse splaying down in the path of a few more attackers tripping them. The tip of the blade was sank into the back of the head of one of the tripped creatures when a hard thump would be felt square in his back, the shield swung impulsively to bash the attacker as the blade pulled from the first fallen figure and planted into the skull of the second which clawed at his ankles. Azures swept over the battlefield noting the location of still able attackers" and the large number that were shuffling their way over from the surroundings. Blast, I kicked the hornets nest here! I'm going to be overrun at this rate...

That shield was swung wide knocking over a few more attackers as he drove his sword into the face of another assailant before him. Legs made to run towards the fallen soldier when something suddenly caught his foot tripping him to the muddy ground. A sharp curse escaped him as he looked back to see one of the felled opponents grabbing his leg as it drug itself to him; jaw hanging slack from the damage dealt with the blade as dark vitae barely surged from the large wound. Teeth grit as the smith swallowed down that looming dread as he drew back his foot with creature in tow before driving it full force into the broken visage. He repeated the action over and over as the words of his instructor pounded in his mind holding his fear in check.

These husks, while they wear the form of a human, are anything but. They can take remarkable general punishment particularly wounds that would kill a living person. To end them you are forced to do large amounts of damage or very specialized damage. The point where the brain and spine come together or the heart with some form of enchanted weapon will fell these things quickly and efficiently. Beheading can work too but that is hard to accomplish when being swarmed and the body does not cease instantly. It may continue to move and thus pose a threat or at least hindrance for well up to a couple of minutes depending on the strength of the magic used to revive the corpse. So be smart, be quick, be efficient, and maybe you'll continue to be alive?

His boot sank one last time into the creatures ruined visage sending it reeling back into the mud. Not wasting any time that blade lashed back recklessly as he scrambled to his feet once more running at full tilt towards the fallen soldier. A few ghouls were balled over as he slipped about in mud, his blade buried into the chest of an aggressor helping him slow as he nearly slid past the soldier. The young man, armor and all, was yanked up and over his shoulder like a ragdoll as his heart slammed the adrenaline through his veins. He straightened up as he began scanning about quickly for his next move, a hazarded glance cast to the lads apparent killer though would stop him dead in his tracks. His heart sank as nausea welled from his core, azures locked firmly on the face of corpse. No... The shock; however, was short lived as a hand grabbed mercilessly at his head yanking ineffectually at the chain coif slick with rain. He turned sharply, the torso of the body that he carried knocking the would be assailant back as he drove his blade up below the ribs of the creature. It struggled as it tried to push its assault but a sharp twist upwards would halt the creature, the last spark of animation leaving its dead eyes as it slumped on the blade. With a turn of the wrist the corpse would fall off with a heavy slop as he quickly jammed his sword back into it's sheath, massive form turning to hoist the second body up onto his free shoulder.

He turned, azures sweeping over the buildings that lined the street frantically before that massive form would lurch to motion towards the general store across the way. Each footfall sank into the mud under the extra weight as he worked on a begrudging run spurred on by the adrenaline and fear that burned through him. The world was awash with the drum of rain and the pulsing thrum of blood in his ears, almost drowning out the danger that snatched and lashed at his back. Come on... He felt a hard crack next to his fingers that held up the soldier, the tooled blow causing him to swerve across the muddied road. Come on! Another blunt blow caught him square in the crown as he made the stairs of the building blurring his perceptions as he staggered through the door. The corner of a counter bit into his side sending a sharp pain up his torso as he rolled with the blow to mitigate damage, azures widening as they caught a glimpse at the horde that followed at his heel. Come on!!! His legs burned under the weight of the two grown adults and the effort made simply not to slip onto his arse as he hit the stairs. Fire raced up his legs with each step he bound up, the feeling of hands upon his calves urging him on. Just a little more... A figure rounded the banister at the top of the stairs, Oldrich the shop owner, with sickle in dull pink hands and dim pseudolife in his dull gray eyes. Petar dropped his head as he charged the figure, a bloom of pain screaming from where the weapon bit into his back but it would quickly fade as it tore away with the man who was balled under foot by the charge. A bellowing scream rushed up from the depths of his will as he raced forward, the shoulder with the soldier upon it flung forward at the stain glassed door ahead. The brilliantly colored mosaic flexed and contorted under the assault yet the door held firm till the train of ghouls that followed behind crashed into the smith driving him through. His ankle screamed as it twisted unnaturally to keep him upright and moving, the world fuzzing over as he pushed for the edge of the porch. He felt a jar as his form crashed into the rail which held just long enough for him to kick his foot below to propel him forward into the air as wooden railing gave way. He sailed across the distance that separated the neighboring buildings, form twisting as he fell towards the roof. Stillness swept across the world for that fleeting, weightless moment before pain and vertigo overwhelmed him as the wind was violently forced from his lungs, form breaking hard clay tiles as he hit roof. His consciousness held on just long enough to hazard a glance at the porch he had just leapt from, a mild smirk pushing on that cringe as he saw the horde of ghouls spilling out onto the porch and down into the chasm between as none had the facilities of the living to consider jumping. Ha....not dead....yet... His senses faded as the dark enveloped his world.


Date: 2013-09-09 23:49 EST


My Pet, I've got wonderful news!...

A jolt surged through his body as his mind screamed in panic, icy water splattered across his face suffocating. Azures snapped opened, racing wildly as his sense came crashing back to him. He tried to bolt upright to get a better vantage but a weight grasped at his arms pulling him down. Have I been!"... Attention snapped to the left as he caught sight of his shackle, the crumpled form of a purple lump barely lay across his forearm as it slowly slid down the incline of the surface he was on. Another electric crack drew his gaze to the dreary sky above that wept lazily, the raindrops splattering across his drenched body. Oh....right... His logical mind and with it his remembrance of his situation kicked in quelling that beastial fear as he began to take stock of his situation. Unfortunately with the return of his higher functions came the cries of his body demanding payment for the checks he so flagrantly wrote. A dull throbbing pain emanated from the hole in his back that barely oozed crimson as his ankle twinged from it's abuse. Azures turned to the right now to catch sight of the other body he had made off with, a scoff rising as this one was held close even in his incapacitated state. Get it together... He freed himself of the two figures, pulling them with shaky arms to cross over the spine of the roof so they wouldn't slide before he rose to his feet. His body quaked from the mild hypothermia and the absence of the adrenaline which had driven him no more long had he been out' Another glance was cast skyward as he noted the dull gray had grown much darker, obviously a few hours had passed. A touch of scorn crossed him as his younger self had taken care of business by this time and had already set up to the task of....that mild outrage dwindled as he thought back. Three days....three sleepless days... When he had been found those many years past he was nearly a corpse himself not having bothered to eat, drink, or rest save for the bare minimum for three days. For the time he didn't waste with such trivial matters he had been digging, dragging, and burying. A whole village of men, women, and children was a lot of graves...

A slow amble carried him over to the edge of the roof, azures looking down to assess the bodies that lay like fallen sticks in a pile. The ghouls had not sense nor reason to correct themselves as they'd lost sight of their prey so they lay where they fell in a stacked mess. The sight sickened him yet the stirring of a few of the fallen bodies feeling the presence of one still living looking down upon them would quash this outrage. He quickly retreated from the edge and back to the two bodies he had snatched, each grabbed by a hand as he drug them to a nearby venting hatch. A body was lifted under each arm to give him more weight as he dropped his heavy rump firmly where the latch was. Once, twice, and finally he heard that pitched crack and pop that he had been waiting, the bodies set aside as he yanked the broken hatch open. Azures squinted as he peered down into the gloom of the house looking for any sign of danger. A moment or two would pass before he'd drop the two bodies unceremoniously into the attic space with him following suit. He would begin to close the hatch behind when a sudden, silent motion out of the corner of his eyes drew his attention; massive hand bolting out at the figure that lunged at him. Teeth dug into his gloved hand as small limbs flayed about trying to get purchase on the smith as he lifted the small creature up for inspection. His expression remained cold and detached though he felt that bile build up once more. Lil' Andres... The boy had barely just reached the age of six before this sick horror had befell the village ending so many promising lives. Only a few of the villagers had escaped the weave of the Deathwalker and only by the luck of not being present when the creature came, but as for the rest...

He watched as the dead eyed boy gnawed on his hand, his free hand lowering to the dagger he kept sheathed behind his satchel. End it... He stared as the boy chewed and flailed, the pain growing as he worked on his resolve. You have to end it. A moment longer passed before finally with a derisive snort he'd lob the creature up through the open hatch, angling it up onto the roof before he pulled shut the hatch quickly. He listened to the light thumps and scrapes from above continue for a bit before the spark that drove the creature extinguished, a final thump heard as the boy collapsed back into it's waiting torpor. Way to end it... He shook his head lightly at himself as a weary sigh escaped him; hands fished around in the dark to find the storm crossbar to hold the hatch shut before he fumbled his way to where the stairs should be. Hands groped blindly around the banister until he felt a familiar shape, a glove removed so he could pinch the wick of the lantern. Some concentration, some will, some mental imaging, and soon the wick would smolder before catching light driving back the oppressive dark of the attic. He adjusted the lantern so the light shone brilliantly before walking back over to the two bodies he had risked so much to retrieve.

"Whelp....tim' ta ge' on wi' this morbid curiosity tha' near ended mae..." He nudged the soldier over onto it's back with his foot, azures peering down at the face he knew he would find. Shoulder length wavy gold hair, a strong brow and jaw, thin lips, chiseled was a face which he was intimately accustomed to, for after all it was his own. A twenty one year old Petar lay dead before him in that guardsmen attire with only a hint of unwashed crimson from the ragged wound in his neck that was like what ended him. The old smith scoffed down at his younger doppelganger. Should have kept your coif on....idiot. Of course not that he was any better....but he was still alive so maybe he was.

Attention now turned to the other figure as he nudged it over onto it's back. A part of him screamed not to look, but he knew there was no way he couldn't. Azures stared down at that summer dress now ruined with mud and the mane of auburn hair that once fell in flowing cascades now stuck wet, dirty, and unruly to the figure. He knelt down, that un-gloved hand reaching out to gently push the locks of reddish brown from the face he feared to see. Fair features, strong yet feminine that were at once gentle, beautiful yet earnest and defying now twisted by the pale atrophy of was a face he had fallen in love with lifetimes ago and one he had never wanted to see so stricken again.


The name was spoken in a hushed whisper as he felt his barriers cracking, emotion welling up in those tired old features. This was the second time in his life that he would see the face of his once wife in such a state; twice that his impotence gnawed at him. His heart lurched as he gently caressed those cold features, a mild scoff escaping as he looked upon his tattered hand against the smooth alabaster flesh.

"Heh, I've grown so old an' lived sae hard..." He looked over the rest of the dead woman's figure, a wash of nostalgia and bitterness taking hold as memories he worked so hard to suppress came rushing forth. He remembered the good, he remembered the bad, every detail he could lock away he remembered vividly. His vision blurred as he swore water was leaking atop him from the damaged hatch, rain streaking down those weathered features as his jaw trembled from the cold. He had always wondered what would have happened if he'd died that day with his wife....fell victim to the initial horrors of this war than pushing through. Would so much have changed" Did he really contribute that much to the world" Sure he was exiled and made a hell of a mess but could no one else do such' Was it really worth all the grief, all the pain, all the suffering"

That hand came up to scratch at his crooked nose as he sniffled, the water dabbed from his eyes before he drew that glove back onto his hand. Enough. He closed his eyes as he took a deep breath, pushing those emotions and thoughts back into the void where he kept them. That heavy armor that he wore over his heart was closed and locked once more as he ended this little pity party. You are alive and marching forward. He looked back to the dead soldier. Indeed, maybe somebody else could have taken his place in those events he had participated in, the lives he had touched....maybe not. But what he did know was that death was an end of any such possibilities. This Petar would never even have the chance to affect any change, no matter how big or small in this or any world.

And this Inora....this was not his Inora. His wife had been dead for more than half his life now....buried atop a bluff overlooking the valley they had grown up in. Grown up, lived, loved, laughed, cried, and died in that valley....but he continued on. And he was not going to die just because life was, he was too spiteful and stubborn for that....or maybe this tragedy had molded him that way. With a final breath he finished composing himself, that stern yet stoic expression once more worn as a mask over his features as he rolled back onto his haunches.

His jaw worked lazily as he mulled over his thoughts, azures flitting over the two figures analytically. If a younger version of himself was dead in this little slice of hell then obviously this wasn't just a re-enactment of his youth. This had to be an alternate him....and this hell an alternate reality from his own. A reality where he died in this village so many years why was he here" Why was he brought to some pocket reality where the him of the reality was already dead" A hand came up to scratch at his head as none of this made a lick of sense....but something nagged at him still. It was all a little too convenient to be random, at least that's what his gut was saying and such feelings had certainly attributed to the length of his life despite his worse judgment.

One last look was cast between the dead pair, his expression stoic despite his somber mood. He moved to pull the glove off the hand of his counterpart before arranging the young couples hands one within the other. He looked at his handwork lazily, a mild nod of approval before he rose, silent reverence held without words over the two before he turned about on a heel.

"If'n I 'ave the time, I will bury ye both proper....o'er on that bluff tha' o'erlooks the valley. A gran' view to while the ages away wi'....this I swear, 'pon my honor as a man o' my word." He spoke quietly yet earnestly before taking up a brisk pace away from the morbid scene to the stairs that lead bellow. The holds of that shield and coif where tightened as he squared his resolve. I am passed amused, it is time to end this farce...


Date: 2013-09-15 19:55 EST
He proceeded down the stairs cautiously, azures scanning the house as he entered the living area. A long moment passed as he stood in the gloom, scanning his surroundings until he was assured that he was alone before setting to the task of scrounging up what he could. A makeshift binding and bandage were fashioned from clothing for his argumentative wounds before he came upon the exact balm he was hoping for: a bottle of Vilsgrou mead. That cork that sealed the bottle was quickly removed and spat out from between his teeth as took a long, appreciative draw of the amber liquor within, a content sigh escaping him as thin lips broke their hold of the bottle.

"Ah....tha' tastes jus' as terrible as I remember..." He took another swig of the liquor despite the fact that it exercised his gag reflex. If ever he felt the need to be inebriated out of his mind now was probably it. One last long draw was taken from the bottle before he threw it away derisively having dulled his senses enough. Alright, still gotta kill a vampire and not die in the process. The last drops of that cheap liquor were wiped from his lips as he moved to the kitchen and through the pantry to the back door of the home. The door was opened just enough to peek around outside having had his fill of fleeing for the day. Relatively sure of his safety he would bolt out the house, a hard pressed sprint carrying him well into the treeline before he would hazard a glance back. That massive form of his slowed to a walk when he saw no pursuers. Alright, looks like nothing saw off to the cave.

The rain continued it's dreary assault as he made his way through the forest taking round about paths whenever he encountered a ghoul standing sentry. This part was the same as his past, a net of people used to try and catch the unsuspecting along the way to the emergency meeting place. The designated cave was a tactically sound place to meet in the case of a raid or disaster: it was easily defensible, naturally protected, and had a few extra exits so if the entrance was sealed that wasn't a death sentence. Unfortunately , with a little manipulation it worked very well to gather the entire village into a small, enclosed space where the Deathwalker could ply it's devilry, poisoning and reanimating the villages en mass. And then....then the creature made the once safe haven it's personal sanctuary, a mockery against those who originally realized the plan which inevitably doomed the village....a plan he had helped formulate and championed.

Teeth grit as galling guilt twisted within but he pressed forward. It wasn't the first tactical mistake he'd ever made, and the last would likely be his end with the way he lived so there was no point dwelling on least that's what he told himself. Azures scanned the forest as he meandered along, thick brows furrowing as he approached the cave. Wait....there should be more creatures then there is....where are... A glimpse caught would send him shuffling behind a tree to take a more subtle assessment of the fresh horror that lay ahead. I don't remember anything like that being here in the past... The 'thing' stood two and a half times the size of an average man before the entrance to the cave, it's assortment of eyes staring unblinking as an assortment of ears listened for any noise. Two pillar like 'legs' held the barrel like torso up off the ground, six 'arms' supported off to the sides poked through the armor of bone that layered over the body. It was an abomination, a flesh golem, crafted from the bodies of at least twenty people.

The smith cursed silently as his rage bubbled at the atrocity yet azures looked over the thing cold and analytical despite the rolling emotions within. He tried to temper that anger as he dredged up the lessons learned in his past about such abominations. A nearby rock was picked up and and hurled to the left of the creature; the thing shifting as muscles tensed unnaturally at the sound of the rock striking a tree. All but the eyes on the left side of the things 'head' closed giving the creature more focused attention as it investigated the sound but it took no motion. He bit off another silent curse as the creature was obviously better instructed than to just randomly attack anything that caught it's attention. Blast....looks like it's the old fashion way...

Not letting sense or logic dissuade him he set out at a charge from behind the tree he hid behind, that blade of his whipped out as he rushed the creature. He didn't have any misconceptions that he would be able to simply charge and stab the creature and be done with it but he hadn't quite expect the speed which it could react. Almost as soon as he began his charge the creatures attention focused upon him, mottled skin twisting sickeningly as it's muscles churned beneath turning the creature to face him before it set out at it's own charge. Crap! A blink and his shield was raised just in time to catch a snapped swing from the creatures uppermost arm, the reach was unnaturally long as the attack resounded boneless against his shield yet it's weight still staggered him to the side. His form automatically began to rotate with the stagger when suddenly another one of the creatures arms cut straight into his chest stopping him before it twisted itself about to hit him with a wide arcing swing from another arm. The wind escaped him as disorientation set in. the ground ripped away from him as he was knocked into the air. Like a rag doll he flew, breaking through a couple of branches before his short flight ended against the trunk of a tree. He fell towards the ground, his form lurching just in time so he landed on his feet. It's coming! The falling rain and mild vertigo from the blow still blurred his vision but he could definitely see the massive figure charging straight for him. Hand redoubled his grip on his sword as he lurched into a charge himself, his voice rising in a yell as he closed with the creature.

Another swing of that upper most arm, the limb snapped like a boneless whip but this time the terribly projected attack was ducked below with ease. Shield was raised to catch the central jab before his other arm enforced his hold as the arcing swing came next, his body angling with the blow so as he was pushed along the arc. Not too intelligent... Weathering the three punch combo he stabbed that blade of his deep into the creature's leg cutting a deep wound. The golem reeled back from the attack before lashing another strike at the smith, the barest hint of tar like crimson oozing from the wound. Those azures watched the creature closely as it moved, the movement of those muscles and sinew followed beneath the quilt work of flesh. This abomination, despite it's impressive look, was hastily put together. The movements, while ferocious, were predictable and the blows had plenty of weight but lacked muscle. It was a construct that was crafted out of need and so no detail went into it's anatomy. The muscles worked against each other by sheer force of magic and despite having a humanoid form the creature moved more like a puppet with each string pulling from the same spot. Hells, the fact that a vest of ribs covered the chest yet the rest of the creature was left exposed spoke volumes. The thalum must be in the chest, and the way the muscles move....right where a heart should be.

He ducked below another arcing swing though his vision would suddenly flash a moment as he felt a sharp throb ring through his skull as the creature followed with a hammer blow to his head. Blast! It's to finish this quickly... He juked to the left just avoiding another pummeling blow before swerving over to the right beneath the creatures arms, that blade driven up between a couple of ribs towards the center of the creatures chest. Come on... The creature flailed mutely, twisting it's torso and the smiths blade with it as it hit him with another lashing blow. His hands instinctively moved to block though the best he could do was mitigate the damage as he was sent sprawling back into the mud. Azures blinked against the spin that tainted his vision as the muted taping of water against his skull barely registered above the dizzying ring that reverberated through his skull. Got to get up... Hands groped ineffectually at the ground as his feet slid about in the muck. Got to get up. His gaze swirled about, catching sight of a massive form closing on him, a tree trunk like limb rising to crush him. Get up! He scrambled against the mud and the vertigo to push himself back away from the creatures stomp, legs scrambling to find purchase below. He shook his head angrily as he tried to will his way through that wooziness, gaze focusing back on the creature and that blade that hung precariously from it's side. Affirming his grounding, azures focused on his goal as he struck the surface of his heater shield provocatively with his hand.

"Come on ye ugly sack o' corpses.....come a' mae, come on. Ol' fool 'ere ripe fer tha killin'!" He wasn't sure whether the creature had the capacity to recognize goading, but he didn't have long to wonder as it lunged at him swinging it's arms about wildly. Again he ducked below the wide arc of the swing, body crouching down low before he popped up just as the creature began to pass, that shield driven up against the pommel of the planted blade sending it up and into the creature. It would flail back again, coordination failing as it tried to twist but this time he was ready as he pivoted with the creatures movement, hand grabbing the hilt firmly as he drove the pommel down arcing the blade up into the chest cavity of the golem. The creature continued to flail as it tried to get away, a blow struck across the mans broad back but he held firm to that blade, his movements matching the creatures as he worked the blade about. A frantic note crept into the creatures movements as it tried to retreat when suddenly the mass of muscles and flesh would jerk to a halt. Got it. He gave the hilt a vicious twist making sure he destroyed whatever he had hit before yanking that blade out from the creature. A spray of sludgy brown crimson spilled from the wound as the creatures entire form seemed to slump as if it were a puppet that had suddenly had all it's strings cut at once. The older smith stumbled back quickly, putting some distance between him and the behemoth as it teetered before collapsing forward onto the sodden ground. Azures watched as the multitude of eyes took on that vacant stare, blade held at ready until he was sure that no secondary core existed that might bring the abomination back.

"Bloo'y 'ells..." He popped his neck as a flick of the wrist slung the gore from his blade, his other hand reaffirming it's hold on his shield as he spat some of that blood that leaked from his own nose. Attention turned back to the open maw of the cave as he took up a mildly limping amble for the refuge, his figure stopping momentarily as he shot a look back to the golem that was slowly breaking down into it's composite parts, the magic that bound the menagerie of corpses together fading fast.

"I'll avenge' remember. I' is the mos' I can do..." And that steely gaze turned forward once more as he proceeded into the cave.


Date: 2013-09-30 01:51 EST
Azures scanned about warily as he made his way out of the oppressive rain and into the confines of the cave. The enchanted glow stones that were set in even spaced wall scones gave off a warm amber glow that pushed back the dark giving everything a mildly orange hue. He didn't expect he'd encounter any more surprises, the flesh golem itself was a move of desperation that affirmed that the vile creature ahead knew all too well of his approach. That anger within only boiled more as he looked over the different etchings and scrawls that marked the walls as he passed, the remainders of bored youth who would never get the chance to make something of themselves; to live or love or experience any of the wonders and pitfalls that life held. His grip tightened on his sword and shield as he squared his shoulders, the limp forced out of his step as he marched forward into the main cavern.

Bodies and remains of men and women of all ages laid strewn about the cavern like discarded rubbish, the acrid smell of death permeating the atmosphere. Across the cavern a single figure sat upon one of the chairs that had been brought into the cave, a rhythmic cracking resounding from the figure as it drummed long nailed fingers upon the armrest.

A playful smile pulled across the feminine features as golden eyes tracked the smith's approach. "I've been waiting for you my darling." The voice spilled forth like succulent honey, enticing and promising of wicked pleasures.

"Ye were" Well, if'n tha' was the case I woul'na been remiss a' a simpler welcome, noth'n sae fancy as'n yer curren' 'ospitality..." Despite the glib nature of his words his tone remained cold and measured, his slow advance continued.

"Ohh, but I wanted to get to know feel you. You have an enticing aura about you, dangerous." The creature purred out the compliment as it slowly uncrossed and recrossed it's long lithesome legs, form tilting forward to exaggerate the....ampleness of it's bare bosom. "I like dangerous....but why don't you put down those silly weapons and come join me for some fun."

Azures narrowed slightly as he felt the cloying currents of the charm magic wash over him. He breathed in measured pace as he honed his focus against the pull of the saccharine words. That hold of his blade and shield was reaffirmed as he continued forward. "Ye think lil' ol' mae is dangerous" Oh, ye've not seen nothin' yet."

That rhythmic drumming stopped as the creatures nails embedded in the wood of the armrest, those golden orbs narrowing like a predator measuring up it's prey. "I've seen plenty of how you handle your tools, I wish to see how you handle your body. So put down the blade."

His massive form slowed to a stop as he stared at the creature ahead of him, sword arm lowering from it's readied position down to his side. A wicked smile crossed the creatures face as an arm lifted to heft it's assets at him, it's voice brimming with sensuous lust. "Good, now put down the blade like a good boy and..."

His form lurched into a lunge, his stride stretched as far as he could to eat up the remaining distance between him and the vampire as he snapped that blade up. One step, two steps, and then that blade was lanced forward; driven with all his might, momentum, and weight straight for the creatures heart. The moment passed in a blur, azures tracking the golden orbs that opened in surprise when suddenly.


The movement was almost too quick for him to track as the creature careened to the side avoiding the blade which sunk deep into the back of the chair. The appearance of a beautiful nude woman dimmed just a bit as the creatures shock turned to rage, clawed hand driven forward towards his bowels. He caught the blow with the shield, the weight behind the strike much greater than was possible by one of so slight a figure but this was expected as he put his weight behind the block holding his position firm. The slightest decrease in pressure signaled him to push open that shield to pry open the creatures defense, hand releasing the hilt of his sword to snatch at that hidden dagger under his satchel. He felt the creatures movements through the shield as it tried to resist being pushed into an open position, that dagger drawn out in a cutting arc for the creatures throat. However, the pressure against the shield suddenly vanished as he had trouble following the movements of the creature; lithesome figure dropping down low to the ground before opting to spring off to the side away from the smith. Claws scrapped across rock as the creature slowed itself to a stop with all form limbs, those golden orbs staring with outrage at the smith as it's mouth twisted in a glower. "Impudent fool, do you know who I am!?"

"Yllith tha Gravestirrer, 7th in the Delicor circle o' deathwalkers, charged wi' tha massacres a' Delmon, Tivras, an' Holidon's Bluff." He flatly listed the creatures monikers as he sheathed that dagger once more, the blade tip ripped from the chair and swung out to a ready stance. "Executed." He added with just a hint more malice behind the word.

The creature sinuously rose to it's feet as golden eyes watched the smith carefully, that sneer smoothing back into a teasing smile. "Don't say it like that, I'll blush!" The creatures playful giggle only worked to knit the heavy brows of the smith as his teeth ground. "It seems you have a remarkable will Pe~ta~ren. Not many could resist my charm....that is an impressive feat."

He blinked as that anger waned slightly. "Oh' I didn' think mae reputation preceded me so." He watched the creature with those cold blue eyes as he sized it up. Despite the battle being a major turning point in his life he didn't remember too much detail of the creature from his past. In his youth there was no method to his fighting, no composure or stratagem....simply blind, hate fueled rage. He could have died many times over in that fight, but the creatures scornful pride and underestimation had proven to be it's undoing in the end. This fact only worried him as the creature from his memories, foggy as they were, would have surely fell to his earlier ruse. And the creature knew who he was despite his doppelganger having clearly found his end long before approaching this cave.

"Oh but it are Pe~ta~ren Me'endevalo, once a soldier in the grand Tangian Empire. Now your so old and bitter looking when once you were so handsome." The creature pouted as it bent forward, head tilting to the side as it playfully batted it's eyelashes at him.

"So....yer aware tha' I ain' the Petar o' this lil....farce. Does tha' mean tha' ye were the one tha' is responsible for me bein' 'ere?" His tone remained cold and nonchalant as he matched his cudgel like wit against the vampires.

The creature giggled once more before letting that tone drop into a purr. "Hmm....maybe? Do you even know where you are Pe~ta~ren?"

His nostrils flared at the creatures casual manner as he kept his temper in check. "In some tiny reality....five kilometers in diameter if'n I were to tha void 'tween realities."

Another giggle escaped the creature as it folded it's arms beneath that ample bust, form leaning back casually. "My and observant too! I might just fall for you Pe~ta~ren. Yes, we are trapped in a pocket reality you and I....and beyond the gray mist lies nothingness: not reality, not time, not existence. Cozy, no?"

Another sultry chuckle escaped the creature as the smith answered in silence. "Oh, but you are so serious. That simply will not do....not when we are the only warm bodies left. I am warm you know, a living, feeling being as you my dear Pe~ta~ren."

"Why did ye bring mae here creature?" He remained curt with the thing, those eyes watching it's motions for any sudden movements.

The vampire simply laughed at his interrogation, mirth glowing in those golden orbs at it leaned forward teasing. "Say pleeease."

Something inside him snapped and sent his hulking form in a charge for the creature, that sword brought in a sharp cut that was nimbly dodged by the creature. Fluidly he lead straight into a stab for the head, the vampire leaning back and right to avoid. Upon drawing back that blade from the stab he cut downward yet the creatures form conformed around the arc of the attack. Without a thought he stepped in to the dangerous grappling distance as he turned about his blade to thrust the pommel straight into the creatures stomach though he hit something much sturdier as the deathwalker caught the blow, a playful smile and a pursed lips offered for his efforts. And now it was his turn to circle to the left of the creature, his long shuffle taking him out of engagement with the foe as those azures watched for any pursuit. Blast! Age may have been playing some part in this but he knew for a fact that the creature was definitely faster than when he first slayed it. It was also more cautious and less self assured than the original deathwalker he had encountered a lifetime ago.

The creature brushed it's hands against each other casually as it slowly began to approach him with a sensuous walk taking advantage of those lithesome legs, a playful smile crossing feminine features. "Oh you are so violent and rude. I think someone needs a lesson in humility..."

In an instant the creature closed the distance between them, dropping down before popping up with an uppercut that reverberated through his jaw and skull. Instinctively he fell back into a fighters stance, shield blocking that right hook but leaving him open for the one, two, three, four hit combo to his core. His stomach churned under the brutal assault, nausea adding to the alarms that rang in his mind. Make, she can close faster than I can retreat. Counterattack....if only I weren't so busy doing a rubbish job at defense... He circled around the vampire again though this time it followed pace, that playful smile beaming as it launched another brutal assault on his core. Defending against it with the shield left him open for a jab and straight to the face which reeled him back. Defend! Run! Circle! Sword! His mind raced as the creature continued to work him over, it's speed greater than he could keep up with. Attack through! That shield rang like a bell as he blocked another hook, her followup caught as well though he'd not react in time to dodge that foot that snapped betwixt his legs sending a jolt of pain up his spine. He began to retreat, a foot raised to step back but instead he willed himself forward into the onslaught. There was a good reason why he had been known as a demon in his past; the many scars he wore proof not only of the hardships he had endured, but of his indomitable and bullheaded will. He opened himself up to another flurry of uppercuts and hooks as he stepped in, that shield arm shooting straight but this was easily dodged bringing the vampire into his center line. Got you! He stepped forward again into her next swing amplifying the force which the fist turned his jaw but if he was well within her assault distance than....the creatures eyes had only begun to grow wider as it realized what his reckless gambit was.

That muscular form shifted as it tried to bolt back as his other hand dropped the blade it carried snapping forward to make contact with the creatures visage. Those fast movements halted as the blow rang through the deathwalker's head sending it reeling and opening it for a followup straight. While he wasn't built fast and agile like his opponent, what he was was near twenty two stones worth of muscle that could absorb a large amount of punishment and make sure any blows he did connect really hurt. The creature fell back, claws whipping out this time as it lashed at him trying to drive him back yet he pushed forward letting the claws carve shallow gouges in his arm as he hit it with a cross punch sending it to the ground. Now die! A booted foot slide under the cross guard of his abandoned blade toeing it up and into his waiting hand before lancing it towards his downed foe. The blade bit hard against the rock ground as the vampire rolled, figure moving unnaturally as it twisted about to launch that lithe figure out of the man's circle of attack. He lurched forward in pursuit of the creature; no way was he going to let the pressure of the...

Those azures widened as he felt the sudden crawling tingle jolt up his spine as the atmosphere changed. Instinct kicked in halting his charge as that shield was brought up in defense even before he registered the movement of lips and hands that called forth that contained vortex of arcane energy. With a final snap of it's wrist the immaterial vortex took form, the air before that pointed finger igniting into a brillant blue flame that lanced forth straight for the smith. He caught sight of that flame just long enough to adjust the shield before he compacted his torso as much as he could, head tucking down as that shield was held forward with an upturned tilt. A wave of pressure struck him before he felt the the onslaught of the flame strike the shield like a waterfall, the gulch of flames splaying across the metal surface. Intense heat washed over him as it spilled around the sides of the shield, his sword arm raising to protect his face as he weathered the magical torrent. An eternity seemed to pass as he hid behind that shield before finally the pressure let off, the wave of burning heat vanishing as quickly as it had appeared leaving only the smell of burnt air in it's wake. Without a moments hesitation he fell back into a fighters stance despite the quiver in his legs, his vision cleared of obstruction as he took quick inventory of his surroundings while he gulped in the cool air. Some distance away the creature now stood, that aggravating smile once more upon plump lips as it leisurely dusted itself off. His teeth ground in anger at the sight but he stowed that emotion as he loosened his hold on the sweltering shield that burned his arm. Azures hazarded a glance at the shield, his teeth grinding harder to prevent any look of shock from coalescing on those aged features as he watched the wooden backing boards slowly burn beneath the dully glowing metal of the shield. He glanced at the puddle of molten metal that lay at his feet and the occasional rivulet that still sloughed off the shield. By Taj... The creature from his memories was certainly never this strong. He was well aware that the thing could cast elemental magics but nothing that could burn through an iron shield with such a simple non-somatic casting. He eyed the creature as it gave him a wink obviously catching on to what he saw.

"Did I break your shield" Oh my, I just don't know my own strength sometimes." The creature giggled lightly as it stretched it's sinuous form.

He worked hard to keep that stoic mask on those features as azures bore down on the creature. "Jus' a lil' damage, not to be so cock sure 'bout."

The creature burst out into laughter at his attempt at bluffing, it was obvious to the both of them that the shield wouldn't survive another such attack. "Oh, you are just so adorable! And your taste....mmm, I might have climaxed just from that alone if you hadn't been such a spoil sport."

A brow quirked at that statement until he realized the implication. A hurried mental stock was taken, the aches and pains that screamed ignored as he looked for more subtle changes though the only other things he could note was the queasy shake in his legs and the fact that we was still winded. Weak legs....out of breath... Bile rose in him as that stoic mask faltered just a touch as those azures shot a hate filled glare at the creature.

That smile upon it's face only grew as it watched him, a fist raised as it sensuously lapped at it's knuckles. "Any touch would have done deary. I could have ravaged you until you died in ecstasy, but you simply must follow the hard way...not that that can't be fun." That smile curled into a wolfish grin.

It had seemed off that the creature would choose to try and punch him into submission, but then again that had never been it's intention. It had really sought to feed on him, on the magic life energy that was in all living organisms. In his many years of life he had heard of many different types of vampires; some that drank blood, some that ate cocoa covered corn biscuits, some that compulsorily counted, and even some that sparkled and winged all the time but this breed of vampire....they were the vilest in his opinion. They could rob a person of their thoughts, their memories, everything that made them who they were leaving a husk to do their bidding. Luckily for him he had learned well how shield his mind from such wicked machinations, though the creature was still able to feed off the energy that purveyed his body. He felt drained, his body strained as if he were some mage that had just cast a powerful spell.

He honed that indignant anger down, his azures turning a cold glare at the creature as he forced his breathing to steady. "Why did ye bring me here fiend."

The vampire continued to leisurely lick it's knuckles. "Because I could darling."

"I will not bae toyed wi' creature, why did ye bring me here." His tone was flat as he spoke, one foot forced in front of the other as he slowly began to close on the creature once more.

A slender brow quirked, that wolfish grin only growing. "Oh' You won't' It doesn't seem like you've much choice Pe~ta~ren. You are my plaything and I..."

"Why did you bring me here!" That methodical pace continued to carry him ever closer as those steely blue eyes bore down on the creature.

A disgusted look crossed those slender features as the creature raised it's hand towards him. "Do not be rude human, you live by my grace alone and you shall die for it if you..."

"WHY DID YOU BRING ME HERE!" His voice boomed in the enclosed space as he broke into a charge, sword held at ready. Those yellow orbs turned cold as the creature carved that sigil in the air once more chanting silent words. He felt the churning of the magical field around him yet he continued his charge. Don't fail me... Again with the flick of a wrist another bout of flame would spark to life leaping at the him. Don't fail me now... Azures closed as he focused himself, listening for that undercurrent of magic that purveyed around him. He felt himself, the crumpled corpses that surrounded them, the creature before him, and...With one sweeping arc upward his sword would cleave that vortex of energy he felt in twain, the bolt of blue flame sputtering out all the way back to the creatures fingers.

Those golden orbs widened in shock as it bid a hasty retreat from his down swing, the mirth all but leaving the creatures features as it glowered at him."Tha...that is impossible." The vampire hissed as it watched the smith with those predatory eyes.

A silent curse crossed through his mind as the creature nimbly dodged away at his down stroke. "Impossible" Twas that move tha' ended tha life o' yer predecessor in mae world."

The creature slowly began to move those lithesome legs one of the other as it circled around him slowly, those yellow orbs watching him warily as it sized him up once more. "Was it' Sounds as if my predecessor got what she deserved then to fall to a mere human, even if it be a human with an....interesting bobble."

"Oh I thin' ye'll 'ave a change o' thought when I shove this 'bobble' through yer black soulless heart. Now enough wi' tha games, why did ye bring mae 'ere or woul' ye rather die wi'out yer villains monologue?" He began to circle the creature himself as those azures watched with that steely gaze.

The deathwalker scoffed at his threat. "You kill me" Ha! Now I know you're a glutton for punishment. What you've seen is hardly a fraction of the power I yield. I was able to summon you across the multiverse and house you in this little reality that I've created and you think you can really kill me!" What avarice you humans suffer."

"Oh, seems ta me li'e we've been on pretty e'en foot'n ta mae. Bu' e'en if'n wha' ye say bae true why go through tha trouble o' bringing me 'ere. Tis pro'ly 'alf a dozen o' more folks per square 'ile in Rhydin tha woul' gladly accept your carnal advances..."

A nasty smirk crossed the creatures features as that dazzle on it's hands faded revealing those long, inhuman digits capped with razor sharp talons. "Because you and I are connected Pe~ta~ren. I am fated to kill you."

He mulled over the creatures words as he continued to match it's pace, azures watching steadily. Suddenly the pieces fell together. "Ye're stuck here..." Azures narrowed slightly. "Ye didn' create this lil' hell, tis yer prison an' ye can't leave i'. An' ye brough' mae 'ere because we were connected both in mae worl' and this worl' so twas your only real option." The creatures eyes narrowed ever so slightly as that smugness dimmed. "Oh, noth'n clever ta say now" Sae what, ye brought mae 'ere cause ye were bored" Wanted ta commit suicide" Bae plen'y o' sharp rocks ta take a lie 'pon."

"Do not think to mock me human, I grow stronger in this miasma of magic and you can barely stand. And what have you to show for you effort, a bruise on my cute face?"

"I've deal' wi' worse than ye fiend."

"Oh' And look what it has gotten embittered old man who trudges forward because he is too stupid and stubborn to die."

"Better a stupid ol' man than a fowl creature that leaves nothing more than death and sorrow in its wake."

Those predatory eyes narrowed as the grin curled back up on the creatures face. "Oh' And you are so different in that regard Pe~ta~ren" You carry yourself with all the regal and composure of a natural leader and yet you are so tattered and worn. No, I think in the leaving a wake of sorrow and death you and I are not so different..."

Aged features fell into that flat, stoic mask as he watched the creature yet he couldn't hide the anger that burned in those deep blue eyes. The creature delighted in smith's silence. "How many lives have fallen because of you? Did you take with your sword" Did you fail to protect' Did you order to their deaths" How much has your pride, your incompetency, your impotency cost' You know what I think....I think that if you compared the mountain of corpses we have respectively climbed to our positions today that mine would be but a mole hill dwarfed by the noon day shadow of yours."

"Quiet fiend, I'll have not of ye sullying the noble pursuit o' tha dead." That anger grew as he grit his teeth, the hold of his blade tightening.

"Noble pursuit you say' Ha! Pursuit of what might I ask" If you were a leader once you obviously are not now dressed as rabble with the stench of coal, iron, and dirt. A noble man who fought for noble and lofty causes would either be dead or a king by now. So tell me, what have you accomplished" What noble work will you leave behind" What will be remembered by your name Pe~ta~ren?"

His teeth began to hurt as he clenched his jaw, the hatred in his eyes burning like a furnace. "Shut. Up."

"Why' Can't handle the truth' Is that why you reek of alcohols" Trying to forget the misery your existence has wrought for naught?"

"Shut Up!"

"Guilty much Pe~ta~ren" I only seek to end the worthless life that has ruined so many others..." The creature purred as it grinned wickedly.

"SHUT UP!" The rage spilled forth as he broke their little circling game, form charging at full tilt for the creature. The vampire cast another fireball at him which was dispelled again with a hate filled cut, the blast of still hot air burning across his cheeks as he advanced with reckless abandon. One, two, his broad sweeping cuts were easily dodged as the creature countered with it's own claws, the ruined shield still able to redirect the attacks though it creaked and groaned under the assault.

"Yes, show me your anger Pe~ta~ren. I want to see how your face changes from such life to the stillness of death." The creatures hand turned, carving a sigil in the air as it dodged another of the man's wild flurries. He felt the atmosphere charge around him yet without losing a step he thrust that blade through the gathering vortex of power. The creature smiled cheerfully as it bounded back avoiding the explosive discharge as the vortex collapsed.

"Don't die yet Pe~ta~ren, I've still got some frustrations to work out..." A thunderous shout followed the singed man out of the cloud of dust and smoke as he lunged at the creatures, the attack artfully circled about as the creature dragged it's claws down his arm loosing a trail of crimson. Without pause the smith turned on a heel, circling about with that blade that was caught in the mere pinch of the creatures boney fingers.

"Yes, that's it....I can feel the hatred burning from you. Do you know what will happen when I kill you?" The smith drew back the blade from the creatures fingers before cuting another blow for it's head which was ducked under, a fist driving into the mans jaw as it popped back up.

"I will return to your world, take over your life, and then..." The creature spun about dodging another mighty upswing as it backhanded the smith, claws drawing blood those gruff features.

"Then I will kill everyone that you hold dear, I will weed out what few friends you possess and send them along to you in hell!" The creature laughed whimsically as it bounded back from the man's reckless attacks. He could barely see past the hate, the rage that drove him forward....if he could just land one blow he'd cut the creature down in two, rip it limb from limb and spit on it's corpse. He would reveal in desecrating it's corpse, in....Enough! A beacon of reason burned through the red haze of hatred that frothed and pushed his offense. ENOUGH! His mind jerked under the forceful command, that tide of rage pushed back as he tired to focus through the clarion of aches, pains, and the rush of blood that vied for his attention. Those azures focused on the creature ahead of him, his emotions screaming for it's blood but he willed back those basal urges. At this rate, I will be killed. He knew exactly what the creature was doing, it was baiting and goading him into reckless action....the exact strategy it had employed in his youth but he had ended the struggle long before this point. And at this this rate his human body would fail him long before the vampires body already was failing him as his attacks grew wider and slower from the fatigue and injury, the oppressive atmosphere that drained him, and even the high emotions that pushed him with adrenaline to an inevitable crash. His mind raced through his dwindling options, each one playing out as his body moved in rhythm with the creatures. Finally...

He stepped in, that blade cutting a broad arc across the creatures chest driving it back. Azures watched as that vampire smiled wickedly, catching sight of the opening. Time crawled by as he saw the creature push forward past his blade, claws driving straight for his bowels. The shield was raised too late as he felt the burning pain blossom from his stomach as those talons drove through his flesh, pushing through muscles to his bowels beneath. Golden orbs looked up with glee to the old man's features, seeking out that expression of shock and horror. Instead that maniacal joy faltered as it found his eyes burning with cold, calculating calm. In an instant clawed feet dug into the ground to try and drive it away but that hand from the feigned block was already wrapping around the creatures arm locking it in place. The deathwalker struggled against his grip as it's free hand rose to sign a sigil yet it was interrupted as his blade was spun about taking off a boney finger before he drove it straight between the creatures heaving bosom. A sharp squealing howl erupted from the creatures as that blade tore through it's sternum, the dazzle completely breaking exposing the true gaunt, ugly figure of the creature. The claws that were stuck in his stomach was driven froward with renewed energy to try and end him as he wrenched the blade within the creatures bone breaking the sternum. Those golden orbs widened in shock, it's body freezing at it felt the burn of that blade against the side of it's heart, a hiss escaping between lipless fangs.

" can not do will die!" Fire burned in his core as those talons squeezed ever so slightly giving punch to it's argument.

"An'?" His tone was simple and unemotional as he answered.

" can help you....I can heal you....and...and that woman....that woman in the dress dead with your counter I can bring back....there is still time..." Those azures narrowed as the creature tried to strike a bargain, that blade driven over hard into the vampires heart.

"Jus' die already." Malice and hatred burned in that low growl as he twisted the blade, a spurt of crimson erupting from the grievous wound as the creatures form lurched. Blood gurgled over those sharp rows of teeth as the creature tried to hiss, those golden orbs filled with indignation and rage. He watched as those emotions faded with the creatures draining life, the voice of his once mentor droning in his mind trying to assure his decision.

Deathwalker thralls are not alive, they are not the people you once knew. They are a twisted remnant' a husk with only the barest spark left that differentiates us from inanimate objects like this table or chair. There is no way to revive them from this state. T"would be like trying to revive a head of corn with only the husk and chuck left. It is impossible" so do not think of them as your friends, your family, your loved ones. They are none of these things" they are not even human. The greatest kindness you can pay them is a quick and merciful end"

He had made his peace....and if he hadn't there was not he could do. Instead he focused on the consolation that one did not oft get to kill their greatest hated foe twice in one life. Maybe that wasn't much of a consolation but the aged man would take what he could. One last hard look was cast into the fading gold orbs before they took on that infinite gaze, the gush of crimson slowing to a paltry ooze from that wound.

He released his hold on the creatures arm, letting it's lifeless form slide form his blade as those azures closed slowly. Pain and fatigue washed over his mind as he felt coldness begin to set in in his own joints, the warmth draining from those burning holes in his stomach. Guess this is it....after so long... He felt his grasp on the world around him slip away as his senses slowly left him. It was good....right" His mind faded into the void.



Death seemed to be taking longer than he expected it would. At very least it didn't seem like anything he thought it would be. Sound returned to him as he heard the airy song of birds chirping in morning light, a wash of warmth spreading over him. Azures opened slowly, bright light blinding his vision though it quickly adjusted as he looked over his surroundings. Before him was that small desk and wash basin which sat before his cot all contained within the small enclosure of canvas he had left what seemed like ages ago. Rustling behind drew his attention to the gaunt face that poked in through the door, a mildly horrified look pressing upon those paling features.

" this a bad time sir?" Hubbert stammered as he eyed the large man standing in the middle of the tent with his blade stabbed threateningly into the air towards his bed.

"Wha' is i' Hubbert?" He flicked his blade to the side before sheathing it in it's scabbard once more. Azures watched with little interest as the sub-foreman flinched from the movement.

" seems the night shift may have drank too much ale last night sir...I was..."

A thick brow quirked at the man, a note taken at the lack of weight he felt on his head. "Hmm' 'Ow lon' 'as i' been?"

"Pardon sir?"

"How lon' 'ave I been in 'ere?" Azures took a quick stock of his arms noting no lacerations or wounds, simply the grime from having dug all night.

"Uhh....five minutes I would"

The man backed a little further out of the tent as Petar turned without word, a step taking him to the desk. He drew out an order form and pen, quickly scrawling in the information before dating and signing the document. Without any ceremony he turned and shoved the document out to the sub-foreman who flinched away as if he were threatening him with the parchment. "Here, ta'e tha ta the Red Dragon Inn an' 'ave 'em fill tha order. Ta'e tha wagon wi' ye, I ain' payin' a red cent fer 'em ta hike the stuff out ta 'ere."

The man hesitantly took the order form as he bowed slightly though not enough to break sight of the half crazed looking smith. "Uh, yes sir....right away." The man quickly made his escape leaving the older smith alone in the tent once more. Azures took a greater stock of his surroundings which looked exactly as they did before he had 'left.' Did I hallucinate all that" He checked his person for any of the wounds he had received during his little adventure, nothing remained except the fatigue that had hounded him and the ghost feeling of fingers digging into his abdomen though he found no evidence of his ordeal.

"Bloo'y 'ells am I goin' crazy..." He turned warily to his cot when something caught at the edge of his attention. Azures slowly traced back over to the thin line of blood that arced across the tent wall and the ground at his feet. He looked back at his blade which seemed to glow a dull crimson hue and then once more to the arc of blood. Anger bubbled up within him as he grabbed that cloak of his throwing it over his shoulders as he pushed out of the tent. Hubbert jumped at the sudden exit despite being nearly twenty yards away from the brooding smith.

He approached hesitantly. "Uh...sir" Are you alright?"

Petar stormed past the man towards the stables. "Nae....I ain' alrigh'."

The man wrung his boney hands as he watched the smith take to a mount. " you need something sir?"

Petar shot the man a sharp glare that made him shrink back. "Aye....I've got ta fin' a bloo'y astronomy mage so as I can' beat some bloo'y answers from 'em. Tha's all." He wouldn't wait for an answer from the man as he gave the reigns a snap sending the horse into a gallop off for the city.