Topic: Sunny Side Up - NSFW

Josiah Skurlock

Date: 2014-03-23 23:34 EST
Getting back to Earth was proving to be more difficult than Viola had been expecting. To be honest, sleeping in a bathtub in a bathroom that belonged to two men sharing a bedroom was proving to be something of a trial in itself. Jo had been surprisingly solicitous once they'd realised getting back to her Earth was virtually impossible, providing her with just enough clothing to get her by until she could get a job and start paying for herself, and Bessy, the landlady, had been providing her with meals in return for some help with the housework that built up around the B'n'B. Nothing, however, was helping with the aches and pains that came from sleeping in that damned bathtub.

Jo felt badly, after a while, about making her sleep in the bathtub. It really wasn't fair to Viola. She had done some mean things to him in the past, but the punishment he was doling out just didn't seem right. So, a week after he'd dumped her unceremoniously into that bathtub, he went to speak to Bessy about the living arrangements. And once that was settled, he was even going to show her something to make her life much, much better.

"Come on," he stepped into the cabin and peered around. Though she slept in the bathtub, he hadn't stopped her from using the rest of the cabin when she was awake. "And bring that bathing suit you borrowed from Bessy," he added. He had to admit that Vi would look a lot better in the thong bikini than Bessy would. The thought made him shudder, though. "And your boots," he stepped out of the cabin then and stood with his hands on his hips as he waited.

When he looked in, Viola was lying on her back with her rear pressed against the wall and her legs stretched along the line of that wall in an upward direction. Anything to stretch out her back and make it stop aching. She looked up as Jo looked in, daring him to parse comment on her position with just a look. "My ....hold on, what?" She pushed herself up onto her feet, opening the door to frown curiously at him. "Why do I need a bathing suit, and should I already be wearing it when I get out of here?"

Jo had his back to the door, giving her more privacy. And when the door opened, he glanced over his shoulder at her. "I guess you should, just wear jeans and a shirt over it," he advised. He turned again and was looking out over the lake that was behind the main house. Anything to get that image of her, on her back and legs on the wall. It looked....indecent. "And hurry your skinny arse up."

Offered nothing but that as an explanation, Viola rolled her eyes and shut the door again, rummaging through her acutely small pile of clothing for the bathing suit he'd mentioned, and quickly dressing herself in it, covering it up with her usual clothing. Hopping into her boots with a wince for the complaint of her back as she did so, she reopened the door and stepped out, brushing her hair back out of her face. "If I see one camera, I will break your face with it," she warned him, still not entirely trusting, given their history.

Once the door opened up, he dropped his hands to his sides. "You know, you don't have to spit vinegar at me all of the time," he grumped and wondered if he should lead her down the path with the fledgling wasp nest. Though the image of her flailing about brought a grin to his face, he couldn't be that cruel. "I'm not a jerk. Not all of the time." Jo walked towards the water's edge, but skirted around it to a small path that led away from the lake.

"We've got too much history screwing each other over not to have an adversarial relationship," she pointed out, stamping to make her boots settle as she moved after him, a good deal less graceful with her aches and pains than she had been a few days ago. "Where are we going?"

"We can change that, Vi. It wasn't always this way," he lifted a low lying branch out of the path so she wouldn't hit her head on it. "See, I learned that since being here. We can make a choice to be nasty, or nice to those around us. I think that being nice to each other would make things a lot easier on us both. And I'm going to prove it."

"And here I thought you liked my sharp tongue," she teased, the hint of a smile just barely creeping into her voice as she followed him, ducking under the branch he held out of the way. "You always seem so excited to barb words and throw them back at me."

"It gets old," he admitted and let the branch fall when she was safely free of it. "And it doesn't fit in with the new me. See, I've embraced who I am. I'm not hiding anymore. I don't have to hide, here. I won't get stoned or laughed at or my arse beaten because I like kissing men." It was the first time he'd admitted it to her and was just a bit nervous about how she'd react.

To her credit, she didn't look surprised. If anything, her smile was terrifyingly understanding as she nodded. "I thought as much," she assured him. "You tried too hard at uni to sleep with anything in a skirt, and every time I saw you outside work, you had a different girl on your arm. You never seemed to like them very much, though."

Jo was much relieved when she didn't gawk, look surprised or slap him in the face. He'd dated her, once upon a time, too. "Yeah, well it's not that I didn't like them, I didn't like the whole pretending thing. But, to keep scholarships and from being thrown out for being labeled a pervert," he shrugged and put his hands down into his pockets. "It's not far and you're really going to like it. The strata are absolutely fascinating." He knew that wasn't going to be the big draw there, but he was giving nothing away.

They'd been on precisely one date, during which Viola had arseured him she wasn't going to sleep with him in very strict terms. After that was when the name throwing had started, and with some of them, he didn't know how close he had come to the truth. But he'd shared something with her that was dangerous for him, something she could use back home and hurt him badly. It was only fair she should return the trust. "It is easier for them to root out men who cross the line," she agreed quietly. "Harder to root out the women, especially if - like me - they only indulge on occasion." She flicked a faint smile in his direction, hands in her back pockets as she followed him along. "You're taking me to see rocks."

Jo stopped in his tracks when she got to the "like me" part and turned to look at her with a wide grin. "I never would have known," he shook his head. "Well, that gives us more in common, kind of," he scratched his head and then began walking again. "Lots of rocks. Rocks on top of rocks. Eroded rocks so you can see the tiny fossils." They were getting close and the burbling spring could barely be heard over the soughing of the wind through the pines. But that smell, of water and mineral deposits were a dead giveaway.

She sniffed the air, smirking as she realised what he was getting at. "Rocks eroded by natural hot springs, by any chance?" she asked in amusement, before making her position a little clearer for him. "I didn't get caught because I only sleep with women when a man can't hit the right spot. If I could, I'd f*ck both at the same time, but it's a little difficult to find a woman who'll openly agree to that kind of arrangement." She paused, a little nonplussed. "Surprisingly, men jump at the idea."

Josiah Skurlock

Date: 2014-03-23 23:34 EST
Jo grinned wide as they rounded the bend and there was the spring. She'd guessed correctly. The area was pristine, not a beer bottle, plastic cup or any sign of garbage anywhere. Jo had been very protective of the spot. The spring had eroded one side of a small hill in the terrain, providing a natural privacy from the b & b with the woods spread out thickly in front of it. Already Jo was stepping out of his shoes and removing his shirt. "Men are pigs," he shrugged. "But they suck, so that's a bonus," he grinned at his pun and reached to undo the top button on his jeans. There was no peek of color to indicate trunks or any swimsuit, much less underwear.

The steam rising from the surface of the water was all Vi really needed to see to encourage her to strip off alongside Jo, vaguely aware that he seemed to be intent upon skinny dipping but more concerned with getting her aching muscles into that hot water as soon as possible. "They can do a lot more than suck, given the right encouragement," she chuckled, shucking off boots, shirt, and jeans. Her curvy form did not look in the slightest bit decent in that bathing suit, but she was, in theory, covered. "Where do I get in without ripping myself open on a rock?"

Jo was bending over, bare arseed, to remove his jeans from his feet. And then he stood and reached for her hand. "Over here," he instructed. Don't mind that he was completely naked. There was no shame. The ground was a bit spongy under his bare feet and he enjoyed curving his toes to dig into the mossy dirt. Stepping forward, he balanced on a rock and then let go of her hand. Jo simply stepped out and dropped straight down and into the water. He emerged a moment later and swam back to a bank of rocks that let him sit, neck deep in the water. "See, easy."

Oh, she didn't mind that he was completely naked. In fact, she was very much enjoying the view. Jo had always looked good, but the last few years had been very kind to him. He was positively edible now, and she felt herself react accordingly, even knowing that he wasn't interested in women. She watched him jump in, giving him a moment to get out of the way before following with a low squeal that made her sound far too much like a girl for her liking. The hot water burned against her skin in the best possible way, sending a warm flush over her body as she swam to settle near him. "Oh good gods, I should have brought my vibrator. This is heaven."

Jo could feel her reaction to his nakedness, but did his best to keep from making it obvious. Instead, he laughed at her squeal and then pats the stone beside himself as she swam closer. "Vibrator?" he chuckled. "It does feel good, but I've got some news that will make it a hell of a lot better."

She stretched, blissfully at ease as the heat began to soak into her skin, into her aching muscles, settling with her head resting on the rock as the rest of her floated comfortably. "Let me guess just happen to know a couple of dozen guys who really want to gangbang a willing woman."

Jo snorted a laugh. Of course there were, especially in Rhy'din, but that wasn't his news. "You're not that hard up," he chuckled. "Seriously, though. I talked to Bessy and she's having you moved into the maid's quarters. When she found out that you were sleeping in the bathtub she just about ripped my head off."

Viola laughed, turning her head to look at him. "You want to bet' I haven't gotten laid in four years." His news, however, made her smile rise, rather sweetly genuine on a face that had always seemed made for scowling before now. "I have a bed" All to myself" Where did she think I was sleeping, on the floor?"

Jo didn't want to start comparing sex lives. It hadn't been four years, but it sure as hell felt like it. Especially with Cris in the other bed and a plethora of delicious looking men (that all seemed straight!) that came and went out of the Inn. And the kiss with Chris" He flushed at the thought of having to come out to the spring to relieve himself more than once. "Yes, your own bed, all to yourself. She thought you were sleeping with me," he admitted. "Your stuff is being moved as we speak. Don't worry; no one will steal from you. They're not thieves." He grinned.

"I'll have to get on and get a job as soon as possible," she mused, a faint frown on her face. "I can't live off you and Bessy forever. Besides, I have some skills that might be marketable. Or I could join an escort service." She looked over at him. "What do you think, should I try a museum, the library, or just go ahead and book myself in as a high clarse prostitute?"

Jo hadn't considered it a hand out. Bessy had taken him in out of the kindness of her heart and the need for a handy man. Jo had done the same, extending Bessy's kindness to Viola. And the thought of her sinking to the depths of prostitution, no matter how high clarse, was disturbing. It put a frown on his face. "Museums, though I know you hate them, or libraries. Maybe even teaching," he said quietly. He looked over at her and wondered why she would even mention something like that.

She snorted at the thought of teaching. "Can you really see me in a clarseroom?" she asked in amusement. "If I didn't shoot them, I'd probably scar them all so badly their parents would take them out of school!"

"True," he chuckled and then wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Vi, you're better than that. Prostitution. Really?" It bugged him that much. And the circling of her shoulders was more of a friendly gesture than anything else.

"It'd get me laid," she pointed out, not really thinking anything of his arm around her shoulders. Well, obviously she thought about it ....more to the point, it put a certain part of his anatomy within her reach, but she behaved herself. Not into girls, she reminded herself sternly. "It's just an idea. You have to admit, I could probably make a bomb if I did it."

"True, and if anybody could make a decent living off of their body, it would be you. But you're too smart and I think you'd end up just hating yourself in the end." He couldn't help it, Vi and he had been frenemies for years and that had some value to it.

She sighed softly, the tilt of her head coming to rest on his shoulder. "I miss how simple it was at uni, Jo," she admitted reluctantly. "All I had to do was study, get good grades, and I could be who I wanted. I think I've forgotten who I am in the midst of all the politics and pressure."

Josiah Skurlock

Date: 2014-03-23 23:36 EST
"Yeah," he agreed with a nod. Though Uni hadn't been that easy on him. "Well now that you're out of the world, you can get back to who you are, Vi. Rhy'din is like a second chance at a clean slate."

"And I'm completely lost." She sighed again, lifting her head from his shoulder. It was too distracting to be that close to him, and though she played at being his enemy, she didn't want to make him uncomfortable. "I'll work something out." Slipping from under his arm, she slid beneath the surface of the water, letting the heat enclose her for a long time.

Jo put his hands in his lap and leaned his head back against the rocks when she slipped under the water. He knew what she wanted from him, now that there were no precious artifacts to be snatched away. He sighed softly, things would be so much easier, sometimes, if he could control his sex drive. But he couldn't. He could please a woman, but he couldn't be pleased.

He needn't have worried about protecting himself. Vi wasn't the sort to force herself on anyone, and certainly not her only ally in a strange land. She surfaced not long after, swiping her wet hair back out of her face. "Gods, this is heavenly," she told him with a low groan of almost sensual relief. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he smiled and let his hands float along the surface of the water. "You see what I was saying, though' It's much better to be nice to someone than to be all growly and full of piss and vinegar." He gave a nod as he leaned his head back. "And the natural minerals in the water give you cleaner skin, too. I've not had a single zit since I started coming here."

"Are you saying I'm spotty, Skurlock?" she asked with an arch smirk, splashing water toward him as he relaxed. "You and I should go out on the pull sometime," she added, stretching once again before finding a place to rest that was a safe distance from him. "Check out the merchandise for each other."

"Like a leopard," he teased and brought his hand up to keep the water from getting into his eyes. "The pull is more your market, not mine. You'd think there would be more guys that want to be with a guy, but not around here." He shrugged and closed his eyes, hands relaxing by his side now. "I've looked and only one other guy in this entire town likes other guys." So far as he's seen, anyway. "And he wants a platonic friendship."

"Maybe you're looking in the wrong places," she suggested mildly. "There's got to be at least one gay bar in a city this size, surely. They were there at home, and here there's nothing illegal about it. Maybe you're just looking in the wrong bar at the wrong time of day."

"You're probably right," he sighed and opened his eyes to gaze up through the branches at the sky. The sun dappled his face with shadows and light. "I might give it a go with that one guy, though. See if we can start dating casually. And if not' Then there's nothing wrong with a platonic f*ck, now is there?" Just the way that he said it, his voice filled with disgust at the idea, was more than evident that Jo didn't look at things like that in that way.

"Only if you're not looking for something deeper," Vi pointed out. "You never know - some one night stands turn out to be worth a whole lot more than just a f*ck. It's always worth giving it a go. And besides, he should be able to introduce you to other guys who like c*ck, right?"

"I don't know," he hadn't given much thought to it, really. He'd never been a scene queen before. And, he had not admitted she might be right. "Maybe, he seems like damaged goods, truth be known. Not sure that he goes out much and finds a piece of arse, either. But it's a start."

"The best way to find what you're looking for is to ask," she pointed out mildly. "Rather than get despondent because it wasn't right there for the taking."

"We'll see," he sighed and then slid from the rock to dunk his head under the water. He didn't want to talk about sex anymore. When he came up, it was at the other side of the spring. He pulled himself free, and then went to lay out on a rock; sunning his already sun kissed skin in the cool breeze. "So, you've been enjoying Rhy'din so far?"

"So far, I haven't really seen much," she admitted, closing her eyes as she relaxed once again, arms floating on the water. "And I daresay I won't until I get a job and place of my own. I wonder if we can access our former bank accounts from here. That would certainly help with the money problem."

"We can," he draped his arm over his eyes and relaxed visibly. If he were Egyptian, they'd consider him a sun worshipper. "Though I've not seen the machines, but I do know that credit cards, even bank cards can be used here."

"All we'd need to do would be to empty our account and open up one with the bank for ourselves, separately, of course," she mused. "They'd never be able to trace us from home, then."

"Sounds like a good plan, but don't put it all in one bank," he advised. "Too many bombings and things just up and disappearing. Makes you realize that the old coot who had all of his money stashed in a mattress wasn't so crazy, after all," he chuckled. The sun felt good on his already warmed skin and he stretched himself out, curling his toes. "Mmmm."

"If you want to rub one out, go for it," she murmured, her eyes still closed. "Doesn't bother me." Of course, the smirk said she'd never let him live it down, but he wouldn't expect her to, anyway. "There's more than one bank here" I've only seen that grobbling one."

Jo put his arm down and lifted his head to look at her. "Yeah, no thanks. You'd enjoy the show way too much," he smirked and lay his head back down. "There has to be more than one, right' I mean, these folks have to keep their money somewhere and who really trusts goblins, anyway?"

Josiah Skurlock

Date: 2014-03-23 23:37 EST
"From what I hear, goblins are supposed to be the most trustworthy when it comes to money," Vi shrugged, still eyes closed as she lolled in the water. "Besides, who would dare try and empty a bank account in the city where there are dragons and minotaurs who'll want it back?"

"Idiots," he replied dryly. "You should have seen it, Vi. A few weeks ago I was at the Inn and this guy shows up. He's wearing a ski mask and has a gun. Yells for everyone to give him their money and wallets. Everybody just either ignored him or laughed at him. Someone cast a spell that melted his gun. I think he ran off crying."

She laughed aloud at that. "See" If that happens in an inn, then there's no way an idiot can empty a bank account held by goblins. You worry too much sometimes, Jo."

"I do," he chuckled. "But not nearly as much here. As much as I love archaeology, the cut throat part of it just left me jaded. I think this simple, country life is more suited to me. It's peaceful here. I do my job, I get paid. It's simple. And I don't have to worry about artifacts being stolen out of my bag when I'm asleep."

"You only ever had to worry about me doing that," she pointed out. "It's a wonder you haven't been handcuffing me to the faucet every night, on the whole." She paused, considering his words, though. "I do love archaeology, but I enjoyed being out and about and responsible for myself in dangerous places. It was the only freedom I had there."

"Yes. I know," it was dry as the Sahara that he'd been plucked out of. "There's nothing of mine for you to steal," he shrugged and then went quiet for a moment. "You didn't touch Cris' things, did you?" He was thinking of the blades that he'd seen Cris tuck between layers of clothes in his footlocker. Cris would have his arse if anything happened to them. She sort of changed the subject and he nodded his head, though she probably couldn't see it. "Well this place is dangerous enough, and you're out and about and doing your own thing. You've got all the freedom in the multiverse, right in your own backyard," he grinned. "Hell, maybe you can make Bessy an offer she can't refuse."

"I'm not a random thief, Jo, and you know it." And judging by her tone, she was actually offended that he thought she would have repaid his kindnesses to her by stealing from his friend. "What offer would that be, anyway' I'm not about to start running this place for her, if that's what you're thinking."

"Sorry," he lifted his head, he hadn't meant to offend but history did have a way of repeating itself and those blades did look like they'd fetch a good deal of money. "Maybe you could buy it from her and let her run it until she retires or dies. By then you can hire someone else to run it for you. It's been in her family for generations and she has nobody to parse it on to."

"It's not really my style," she pointed out. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate his attempt to help her find a place, but running a B'n'B, or even just owning one, wasn't really something she could see herself doing. Having anyone relying on her was painfully alien, and not something she wanted to invite. "I'd only make a mess of it. Why don't you do that, though?"

"I thought about it,' he answered honestly."Thought you would have the funds for it, though. I mean, look at all of the cash you made selling those artifacts," he smirked. He left out the part about stealing them from him when he intended to put them into museums where they belonged. It was an old argument with them, and fought more with laughs now than heat. "But if you're not interested, I may just make that offer."

"You should. You seem very happy here." She sighed contentedly, finally opening her eyes as she began to roll her shoulders, to work out the kinks in her muscles with the heat of the water about her. "As for me, I'm better on my own. I'd only let people down if they relied on me for anything."

"You're selling yourself short, Vi," he sighed and draped his arm over his face again. When that didn't seem to be what he wanted, he turned over onto his stomach and rested his chin on his forearms. He watched her with heavy lidded eyes. "But you'll find that out once you find a partner that, no matter how much they might irritate you, you can't imagine being without."

She didn't look convinced, genuinely amused by the thought of settling down at all. "Who would have me?" she laughed, shaking her head as her fingers began to work their way along a calf that rose elegantly out of the water. "I'm too much trouble, as you well know."

"You were," he pointed out. "It's a matter of choice, Vi. And you're not hard to look at. There are plenty of men, and women, in this town that would love to take a crack at that tougher than nails exterior." His eyes closed and he twisted his neck to lay his head down on his arms. "You feeling better?"

"I don't want to be cracked," she pointed out cheerfully, groaning as her fingers worked out the pain from her muscles. It would be nice to be able to do the same to her back, but she didn't want to ask him. It would just have to make do with the hot water. "Much better, thank you. I really do appreciate everything you've done for me, Jo. I know it doesn't seem like it, but I do."

"No, you want to be pinched, poked, scratched and f*cked senseless," he grinned. "I know you appreciate it Vi. You're not a monster. And it is quite disorienting to just get dropped here in the blink of an eye. You're adjusting quite well, I think." He lifted his head and looked down at her with a smile. "I'm sorry I made you sleep in the bathtub. I should have asked Bessy if you could have stayed with the maids from the get go."

"No, you're not," she grinned back at him. "You enjoyed it, until Cris started complaining about taking a wazz next to my head while I'm asleep. I really should meet him at some point, you know. I've seen more of his c*ck than I have of his face."

Josiah Skurlock

Date: 2014-03-23 23:38 EST
"What's it look like?" he grinned and bunched his shoulders around his ears as he crinkled his nose. Jo had a thing for Cris, though he knew that Cris was straight and with Leena. "Is it really big?"

"If he hasn't shown it to you, I'm not going to tell you," Viola chuckled, sticking her tongue out at him. "It's his business who gets to see, and frankly, I don't think I was supposed to be paying attention to it, anyway."

"Hmmph," Jo lay his head back down, truly disappointed. "It's a sad, sad world, Viola, when you get to see Cris' c*ck and I don't." He may even be pouting. It just wasn't fair!

"It's your own fault," Vi pointed out cheerfully. "You're the one who put me in the bathtub to begin with! Tell you what, though ....that man could piss for England. I swear, I got through at least three renditions of Green Eggs and Ham in my head before he stopped last time."

"I can't be hearing this," Jo shook his head with a grumble. "I don't want to know about the capacity of his bladder!" It was making him scowl a bit that Vi knew more than he did about Cris. And the sad part was that he knew that now that she knew how he felt about it, she wouldn't relent. Unless he changed the subject. "Well, now you'll have your own bed and bathroom to sleep and piss in. You'll be good as new before you know it."

"Lucky me. You get to pretend you never met me, too." Because she had no illusions about the fact that she was cramping his style. He seemed to be spending too much time worrying about her, and not enough time on himself, which couldn't be healthy.

"That's it," he grumbled once more and lifted off of the rock. Lunging forward, he splashed into the spring and reached for her at the same time. It was his intent to drag her down with him.

He got to hear her squealing again as he splashed down into the water, unable to escape as he grabbed hold and pulled her down under the surface, struggling for all she was worth. He had, though, always had the upper hand when it came to struggles like this - she couldn't fight back when he already had hands on her.

When he came up, he tossed her bodily across the water. It wasn't hard enough to toss her free from the spring, only enough to skim her across the water, if that. "You....I couldn't do that, even if I wanted to. I'm not the mean one!"

She came up spluttering, flailing to keep herself above the water as she grabbed hold of the rock edge. "I'm not mean!" she protested. "I'm ....I'm hard, I'm not mean!"

"You don't have the natural equipment to be hard," he quipped. It was out before he could reel it back. So he just stared at her as she clung to the rock's edge. "I mean, technically," the last without much heat. "Really though, Vi. I couldn't pretend that when you first showed up and I was still angry at you. What makes you think I want to do it now?"

She snorted at his quip, releasing the rock once she had her own buoyancy sorted out. "Because I'm trouble," she said simply. "I always have been a thorn in your side, you can't deny that. And you know I can't promise that I won't bring trouble your way again. It wouldn't be intentional this time, but it could happen."

"Lot of "what if's" in that, Vi," Jo shook his head and then pat the side of his head to clear his ear from water. "So what if you do' I'm not the kind of guy that shuts out the past as if it never even happened," he sighed and shook his head. "Only idiots do that. Remember the axiom about history repeating itself?"

"Oh, you mean the one you took for truth when you thought I'd steal from your friend?" she countered, a little more sharply than she had intended to. But he couldn't reverse his position on a saying like that after offending her with an arseumption based upon it.

Jo canted his head and gave her a "really?" look. If he weren't treading water, he'd fold his arms over his chest. "Only idiots forget the past," he muttered. "You've stolen from me before; there was a chance that you still could. From anyone." He shook his head, tired of this argument. Swimming to the edge of the pool, he pulled himself up and out in one single fluid motion. Not saying another word, not looking back at her, he walked around to gather his clothes.

She frowned, knowing she'd crossed a line with those words, but too proud to take them back. He had offended her, and she didn't like to see hypocrisy in the making. As he gathered his clothes, however, she came to a decision. It was still a fine day, and the bank didn't seem to close on a Sunday here. She'd go and see to her money today. The sooner she was out from under Jo's heels, the less likely it was that she would do any more damage to her only friendship here.

"I did apologize," he sighed as he tugged his shirt over his head. "I didn't mean to offend you with the question. But you know it's true I had to ask it," he grumped and stood up to put his jeans on. Once they were tugged on, he sat back down to put his boots on. "It's why I asked, Vi. You've a history of doing that to me. I'm not about to forget it, just like I won't forget or even pretend not to have met you." He was still steaming a bit as he pulled his bootlaces tight.

Josiah Skurlock

Date: 2014-03-23 23:39 EST
"A history of doing it to you," she pointed out quietly, lingering in the water. "I only ever stole from you, because you made it so easy for me. And you let me get away with it. So I'm not allowed to offend that you automatically arseumed I would steal everything I could get my hands on, but you can still hold it over my head?" She shook her head, turning to climb out of the water finally. "I'll be out of your hair by tonight. One way or another. Obviously spending this much time together just leads to an argument."

"How was I to know that you didn't steal from anybody else? And you're making it out to be my entire fault?" Jo shook his head and finished tying his shoes. "I'm glad you're offended," he finished tying and sat back up to look at her. "That means you wouldn't do something like that. And maybe you're right. Maybe we'll never get past how much we despised each other at one point. I don't know. I tried, though. I did try."

"You could have trusted me, the way I've been trusting you since I got here," she told him, pulling on her jeans. "I'm not making it all out to be your fault; I know I earned your distrust a long time ago. But don't you dare tell me I haven't been trying. The last time we met, you tried to kill me. And yet I still slept in your bathtub, and went where you told me to. I trust you, Jo. But I'm obviously bad for you. So I'll get out, before I do any more damage."

"Oh my God. I didn't tell you to go sleep on the street or that Inn, did I" No. I took you in. And yes, I could have asked Bessy earlier if you could stay with the maids. But I apologized for that, too. Sure, I do see that you're trying, but you've got to lose the attitude to hurt someone before they hurt you. Or you're going to be very alone," he was breathing heavily by the time he got done. "I never said you were a bad friend."

"You didn't have to say it, Jo, I know I'm a bad friend," she told him, pulling her shirt on as she stepped into her boots. "I'm the worst friend you could possibly ask for. So why are you fighting me making this decision?"

Jo got up and did the only thing he could think of to do. He wrapped her up, from behind, with his long arms. "Because you're not a bad friend, Vi. You're stubborn, self loathing and a pain in the arse, but you're not a bad friend. And we've known each other far too long to believe that either of us is really bad for the other. Now stop with this. I decide who is bad for me. Not you. Ok?"

She tensed as he got his arms around her, out of habit, tensed to run if she could. Being touched had never been high on her list of things to get used to. She'd been alone since she was fourteen, since her father was executed for treason. Part of the reason for her serving the state and keeping everyone at arms' length. "Fine," she conceded ungraciously. "Just let go. Please."

Jo knew from past experiences that she didn't like to be touched, not like this anyway. "Fine," he grumbled but still planted a kiss to her cheek before letting her go. "No running away from me, Vi. I mean it. I'll hunt you down and chain you to the ground. Kind of like you did to me the last time we met?" He smirked and stepped back from her. "Come on; let's get you settled into your new room."

"It's not like I'd run far," she muttered, but nodding, conceding that at the moment he could probably run her own in the street and drag her kicking and screaming back to Bessy's place without anyone thinking anything of it. "I will pay you back for all this, you know. And Bessy, too. I don't like being in anyone's debt."

"You don't have to pay me back," he waved dismissively. "It's not my place. And you are already paying Bessy back by picking up the slack of those lazy maids she has around. Poor girl doesn't have the heart to fire anybody. So don't count yourself so short. You're doing her a huge favor. Let her pay you for it."

"I'm not going to let her pay me, Jo," she objected, squeezing the water from her hair and braiding the wet length to keep it out of her face. "I should be paying her."

"Why' You're busting your arse just to make sure that the rooms are clean and the linens are fresh. Liza and Summer sure the hell isn't doing it. And she pays them a lot. Sure you're getting room and board, but that's why she didn't offer you as much money as she gives them. And, until you get this bank thing all figured out, and find a job, you're going to need the cash. Besides," he sighed softly. "It'll offend her if you don't. She's got a big heart, Vi, and she likes you. Don't break her heart."

"It'll offend her if I take the job and then get myself one somewhere else," she tried to protest, but she knew he was right. Damn him. She let out a low sigh as they turned to make their way back toward the cabin. "Fine, I'll stay. I'll let her pay me, but not that much. I don't need that much. And I'll find someone else who'll do the job as well as me before I go, too."

Jo lifted a brow when she began to protest, but could see her defenses crumbling. "Good," he nodded with a smile. "How's the neck and back now" Still sore" I've got some arnica cream in the cabin. It'll get rid of all of that pretty quick."

"My back is still sore, but I'll live," she admitted reluctantly. "A couple of nights in a bed should sort that out for me." She glanced at him as he smiled, not entirely sure how they'd gotten from an argument to him offering to rub her back with arnica cream. "You should save your cream for yourself."

"Like I'm going to need it?" he snorted a laugh and shook his head. "Yeah, I don't see that happening any time soon. I think I'm trying too hard to find someone." They reached the branch and he stopped to hold it up once again. "You sure you don't want a massage? I've got good hands."

Josiah Skurlock

Date: 2014-03-23 23:40 EST
She smirked at him as she ducked under the branch. "Sure you want to get your hands on me?" she teased. "Who knows what I might do while you're all oiled up."

"Well if you can get Mr. Happy to be happy?" he smirked and let the branch drop. "More power to you. I don't think it'll happen, but stranger things have happened. I mean, we did have drinks with a minotaur, right?"

"God, imagine what that c*ck feels like," she murmured, and snickered wickedly. "Maybe you should try your charms on him next. You never know, could be just what you need. Horns to hold onto and everything."

Jo's head swiveled and he gave her a horrified look. "You're kidding," he laughed then, out loud. "Dear God. I wouldn't be able to sit for a year," he snickered. "But then, maybe he's a big ole nellie bottom and those horns can be used to guide his head." Jo pursed his lips, and reached out as if he were grabbing a set of horns. He swiveled his hips and brought his hands towards his hip. "Moo, baby, moo."

That brought a very filthy cackle from Vi's lips as they parseed in view of the cabin once again, shaking her head at the ridiculous mental image of Jo being strong enough to guide a minotaur's mouth anywhere, much less there. "OH, I would pay to see that."

"Not me," he shook his head with a chuckle and dropped his arms down to his side as they continued walking. "Because he'd probably bite my dick off for lunch," he grinned. And then he scowled and covered his valuable package protectively. "No, definitely wouldn't like that."

"Just because the legend says the minotaur ate people doesn't mean it's true," she pointed out with a smirk. "Maybe he ate people in a different sense. You know, made them cum so much they died of pleasure."

"Oh great," he groaned and put his hands to his head. "Now when I go in there I will burst out laughing every time I see him!" Jo shook his head with his hands, trying desperately to get that mental image out of his brain.

"Well, why else would he need thirteen boys and thirteen girls?" Viola laughed, determined now to embed the image so firmly in Jo's brain that he was never going to be able to look the minotaur in the eye again. "You know ....boys, so everyone was open enough for him, and girls to try and make another minotaur with. Hell, maybe that's how Andu came to be."

"Stop!" he started laughing and then bolted after her. "I can't believe you're doing this to me!" He was flailing his arms and doing anything but running fast. "My brain! It's scarred for life!"

"Well, if you're not going to try, maybe I should," she suggested then, grinning at his theatrics. "The definition of monster c*ck, wouldn't you say?"

"Oh. My. God!" he started to slap himself in the face. Not hard, but enough to make a sound. "Here, have an apple!" Maybe if she ate something she'd stop talking! "Or here, have a shoe." He picked it up, yes he did, and offered it to her. "Anything! Just....please, I beg of you, for all that's good and decent, please stop!"

"What, you don't think he'd be a good f*ck" Or even a decent one?" Viola snickered wickedly, batting away the offered gobstopper with one hand. "You started this; I'm just making sure you're never going to be able to meet his eye again without imagining his c*ck, that's all."

"You think I don't already?" Now this, this surprised Jo. No matter what species, if it were male, he thought about what their c*ck would be like. Not from a sexual stand point, but from a scientific one. Didn't all guys think about reproduction at least once every ten seconds"

"Ah, but now it's always going to be there ....throbbing." She couldn't help adding that, and knew he wasn't going to let her carry on much longer. "No, not throbbing. Pulsating. Between you. Ready to explode."

"I don't hit women, but you're getting close!" he warned. But it wasn't much of a warning. He was still laughing and trying to get the image out of his head. "I swear to God. If he rips my head off of my shoulders because I can't stop giggling....I'm going to come back and haunt you!"

"Bring a few friends," was all she said to that, smirking at how helpless he was in the face of her teasing. "You really are way too easy to tease, Jo. How are you ever going to hold a conversation with him now?"

"I..." he pointed at her and glared.?I don't know! And it's all your fault!" He closed his eyes tightly and began to hum a tune. And that worked for a minute until the tune changed to the chase theme from Benny Hill. "Dammit!"

Josiah Skurlock

Date: 2014-03-23 23:41 EST
Laughing still, Viola let herself into the cabin, stretching out her neck and shoulders as she walked. What little she owned was in a small bundle at the end of Jo's bed, but apparently she would have a bed of her own tonight, somewhere else. "All right, so where do the maids sleep?"

Finally! He leaned on the doorframe and watched her as she walked through the tiny cabin. "I'll show you," he started, "If you never EVER talk about that, ok?" he pushed off of the door frame, turned around and started to walk towards the main house.

Smirking, she kept her mouth shut this time, lifting her little bundle into her arms as she moved to follow him. Of course, not speaking just meant she had a chance to hum, and guess what tune she was humming"

"Knock it off," he turned to glare at her some more. "We're going inside and....and..." he couldn't think of anything so he threw up his arms and turned to storm into the kitchen door of the house. He didn't hold the door for her in his hurry to get away from the humming.

"I'm not talking about it," she grinned, catching the door as it swung back. The main house felt surprisingly cluttered after spending a week in a bathtub, in a little cabin, with two men she couldn't screw, but she had a feeling she would just have to get used to that. "Cheer up, Skurlock."

"You're evil," he shot back as he led her through the house and into the back area. Opening a door, he stood back and waited for her to go in and check out her new living space.

"And you know it," she agreed, not inclined to make herself out to be anything but evil. Stepping past him, she looked around curiously. "Am I sharing a room with those ninnies, or do I get to actually sleep without being giggled at like a twelve year old?"

He smirked and when she walked by he swatted her on her arse. "It's yours, but they're right across the hall when they stay the night. It doesn't happen often. So I hope you have ear plugs." He folded his arms across his chest and leaned back.

"Oh, my goodness, I have my own bathroom as well," she exclaimed, yelping as his hand impacted with her rear end. "Hands off, mate. You don't want the goods, you don't get to touch." Dropping her bundle on the end of the large bed, she sighed, feeling a small, tense part of herself relax. "Maybe I'll just seduce the pair of them when they stay over," she mused. "They can't giggle if they're exhausted."

Jo put his hands up, as if he were innocent, and then let them drop back down to his sides. "Now that's the power of positive thinking," he winked and pointed at her. "Or maybe they'll cum to death," he smirked.

"One can always hope," she snorted, easing herself to sit on the edge of the bed. "How is it, as a maid, I have a nicer room than you? Seriously, Bessy could rent this one out for twice what she charges for that cabin and still not be charging enough."

"Well," he shrugged. "This is part of the main house, so it's kept nicer than the cabin. And the cabin is for the handyman and yard crew to bunk in. A man's space, regrettably, is never as nice as a woman's. I think she's had a few Neanderthals working for her at some point."

"Maybe you should ask her if you can hang some chintz curtains, or get a ruffle for you bed, then," Viola suggested with chirpy sarcasm, scratching at her neck. "If you don't want to get an eyeful, I'd suggest you leave. I'm gonna have a shower."

Jo snorted and put his arms across his chest once again. The cabin was originally a tool shed and still housed a lot of the shovels and hoes. It was far too dirty, and would stay that way, for chintz curtains. "Alright, alright. Dinner's at four thirty. When the chores are done, we'll head out and see if we can't find any eye candy." He pushed off of the doorframe and reached to pull the door shut. "Oh, Vi?" he leaned into the room, hanging onto the door.

"Mmm?" She pulled her shirt over her head, looking over at him as he leaned into the room. Out of the water, that bikini top was even less decent, especially on her. "What?"

"Enjoy the room, princess." He blew her a kiss and then quietly shut the door behind him. She might even be able to hear him chuckling as he went down the hall and out of the house.

(Huge thanks to Viola's player and to Andu and Cris' players for being such great sports!)