Topic: Tale of a Samurai

Red Baron

Date: 2007-08-23 14:16 EST
(All of this is in past tense and is to remain unknown to other characters unless with my consent)

Long ago when the samurai was a child it lived happily. It's mother was sweet and father kind. It's brother was what one might call a knuckle head but was a good brother all the same. However it's parent became ill and abed a few weeks before the war. When the samurai was but 16. The samurai's brother was older by a couple years and went to fight in the war. Taking their fathers old armor and their family heirloom, a katana which usually rested above the fire place. The samurai's brother fought in the war for almost a year before falling in battle. Unfortunately their parents had died from the illness a few weeks before then. The samurai driven from it's home when bandit's attacked. Meeting a kind, yet stern man on the plains when searching for it's brother. The man it met was one that taught the still young samurai many things of swordsmanship and speed. With it's new skills and a wakasashi(sp") at it's side it searched for it's brother again. Finding him dead upon the field not to long after the battle. After giving a prayer for it's slain sibling it donned his armor, name, and their families sword. Leaving the wakasashi(sp") behind as it joined up with the army. Never removing the armor when around others and fighting with the skills it learned from it's fellow soldiers and the plains swordsmen. Though the soldiers had little to teach the samurai in the ways of combat as it learned quickly. The armor soon becoming stained red with the blood of it's enemies. It quickly rose among the ranks of it's fellow soldiers in the war that lasted many years. The samurai in it's early 20's when the war was ended, having been raised to the rank of samurai a couple years before at the age of 19. It then swore away the life of fighting for petty feudal lords after seeing the destruction such wars caused. Dedicating it's life to protecting innocents as it left. Finding itself captured and without it's armor or weapons one night after falling asleep. Finding it's life as a slave harder than expected. However it was rescued by the swordsmen from the plains and together they killed the slavers. Unfortunately the plainsman was wounded and died from blood loss after the battle. The samurai leaving the place after it to escape the painful memories. Finding itself in Rhy'Din somehow. The samurai still is in it's early 20's though it's exact age shall remain unknown.

Red Baron

Date: 2008-03-18 00:12 EST
The samurai now alone in this world took to the life of a vigilante. Traveling the world and killing bandits and such. Killing assassins, bandits, murderers, all who would cause unnecessary death. Though it never again worked for anyone. Never served as it survived on the money it obtained from the fallen bandits. Traveling from town to town. Never seen in public view without the armor thus keeping it's true identity secret from others. Continuing to use it's brothers name. Eventually finding it's self lost among the continents. A strange portal of some sort transporting it to the lands of Rhy'Din. Living among it's people. Continuing it's vigilanty antics. Though through all it's years it continues to reflect upon the past and pray to the spirits of it's deceased ancestors. Knowing it's family avenged and able to rest easy. It's old master from the plains as well. However it would now focus upon the present. Turning it's attention to this new place and the many strange beings that inhabit it's walls. The good and the bad, the ugly and the fair. It would simply blend it's self among them.