Topic: Tales of Calypso's Blade

Captain Micanthy

Date: 2009-05-03 04:10 EST
Calypso's Blade, drifted into port early in the wee hours of the morning, when the sky was at it's darkest, and all was at it's quietest. The fine vessel, a large galleon captained by a Kaiven Micanthy, a man of some repute where he was from, but fresh blood to Rhy'Din's ways.

He'd heard the tales of the city, the adventure and wanderlust that attracted so many to it, could only be resisted for so long. Thus, the captain as his crack crew of pirates, set sail and headed for Rhy'Din.

The dock workers were less than pleased when such a large vessel made port so early into the morning, and reflected their foul temperament in greeting the pirate captain as he walked down the gangplank.

"Aye' Whassyer name 'n' whaddye wan'?" one burly man asked gruffly, glaring groggy eyed at the oddly dressed man before him.

"M'names Kaiven Micanthy, captain o'Calypso's Blade 'ere," he said with a jerk of his thumb to the large vessel just behind him. "M'crew 'n' I ar'lookin' tae dock 'ere, what?s the fee?"

After a few moments of discussion, the captain and the dock hands finally agreed on a price, which was no doubt lower than it would have been for your average docking fee.

"Anythin' else ye're needin'?" the still slightly aggravated dock hand inquired sharply.

"Aye, m'crew 'n' I ar'in need o'food tae fill our stomachs, drink tae wet our throats, 'n' women tae warm our beds, where's yer nearest tavern?" the captain asked with a grin that seemed to deny the undertones of aggression coming from the men before him.

"The Red Dragon Inn," one answered with a wry grin. "Ye'll find all the drink, food, women, 'n' everythin' else ye're needin' there."