Topic: Teetering idol...


Date: 2012-09-05 21:42 EST
"You've become a monster, Martyr?" Clara said softly, looking at the girl on ground as she panted and pushed up on weak, unforgiving limbs only to bite the dust once more. Clara was stronger, and so was Kaylyn"who was empty-eyed as ever. "How many people have you killed in the past week" How many souls have you destroyed"..." Her mother asked.

"My name isn't Martyr" Why can't I heal"!" Phoenix asked, spitting up blood and growling out. Her body was ripped apart, a pool of blood forming around her lithe, crippled form. The fight had been quick, between Kay and Clara, Phoenix hadn't stood a snowball's chance in hell"

Clara smirked, looking to Kaylyn. She'd let out her sadistic side, cruel as it was" "Poison, my dear" You're your father's child" Do you think I wouldn't know your weakness?"

"You bitc"gh!" Kaylyn's foot collided with her face. She hated this new side of the immortal. She missed her shy little Martyr, the one that wouldn't curse, the one that stammered like a school girl" Kicking her in the face killed Kaylyn inside, but that was what Clara trained her for. Don't feel, just act. "Ghh' So what are you going to do' Kill me" You'd be doing me a favor?"

"I'm not going to kill you, Martyr" I'm going to fix you."Clara smiled. "Rather, your father is" Why do you wish to throw your life away' Is this about Mayu?"

"Don't you ever say that name around me! She's gone! What the hell does it matter!" Why the hell do you care!?"

"Is it a sore subject?"

"I said what the hell does it matter!?"

"Is that why you're committing all these murders" Are you angry' Are you hurting" Not everyone will try and fix you, Martyr" You're going to bite off more than you can chew one of these days" You're going to get yourself killed?"

Hands moved to cover her ears, liquid sorrow swelled in those eyes, threatening to pour out and stain the ground. Fingers curled into her hair, tugging on it. Bloodstained teeth were bared for anyone who wanted to look. As her eyes squeezed shut, and her head shook, tears fell from her eyes rolling down soft, pale cheeks. "I don't care! Shut up, shut up! Just stop talking about her!"

"Martyr" "

"Not every wound regenerates, okay' Not every wound stops hurting?" Not once even dreaming of opening those soft, silver eyes. "I will only ever be a monster; you'll be doing the world a favor by getting rid of me" I'll never stop killing, blood will never stop flowing"Just remember that." A soft growl escaped her lips.

Clara looked at her, kneeling down. Phoenix was harmless in this state; helpless" She had to remind herself, feel later, and act now" Her heart poured out for her daughter, she hated seeing her in pain; but even more, she hated seeing her as a monster. A beast that only wanted blood and agony, and that's exactly what became of her. What shred of humanity that was left inside of her, was buried deep with hatred and anger. What Martyr was whatever she was called; she was anything but human, but it was a mystery to even her" Clara knew one thing above it all, whatever she was, when she died, she needed to stay that way. She was meant to die that fateful night almost a year ago"and she was meant to stay departed. She didn't, though' Some things can't be stopped"like the desperate actions of a lover that had seen her mate get killed fighting for her; and here was Phoenix"the product of such a love. Far be it for her to end the life of her daughter, though'she'd go to the one man she hated more than anyone"the one man who could really fix her. "We need to move before the poison wears off, knock her out?? A cold voice spilling from dry, cracked lips.

Kaylyn obliged, her foot cracking against the side of Phoenix's skull, forcing eyeballs to roll back and a soft grunt to escape lips. Phoenix was out cold.


Date: 2012-09-08 05:33 EST
A martyr, that just won't die... Eyes shifted their way open, blurriness clouding her main sense. A groan coupled with a growl escaped through gritted teeth. As if to shake the dizziness away, her head quaked violently. "God damn it?" Corrosive words dripping from gnashing teeth and lips, silver eyes blaring, veins aching as they pumped tainted blood through her blackened veins. Vision slowly restoring itself through a sparkling filter of wetness as she tried to tug her hands free from whatever was binding them. "Why can't I move"!" She asked, or rather, roared; her head thrown back as she screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Oh, good" You're awake." It was a soft, but masculine voice pumped full of a pleasant tone. "I don't allow that sort of language in my quarters" It's not nice." The mocking way he spoke made Phoenix unsure on whether or not he was being sincere'she was betting that he wasn't. Sights were made at him, as his silhouette began filling itself in, but her head quickly turned to view whatever was holding her hands. Simple cuffs were wrapped around each wrist, spreading her arms apart like an eagle's wingspan"and with her feet planted firmly on the ground, she looked like some virgin sacrifice, ready to be devoured by whatever evils plagued the room.

"Moron! Do you think these can f*cking hold me!?" Phoenix howled, yanking and ripping at the cuffs, pain becoming apparent rather quickly. It remained ignored. "I'll tear my hands off if I have to' They'll grow the f*ck back" And I don't need my hands to rip your soul from your ugly face!" Two things wrong with that statement, one cannot rip a soul from a face, the second being, that the man wasn't ugly. He had carried youthful features; almost boyish if it hadn't been for the crimson irises. His hair was a muddy brown, cut shorter, but enough to where he'd have to brush it when he woke up in the morning. Still, he wasn't anything she'd look twice at, so the words trickled easily from her lips.

Her lyrics sent the man grinning, and eventually laughing like a maniacal hyena. "My dear, Martyr" Ugh, what an awful name....I can't even remember what we named you, it was far better than that, though....You were taken away from us so quickly, and I never even had a chance to turn you—anyways....That is no way to talk to your father" Besides, your hands won't grow back. You've still got poison in your blood. I can see it in your veins" You're weak right now." Then, he performed the most horrifyingly accurate rendition of a supermodel posing at the end of a runway, before speaking once more. "Besides, I don't know what you're talking about, I'm fabulous!"

If her veins were filled with anything but a mixture of poison, hatred, and evil, she might have laughed at him, but instead she growled. "It looks like I'm just going to have to wait to kill you? Then again, it'll probably be better, if I wait for it! And don't you dare call yourself my father" I don't know you, and Martyr never knew you either. Stating that your disgusting excuse of seed had anything to do with my birth, is an insult to me, and my b*tch of a mother!"

"Oh, you can hate it, Pumpkin" But it's true" Where do you think you got your healing abilities" Of course, you came out"funny' Your blood should have been poison to people, must be your Mom's blood tainting it' The only reason I'm not going to kill you, is because I owe Clara a favor" You're an abomination, Martyr, and your soul will not be easy to fix?" Arms folded over each other, as rubicund eyes blared into her, bleeding through her. "You will owe me, and you will owe me big" But that, I will collect on that, later, my dear" For now, let's fix that soul of yours, and fix those ugly eyes."

"Ugly eyes" You look like you're stoned, and you're talking about my eyes" Go to hell." Phoenix growled, baring her teeth and yanking at the chains to try and get to him. "Now that I think about it, I don't need my hands to rip your soul from your body?"

It was sudden; opposite grabs trading one another, and only one prevailing. Phoenix's eyes widened, darkness occupying the space below her eyes in the form of blackened circles and bags, she immediately began sweating, screaming. "Ghhah!" The pupils of her eyes seemed to be bleeding murkiness, turning every ounce of her iris to shadow. "Stop it! F*cking stop it!" Phoenix knew immediately what he was doing, as her soul was slowly ripped from the foundation of her form. There hadn't been much for her in this world anymore, but she saw one face" A face almost childlike in features, but behind the eyes, there was a woman; someone she knew would be better off without her'someone who had grown capable enough to stand on her own, two feet; it sucked not being able to say farewell"

He's got my soul" F*ck he's got my god damned soul! ...Good-bye, Mayu"

The man ripped as slowly, and painfully as possible, giving her time to feel every single ounce of pain it had to offer her. "So, were you always such an idiot, or is this just the new and improved you? Did you think you got your soul stealing from your mother, too' You're lucky I owe her, or so help me I'd take so much pleasure in killing you? Ariana, get ready to suppress her memories" I don't want her to remember a thing." Phoenix ripped at the binds, metal ripping at epidermis in the process. She screamed and howled like some feral beast. "Don't fight it, Martyr" Just be happy you're getting another chance."

With her soul being torn away, she couldn't speak. She wanted to beg him, plead with him: Don't take my soul" Don't fix it' Just end it! I don't want to be alive anymore" It sounded horrible"but it was true. The reason behind the murders, all the people she killed" It was all to find a superior'someone that would take her out of this world, someone that would end her life. Madness filled her, but sorrow consumed her"the two coupled together as one" It was a disgusting thing. As the soul was ripped and pulled into view, the coal-eyed girl didn't even seem to be affected by it' Not even when fragments began chipping away, particle by particle. Then, an attractive blonde woman, with hair down to her hips, touched her temples. She hadn't gotten a good enough look at the woman, before her eyes rolled back into her skull for the second time....

Please forgive me...

I never meant to"

I'm sorry' I am not?.

I'm just, sorry'


Date: 2012-09-09 09:01 EST
A woman with nothing to lose.

It was like clockwork, over and over again'the girl awoke with the same blurry vision, and throbbing cranium. Only this time, it was all fresh to her. Martyr could not recollect a single memory, how she came to be in the current position, laying on the twin bed in a white dress. "H-huh"! Wha"!" The stammering fool looked around frantically, her mood turning dourer with each passing second. Long freshly brushed mocha tresses lingered in her face, veiling soft features and mingling with the tip of her scrunching nose. Violet eyes shifted around, trying to grasp the situation, trying to summon up something, anything from her past.

"Good, you're awake?" A smooth, masculine voice rang out. The lights flickered on, blinding her amethyst orbs and sending her seemingly frail digits to wipe away at her eyes. Whimpers and grunts came from her throat as she kicked and kicked at the bed, tearing up the covers and sending her back against the wall. Two figures slowly filled themselves in; a man, and a woman. The woman, a blonde with a long, unruly mane which poured over her shoulders to the small of her back, with evocative onyx eyes and never-ending eyelashes caked in black mascara, which Martyr had been immediately fixated on. Her features were almost mousy; a tiny, pointed nose, with crimson painted lips that were twisted into a haunting smirk. Her body was astounding, a buxom chest, muscular thighs, both of which were peeking out from a skimpy, black dress. Martyr didn't care how attractive the female company was, she was terrified; complete with quivering lips and trembling limbs. "Don't be such a baby' F*ck, I preferred you with a spine" If I'd have known you'd become a trembling idiot, I wouldn't have fixed you in the first place?"

"W-w-what? F-fixed m-me" Who are y-you?" Martyr asked, back pressed firmly to the foundation, ready to kick at him with everything she had in those lightly toned thighs of hers. "W-why am I h-here" W-why c-can't I r-remember an-anything?" Pillow was lifted into her hands, clutched with every ounce of strength she could muster with those tiny digits, and held up in front of herself, as if it were an indestructible shield. "D-d-don't c-come c-closer" I'll th-throw it!" Threatening as if it was not only the unbreakable shield she imagined it to be, but also a grenade, ready to cause death and destruction at her will.

Laughter rang out, his head tilting backwards to further express his appreciation for her hilarity. Abruptly, the laughter ceased, and he gave her a serious look, followed by a dramatic sigh, and an exaggerated roll of orbs. "And she stutters, too! There's a shock?" Martyr had opened her mouth to speak, but his hand rose dismissively. "Alright, alright, don't have a heart attack" I'm your father, but that doesn't matter, because I'm going to see to it, that you don't remember me before we send you out into the world" I fixed your soul"but also gave you a gift' Don't bother asking, because like I said, you're not going to remember any of this" You can't remember anything, because I took your memories away."

"W-well" G-g-give them b-back!" Martyr yelped, pulling the dingy pillow closer in a suffocating hug. "D-d-don't t-take m-my m-memories, they're m-mine!"

"You don't want them, Stutters. Trust me." Though he was the one talking, Martyr had trouble taking her eyes from the woman in his company. She was quiet, didn't make a sound, but her eyes"they seemed to speak for her. What they were saying, was a mystery to Martyr.

"N-n-no, I w-want them b-back" I d-don't remember anything, a-and I d-don't know h-how to d-d-deal with th-that!"

"Alright, if that's what you want' Ariana, give the girl what she wants." Her father's smirk was haunting. The two locked eyes for a moment and Martyr squinted. Were they talking to one another" It sure looked like it. The na've girl wouldn't think too much into the situation, she'd just wanted back what was taken from her. "You're going to want to look into her eyes; she'll give them back to you?" Martyr reluctantly obliged, pulling amethyst to onyx, and locking the gaze. "You're going to regret this, Martyr" I'm telling you now" Don't say I didn't warn you." The man said grimly.

Father was cruel" Only selected memories were given back to her; namely, all the murders she committed. Mothers, children" The worst part was, they were always last. She'd killed the man of the house right in front of them"made them suffer, and then hacked them up. That was her being nice" On days where she wasn't feeling so pleasant, she ripped souls from bodies"held them out for view, and then shattered them' It was a terrible experience; unkind memories stacked one on top of the other. Tearing bodies apart with their own souls" How many people had she killed" She couldn't be sure, but it was more than enough' Eyes widened with terror, water swelled within the violet pools. "Ghh! N-no! S-stop! P-please, I d-don't w-want t-to see anymore! I d-don't want t-to r-remember?" "Oh, but Martyr" I thought you said you wanted your memories back" Did I mishear you? I could have sworn?"

Martyr had been holding her head, threatening to pluck dark coffee strands from her scalp. Her head shook violently, eyes squeezed shut as her pale complexion was soon stained with her tears, which had rolled well past her chin. "P-please! I'm s-sorry! J-just t-t-take them away! I d-don't w-w-want them"!" Finally, wet eyes were revealed from lids, and aimed pleadingly at the woman who had put such awful images into existence for her. "P-p-please?"

"Come to the door, Martyr" We'll take your memories away, but step outside with us?" The man whispered. It didn't take much convincing; she quickly jumped up from the bed and onto feet with the help of kicking lower limbs, and palms that were pressed flat to the mattress. Martyr raced to the door too eager to expel the recollections from her mind.

As the three stepped outside, they seemed to be in the middle of nowhere. The room she had been staying in, one she hadn't gotten much of a look at, had been a unit in some haphazard cabin. The moment she got outside, violet immediately began seeking blackness, which had been occupied by the crimson orbs her father held"they were conversing again, but soon, the woman locked eyes with her. "I'm a m-m-monster?" Martyr mumbled, "H-how could I d-d-d-do s-such a—-" Annnd it's gone.

Who was this woman' Why was she staring at Martyr" Why couldn't she look away' Martyr used just about every ounce of strength she possessed to try and pry her eyes away from the woman. Bare toes curled into the grass, pinching and pulling at it as the mostly petrified girl groaned in protest. A voice, smooth and feminine rang into her head. She knew it belonged to the blonde who was captivating her, but her mouth hadn't been moving, and her expression was stern and demanding.

You are going to walk until you cannot walk anymore"you can stop when you're at least two miles away if someone talks to you? You are going to forget me, and this man. Now walk"go into the world, Martyr"

The empty corpse spun on her heels and began walking. Step after step, after step" Void violets stared straight ahead, in a daze as she strolled" Not a memory in the world, not a clue on why she'd been sauntering forwards barefoot and draped in a white sundress, and unable to care. What was she" Where was she from' The girl was only certain of one thing"

?Her name was Martyr.