Topic: The Adventures of Jake and Sienna Part 2

Sienna Dawn

Date: 2007-02-09 21:53 EST
The Warehouse Full'a Junk (RP log as played)

Jake Molesen: ::they had agreed to meet on the same dock where they spoke 10 days earlier. Jake had cleaned up his act and appeared with black hair and a neat goatee. His black suit was impeccable and the glasses he sported on his nose appeared to be expensive gold. They were stolen alright because he stared myopically at everything trying to see which only added to the image of medieval nerdiness. His stance had changed as well..straight as an arrow instead of that slidey sorta swagger that he had. He didn't smile when he saw Si..because he wasn't sure it was her yet::

SiennaDawn: ::And well he might wonder who this was. That usually tousled mane was piled high and fastened with ivory hairpins, a wisp here and there framed her face. The deep emerald dress she wore was finely made and of the latest fashion....the neckline was quite...something to see. The only concession she refused to make was the absurd rouge the well to do women of the day insisted upon. Her well-scrubbed visage was less than plesant as she made her way carefully down the docks. It wasn't the dress she object to so much as all the....accoutremonts one was required to wear beneath it. Her scowl softened when she caught sight of Jake. That slow grin appeared and she let a low wolf-whistle at the sight of him:: Gor', but ah'd nae have known ye! Y'clean up right well!

SiennaDawn: ::Willing her hands not to tug *up* on the bodice of that frock, and not to scratch or wriggle. Her idea of a dress was a cotton shift in summer....and no shoes::

Jake Molesen: ::he pulled the glasses down to the edge of his nose and peered at her from over the top and returned the compliment:: Yowee; but y'look fine, Si...I mean..ahem. You look beautiful today, Mistress Gladys. ::he offered her a bow never taking his wolfie eyes off of her..he had changed his speech considerably. If she asked him, he would tell her he can't think when he talks like that because it ain't him::

SiennaDawn: ::A blink, his refined speech taking her off guard a moment, then she fell right into line as she dropped a very respectable curtsy in answer:: Why, thank you...::casting about for a suitable name for a man-servant::, em...::stage whisper:: Wha' th' bloody hell d'ah call ye'

Jake Molesen: ::he pushes the spectacles back up with his finger and whispers:: Albert' I've always wanted to be Albert the manservant. ::wiggles is dyed black brows at her suggestively and straightens his back::

SiennaDawn: ::chokes back laughter:: Em...yes, Albert. ::her own struggle with "proper" speech causing her pause now and again:: Now. ::taking on what she hopes is a businesslike tone:: Where is this warehouse I am to see"

Jake Molesen: ::he stows the fine leather case he's carrying under one arm and offers her the other:: Not far, m'Lady. Just across the street and down some. ::he trips coming off the curb:: <m>damn, silly ass glasses..ahem. Watch your step, m'Lady. The streets seem to be slippery.

SiennaDawn: ::Quite sure the imprint of her teeth will soon be permanently imbedded in her tongue, she manages to bite back laughter yet again before placing a hand on the proffered arm:: Yes, I see. ::stepping carefully in the shoes that threatened to pinch her toes completely off:: Quaint town, this....Rhydin, is't' ::Jason's Ghost, but why had she let him talk her into this tomfoolery"::

Jake Molesen: ::he puffed up the way an Albert the manservant might with his employer on his arm:: Quite, Mistress Gladys. Full of ruffians and scalawags. I'll be happy to get you home and away from all this. ::they had successfully crossed the road without tripping and falling and had stopped before a large warehouse. The sign on the wall read "Grimgaw's Storage". He knocked on the door that was alongside the big warehouse doors and waited for a reply. Grimgaw was an old geezer..he squinted like Popeye when he opened the door looking at Jake and then Si. "Well, you must be the Lady Withering. My deep sympathy for you loss, child. But come in..come in..bring the gent with you, eh?"

SiennaDawn: ::Sienna was no where near as at ease as Jake seemed to be, her fingers dug into his arm unconsiously as they spoke with the old man at the door. She nodded in polite thanks to the old fart, and put a scented handkerchief to her eyes as they fill with unshed crocodile tears:: Thank you sir, you are most kind. It was....difficult losing Grand-papa, but we shall struggle through't....somehow.

SiennaDawn: ::A glance in Jake's direction from behind that handkerchief as they are led inside, those green eyes wide::

Jake Molesen: ::of course, old Jake was at ease. As usual, he'd put the attention on someone else so he could slide in unnoticed..he did he part though..clearing his throat he opened the fine leather case and rooted through it myopically:: I have the Lady's papers here, Sir. I believe you'll find everything in order. ::he was looking over the top of the glasses at the titles on the pages:: Here we go. ::Grimgaw put up a hand, "Aw, don't need no papers. Everyone can see this here is Garret's grandkid. Got the same green eyes, she does. Here, gimme those papers so I have them in the file." Old Gringaw took Si's hand and patted it. "There, there, Missy. Your grandda would have been right happy to see you taking care of his stuff. Want to take a looksee at it?"::

SiennaDawn: Yes, yes....I suppose we should get this over with. ::voice strained with what she hoped the old man took to be grief:: Thank you ever so much for all your assistance. ::Extracting her hand from that leathery grasp as soon as was politely possible, she supressed a shudder. As they followed him through the place, her nervousness was quickly being replaced with avarice. Great Gods at all the *stuff* in that place!::

SiennaDawn: ::A 'will you just look"' glance was given to Jake behind the old man's back::

Jake Molesen: ::oh yes, Sienna, the pickin's were nice and juicy! He gave her a big grin before returning to his somber, confused look. Oh what sights to be seen. Statues of marble and bronze and onyx and, yes, some gold. Oil paintings by artists famous enough to be known by their style. Beautiful music instruments, harps and pianos and hand carve lyres. Tapestries with gold and silver threads running through was hard for old Jake to keep a straight face::

SiennaDawn: ::Quickly, the slack-jawed goggle was replace by a trembling, tearful smile as the old codger turned to face them again:: "Well, here 'tis. All yer Grand-dad's worldy goods." ::a scritch of his balding pate as he peered at them in the dim, dusty light of the warehouse's interior:: "I hope ye brought some help, little Missy..." ::as he casts a calculating glance in Jake's direction, taking in his lanky form:: "....some of this is powerful heavy."

Jake Molesen: ::Jake piped up:: Oh, Lady Gladys has deck hands waiting to load everything onto the ship she's rented. There is an inventory list, is there not' ::you could tell Jake had trouble with that last line. "Sure is, fella. Umm, you Missy Glady's beau?" Rheumy eyes squinted up again and he drew near Jake as if he might recognize him. "You look familar like to me."::

SiennaDawn: ::A demure smile to the old coot:: sir. ::she even managed a blush! My, she was catching on, and quickly!:: My man Albert here, ::pats 'Albert's' arm:: has been with the family for years. He has been a godsend through all of this. Making the arrangements and all. My mother and father have...passed, you know....and I don't know what I would have done without his help. ::Eyes tearing once more, as she casts a thankful gaze at 'Albert'::

Jake Molesen: ::he didn't even break a sweat on his upper lip; but it might be that Grimgaw would remember the young kid that, at the age of 10 tried to steal from this very same warehouse; but that was 15 years ago and he had dyed his hair..he straightened his ascot tie and pushed his nose in the air:: I doubt we've ever met, my good man. This is my first time in Rhydin. That inventory declaration' It would be..." ::Grimgaw slapped his forehead. "Oh, I almost forgot it. Let me go get it for you. Wait right here." As if they were going someplace. As soon as he was out of the building, Jake let his shoulders drop into a more natural Jake pose and leaned over to whisper in Si's ear:: Now you an'me gonna have some fun on the way back t'Provo. Y'comin' back with me, ain't ya" I mean, we make a good team an...::the old geezer pushed the door to the warehouse open and was talking already. "Here it is. Are you wanting to do an audit of the stuff before the hands take it away?"

SiennaDawn: ::Quick as a wink, she gave him a warm smile:: I don't think that will be necessary. I trust that you have taken good care of my Grand-papa's things. ::a pause, those wheels spinning like mad:: As a matter of fact, I'm quite sure there is something here that especially appeals to you, your favourite" ::An understanding smile and she reaches to take his hand in hers:: I'm sure he would want you to have something for your diligence in watching over his things. ::Her look to him encouraging::

Jake Molesen: ::old Grimgaw sorta looked for a moment like he might pick the granddaughter as his favorite thing; but last minute he looked around. "Well, your grandda had a boat in a bottle in his collection that I would like. Me being a sailor and all. Wasn't for my bum back, I'd still be out there sailing..":: Then lets make sure you have it. ::Jake interrupts just as the old guy was getting wound up:: Lady Gladys. Don't forget your lunch appointment with Lady Loranys. ::he smiled politely but if she looked close among the hairs of his goatee, he was breaking a small sweat. His brown eyes shot a look over to the window::

SiennaDawn: Yes, yes...::a final squeeze to those leathery hands and she released the codger:: I am so thoughtless today...::her stomach did a backflip as she followed his gaze:: ....I did have that luncheon. Thank you so much for your help. Albert, thank you for the kind reminder...we really should be going. ::The hairs on the back of her neck were beginning to prickle:: My men shall be 'round shortly. You will see they have no trouble then" ::To the old man as she and Jake were making for the door as nonchalantly as possible::

Jake Molesen: ::the old man made his reassurances flirting now with "Gladys" as if he was a young buck. What had caught Jake's eye was the pair of faces at the window of the warehouse. Was none other than the Gilson brothers from the Rhydin Hall. It was one thing to fool an old bad eyed geezer who hadn't seen you in 15 years and quite the other to fool two boys you'd play poker with your whole life.:: My good man, who are those ruffians at the window. They won't be causing us any problems will they' ::Jake acted as if he couldn't defend himself..a fop..a galled him but one must do what one must do::

SiennaDawn: "Here now, what are you two about there!" ::The old man shook a fist at the window, a glance now and again at 'Gladys' to see if she appreciated his ability to take care of things that this...fancypants fellow was clearly not:: "I'll have the hide off'n ye, now git!" ::With a crash, the box those boys had been standing on tumbled over, taking them with it. The old man turned back toward Si and Jake now, quite pleased with himself:: "Damned Gilson boys, always up to no good. Now.." ::he paused as he caught sight of Si again, for she had turned quite pale:: Here now, are you quite alright Missy' ::Sienna was, in fact, not alright at all. Her heart was pounding in her chest and her sight was thinning from sheer panic:: Oh my...::waving that silly handkerchief at her face:: 'tis a bit...close, in here. ::Leaning on Jake's arm dramatically:: I think I should go and lie down in my room for a while, this has all been quite...trying. ::A flutter of those glistening lashes in the old man's direction::

Jake Molesen: ::"Now don't let them there boys frighten you none, Missy. Here, I'll walk out with you for protection." He gave Jake a shove and took her hand placing it on his arm. "In my day I was quite the boxer, you know. You're grandda would've been able to vouch for that. You coming along, Albert?" Oh, Jake could have picked Si up in his arms and given her a big kiss. She was great! She was a natural! And he was thinking he must be her biggest fan..after old Grimgaw mind you:: Yes, Sir. I truly appreciate the body guard too. There were two of them and that's just a little more than I can handle. ::they left the warehouse in broad daylight. The Gilson boys were waiting at the corner; but not for long. Grimgaw yelled at them and they took off. Over the top if Grimgaw's head, Jake rolled his eyes at Si and wiped the bead of sweat from his black dyed mustache:: SiennaDawn: ::Sienna allowed the old fool to lead her to the door, leaning on his "protective" arm just enough:: Oh my, but I don't know what we would have done without you. ::Patting his hand as they emerged into the blessed, blessed fresh air and sunshine. All the pretties in the world couldn't have kept her in that would-be tomb one minute longer:: My men will be 'round within the hour to start the loading. I trust you will make sure there are no slackers in the bunch' ::A knowing smile to him:: They need a strong hand such as your own to keep them to their business. ::God, she wanted away from here...and now!:: Albert, we should make our excuses to Lady Loranys before I retire. ::Reaches for Albert's arm with a winning smile to the old man:: I shall not soon forget your kindness sir.

Jake Molesen: ::Old Grimgaw was right puffed up like a peacock wagging his fanny feathers about. There'd be no doubt that everything would make it to the ship in mint condition. Jake wanted to put his hand over Si's but that would just be too forward even for Albert the man servant. They stood at the gangplank of the ship now..almost safe:: Yes, M'Lady. I will send a messenger to her right after I see that you are comfortably situated in your stateroom. ::he turned to Grimgaw and bowed:: Thank you, good Sire, for all your assistance. ::Grimgaw gave a snort and waved a hand. "Shucks weren't no big deal." He glanced again at the Lady Gladys with a wistful look that said, if I was only younger. "I hope to see you again, Missy. Good speed on your trip home." SiennaDawn: ::A deep curtsy to Grimgaw, and then Sienna turned, her hand on "Albert's" arm, and did her best not to run down that gangplank and into the safe, dark hold of the ship. As they ducked inside, she cast a furtive glance out the portal to make sure the old geezer was out of earshot before letting out a shriek:: Jason's Ghost! Ah thou' ah would perish f'sure before we got out o' there!

Jake Molesen: ::Jake closed the door to the "stateroom" and put a hand on it..the other went to his brow..he was laughing softly and shaking his head:: Y'are a beaut, Si. Shorta almost making a mess in m'pant when I seen them two faces in th'winda, I was awed by your performance. I think I'm in love, Si. ::he grinned so's she'd know he was jokin'..kinda:: SiennaDawn: ::A sidelong glance at the mention of the "L" word, but she let it pass...she was too relieved at having gotten away with her skin:: Ah dinnae how ye do this f' a livin' Jake. ::she was trembling, actually, with excitement as she reached down into the bodice of that damnable gown and let the whalebone corset loose with an audible *snap*, heedless of what Jake may have seen or thought, in her haste to be rid of the thing. A deep breath, at last, and a scritch where it itched:: Ah dinnae whether t' kiss ye or kill ye. ::shaking her head and laughing:: Ah've nae ever had s'much fun while having th' life scared out o'me! Jake Molesen: ::laughing and slapping his hands on his knees..the old Jake was back:: It's the thrill, darlin'. Either y'love it or y'spend y'life in that little bubble mosta the world's got 'round 'em. You're hooked, I can tell. ::he wags a finger at her:: As far as kissin' goes. If y'ever wondered about kissin' a mustache, now's y'chance acause as soon as we get to Provo, I'm gonna shave this rat thing offa m'face!

SiennaDawn: 'We'...get t' Provo' Ah've nae said ah was goin'...yet. ::He was right though, she *was* hooked. Though she was soaked with sweat from having the living bejesus scared outta her, she had never felt so *alive*. She and Jake were standing within inches of each other in the cramped room as she looked up at him stubbornly::

Jake Molesen: ::he had taken note of whatever inventory got shifted when the corset was loosed; but he wasn't rushing things. Never seen Jake move faster than a tortoise's pace unless someone was chasing him; but his heart was racing too from the thrill and he knew he wanted that kiss. He scooped her up in his long arms and lifted her right off her feet..hand slipping to the back of her head, he pressed his lips to hers for one hungry kiss. When he broke it, he didn't release her just looked into those beautiful green eyes and said:: Come t'Provo with me, Si. I'm askin' ya. I'll bring ya home th'first time y'have a need f'it.

SiennaDawn: ::Her breath stolen, she could only nod in reply. Sienna knew, then and there, that kiss was by far the most dangerous thing that had happened to her this day....and she didn't care::