Topic: The Black Sea Holding Company

Marina Elena Lavrova

Date: 2014-11-02 17:18 EST
How she had managed to get assigned to this God forsaken place was beyond her. Perhaps they were testing her, perhaps trying to get rid of her. Either way, it didn't really matter. She was sent here to do a job and she was going to do it. Failure was not an option. The Company was expanding and she was put in charge. RhyDin. She'd never even heard of the place until a few weeks ago. She had received the letter telling her where to be and when to be there. Now, here she was.

The Company dealt mainly in imports and exports. Most of the merchandise she dealt with and the business she transacted, weapons, securities, luxury items, and the occasional person or two, needed to go unnoticed. Most of it did and, when it didn't, she called in one of the Company's teams to fix it. They could fix almost anything very quickly. They were good at what they did. Still, it did not look good to have to make use of them. It tended to draw attention from the old man and that was never a good thing.

There was no room for mistakes. She'd made a reputation inside the organization by not making mistakes. Too many mistakes, and one was too many, were bad for the Company. Those who made mistakes didn't stick around long. She planned on being around a while. She had every intention of taking over when the old man left. She knew the Company inside and out, backward and forward, up and down. She knew secrets and she knew where the skeletons were buried. It was a dangerous business with high risk and high reward. She was very comfortable but not complacent. No, not complacement at all. To say she was driven would be an understatement.

The dockside warehouse she had procured here in RhyDin was perfect. It had ample floor space for storage and enough office space for the few employees that needed it. She would bring those few employees from the home office to get started but she would also need to hire a few locals. That was going to be tricky but she had time. Not much time really but she had to be sure she found the right people. It was about the people, it was always about the people. Time to get to work.