Topic: The Cheater Ate My Homework

Taylor Rhodes

Date: 2010-02-17 15:17 EST
I have come to the conclusion that Melvin C. Mooney is a very bad man. I know it's a crappy way to start this story. I mean, you don't even know anything about Mr. Mooney. He could just be horribly misunderstood or maybe he puts up a front for the rest of the world. Well, you can withhold your judgments for now and just wait to hear the facts. Granted, the facts are going to come from a lackluster narrator, so you're pretty much screwed either way. But you've read this far so you might as well stick in there and finish what you've started.

Melvin C. Mooney is a very bad man. I know this because my father knew this. Well, that' and I saw him kill someone. At least, I think I did. Sorry, I'm really shitty at this whole chain of reason, chronological events thing. You probably want a beginning and I'm going to try to restart there or somewhere near there.

A woman walked into my dad's office. His name is Rick Rhodes and he works as a private investigator. Now, it should be noted that this event wasn't like anything you've seen in the movies. The world wasn't black and white, my dad doesn't wear a fedora, and the woman in question hadn't been methodically poured into a seamless crimson gown that makes men go stark raving mad at the sight of it. Actually, the woman was attractive. I mean, she was slender and had blonde hair and blue eyes and all that jazz. But she wasn't the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen.

Anyway, she walks into the office. I'm sitting there at the receptionist desk trying to pretend that I'm busy with a 30 page paper on ethics as it relates to the issue of suicide due tomorrow. And I would have been doing the paper, but I was much more interested in this viral video website that had been popping up all over campus lately. Some douche bag had put up bumper stickers all over buildings and blackboards and cars at the university. Petty vandalism aside, the website was creepy as all hell. There were these videos of people doing normal things without realizing that they were being watched. Honestly, I couldn't have cared less, but one of my friends ended up getting caught on camera and asked if my dad could look into it. He was busy. I wasn't. But I should have been. Shit! I got distracted. The woman! The woman walked into my dad's office. I asked her name. It was Erica Mooney. After giving dad a side glance and catching the 'send her in" signal I ushered her into his office and shut the door.

I think people believe that doors make rooms sound proof. Dude, if there is a huge glass pane taking up forty percent of that door then odds are that the person on the other side can hear you just fine. I wasn't really avidly listening, but I heard the keywords of "husband" and "cheating" and 'spy' and I caught the drift. A good chunk of dad's business, over half, is devoted to finding out whether or not someone's significant other has another significant other.

This viral page was giving me a wicked case of the creeps. Melvin C. Mooney was a semi-famous producer, by the way. He produced such hits as: Silent Predator: Death Stalks at Midnight, Ambiguity, and Carnival of Corpses. I know they sound like B movies (and most are) but they have a really huge following and he's one of the only producers in town who is able to get an exclusive contract with Victoria Robins. She is the hottest woman in RhyDin. Hands down. She's got red hair and electric blue eyes that zap you into a state of complete bliss and sexual frustration. I mean, I'm straight as a pin, but even I would have a hard time keeping my guard up around Victoria Robins. Mee-ow.

The forty percent glass covered door opened. I did my best to keep my head down. Dad says it unsettles people whenever I turn and smile at them as they are forking over money. Why, yes please! Do leave some hundred dollar bills. I would so enjoy a pony for Christmas! So, I listened to Mrs. Mooney thank my father and click-clack with her high heels all the way out the front door. Dad dropped her information on my desk. That's the non-verbal cue for me to print out a label and make a file folder. All my talents" shamelessly squandered on my knowledge of how to orient the stickers in the printer. Damn my smarts!

Anywho, I worked my magic in Microsoft Works and used my cell to put in a call to a friend about this viral website. Looks like studying is going to have to wait for later on tonight.

(To Be Continued)