Topic: The Circuit Disrupted.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2010-08-28 00:31 EST
When the disease hit whole cities had been leveled by techomancers driven by pain to insanity. Perhaps for those unfamiliar with the skills of a techomancer such things are hard to conceive, that a single person could, in an instant, turn a flourishing city to dust. There was a reason our society worshipped, feared and registered those that showed any signs of skill with technomancy.

Only women possessed the gene from which the skill to blend technology with magics appeared. The nanites introduced into our society in previous generations had spawned this leap in evolution. So it came to be that when an enemy engineered a disease they opted to target specific markers found only in our women; the initial death toll was thirty percent of females.

Then came the after effects....even those females that did not die were left with debilitating pain as the disease destroyed one of the three types of blood cells that flowed through our veins. The death toll rose dramatically as those skilled in the arts of technomancy unleashed powers that consumed more than a third of the worlds population.

A few of the most powerful in the arts were assassinated for fear of what they might do, while others committed suicide seeing what it was possible for them to do if the strings of reason were cut.

My father, an Admiral, secreted me away to a secure location. He kept me drugged, and unconscious until he obtained a form of treatment. The treatment that for short periods of time staved off the pain, working to replenish the cells that the disease destroyed before being overwhelmed.

It is not a permanent solution, it is not a cure....but for now it keeps me alive. There are many people at home that would prefer to kill anyone with skills to work my art despite the fact that eighty percent of the female population was decimated.

For now I stay away from home and hope for the day a cure will be found; hope that the medicine I imbibe via the cigarettes in my pouch will keep me sane. Sane until I can return to the home I have protected since my thirteenth birthday, out of both love and obligation.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2010-08-29 14:16 EST
The hum of machinery surrounded her, soothing and comforting. The pilot, Jonathan Hawk, was a trusted friend and ally and so she felt free to drift at ease. The small nanites in her blood were working furiously at repairing the recent damage done, and she felt the tiredness in her bones.

There was the ache of waiting to take the medicine, but that was always there and she could hold off a bit longer before finding the pack of cigarettes. It was out of pride she held off finding them, she knew, something about requiring the medicine to remain functional rankled, perhaps that would fade in time.

"How many days since you punched someone Rook?" Hawk called to her from the next cabin, probably meant he was bored.

This was a game they played often and it always came to the same conclusion, still she would humor him. Those with the skills of technomancy usually came with a specific set of mental peculiarities some subtle, some obvious. For Rook they were subtle until you got to know her and found out that nearly everything she did was cataloged and measured in days since something had happened.

"Four, but we can get that one reset if you're cruising for a bruising." She drifted down into one of the cushioned seats and waited.

"How many days since you had some real orange juice?" He was moving closer, he'd be in her cabin shortly.

"One hundred twenty two days. If you want to get that one reset I wouldn't be upset to find some orange juice in the supplies."

His mop of shaggy brown hair popped in through the hatch and he had that stupid smirk that meant he was about to deliver the finale. "How many days since you got laid, Rook?"

"And there goes the counter for "Days since Hawk asked an inappropriate question." Although I suppose I should change that since you asked that same inappropriate question." She thought about that seriously, despite the fact this was a game of questions, she took her counters very seriously.

"Let me guess, one of these days you're going to answer that and I, poor me, will be crushed as I will be forced to admit it's not that you don't sleep with men, it's that you don't sleep with me." The smirk deepened and Rook thought he'd stop doing that if he knew how unattractive that made him look.

He tossed a pack of cigarettes at her chest before he turned and ducked back out of her cabin. She could hear him chuckling on his way back to the pilots pit and she bit back the urge to shoot him. The fact he brought the cigarettes to her meant he was paying closer attention to her than she thought, she would need to keep that in mind. Sometimes his air-headed flyboy attitude fooled even those that knew better....definitely needed to keep that in mind.

Jonathan Hawk

Date: 2010-09-10 16:49 EST
Watching Rook wasn't precisely thrilling. The woman was in the center of a bloody field just sitting there as if she hadn't a care in the world. Hawk could see her lips moving, he knew what she was doing, he could almost hear the litany...

~Ninety four days since I left home, Forty three days since the battle at Hyperion, Nineteen days since a full systems security check...~

She would be at it for hours. He'd been around other technomancers and, in his experience, Rook had it easy. There were some he'd seen that were obsessed about switching lights on or off, washing their hands incessantly or, in the case of one woman he'd met, could only take fourteen steps before she had to take a two second break. That last one had, not surprisingly, gotten her killed in battle.

He saw the change in her demeanor before he sensed the approaching stranger. It would have been the web she set out to detect disturbances he knew, still it was a little creepy that a woman so deep in her own thoughts could do that.

Hawk circled around the glade and saw the shadows of two men. He supposed they could have been innocent bystanders just out for a walk on a summers evening, but his gut told him otherwise. His instincts rarely lead him in the wrong direction so he unholstered his gun, aimed and fired.

The two forms slumped to the ground without so much as a grunt of pain which meant that they had been using silencing fields; definitely not innocent bystanders. He strode to their position, his gun still held at the ready as he kicked one of the body to flip it over. The face was distinctly Alterian, Rook wouldn't like that.

Booting the other over to see the mans face Hawk spit out a curse, this one he recognized and it bode ill for the two of them. The name "Booker" was written across a tag on the jacket the man wore, the emblems on the collar indicated the specialized unit the man was a part of, twin black roses on either side.

This was bad. The magnitude of that understatement was staggering. If the Black Rose unit was mobilized against them that meant that the situation at home had taken a steep turn for the worse. He wondered if Rooks father knew, if he did he'd been lying to them....if not, the man was probably in danger.

He looked at Rook, and decided he'd wait for her to finish her litany before bringing this to her, things weren't likely to get much worse in the next few least he hoped.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2010-09-17 09:17 EST
The space was silent, as silent within as it was without. After speaking with Hawk and assessing the situation they both agreed it was time to take a trip away. They were on their way to a world that promised to be culturally interesting, as if she had any bloody interest in culture at the moment.

Rook waved a hand an a ball of fire appeared in the air before her, crackling and then imploding. "I told you not to do that on the ship, Rook. The hull is solid but you shouldn't test it, the lack of atmosphere out there will kill even you." Hawk moved into the small cabin, dropping into one of the chairs as though he just went boneless. "Not to mention me, ah think of the loss there! All those women pining lost opportunities!"

"Just about enough to break my heart, Hawk. No really, I'm totally not joking. Not even a little bit." Her expression was blank and her tone flat, a pretty good indicator that the words were about to implode under the weight of sarcasm.

"You admit you have a heart' I'm shocked, I thought for sure you replaced that long ago with something more technological. How very quaint of you Rook." His gaze focused on her face now, he was checking her mental condition. She knew he was doing it, he knew she knew and was aware that it triggered anger.

It was common among technomancers to replace fragile organs with technological ones. The nanites in her blood allowed for easy adaption of such advances. Rook didn't like the idea of further dehumanizing, there was already a rift between those with technomancer skills and those without.

"Oh sure, I have a heart, but it's two-sizes too small." Another flicker of a finger and a line of fire appeared in the air before her, it writhed like a snake caught out of its element.

"Hey now Rook, no need to be like that. If you really want to play with fire we can flirt. " He didn't move, keeping his form loose on the chair and feigning humor. When they had first met Hawk had thought her a cold-hearted bitch, had believed it thoroughly until he realized her demeanor was one adopted to keep people at a distance.

There was a time, just before the attack, where Hawk had considered entering into a more personal relationship with the woman. Her wit and mind were sharp, her combat skills both deadly and sexy, once you got past the flat, sarcastic exterior she was warm and giving. Now....he wanted to be the same around her, she was still the same woman, but he could not get past the fear. He had witnessed a technomancer level an entire city without so much as breaking a sweat. Despite heroic efforts on his part that fear seeped out of his pores and he could see the knowledge of it written in that calculating gaze of Rooks.

"Flirt." That was the only word she spoke into the silence that followed. The tone gave Hawk no indication if it was a statement or a question, or something else. Before the attack he'd have known, but war changes people and it had left a deep imprint on him.

Just when he felt about to break under the weight of those hazel eyes a chime sounded. He nearly laughed as he was saved from the situation from so simple a device. "Gotta get back to the pit, we'll be arriving at Rhydin shortly."

"What kind of name is Rhydin, anyway' Very well, go play with your buttons and knobs." Dismissing both Hawk and the thread of fire with a wave of her hand, if a flicker of grief passed over those features it was gone too quickly to register. Rising from the seat Hawk left her alone with her thoughts....they were poor company to combat the sense of loss she felt, but they were all she had left.

Jonathan Hawk

Date: 2010-09-20 20:13 EST
There was fire. Hawk raced up the stairs to the small flat they had rented, activating his personal shield to block the smoke. "Rook! Answer me, Rook!" Glass shattered, and there was the sound of metal rending itself apart, high pitched and pained.

He slowed his forward motion as he got to the third floor and started down the hall, they had the first door on the right, or currently the first pile of splinters on the right. He could feel the heat, it stung his eyes despite the shield. "Rook!"

Turning the corner to look in the ruined doorway he saw her and nearly turned tail to run. The ground around her shook, bowing and bending, she looked like she stood on waves and not solid matter. Hazel eyes that could hold the warmth of kindness and humanity turned to focus on him and he felt himself flinch.

He debated on how to approach this, he decided formal. "Rook, I need to report sightings of Alterian made weaponry being displayed at a local Inn. Reports indicate a woman drew a weapon on a local, the reports were unclear about the cause. It seems there were no shots fired." No need to tell her just now that it was the cameras he had installed the other day that caught sight of Rook drawing her weapon on some woman.

Why the woman would walk up to a complete stranger and yank a cigarette from her lips was beyond him, he knew some here lacked manners but that was just plain stupid. Everyone he had vetted in this town had shown they were capable fighters, why antagonize someone that way. Worse he had antagonized Rook when she had obviously been in dire need of the medicine the cigarette provided.

Rook who now looked at him as though he were a foreign specimen that needed to be squished. "Rook, please." Palms facing her as he knelt, his chin ducking and keeping his gaze from meeting hers, "Please. Stop this."

The floor rocked beneath him and a wall of force washed over him, it stole his breath for a moment and he thought he had drawn his last. When he wasn't dead a minute later he looked around; the wave he had felt was Rook draining oxygen from the immediate vicinity, starving the flames of fuel and thus extinguishing them. Her gaze was haunted with images of what-ifs and whens that could be soon.

"You'll take the medicine on time?" As he spoke he moved toward her, his arms opening just a bit, a tentative offer to the woman.

"Yes." Her voice was strained by the effort of remaining calm. When he arrived next to her, she leaned against him, not hard just enough for human contact. "Yes, Jonathan."

He enclosed her in his arms, lightly enough that she could break free easily, and surveyed the damage. He was thinking they wouldn't be getting any of the deposit back on this one, maybe the next would fair better.

Jonathan Hawk

Date: 2010-10-07 14:04 EST
When the powerful are threatened by insanity it is rare to see them make the rational decision to remove themselves from power....perhaps it was no mere threat"

It was the fifth day that Rook was locked in the small room she had taken in their new apartment. She might have taken provisions in there with her but Hawk wasn't sure and he was beginning to worry; were he honest with himself he had started to worry that first day.

"Rook." He knocked on the door, a solid knock so that he did not sound as timid as he felt. "Rook, we need to go, we've been given orders." He was greeted with silence. Steeling himself he turned the knob and pushed the door open.

The room was not just a room anymore, it was a battle station. Rook sat in the center of six hovering, glowing displays, each showing different information. She would have integrated the system with her nanities making it easier for her to send commands to each of the screens and allowing the information to flow directly to her mind. Words flew across the displays faster than Hawk could read and for a moment he stood there silent.

"The orders are not really from my father, or if he did send them he was coerced." Rook spoke into the silence, her hand waved and one of the screens brought up the image of a planet, not one Hawk recognized. "Gamma Beta IV. The orders stated we were to go there and gather intelligence on a possible splinter cell working to foment rebellion in the populace. "

"Rook, why do you think the missive is not from Admiral Rooks. He sent it on his secured line, he is the only one that could do that." It wasn't that he doubted she had some reason to think it was faked but he needed to know.

"It's addressed to Rook." Her eyes flickered from one screen to the next, she was pulling up satellite images of the planet now, trying to find a good angle on the main land mass.

He thought about that a minute. Ciani went by Rook because her father was Rooks, a thing she did to piss him off, or so he believed. On a personal line to his daughter it seemed unlikely he'd use the shortened version of the name to placate Ciani, she wasn't one to be placated. "So, either someone else sent the missive or he's in trouble."

"Yes, and we are heading to Gamma Beta IV." It was an order, not a request.

"Well I always was fond of honey traps. When do we leave?" He had fallen into an at-ease stance without thought, his hands tucked at the base of his spine, his feet a shoulders width apart, ready for orders. Battle was something he could handle easier than the waiting to see if Rook was going to mentally meltdown.

"Soon as you have the ship ready."

"Then get your ass up and at "em soldier, we're leaving now."

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2010-10-20 19:26 EST
Things without all remedy should be without regard: what?s done is done.- Shakespeare.

It was quiet when they arrived at the planet, peaceful in a surrealistic way. This planet was a newly colonized world. The locals had not "taken it well" which was the Alterran way of putting things when there was rioting on a daily basis.

They were tall humanoids, with six fingers on each hand and a prehensile tail; their skin was tinted a faint blue and their eyes were all of a yellowish cast, there was no blending in for her or Hawk.

The landscape was out of one of Rook nightmares, the sky was red and it tinted the world crimson. She stood looking out over a lake of blood, or so it's color would have her believe. They had landed 100 clicks north of the transmitted rendezvous and Hawk was waiting for orders. The sky was heavy with clouds that raced across the heavens, and Rook was pretty sure that being outside wouldn't prove favorable to them.

"What is it that we get from this world again, Rook?" Hawk was making small talk, trying to pull her out of the reverie she seemed to have irrevocably fallen.

"Stones, more precisely gems, they work well to focus implants." She replied still looking out over the writhing waters, maybe this was no lake but rather a sea" It stretched beyond her visual limitations so it was difficult to gauge.

"We waiting for what, precisely?" He was leaning against what was probably this planets version of a tree, it was huge and ugly and had no leaves to speak of in the upper reaches.

"For them." Rook didn't even turn when the trap she laid was triggered. An explosion rocked the ground and Hawk fell to a knee, a hand going for his gun. "I had hoped they would send more experienced men. They must be rookies to have fallen for that one." Rooks tone was so calm that it sent a shard of ice through Hawk, she was casually speaking of the likely death of men.

Flames rose from beyond the first hill behind them, there was a shout and then silence. Rook waved a hand and the air shimmered, an image of a map of the surrounding area appeared. On the map there were little red dots that were moving slowly, tracking their way to flank their current position.

They had to be rookies, they didn't scan for nanites after the blast and now those tiny machines were transmitting data directly to Rook, they were had but did not know it yet.

"We'll need one alive." Rook said as she turned and faced the direction the first of the men were going to appear. There were fifteen red dots, fourteen who were already dead, Hawk could see that in Rooks expression.

"We can keep," The counter offer of disabling or keeping more than one alive died on Hawks lips as Rook turned to him. There was a hint of humanity in her eyes, but also the certain knowledge that here and now was not the time to play nice. He could accept that, he'd have nightmares later, but he could accept it now.

Rook nodded at him seeing resignation in his stance. "You can hang back if you need to Hawk."

Hawk steeled himself, crouching next to the vegetation and setting his pistol. "I have your back, Rook."

"You always do.? The softly whispered words were lost as they coincided with the triggering of a secondary trap; a deafening thunderclap sounded from the heavens and on the ground Rook opened up the gates of hell.

Jonathan Hawk

Date: 2011-02-28 12:13 EST
Historical Text: Jonathan Hawk Lt., Year 2341 Standard, First month, day 1. Alterra City.

In the city of Alterra there was a grand festival planned to start in just a few hours. One of the three suns was peeking up over the mountains and casting a pale light over the tall buildings and wide streets. This time of year always seemed dim to Hawk, not that the other two suns were more than pale reflections of the main star that lit the world, but it still felt wrong to him. He had grown up in the southern hemisphere on the island of Cort where the suns were visible all year round.

The city itself was decked out in its finest, banners flew from every building and garland decorated every street pole on every street. It was a celebration of the New Year, a tradition that was brought from Earth a millennium before and kept with a fierce desperation that often made Hawk wonder at the oddities of humans. The things that people clung to seemed trivial, but he knew better than to think that it would change any time soon.

Hawk was on the detail to protect the hovercraft that would be carrying the three technomancers scheduled to appear that day. He was on his way to meet them and he was beginning to suspect that skipping breakfast was a poor decision; there was nothing in his stomach to stop the acids from eating away at himself as he fought off a low level of anxiety. Typically he never appeared to be bothered by anything, having perfected the "flyboy' attitude the moment he took his first solo flight. There was something about technomancers that made his skin crawl, he hadn't put a finger to it yet but someday he would, probably would.

He had drawn the duty for this by picking the short straw in his company, none of the men wanted to go and pick up three technomancers at once. Hell it was bad enough when you were assigned detail duty to a single technomancer, but three" Still, he'd read the portfolios on the women he was going to pick up and they seemed a stable enough lot, as stable as any woman he'd met anyway.

The trip in the elevator to the top floor was a long one, one hundred and twelve stories to the floor that housed the technomancers. There was a young woman wrapped for warmth travelling up with him, she had forgotten something and needed to return to her room. Hawk could tell by the sidelong glances that she was checking him out and he gave her a winning smile. He was handsome and he knew it; with his dark hair tousled and framing his face, eyes as blue as the winter sky and a smile that showed off two dimples he usually had no trouble picking up women no matter where he went. In his military uniform he looked sharp, he had even taken the time to press the black pants and shine his shoes. With his six foot frame and charming personality, if he did say so himself, he rarely had issues finding himself a date.Forty floors of chitchat had earned him her name and number on a folded piece of paper that went into a pocket for later use.

The last sixty plus floors were travelled with only the hum of machinery to keep him company. The elevator opened directly into the room, a key card was required to reach the floor and there were few people stupid enough to try and surprise a technomancer.

The room was full of the frivolous things that Hawk imagined and more. The room opened up and was as big as three of his small apartment; one wall was filled with a flat screen television and was opposite a plush black couch that came up against an expanse of window that wrapped around the outside of the suite leaving the view open to the city below and the mountains beyond.

It only took a moment for the three women to appear, walking around from one of the other rooms. All three wore the same uniform, all with the same insignia on the shoulder and name tag across the right breast. The short green military jackets were pristine, the black pants freshly pressed and he could swear that he could see his reflection in their boots. He was happy that he took the time to at least pretend to clean himself up before heading out that morning. It appeared that whomever chose these three to represent the techno core wanted to appeal to the masses and picked three women from three different continents.

In order of appearance Hawk saw that Tailor held the dark features of a woman from the Northern Continent of Parma. The dark ringlets of hair fell to her shoulders, neatly trimmed and clipped back away from the round face that housed full lips and eyes as dark as midnight. She stood about the same height as Hawk and her build was what Hawk thought of as an hourglass. Gunner, on the other hand, was all of five feet nothing, waif thin and pale as marble. The long blonde hair was held back in a queue and reached down her back to her waist. Her eyes were of a greenish cast and there was something in her stare that chilled Hawk, he would not be hitting on that one even if it wasn't apparent that she came from the Isle of Tregmar. Tregmar was notoriously secular and he was surprised to find one so far from home.

The third was named Rooks and she was a looker. Coppery hair as straight as the woman's back fell to her shoulders, framing a face that was neither round nor pointed, with high cheek bones and eyes that drifted from grey to green to blue even as Hawk watched. About seven inches over five feet, her frame was slender and sleek, hinting at a inner strength. Of the three she appeared to be the oldest among them, Hawk would have guessed thirty and been a good nine years off.

"Oh good, they have sent us a fish, mouth gaping and gasping for air." Rooks heaved a dramatic sigh as she leaned against the window, giving Hawk a critical stare. Hawk felt like a dog in a window being sized up for a holiday dinner under that stare.

"What' Oh, sorry!" He snapped to attention and saluted the women. "Lt. Hawk reporting for duty!" He stared straight ahead and no one in particular, his feet together and his back straight, it seemed like his best option. Some women got touchy if they thought a man incorrectly identified the alpha in the group.

"We'll be getting no booze from this one I think, Rooks." The sound of Tailors voice was nothing like Hawk imagined, it was honey sweet and held a fair amount of humor.

"Booze" Oh ladies you can count on me to provide you with any supplies you need to get you through the day." That cocky grin that had earned him more black eyes in bars than he could count appeared as he looked at Brook. "I am your man. Use me as you see fit." He paused, allowed the grin to widen enough to show the dimples and added. "Please, use me."

The women all laughed. It was the good type of laughter though, not really at him, but rather from a place of releasing tension. Within the hour they were bantering like old friends and he was leading them down to the lobby where the rest of the detail was waiting and would escort them to the vehicle.

"How did you ladies wind up with the illustrious honor of being the New Years parade main event?" Hawk asked as he scanned the lobby for potential dangers, angling toward the cluster of armed men by the side exit.

"My husband decided that I should work some PR. Said that I have a face that people want to trust and that I looked mostly harmless." Rooks said as they moved through the lobby, the words holding a hint of sardonic humor.

"No offense, Rooks, but anyone with you more than five minutes would be able to tell you are no harmless woman." The aura of power that the women all gave off was palpable despite the fact that they were obviously trying to put him at ease.

"Good thing the car won't be moving slow enough for me to be near anyone in the crowd for more than a few seconds then, yes?? Rooks said with a laugh.

Hawk laughed with her and lead them out the side exit to the waiting car. He spent the day with them, and the night. They talked and flirted, in the end they gave him no more than a fond farewell kiss on the cheek. He had a holophoto taken with them to commemorate the day, he kept it in his wallet for a long time after the day had passed....long enough to be present when he'd be put on duty to protect Rooks daughter.

Ciani Rooks

Date: 2011-03-28 11:46 EST
Rook wandered home late that morning. Flipping open her communication device she saw Hawk had left 109 messages, she would pay for not informing him of her whereabouts. By the time she reached the loft she shared with Hawk she had smoked three cigarettes, not a good sign and was glad to see that Hawk was out. He was probably at the morgue by now demanding to see every woman brought in within the last 12 hours.

Sinking down into the chair that was placed just in front of the fireplace she sent a message to Hawk, it was simple and short but would do for now. Rook figured she had a good twenty minutes before he came roaring into their home to give her a piece of his mind.

Her fingers slid across the surface of the technical device she held, it was capable of a great many things. Long ago she had broken Hawks password and found his audio diaries, there were a few entries she had copied and would occasionally revisit. A few moments later she had pulled up the entry she sought and stared into the fire as she listened.

Hawks voice was clearly recognizable though in this particular entry he did not sound his usual braggadocio self.

"Some day when someone listens to this I'm hoping they'll understand that I....I did my best. It wasn't enough, not by far but it was my best." There was a break in the voice and a pause before it continued, "Rook and I had been getting along better in the recent months, enough that I would say we were friends. I'm not sure if that will hold, I hope it does but " but I failed."

Again, silence.

"Rook invited me over to have dinner with her and her fiancee Tristan. I brought Anastasia with me, a beautiful woman I'd met just that morning and thought would enjoy meeting a technomancer. There were some normals that were fascinated by them and in the brief conversation we had I knew that Anastasia was one of them."


"It had taken Tristan nine months to get Rook to agree to date him. Another fifteen months to convince her to say yes to marriage. Her history didn't allow for the cultivating of trust, and now....I don't think she'll trust again."

The voice broke again, and the pause was longer.

"The night was going well. I was being flippant and charming. I had on my dress uniform complete with a sword sheathed at my side. Anastasia was also the type to enjoy a man in uniform and I used that, like I use everything."

There was a pause and muffled curses, just audible on the recording as though spoke through some barrier, "Fool, she calls me a fool all the time and she is right. I should have seen it coming. I recon"ed every other man that came near her but not him."

A sound similar to a fist hitting a wall could be heard before the silence reigned again.

"I was in the middle of a joke when I caught the motion behind Rook. Tristan had come up behind her and the expression on his face was full of rage and the righteous gleam of the religiously insane. I'd seen that expression before around Rook. That undisguised hatred for something different and scary."


"She had been smiling. Her smiles were always rare, but worth waiting for " like the Tiber tree that blooms only once every fourteen years. I don't think I'd ever seen her that relaxed or happy. The shots were muffled, a silencer, but distinct and there was no mistaken the shock on Rook's face as she was knocked forward from the impact."

Rook turned the recording off, she'd heard enough. Hawk didn't know she had the recording and she planned on keeping it that way. She believed it was that event that drove Hawk to the lengths he went to in an effort to keep her safe. It was ridiculous, the thought that he was the one doing the protecting but nothing she said or did dissuaded his attitude.

It often surprised her how few people saw through that fly boy attitude to the man within, then again how long had it been since anyone attempted to see what was within her"

The door swung open and was slammed shut as Hawk entered. "If you EVER pull that stronzate again I will personally make sure I put you in the hospital myself!" Hawk spat out the words as he rushed over to her and knelt nearby to examine her as though to reassure himself everything was OK. He didn't reach out to shake her but the expression on his face said he really, really wanted to do something to that effect.

His rant faltered when she smiled at him. "'re not hurt are you? It was that guy wasn't it' If he's hurt you I'll kill him."

"Essere in pace, Hawk. He did me no harm, and I apologize for not informing you of my whereabouts."

Hawk stumbled back and tried hard to wipe the shocked expression from his face, "Did you just apologize to me?"

She laughed softly as she rose from the chair and gently patted his arm on her way to her bedroom. "Si, you should enter that in your diary, it is surely something you will want to remember later.?

She could feel his confused expression on her back as she entered her room and shut the door behind her.