Topic: The Construct Awakening


Date: 2009-08-08 22:28 EST
Odin Facility: KRX Lab; Section B:

He floated in the tank, surrounded by a liquid not unlike the amniotic fluid of a mother's womb. Needles connected to tubes kept him nourished, lines connected here and there keeping constant watch of his vitals.

"How are his vitals?" asked the director, standing in a room that separated him from the construct with a thick wall of glass. A scientist moved to check the display panel, eyes skimming over the numbers for a moment.

"Stable, sir."

"Estimated time until he wakes up?"

"Three weeks, sir."

"Use the serum," the director ordered as he glanced at the scientist. "Use the serum, and wake him up in three days."

"Three days" Sir, he may be unstable if we wake him up ahead of schedule, who knows what kind of neurological damage that could cause?"

"Do it," the director ordered, turning to walk out of the monitoring station. Automatic doors hissed open, providing the director's exit.

Sighing, the scientist flipped the intercom to the room that held the tank and the sleeping construct.

"The director has just ordered us to use the serum, and wake him in three days. Get on it."


Two days later, the body suspended in that fluid jerked and writhed violently. The needles stuck in his skin slipped free, some tearing. That clear liquid was fogged by a red cloud of blood, the alert on the display in the monitoring station flashing red.

"Something's wrong," said one of the scientists, leaning forward to peer into the room where the construct shook. "Get in there, drain the tank. We need to get him to medical."

The tank was slowly drained, and as scientists and medics flooded the scene, the construct took his first breath. Eyes opened wide, he gasped sharply, chest heaving with his first few breaths. They all paused, slack jawed, eyes wide, he was a day early.

"Open the tank, get him out of there, now!" the head scientist demanded quickly. "Get him into medical, you know the drill, we've done this before, go."

The team went into motion, people murmuring all around the tank as they discussed and prepared. All the while, the construct sat there in wide-eyed confusion. The glass behind him opened up, a pair of men walked in, reaching out to take his arms.

Jerking, the construct's hands lifted, fists both connecting solidly with the two men's noses. Blood poured freely, cartilage warped, bone cracked, they dropped. Dead. The construct blinked, everyone froze.

"Use a sedative!? shouted one scientist.

Men rushed into the tank, attempting to hold him down while another aimed a needle for his neck. Jerking, the construct grabbed a man by the collar of his shirt, twisting quickly to hurl him into the thick glass behind him. The construct's other hand shot out, grabbing the wrist of the man who held that needle. It was twisted, shoved up and forward. The man found a needle stabbed into his eye, popping it with too much liquid as the sedative was injected into it.

Another body was hurled at the glass, another and another, slowly cracking it. They charged at him, he broke limbs, used the narrow space to his advantage, only a few could reach him at once. Eventually, the glass shattered, and he turned to bolt off, charging through the facility's hallways with abandon.