Topic: The Curious Case of the Family Garrett


Date: 2013-09-28 12:18 EST
The chime of the old grandfather clock echoed through the dark and empty hallways of a building that was slowly fading with time. The shelves were caked with layers of dust and a littering of rat droppings was scattered across every floor. The stairs leading up were old and treacherous, groaning and creaking with each step where and daring the brave to climb them to the dark above. Each window was covered by wooden planks that let only the barest flicker of sunlight peak through. This house sat alone on its little hill overlooking the neighborhood that continued living in its shadow, though each resident of the streets below pretended it wasn't there.

The old house was the property of a similarly old woman who now lived in a home with the rest of her dying kind. Her eyes were red and rheumy eyes, skin stretched like thin leather over such frail bones and only a spattering of hair left on her little head. She could scarcely lift a finger or utter a word, yet still her daughter in law visited once a week with the same request.

"Turn the house over to me, Margaret. It's horrid and no good for anyone, Jonathan and I can do something better with the property."

A small red light flashed under the old woman's finger and a moment later, there was a knock at the door. The man who stepped in was no fair sight to look upon. The skin on the left side of his face was marred by a furious looking scar and his left eye appeared to be melted shut. His right eye was cool and steely, his lips thin and pursed and only just able to part when he spoke.

"Is everything alright in here?" his voice sounded like gravel crunching beneath a tire. It was hoarse and rough. His body was longer than it should have been, his fingers stretching out like spider legs when they flattened against the door and forced it shut behind him. His shadow was a wispy thing that seemed unable to hold its shape as he passed through the room.

Julianne hated the man who had been assigned to care for Margaret in her last days. Every interaction she had with him was unsettling, and when she smiled and stood she felt a tight knot of fear coil in her stomach when he looked her in the eye.

"Everything's fine," she lied. "I should be going," Julianne turned and placed a hand on Margaret's shoulder. "I'll see you next week."

The old woman only looked up at her caretaker with those rheumy eyes of hers and her small mouth struggling to maintain the small smile that first appeared there when he entered the room.

The man opened the door for Julianne as she walked by.

?Good afternoon, Mrs. Garrett."

Outside of the home the sky had turned gray and clouds rolled overhead, threatening another storm. Birds squawked and screeched as they huddled into the trees that lined the street and a woman and her young son ran quickly toward the home's doors as the first bolt of lightning flashed in the sky. Julianne got in her car just as the first drop fell.


Date: 2013-10-01 02:37 EST
"That woman," Margaret muttered disdainfully as her daughter in law departed. "Oh, I wish Jonathan had never met her. She's a harpy, always trying to take what isn't hers. Can you believe her?" she asked, turning to look up at her scarred caretaker. "That house has been in the family for over a century. It's a piece of history! A legacy!"

She was interrupted by a series of harsh coughs and hacks, to which her caretaker responded by holding out a pristine, white cloth in front of her mouth to catch the spittle and blood.

"Thank you, dear," she smiled ruefully. "I just get so worked up when she visits."

"I've asked her to be more...gentle," her caretaker grunted out.

"You're sweet to care so much, honestly, I don't know what I'd do without you. Because of her, Jonathan never visits anymore. I haven't seen my grandson in seven months," the old woman sighed as her caretaker opened the door again and took hold of the handles at the back of her wheelchair so he could steer her out into the hall. "I get so lonely."


Jonathan returned home from another late night at the office. He was only in his second year at the firm, but they worked him harder than any other job he'd had in the past. He told himself it was worth it, that one day he'd make partner and all his labors would pay off and his son would be able to go to a good school and his wife could rack up credit card bills in bliss. With his car backed into the garage, he sighed and killed the engine before climbing out and leaning back against the door once it shut behind him. The dim light overhead slowly faded and left him in the complete darkness of the garage, quiet save for the low rumble of the air conditioner on the other side of the thick brick wall.

He turned and felt his way along the car toward the back of the garage where the door leading inside waited. He didn't have time to consider what was wet on the floor when his feet were swept clean out from under him and he landed on his back with a hard thud and a loud oomph!

"What the hell?" he felt around and his hands fell into a thin pool of something wet. He stood and felt it soaking his pants and the sleeve of his shirt. Finally, he fumbled for the light switch and turned it on, freezing at the sight of the red splatter on his hands and staining his white shirt cuff.

He looked down at the pool that had formed near his rear tire and seemed to flow from beneath the door leading inside. Shaking, Jonathan opened the door.

"July!" he called out as the door opened, the rest of his words caught in a strangled groan at the sight that greeted him.

Julianne was sprawled out on the linoleum tile that lined the wash room's floor between the hall and the garage. Blood was splattered against the walls and tile, more than he thought a body could hold. Ravaged as she was, it was only Jonathan's gut instinct that gave him any insight into who she was, for her face was beyond recognition.

Jonathan jumped in surprise, sprung from his daze by the grinding of the garage doors opening again. He wheeled around and saw the silhouette of a tall and slender man against the bright floodlights in the driveway.

He charged at the man.

"What did you do!?"

The man stepped aside and his arm stretched, Jonathan's chest collided with it and down he went. The last thing he saw was a steely eye and a face covered in bandages as the man knelt down and closed his long fingers around Jonathan's throat.