Topic: The Darkness In My Dreams

Angel Delaney

Date: 2012-11-10 13:03 EST
((Takes place after the events of Approval Given. Contains references to adult situations.)) _____________________________

Darkness swirled around her. And yet not just darkness. On the edge of hearing, there was the sound of music, of a string quartet playing dance after dance without a break, and yes, she could see those dancers moving about her through the misty gloom of the enveloping dark. As light and sound bled into her world. she realised she was at a ball, something could only have taken place centuries before her birth, and yes, she did not feel out of place. Her gown was black, made of richly brocaded silk, the waistline snug, the neckline deep, her arms left bare but for the white silk gloves that covered her to the elbow. On her feet were heeled silk slippers, and though she could feel no underwear per se, she knew she wore a delicate silk chemise and silk stockings gartered just above the knee. Her hair was swept back, up off her neck, curling tendrils left to brush her bare shoulders and show off the slender column of her throat. She couldn't make out the faces of those who danced around her, but she could hear them talking, laughing, innocent of the throbbing danger she could sense nearby.

The sound of soft laughter filtered through the ball room, blending with the string quartet. The sound was pleasant, warm and inviting on the surface. But at this ball, nothing was as it seemed. The laughter ebbed and flowed, soft and then louder as the dancers whirled past. Their faces were caricatures; over drawn with too bright rouge and lipsticks, too dark eye brows and eye shadow, noses curved up or down at nearly impossible angles. The dancers seemed to be having the time of their lives, oblivious to the beautiful young lady. They posed no threat, this circling mass of masks.

But in the middle of all of it, as if conducting the ballet to move to and fro stood a dark haired man. He wore the style of the day: a thick, red and black velvet frock coat with gold buttons and thick gold braid sewn at the hems. He wore a wide brimmed hat, decorated with three long plumes, two black and one white. Turning slowly in a circle, he watched as the dancers whirled about him, faster and faster. When he became aware of the beauty that stood watching on the outskirts of the dancefloor, he stopped to stare at her. He leveled nearly transparent blue eyes upon her and the dancers immediately stopped where they were. Still as statues, and they very well could have been, they all stared at the young lady.

The weight of those myriad curious eyes would have been heavy enough, but she felt herself mesmerised by eyes paler than any she had ever seen, caught between the palest of sky blues and sea greens set in a face that was almost unnaturally beautiful. He was the danger that stalked her dreams. He was what she should be wary of, the reason she should stay indoors at night and keep to the safe streets. And yet he was the reason she was here. Silent, hesitant, she took a step forward in a rustle of silken skirts, her deep breath visible against the dark, deep neckline of her gown.

It could have taken hours, or minutes, to approach the man of her dreams. Or was that in her dreams" He smirked, suddenly in front of her. No more than a foot away, he struck a classic waltz pose and then she was in his arms. The quartet struck up their song, but the dancers who had filled the room were suddenly gone. Somehow, impossibly, he had her in his arms. And while he kept the beat of the music, he spun her around and around at mind whirling speeds. The dark mist whirled about them, engulfing and enveloping.

As soon as his arms were around her, she had no sense of time, no sense of self. All she could see was him, those paler than pale eyes burning into hers, willing her to surrender, to give everything up to him; all she could feel was his strong arm about her waist, his cold hand holding hers firm, as he swept her about the floor. Unaware or perhaps uncaring, the other dancers faded away until it was only them, she and her mysterious partner, waltzing through the darkness in mists that seemed to whisper her name.

The music faded away, and so did he. The darkness prevailed and the tail spin he'd left her in was disorienting and chaotic. Sounds permeated the darkness; loud and raucous as if a million birds had filled the ball room. And as their cries reached a deafening cacophany, they were silenced. Bright daylight flooded the senses with it's brilliance. A gentle, warm breeze blew with the tang of salt water to tease the olefactory senses. The ground was no longer the polished hardwood of a dance floor but the loose, warm grains of sand.

The dark haired man stood nearly ten feet away, with foamy waves lapping at his feet. No longer clad in velvets and silks, he bore the soft cotton with bold black stripes; a swimsuit suitable for a well brought up young man. His hair curled upon his forehead and whisps of the inky blackness were lifted by the breeze. He was smiling, laughing and waving her over. "Come on, chicken! The water's not cold at all!"

Dizzy and dazed by the sudden shift from darkness to light, blinded by the sun and momentarily rendered dumb by the salt tang on her lips, she swayed, feeling warm sand between her toes. Looking down at herself, she saw a bathing suit that was almost too modest for the beach, striped in black and white as his. Raising a hand to her hair, she found it covered with a fabric cap, and looking up and down the beach, she could see faceless others dressed in the same manner. The smile on the handsome face that called to her urged an answering smile to her own lips, and she found herself running to join him, squealing with laughter at the unexpected chill of the sea water on her skin.

Yet the more she ran, the farther away he seemed. He continued to call to her, laughing and waving his arms. Further and further into the gently rolling waves that were nearly as blue as her eyes. The waves pushed and rolled, hiding him from sight one moment and revealing him in a new spot the next. And he kept calling for her, as if he were playing a game. "It's wonderful! Wonderful!"

Knee deep in the waves, she came to a stop, suddenly breathless and shocked, knowing deep in her heart that she was never going to reach him, that he was always going to be there, just on the edge of sight, a dark figure to shadow her steps. "Let me see you!" she heard herself call in frustration, stamping against the sea-soaked sand, clenching her fists in quiet fury. "Come back!"

"All you have to do is ask," came the whisper from behind her, directly into her ear. Strong arms circled her waist, pulling her back against him. "All you ever have to do is ask." The voice was soft, but gurgled as cool water splattered upon her sun-kissed shoulder. His skin was paler, as if saturated. His eyes were sunken, and blazed brightly from thier sockets. His hair was plastered to his head. "All you have to do..." his voice trailed off as the sun became blotted out by thick, dark clouds. The sky became a maelstrom, and the rain began to pelt down.

She jumped, yet the suddeness of her startlement felt detached, as though she were feeling it from a long way off. A gasp echoed from her across the waves as she felt herself encircled and drawn back against a strong, hard male body, as cold as the sea in which she stood, stronger than the earth that held that sea at bay. Twisting to look at him, she shuddered, half-afraid of the face he presented to her, that strangely morbid mask that whispered to her, kissed her shoulder. Her gaze was ripped upward as the sun suddenly ceased to shine, and she cried out in fright at the whirling storm above, ducking her head under the weight of heavy raindrops that seemed to soak through to her bones.

Even as the storm surged around them, he held her in his protective embrace. The ocean surrounded them, washing them of their clothing and giving the feeling of utter weightlessness. Once again the darkness swirled and surrounded them, blanketing them in velvety blackness. The drops that struck her skin became warm, sticky and smelled strongly of copper. He was between her legs, stroking and teasing the heat of her womanhood. His thick hair tickled her thighs and he made sounds of utter bliss, as if eating the most succulent of dishes. And as the darkness cleared, they were horizontal, upon a bed made lavishly with silk sheets the color of blood. The movements were fluid, hands sliding over skin. Coated in dark red, her blood, his blood. It mixed as he ravaged her body slowly; inch by inch. He touched her and tasted her flesh as if he had known exactly where to touch, how to touch; as if he'd been doing this very act for years.

Angel Delaney

Date: 2012-11-10 13:07 EST
Sensuality washed over her in waves as binding as those that had guided her into his arms on the beach, igniting the passion hidden in the innocence of her soul, drawing it to the surface under his guiding hands. The scent of her sex mingled with the copper tang on her lips, her eyes slowly reluctant to open in the grip of such unbridled ecstasy as he unleashed from the hidden depths of her being. She saw then the blood that coated his hands, the blood he spread over her skin, felt the sharp sting of some wound at her throat, the thick bleed of her life's essence as it trickled from her, and suddenly there was a moment of sudden, terrifying bliss as she screamed aloud, frightened and satisfied all at once, slick as much with their combined blood as with the nectar he had coaxed from her.

Her scream echoed in the darkness around them. Suddenly he was on top of her, inside of her. He surrounded her, his breath hissing in her ear. His lips, drenched in blood, suckled at the wound upon her neck as he slid in and out out of her with an ease and speed that was well beyon human capacity. When he lifted his head, her wound was gone and they were bathed in a soft, white light. The bed was replaced by the airy nothingness of a cloud. He held her, loved her, worshipping the Goddess in his arms.

She was lost to him, to the strength of his will, the force of his desire, to the violence of pleasure his violation of her willing form wreaked upon her. When, again, she cried out at the apex of that cresting peak, it was to find herself in his arms, warm and safe, loved, enveloped in the brightness of gentle light that was anathema to the darkness and blood that had wrapped them close only moments before. Yet even in the midst of this warmth and safety, she felt the thrill of fear, the knowledge that this divine perfection in her arms was not all he seemed. He held a darkness older than time at bay within himself, wanting it to consume her even as he did.

Even as she reached the height of her apex, they slowly floated weightlessly to Earth. The room was dark, with a small night light plugged into an outlet across the room. It was lavishly furnished, a large room. And, even in the dark, it was recognizable and the room given to her by Lady Cavendish. Her clothing hung in the open closet and the soft warmth of her pajamas gave the sense of comfort. She bore no wounds, except a small pin prick in the crook of her elbow where just a few drops of his blood had been injected. The blood healed all injuries, internal and external. She was covered, from foot to neck, with warm flannel sheets and thick eiderdown quilts. The colors were dampened by the darkness, and appeared in grays of dark and light.

Angel stirred, rolling from her side to her back, one arm casting the heavy eiderdown and sheets away from her body, unconsciously overheated by the thickness of the covering. She felt weak, shaken, her skin flushing as the residue of carnal heat from her dreams coursed through her veins. Slowly, she drew her eyes open, brushing her hair from her face, to gaze up toward the ceiling in lazy wonder. What on earth had she eaten last night, to make her dream like that' Rolling back onto her side, she groped for the clock on her bedside, wondering if she could let herself drift back into those dreams just a little while longer.

Down in the depths of the mansion, Joshua sat in the darkness. Getting inside of Angel's head had been far too easy and he felt a guilty pleasure at having done it. "Please, do," he murmured, urging her to do as her body wanted: drift back into those dreams.

2:47 AM. Far too early, or late, to do anything but drift back to sleep. Angel smirked faintly to herself, kicking the covers away entirely as she settled back into the deep, wide bed, sprawled in the tender grasp of sleep as her dream darkness rose to claim her once again.

With a push of a button, the infrared camera blinked to life. Joshua watched as Angel drifted off to sleep. He waited, enjoying the peaceful, innocent scene. With a soft sigh and a curl of his lips, his own eyes closed. He began to reminisce about a long ago time when he was young and human.

He was a soldier in the Continental Army. Nothing more than a grunt under General George Washington. The sounds of cannon fire blasted in the distance and the battleground was blotted out by fog and smoke. He staggered, his uniform tattered and bloodied with battle. With little effort, he brought Angel into this gritty scene and approached her.

This time the mist that swirled around her smelt of gunpowder and flame, leaving a choking taste in her mouth as all around she heard the sounds of battle, of men dying. She found herself kneeling in sodden mud, wide skirts spread all around herself, soot and dirt marring her skin, tight ringlets falling loose about her face. She sensed him before she saw him, turning to find her handsome stranger staggering toward her, and for all that he thrilled her with danger, she felt a surge of concern sweep through her, lurching to her feet to move toward him, her arms outstretched as though to catch him if he fell.

"Help me," he gasped, falling into her arms. "You said you could help me." Her chin rested upon his shoulder, yet he didn't embrace her. Instead, his hands were upon her arms. "Give it to me," he was pleading, wanting what he'd been promised. Then his eyes rolled closed and the moan that escaped his throat was a mingling of ecstacy and agony. "Yes," he sighed, allowing his head to fall back. His face was twisted as he fought against the pain that radiated from his neck. Two dark red holes, blood dripping from each, covered his carotid artery. And then his eyes flew open, bloodshot and burning with intensity. His grimace had turned into a wicked, toothy smile. Joshua growled and, faster than she could register, he was on her neck, biting visciously.

"But I ..." She could feel panic rising in herself as he fell against her, pleading for something she couldn't give him, something she couldn't even name, feeling her arms bruise beneath the grip of his fingers as he clung to her, dropping them both into the mud beneath them. "I don't know what to -" Yet he gave her no chance to finish. Terror suddenly lanced through her as his eyes snapped open and she saw within them a terrible hunger nothing could sate. He moved faster than she could comprehend, and under his lips all she knew was sudden, searing agony that pierced her throat and drew tears from her eyes, sobbing in pain and distress as he took from her what she had not known she had promised to him.

With great effort, he tore his mouth from her neck and gazed into her eyes. The look of horror she bore was now mirrored in his own eyes. "No, not you. Wasn't supposed to be you!" He shook his head and stared at her, with incredulity. "I'm sorry, so sorry. Not supposed to be you." With abject fear in his eyes, he closed them tightly. That movement brought blackness, stark, utter and seemingly unending. Tiny pinpricks did filter through. Stars, billions of them, began to carpet the sky above. The moon hung fat and bright in the blanket of blue velvet. It shone down on the upturned face of the dark stranger. He had a peaceful smile upon his face as he sat in a patch of grass in an otherwise desert-like plain.

She felt herself floating, cast away from him in the moment of his horror, the pain gone, the gaping wound on her neck healed. She looked down on him from above, sensing the peace in him as he gaze up at the pregnant moon, and with a gentle, sinuous movement, she found herself rolling onto her back in the gentle coolness of the grass on which he sat, her body clad in soft silk that clung and flared with simple elegance. Her hands came to rest on her stomach as she looked up at him, finally finding the courage to ask the question that plagued her, though she did not know where it had come from. "Why does it have to be me?"

"Because she likes you, loves you, I daresay." Joshua smiled as he spoke. "But nothing is ever as it seems." He lowered his gaze from the moon to the ground. "But if you live long enough, everything does turn out the way they seem, and that's the scariest part of all." Plucking a feather from the ground, he turned to her and caressed her cheek with it. "And sometimes, you just have to open your eyes and wake up."

Angel's eyes snapped open, her body arching to sit up in the warm darkness of her bedroom at Royal Oaks, woken for the second time that night by her active dreams. She could feel someone's eyes on her, she knew someone was watching her in that darkness and yet ....she didn't want to break open the secret of who that someone might be. Her hand rose to touch her cheek as she slowly lay back amid the ever more tangled sheets, certain she had felt the caress of that feather in reality, not just in dreams. And as quickly as she had woken, she slipped away once again, gathered close in the warm dark to return to the dreams that were slowly opening her up to some dangerous wonder unknown.

Angel Delaney

Date: 2012-11-10 13:13 EST
The ballroom was brightly lit, the quartet playing a lively reel and the colorfully dressed dancers were lined up and taking turns pairing up. There was laughter, light and as melodic as the quartet itself. Joshua stood at the buffet table, offering her a bite of sweet cake with frosting from his fork. He had a happy smile upon his face and his pale blue eyes danced merrily.

Though the sense of danger still swirled about him, she did not resist the joy of the moment that enveloped them, parting her lips to taste the sweet treat he offered her, giggling as crumbs dropped to decorate the delicately displayed decolletage beneath her chin. Looking into those pale eyes, she felt safe, secure, protected from harm ....looking deeper, she saw the darkness that lurked there, that offered to intoxicate her, corrupt her, release the darkness of her passions from the innocence she held in her soul. A slow shudder went through her body, her skin flushing with a sudden flare of lust as her chest heaved, breathless with desire.

His lips moved, but not a sound emerged. Joshua still smiled, then dipped his head to nibble the crumbs from her decolletage. When his dark head lifted, his eyes were once again bloodshot; the skin around them wrinkled with the pulsing veins beneath. He moved in slow motion, brushing past her to sink his fangs into the neck of a man standing nearby whose only crime was being in Joshua's line of sight.

The emotions ever present - the lust, the fear, the longing - all combining in her to set her heart pounding, flushing her skin hot as before her death was dealt out by her handsome, friendly stranger. And just for a moment, the innocence of her soul broke free, urging her to turn, to run, to become the prey to his predator. Her gloved hands lifted the heavy black brocade of her skirt as she ran from the ballroom, dancers and music fading as the scenery changed once more. This was a hallway, with shadows for doors and seemingly endless. Each painting she passed showed herself with that dangerous stranger, naked, writhing, loving with tenderness or violence, feeding her lustful fears back to her as she ran in seeming slow motion.

And the chase was on. There was a constant tap-slap of footsteps, though his feet never touched the marble floors. His longing for her was palpable in the air, as if he were exuding a thick, oily perfume. The hall began to twist and turn into a maddening zig-zag of walls and brightly painted canvases. Within those paintings, the eyes, then mouths, began to move. A crescendo slowly rose, voice by voice, of jeering laughter. A foggy mist covered their feet as they ran in slow motion through.

The laughter deafened her, heightening her fear, making her cry out in denial of the horror of those jeering voices. She closed her eyes for just a moment, and there was silence. Yet with that silence came the end of the endless hallway, a dead end that caught her, hemmed her in, offered her no place to hide from the enticement of the demon that pursued her. She turned, trembling, pressing herself back into a corner that could barely contain the folds of that elegant gown, her eyes searching for the predator in her dreams.

One, two footsteps sounded behind her, then silence prevailed. Pale blue eyes, hundreds of pairs, seemed to surround her from the walls and ceiling of that dead end. They blinked in unison as they watched her every move. There was a sharp call of a raven and a rustling of wings as the bird took flight, not so far away. Then there were claws upon her shoulders, sharp and pointy, but small and delicately boned as the raven perched upon her shoulder. It c*cked its glossy black head and she reflected in those bottomless shiney black eyes.

So many eyes staring down at her, up at her, everywhere she looked. She felt naked, as though she wore nothing beneath their gaze, as though every part of her was exposed, falling to the ground in a frightened huddle, hugging herself tight against the intrusion of those eyes. The pinprick sharpness of talons on her bare shoulder brought a soft cry of fright from her lips, her head turning toward the bird as it looked at her. "Stop it," she heard herself whisper, her dream threatening to become a nightmare. "Please're frightening me ..."

"All you had to do was ask." The voice floated upon the mist as the scene changed from the dark hallway to a peaceful clearing in a medieval forest. There was a picnic basket laid open with bread, meats, cheeses and wine. The blue and white checked blanket looked like a giant checkerboard upon the emerald green grass. He lay upon the blanket, hands clasped behind his head and eyes closed as he soaked in the sun. His feet were crossed at the ankles. He was dressed in a white robe, quilted thickly from neck to calf. And though he was dressed, it was his turn to be open, naked and vulnerable. "All you ever have to do is ask."

She crouched there, on the edge of the blanket, her elegant black gown once more transformed to something simpler, the white silk dress that clung and flared in delicate folds. "Ask what?" she ventured, feeling the fear subside as the danger seemed to pass through and over her, uncurling to kneel at his side. Her hand hesitantly moved to touch his cheek, marvelling at the marble chill of his skin. "What do you want me to ask you?"

His eyes opened, reflecting the sky above as he gazed into it. "When the time is right, you'll know." Slowly turning his head, his eyes closed once again at the pleasure of her warm touch. "Just don't forget. Please don't forget." It felt good to be touched by the fiery passion of youth again. It was a feeling he had forgotten he had the memory of; it had been so long since he'd felt it.

Something inside her stirred as his cheek turned into her touch, something deeper than lust, stronger than desire, something wholly unfamiliar to her innocent heart. She shifted, slowly stretching out beside him as her fingertips traced his features, revelling in the ethereal softness of a moment so far detached from the violence and passion of the moments before. "Who are you?" she whispered to him, not expecting an answer even as she marvelled at the perfection of the man beside her.

He curled his long, lean body into her, around her. Gentle fingers stroked her hair from her face. He smiled as he spoke. "When the time comes, you won't be scared of me. You have met me; you know my darkness and my light. You will know me before you ever know my name."

Drawn into him, she did not notice the darkening of the sky above, the shift of the blanket beneath them, the way they seemed to sink into the rich copper of crimson blood. All she could see was his eyes, those pale, pale eyes that saw past her facade and into the innocence of her soul, and she knew him, just as he wanted her to. A faint smile touched her lips as her fingers drew a bloody line down his cheek. "But you're just a dream."

His soft expression turned to confusion first, and then acknowledgement dawned in his eyes. "For now," he whispered. Taking her cheek into his palm, he left a crimson print there of his hand. He kissed her lips, softly, gently. It was a chaste kiss, and then he began to drift away from her. "For now," the voice was a little louder, only because it was crossing the crimson chasm between them. His image was growing softer, dissapating into the mist.

For the third time, Angel woke, and this time sunlight was pouring in through the windows that lined one wall of the elegant room here in Royal Oaks. The house was waking up, filling with the sounds of the happy staff about their work, with the sound of the Lady herself singing some dreadful showtune off key as she bounced around her own suite. The young woman stretched, rolling onto her side as though expecting to see her nocturnal visitor lying there beside her, disappointment clouding her expression. So he was just a dream, no matter what he had told her.

She sighed, returning to her back with a strangely peaceful smile, unable to resist tasting her lips with her tongue, just in case. The smile grew into a slow grin as her new role came back to her, that of companion to an hilarious little old lady with more energy and money than sense. Angel pushed herself up out of bed, invigorated by her wild dreams. Today was the start of a new, better lifestyle, she was certain of it. And if she still thought she could feel someone watching her, she put it down to the strangeness of her dreams, hoping to see her dangerous, handsome stranger again the next time she closed her eyes.

((Possibly the most surreal thing we've ever written, but fun, nonetheless! Massive thanks to the player behind Josh!))