Topic: The Day the Music Returned


Date: 2011-01-24 10:00 EST
The Day the Music Returned.

Part 1: Root Attachment

The feelings of the terrified and desperate are strong. So strong in fact, that it could transcend the moment of death ? sending their very souls beyond their terrestrial being into a corporeal reality neither living, nor dead.

It casts them into a pit of perpetual despair, and they have only themselves to blame.

Some just can't let go of their attachments. Be it out of sheer anger, shattering sorrow or pitiful longing....Whatever the reasons, these poor souls choose to wonder and seek their peace in an impossible existence where no one can hear them cry, or see their pleas of recognition.

No one can tell that they even exist. Some say it is merely the trick of the mind, or ones' own imagination gone completely wild.

Some think they can be reborn. Some believe that this is their punishment....But many, simply, do not want to disappear into the light....

So much so, that....They awake.

Her first intake breath scorched through her chest as her whole body heaved upwards, as what little life returned to her cold, shaken body.

Convulsing within a confined space, her hands thrashed and scratched at her surroundings, drawing splinters into her fingers, ripping the odd fingernails from the tip of each digit, as she desperate moved to get out.

Her mouth was gape, sucking in stale, decayed air, hyperventilating and heaving at the lack of oxygen filling her lungs.

She punched, scratched, and tore shards of wood away from the barrier above her so that finally, a flood of thick black sludge burst through, pinning her down and constricting her movements. Yet, despite the impossible weight pushing down upon her, further upwards she borrowed, finding the unnatural strength to battle against the very earth that was swallowing her up.

Being reborn again, her body slowly slithered out of the womb of the earth, upturning the earth as she slowly crawled out of the hole, covered in head to toe in the blood of the ground, staining her hair and her rotten dress a shade of mud.

She blinked slowly, gasping for air as her fingers clawed into her mouth, pulling out clump upon clump of stone and mud, clearing her throat for one large gasp of fresh, crisp clean air.

She touched her own face, as if trying to identify her state of being. Gazing at her legs and arms with wide and perplexed brown eyes, she slowly turned her eyes up towards the moonlit, stone figure before her.

It was the figure of an Angel, whose hair hung over its face, curled around a harp, and below it, laid a bouquet of old, dying flowers propped up against the pyre.

Terrified at the silent guardian looming over her, she moved forward onto her hands and knees. But it was when her eyes met with familiar words behind the dying bouquet, that she suddenly crawled to push her face closer.

Her hand swiped away the flowers, splintering the wilted China roses across the grass. What she read, caused a woeful groan from her dried, parched throat, and then, a full blown scream, as her last moments alive came flooding back to her in a torrent of slipstreaming images.

Chastity Colragen "A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love." ~Stendhal


Date: 2011-01-28 09:59 EST
Part 2: Eyes "Thanks..." She held the mug of hot coffee tightly in her icy cold fingers, hunching over herself so that the towel draped over her shoulders could lock in what little warmth her ragged, rot-eaten dress could barely provide.

Slowly, Cherie sat down at the other side of the dinner table. The kitchen was for the staff. It held a sink, a fridge, a microwave and even a make-up mirror stuffed into the corner for the dancers to touch up their masks before heading back out onto the club's dance floor.

It was a good thing this was closing hours, and that everyone else was gone.

Disbelief enshrouded his face, as he slowly rubbed his hands across his cheeks and over closed lids. But still, he could simply believe, that a dead woman was sitting right across from him. A woman whose grave he had visited many times over the past four years to offer his mournings, along with some of the girls of the Pink Kitten Strip Club who had remembered her as a kind, and gentle soul.

They loved her like family.

"Good, god..." The transvestite hostess removed his large, blonde wig, his make-up all smudged across his face and all over the palms of his delicate hands after an hour of crying. "....I still can't believe you're here, Chastity..." He spoke, as he looked up at her...

And he found himself lost in the two dark pits that had become Chat's eyes.

The longer he stared into those colourless voids, the surer he felt that what was before him, was a affront against God and Nature. Instinctively, a hand lifted to his rosary around his neck, fondling it between thumb and forefinger to soothe his superstitions.

Why were her eyes so black" Her skin so pale....He could not complain. Not really. She was alive and " seemingly well, in all sense and purposes. To find her on the street, just across the road from the club, took him completely by surprise. At first, he thought he saw a ghost....But this" It almost seemed like something out of a fairytale.

Or a horror story.

"....You, don't still recognise me" It's Cherie....I used to be your boss, remember?" Cherie settled back in the chair, but after he found no recognition still, he leant forward again, his hands resting on the table, as he tried to again reach her. "Chatty-baby, don't you remember" You used to work here..."

"....I worked....Here?" She questioned, her parched throat croaking her words, while the coffee was moved to rehydrate her cracked, dry lips. "....I'm sorry, I....I don't remember..." She lowered her head. Her eyelids slid closed after a while. "I just, don't know who you are, and what this place is....I don't know why I came here " I just felt....A direction to walk in..."

Cherie nodded, his hand moving up to rub against his face again, to wipe away fresh tears. "Good lord, who's going to believe me when I tell them you're-"

"T-The grave..." She stumbled to interrupt him, "With my name on it..." She stuttered shyly, silencing herself to gather her thoughts before continuing on, "....D-does it mean, what I....What I think it means" Was I....Was I-"

"Lord have mercy," Cherie moved around the table to embrace Chat, "It's okay girl, you can stay as long as you want. I've got a spare room upstairs for you " we'll find out what happened, and how you came back to us, but, I think this is a miracle, Chat. We need to....Count this blessing, and allow time to heal you..."

The embrace came with a bitter sweet sensation, that caused her own tears to fall. "How did I die?"

Cherie pulled back to place his hands on the woman's cheeks, "Shhh, no, not now....Let's just get you upstairs, for a nice hot bath, then tuck you into bed, and we'll talk in the morning, yeah?"

"Who did it....Why....What did I do to, deserve this" My life..." The black voids wept still, "I want it back....Tell me....Please!" Her grip around the coffee mug tightened.

The heartfelt words caused Cherie to lower his gaze. He could not deny Chat what she wanted. She had a right to know. "There....I don't know much, but, the one who did it, was killed....That's all I know Chat, so please, let's just-"

"Did what? Who did what?"

"Y-You were found in your apartment, it looked like you took an overdose or so we all thought but, someone found out it wasn't suicide " I don't know who it was, but he-"

"How did I die?!" Chastity stood, the chair tipping back and hitting the floor, her hands loosening the grip on the coffee as she threw it against the wall, splashing coffee everywhere and splintering ceramic across the ground.

The black void-eyes no longer were just a singular, eerie colour of black. Two red rings, had appeared there, and they were glowing down to the transvestite, who; without any reason whatsoever, in an uncontrollable terror, had started to claw out his eyes.

Stunned by the self mutilation and terrorizing screams, Chastity stumbled back until she pressed herself tightly against the wall, the red rings set against the back voids, slowly contracting into two tiny dots that, once smaller than a pin-head, had simply faded into black.

The kitchen was silent again.

Leaving the woman who was now crouched down in the corner of the room, staring at the corpse of a man in drag, who, desperate to escape; whatever or whoever it was, had burrowed his fingers deep into his own eyes, and into his brain.

"Who killed me..." She whispered.


Date: 2011-01-29 07:27 EST
Part 3: Re-Animator For one hour straight she cried and screamed at the dead corpse in the middle of the kitchen floor. It was only when that her hysterical fit of confusion and horror end did she finally remove herself from the corner of the room.

Chastity could no longer stay there, and she had to get out of there as quickly as possible before the body was discovered. Fortunately " shamelessly she thought, as she took to running upstairs, and bolting right into the shower room, that Cherie was the only one who knew of her return to life.

Now she was dead to the world again, and, for whatever reason, she preferred it that way.

But the mysterious circumstances behind Cherie's death had left her within a daze, as she stood under the shower, the mud and dirt slipping off of her pale skin as the hot water washed down the naked length of her body.

Why did he suddenly do that' What had terrified him so much that he would bore out his own eyes to stop seeing it"

Slowly, she lowered her head, running her hands through the long length of her dark brown hair, "....He, was afraid of me..." Her eyes closed, and then, slowly, she pushed her fingertips against them, feeling the black eyeball that laid hidden underneath.

What was in her eyes, that could had caused this"

Such questions, was quickly disregarded, as more important matters came to the forefront of her mind. She had to disguise herself.

Once the dirt and mud was cleaned from her body, next she raided the bathroom cupboard, pulling out bleach, dyes and make-up, scattering them across the floor while she; wrapped up in a towel and on hands and knees, started to scour through the array of items, picking out what she deemed to be the most unlike her, in terms of colour and style, and placing it all into one pile.

A determination to escape gripped her heart. She couldn't hang around this place any longer.

First off, she took a pair of scissors to her hair, trimming and styling it frantically, but keeping a tidied, simple neatness to it, so that it could not become too high maintenance.

Next, she bleached her hair white, then, dyed it with a mixture of white and red, creating quite the vibrant pink that, somewhere deep inside of her, made her want to vomit She hated pink.

One full hour, her disguise was nearly complete. Red lipstick, eye-liner, and a touch of blush added to her cheeks to create the illusion that she did not look entirely like a living dead girl. She will have to do something about this skin " but for now, this would have to do.

With a towel wrapped around her, she rushed back down the stairs and into the club, heading straight for the changing rooms beyond the kitchen.

Though that was when she stopped in her tracks, for as she stood bemused at the kitchen door, a renewed panic had started to rise against her chest, as she found herself leaning against the door to help support her weight.

The body of Cherie, was gone. But not without its evidence of as to where....For a bloodied trail, led towards the closed changing room door at the other side of the kitchen.

As if someone had dragged the body away.


Date: 2011-01-30 14:37 EST
Part 3: When There's No More Room In Hell...

Her hand been wrapped around the door handle for quite some time now. Perhaps it had been ten minutes....Maybe longer" But she could not bring herself to enter the changing room.

Who had found the body' Why drag it into the changing room' There must be a medical kit in there " perhaps whoever had discovered Cherie was tending to his wounds....

But what point was there in that"! He was dead when she left him, so surely, someone ought to have called the Watch to report a murder, at the very least.

Murder" No....It wasn't that. It was suicide. Chastity had no part in it...

Chastity pushed lightly forward against the door as she slowly, and carefully turned the handle, wincing as it unlocked itself from the door with only the slightest of clicks. Holding the handle firmly in position, the door was pushed open to become just ajar enough for her to spy inside, utilizing that very small gap to survey the scenery, before opening that door wider still.

It was a small enough room for its purposes. Clothes hung from the walls, all of varying degrees of items, from seductive underwear, to kinky costumes of every type you could possibly imagine.

But there were no blood trails here. There was no one in the room. But she did spot the blonde wig that Cherie wore, discarded carelessly upon the floor, lightly stained with specks of dried, coagulated blood.

"Cherie..." Chastity bent down, picking up the wig, considering the option that maybe....Just maybe...


SLAM! Went changing room door.

Startled by the sudden clamour, Chastity twisted her body to look at the eyeless creature that had quietly hidden behind the door, and had slammed it shut, blocking off her only escape.

She tripped and tumbled back onto her rear, as she backed away from Cherie, who, stained in blood, was shambling towards Chat like the walking dead....Now possessed, with the same abyssal looking eyes as she...

"Y-You're, a-a-alive, Cherie..." Chat was already back to her feet, moving to keep her distance from the man in drag.

"Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!" Cherie's fingers lifted in front of him, searching to grasp out at the prey that was avoiding him. Dragging his high heeled steps painfully slow, as his drooling mouth fell agape, bearing sharpened, elongated fangs that were not present before his supposed death, Cherie continued to relentlessly follow Chat around the room.

As terrified as she was, she had out smarted Cherie by simply moving in circles, quite easily approaching the door now that Cherie was at the other side of the room, and quite far from grasping her.

She grabbed at the door handle, twisted, and found some resistance that was not present before her entrance. Chastity tried again, but again, found herself unable to open the door. "No....No..." She looked over her shoulder, and back at Cherie, who had now stopped in his tracks.

There in his hand, he was grasping a key. A master key that locked almost every single door in the entire building. And, for whatever reason, Cherie was grinning.

"Chaaaaaaatty-baaaaby..." Came a hoarse groan, as the key was lifted up above his head, dangling it before a tilting head and a fanged mouth, that opened wide to receive the key into his throat, which, before Chat's widening eyes, was promptly swallowed.

Frozen for a few seconds, Chat broke out of her daze and turned back to the door, but this time, she started to frantically beat her fists against the wood. And when that didn't work, she started to ram her shoulder as she pulled against the door handle, hoping that the rusty old hinges would give way before the lock would.

It did not.

Every time she looked back at Cherie, he appeared to be taking his time, as step by step, he drew closer the more hysteric she got.

She broke out into a full blown scream, as she started kicking at the door with a bare foot, finally noticing the cracks that were forming in the wood, just where the hinges were located. It was working. If she could get a good enough of a run up " she thought, she could probably break out with a good shoulder-charge. But in this room, she would hardly build up enough momentum to carry her own through the door, and into the kitchen...

A hand, grasped at her shoulder, and quickly she spun around, swiping it away while another hand moved to grasp out at her neck. To avoid being choked, Chastity threw herself to the ground, only having her towel that was wrapped around her, torn from her body instead, rather than her throat.

Again, she scrambled back to her feet, moving to the other side of the room.

But something wasn't quite right. Cherie's movements were becoming....Almost normal. Almost human.

"Chatty, don't be scareeeeeed..."

Even his voice....It was like he had learnt to speak again. No longer was he just making incoherent groaning noises...

She shook her head at the man, "You killed yourself! I-I saw you, Cherie, you should be dead!"

"What....About you, Chatty-baby' Shouldn't you be dead, too..." His smile was twisted, and vile. It was nothing like Cherie at all. He would never harm a fly, so why would he-

"I'm just hungry, that's all, Chatty....Come here..." His mouth opened inhumanly wide, and drool rolled out as the fangs, grew to an impossible needle-like length.

Continuing with her perimeter around the room, avoiding the man-turned-beast the best she could, her foot had touched something and for whatever reason, she felt at ease. She stopped moving away from Cherie. Her body relaxed " even her tears had stopped. Even the faint trickle that had flowed down her leg had suddenly ceased.

Chat turned her head down and looked at the familiar, spiky shape hidden under a black velvet drape. For whatever reason, she just knew what it was. And just what to do with it.

Black eyes narrowed, as the fight or flight desire rushed through her veins. There was no flight from this situation, so there was only really one option left to her.

Darting forward, she ran right into Cherie's rejuvenated body, and with a strength she never knew she even had, sent the much large man down onto his back.

It was not a moment sooner that he hit the ground, that he had started to lean back up, scowling as he did so. "....Your blood sings to me, Chatty! I can hear its beautiful music! It's asking me to share its blessings! Can't you see what you've become"! It's-" His black eyes widened, as Chastity stood before him, holding what appeared to be a very pink and spiky-looking bass guitar, much like a baseball bat.

"W-Wait! What are....What are you doing" D-Don't you see we're one and the same" You - and I too, came back to life! Somehow, you made me into this " don't you see, Chatty' Somehow, we've avoided death! We're something new....We're joined as one " I can hear your thoughts, and you, you can mine, too! We're alive, but I can hear your blood sing " I can feel something telling me that, with the days to come, more power will open up to us....This is, the best thing that has ever happened to me!"

His words, seemed to have had reached her.

Slowly, he moved to lean up fully, moving up his hands up to shield from any sudden strikes that she may suddenly deliver. "....We can discover, what we've become, together....You don't have to be alone, any more..."

"You hear it, too?" Chastity whispered. "You can hear the music?"

"Yes....It tells us to go there. The music will lead us " you, will lead us....It led you here. It told you to change me....Don't you see" The music, is guiding us..."

Her grasp on the guitar wavered.

"We shall share this gift, with the others..." Cherie's grin widened, the abyssal black eyes, forming two red rings, glowing with intensity the louder his laughter grew.

The laughter was silenced, abruptly.

The sheer force of the guitar being swiped against his temple, split open his skull and spilt out the black, pinkish-red and blue gore that was Cherie's brain matter all across the floor, and up against the wall.

"....You've been axed from the band," She muttered, as Cherie's corpse went into a, final " true " death spasm, and fell silent mere seconds afterwards. "Bitch."

Chastity's black-pitted eyes, with their own glowing red irises fell into a sinister, and hungry gaze, as she observed her handy work splattered all over the ground and wall. But something inside of her, felt no pity. In fact, something inside of her enjoyed the act of killing something that was already dead.

For whatever reason, her body moved forward out of a sudden pulse she could not control. She dropped to her knees before the shattered head of her former employer, and found her drool filled fanged-mouth opening, before pushed her face into the gore, and started to feast.


Date: 2011-02-14 07:33 EST
Part 4: The Impossible Thing (Encore)

Even when the girls came knocking on the door evening after evening, their manager - who had lived there since the Strip club's conception, simply did not answer to unlock the doors for them. They had considered breaking in to make sure that the manager was fine, but, how could they resist a once in a lifetime night-off from undressing their selves in front of perverted-eyed old men and petty lowlifes.

They were in no rush to discover the truth.

The several times they came over the past week, she watched them leave from the upstairs window, peering between the cracks of the pink curtains that was the former manager's bedroom, her tongue slowly moving about the itching fangs that had refused to recede back into her gums since her first meal.

Mascara long since dried struck curved lines down her cheeks. They were the scars of her tears. Of regret and despair; and even now, with her hand covering her mouth, she wretched drily to the memories of her fingers sinking into that cracked-human eggshell, pulling out that disgustingly soft, delicious pulp right into her eagerly waiting mouth.

Her dark eyes stared at the women and until they had left her sight....Begging them to return and to feed this new lust that pounded away at her chest.

It left her breathless, and weak when she thought about it " and riled her up into a moaning frenzy whenever she remembered just how nice the manager had tasted. Her thoughts had started to twist, and even her smile, as she thought just how delicious those women would be.

Especially the prettier one...

"No," She curled her fingers into her long, pink hair, "....Stop! Stop thinking about it!" Chat dropped down, and curled upon the cushioned floor, drawing her legs up to her chest, and burying her face into her knees, hoping she could hide from herself.

But the music " it won't stop! Skipping and turning with its freakishly music box-like drone. Constantly bringing her back and drawing her into the madness of suggestions being whispered to her by the ghastly melody.

The music wanted her to feed.

"I can't....Humans don't eat people like that."

The music wouldn't let up. It drew her attention to the closed bedroom door.

She clenched her eyes shut, trying to ignore the quickening pace of the music drowning out even her own voice. "What are you? Did you bring me back" Why; why did I deserve, to be..."

The music became gentle.

"Are you..." Chat opened her eyes, staring into the ceiling, "God?" She never did believe in such things. But....Now"

"What do you want of me....What is it you-I....To live....I understand..." She slowly unravelled herself, and moved to kneel upon the ground. She drew her abyssal eyes upwards, while the hidden red ringed irises glowed through the darkness.

"....I have nothing to believe in any more," she drew her palms together, assuming the prayer position. "You may just be....Music in my head, but, please, if you can show me a sign that you're not just....Some madness, then, give me something, so that I can believe..."

The music stopped.

"....Hello?" She called out to the silence, her terrifying red ringed gaze turning left and right. "Please, do not abandon me! I, I need to know if you are real!" She stood up suddenly, turning around upon the spot " desperately searching to find the music that had guided her thus far.

Even when the music returned. But this time, in a chilling chorus of dying moans from behind the window, that she turned and threw open the curtains.

Her mysterious music gave her the sign she needed to believe.

A vision.

A maddened place where twisting, fleshy spires swayed and curled towards a sky of multicoloured stars, where the ground was nothing but a shimmering lake of mercury, and the shadowy inhabitants shambled aimlessly atop of its ripping waters.

Slowly, she stepped back from the window, her hands curling to claw into her cheeks, as she the vision morphed and mutated into a face so terrifying, that her scream could not slither out.

Instead, she laughed at the impossible thing.


Date: 2011-03-30 20:02 EST
(WARNING, the following scene contains adult-like themes so don't complain if you're offended by it. Don't read if you're very easily offended. Thank you.)

Part 5: Serena

Serenity Joy moved through the streets holding her bag of groceries close to her chest. She was a beautiful girl, with long flowing blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and an enchanting smile.

Dressed in a plain white dress that did not draw too much attention, and a demeanour that barely brought the recognition of most men she passed by, Serenity had always preferred the peaceful life. Never drawing attention to herself. Never creating any kind of situation that would hinder anything or anyone around her.

She lived at the West End, in one of the more poorer districts, working as a stall-girl at one of the merchant shops at the Marketplace for a pretty pathetic amount of penny per day.

Money meant nothing to her. Only helping those that visited her stall with a gleeful smile and the greatest of calming tones she could ever muster.

Day by day, it weathered her down. She never allowed it to show itself. She would never let any one see the beastly thing at night, locked in the security of her own bedroom.

Her room was a diabolic mess of broken furniture, and a mattress with dishelved bedclothes, and two entwined, writhing bodies.

Serenity Joy, had closed her eyes, and held close the wildly rocking body of the naked man on top of her. His pants into her ear, and his fingers grasped into her hair, had left her an emotionless husk, staring silently at the ceiling as barely a single breath past her lips of the sinful fornication of prostitution she had gotten herself into.

Despite the man's effort, he did not sate his needs. Instead, he withdrew, dressed himself, threw half of what was owed, and started to rant at her.

She took it all. All of the abusive comments " all of the hatred he screamed. Yelling she was the worst lay he had ever had. Laughing at her, despite how beautiful she was. Calling her names, telling her that she was an ugly, disgusting whore....

A woman that felt nothing.

A woman with nothing but her lies.

A woman that can only open her legs.

And he was right...

She apologized, and hung her head.

Serenity Joy, had agreed with him, and offered to give him back half of the money for his 'inconvenience.' She even went as far as to referring him to some of the more active girls of her trade.

He called her a crazy bitch.

She simply apologized.

The moment that man had left her alone in that small studio bedsit, was when she broke down into tears, and then flew into an uncontrollable rage.

Cursing and hissing, she stood, kicking the shards of a chair long since smashed into two pieces, before tossing it across the room to make contact with a cupboard with one half of the set of doors already hanging off.

Then, Serenity broke down " her fuel extinguished. Her rage sated, she slowly fell back onto the mattress, her fingernails curling into her hair as her knees drew up to her chest. That was when she had started to question herself.

That was when there was a knock on the door.

Her voice fell into silence, and her quivering had ceased.

Another customer"

She could not say no to the coin, and slowly, she gathered up what little money was left after her last client had departed, and placed them all into a jar with what little currency was contained there.

Slipping into a gown, forgetting the fact that her mascara had lined her cheeks. With her ruined make-up, she slowly opened the door.

"Yes?" Serenity whispered beyond the crack in the doorway out into the cold of the night.

"May I come in?"

A seductive voice replied, that sizzled Serenity's skin, bringing goosebumps to crawl and for her body to gasp in such a way, that she almost found herself wet with mere anticipation.

"....I'm sorry, I, I....I'm closed for the night....I'm tired. Perhaps, tomorrow you would return " if you would, I, I'll cut my service charge, for the inconvenience..." Serenity smiled sweetly, despite her cheeks glittered with tears in the moonlight that spilled onto her face.

The feminine shadow in front of her sighed gently, as if disappointed.

Despite how much Serenity squinted at that shrouded face, she could not see the person's eyes.

"Ah..." Serenity realised it was a woman, and not a man. She blushed heavily, stammering embarrassedly "I....I take men, I'm sorry....I'm sorry....Same sex isn't something I....Maybe I could refer you to some of the others" Gilly is more of your-"

Serenity shrank back in horror at the red rings glowing down at her. The woman's eyes! They were...!

She could not tare herself away from them. That gaze was burying deep into her skull, and all she knew was she had to get away.

Serenity's heart raced, as her hands flew to her chest, pressing tightly to the palpitations that left her gasping for air. Stumbling back into her room, the door slowly slipped open, allowing the red-ring eyed beast to enter into her home.

Down she fell, paralysed through fear as the woman lunged forward.

A set of fangs plunged down into her neck, and ripped back, taking with it a chunk of her own flesh. Her scream had become a bloodied gargle, as she watched her own flesh dangle from a grinning, wicked smile.

The room before her was sprayed by her own blood.

Softly " but gently, a musical tune had begun to play in her ears.

And for the first time in her life.

She felt alive.