Topic: The Dragon's Cove


Date: 2008-06-05 23:05 EST
Damon sighed and settled back on the deck of his small seagoing vessel, the Dragon's Treasure, looking out over the cove and the transformation that several weeks of effort and expense had wrought.

When he'd originally found this cove, it was in unclaimed land roughly twenty miles south of Rhydin City. Pearl-white cliffs hid the gap in the shoreline which lead into the circular cove itself. Perhaps a metorite impact centuries ago had created this place, or perhaps some kind of weapon impact. Either way, the cove certainly resembled an impact crater.

Beautiful salt and pepper shaded sands formed a beach at the edge of the warm waters, and the mixture of jungle and rain forest plantlife stopped a good three hundred feet from the shore.

Now after purchasing the entire cove and the land for five miles around, there were several new additions to the site. At the cliff entrance, Damon had installed hidden, automated defense posts in case anyone tried to bring trouble to his hideaway. At the shore a large dock had been constructed, and both Damon's ocean ship, the Dragon's Treasure, and his starship, the Dragon's Fprtune were now berthed.

A wooden walkway extended across the sand from the dock and led up to a large estate complex formed of five buildings. Two were private townhouses, and the other three contained the various common facilities. Jamie and Damon shared one of the townhouses, while Damon had invited Jade and her family to stay in the other. Even now Damon could see Jade's child runnning across the beach down to the water's edge.

Smiling slightly at the scene, and thinking about what his own child would grow up like. He had not expected to become a parent anytime soon, but perhaps it was finally time. Ah well, the future would come and happen no matter one did or prepared for. Often that future was very different from what had been planned for, so there was little reason to worry about what had yet to come.

Damon smiled again and shrugged. His new home was ready at last, and it was time to get back down to the cooking pit set up on the beach to get dinner ready...