Topic: The Dynesian Saga- Cloaked One's Book

Cloaked One

Date: 2006-09-18 00:59 EST
The man's thoughts were scarred and callous. What...the hell...had become of him' Memories span decades, but oh-so-blurred. Things just weren't supposed to turn out this way...he was supposed to live, and then die, and that was it. A certain...incident...with a certain undead queen...had left himself dead...or, undead, rather. Still unsure as to how to handle it, after leaving her lair...he just kept going. He walked the streets, that hooded cloak blanketting his entire being. His boots produced a symphony of dull sounds against the cobblestone path. A nod was given to those who passed by, a word to those who asked of him, but nothing beyond that. He was lost, confused, and his outlook on life itself questioned...and all in that first cold breath he'd taken when those damned brown-tainted-grey eyes opened again...when they shouldn't have.

He should be dead.

What bothered him the most, oddly enough, was his book. It was the journal that his grandfather Menithes had started...his father Marcus had added to...and even Raevan and Aiden had began to scribble into...the two men that both resided within this walking, talking, spirited, stalking dead body...and he could no longer even remember most of it. After a dozen readings...he could have recited the better part of it before this...and now, he'd have to read it again. Oh, the irony...a book about the quirks of life, and since his had been taken, the knowledge had vanished...

He felt different. Many of the same feelings and thoughts and loves and hates, oh yes...but he felt different...his body was cold, but still, he shivered. His mind was blurred, but at most times, he could claim some sort of opaque clarity in his thoughts. He now had two arms, and a dozen more unseen...he could see...SEE...from a mere shadow... and all because of that one...cold...breath...

Coming to the end of this particular seemingly ten-mile path, he simply took a seat upon a low, flat-ish rock...that cloak draping all around the sides and rear of himself and his new perch. His book produced from the folds, he opens up to the very first page...blank. The next page, a few scribbled words in some elf dialect...nothing important, sure enough. The page after, a few notes on a make-shift family tree, with the the"Alexandyr" at the top, then Menithes, then Marcus, all in the same writing. A new penmanship has "Aiden" written below that, then "Raevan" in a third...a pen produced from the cloak now, and after a few moments of staring blankly into that page, a name is written at the bottom of that list...his own name...simply "Xandyr".

Now, that pen replaced to the darkness of a dead man's cloak, he flips the aged paper to view the next...the first entry.

~{Alexandyr, October the 14th}~ Menithes, it's been over a year since I found you that fateful night along the coast...You've always told me that you don't want to be forgotten by your people. This, I can understand...which is one of the few things I've been ABLE to understand about you...but I still feel as though you're a part of my family...with no family to speak of, I'm honoured that you've taken my name as your surname. With my time coming to an end, I give you scribe your write yourself into the memories of those to come. This is as much a gift to myself as to you...because in your blood remembering you, I am remembered in turn. To a gracious road, Menithes... His hood raises ever so slightly as his gaze shifts over his surroundings. Noone is around...not a sound save for the infrequent call of a bird, or the the hood dips once more, a dull swish signals the turning to the next page...

~{Menithes, July the 28th}~ It's been a month or so since Saive Alexandyr's passing...the nexus, surely, as taken him somewhere kinder than this damned land. Dynesia...while more sane, more stable than the realm of Rhy'Din was, is not without an irony in the fact that the elven clan who'd saved my life upon my accidental arrival is now waging bloody war on this new human "threat". After they'd finally moved out of the valley where Saive's cottage is, I returned...they'd taken his body by that I looked...and to my amazement, here is this journal...and even an entry seems he knew his life was nearing it's cold end. I never realized the elf-the man-who treated me and took me in...thought so much of me. Saive will not be forgotten, my friend...unfortunately, either your people or my own will be with you on the other side of the nexus soon enough...One people must conquer, or assimilate, for peace to thrive...and this is life's final lesson. To a gracious road, my friend.

The book slapped closed...not in anger, not at all. His face, if seen, would seem as calm and unphased as a man who had woken up a mere instant before his viewing. He stood, cloak sweeping behind him as he passes back onto that cobbled path he'd walked to this end, book still in hand. His head was focused, now...all that bounced in his mind was the idea that this book he'd based his principles of life on...begins with death...just as his current existance does. And again, he walked...listening to the symphony of stone under his footfalls.

Cloaked One

Date: 2006-09-18 13:16 EST
After aimlessly pacing forward for some time, his arm pressed out in front of him and he again looked toward that book. After a cold exhale, he glances around himself...noone about. A few buildings around, an alley to his left, a pair of benches to his right...where WAS he" A shake of the head, didn't matter...he moved to seat himself on the farther of the two wooden benches. Again, his gaze refocuses on the book, and again, the book is split open...he flips past the previously read entry and settles a bit farther back into the deceptively comfortable bench.

~{August the 17th, Menithes Alexandyr}~ There are less than a dozen men left from the ships that were thrown upon Dynesia's shores so long ago...we've found refuge since Saive's cottage was burnt to the ground. One small vessel was stolen from an elven fisherman this week, we've decided upon Thayn, Karrak and Beldan leaving for Rhy'Din...they're in the best health, that they don't have family if the worst happens to them. They launch in the morning, while still dark. If all goes well, in a few weeks, troops and a few civilians to begin a village, will arrive. My wife and son are to be on the first civilian ship here...though that can only happen once we're in a position to defend the village. It has been just over a year since Saive's death...and still, I miss him. Things have been difficult since his passing, but of course he still lives. His name lives in my name...his soul in the air...and I suppose I believe that, in some way, he's reading these words. Living a life of exploration and conquest in the name of a people...most men consider me not exactly the wisest...but they live behind my protection. They're wise upon the lands that men like myself have killed and died to set foot on. There are wise men, and there are good men, but being one does not make you the other...and that is life's final lesson.

He hesitated at that..."life's final lesson". That was the same phrase used in the July 28th entry, wasn't it' The page was flipped backward, and the entry reread. Yes...the same phrase. So life has two final lessons, hmm' It did seem indeed that Menithes wasn't the wisest of men... Not that Xandyr the Blacksmith...the cloaked one...has been doing much better lately. His mind was clearing, surroundings making more sense throughout the day. Still, every time he was near a shadow, it would become a new pair of eyes, and his head would spin. Surely these things he would warm up to, but for now...a painful annoyance. His hood swung a bit as his eyes bounced across the scene, still noone around. Unsure of what he could possibly be waiting for, he flips the book forward again to the next unread page...

~{October the 1st, Menithes Alexandyr}~ Our hope is restored! Our fellow men landed late last evening...enough to fight and win a war against twice as many as we confident they were, the civilians are expected in a day's time. Chreshia and our son will be a blessed sight for these eyes. Now...we build a town, we fight the elves, and take Dynesia...and finally...a place to be called home. I suppose it's best that the families are brought right away. With the men of our township here, who's left to defend the women and children in Rhy'Din" Besides, this should keep some of the burden off the and all. I'm beginning to think that this will work out for my people after all...of course, it wasn't the people I've been waiting for at all, it's the time. Waiting for a person is crazy...if they were sailing earlier, the storm could have battered their ships like our own. It's all the timing...and mostly, the nexus sorts that for us.

...and then that page gives way to the next...

~{December the 20th, Menithes Alexandyr}~ Things are going splendidly. The elven lines are in retreat, a few buildings are already standing, and people are living their lives in this new home of ours. It's been quite a while since I've left the warring, but I've received no discontent messages from my wife, or another else for that matter. If things stay like this, I'll have a few days to return to the village next week before we go back on the offensive. Dynesia, soon, will be ours to mold.

The book is slowly patted closed. It seems that Menithes had a bit of a hand in Dynesia's human beginnings...and this was a relative of the undead blacksmith on this bench. How ironic that a man would escape a realm and assist in the forming of a new province...only to have his son's son battered existance continue in the realm that Menithes had escaped from in the first place...perhaps his entire bloodline had been a bit...unwise. Xandyr's eyes close heavily...things had been getting dark without himself even realizing it. Still, he can feel the forming shadows...and without even opening those brown and grey eyes, he looks around himself, the surrounding area dances through his mind...noone, is there? He couldn't tired. Again, settling deeper into that bench, he simply lets himself relax as far as possible and allows the darkness of slumber to overtake him right there on the side of this public, cobbled path.

Cloaked One

Date: 2006-09-20 11:11 EST
His eyes burst open, without so much as a thought, the cloaked man is shot to his feet and that hood is flung around furiously, arms risen to cradle his head. The visions of the scythe that ended his life swings through his mind, reflections of the world around him, his family, everything all at the same time. After a moment, he lets out a slow exhale...he's on his knees" His head straightens out a bit and he rises, composing himself in the fashion of patting down his cloak, readjusting that hood, and- his gaze catches the book lying on the ground. He reaches down to grasp it, pulling it directly into his chest, and turns back to the bench...why not...his schedule wasn't exactly packed. He moves his arms and legs...and especially that neck....about for a few minutes, stretching as conspicuously as possible after that seems that after being in the same position for a few hours, the undead get...stiff...pardon the pun. A long, slow, completely unfreshing sigh erupts as he sits again upon that bench, cracking open that book again. Something interested him in this journal...perhaps just the mere fact that he wanted to remember...but it kept him reading. After a moment, he came back to his place and trailed his eyes over the next entry...

~{January the 6th, Menithes Alexandyr}~ Our first village, they've named Beldan, after the only man to survive the trip back to Rhydin to call out the rest of the vessels. Thayn and Karrak will be remembered, and are the names of the next two building sites to be constructed. Tonight is my first, and last, night at home in the village of Beldan for a seems the elves are more numerous than originally thought. Our men in the north have lost their commander, and I'm to lead them in their defense. My leaving of Beldan will be more of a strain than I'd like...My wife, Chreshia, has become ill. I've never seen anything quite like it...but surely, things will work out for the best. Marcus is still with her, and while only a mere 9 years old, he is my son, and I know he will help her with her chores. All will be well...and by the time Chreshia is healthy again, I know she will have a proper land to live in. Only if I go take it, of course. Life's final lesson is...if you cannot take it, then it'll never be yours unless given to you...and we've never been given land to live on.

Again..."life's final lesson" many "final lessons" could there be? His legs stretch out in front of the bench...whatever. Probably just an expression...he flips the page and drops the hood back away from his face, his greying skin finally coming forth, neck still heavily stitched the entire way across the front. His eyes begin to bounce over the words before him...

~{February the 3rd, Menithes Alexandyr}~ It had been near a week since Chreshia's passing...I can only hope that our son isn't permanantly silent. Marcus hasn't said a word since she first got sick...I swear on my life, I saw the boy sneeze without so much as a sound the day I had time to return to their home. Their home is the battlefield the past month. I don't know what drives these elven aggressors...whether it be us entering the province at all, or the clearing of a few acres of woodland...but we're the only human inhabitants as of now and these elves are quite unlike any I've ever come across before. My contingent fights mercilessly, we're feared across half the province. All who oppose this new human Dynesia live only to meet sword or hammer, scream, and burn. Of all I've learned, this is life's final lesson....All men have a destiny, and some are much darker than must live to embrace it.

And with that the book is closed softly. He speaks lowly to himself, "His wife has died, his son...alone...and still, he knows war" Menithes seems more and more this the blood that runs in my veins?" and a disappointed sigh, eyes closing, " my veins?" His chest seems heavy as he stands, his steps...awkward. His torment seems to come in bouts, never constant, but always present. The cascade of flowing cloak trails his movement down the path and after a short time, he come to his senses and reaffirms the hood overhead once more. He begins walking toward...forward. He knew not where to go now...where should he consider home" In any case, he walks forward listening to the stones shift underfoot.

Cloaked One

Date: 2007-02-14 21:55 EST
The hammer falls, striking the heated metal with such force as to hurl sparks feet away. This wasn't the first or last hammerblow to forge this sword, and this sword, it shall do it's own share of rising and falling.

It had been months. Months of wandering, wondering, reading, and retreating...but he returned. His mind always mingled with the ongoings of his Queen...his feared, loved, hated, terrible, awful, wonderful Queen...and he came back to her. And now...again...he dabbles in blacksmithing because of it.

His cloak, while the same material exists beneath it, is now coated in the thousand or so tiny scales of plate steel that will protect him in protecting his Queen. The scales, blackened and then blued, shimmer only faintly, and still flow somewhat fluidly around him. Now, of course, he needed only a weapon.

And again, the hammer falls, the sparks fly, and he prevails over another imperfection of steel. Smithing always had soothed Aiden, and strangely enough, it soothes him now, as well. The sword raised, he gives it one more look over...

The blade is wide and thick, with decadent swordbreaker ripples cut inward. The hilt and guard, both somewhat plain, yet the guard was etched with the word "Xandyr" on the topside. This would be his weapon, his salvation. It was the first sword he'd ever made for himself, always preferring the staff or scythe...but with this sword...he knew he could cleave a man in two.

Placed upon a rack for cooling, he turns, looking now at the book set upon a shelf in Aiden's old home. Now near-destroyed, he only comes here to smith, and even then, infrequently. The book, he'd read at least three times the whole way refit some sort of humanity inside this inhuman existance...understanding of the unexplainable. Realizing that learning never ends, that you never really understand. You don't get it. You haven't won. It's not over. Death, taxes, and irony. You are not done learning, so look around.

And life's final lesson. Menithes wasn't such a fool after all.

Reaffirming his tie with Renna, he now simply waits for her word to come...he's to lead a barbarian force into battle...and he'd told Liena that he'd take great care...he was not planning on letting her, or the Queen, down. There would be a surprise or two, he knew it...and so, he must have something of his own, and he takes up another piece of readied metal and places it into the heating flame.