Topic: The Eye of Usura


Date: 2013-07-12 12:48 EST
Rustbeard's Tavern sat near a crossroads two miles outside of the RhyDin city walls. It was a large tavern with large stables and plenty of room for the many travelers who did not quite make it to the city walls by nightfall, or the many who preferred to do their business in RhyDin by day and keep a healthy distance from it at night. The sign hanging over the front door announced its name in Dwarven runes, translated into Common in fading gold lettering underneath.

The tavern was not on the crossroads, which was unusual. Instead the proprietor, when he had built the establishment, seemed happier not to disturb the clusters of black standing stones that the road's builders had disturbed. Each stone was marked with ancient runes, alien in their strange use of geometric shapes. People would still pass through, and stay at the tavern, but no one lingered at the crossroads.

It struck Noira as an ideal meeting spot, early in the morning while mist still rolled over the surrounding green hills. She sat on her backpack, waiting for the others to show while she drew runes of her own in the dirt with a stick. She'd sent out an invitation to the party from the Stone Emperor's Tomb, as well as their prospective new employers: it remained to be seen who would show, and how this meeting would turn out.


Date: 2013-07-14 10:11 EST
Gem knew the spot that Noira had called on them to meet at. She wasn't quite sure, though, if they were meeting at the crossroads itself or the tavern. The beast under her cavorted and pranced, the blue roan seeming to feel her mind wasn't on the business at hand. He was right, and she realized it. "Alright, Rath"elg, alright. I'm paying attention." Scanning around the beginnings of countryside, having left the environs of Rhydin, the thief used her Elven senses to listen, see, and even smell around her. It was a fine morning. Nothing disturbed her ride.

As she approached the crossroads she could see the standing stones. They always gave her a chill when she had to pass them, even when she didn't use the road itself. The thief's searching gaze took in the sitting figure of the other elfess, and she smiled. Her growing liking of Noira was like a pleasant voyage. She rather hoped it would be a long journey.

Pulling up beside the woman, though not so close as to allow the restive gelding under her to threaten harm with his hooves, she grinned down at her. "Greetings to you, lass. I'm come for the meeting." Having announced it quite needlessly, Gem chuckled and then slid off her horse. An ostler came forward from the stables attached to the inn and she handed over her horse with instructions to care well for him. A silver crown was given as well, to ensure the proper treatment.

Having gotten food and drink for her horse, she felt it was perhaps time for the same for herself and Noira. "Let's go inside. The others, if they show, can figure out where we are, surely. I could use a good Dwarven stout. They make a particularly fine one here.?


Date: 2013-07-15 07:57 EST
Noira smiled at Gemethyst's approach, squinting at the first rays of sunlight breaking through the cloudy horizon. "Good morning....and not just yet," she added, shaking her head and turning her gaze to the tavern in question.

"I don't think our employer would like the attention. I picked this spot because people don't like these stones....They're a little strange," she admitted with a glance at them, "but their enchantments are long gone, diminished to traces now. But I wanted it to be open enough that if they tried anything..."

She shrugged, her eyes falling to the runes she traced in the dirt. "They won't. It would be rather stupid, and I've been rather stupid taking this job and then being squeamish about it....But I'm still not used to choosing my own dangers, nor picking them for others."

She shook her head again to dismiss her ramblings, and mustered another smile for Gem. "As soon as this is done, Rustbeard's famous breakfast and stout are on me. Promise."


Date: 2013-07-15 22:09 EST
Early morning starts were nothing unusual for Mesteno. A day rarely passed where he hadn't beat the sun in rising, and this one was no exception. Having received word from Noira about another job, and fully aware that Gem was likewise enlisted, staying at home simply hadn't been an option.

Rustbeard's place was unknown to him, though it hadn't been hard to find by sticking to the right road leaving town. Unsure of the amenities, he'd set out to attend the meeting on foot, and appeared in the distance a blade-slim figure, angular outlines made amorphous and wavering thanks to the clinging mists yet to dissolve under the sun's strengthening heat.

Distantly, he could see the shapes of the early arrivals by the standing stones, and unsurprisingly, it was the ancient monoliths that intrigued him more than comely, feminine figures of the elven women. He'd unrepentantly confess to having an appetite for mysteries, a fact any of his close friends would attest to after weathering his twenty-questions style interrogations. It made him a predictably reliable candidate for the kind of work Noira involved herself in.

Evidently, he had no superstitious caution to stall him when it came to approaching the ancient constructs set apart from the tavern. Instead he prowled straight to the most directly accessible stone to walk a circle about it, neck craned to peer all the way up to the top, should they be of Stonehenge type proportions!

"Salvete," he greeted the vertically challenged pair, before tipping eyes a perfect match to that dawn-gold sun their way. "Just the three of us" Don't tell me you just wanted to get me out here alone?? Mock disapproval and a healthy dose of good humour brightening his soft-spoken drawl.


Date: 2013-07-16 17:07 EST
The beast was too large to be a mirage even if the distance and the heat manipulated its shape. It moved much like a pacified dog might even if the swelter of the humidity of this land had all three of it's heads panting. The rider a top its back didn't seem to acknowledge much of the summers blaring warmth, told by the heavy cloak that wrinkled and creased with each step the oddity took. Upon arrival, and closer inspection, the chimera type of creaturee could be studied; its bulk was muscle, fur, and scales, and its heads were wolf-like.

Akali tugged gently on the reins to steady the interesting mount, even if all six of its bat ears honed in on the trio of unfamiliars. Just as it was a new sight to these beings, they were also watched with three sets of curious eyes. Just as Akali's focus was a melted mirror of silver and smoke, so was the beasts. The saddle she was settled on creaked with a moan when she leaned some to acknowledge Ilinoira and Gemethyst, lingering only slightly on the unknown male.

"We are surprised to see you have shown, Ilinoira, and we are happy that you have decided not to forget about our quest.", she spoke behind the sharp bone and stone mask that hid a majority of her features. Those echoes were prominent around the core of a tone that was feminine yet sagacious. She made no move to pull the hood down and let her face wade in the thin shallows of the shadow it offered.

"We have not met this one.", the Riven spoke to Mesteno, now, and dipped her waist as much as her posture would allow in her throne a top the predatorial looking beast. "We are Akali, the Sanguine. You will be venturing with Ilinoira and Gemethyst?" Double checking to make sure his ears were in need of the information she had come to gift to Noira and Gem.

The three heads of the animal lowered some to sniff at the ground before lurching its necks to the risen stones.


Date: 2013-07-18 08:24 EST
Noira's smile grew steadier as the first mirage on the horizon materialized into the necromancer. "Out here alone, with you?" she repeated skeptically. "Trust me, Mesteno, we're more than you could ever handle," she teased right back. She was glad he had come, and while the relief and thanks were not spoken aloud, he and Gemethyst could read it in the softening of her features.

Then the second mirage arrived, the beast and its rider. In Noira's eyes both were equally strange, and Akali received as much of her attention as did the chimera. She lifted her chin at the greeting, some traces of her former smile returning, responding to the challenge with a steady pride. "For four thousand silver crowns apiece, there is no reason to be surprised." Naturally, the marbled stone pendant secured within her tunic helped her confidence.

"This is Mesteno. He was with us at Shidra-Ling, and I have absolute confidence in his skills....which is why he will be coming with us. There is another, Bjorn..." Her eyes sought Gemethyst and Mesteno, then returned to Akali. "...whom you may have spoken to already? He has shown an interest, and is strong and capable....though a clumsy dancer," she added with a small twist of her lips for Gem.

Belle Cane

Date: 2013-07-20 19:04 EST
deleted, posted by mistake.


Date: 2013-07-20 19:05 EST
Gem lit up as soon as she saw Mesteno, as she always did when in view of the Sadist. Her grin was an engaging and crooked thing, as she listened to the banter between the two. Once the beast and Akali hove into view, her grin died away as she took in such a creature for the first time. He looked...very capable of devouring one small thief. Easily, at that. Finally lifting her gaze to the masked woman, she gave a quiet nod to her, again, happy to let Noira answer the newest arrival.

When talk moved to Mesteno's capabilities and then Bjorn's, she nodded her head to verify the man's ability to aid them in their quest. A gurgle of laughter spilled from the thief at the jibe to the big blonde man's dancing. "His nose..oh, Gods, his nose! " Pardon her, she is cracking up now.


Date: 2013-07-23 15:29 EST
"I'd prove you wrong," he countered Noira with a rakish waggle of brows, "but I wouldn't want to leave you scandalised."

The banter abated when the eyes of the women diverted to the wavering shape of Akali upon her mount, and he squinted narrowly, attention hawkish as he considered the Cerberus-like creature their fourth party member seemed to have mastered. Impressive, for he couldn't imagine any creature of carnivorous nature was easy to make rideable.

He stayed quiet while the Sanguine introduced herself, and likewise when Noira offered her his name, though there was a singular arching of brow at the "we" the stranger used to refer to herself. It seemed a little rude to ask her whether it was a "royal" we, or because she was some kind of possessed symbiote. Who was to know, with all the variety Rhy"Din had to offer" His study of her, or at least what was visible left too much to the imagination, and Gem's lacking smile did not surprise him - the others seemed understandably cautious of Akali.

Still, Gem's abrupt laughter caught him off guard, and given the subject of her amusement, he had to ask" "We are talking about the same Bjorn I know, right' "Cause his dancin's usually pretty decent. What did you do to his n—- y"know, save it for when he's with us on the trip. He'll grouse and grumble hearin" it told." Which in turn would amuse him!

"Well Akali, now the formalities are out of the way, you wanna start fillin" us in" I'm curious to know what we're up against. Or" are we waitin" on others here?"