Topic: The Helios Files

Viktoria Helios

Date: 2010-02-07 07:11 EST
My father never believed in love. Sometimes I questioned if he even believed in science. He was a narcissistic bastard that I am certain believed that he was the one that just did everything himself. That it was because of him that his creations found life. That he had transcended science and nature to become something....untouchable.

How I hated the man.

The fear, the hatred, the loathing only grew when I found out....well....that even my existence was at the thanks of his talents.


If I had been more insightful, more aware then I might have realized the fact that I looked nothing like my mother.

Darling Erika.

The imbecile.

Frail and weak. I swore to myself that I would never be as she had become.

Never submit, never to lose my head in the heat of the moment.

Well....mommy dearest never lost her head per se. No, she'd break like the weakest twig on a tree and bow to him before that happened.

Disobedience was never tolerated. If you disobeyed you were replaced.

Before she died....I have to question which version, which model I was looking at.

Was it six" or twelve" or two"

Did it matter"

When I look in the mirror now the reality of it all sets in.

Everything I hated about him....was what had brought me to life.

And I....despite all my hatred....carry on his Legacy.

This....was just the beginning.

God save them all.

The Monster

Date: 2010-02-08 16:06 EST
Perhaps it is good that I never met her father.

I have read through the man's journals, through the writings of scientific studies and observations. Were I perhaps to alter a single thing, it might be that she had never met the man.

But without him, even if she were born and he to die shortly after her birth, I might not be here.

A paradox.

Were she to have been different, she might not have created me, the favored creation. Despite the strange and often troublesome path our lives have taken, I am not sorry for my life. Things went as they will.

And as always they do, have come full circle.

Still the dark and strange girl I knew from so long ago. Her often whimsical nature, loving and passionate and dear some times.

Cruel and dark and savage the next.

Strange that we fit so well together that way, as though the moment of my creation were designed such that I would, in the fullness of time, become her perfect match, abomination though I am.

Dark and light in equal fitting.

We both know our evils, our capacities, and our natures. If truly there is some design at work, then it is surely a strange one, full of as much malice as it is light.