Topic: The Hunt for Chiana Vitrano

Belle De Morte

Date: 2007-08-13 17:46 EST
Belle stomps down the stairs of her new home, high heels clacking loudly on the marble steps. She was pissed...that little tart in the alley had tried to pick pocket her while coming on to her! The nerve!

With a flourish of her hands, the doors fly open and she storms out into the night in search of Chiana Vitrano. The tattooed nympho had really pissed her off. She had meant to let it go, having given the woman a lashing she wouldn't soon forget, just did NOT do such things to Belle De'Morte! She had been told by a little birdy that Chiana had been spreading lies. As if Chiana could EVER break her. Hah!

As she makes her way through the city, her anger grows. Her wings rustle with her distress, faint growls emitted from deep in her throat. Those who witnessed her dark form moving through the darkened streets would mostly only remember the glowing green fire of her eyes.

She would find her, and when she did, she would make her pay.

Chiana Vitrano

Date: 2007-08-14 02:31 EST
Great, she tucks the greasy note her fence had stuck in with her cash. That vamp was out looking for her. Wonderful...

She headed back to her rented room and began dumping all her meager belongings into several trunks...along with the latest loot. Why oh why did she have to open her mouth to that guy' She'd been trying to impress him to get closer to his wallet, probably. Now she was in deep trouble.

Oh well..hell...she could take her, right' Uh...maybe. If she got Belle into her store after hours on the pretense of...talking...and then shoved her into one of the cages she had on special this week!

With a sigh, she packs up the rest and whistles out the window for her friend that hangs out on the corner. "Hey, wanna make twenty crowns? Come help me with these trunks!"

She hauls them downstairs to store in the back of the shop and tacks a sign in the window.

Gone on Vacation...Closed until further notice

The Management

Belle De Morte

Date: 2007-08-14 16:38 EST
Arriving probably only moments after Chiana's cowardly exit, she stomps her foot in a childish display of anger. A passerby eyes her oddly and she snarls; fangs bared and black leathery wings snapping open. Wisely, the person runs.

Turning on a high heel, she stalks down the street, following the scent of Chiana's cheap perfume, smiling wryly to herself as she detects the sour smell of fear underneath it. Mmm..she was close now.

Turning a corner, she catches glimpse of that slender figure slipping into a doorway. Ah ha! Cornered now.

Belle strolls casually along, she smiles sweetly and nods to a strolling couple with their children. "Evening."

Nearly unable to contain her glee, she giggles as she rips the door off it's hinges and all but skips up the stairs, following the scent of her prey. What would she do to Chiana when she caught her" Gut her like a fish' No, that might be a wast. Perhaps she would drain her and then burn down her store. No, that was no good either. No use wasting a whole store full of perfectly good and necessary merchandise!

Oh well...snatch now, torture later. There was plenty of time for that.

As she reached the door she knew Chiana was cowering behind, she knocked gently. Rap-rap-rap Then she kicked the door in. "Come out pretty one...I know your heeerrrree!" She calls.

Sounds of scurrying, softly muttered curses, and...was that a whimper" Oh, this was going to be fun!

Chiana Vitrano

Date: 2007-08-14 17:27 EST
The door to her hiding place was kicked open, she whimpers as she heard the vampire calling for her. Oh crap, now what? Nothing left but to stand and fight.

She drops down from the rafters behind Belle, barefoot, she lands softly. Knowing full well the vamp would hear her, she is waiting for her to turn. A set of brass knuckles on her fist, she waits for that pretty face to turn, fist cocked back, her weight on the ball of her foot, ready to put every ounce she's got into it.


Date: 2007-08-14 19:15 EST
He had no buisness with either woman.But he wasnt going to stand by as the one with a weapon cheap shot someone.He walked over and gripped the Ladies arm.His other hand moved and took the brass knuckles from her.He threw that weapon away and looked to her.

"If you fight you will fight with Honor."

He shook his finger at her and let her go.He would stand and mediate this.His left hand resting on the "tempered several times over" Katana at his waist.It was one thing to attack a Vamp.It was another to attack a Vamp with a Samurai as a friend.He looked over the woman and counted how long the fight would last.Oddly enough this he would definately have to see.He just thought to himself and stayed quiet till he had to By the Anthedon why are these two fighting....Why cant they just talk it out...Fight Fight Fight.....Why cant people talk like civilized people anymore?

Belle De Morte

Date: 2007-08-14 19:51 EST
Startled by the arrival of Musashi, and by the quick reflexes of, she HAD undersetimated this one. Well, if she wanted a fight, then she would get one.

Hands on hips, she smirks, "Aw, how cute...she wants to pretend she has a chance. And she brought toys to play with, too! Fine, sweet thing, you may keep your toy. Only fair. " Shrugs, circles the woman still crouched in a fighter's stance, "After all, I do have twice (at least) your strength and speed. I will allow you to have your pretty knuckle rings."

Walking to the window of the little room, her pert nose wrinkles at the awful stench of human and sweat. She looks out and down into the alleyway, "I'll even give you time to prepare. Provided you don't run and try to hide from me, I'll even let you set the time. "

She turns on a heel and in an instant is in Chiana's face, those burning emerald eyes piercing the lovelie's violet ones. Her lips curl into a wicked grin, ivory fangs in stark contrast to the scarlett of her lips. "This is not over, little one. You owe me. " Standing up, she smooths her short skirt, smiling prettily once again, the very picture of calmness. "After all, I am only providing you with the opportunity to have your wish come true. You've been telling people that you beat me and that you broke's your chance to prove you can do it." She pats Chiana's cheek gently, then looks over her shoulder to Musashi, "Thanks doll face for stepping in, but I can handle myself. There is no need for you to do that again in the future."

And with that, she walks out of the shabby room, a wafting scent of incense and alters lingers behind her.

Chiana Vitrano

Date: 2007-08-14 20:22 EST
Angered at the intrusion, where had the little welp come from, anyway' She huffs, but does not let her guard down.

Staring into those green eyes, she finds herself unable to move, to breath. She listens. Yup, that seems to be the safest route to go...shut up and listen, Chi-girl. Okey dokey, I can do that.

But my goodness, this one intrigued her. She'd give her a chance" Holy does she move that fast' She just stands there, watching, moving only her eyes. As Belle turns and leaves, she calls after her, "Tonight. I will find YOU this time!"

Wow. Just can't keep your mouth shut, can you, Chiana"Uh, well, no. She'd just have to take her chances, and cheat wherever possible!

With a sigh, she heads down the stairs, taking two at a time, hoping like hell she'd live to see sunrise.