Topic: The Investigation Begins.

Felix Mena

Date: 2011-02-02 15:55 EST
It was cold but that didn't stop Felix Mena from walking to the Market. He wore a heavy jacket to keep the wind from bouncing on his body and his usual attire: a green long sleeve T-shirt half tucked into some jeans with a belt. Along his side hung a pouch which houses a small dagger. Over his left shoulder he carried a backpack filled with the essentials for hunting; some spare clothes, rope, a stell mirror, flint, and some wooden stakes. Today he carried no sword as he planned on doing some basic investigating

Only a few days ago the Market was home do a vicious murder scene. Twenty-two found dead at a nearby fountion shortly after the morning fog had rolled in. Details from the article he carried with him gave little information. Two guards had apparently been killed when they tried to apprehend the culprit. That description had been brief as well. Female, appearing in her early twenties, blond hair, pale skin, blue eyes and carried a guitar. It sounded unlike a threat to Felix but the paper had indicated to not confront this woman. Felix knew better than to misjudge the seemly innocent.

He approahced the fountain and circled it twice. The market was rather quiet for this time of day but that was understandtable. No venders would want to be squawking their fares with a killer at large. Felix gathered his thoughts as me made those laps around the fountain. Twenty-two dead, just like that. "I should have been here," he muttered to himself though it was impossilbe for the human to be at two places at the same time. He knew this yet the feeling of guilt sunk deep. Instead of out patroling the city that evening, he was spending it with Sadie. Patroling is what he did. It's how he protected those who needed help from the usual creepyness that surrounded Rhy'din. But it was Sadie, the first love he has experienced since becoming a citizen of the city via the Nexus ten years ago. The image of her clashed with his thoughts and he was unclear where to begin his investigation. A promised made to Sadie, Felix had no intentions of putting himself into harm's way. But he was curious. He was angry. He was lost and confused as to why this could have happened.

Felix Mena

Date: 2011-02-03 01:01 EST
His clouded judgement distracted him from his surroundings. Trying to imagine what happened at the market was just impossible to do. Being upset with himself and in love prevented him from hearing the incoming footsteps. It was her voice that snapped him back to reality quicky as his hands jumped for his dagger. "There is nothing you could have done for them," the voice tried to comfort him. Felix turned his dark brown eyes to the young lady standing before him. Long curly brown locks flowed over her shoulder. A purple dress clung tightly to her slim body and a matching cloak covered her skin. She was not cold for she felt no such thing. High cheek bones and slightly pointed hears may have given some the impression that she was an elf. She however, was not. Her name was Maureyn and she was a Celestial being. Every fiber of her body and soul was suffused with goodness. Felix dropped to a defensive stance, "You should already know to never sneak up on me." "I was hardly sneaking and if you hadn't been daydreaming about some girl you would have noticed me coming," Maureyn simply stated. "I wasn't daydreaming about some girl," Felix was shaking his head. He was however, lying, and Maureyn could tell. "Please, I could sense your hormones two blocks away. How do you think I found you? It was like tracking a minotaur who hasn't bathed in weeks. Do minotaurs even bathe?" she questioned her on reference with some humor. "Anyway, don't lie to me. You know I'm empathic. Besides, you make a cute couple..." "Enough Maureyn! I don't have the time to reveal details about my love life that you already seem to know," Felix interrupted. "Very well, on to business," she smiled. "I suppose there's a reason your empathic abilities didn't merit a reason for me to be here on the night these murders took place?" asked Felix. "Like I have said, there was nothing you could have done," she simply put. Felix laughed, "You're kidding right' It was one verses twenty two. How tough can she be?" "I believe you just answerd your own question," noted Maureyn. "They weren't trained to fight something like her. I am!" he was angry. "Would you have been able to pull yourself away from the woman you were making love to if I had called you?" asked Maureyn curiously. Felix only stood there in silence. "I didn't think so. Humans are so predictable. I did not receive the foresight of this event in the market. But, I do have one for tonight." "Oh," perked Felix. He wanted to track this killer that was still at large and show her no mercy. "A girl. Blond; probably around your age and quite cute if you ask me," Maureyn began her description. "Seriously?" asked Felix. He wasn't in the mood to be chasing a girl when a killer was on the loose. "She's from Earth, like you and due to arrive this evening via the Nexus in Dockside. She'll need your help to get to safety," added Maureyn. "Fine. I'll patrol there tonight, find her and be on my merry way," addressed Felix. "No, bring her to me," replied Maureyn. "What in Rhy'din do you want with a predictable human' Am I not enough for you?" joked Felix. "She has power. I can sense it in my visions," answered the Celestial. "I want you to bring her to the Inn after you find her." Felix nodded. "Okay, I'll escort her to the Inn." He turned his head to the fountain to give them a moment of silence. "What kind of power do you think she has?" his question went unanswered for when he turned Maureyn was no where in sight. He sighed looking the scene over one more time. There was nothing he could do here. He would just have to wait.

Felix Mena

Date: 2011-02-04 02:24 EST
(This entry co-wrote by Sadie and Felix. Produced by the Gnomes of Rhy'din - the best pranksters in all of Rhy'din - order you very own starter kit today!) Sadie was on a must-find-butterscotch mission in the Marketplace when she came across a square in utter ruin. The smell of blood still lingered in the air. Crimson still littered the streets. For a moment she stood there, a bit dazed, confused even, the smell and the taste of iron in the air assulting her keen senses. Blue hued skin paled, all prior thoughts vanished as she looked down to smeered stains and pools of crimson life splattered carelessly on the cobbled streets. Once again, Sadie's eyes flickered over the scene, surprise and shock clear on her face. Each second she took in observing the scene was enough for her to process and gather data. It was a vast store of chatoic knowledge in her mind. But for the moment there was nothing but sheer terror. She knew that had to be a shocking amout of loss, of bodies, and this was the thing Felix was hunting. The basket she had in her hand was dropped at her feet, her blue lips parted, and wide blue eyes staring in horror at the nearest stained blood pool. The cold wind blew across from the sea into the Market as Felix Mena traveled lightly tonight. The wore a small jacket over his usual upper attire and positioned on the left side of his body was a small pouch that hung from his belt. It housed a small dagger. His heavy feet pounded the cobblestone street as he walked. He was taking a detour to the Dockside District by passing through the market, the hunt for the girl would start once he got a final look at the square. As he moved his eyes and mind were open for anything. With Rhy'din one could be sure to run into some trouble at any moment despite some of it's safer scenes and hell, even those were questionable at times. Ten years of a hunter's life had taught Felix a thing or two about surviving. He stopped at the squre in question, spotting the least of all people he'd expected to see there. A small frown crossed his lips. This wasn't the place for her. It wasnt' safe, especially after what recently occured. "Sadie?" He questioned and swiftly moved to her. "What are you doing here?" Subtext; You shouldn't be out here by yourself. She was in shock, sheer shock. Sadie hadn't even realized he was there. Her hands were shaking, blue eyes nearly coming out of their sockets. Tears hadn't fallen, but they were building up. What could do this" How much danger was Felix in" Why wasn't this thing stopped" How could something be so brutal" What kind of danger was Felix in" Could he get hurt, could he die" When Felix spoke she was in far too much shock to registar his words. Her eyes hadn't even left the pool of blood. Felix wrapped his arms around her placing her head on his shoulders. It was a simple gesture of comfort as he stroked her back. "It's okay. Whatever did this is long gone. For now," he lied of course. There was no telling if this killer would return to find them, or anyone. The young man refrained from telling her about the murders, it probably slipping from his mind everytime she took his breath away when entering a room. Likewise, he wasn't about to share his venture into Dockside tonight with her either. It was simply to dangerous and though he had seen her duel with magic several times, he didn't want the weight of putting someone he loved in danger. In time, he would come clean about his connections and even looked forward to the day she would be able to join him on his missions. Sadie couldn't speak, all of this was too much. Sure she had seen her share of death, but the enemies she had faced tried to bond with flesh, not tear it appart. Truth be told her parents kept her away from the blood shed. Her hands clasped Felix's shirt, clutching to him even as his frame distorted the stained blood pool from sight. The reality that he could die at any moment was a weight, a very heavy weight. Felix unwrapped himself from the comforting hug. He tried to place his thoughts with hers. It took a few minutes for him to understand the situation to a minor extent. "At least it wasn't me," he joked looking down at the crime scene, "not that it ever will be." He turned to face her blue eyes. "You know that right' Something like this will never happen to me." His own dark brown eyes and the weight of his voice was serious. His words forced Sadie's tears to break free. Pools spilled forth and traveled down her cheeks as she sobbed weakly. " do you know?" Tears dropping like rain from her chin. His life was more important to her than her cooking, her school, her magic. Everything. Felix gave another attempt of a relaxing laugh, "I've been doing this for ten years. Look, not a scar on me. At least not physical ones," he joked again. "Besides, I have some insight on these things and I always win." A thought occured to him. If he was ever in great danger, the Celestial friend of his better cough up the information. "Not to mention, I'm kind of a badass." There was a slight lift in his tone, almost bragging of the number of things he's killed. "Trust me. I'm good at what I do." Sadie's head fell, she pressed up into his shoulder and lightly sobbed out. Tears pooled out against his shirt, still clinging to him for support. Sobs muffled beneath the fabric he wore. Truth be told, Sadie would be quite worried about Felix now considering that she knew what he was up against. Could she put him in danger" A single thought and he's be in danger of distaction. Felix wrapped his arms around her again holding her close letting her cry. He swayed to and forth keeping her close and safe. This isn't how he pictured his evening starting out. "Recall the promise I made to you the other night' The one about if I was ever in dnager, I'd feel better if I ran away from the fight I knew I can't win" That's because of you. I made that promise for you. For us." Not that there was ever a fight he thought he'd lose when his life depended on it. Sadie nodded against his shoulder, weak sniffles and small sobs coming. Finally her big pools turned to lock on his brown hues, her face red from the salty tears. "I just don't want to lose you," Sadie said, pools still locked upon his eyes. Felix released a weak laugh. "Nonsense. The only way you're going to lose me is if the Nexus suddenly opens back up and sends me crashing back in LA - ten years later!" He looked skyward hoping he just didn't jinx himself. "I'm that hard to get rid of," he grinned. "Now, why are you here" Not that you can't take care of yourself. I know you can do well against danger." His right foot reached out and with a lift brought the basket to his hand with his foot. "Shopping?" "I was looking for butterscotch..." she answered. But at that moment all that mattereed was the man before her. One of her hands extended, took hold of the basket as she dabbed her eyes with her other hand, drying them. "It's for a dessert I was making." "Dessert?" he perked with interest. "Will it be ready when I'm done with my patrol...," he paused to correct himself "stroll?" Felix didn't want to upset her anymore and tonight had it's fair chance of violence. The blond girl he was sent to protect and escort to Maureyn was sure to cause the wrong kind of attention. "Patrol?" Sadie replied. She was just that observant. Sadie continued to look to him. He had to be honest with her like she would be with him. Great one Felix, way to slip up, the young man took a deep breath. "Patrol yes. But it's nothing serious," he quickly covered his statement. "Just a friend of mine had this little vision of a girl who needs help." Little vision of a girl had her staring at him and somehow, smirking. Oh how she could tease him about that, but not now. That wouldn't be nice of her to do. "When will you be done?" "It won't take long. Just a visit down to Dockside," there he went again, revealing too much information and especially about a part of town that was more suited to be called Badside. She knew at the end all she could do was have faith. Swallowing softly, her hand fumbled with his shirt, "I was making dinner and dessert, think you won't be long?" "Nope. Should be a walk in the park," he nodded. "It's a simple enough mission. I hardly expect anything exciting will even happen." He had to stop talking about it or else she'd want to come along. "But cooking, that's...that's certainly more entertaining than what I'm up to tonight." "Most of it is well, you know..." she bit her lip gently, squeezing his hands and whispering out to him, "please, please come home." Felix smiled and gave her a tight embrace. "I will. You can count on it."

Felix Mena

Date: 2011-02-06 01:21 EST
It was down a dark alley in Dockside Felix Mena found himself back against the wall. A veteran of Rhy'in since fifteen years of age thanks in part to the Nexus, Felix was now a young man twenty five years old. His hair was dark brown, neatly cut short yet his face placed him a few years older complete with a scar above his right eye brow. Tonight he wore basic clothing; a long sleeve green t-shirt that opened at the top with three buttons the front tucked into to reveal the oval fastner of his belt. Jeans and thick brown shoes completed the attire. Rhy'din may have been a different place than the part of Earth he was pulled from but the two carried quite of few similarities. Felix's clothing was proof enough of that. He dodged an incoming attack from his opponent but that wasn't enough. He soon found himself being tossed to the ground landing against some empty wooden crates directly beside the young lady he was sent to fetch. Felix gazed to her, noted the worry upon her face and grabbed a piece of lose wood that came from the crate that broke his fall. He quickly stood himself up noting that he was still out numbered, two to one. Hell, the odds against him earlier were five to one. He was making progress as he smiled and jumped to his opponenet that was currently kicking his ass. A few quick punches, a sidekick to his enemies skull sent the fiend flying to the ground off guard. Felix took advantage of the situation taking his make shift stake and slamming into the second opponent that apporached dusting him and then making a quick thrust with the piece wood into his first opponent finishing him off. Vampires. Felix dropped his weapon and looked to the young lady. "Are you alright?" Felix noticed her slight fear and clothing. It was like she stepped right out his own reality. He didn't giver her a chance to answer, "You're from Earth." He offered her a hand to help her up. "We need to move. Dockside isn't exactly the place you want to be after nightfall." She took his hand and slowly climbed herself up catching up with Felix who was already moving off. "Where am I?" "Rhy'din," his voice was low, baritone. As they walked he kept a close eye on their surroundings. "Stay close." "Where is Rhy'din?" she asked. "I don't know, only it's not where you came from," he honestly didn't know how to answer that. Even though she was directly behind him Felix could tell his company stopped. He turned to look at her. "Why are you stopping?" "Because I don't know who you are and where I am nor where you are taking me," she answered coldly. "Name is Felix and I told you, you're in Rhy'din and we're going some place safe," he stopped and turned his attention back up towards the exit of Dockside. "Shit," he mumbled under his breath. He looked around and decided their best course of action was to take a near by dark alley. "In here," he pushed her in. "Who are they' More of those things you killed?" she asked being pushed. "Those things were called vampires. These things are called sailors and from their gait, probably drunk ones. We'll be safe here. Just stay quiet." Felix pressed his body up against hers along the wall. The alley was dark and the chances three drunk sailors would even notice them was slim but she didn't mind his protection. She whispered, "I'm Clair." They remained quiet for several minutes after the sailors passed. Felix grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the alley. "And what part of Earth are you from, Clair?" "New York City," she responded following him hand in hand. Felix carried not for her personal appearance. She was attractive, probably a few years younger than himself. Her blonde hair was twisted up in an odd pony tail and she wore tight cloths that hugged her slim figure. Ok, so maybe Felix did care about her personal appearance but he sure wasn't as hell going to admit it, not even to himself. "LA myself," he replied keeping his walk quick not stopping for polite chit-chat. Clair was curious, "Is there a way back home at your place?" Felix laughed. "There is no way back home and if there is I haven't found it yet." He paused allowing that to sink in. He slowed his gait, "We should be safe from here on to the Inn," turning his dark brown eyes to her. "What do you mean there's no way home?" she questioned. Just when she was beginning to let down her fear it was suddenly back again. This wa a conversation he didn't want to have. "Let me guess. You were doing something normal when suddenly the sky exploded with pink, purple, and blue lights. Next thing your'e in a dark alley getting attacked by five creatures who want your blood." He never turned his head away from her as they walked a serious look upon his face. It was clear he was correct. "Yeah, I've been there. Ten years ago." He paused taking a few steps. "There is no way back home." They crossed over a bridge a silent river beneath them broke the silence that was left after Felix delivered his devastating line. Clair spoke quietly, "Where is your place?" "Just a few blocks away. The Red Dragon Inn. You'll be safe there," he felt that he needed to offer words of compassion after hearing his harsh truth. "I have a friend there. She can explain your future for you." "My future?" asked Clair. She stopped again letting go of Felix's hand. "The Nexus has it's reasons for pulling people from one place to Rhy'din. My friend has experience in studying it and as a gift has some insight." He finally stopped as well facing her. "What's the Nexus?" "The pink, purble, and blue lights. The sensation that you're being pulled into five different directions, perhaps the feeling you want to vomit. That's the Nexus." He continued walked again expecting her to keep up. She followed if not by her many questions his mild attractivness. For the time being Clair kept the rest of her questions to herself taking in the odd scenery as they walked. It was like she walked into a giant movie set. The buildings were old but well kept designed in a fashion right out of the middle ages. She marveled at their antiquness and yet remained puzzeled that Felix looked as if he just jumped out of this Nexus as well. Ten years he said. That was a long time. She turned her attention to the man who walked infront of her. Well, he has a nice ass, she thought to herself and continued to follow along in silence.

Felix Mena

Date: 2011-02-07 10:49 EST
Chapter Two: The Red Dragon Inn

Felix continued to lead the way for several blocks. Eventually they arrived at their destination, a large building with plenty of sounds coming from inside. There was a porch with a few patrons enjoying drinks standing around a talking. Felix greeted them with a nod. Clair greeted them with curiosity. They weren't human. Humanoid yes, but humans didn't have high cheek bones and pointed ears. Clair followed Felix into the inn as he pushed open the door. The place was croweded dispite the late hour and it was filled with even more of these creatures Clair could not understand. Felix paused and spotted his target at the bar seated on a stool. She had long brown curly hair and a long purple dress that hung from straps on her shoulders. High cheek bones and longed tanned legs gave her the presence of sheer beauty. Her name was Maureyn. She turned to Felix and gave a slight nod raising a small glass of wine to her lips. "Let's go upstairs," he whispered to Clair. He then added, "Do not be afraid. Many of them arrived the same way you and I did." His feet carried him off up some distant stairs as Clair closely followed. Traveling down a narrow hallway Felix came to a room 214 and removed a key from his pocket. He placed the key into the lock twisted and entered waiting for Clair to follow. She gazed in impression by it's neatness. A bed was positoned along the wall. There was a separate room that housed a toliet, tub and sink. Several wooden dressers of various sizes were also positioned through the room and one even had a large distinct mirror. Felix moved over to an open window blowing in the cool night breeze and shut it. Shortly after the room door opened and the young lady Felix nodded to in the bar entered. "Our Damsel in distress," he pointed to Clair. "Clair meet Mauryen; Maureyn meet Clair, the girl from your vision." The lady nodded closing the door behind her, "Nice to meet you Clair. I'm delighted Felix made it to you in time." "Vision?" Clair asked. "She's the one I told you about," pointed out Felix. Maureyn pushed herself farther into the room. "Visions, yes," she nodded with a brief pause. "Would you like something to eat or drink?" her sweet voiced offered. Clair remarked with slight sarcasum, "I don't think I can stomach anything at the moment. But thank you. Felix said you can explain my future?" "Aye. Felix is never comfortable explaining the truth. He has a harsh way of making it sound as worse than it really is," Maureyn reguaded her friend with a smile. "But he means well. I have visions, a gift I aquired when I entered Rhy'din through the Nexus. They allow me to see events happening before they actually do. Felix who is gifted with excetional hand to hand combat and swords, answeres those visions." "How does this explain my future?" asked Clair. "How is this going to help me get back home?" "I told you," Felix stated, "there is no way back home. You're stuck here just like the rest of us." Maureyn frowned at Felix in disappointment, "There are some who can travel the Nexus freely, but finding them is a hard task. Just because Felix has given up hope, doesn't mean you should." Felix shrugged, "I'm just being honest. It's best she understand that she may never find a way home." As Felix has spoken those words before, it was the first time they truly overcame Clair. She felt her chest tigthen up finding in hard to swallow. Maureyn noticed the younger one's reaction and comforted her with a pat on the back. "It's true, I'm afraid, but we're here to help. " "Help how?" Clair asked. "You're both telling me that I'll never see my friends or family again; that I've been sucked into another world with creatures I'd find in a book of fiction. How can you possibly help?" She voice was sharp and angry. "We can just shove you out the door and let you fend for yourself," his voice clearly showing the expression that he didn't have time for this. "Rhy'din is a city with no laws. It's goverend by a strict honor but that doesn't mean you want find something around the corner that'll want to rip you face right off." Again Maureyn gave Felix a stern look. "Or you can try option 2. We can train you. We're offering the same thing we were offered when we came through the Nexus which is a chance to defend yourself and some peace of mind. This isn't going to be an easy transition, but with us by your side, you'll be safe." "It looks as if I don't have a choice," admitted Clair. Felix made for the door, "You do. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm late for dinner," and with some quickness he created his exit and left swinging the door behind him. "Is he always a charmer with the ladies?" Clair joked as Maureyn smiled. "Where is he going?" "A charmer with the ladies" No, there is only one lady he's currently charming and he's going to have supper with her." she simply answered.