Topic: The Kitsune Tail

maison kitsune

Date: 2016-01-21 01:08 EST
May (2015)

Childhood for one Maison was the most typical one they could find " well typical for a Kitsune. Her family was bound to Sanctum Of Aohr to protect both the family who ran the temple along with the lands that the local village ran. The village wasn't very big nor were they very popular but what they didn't have in funds of spender they had in spirit and fun.

"Oi! Come on Mamorime!" Maison called to Amelia as she skipped over some rocks to venture out to the local river. The two of them typically did training here to allow Amelia access to the water and Maison freedom to use all of her powers.

"Coming!" Called back to her as they just stood upon one of the free rocks. Feeling like a bit of mischief the Mamorime used a glow spell to send water the way of the Kitsune starting their training war. Within moments the two of them were bouncing off rocks, flinging from vines in trees, and trying to pin each other using various spells.

KABOOM! Cannon went off in the distance. Looking over the lands, they could see the fire in the way of the village. Maison took her fan from her pocket starting to run towards the noise the Mamorime following close behind. Unknown to the two of them it was above all a trap. Soon as the two past the mountains to lead to the village the hands of the mountain gods scooped them up trapping them within their hands.

"Let us go! Our village needs us!" May's hand bashed into the side of the mountain.

"No can do." A rumble of a voice was heard from the center of the mountain.

"Please! I need to help!" Demanding she started to use several spells aginst the Earth God to try to break his hold. May started to sob then fell to her knees. All around them, they could hear the clash of war and feel the power of the fight.

"Stay still little one." One of the earth's creature placed his hand onto her back to stroke her head trying to comfort her.

"I'm sorry. I promised your mother.? The Mamorime said right before casting a sleep spell on the kitsune.

maison kitsune

Date: 2016-01-23 00:42 EST
She awoke. Her head was pounding but nothing else seemed to be wrong. The entire room was pitch black and slightly cold. There was a dampness to the air that fell to her skin and around her. Stretching out her hands, she could only feel straw and stones.

"Hello?" Tentatively she called out to anyone who could be there. "I'm here!" A voice called back to her. Unknown to her it was another person just waking up. "Me too!" a male's voice this time. "How" many of us are there?" May said sitting up. A few others near her also laying on the ground sat up as well. Turning she looked side to side to try to get a head count. "Let's get in the light," She suggested pushing herself up. A wave of nausea hit her as she did a hand coming to the frame of the stone wall for support as she rose. Others seemed to have a similar rise in their stomach based on their reaction when standing.

The light she saw lead to a balcony surrounded by a waist high railing. Looking around one could see it was sometime in the night but the stars didn't look familiar. A few maybe she could recognize but others seemed to lack something she couldn't put her finger on. The moon was what stood out to her. "What kind of moon is red?" She couldn't help but to say that out loud.

"I'm not sure.." The boy who wore glasses a long shirt and jeans replied to me. Something about him didn't fit where we were.

"Anyone...know where we are?" Asked one of the other girls there. Looking about we could tell none of us had a clue. Now that May thought about it, she didn't know who she was. She knew her name knew words but didn't know where she lived before or anything about her family.

"I" " Her mouth closed. She didn't want to look ignorant to the other ones by asking if they knew who they were. What if she was the only one.

"Look! A guard." All of us looked over to him. A full suit of armor carrying some banners. Apparently they had been expecting us.

Looking over the others, I could tell some things we had in common. May herself seemed to be the youngest but she later found out she wasn't and it had to do with the fact of her race. We ranged somewhere from twelve to sixteen years old. Had different looks about us but somehow felt at ease with each other. The guards directed us "kids" to a certain guild house down the road telling that they could explain it better. A girl with braided hair wearing a skirt took May's hand to hold onto as they started down the steps to find out where they were and why they were there. It was in this closeness she spoke.

"Do you...remember anything?" May's voice was just below a whisper meaning she had to get close to the other girl.

"I...I know my name is Amy," She answered. "I don't remember much past that. You remember how we got here?" May shook her head causing Amy to swallow hard.

"I'm May." Replied as they just stepped into the guild room to be filled in on why they were here.

This room was brighter than where we were before. A large counter at one end of it acted as a bar and work station for the guild master. The man behind the counter had pink and purple hair, sharp teeth, and wore a leather collar.

"Look at the kittens dropped on my doorstep." Leaning back, he placed his heels onto the counter top eyes coming to the group of us ten his new recruits. "I'm Commander Larzaboe you can call me Commander or Larza." His hand came onto a mug of something sipping it.

"I suppose you're all be needing jobs while you are here. And let me tell you, no one here will be getting any handouts because you're young." Larzaboe looked directly at May when he said it. One of the older boys noticed this then stepped in the way protectively.

"What are you some kind of pervert' Kidnapping kids and doing what you want?" Steven, the one who stepped in front of May spoke to the man directly to avert his attention. Her hand came onto his side of a way of saying thanks.

"Shut up" Larza tossed a dagger which flicked through Steve's hair just missing him. " Consider that you're one. No one here calls me a pervert and get's away from it." The man snarled as he stood up turning to gather a few items.

"You're all here for the same reason as all of us. To live. No one knows how we came here. We're just here. You can't escape either. There only two ways out. The first one is to give up. You give up and you disappear for a day then we find you dead." Coin pouches were tossed onto the counter in front of him. "And not just dead. Maimed. Guts ripped out being fed to something most of the time. The other way is death. And some of you will die."

Everyone went silent at his words. The first few lines got to us. Everyone here was just a lost' How are we appearing"

"So you have a choice. Either you join us in the Red Moons or you go off on your own and die. At least, under my crew, you get a sign on bonus for your first few weeks. After that, you have to make it on your own. The guild will still be here for support. Training. But it will cost you. Out there you have none of it. You're expected to kill monsters before they attack the citizens. Sell the items in the shop. Train others and the like." A book was flung down next along with some quill and inks.

"Ready to sign your life away' You can always come back. I wouldn't venture into the woods. None of you have gear. Or a fucking sword and I bet none of you even know how to light your own fire.? Larza had a point. He might have been an ass but he had a point.

maison kitsune

Date: 2016-01-25 02:18 EST
Labored breathing and screams. We were trained for battle but none of us had ever been. Well " that we could remember. A few weeks before Greg had taken some of the stronger members of the group and took them to another site. We were the leftovers. Magnus had spoken to us and we all agreed to do the best we could. Each one of us chooses a path to follow into something that seemed natural and joined a skill guild. Amy " The first girl I ever spoke to decided to become a hunter. She was still working on how to use her bow and arrow but at least, she had down how to skin the animals. That was useful for their furs and claws. Plus the meat saved us a few nights since we ran out of money some time ago.

Steven - The boy who protected be from Larza chose to be a paladin. It was fitting and natural for him. He was a protector I could see it being something he did even in the other world.

Ntoe " The pervert dark knight. He had on more than one occasion spied on Amy and I. I didn't know anyone could pick up unlocking locks so quick.

Magnus " Our leader. He became a brute that would go in and smash things. Considering his size it was very fitting. I think he would have been better off with the other group.

I choose to be a witch.

The goblin was thrashing about. It was only one but we were having trouble killing it. Already Steven had been stabbed and I twisted my ankle. I decided to do my big spell. With my finger, I traced lines into the air defining the elements of my spell. This is where I always mess it up.

It wasn't a small boom like the spell stated. Instead, it drew on my magic and blasted out both ways. My master said I wasn't drawing my spells finite enough. I needed the practice and practice is what I did.

"WATCH OUT!" Steve called as his foot slipped onto the bedding of rocks. He almost lost his footing but instead, he quickly rushed over to me to check. He ended up healing my ankle one of the few spells he had mastered.

"You missed!" Screamed Ntoe. He was always looking for a reason to make us feel bad.

"Sorry!" I yelled back to them as Magnus rushed forward to try to catch up to the Goblin. I was now grateful Steve healed my ankle. I could run again, walk, keep up with the group. I didn't want to be left out here alone.

We ran. Following after the creature. All I could remember was the sting of underbrush hitting my legs, the light above me fading in and out as we passed under trees, and then the sudden rise of disappointment and regret as I caught up to the others stopped near a stream.

"Where is it' Did you kill it?" Lifting up my staff I looked around determined to beat it.

"It' it got away. I lost it." Magnus said as he looked around.

"Idiot." Ntoe had to start trouble he always did. "I could of caught it if it wasn't for that spell."

"Shut up Ntoe! Don't make her feel worse. We're all in a bad mood as is." Amy came to my defense coming around to grab my hand. I knew Ntoe was right. We almost had him maybe if I didn't do that spell we could have got him. I could feel a few tears it was my fault we'd go hungry that night.

"Why should I" If May had better control of her magic we ?" Magnus shoved him.

"Stop it. This isn't helping anyone. Let's go back. We have a bit of rice left we'll make due. We can pick up some onions and maybe find a rabbit on our way home.? Magnus spoke to us as he started back up the hill. The rest of us followed his orders. Amy had to pull me along. I still felt Ntoe was right even if his words were harsh.

On the way home I was the one who savaged our edibles. For some reason I had a knack for finding wild fruits and vegetables. I could tell which ones were safe by seeing what the animals ate and I recognized the ones from memory. I could often name them too but I couldn't remember why I knew them. Everyone just teased me I was a farmer and maybe it's why I couldn't do magic. I agreed.

Amy was still practicing her shot but I noticed one of the snares Magnus made was tripped. He took them along with the plants I found saying he was more suited for carrying things. I thanked him for that the extra weight did way me down. Sometimes we had to break just so I could keep up with the others.

Once we got home Steve took to the cooking. He always seemed to. Amy was skinning the skunk Magnus caught then hung the fur up. I took everyone's clothing once they were ready to clean then I went outside to place my extra vegetables for the garden. Everyone tended to help with that knowing once I got it growing we would be feasting.

It had only been twenty days since we came here but it was a lifetime ago for us. We split apart from the other group, we found our own home, we trained, we practiced, we got gear, and now a garden. Something was growing, potatoes, not a very big feat but a reassuring one. The only thing left for us to do was actually kill something to earn money. Maybe, with a little luck and lots of hard work, we will live out the rest of this year.