Topic: The Lysandros Syndicate.

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2009-12-16 04:40 EST
Zayveon stood near the railing as he gazed downward over the construction of several ships below. A tall man with long hair and a beard turned his gaze aside to Zayveon with a tilt of his head. "A fine fleet it will be, once they are completed. If you don't mind my asking, what do you plan to do with the old Syndicate ships, Z'ev?" Zayveon nodded to a lieutenant down on the work bay before turning his gaze at Abram. "Phase them out eventually. Possibly sell some of them to further our funding. Of course, we'll remove some of the weapon systems before we'd do such a thing. How is the training of the new Guardians proceeding?" Abram gave a nod and then perked a light smile in turn. "It is going well. Priska, Ektor, Domina and Theseus are at the top of their class. Each has grown quite well in the art of the sword. Theseus is...a bit over confident. As is Adonia and her sister Isidora. I'm making the three of them practice extra on Planet X-3244 for the next two days. The climate there is generous and quite lovely, in most regions that is. I have Kyra, Selene, Elektra and Agathe working together in a group objective on the Ice World 6628. Elektra is a bit over confident of her abilities with a sword and for some odd reason I have yet to understand, dislikes Selene." Zayveon chuckled gently. "Not all, can get along nicely isn't this true old friend?" Abram nodded with a smile. "Indeed, Z'ev. Leonidas should be back soon from his trip in the outer rim with Khloe and Paion. I was curious why you dispatched him upon his mission with those two?" Zayveon crossed his arms over his chest and glanced over as a figure was moving along the walk way toward them. His gaze turned back at Abram soon after. "Because Leonidas is one stubborn feline. I swear, his species must be more grumbly and pigheaded then most I've met. True, he's a large feline with plenty of muscles to spare and is quite capable with his saber...however I wanted to make sure the mission was completed in good time. I knew Paion would keep him on track and focused. As far as Khloe going with them, well, she has an ease about her. A sort of calm. Leonidas seems to calm his temper when she is around." Abram chuckled to this bit of news. "I see. I'll have to remember that in the future. Abraxas completed his mission in the outer rim, four days ahead of schedule." Zayveon nodded gently. "I knew he would. He doesn't speak much since the accident, but he gets the objectives done in good time to spare. You are training your students to wield more then one saber at a time, should they ever require to. Currently we have few of the High Guardians that are able to do such. Abrasas is one of the best I've ever seen wielding twin sabers." "His mask, frightens some of the students I believe." Abrams commented quick as Aella stepped up to the two with a nod of her head and a smile. "Hello you two, I was wondering where you both went off to." Zayveon gave a bow of his head toward the woman as Abram leaned down a bit to give his wife a kiss upon the lips before easing back with a smile. "We were just talking about the students and Abraxas, Aella." Zayveon nodded to her. Aella smiled to her husband Abram and then laughed softly at the mention of Abraxas. "Is he still upsetting for them to see" True, the mask he wears over his head with those red goggled eyes is a normal. I think it's more the fact he doesn't talk much. Some of the students the other morning while in training on the fields were going back and forth about if he was mute or not." Abrams chuckled to such gossip. "Mute" No, but he does keep his thoughts to himself unless their are quite important to the cause. No doubt they'll all be a bit hesitant when the time comes for them to duel against him with dual sabers. I did tell him to go easy upon the first match with each student." "Good." Commented Aella. "He can be a bit strong and over whelming. Currently the first two classes of students are working with the sisters, Tasoula and Zenovia. The students in their classes are doing quite well. The sisters are firm, but leave room for the students to learn upon their mistakes. They are good at helping them. Chariton's and Argos class on ship board systems is going well from what I heard Chariton speak of the other night when he was at dinner with us. Several of the students have learned transport and fighter systems rather quickly. The engines of various capital class ships is next in their learning. Oh before I forget, Myrina is back with Ambassador Phaidra. Things went well with the treaty and Phaidra is ready to brief you on the mission when you are ready, Zayveon." Zayveon nodded. "Thank you, Aella. If you could be a dear and find Khristos and Helene for me while I speak with Myrina and Phaidra, please? There is a matter I need to speak with them.

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2009-12-19 18:39 EST
Zayveon looked over at the man and the draconic form beside him. The man's eyes were covered by thin metallic piece that ran around his head. Blind from a former fight, the small 'head band' like device allowed the man to see through other spectrums. The draconic figure held a large snout. His leathery skin was a mixing of browns and purples. The clothing worn was one part armored and one part loose fitting. More the part of muscle, while the human male was the brains.

"So, then we cannot come to an agreement, yes?" Zayveon's gaze moved between the two opposite him at the table. The human male, Haemon glanced aside to his draconic friend, Drakon a moment before his odd gaze would turn back at Zayveon. "It appears not, Lord Zayveon." A soft nod from Zayveon before he lifted his mug from the table. "I hear, you've acquired the aid of Osiris, Vangelis and Yorgos for your cause. Even you know that Osiris is unpredictable. What is he decides to take all the fame for himself and leave you behind in the ashes of his wake?" Haemon nodded to this but smiled. "We are working together for our cause and I've given him enough leeway for him to do much as he pleases." Zayveon perked a smile. "I heard he's rallying the Ork Empire for you. An interesting choice of ally. Though their ships are, formidable in space, they aren't very bring in their decisions." Drakon growled over at Zayveon. "They bow to those with strength and follow any that show them the way into battle. They are young in the mind, this is true, but they are strong on the battle field and under a well thought leader they can be quite the challenge." Zayveon perked a smirk over the table at Drakon, lowering his mug to the table after a drink. "How's that scar on your side, Drakon?" A growl perked the draconics throat. "It's healing, slowly. It reminds me everyday why I should put myself across the table from you instead of ally myself with your cause, Draconis." Zayveon smiled. "Most don't call me that now a days. There are few left from the days of old, that remember me from back then. Tell Vangelis I said hi and inquired about his jaw." Haemon smiled. "That will infuriate him no doubt. But then again that's probably your intent now isn't it?" Zayveon only smiled as he moved to stand from the table. "Just remember Haemon, The Lysandros Syndicate is growing and I won't give pause if I find you or yours in my way." Zayveon slowly turned upon the heel of his boot and walked along the route back for the door. A soft bow of his head to Khristos and Abraxas, who would turn and follow him out into the night air.

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2009-12-19 19:17 EST
Arabrab, Rhydin's largest moon...

Zayveon perked a smile as he gave Helene a warm hug before letting her go. "Zayveon, it is good to see you. You've been well?" Zayveon smiled and gave a soft nod of his head. "I have. How are things going with the medical facilities?" "They are going quite well actually. Our base on Vol-62 is completed and the medical facility is up to speed there should we require of it. Planet X-3244's is nearly completed. I would say another day and the remaining supplies should arrive. I.W. 6628 won't be ready for another few days however. They're having some trouble adjusting the instruments to the cold. I give them another few days before they can adequately heat the installation there. I inquired for you and found that the Ion defense cannons won't be operational for at least two more days. How went your meeting with Haemon and Drakon?" Zayveon nodded gently. "It went well. I found out what I needed and what my spies have already found to be true. I've dispatched two of the new strike cruisers to jump into Ork space and have a look at what they're up to. I'm preparing a little surprise for their shipyards in the Gonaw system. I read your report on Isidora, Adonia, Eva and Priska." Helene smiled with a soft nod of her head, long locks of brown spilled gently over her shoulders with the movement. "They are excelling upon their medical training. I feel in time, they will become quite the well rounded Rangers of the Syndicate. I gather you've read my report on Estara and Theseus?" Zayveon gave a nod of his head slowly. "I have." "Estara is withdrawn at times, quiet and reserved. She doubts her own abilities though I know she is capable of more." Helene crossed her arms over her chest as she looked to Zayveon. "And I'm sure by now you've heard about Theseus from the other teachers." "I have indeed. He is head strong and too confident. Leonidas, Khloe and Paion have returned from their mission. I will speak to Paion and have him set up a dueling with Theseus. He holds more calm then some of our teachers do and perhaps Theseus will learn something." "Perhaps." Commented Helene. "Theseus fancies himself a rogue and a ladies man. If he tries to kiss even my cheek one more time.." Zayveon chuckled softly and gave a nod of his head. "No doubt Leonidas or Chariton would teach him a lesson if he did." "Did you know he's made several passes at the sisters" Tasoula and Zenovia" Of course they've ignored him per their usual quite manner but honestly, flirting with his instructors" I believe he's made flirting attempts with most of the female students in the other classes as well." Zayveon smiled. "There is always to be at least one, that is a bit of a pain isn't there" I have to see someone back upon the spaceport on Rhydin. If you'll excuse me, I have no doubt Abraxas is waiting for me on the shuttle." Helene gave a nod of her head, but a curious look after Zayveon. He was taking Abraxas with him for a meeting and not that of one of the others. A soft smile watching him go and a quiet prayer for their trip.