Topic: The Meandering Minstrel


Date: 2014-03-31 01:55 EST
The village was being left behind again to head back into the vast, great Rhy'din City.

It had been a year or more since the Minstrel had been within the city proper and her heart was racing with the excitement to be there once again. She would be able to play for the patrons in the inn, at the market, even at the docks or in the glen if she felt the moment was to do so.

She pulled her fiery hair back from her face and bound it in place. Then pulled her green traveling cloak of coarse, sturdy cloth over her dress. While she pushed a few more things into her packs and saddle bags, Wilasi was humming a light and upbeat tune she had earlier played on the flute.

Amber was the color of her eyes, turning and searching her room to make certain she wasn't forgetting a thing!

All of her instruments, musical papers, ink and quills, wax sticks, clothes, and so much more were already packed. It seemed like a lot to her but it was a meager amount of anything that some women would have packed.

Hefting the woven, colorful travel sacks up, she tied them on the back of the saddle. Her dapple grey horse didn't care for more weight, stomping his front left hoof into the ground.

"Have it all, do you?"

Wilasi turned about to see her great-grandmother standing outside of the family home. She was a very tiny woman, barely over three feet in height and tall as Halflings went. It was from her that Wilasi had her small frame and stature from, even if she towers over her by a full twelve inches.

The young minstrel laughed aloud and went to hug her. Arms wrapped about her great-grandmother and held her tight. "I have it all. Except for you!" Wilasi paused and smiled with just a touch of mischief. "I could manage to get you into a bag. I am sure of it."

Her great-grandmother swatted her on the arm and laughed. "I've no doubt you could, Wilasi. Now. Off with you and get to the city before this weather again brings snow or cold rains to make you sick." She had already been on a tangent that morning about the insane weather plaguing the whole realm.

Wilasi leaned in and placed a kiss on her cheek, then hauled herself into the saddle atop the grey and white speckled horse.

"Be safe, my dear. Please be safe."

"I will!" Cheerily, Wilasi assured her and set off with the first rays of morning just starting to touch the cold, early Spring morning that still had the chill of Winter in the touch of the wind. But it didn't detour the minstrel.

She was happy to be heading back to the heart of Rhy'din, to its great and huge city where there was so many things to see and so many people to meet.