Topic: The Night Watch...

Thwei Cetanu

Date: 2007-09-07 01:54 EST
"C'jit!" The Yautja cursed under his breath. Leaning slightly upon the roof top as his mask switched to thermal imaging. Gaze sweeping the streets below in the night air.

And there they were. The two brothers, who'd committed seventeen murders, known at least, since arriving within the city a month ago. The camouflage suit hiding his form in the night. The suit bent light waves around him, making him 'almost' invisible. Three red beams of light shot out from the targeting system on his mask. Moving over one of the brother's below. The shoulder mounted cannon moved slowly and then a blue ball of light shot free, momentarily hindering his stealth suit/camoflauge.

The cry of pain was loud and quick. Silence came over the man as his dead body hit the ground. A hole cut through his chest by the charged plasma burst. The other brother took off like an arrow in the night sky. The Hunter, moved quick upon the roof tops.

Pistol drawn, the man's breath was heated with one part excitement and one part fear. As another plasma shot rang past him just barely missing, the man opened fire with his pistol blindly into an alley on his left. A sudden leap down behind the man and the Hunter had the advantage. His 'cloak' shifted off as twin wrist blades of twelve inches slid out from a wrist gauntlet on his arm. His speed was too fast for the once feared murderer of the city's night life. Both blades punctured through the man's chest, slicing through his lung and heart. A rumbling turning into a growl from his throat, the Hunter tossed the man's body into a wall like a rag doll.

The bodies would be brought to the Court House for proof. The bounty would be a bit less, given they were dead. Some hunters simply don't bring in live prey.