Topic: The Northern War.

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2007-11-30 01:39 EST
A Guardian's Passing...

"They will come." "They are fools, if they do." "Nobody ever said, war was a smart practice."

Z'ev 'Draconis' Zayveon softly nodded to the large female dragon settled atop a platform. The ancient female titled her head to the side as she laid with slowing breath. "You are the keeper of secrets, Draconis. They will come for them. They are already starting to mass in the South. Ships and wagons are in motion to bring their troops this way. With my passing, they see little that will stop them." A light shift of a massive wing, warmth slowly escaping the dragoness as death drew near. "They will break upon the mountains that surround my castle, north of here." Draconis spoke quietly as his hands moved along the dragon's neck. "You can't prolong what is to be, Draconis. Let me go. Let me close my eyes for the last time and part this world." Draconis eased his hands from the dragon's neck with a soft bow of his head and a step back. "You will be missed. The mountains will not be the same with you absent." Soft lowering of head and the dragoness softly blinked a few times. "Thank you, Draconis. For being a good friend....farewell." Wings shifted slightly and then eyelids closed once, before opening and a nod was given from the dragoness. Eyes slowly closed for the last time and a dragon's heart fell silent.

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2007-11-30 02:01 EST
From the South, they came forth...

The Elven Prince Eladore ran long fingertips over the map. Nodding to key points. "Here and here. The Dark Elf Elestar is showing the Goblin Mage Grubar how to slip his horde into the mountains quietly. I can only hope the Goblin Mage can contain his armies excitement and keep them quiet so they may pass as softly as a feather upon the wind through this point. The human General Decotis will take the main bulk of my army around the Northwestern passage, while the human Captain Calis will slip further north and then drive south to come at the castle from the opposite side. Once the main force is in place, you will send your warriors down from the skies to take out any archers Draconis may have stationed in towers or upon the mountain cliffs." Prince Eladore turned his gaze upwards and over at the two gargoyles, Degon and Drusila.

They were self proclaimed in their power. Naming themselves Prince and Princess, after they had assassinated the former gargoyle ruler in their homeland. An irritation to the exiled Elven Prince, but a necessity in his plan to remove Draconis and seek the treasures he kept hidden.

"We'll have the old Wizard out numbered on all sides. He knows we're coming. Expect scouts hidden about our path. They must be terminated before they can report any information. He may use the creatures of the surrounding mountains to slow us. Be watchful."

Eladore turned toward an ancient chess set. A long fingertip extended and easing a bishop closer to the king. "Check, Draconis."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2007-12-02 17:13 EST
Building of the wall...

"How many?" "By tonight, another eighty shall be built."

Zayveon gave a nod aside as his eyes moved over the assembly lines, hidden deep within the mountains. Over a thousand years of the sword and magic and now this route. The future, the tech age. Soldiers that would follow orders without question. Soldiers that didn't need to eat or sleep. Soldiers that could march all day and night if they had to without stopping once. It had taken nearly a year of fixing up the vast caverns below the mountains. Wagon upon wagon load through the Northwest passage of the mountain range to his castle.

The aerial machines were quite interesting to Zayveon. Several plasma guns located on the under side of the crafts. Three models were currently under construction and he'd hope they would be air borne before the armies from the South reached his lands.

Shifting his gaze back over a shoulder, Zayveon looked over the soldiers of the future. Combat Androids that were stronger, than any he could hire out from the city. Materials gathered from within the network of caves below the mountains aided in cutting coins for the overall cost. Fifty of the finished models stood behind Zayveon. Their red eyes gazing forward like empty voids. Beside each combat android was a table with a phased plasma rifle. A weapon that would more easily cut through enemy troop armor, than any finely crafted sword might. A bit of regret in the change of times though. These soldiers would not cheer upon a victory. They would not celebrate upon a battle's ending. They would be as quiet then, as they are now. All things must change though"

A combat android stepped over to Zayveon and came to a halt in it's over six foot stance. "One tank is finished. The other two will take sometime before they are completed. Do you wish the first finished aerial units to take off and scout approaching enemy lines?" Zayveon gave a light shake of his bald head. "No. I don't want them to see what awaits them till the last possible moment. The aerial units are to be hidden behind the mountains until I call for them. Dispatch the massive tank droid to the back passage through the mountains. I don't want anything slipping through to come at us from behind."

Zayveon tapped a fingertip to the wooden staff within his hands, giving a slow nod over the finished metallic troops behind him. "New wars, call for new tactics. They come to claim my life. I will take many of them with me, before my light shall go out in the night."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2007-12-02 17:28 EST
A pause in thought...

"None" You've run into not one scout?" "No Prince, we've not found a single on thus far." The exiled Elven Prince Eladore ran a long fingertip over his jaw line, considering this information. "I find this, quite odd. Draconis is old, this be true, but he's not stupid. Why would he not be curious of such large movements to the south of him. Perhaps his spies have become that good" No, this I don't not believe. He is planning something. He must be. Surely by now he's taken note of my main army approaching the Northwest passage" Most puzzling this news is." The man gave a nod to the elf. "What do you wish me to pass on to General Decotis?" Eladore turned his gaze down at the man. "Tell him, to continue onward as planned. By now the dark elf, Elestar, should have the lead the goblin mage Grubar and his horde to the high north. Within a day they should be venturing south through the forgotten passage to the back side of the mountain range. Find me one of the Gargoyle Captains, I wish to confirm their tactics before they are dispatched to the skies."

Eladore waved his hand to send the man off though something still worked at his brain. No traps, no scouts, nothing at all they'd come upon. Where was Draconis" Could it be he was ill? Would their fortune be that great' Something was not right. Too much had been planned out, put into motion to stop now. The armies must continue in their course. Soon enough they'd be upon his lands and they'd find where he was waiting for them. No doubt the first wave or two of soldiers, would be cannon fodder. Such was the way of war and if a hundred or a thousand had to die for a victory, indeed the Elven Prince would commit such to death.

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2007-12-19 02:18 EST
Preparing for death...

Zayveon turned his gaze over the other three standing around the rectangular table of oak. One by one his eyes moved over them in their armored suits. General Jennifer Vega, stood across from him. The high commander of his new army of the future. To her left was Captain Deltorro and to her right was Captain Necronis. Though his army was to be that of combat androids, machines, those commanding were quite human.

"Captain Dakar is overseeing the protection and security of my home in the deep frozen south. I've already spoken to him about what I wish for him to handle on his end. General Vega, the status of my new army of this incoming age?" She gave a soft nod and motioned to metallic pieces upon the large map laid out on the table. "My Lord, the android army is nearly completed up to the third stage. I have given command of two hundred to both that of Captain Deltorro and Captain Necronis. Orders are to hold the line at all costs. We have sixteen trenches finished as of this morning. By tomorrow night, they should be full of the combat androids under both of my Captains. Without need for rest or food, once in place they can stand at the ready until the Prince decides for his time of attack. Once the enemy engages our front lines, we hold off a little and let them taste what they up against. Then I'll signal for the aerial machines to move in from their hovering in the canyons. They will fly over the halted enemy army and open fire from above with their plasma guns. If needed, the two massive tank machines will be behind the third hill just barely out of sight from the battle. Of course the third tank you had constructed will be sitting at the back passageway to the mountains. Guarding our back door in case they try to come at us from such a route. The production factories below the mountains here, have completed the rounds. So far every combat android finished as of today, will have a plasma rifle." General Vega perked a smile across the table at Zayveon. "My lord, you will have you victory."

Zayveon ran a pair of fingertips over his light beard as his gaze lowered from his General, down at the map. "Kill all that follow him, but I want the exiled Prince left for me to handle. I heard a rumor from my little friend, Burner. It seems a certain Dark Elf, has betrayed us. Quite possibly he could lead a force behind us. Make sure more then just that single tank machine is guarding the back passage. He knows of a few underground caverns. Secure the doors leading out from below and put several groups of troops behind them. If he does in fact show them a way around, or below, harm him but don't kill him. Bring his dark hide to me so that I can personally show him my distaste in his choice to go against me. Make sure none of them find the their way beyond the mountains, let alone near the castle. Post androids outside the mirror room just in case."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2008-01-05 14:19 EST
Meet in the middle...

"Forward!" Shouted General Decotis. The first five lines of soldiers charged across the open stretch of field toward the passage that would lead them into the Wizard's home. A thousand yards, eight hundred yards, six hundred yards, three hundred yards crossed by the first waves of man and elf. It wasn't until they reached within fifty yards that life stirred in the trenches that had been dug. Eyes of red peered over the trench walls and then suddenly stood to their full height as plasma gatling guns came to bear upon the rushing force.

Captain Deltorro, one of few actually living beings on the front lines sounded off to his communicator within his helmet. A simple order issued to the combat androids. "Destroyer all."

A hail of blue beams of light toward the incoming men and elves. The first line was cut down as that of shield and armor were sliced through easily with the hot plasma fire. Shouts and screams emerged from the second and third wave of oncoming soldiers. Their fate sealed.

"What is this"!"!" Cursed the Exiled Prince Eladore. The tall elf growled as he peered through a looking glass, lowering it and snarling almost at his General. "Send the rest....all of them! I want my army to push through these things, the Wizard has produced to stop me. Send them in, General! Send them all!"

Horns sounded off, before the main force of Eladore's army was set into motion along with the entire reserve compliment of troops. Rushing the battlefield, the first of each wave met the quick moving plasma fire from that of android gatling gun or plasma rifle.

Thousands were turned into hundreds in less then an hour. Perhaps more devastating then the ground androids armed with their plasma weapons, were the aerial units when they emerged in the skies above. Quick moving, the aerial vehicles rained down bolts of plasma over the attacking force. The gargoyle warriors supplied by Degon and Drusila, were no match for the aerial machines the Wizard had produced within his factories below the mountains. Plasma cannons made short work of the flying gargoyles. Cutting them up and dropping them from the skies above to only add to the lifeless bodies below. Prince Eladore's once great army, was being reduced faster then he could have imagined. He could only pray that the dark elf Elestar and the Goblin Mage Grubar, were making their way inside from the hidden passage way...

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2008-02-05 11:45 EST
Pieces fell from the massive tank droid. Sparks and small explosions echoed along it's hull, though it had done it's job and slowing down the goblins trying to enter through the passage behind the mountains. The Goblin Mage, Grubar, stood with his staff. Growling at the now defeated tank droid. His force of goblins had been reduced to a handful by the large thing of metal. He stood like a proud hero beside the thing. Grinning ear to ear at his accomplishment. He had beaten the large beast of metal that had killed so many of his goblin horde. He was victorious. He was triumphet. He was....bleeding?

Grubar looked down at the blood spilling from his chest and soaking to his clothing. Eyes shot up at the tall figure approaching him. "Not bad, I didn't think you were going to defeat my tank droid. You should be happy and now you shall be dead." Another shot rang out from the titanium gold plated desert eagle pistol. The large round impacted to the Goblin Mage's skull and exited out the back with a bit of goo.

A flash of metal caught Zayveon's eye and he backed quick spun out into a roll aside, just missing the swing of a large war hammer. Rising quick and narrowing his eyes at the dark elf, Elestar. "You betrayed me, elf. For that, you have seen your last moon." Zayveon lifted a hand and then drew it up and back before giving a pitch like motion and sending a ball of fire at the dark elf. Moving quick out of the way, Elestar easily missed the ball of fire. Swirling of winds as Zayveon moved his hands from left to right. Chanting quietly as the winds increased before him and then started to swirl upwards into the air. A mini tornado came to life and drove forth to swallow up Elestar within it's grasp. "You won't betray me, ever again." Bringing his hands together, the tornado suddenly split as the swirling beast came to a quick end. Elestar's body fell to the ground with a hard impact. You'd swear, you could hear the sound of ribs breaking. Moans and groans quietly escaped the dark elf's lips as Zayveon drew near. Lowering a hand toward the elf as bolts of blue and black shot forth from his fingertips. Raping over Elestar's body, the almost electric bolts drew forth what remained of the dark elf's life. Tugging it free, to leave a lifeless shell of an elf.

On the battlefield, Prince Eladore's army was fading quickly. Bodies of his once great army and a few metal androids littered the field. The Gargoyles Degon and Drusila had left him with only seven of their gargoyle warriors remaining. He'd get his vengeance on them for leaving. A shift of wind beside the exiled prince and he spun around to find Zayveon stepping from a small portal before it closed behind him.

"Interesting army, you set against mine, Draconis. Or should I call you Zayveon' That is what you are going by these days I hear." Eladore growled as he turned fully to face the bald headed man. "Either is fine with me, Eladore. Perhaps though you should say your farewells and go. While your life, is still intact." Zayveon gestured about them over the battlefield. "Your army, is defeated. Go now, before you join them." "We are not creatures of peace, Zayveon. If I leave today, we'd only meet again at a later date and time." Zayveon gave a slow bow of his head as he drew the enchanted sword from his side. "Very true. Then let us end this dispute. Here and now." Eladore drew his sword free from the scabbard and started to circle Zayveon slowly. "Your time, comes to an end....Draconian."

Zev Zayveon

Date: 2008-02-15 17:18 EST
Flames erupted around Zayveon. With the flick of a hand, water from a small creek nearby would hose down the flames.

"You're cheating, Eladore." Zayveon perked a smirk as he backed in step and move to the right in circling of the elf. "Since when, did we ever play by the rules?" The tall elf spun to the side and brought his sword low at Zayveon, who's own blade met with a loud clash. "I once called you friend, Eladore." Zayveon gave a shove of his blade against the elf's to push him back. "You stood against me." Eladore struck high to the right and then off to the lower left as Zayveon only caught each attempt of the blade to find flesh.

"You won't find her." Eladore actually smirked as his sword found a weak point in Zayveon's defense. Dropping and rolling out to the left upon the ground, Zayveon slid away from the attack. Blood oozed from his leg. Eladore's blade had found flesh. A moment's pause had allowed the strike as Eladore's words took a moment to sink in. "You lie, elf. She is lost for all time." "Do I?" As Eladore moved in for a swift swing of his sword, Zayveon threw up a hand and a burst of wind was cast forth. The elf was knocked back to the ground and before he could move to rise seemingly bolts of electricity ran along his frame as they danced outward from Zayveon's fingertips. "You lie...she was lost." Like a surge, the bolts of blue and black increased in volume from Zayveon's fingers. Eladore struggled to stand with a groan of pain escaping his lips. Throwing a hand toward Zayveon and stream of fire shot forth from his palm. "She....lives.....Draconis."

Both attempted to stand as pain licked at their bodies. As flame and bolts of necromancy gave pause, both leapt at each other with swords at the ready. Swords met flesh and with a cry of pain both warriors of old would find the ground as Zayveon fell to his side and Eladore found himself upon his back. Blood spilled from Zayveon's right shoulder while Eladore lifted a hand to gaze at his blood covered fingers. The ancient elf smiled and then chuckled gently with a light shake of his head against the ground, blood soaking to his robes from the nearly six inch slice into his chest. "Do you remember....Nestro'Galin?" Zayveon lifted his head from the ground and glanced over toward the elf. "Yes. We fought as Warrior Poets that day." Eladore smiled as he turned his head to face Zayveon. "Warrior Poets. I always did like, when you spoke of us as such. We stood for so much back then. Look at the children that inhabit our world now. They know little of wars of old. The sacrifices we made for their future." Zayveon gripped his shoulder to try and slow the blood flow, slowly then he crawled toward Eladore. "It doesn't matter, what the young today know of our sacrifices within the past. It only matters that good people, stood against evil, once upon a time and long ago." Zayveon reached a bloodied hand toward Eladore. The ancient elf looked at it and then into Zayveon's eyes before he reached out and took hold in a firm grip. "The Elf and the Draconian, The Warrior Poets." Zayveon smiled slowly with a nod of his head to the elf. "Brothers, Elven friend of mine." Eladore smiled slowly and gave a soft nod of his head. "You were always the better, Draconis. May you find your peace someday and savor the quiet. Be well, Draconian." Eladore's smile slowly faded as his eyes seemed to go distant. The grip lost from Zayveon's hand. Reaching over Zayveon slowly slid the elf's eyelids closed as he spoke quietly.

"Safe travels, into the next dimension, old friend..."