Topic: The Split

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-15 17:09 EST
((OOC: Many thanks to all involved for making this happen. ))

August 10th, 2017

The buzzing of her phone ripped her from her focus; fine tuning the most minor of details in preparation for the following day. Everything was ahead of schedule, they were going to do things on their terms. Until....

"Emergency....what..." More than confused, she quickly closed up shop, locking everything behind her. Without tapping out a response, she set off at a jog and then a run, dashing through the late afternoon crowds coming and going through the port. Her steps echoed through the hangar before the landing pads opened up to the hazy warmth of an early August afternoon. She found an empty one, pushed into a sprint for a running start that saw a swan dive from the edge. It was only a minor dip before the flight capabilities of her Vans caught her and soon she was zipping high then dashing forward to clear any incoming traffic. " me the coordinates from Sain's text. Give me a directional beacon....perfect. Send return text."

Text to Sain: On my way. ETA <5 minutes. Everything ok"

Text from Sain: No. I'll explain when you get here.

When she arrived, she'd find Sain in the middle of a lake miles from the nearest inhabited building, much less the city. He sat cross legged a few feet in the air, his sword in his lap, cuffs on his wrists. Sain's body glowed from within, golden light shining through the muscles and bones of his frame to illuminate even through the tshirt and jeans he wore. The boots that kept him aloft were the black and gold combat model of her vans. Sain's eyes glowed bright gold, even through his eyelids. His arms were covered with black arcane sigils, dripping from his fingers and flowing into the blade as he meditated. He didn't say anything when she arrived, focusing on expelling as much of the excess as he could into the blade and the cuffs on his wrists. His hope had been to simply drain away the power and hopefully stave off the collapse....but the mage was a veritable bottomless well of power, or at the very least whatever reaction was causing it had reached a self sustaining level.

She made it to the lake but didn't quite see him from the shore. Before she even touched down, she rose back up again, scanning the terrain until she found him. The glow was spotted before the hunter himself and it was with great hesitancy that she made her approach, skimming over the water before slowing to hover nearby. The raw power that rolled off of him in waves made the hair on the back of her neck stand up, goosebumps rippling along her skin as she took the queer sight in.

"...Sain?" She asked, her voice soft but clear.

Sain opened his eyes when she spoke. The glow fading a touch when he looked at her.

"The degradation hit collapse levels about an hour ago." he said calmly. "I've been trying to vent it....but nothing's working. I should have known, a collapsing mage outputs more destruction the closer they get. But I had no idea....I had no idea it would be like this. Clara....I can see the very fabric of magic around me. It's incredible. No wonder mages go mad with this kind of power." He stretched out his hand and auric light lanced out in a spear that reached the bank in a blink. It impacted the sand....and the trees, then the mountain behind the forest. Sain's glow showed no change from the display. He sighed. "I could destroy this entire valley and not break a sweat. We need to do something....if Eolai wakes up....he'll be many times more powerful than this. The cuffs and the sword are keeping him asleep for now."

Collapse levels. ****ing collapse levels. She was out of time. For all that she thought she had beaten the clock, the clock had come back with a vengeance to sucker punch her in the back of the head. For a moment she thought her heart may very well jump out of her throat. Silver tinged eyes widened with the display of destruction before sliding slowly back to the hunter. It was beautiful but so terribly destructive and that wasn't even a fraction of it. The rising panic very nearly overwhelmed her all stopped. Calm washed over her, the tension fading by degrees from her jaw and shoulders. Think Clara, think. They could attempt to reinforce their shared body as was but that could lead to difficulties with the split. Or they could attempt the split and then immediately take Eolai for reinforcement. She inhaled then let it out slowly.

"Then we have to move today. I....****. Pix, send the nine-one-ones to Ash and Doctor Al'amin. Give me ETAs as soon as they respond." A flicker of blue light on her wrist executed the commands, routing the pre-designated messages through her phone even with it in her pocket. Clara looked back to Sain. "How much time do we have?"

He nodded quietly, obviously agreeing with her but focused entirely on channeling as much of the excess power as he could into the sword and the cuffs. "That would be wise." He offered her a wan smile. "In this, I trust your judgement Clara. We've both agreed to place our lives in your capable hands." He sat calmly, the auric light from within him pulsing with his heartbeat in a smooth and steady pace. If it weren't for the discipline beaten into him as a rule of thumb, he was positive he would have been as panicked as Clara had nearly been. But the hunter in him accepted the situation and understood what had to be done. Buy time. As for how much exactly...."Maybe four days. At best. If Eolai doesn't accelerate the collapse." He said with a serene look on his face. Sain could have been telling her how long it would take him to go to the corner store for all the fear and panic in his voice. "The main thing is to keep everyone as calm as possible. Especially Eolai. If he gets worked up in this state he'll lose rational thought, empathy, and all sense of self."

Calm. Yeah ****ing right. At least that was her first thought. But contrary to her usual desire to freak the hell out, she found herself remarkably and almost uncharacteristically calmed. Maybe it was the need to be in -almost- healer mode that did it. Her bangle flickered twice before projecting two numbers; 15 and 45. That worked. "We won't need four days. But do you think you can come with me" Ash found a decommissioned fallout shelter where we're going to set up for the transfer. It's about ten clicks south of here."

"That's good. I can follow you." He wasn't sure performing the transfer before the reinforcement was the best idea. But he'd told Clara he trusted her, and if she thought this was best....well she knew more about it than he did. He didn't argue. "Um....don't take this the wrong way but you should avoid touching me if at all possible. I can't promise you won't get a jolt you may or may not be able to handle." He sighed quietly, wishing he'd savored her embrace a little more. Just holding her always helped. Doing that now carried a risk of accidentally killing her though. "Lead the way." He'd follow as soon as she left, keeping pace with her easily. The truth was he didn't need the shoes to stay aloft in this state....but it was best he used them because the regulators in the shoes would keep his speed to a reasonable level.

"It's not going to be possible when it comes down to it..." She told him, her voice rough. Her hand was steady even if her voice wasn't. Rising up, she directed them due south by memory instead of by Pix's direction. Though she had only been out to the spot a handful of times, she figured it was their best bet for containing anything that went awry. Along the way, she explained. " order to do this, I need to have a skin to skin connection with you. And, um....I'll have to wake him up. So, the sooner we do this, the better. Because if we do it in reverse....there's no guarantee it'll work let alone if we'll still be able to complete the split." Then it would all be for naught, wouldn't it' Eolai would be stable but never fully free from Sain, no matter how locked away the hunter's presence could have ended up. Still there was a steely determination in her expression as she set her sights on the slight break in the landscape that indicated the entrance to the shelter where just ahead of them, a tall, feminine figure was hauling a heavy looking box that looked almost like a coffin through the first of several blast doors.

He nodded, listening to her explanation. That could be problematic. But there had to be a way. "Alright." he muttered a few words. A projection emanated from the obsidian bead at his throat, modeling his current rate of expulsion versus the rate at which he was producing power. It was a stark difference, so he decided to expel a little more than he was maintaining. The air in his hand coalesced into an obsidian mass about the size of an apple. The volcanic glass absorbed Eolai's powers surprisingly readily in his earlier inventions, so he was hoping the mass would be able to contain some of the energy. What he ended up with as they flew was a twisting mass of chaotic form that seemed liquid to the touch and sucked up the energy like a sponge. The writhing mass of black glass pulsed with his power fluctuations but did a fair job of reducing the ratio. At least for a while. He didn't recognize the figure at the blast doors, but by the time they landed the black mass likely held as much power as an explosive volcanic eruption. "This the place?" He asked Clara.

She trusted him to do what was needed. And regardless of his current state, she trusted in Eolai too. While he worked on outputting some of the excess, she slowed to a hover and touched down some yards away from the bunker. Her heartbeat was remarkably slow considering the situation, a fact she would have marveled at had she stopped to think about it. For now though, it was all business. "Yeah....Cold War era fallout shelter. I don't anticipate it'll hold everything if something goes poorly but it should hopefully mitigate some of the collateral." And she planned to lock herself inside with him. "Let that extra go if you can....I dunno where or how. But we're going in and I'm sending Ash out once we're set up. It'll take me....about an hour to complete things then Ash and Doc are going finish the second half of things..." the more she said, the crazier it sounded. "I'm all in on this, Sain. I'm bringing you both out of there. I promised. Ready?"

She told him to get rid of it, so he slashed a hand through the air and placed the seething mass of energy laden glass into a pocket dimension. It was amazing how easily it came to him, and Sain marveled at the idea that Eolai must feel some semblance of this all the time. But he was focused mostly on what she had to say. "You're....going to be in there during the transfer?" He asked quietly. He hadn't known that....but again he had chosen to trust her so he reminded himself of that choice. Now was not the time to be arguing. He nodded to her. "It's not as if we're banking on anything else." He said softly. "Um....Clara....Wait..." He reached behind his back and pulled out the pistol he had carried every day she had known him. He turned it around and offered it to her. "I....I know you don't want it. And I trust you to have everything as planned out and prepared as it can be. Please take it. Just to make me feel better." The pistol was loaded with a full clip of ammunition that would cut through Eolai's powers and end him as surely as the bastard sword would. "Take it....and I'll be ready."

"I have to be. The crystal transference process is all on me..." She said softly. What she didn't tell him was just how she had to do it. Before she took the pistol she sent out a quick text to three people then turned her phone off. Without argument, and perhaps a testament to the fear she concealed, she took the gun. Thirty seconds were taken to acclimate to it before she tucked it into her waistband at the small of her back. "Discharge anything extra you can and then let's go." Once they were both good to go she pushed through the first blast door. It led to a second and then a third on a downward slope that took them as far underground as they could go. It split off into two rooms at the bottom, one opened, one closed. Clara paused outside of the open one. "We can do this. Right?"

He clenched his grip on the sword tightly, pouring as much power as he could into the blade as he followed her into the shelter. By the time he'd finished, the sword was held loosely in his grasp, barely even held at all. The blast doors were impressive at first glance, but compared to the power he knew Eolai would unleash they may as well be tissue paper. He stopped beside her, taking a deep and shaky breath. "We can do this. We have to." He said calmly. "I wish I had some inspiring and poetic quote that would suit the situation perfectly." He smiled at her. "All I got is I love you." Sain said softly. "Let's do this."

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-15 17:12 EST
"And I love you. Remember that." She said in return, fixing him with a long look before swallowing and stepping through the open door. The barren room had already been set up thanks to the tall woman in the corner. Brunette, pretty, taller than Clara even, the woman was solidly built and seemingly unconcerned by the task at hand. The heavy box she had brought in had been opened up, unfolded like it was nothing to create a flat surface atop a metal table. Atop it was the droid build. From the door it was difficult to see but a portion of the scalp had been peeled away along with the metal plate on the skull to expose the reinforced crystal insert. Conductive wires had been fashioned to it, their ends left to dangle for the time being. Next to the table sat a chair, just slightly reclined in similar fashion to a dentist's chair. There seemed to be no restraints or anything of the sort. "Alright....we'll need the sword set aside....but once it is....go ahead and sit and get comfortable."

He held her gaze while he could and looked around the room. It wasn't quite the sterile medical facility he'd been imagining, but didn't really have to be when he gave it some thought. If anything, the bunker was as good as he could hope for. The sight of the droid on the table was mildly unnerving, especially the peeled scalp. But he'd seen much worse and it didn't put him off as much as current events that were unfolding. Sain moved and stepped beside the chair, looking over at the droid and then back to his hand around the blade. It was best he not be able to reach the sword, so he flicked a hand and it sailed smoothly to the wall, where it slowly sunk into the stone halfway to the hilt. He sat back onto the chair and got as comfortable as he could, holding up one wrist to Clara. "What about these?" The cuffs on his wrists would be as effective as the sword at suppressing Eolai, he guessed that was the issue with the sword.

What he didn't see was the closed room next door. The entirety of their preparations had gone into the other room since ultimately, there was nothing medical that would occur in the room they were in at the moment. Her gaze flickered over to the wall as the sword sank into it, the moment vaguely reminiscent of the day they had met. The thought made her fingers tingle though she worked the feeling out with a few flexions of her hand. Once Sain sat, she considered his question but instead addressed the woman in the room with them. "After we're hooked up, close all four doors and wait for Doctor Al'amin topside. You'll get the signal when we're done. Wait ten minutes before coming down. When all's said and done, Chip will make sure you and the Doc are compensated as previously agreed upon." Clara and Ash had gone through this a hundred times so really there was little need for conversation to discuss it. For all that she may have worried about the younger girl, ultimately it wasn't the woman's business to pry beyond what she had already been told. A single nod acknowledged the orders so Clara stepped over and offered her hands out to the woman, palm down. Ash took the dangling ends that connected to the crystal insert and stuck them to the backs of the teenaged engineer's hands and fingers with electrical tape. Instantly Clara felt the connection with the life-crystal, the subtle thrum of latent energy waiting for an imprint. Inhaling, she turned back to Sain as Ash left the room, pulling the heavy door shut behind her. Before he could argue, Clara swung a leg over his lap to straddle him. That close, she could feel every drop of excess energy as it rolled off of him. It very well could have made her blood boil in her veins for all of its power but she was undaunted in her mission and her pervasive calm seemed stronger than ever. Her hands, perfectly still as they were, were set to either side of his neck in much the same way she typically did for more in depth healing. Perched on his lap, she fixed him with a muted smile. "I love you, Sain. Take them off for me..."

She straddled him and he forced himself to suppress as much of the energy as he could to keep her from getting too much of it. If she died from the output she got from touching him then they were all dead. Her friends included. He looked into her eyes and didn't break the gaze as the straps on the cuffs came undone on each wrist simultaneously. "Clara....." He whispered softly. "I'm afraid." He barely breathed the words before he smiled at her. Complete and utter trust in his eyes as he spoke with a stronger voice. "I love you too. I'll see you on the other side. Of the table."

He managed a tiny humorless laugh, short lived as the cuffs fell to the floor with a solid pair of thunks. It took a fraction of a second and the power he'd tried so hard to suppress flooded from him. Without the sword and without the cuffs the raw energy that reared its head was something to behold. Unbridled arcane sigils flowed like water from his skin over the chair as his heartbeat pulsed with a terrifying beat that seemed to resonate with reality itself. Every breath he took shook the shelter, shook the ground, shook the air. Black flooded over his body and his eyes flashed gold. His hair turned a deep burnished golden color, talons formed on his hands, fangs tearing from his gums. The mage called Eolai spoke with a thousand voices and the multiverse around them trembled.

"Hello Clara." The monster beneath her was what Sain had fought his entire life. What had spawned a worldwide order dedicated to exterminating its kind. What had pushed that order to a level of unimaginable cruelty because of what these things could, would, and had done. It would immediately be clear to her why, for all of Sain's warnings and all her doubts, Sain was afraid. Why he gave her that gun. Eolai shone like an eclipse, his body dark and yet glowing from within to create an unnerving mixture of light and darkness that played tricks on the mind. He smiled with a mouth full of inhuman teeth.

Sain was gone before she could say anything else and in his place was something else entirely. She could feel the ground beneath them rumble, could feel her teeth rattle with the sheer force of the power that spilled from the mage. It hurt on a molecular level, everything felt like it was vibrating violently. But the girl who never ran at the right times didn't pull away from him. She didn't so much as jump as the change overtook him. Her hands stayed exactly where she had set them, her fingers curling around the back of his neck while her ankles curled around the legs of the chair, anchoring herself to him. She could feel his very essence echoing beneath her fingertips, violent and destructive and....beautiful. Her thumbs gently caressed his jaw line, her eyes on his. A smile flickered, just a flash in the dark before it flared to life, something bright and brilliant and brave, a starshine smile that spoke of a thousand galaxies and a thousand suns. It was a smile he had once asked for and she gave it over without hesitation. "Hi Eolai." She said softly, her breathing slowing more than it already was. "How're you feeling?"

The thousand galaxies in her smile swirled through his eyes in gold flecks that spoke of time and space being mere playthings at his feet. "I feel incredible." He said truthfully. Eolai knew what was happening to him on some level. Because Sain knew. But Sain wasn't what mattered right now. She smiled at him and his head canted to one side. "You're not angry anymore?" Even as he spoke the words his voice echoed a thousand possibilities of what he could have said, a cacophony of questions that all pointed to the same girl, pointed to the same mage sitting beneath her radiating a power that put Sain's warnings to shame. Everything Eolai had done until that moment paled in comparison, making it obvious this was the true extent of an Itherian mage's power. Sain had spoken the truth, if they didn't stop the collapse now, Eolai knew he would only get more and more powerful....until he tore reality apart around him. The girl straddling him fearlessly was the only thing that stood between him and a ruined world outside those doors.

"This, you, it's the definition of incredible." She knew that in the grand scope of things she was but a speck, a single second in an infinite set of realities. There were exactly zero reasons for him to not ruin her right then and there and she didn't think even the ring on her index finger could keep her from his wrath should his whims decide to cast her aside. None of it mattered though. "Eolai....I was never angry..." There was a brief failing in her smile but she managed to rouse it once more. To explain the difference between hurt and anger, would any of it really matter or make a difference" She doubted it. "All I ever really wanted was for you to be happy....even if it was without me. I just didn't anticipate it would sting so much when that was the case. But it's okay....all of it's gonna be okay, right?"

Eolai reached up and touched her face with an index finger, the fingertip tracing across her lips and to the corner of her mouth. "You sent me away." He said as images of that moment replayed around them a hundred times over, from different angles and viewpoints before everything around them went dark. "You wanted me to be happy." Eolai smiled, but it was a dark and terrible thing to see, holding none of the light that so dazzled him once upon a time. From the darkness around them could be heard all manner of things unspeakable, monsters and demons, horrors that knew not the meaning of light. Eolai rent asunder the barriers between the worlds, souls of the dead cried out in agony from a thousand hells and the depths of a maelstrom of the void howled a fury no mortal had ever heard. Yet there in the center Eolai and Clara sat peacefully. "All I wanted was your smile."

Another form of Eolai stood beside the table and looked at her. "Your laugh."

"Mourn me." Another said from behind her.

"Remember my name." And another.

And another. "Forgive me."

"Let me live in peace."

"Let me die already."


"I'm so sorry Clara."

"I loved you from the moment I saw you."

"You're my best friend right?"

"It's gonna be okay."

"No matter what....I'll never hurt you."

"I Hate You."

"Why can't I be better?"

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry for it." She was, that much was evident in the pull of her mouth, her lips twisting beneath his touch. Still she didn't shy away even when confronted with the flickers of the memory dancing around her. The dark settled but her grip stayed true. In a position like that there could be nothing but closeness and she gave him exactly that, so close that he might be able to feel the slow, steady inhale and exhale of her breathing. It didn't so much as falter as he overwhelmed her from every angle with more input that anyone should have been able to take. Briefly her lashes fluttered, her breath hitching in her chest. Her countenance refused to crack though and when she reopened her eyes fully, she locked them on his. Eolai, this Eolai, was her only focus, the only one that mattered. He was the first, the first she had unabashedly given herself to, heart and body alike, and even though he wasn't hers, there was still plenty of her that was his.

"Eolai." She whispered his name, just a single breath in the din of it all. "Focus on me....I'll see you through, just focus on me. You want to live, you told me yourself. You want to breathe with your own lungs. You want to be free of the dark of another being's mind. You want to be remembered as something more than a monster." They were his words, words that had spilled from his own lips once upon a time when Clara had asked him to fight and she repeated them to him now, damn near word for word. "You didn't even have to pretend..." She murmured, referring to the fact he had once pretended she loved him, if only for a taste of something he thought he'd never have.

So many times she'd called his bluffs, so many times he'd threatened to simply end her or use her in one way or another. Here beneath her was Eolai, as monstrous as ever he would be. Still she leaned down and whispered his name and he knew. He knew by the the way the real monsters in the dark quieted. He knew by the agony of a thousand hells that faded into nothingness. By the horrors that found their own worlds to haunt. Eolai looked at her as his shades silenced themselves and blew away into dust and all that remained was her and him in a quiet bunker. His heart thudded in his chest and the power of an Itherian mage pulsed with each resounding beat.

"Do it." He said quietly. A single voice. His voice. "Do it now Clara..." He leaned up and kissed her softly. "I should have told you." His voice a whisper.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-15 17:14 EST
She exhaled a soft breath against his lips, the first hint of surprise she had shown since the cuffs had been released. Of all the things to not expect and it had to be that. Her bottom lip quivered before she gave him a gentle nod that saw her kissing him back softly before drawing back just enough to set her forehead to his. "You can tell me when we're'll know when it's done but we have to move quickly after it is....I can't do the next part but I did everything I could to make it not hurt so much." That wasn't to say it wouldn't hurt at all, it would, but rather than a full skeletal graft, she had fused several different focus metals together into a total of five plates, one for each limb and one for his chest to cut down on the number of incisions and the overall healing time. "Push him out completely, everything you can....I'll sort out the knots. I promise you'll have your freedom soon."

He did as she asked. If nothing else that in itself was something of a miracle. But he leaned his head against her hands and slowly, inexorably, tore his mind in half. What was Sain ripped away from him, his shield, his armor, the memories of what Sain had been....Eolai focused all his power as a mage into repairing what damage he was doing as he heard something. Clara was screaming. No....that was him. Whatever he was doing hurt. But he couldn't remember why it was so important he finish it. Still he didn't stop until no trace of the hunter remained. It took some time. By the end Eolai was exhausted, panting and barely conscious as all that was Sain left him for the first time in his life since the order found him. He collapsed back onto the chair as agony tore through his mind like nothing he'd ever experienced. The ragged hole in his psyche attempting to close as Eolai teetered on the edge of consciousness.

It was a sight to behold, the little girl and the monster all wrapped up in the worst of ways. As he pushed Sain away, Clara drew on it through a series of cantrips, an indiscernible blend of Ancient Greek and what sounded like Celtic that faded from one to another and back again as though she had practiced it a thousand times. The words were iron on her tongue, or maybe that was the taste of blood in her mouth, but she felt the transference through where her fingers met his skin and the subtle burn of the conductors that had been fixed to her hands. It was a solid bond, too solid maybe, forcing her to wade through the darkest parts of a mind torn asunder as she focused on separating any lingering remnants that the mage hadn't already pulled apart. In her wake she left her strongest protections, hopefully enough to keep the mage safe while he worked through the trauma. In all, it must have taken nearly an hour though it had felt as though time had stopped in that dark little chamber. By the time she found definitive separation between the hunter and the mage, she could feel a hot trickle from both nostrils and even sticky heat pooling in her ears until red soon stained the delicate line of her neck too. But it all clicked at once, a snapping of a rubber band as the last of Sain's presence was pulled away from Eolai's. That too was wrapped in every last protection she could before it was sent to the security of the lifecrystal already positioned within the hunter's new vessel. Her fingertips curled one last gentle touch to the mage's neck before falling away, limp at her sides. It was done. Whatever may come, it was done. Her breathing was shallow and ragged as she touched her lips to the corner of the mage's mouth.

"'M always gonna love you, Eolai," she slurred before slumping forward, the drag of her mouth along his cheek leaving a streak of dark red before her head came to rest against his shoulder. The quiet click of something near the table said they had ten minutes until anyone would come down to see if things had been a success.

The mage beneath her wrapped her in arms strong and pulsing with energy unfettered. Eolai was free. But he was still collapsing. The blood on her face and neck seemed unnoticed as he gathered her against him. "And I will always love you Clara." He whispered into the sudden quiet. He was free. The transfer was finished. But he wasn't sure it was worth it. Clara seemed so drained, so frail....He wasn't even sure if she was still breathing. Eolai sat up with her in his arms, the chair beneath him dissolving away and reforming into a gurney onto which he laid her. The shallow barely there breaths that came from her mouth was all he needed. Eolai gently brushed hair from her face with a shaking hand. "You told me it was going to be ok. All of it. That includes you, you stubborn girl." He whispered softly. Golden light coalesced into his hand as he looked at her, for the first time reading the truth of what his power was and understanding Clara's own rules of reality. He wrote them around his hand, the same rules that surrounded Clara. The golden light flashed silver, a light brighter than anything he'd ever seen. "You're as beautiful inside as you are outside you know that' In a lot of ways." He let out a broken laugh and let the energy he'd accumulated form a filter of sorts. A converter. He poured it into Clara. As perfect a copy of her healing abilities as he could manage by examining the rules it worked by. This wasn't intuition as he had worked so often before. Now he could see it, like the pages of a book laid bare before him. And still....he didn't know if it would help. But it was all he could do. Eolai didn't heal. He could change a thing, but Clara wasn't a thing. The best he could do was imitate her powers. Maybe, just maybe it would be enough. "Come back to us..." He whispered thickly. "Come back to me. Wake up. Please....Please wake up."

Ragdoll limp in his arms, she sprawled across the newly formed gurney. Everything hurt. Everything. The sheer amount of energy she had absorbed solely through contact with the mage was colossal. There was relief that came with leaving his mind behind but after that there was only pain. The fact of the matter remained that for all of the power she wielded, she was still just a human with a mortal, fallible body. And her rules, odd as they may be, dictated that for all she could do to others healing wise, could not be said for herself. It was the crux of the lifeweaver, able to spin the threads of others but unable to touch their own. When turned around, her body fought back and a pained whimper issued from her lips. A spasm ran through her frame, and just barely did she manage to turn onto her side away from the mage before a spill of dark red poured from her mouth with a rough heave. It was enough to paint the edge of the gurney and the floor with a macabre display of spatter. It was just in time for the blast door to slowly open. Ash took a peek inside and instantly the confusion spread across her expression. It was quick to fade though as she cautiously stepped toward the mage.

"It's....Eolai, right?" The tall woman rounded the new gurney (which definitely hadn't been there when she left) and moved to gently peel the conductor wires from Clara's hands. Once they were removed, she followed them back to the inert droid on the table so she could disconnect them there and close up the exposed crystal inside. "We're gonna take care of her....but from here, can you come with the white coat to the next room over?"

Dr. Amara Al'amin was a willowy elven woman in her late twenties, lingering in the doorway. She wore navy blue scrubs and a patterned scrub cap to keep her hair back. Dark eyes skimmed between the three conscious people and the non-human droid on the table before ultimately falling on Eolai, expectant of his answer.

He blinked golden eyes filled with a darkness vast and unknown. Of course the only way he could heal would be useless on her. He could rewrite those rules. He knew he could. But doing so could change Clara on a fundamental level. He had no idea what that would do to her. She may be better off dead. For an instant, he was tempted to do it. To rewrite the very rules of her being and ensure death?s touch was forever held at bay. He could make her immortal. He could make her able to heal herself. Right now....he could make her anything. But the result wouldn't be Clara. She wouldn't be the woman he fell in love with. She wouldn't be her.....she would be reduced to what he wanted. Clara's words echoed back to him from the garden so long ago. He whispered brokenly her words, and kissed his fingers to place the gesture on her shoulder. The mage turned to the tall woman and fixed her with an inscrutable expression. Then he spoke, and the Itherian chaos that issued from his mouth made his point well and truly known. "She dies....So does everyone here." He said levelly. Without waiting for an answer he turned to the white coat. "Let's go." He couldn't look at Clara again. If he did, he wouldn't be able to leave her. Eolai would follow the Dr. Amara where she led him.

Clara's lips moved but she didn't manage a sound to go with it. If he were any good at lip reading, it looked strangely like 'Damned ducks.' Her head fell back on the gurney, her skin ashen and pale save for the blood. There was so much of it. Ash seemed unfazed by it though and met Eolai's gaze evenly. "She's not goin' to die."

As Eolai left the room, Ash closed up the droid after verifying everything was secure per Clara's instructions. It left the girl on the table beside it which made it easy for the Spartan to position herself between the two just in case. Meanwhile, Amara led Eolai to the room next door that had been previously closed off by the heavy blast door. Within was a fair replica of a hospital surgical room enclosed by a second structure within the room. It gave her space to prep and to scrub in, in order to ensure that it was as close to sterile as they could get for such circumstances.

"Did Miss Wyatt explain to you what we would be doing today?" Amara asked. She had a pleasant, almost melodic voice, soft and soothing. The elf had been born and raised in Rhydin and though the power exuded by the mage was intimidating, he wasn't her first monster. "She's fashioned a rather remarkable set of conductor plates to help regulate the flow of your energy. I've ensured there should be no adverse reaction short or long term from the metals. We'll be placing one longer one on each femur, one on each humerus, and one over your sternum. If you'll step through this way and slip into the gown on the table, I'd appreciate it. Do you respond to sedatives or painkillers, do you know?"

Eolai took in the room as he followed the doctor. The tone of her voice was largely lost on Eolai, who at that moment was having trouble walking forward. Each step taking him farther from Clara. Her explanation of the procedure drew him back to the present and he nodded mutely. When she asked if he responded to sedatives or painkillers he just smiled wryly. "No, but I have a good pain threshold." He said as he looked over the room. Without any real concern or modesty he phased out of his clothes. Sain's belt, scabbard, boots, and holster fell to the floor with the rest of the clothes he wore. Eolai moved to the table, skin as dark as the void stark against the medical white of the room. A taloned hand ran over the table he'd be laying on until it came to the gown. Her explanation of the procedure wasn't quite what he was expecting. The plate grafts were less wolverine and more implants. But he wasn't going to complain. Not with her lying in the other room fighting for her life so far as he knew. He sighed and picked up the gown as he turned that gaze to the doctor. "You ever done anything like this before?"

"Would you like me to try at all?" Came her follow up question while she washed up and carefully tugged on gloves. Doing surgery without any sort of sedation or pain killers would be rough, doubly so when Amara was the only one in the room. Once she was ready and he was undressed, she stepped into the main surgical area and over to a closed chest that contained everything she would need, prepackaged and sterilized. "I'm an orthopaedic surgeon, It's not the first time I've done metal plates on bones. Originally she wanted to complete an entire skeletal graft but the trauma from such a thing, we were afraid would be too much. She's been incredibly concerned about ensuring that you come through this so together we found the most efficient method possible to accomplish what she's looking to do. Go ahead and lay down and get comfortable, I'll try to work as quickly as possible but we'll be putting the biggest plates in first, which will likely be the most painful."

"I'd be genuinely surprised if it worked. But I'll trust your judgement. I'm not a doctor after all." He said simply as he slipped the gown on and sat on the table, turning to lay down. The process was going to be painful, he was ready for that. He'd already been tortured, beaten, mentally invaded, and starved. This just added another notch to the belt. To her explanation he just nodded. "Let's get this over with. I'll try not to kill you out of reflex.' He didn't make any promises, but he'd never had someone rooting around inside his body before, and doing so while he was in this state wasn't something he was positive he could control perfectly. "I'll try hard, if it makes you feel any better."

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-15 17:20 EST
"If there's one thing I've realized over the past few weeks, it's to not underestimate that girl in the other room." Amara said with a wan smile. Only a handful of implements were needed though that didn't make it a basic procedure. "And besides, if her mother ever finds out I did this, she'll likely kill me herself." Not as though joking would make either of them feel better. A heavy thud denoted the removal of the first two plates. They were a layered blend of metals similar to Clara's rings. If he counted the rings on her fingers he might have even found a few to be missing. Before Amara could make the first cut though, a blood curdling scream cut through the air and a few moments later, Ash burst through the door.

"Somethin's seriously wrong, Doc. We need you over here." The brunette panted. There was a diagonal splatter of red that left its garish mark on the woman but the doctor, scalpel in hand, didn't budge.

"She'll have to wait. Keep her comfortable in the meantime." The doctor said after a moment.

"Amara" she's just a kid" ya gotta?" Ash protested only for Amara to cut her off.

"And she's a kid that will be dead regardless if I don't finish this in time. You know the stakes, Lyra. You understood the order when you agreed to it." Before Ash could argue further, another cry came from the other room. The lights dimmed then went out completely for nearly ten seconds. When they came back on, another person occupied the room. Dark haired and silver eyed, the woman stood across the table from the doctor, her argent gaze on the mage.

"Enough quibbling ladies. Finish your tasks." Kate's voice was firm, aethereal in its command. She turned her hand palm up to Eolai. "I owe you one, yes?"

Eolai rested on the table until Ash burst into the room. His eyes flashed dangerously as his heartbeat raced and a surge of energy unlike anything he'd ever felt tore through his body. Amara would find his skin quite impenetrable even as she explained things to Ash. He nearly sat up and wiped them both from existence so he could flash Clara to the best hospital in Rhy'din when Kate saved both their lives by showing up. Likely she saved the life of everyone in that shelter. He wouldn't forget it, but nor would he feel he owed her either. This made them even after all. He nodded to her quietly and offered his hand to her. "I hope you're not looking to me for any sort of direction. I'm likely going to be rather preoccupied. Take what you need Kate. I assume you are here only to protect your charge....that's all I care about. So we're even if she lives through this." He said simply. Goddess, spirit, titan, witch....he didn't know exactly what Kate was. Perhaps she was some culmination of all of those things. But he knew if Clara died....even Kate would have trouble reining him in. He would visit a fury upon this world they would remember for decades to come. "And....thanks. For coming. Regardless of your reason." He knew she thought this was all folly, a fool's errand in pursuit of a promise made by an ignorant child.

"I saw what you did. Or tried to do." Kate said softly as Ash left the room. Amara looked confused, as if she didn't understand why she was doing just what the woman had asked of her but Kate paid the doctor no mind. Her fingers brushed the mage's hair back before she took his hand in hers. Her grip was solid and instantly a wash of energy was offered to counter that which he put out. It was an infinite amount more than Clara could have ever harnessed but the signatures were similar in nature. Though she sought to ground the mage as much as she could she also offered him a glimpse into the other room. Kate stood over the girl in the other room in much the same fashion, their hands interlocked just like Kate and Eolai's. With the connection he could even feel Clara's heartbeat, slow, erratic, but still there. "You're going to fix her." Kate told him. "I'll show you how but you'll be the one to do it, because you can, you must. You're more than you were so refocus that rage and bring her back."

Eolai gripped her hand like his life depended on it, but shook his head. Part of him argued even as he tried to do as she asked. But he didn't know what he was supposed to do. "I'm....I'm not..." He looked up at her uncertainly, the tide of energy between them an ebb and flow as he met the power she brought to the fore with a wave of his own. "I'll try." He said quietly. All he could do was imagine that smile. Brilliant as the rising sun, beautiful in a way he'd never be able to describe. The energy Kate let flow into him reminded him of Clara, the purity and strength. Even Kate's determination made him think of the girl's adamant stubborn nature. But Eolai was an Itherian mage....he was a destroyer. He was a monster. What use could he be in bringing her back from whatever precipice she was about to fall from' Eolai couldn't heal....he was useless. For all his power, the best he could do was hold onto the broken pieces of whatever he touched until nothing was left. But if Kate thought he could do it.....if she would show him how....he would do whatever it took to fix what happened here. He released the stops on his power, let go of the rage in a clarity he knew had to come from Kate. WIth it, came an infinite sea within him. The waves of this internal landscape slowed and calmed. He opened that calm vastness to Kate, opening his eyes and looking to her. Those eyes showed nothing but utter darkness and a ring of golden light. "Show me."

He shook his head but she held fast to his hand, her calm steadfast and unwaning. "You are and you will." She encouraged him, her voice soft so he would have to focus on it if he wanted to hear what she said. Destruction was an innate part of each and every Asterian. It was half of Kate herself and it was just as much a part of Clara, her sisters, her mother, and so on and so forth. Perhaps that was what drew the girl to the mage, what saw him through the faces that would have terrified others. Every lifeweaver had the choice between creation and destruction and it was a choice they had to make each and every day without even realizing it. Today' Today Kate would show him how they chose creation. What she showed him was an echoing aura of silver-white light, bright, pure, but eaten through in places until what was solid more closely resembled swiss cheese. She didn't show him how to knit those holes back together, there wasn't enough to do that. Rather, he was shown how to form it from chaos itself, to shape it and purify it until it was strong enough to hold everything together. What she gave him wasn't a way to heal the girl in the other room but rather a way to keep her tethered and safe while she did it herself. If his focus slipped, so too did the tether, evident in a leap over her heartbeat followed by a longer lull than before until it could steady with his influence. It would hopefully give him something to focus on while the doctor made neat incisions in the side of the mage's thighs, parting flesh just enough to slip the heavy plates beneath muscles and tendons for her to secure them to each femur with a series of specially made screws. Each was made of a different metal and Clara had been very particular about the order in which they were put in, in order to maximize the regulatory potential of each plate.

Eolai watched what she showed him, understanding what she wanted. Likely it was the only way he was going to be able to focus on something other than the doctor who was cutting into his legs and sliding the plates into him. His eyes unfocused as he let his awareness lift from his body and focus entirely on Clara. There, the pain of the procedure was a backdrop....a static in the wind, ever present and very irritating but nothing he couldn't tune out in favor of something more important. The mage's astral form drifted before Kate, a shining ethereal form of gold and swirling black sigils. He followed what Kate showed him, shaping the chaotic forces she opened his eyes to. His concentration never slipped, never wavered. It was one thing a collapsing mage of Ither had going for them. Whatever their minds fixated on....few forces could stop them from doing as they pleased. Perhaps Kate understood this and gave him a task. Perhaps she simply wanted to let him use the power he had to spare. Perhaps she had her own more subtle or less obvious reasons. Eolai didn't care. She granted him a way to do something beyond lay there and scream. Which his body was doing....despite being perfectly still. Eolai paid it no mind. It was a distraction. Unimportant.

Her intention was twofold; first to ground the excess power he put off as best as she could. It would do nobody any favors for him to implode. Secondly to keep Clara afloat, circumventing the typical rules that said Kate couldn't, or at least shouldn't, interfere in the girl's natural course in life. To have Eolai do it though' That wasn't breaking the rules, not in the least. And finally, to satisfy her own curiosity. The mage had been a passing interest but now....the opportunities were endless. His potential was as vast as the void itself if only he could be shown how to harness it. The mage's focus paid off little by little, steadying the girl in the other room heartbeat by heartbeat.

"There you go..." She encouraged him, her voice cutting through the screaming and the sound of the drill that set each screw into his bones. Each plate was nearly fourteen inches in length, slightly curved for the contour of his bones and then fashioned into place with the focus-conductor screws to create a progressive circuit through which arcane power could flow. For what it was worth, the young surgeon had a steady, efficient hand and quickly she managed two of the harder implants. The ones in his arms would hopefully be less painful. They were smaller, only nine inches and significantly narrower. The screws were the same though, each placed in a specific order to maximize their potential.

The final plate posed the most trouble, at least pain wise, but it was saved for last. T-shaped, it would cover the mage's sternum and branch out over half of his clavicle. It was made of the same focus metals only this plate was etched with a series of runes, something older than even the Ancient Greek cantrips Clara had used for the separation process. They would help make up for the fact the screws weren't as deep and offer protections against corruption to the mage's mind and heart.

Eolai's concentration was ironclad and he barely reacted to her encouragement. What reaction he gave her was a small smile from his astral form. He didn't say it, but her presence comforted him in a perverse sort of way. Should he fail....Should he be the cause of Clara's death or undue suffering, he imagined she would kill him without much hesitation. If any at all. He didn't imagine he would fight it, but he did think about the devastation he could cause if she didn't. If Clara didn't open her eyes, nothing short of Kate would stop him from destroying everything he came into contact with. He was sure of it. Until he tore those plates from his body and took his last breaths before collapsing in the most spectacular way he could think of. But all of that was idle thought. For the moment, the vast majority of his focus was on keeping that stupid stubborn teenaged thorn in his side alive so he could yell at her for not finding a safer way to separate them.

It would have been a shame to destroy something like him, but ultimately if it came down to it and she had to, she would have. So for now she maintained the connection between the mage and the girl he had convinced so easily that he didn't love. Eventually, Clara relaxed one room over, much to Ash's relief. Her hair was damp with perspiration, stuck to her face and neck in much the same way her clothes clung to her skin. There was so much blood though that it was no wonder that she was a ghastly shade of white, but still, she was breathing and her heart rate had steadied to a slow but strong beat. It came in time for the sound of the drill to stop.

"Done!" Amara hissed through her teeth, quickly switching utensils in order to close the mage up and seal the last plate in. A practiced hand whipped smoothly through a series of dissolvable stitches in much the same manner she had on his arms and legs, taking care to make them as strong as she could manage. Still Kate held Eolai's hand just so he could see that Clara was doing okay at the very least. He had done exactly what he needed to, he had kept her safe long enough for her body to repair the worst of the damage.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-15 17:23 EST
The sight of her stable had a profound impact on Eolai. The heartbeat, so steady and strong, that he'd longed to hear was right there. A reassuring rhythm that gave him solace. His body quieted as Amara stitched his body closed. There would be some scarring, he was sure. But for the time being he was okay with that. Even as he felt the implants begin to do their work, seemingly slowly....and then all at once. The unbridled flow of energy that he'd felt overwhelm him from the beginning was suddenly a calm sea. He stood at the shore of that sea rather than tossed in the midst of a storm upon the waves. He waved a hand, and the sea within him responded to his whims. On the table, the black on his skin slowly leeched away, the auric glow that had shone from within him faded. The fangs and the talons disappeared leaving his usual teeth and nails. For all the power he had, he could now contain it. His astral form looked at Kate. "She's okay now?" The question was quiet, seemingly impassive but there was no hiding the emotion in the astral form as it roiled through him. Relief, and Clara, and to Kate.

With the final stitch, Amara worked through bandaging the incisions, wrapping them thoroughly so they had time to heal. The young doctor seemed to relax too when the mage did, if only because the screaming had stopped. She noted that completing field surgery sans anesthetic wasn't something she ever wanted to do again, let alone on a proverbial ticking time bomb. When the wraps were complete, she peeled off her gloves and mask and set about cleaning up, the methodic process giving her time to breathe. Kate paid her little mind, she was a pawn after all, meant to moved and used as needed. Instead she tightened her hold on Eolai's hand as he steadied.

"You tell me." She told him, a flicker of a wan smile gracing her lips. If he looked harder, beyond the steel wall that separated them from the other room, he could see the same silver-white aura as before. But where there had been gaping, ragged holes in it, there was now shades of semi-transparent white tinged with gold that had filled them in, steadily darkening to blend with the girl's overall essence. On the table, Clara stirred, her expression contorting first with pain and then confusion as her eyelids cracked open. The whites of her eyes were shot through with the red of broken blood vessels but even that was fading little by little. It was too quiet in the bunker though, surely she should have heard something, right'

"Sain" Eolai?" She whispered hoarsely, trying to sit up and instantly regretting it. Ash's hands settled onto the girl's shoulders to wrestle her back down, hushing her with soft tones to try and soothe her.

In the other room, Kate's head tilted. "Do you want to tell her you're okay?"

Eolai's astral form settled back into his body and he tightened his grip on Kate's hand in return. He sat up, the pain was.....intense to say the least. But again, he could separate himself from it. He had work to do....things he hadn't told Clara or Sain about. "I don't want to lie to her." He said quietly. "I won't know if I'm okay for another few days. I have to write these things into my being....otherwise this is a pointless measure." He ran his other hand over the bandages. Everything hurt in a way he didn't expect. The plates were siphoning, but they were also recycling. The circuit wasted no power, but rather provided a stabilizer. Like Sain's body....they were a masterpiece suited to the situation like nothing else could. Clara truly had achieved nearly a miracle with what she had done for them both. The first in history. Both of artificial hunter.....and a mage immune to the collapse. But the aura he saw in her troubled him slightly, his golden aura having filled those holes in her own. The fading color put him somewhat more at ease....but not by a lot. "Thank you Kate. We're even."

"Shall I rephrase; do you want to tell her you came through your surgery?" Kate paused before thinking about it. She shook her head. "Nevermind. The fact we're all still here should tell her enough." That the mage was already trying to sit up had Dr. Al'amin turning around, wide eyed and alarmed.

"Whoa, no, you need to take it—" The elven woman was silenced with the lift of Kate's hand though her mouth still moved.

"Shh, your part's done now. Finish housekeeping then collect your dues." Kate told her. Amara's dark brows furrowed but she didn't argue, instead returning almost robotically to her paces, cleaning and packing things up into the heavy chest of supplies. As Clara's awareness returned to her, Kate's presence in the other room faded until it was as if she hadn't been there at all, leaving her solely in the surgical room with the patched up mage. Still he would find he should have no problem bending things to his will to see what Kate no longer had so easily showed him. In the other room, Clara's bottom lip quivered, frustrated tears leaking from the corners of her eyes to trickle through the dried smears of crimson on her skin. Everything hurt and she had nothing to show for it but Ash had convinced her to lay still for a little bit longer. Doing so would eventually solidify the girl's life force, filtering out the outside influences that had helped her patch herself back together until all that remained was a silver tinged white aura about her, completely unbeknownst to her or the woman in the room with her. Kate sighed and brought her gaze back to Eolai. "Then my debt is paid. If time will tell if this was a success, do you intend to stay away until that has been determined?"

"And endanger her life further" No. I don't think so. She's taken enough risk. Let her see to her new toy. Best I find a mountaintop or an uninhabited moon to call home for a few days while I let these things set in and await the hour of judgement." He bit back the retort that came so easily to his tongue. Walking wasn't going to happen, so he floated up from the bed and hovered a few inches over the ground, upright and essentially weightless. Amara was given a sympathetic look, he doubted it had been an easy task, and dealing with Kate was....well, never easy either. "You have my thanks. I'm sure Clara is well indebted to you for this service, despite my protests." He waved a hand and a black card with gold writing on it formed on a clean section of the table. It contained his cell number and his first name. Nothing else. "I doubt you'll need it, you seem capable. But..." He cast a little smirk at Kate before he turned back to the doctor who'd likely saved his life at no small risk to her own. "I owe you one." Without waiting for a reply he turned back to Kate. "What do you intend to do' Sain is separated from me, in a body she built. Do you still intend to divide them?"

Kate folded her arms beneath her bust and held her tongue through the snippy snark he offered in response. At the very least he seemed to be feeling a little more stable. For now. Her gaze followed him for a few moments before falling to the card on the table. The doctor looked from Eolai to Kate, hesitant in reaching for the offered card. It was slipped into a pocket after a nod from Kate before she went back to cleaning things up. The supply chest was closed with a definitive click and Amara rocked it up onto its edge, kicked out the wheels underneath and tugged it for the doorway. It left the witch and the mage alone for a few moments. The former wore an impassable expression as she watched the hovering mage. "Time will tell. The transference isn't a sure thing though her work was....remarkable. Still..." She trailed off, tilting her head as she chose her words. "We will see what wins out....the euphoria that comes with new life or the betrayal of learning the one you love still loves another. The Fates may never even come into play." Though it sounded as if it might be ideal, she didn't sound smug or even pleased by the notion. "Do you intend to be alone for the coming days or do you wish for company?"

He nodded. It was a difficult thing to process, but....he doubted Sain would want anything to do with either of them in the coming time. It was true, he had a new body, but Eolai doubted Euphoria would be the word to describe what Sain would feel upon waking up. She hadn't felt him like Eolai had. Eolai had torn him from his very existence. Sorted through everything that made Sain what he there, he'd seen what the hunter felt at Clara's words. No, Euphoria was not what he would call it. "Are you asking if I'd like you to come with me?" He smiled to himself, Kate might be the only one he knew who could survive his collapse. It wasn't as if he would put her in any real danger exactly. "I was thinking about being alone....but if you'd like to join me I wouldn't mind." He laughed softly. Those silver eyes of hers were still strangely attractive to him, even if the woman they were attached to often irritated him to no end.

To her credit, she had been far from irritating on this visit. Tolerable even, she hadn't even tried to push his buttons. This time. The only inkling of just what the other half Eolai had left behind might have felt was solely due to its transference through Clara's touch. As the girl had sorted through whatever had been left, carefully unknotting any of the points where things were muddy and tangled, she had suffered the anguish and agony of mage and hunter alike. Their pain had to be her pain if only for the duration of the split. Every ounce of hurt, old and new alike, passed through the girl's realm of consciousness. In the next room over, Clara finally squirmed out from beneath Ash's hold, insisting she was fine. She even managed to sit up on her own with only a minor wince. It all went to hell when she swung her legs over the side of the gurney to try and get to her feet. She dropped like a newborn foal but caught herself on Sain's table and pulled herself back upright.

"Sain....c-can you hear me?" Clara asked, her hand settling on his chest. How long would it take" There was no answer, no way for her to know. It would either work or it wouldn't. And if it didn't....she didn't want to fathom it. Her hand slid down his side to grasp at his still fingers, her head bowing over him until her forehead came to rest on his chest. The subtle movements of her mouth formed words but no sound came with the quiet prayers.

"We may both benefit from the time away." Kate admitted to Eolai after a few moments of observation of the other room. Behind her, reality distorted into a hazy break between realms. It was hard to see beyond the veil but what could be seen was limitless, a vast expanse of everything and nothing all at once. "Please don't feel obligated to accept, but the offer is here." She gestured vaguely over her shoulder and shrugged.

Eolai nodded to Kate in agreement. Wherever she was going, it couldn't be any worse than here. So he decided to follow her. After what happened here, at least a few days away to be safe was likely best. His hand reached out and touched the table he'd laid on, solidifying it into solid steel. On the surface, etched into the metal he left a note to Clara.

"Leaving to be sure implants took. Will be back in a few days. Eolai."

With that, he moved to Kate's side and without asking slipped an arm through hers. "Wouldn't let a recuperating man such as myself go without support would you?" He raised a brow at her with an amused smile. "Let's go." He'd follow her through the portal, wherever it led. Kate rolled her eyes but donned a smile as he slipped his arm through hers.

"Oh yes. Of course not." She deadpanned before taking a step forward. The veil parted for them and closed tightly in their wake, taking them well away from the bunker and Rhydin entirely. It left Clara, Sain, and Ash in the bunker and Dr. Al'amin just outside.

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-15 17:26 EST
Sain wasn't. For a moment there, what felt like forever, he hadn't existed. He was sure of it. Because only not existing could have felt like that. So painful and so very....very wrong. Wherever he was, whatever he was, it couldn't exist. This couldn't be it. And wasn't. Suddenly everything snapped back into focus, into existence. The pain of being ripped away and untangled and reassembled....he had made it through. It took a long time for him to acclimate to what was his new body. He let his awareness flow through it, feeling his aura first as it slowly adjusted to the artificial form and the network of crystals that simulated the chakra points. Then, he flexed his mental abilities, understanding each one was largely unchanged. His senses came next. That was the one that hurt....because he remembered what had happened during the transfer. The pain he'd felt trying to contain Eolai, forcing his emotions into check only for Clara's words to guide him down a path of anguish he hadn't expected to have to face at that moment. He had suspected really....some part of him may have even known all along. He'd just hoped he was wrong, or those feelings would fade. Obviously they hadn't. He felt her before he heard her. The press of her head against his chest. To his surprise, he had a heartbeat. He breathed in....another surprise. The smells, the taste of the air, a mildly silicate flavor on his tongue before even that vanished. Then he opened his eyes. There she was. "Clara." He said quietly, his voice almost startling him. It was the same. So much of it the same. Maybe he should have gone with something else....a new face, a new voice. Maybe she wouldn't think of Eolai when she looked at him. What she lost. What she settled for.

It seemed an eternity passed with her head on his chest, a spill of silent prayers on her lips to every deity possible. Just give her this one, universe, and she'd never ask for another again. She hoped so hard that she was almost sure she was hallucinating when he said her name. But she could hear the telltale thump of the heartlike reactor, a heart she had etched her name on before installing it. Slowly she lifted her head, her hair a dark veil of mourning around her sheet white face. It resembled a scene from Carrie if only for how much red there was. "Sain?" She murmured, her voice thick in her throat. "Oh gods....oh gods, it's you..." She nearly climbed up on the table with him but had to settle for moving up to beside his head so she could touch his face. Though she knew she should have waited, she swooped down and kissed him fiercely as if her life depended on it.

Sain blinked, and tried a weak smile. It was him, he was pretty sure anyway. Everything felt just slightly different, but even the sight of her was a little off. It hit him around the same time she leaned down and kissed him. It was off because he was stronger. He was faster. He could feel the difference in how quickly he was capable of thinking. How fast the feedback on his body was. The amount of details he took in and processed all at once. The web of subsystems that he knew supported the interface between his conscious mind and the body was faster than the biological neurons they simulated. It wasn't was slower. His body didn't feel felt stronger. The shock of it kept him from reacting much when she kissed him, he was still getting used to the feeling of....well, feeling. The entire quality of the experience was different. He realized that he'd been experiencing his life through the filter of Eolai's body, that somehow that filter had detracted from every experience in a small nearly intangible way. It was likely how he got through Hunter Training without going mad or dying. Now though, everything seemed clearer, sharper. Even his emotions, which he'd been terrified wouldn't transfer with him. Now he kind of wished they hadn't. Time to try moving. He turned his head away from her kiss. "Too much." He said quietly. Even that sounded louder, his hearing was....excellent. Now he had to figure out what to do.

He turned away and for a moment she didn't know what to do. Of course it was too much, she should have known. Her elation muted, she leaned back but maintained a vice grip on the table's edge if only to keep herself upright. When she looked away from him, she found Ash had slipped out of the room, leaving them alone. Clara swallowed the lump that formed in her throat and dropped her gaze back to the hunter. What if everything hadn't transferred properly' What if she lost her Sain" The knots in her stomach twisted once more and for a moment she thought she might crumble but her white knuckle hold kept her anchored. " do you feel?" She whispered as quietly as she could.

He twitched his fingers, testing the responsiveness. Then he moved his hands, slowly working his way up to moving his arm to one side of the table. His fingers wrapped around the edge of the was cool to the touch. Metal of some kind. He squeezed. The metal crumpled under his grip like paper. So he was stronger. Much stronger. He'd have to get used to that. Even as he thought it though, his body responded to the concept and he knew exactly how much force he was putting out. He tried again, finding the metal unyielding. For the moment, he put aside his feelings about her and Eolai. For the moment, they had come out of this whole, and alive. The very fact that he woke up told him it was likely the surgery was a success. So he smiled and...."Input not recognized. Restate command." he said placidly.

Movement was good. Very good. Truthfully she should have been watching for and documenting all of his reactions to make sure they were within expectation but ultimately she wasn't really sure what "expectation" was to begin with. Clara let go of the table when he grasped the edge and faltered back into a less than graceful lean against the gurney that Eolai had created. Thankfully it held her up as she stared at the hunter, slightly slack jawed. " you fucking with me?" She asked quietly, unsure if something had gone wrong or if he was going to be the one to inject a dose of levity into the moment.

His smile slowly widened into a grin. "Where is Sarah Connor?" He intoned in his best austrian accent. It was terrible. "Also, yes." He said seriously before he sat up from the table. Or, tried to anyway. The movement was fast, very fast. he sat up and practically slid from the table. Momentum carried him from the edge to the floor, where he landed with surprising reflexes on his feet. Like with his grip, he felt his body readjust to proper output levels and knew just about where his speed should be. Straightening up, he gave her a wide smile. "I feel fine Clara." A laugh slipped from him, almost startling him again. He wasn't sure if he would have to force something like that....but it seemed his mind's unconscious reactions were still at work. "You've done amazing work." He said, examining his hands. It was a little late to appreciate it at this point. Now that he was already stuck in it.

Her shoulders sagged when she realized he was messing around, a wobbly flicker of a sheepish smile managing to cross her lips. She rubbed a hand over her mouth, covering the soft sigh of relief. Her gaze ran over him, dipping low then swinging high to a point over his head. "Crap....I....uh....damnit." Clara groaned into her hands and shook her head. "You're taller." It wasn't much, maybe an inch, but she hadn't accounted for the musculature and skin when she had built the frame. Another thing she hadn't accounted for was the clothing thing. Had it been tomorrow, she would have been more prepared and had Sain bring a change of clothes. But this....well, none of it had been planned. They had to do the best they could. She bit at her bottom lip and trained her gaze on his face. Even the color of his eyes was spot on, the warm brown she so liked. "I'm, um....really glad though....I was worried..."

Strangely he wasn't bashful about the body. Perhaps it hadn't yet sunk in as his own. "I suppose coming out of something like this with an extra inch or two isn't the worst thing that could've happened." He chuckled quietly, his grin fading. "I was didn't tell me what you were going to do." He said sternly. Or that she was still in love with Eolai....but he didn't mention that at the moment. Now wasn't the time. "But surprisingly I feel pretty good. All things considered anyway." He didn't mention the tearing of his being as Eolai fought to be free of what was Sain. Or the nothingness he'd become for who knew how long. Or the cutting pain of the memories he'd used to keep Eolai calm.

", I suppose not." She flushed, though it was a barely there shade of pale pink in her cheeks. His grin faded and any lingering hint of her own smile faded too. She expected a scolding. From him, from Eolai, from her friends. But it was all worth it because even if he ended up hating her, he was alive. She sucked at her bottom lip, the taste of blood still sharp on her lips. "You wouldn't have let me do it if you had known. Sometimes we have to do things that people don't like in order to get the job done." And she wasn't sorry because he was here to have this conversation to begin with. Her hand steadied her against the table and she gave him a little shrug. "I didn't really plan much for what happens"

He shrugged and leaned against the table, staring at her as she defended herself. "You're damn right I wouldn't have let you do it. There's a difference between doing something someone doesn't like and damn near killing yourself over..." He stopped, running a hand through his hair. Even the mannerisms he'd developed out of habit and muscle memory when he was agitated had come through. He didn't finish his sentence. But the words echoed in his head, left unsaid and unheard. Over something like me. Over the part of Eolai he didn't want. That's all Sain really was. A piece of Eolai the mage didn't want. An attainable piece. And now a separate piece with Eolai's face and body and....He closed his eyes and sighed. "...Hi." He said softly. "You did a good job. You stubborn, thick headed, stupid beautiful godsdamned genius. Next time you decide to risk your life, warn me so I can do something to help keep you safe." Before she could cut in, he held up a hand. "I know there's nothing I could have done here. That's not the point." He looked at her. "Fair enough?"

"But I did it and I did it damned near perfectly." She said with a lift of her chin. Though she was exhausted, she couldn't help but try and defend her pride over it even if it aggravated him. Long ago when she had formulated the entire plan, she acknowledged the fact that she could very well die in the process. It was precisely why she had no plans for afterwards because none of the outlooks were favorable. All she could do was ensure that Chip would give Ash the equipment that Clara had put together for her and would give Amara the file containing the information that would change the entire course of her career at St. Luke's. Beyond that, she had no plans, and now she was standing here in front of the fruit of weeks of her laboring and he was frustrated with her. Still she took her scolding without breaking down over it, unapologetic because he still acknowledged that she did a good job. "Sain....I told you that you were worth it. 'It' being everything. You are worth the risk, you are worth the gamble. I'm not sorry." She could have easily helped split the hunter from the mage solely for the mage's freedom and left whatever bit of the hunter remained to languish in nothingness. "But next time....and fuck, there better not be a next time....I will tell you."

Damn near. That was right. If not for the damage to her and well, the little bit he'd found out, he would've said perfect altogether. But he just nodded silently for a moment, considering things as he mentally processed things. What she had risked for him was nothing less than everything. He wondered why, when Eolai was who she'd wanted. The idea that she'd fallen in love with them both didn't help him. Nor did the fact that she'd concealed when she'd finished the body, seemingly only telling him to spite Eolai. Then he realized what he'd been missing. Hunters. Eolai's fear of the Order coming. What pushed the mage into collapse had been the rising panic. Yet Sain processed it smoothly, his new thought processes faster than ever. "I meant next time you do something stupid and risk your life." He said flatly. He stretched slowly, then reached over and pulled the sheet from the table. He wrapped himself with the cloth after folding it here and there into a serviceable chiton like garment. "How's Eolai?"

"Well that's a rude assumption to make." She frowned and folded her arms over her chest. Clara preferred the concept of calculated gambles based on risk versus reward and seldom did she consider such a process stupid. Even if it risked her life. Was his not worth just as much as hers" He said once long ago that his life wasn't worth more than anyone else's but by his rationale it meant that he was worth just as much. Had things gone perfectly and she died in the process, that was two lives saved, twice what she was proverbially worth. His question prompted a glance at the door, her frown deepening. "I don't know." That they were all still alive should have meant something but some part of her was afraid to go look. "I passed out....he wasn't here when I woke up. I don't know."

"I see. Perhaps you should go find out what happened. I'm ok. And I'll be right here when you get back." It was a rational choice. He was fine. Now she should check on the other patient. That's how these things worked right' He looked over at the sword, sunk into the stone of the bunker. Could he even pick it up without risking destroying a body kept going by tech and magic both' He wasn't sure, so he left it where it was.

"I..." Clara glanced from the door to the hunter and tried not to frown more. "Promise?" She asked softly, her brows lifting. Maybe all of this was a fever dream and she would come back to find the hunter gone. Straightening from her half-propped lean against the table, she swayed then steadied before taking the first tentative step toward the door. "Only if you promise."

The swaying made him think maybe he should accompany her. But he nodded. "I promise. Or I can carry you, you look like you're pretty unsteady there..." He said quietly. He could wait outside the door. This was their moment. He wouldn't want to spoil it by reminding Eolai of what he'd escaped. Some time apart was probably best for both of them. Besides, he had something to test while she was gone, and she'd likely tell him not to do it if she was in the room. So probably best she go, or at least he get some time alone for a few moments. He held up his pinky, making sure to keep it still. "I'll even pinky swear. But....I'm still iffy on the whole controlling my strength thing, so um....Probably you should do the pinky wrap if you do. Don't wanna break your finger." He chuckled.

She shook her head. Carrying her wouldn't be necessary. That would imply she was anything but fine. Instead she lifted a hand and extended an unsteady pinky. The ring on the digit had left a scorch mark on her skin, likely through the course of touching the mage and the massive amount of power that had flowed so freely from him. She looped her finger around his then brought her other hand up to cup around his, gently closing his pinky around hers. "I'll be right back..." She murmured before letting him go and making her way for the door. In the atrium she stood outside of the other room, breathing slowly in hopes that it might ready her for whatever she might find inside. It took two tries to tug the door open but she finally got it and found herself washed with white light. None of the surgical equipment remained and there wasn't even an echo of a presence within. Only a solid steel table upon which fourteen words offered her only explanation. He was gone. Her part was done, he was free, he was gone. A confirmation of fears long ingrained. She had nothing she could say so she simply turned off the light and pulled the door shut behind her before shuffling back to the other doorway. Leaning again the frame, she shrugged. "He's gone."

Sain E. Sealgaire

Date: 2017-08-15 17:28 EST
Sain smiled to her when she closed his pinky over hers. When she left, he nodded encouragingly to her until he was alone. Then he bent down, and reached out tentatively towards the cuffs. He felt no real draw from them until he touched the leather surface, then he instinctively knew his self mending was impaired. It hadn't stopped, but the diagnostics that seemed built into his subsystems appeared to let him know they weren't working like they should. So they were magically based, at least in part. It made sense, though immediately he realized if he wanted the sword back he would have to find a way to insulate his body against Aetherian Steel, especially if Eolai's fears had been well founded and hunters were coming for them. WIth a body susceptible to Aetherian Steel, he would likely end up dead. He stood up, leaving the cuffs on the floor, thinking things over as Clara stepped back into the doorway. He frowned. "What do you mean he's gone?" He asked as he started for the door. That wasn't good. "Like, he's vaporized" There's nothing left' Or he left' Was the surgery a success?" He frowned and stopped at the doorframe, looking down at her. Huh.....he really was a little taller.

It was a negligible difference, no more than two or three inches. Okay, so, maybe not so negligible, but still. In the doorway, she found herself craning her neck a bit more to look up at him now that he was closer but again she shrugged. One hand ruffled back through her hair, prompting a scrunch of her nose. Gross. Her hair was disgusting. "He left....left a note saying he was leaving to be sure the implants took and that he'd be back in a few days. I'm doubting we'll see him again." Her mouth thinned into a grim line as once more her shoulders pinched upwards then dropped.

"Then you aren't looking at this rationally." He said gently. "If he wasn't coming back....why would he bother leaving a note?" He moved past her and stuck his head in the other room, spying his clothes. Perfect. Gesturing with a hand, he sent his clothes flying into his arms, his belt and jeans, even the boots. He turned to look at her. "Makes more sense if he wasn't coming back to just leave doesn't' it' Eolai's not one for wasted effort. Neither of us are." A shrug before he started changing. Yeah, he was definitely a little taller. While not much, it made his boots somewhat tight and his pants even tighter. The shirt hugged his frame a little more though, which was nice. He looked over at her.

"...Sain." She scowled. "I just convinced an Itherian mage on the brink of collapse to do what I wanted while sitting on his lap. Don't talk to me about rational." The fangs alone should have been enough to terrify her right onto her ass but somehow she had pressed through instinctive fear for the sake of completing her mission. "But he also knows that if I don't have an explanation, I'll fixate on it endlessly until I find a way to resolve it. A note" A note gives him time to get well away from here so he doesn't have to worry about anyone comin' after him." The look she gave him implored him to tell her she was wrong. She wanted to be wrong. Desperately. But everything leading up to now led her to believe otherwise.

'Right. A teleporter needs time to get away." He said flatly. "Even if he didn't teleport, Clara, he can fly at mach 37. That's a conservative guess based on what I know about mages in general. very powerful, even by Itherian standards." He shook his head. "He doesn't need time. He's not worried about you coming after him because if you really wanted him back all you have to do is ask." He pointed at the ring on her finger. "If he wasn't coming back, you wouldn't have that." Because Eolai couldn't just leave. He couldn't leave Clara to Sain, not completely. There had to be that safeguard in case Eolai decided to change his mind....and then Sain would be nothing. Alone, artificial, and broken.

"He wanted his freedom. He got it." She shrugged. Little by little she was tucking everything about Eolai back into the neat little box in her mind where even the aetherian steel ring on her finger meant next to nothing. It was an insurance policy, nothing more. If he did come back though, she noted, she would need to give it back to him. After all, his freedom should have been absolute. Nobody should have that kind of power over another, that much she had seen. "And I'm not the only one that could go after him." Another shrug, what was that, the eighth' Ninth' "But it doesn't's all're here, I'm here. It's done."

He watched it happen. He watched her shutting down because of that fucking mage. Bit by bit, he watched as she pressed what she felt inside of herself and shrugged away the pain hiding behind the meager excuse for an unfazed expression. He finished dressing himself and sat on the floor, "But that's what you were afraid of. Feeling like you're not needed and then getting abandoned. You're assuming he's abandoning you. Why is it so hard to just take him at his word?" He shook his head. Why the hell was he defending Eolai" "Think what you want. But for what it's worth, I know he'll be back. Eolai has no reason to lie." He leaned against the wall and slowly took a deep breath.

From looking up to looking down, she quirked a brow at the sight of him on the floor. Man, the room was a mess. Of all the floors to sit on, she didn't consider that one to be very high on the list. Eolai had no reason to lie but to the best of her knowledge, he also had no reason to stay. The entire universe was at his fingertips, why stay here of all places" Still, she didn't argue, instead giving the hunter one last shrug. "'Kay." It was done, locked away. Easier that way. "Do you, um, do you wanna get out of here?" Because she did.

He took a breath. "Sure. We can do that." He stood up, despite having just sat down. He'd talk to her about Eolai another time. Or maybe he wouldn't. Maybe it would be what she was afraid of and Eolai wouldn't come back. Maybe he'd get lucky and Eolai would.....No, not likely. He sighed and flicked a hand. The sword tore free of the stone and slipped into the sheath. "Where are we going?" It wasn't like Sain had a place to go. The apartment belonged to Eolai after all. Sain was just a parasitic guest.

"I....I don't know..." Mostly she was still amazed that she was alive at the moment. Her head hurt worse than any hangover and her clothes were....She looked down. A wreck. "I, um....Could use a shower. And a change of clothes..." Unfortunately for her, there were no extras laying around. The city was miles away and only moderately closer was the spaceport. Maybe that was a thought. She would get far fewer odd looks at Stars End than if she showed up in the city. "We could hitch a ride with Ash back to Stars End....think I might have to crash there for the night. I'm..." She shrugged. Exhausted didn't seem like a good enough word. "Just tired, you know?"

She was gonna throw her shoulders out if she kept shrugging like that. He sighed. "I've got my boots, I could fly you there. Or you can hitch a ride with her. It's probably best you aren't alone tonight. Given what you went through to get here. I don't think it's just tiredness, and being watched by someone with medical experience is probably a good idea." He didn't know what sort of experience Ash had, or if there was any other options. But he wasn't sure he should join her. Not while he was processing things about her and Eolai. "You need to rest. One way or another."

Her shoulders were the least of her worries. She still had her shoes too but she doubted she had the magic mojo to keep herself aloft without faceplanting into the dirt. Her teeth worked at her bottom lip as she tried to process everything he said. First came the offer to take her back to Stars End but that soon became a nudge toward her going with Ash. Alone. There was no we in it. Though Ash had next to no medical experience, she gave the hunter a numb nod anyways, peeling herself away from the door frame to turn back toward the ramp that would take them up and out of the bunker. "I....yeah....okay. Ready?"

Sain picked up the sheet from the floor and motioned towards the other room for the sword and cuffs. They quickly flew into his grasp, at which point he proceeded to wrap them in the cloth. Then he followed her out. "Can....I have my gun back?" He asked quietly. "Or you can keep it. I can get another." He chuckled. "But the bullets are kind of hard to replace." Those in particular. He half expected her to tell him no. It wouldn't have surprised him.

"Huh?" She looked over her shoulder, confused for a moment until she remembered the uncomfortable weight at the small of her back. "Oh....yeah. Of course." It was his gun after all and she hadn't intended to use it. There was exactly zero reason for the keep it. Carefully she wriggled it free from her waistband, shifted it slightly to check that the safety was on, then offered it over, muzzle down. For all that she seemed to despise the thing, she seemed incredibly comfortable and competent when handling the firearm at the very least. The clip was still full, just as it had been when he gave it to her. Free of its weight, she emerged from the bunker into the twilight of a dying day. Hours they had been underground, she was surprised it wasn't night. Ash sat on the open tailgate of a hover transport. They were fairly common for short hauling around Stars End, like futuristic cargo vans or something. The brunette's gaze moved over Sain with an almost clinical fascination before shifting to the girl with him. Clara was first to speak though. "Thank you....for everything. I've got just, uh, one last favor to ask if that's okay....if you don't mind me hitching back to the port with you, I can make sure everything gets squared away."

"S'not a problem. Boyo too?" Ash asked, hazels turning toward the man-droid.

Sain slipped the weapon into the holster at his shoulder and followed her out of the blast doors. He appreciated that she was comfortable with the firearm, and made a mental note to focus any combat training he gave her on effective use of tools rather than hand to hand combat. When they got outside he spied the hover transport and grinned. That was so cool....Then he realized he was a literal android and had troubles figuring which one was cooler while Clara talked to her friend. When she asked if he was going to he just hovered a few feet off the ground and shook his head. "No, I'm alright. But she's too tired to use her method of getting here. Probably best she's watched overnight by a doctor if you can manage it. Judging by your being assigned to me rather than the other room, I'm guessing you're not a doctor. Neither am I." He shrugged and returned the brunette's look, switching to gaelic. "And my name is Sain. Not boyo." A friendly smile, as it had been awhile since anyone had called him anything like that.

Clara caught Sain's grin sidelong and found a small smile gracing her lips in spite of the fact. It was short lived though with the exchange between the two. Her fingers fidgeted together, picking at one edge of a fingernail until it broke slightly.

"Definitely not a doc but I follow ya, Sain." The Spartan grinned and stood upright, dusting herself off before closing up the transport's hatch. On her way by, she popped open the passenger side door before rounding to the driver's side to get in. "Whenever you're ready then, Wyatt."

A rarity in her life, but Clara fell short on what to say. Sain wasn't coming with and that seemed to be that. She felt terribly lame but all she could do was rock forward and back on her feet and softly ask. "Will I get to see you soon?"

"I'll be there first thing in the morning." He said gently. "Just let me get acquainted with the new me and you get some good rest. We did it's done. It's over....No more ticking time bomb more two people in one body. I'm okay. And I'm right here. Right now, I need you to be okay. And I need to not break everything I touch. Including you. Alright' Let me get used to the controls before we take the bod for a test spin." He gave her a wink and blushed a bit when he realized what the phrasing implied when he winked. He'd been trying to lighten the mood and get a smile out of her, but now the blush was spreading when he realized Ash was probably hearing every word. "I mean....well, you know....I..." He sighed, giving up entirely.

He was right. One hundred percent right. They did it and it was done and over. If the worst that came of it was she had to spent a night without him then so be it. "Okay..." Clara took a deep breath and gave him a nod while Ash snickered in the cab of the transporter. He didn't want to touch her just yet but that didn't keep her from reaching for him, a brush of her fingers down his lower arm and along the back of his hand before falling away. It seemed for now he was given a reprieve from any teasing for his phrasing and reluctantly she stepped away from him and toward the hovercraft that would take her back to the spaceport. "See you soon then."

He nodded, letting his fingers linger along hers as they traced down his arm before she stepped away. Ash's snickers just made him blush a little more before he floated up behind Clara and kissed her cheek as gently as he could. "Tomorrow. I promise. Text me when you wake up and I'll be right there." He whispered. "But you gotta sleep in. Get some rest. Real rest. No staying up to do more work. Okay?" He said softly before he floated away and upwards. Part of him wanted to race the hover transport....but he knew the capabilities of his boots. He figured they were at least a match for the transporter....unless it was capable of suborbital supersonic speeds. Then....maybe not. Plus he wasn't going towards Stars End. He was likely headed for the mountains where he wasn't likely to run into anyone as he familiarized himself with the limits of his new body.

The touch of his lips to her cheek, no matter how light it had been, seemed to put a little bit of wind back in her sails and finally she managed a soft smile for him. He would assuredly receive a text as soon as she was up, whenever it was. "I promise." She nodded and climbed in. The door shut with a hiss but that didn't keep her from leaning to watch him float upwards until she couldn't see him anymore. Then and only then did she sit back, buckle up, and give Ash the all ready to head back. The transporter wasn't what anyone would call significantly fast, meant more for moving cargo around the port than navigating the hilly terrain well beyond the spaceport sector. Likely Sain could have even beat them had he been of a mind to. But he wasn't, and so the two women returned to port without incident, where Clara sent Ash off to collect her payment and Clara escaped to the relative privacy of one of the low rise hotels near the main landing bays where she could clean up and fall asleep to the sounds of the ships coming and going.