Topic: The Stalking of the Wolfe

Dalia Blackthorne

Date: 2008-02-13 14:25 EST
She watched the young Veronica in the inky blackness of her scrying mirror. Dalia muttered to herself as she watched the girl sketching a landscape, if only Zaruk would come. He would like the juicy morsal she was stalking. Seems he had already had a run in with her, and had liked the way she tasted.

Dalia was here, back in Rhydin, at the behest of her new Master, Zaruk. She had come for Belle's child, Valentine, and the one that had foiled Zaruk, Bellora Vendetta. They would be no match for Dalia, for she didn't play by the rules. Zaruk may have lost Belle to her wife, but, then again, where was the little slut now? Not at home, Dalia knew that for sure.

Veronica was first. Little conniving, interfering thief that she was. Time for the others, later.

Veronica Wolfe

Date: 2008-02-18 18:56 EST
Veronica had that creeping, skin crawling, hair on the back of your neck doing cartwheels, sort of feeling. She kept looking over her shoulder, but saw no one. Damn, she had to get out of here and somewhere safe.

She'd healed from Belle's attack, and was out on the street again; which meant one thing: cat burglary. She was in the process of climbing back out the window of a snoozing couple's home when the sensation hit her. She knew someone saw her, but, where were they hiding?

Bag of loot in tow, she scampered down the deserted street and back to her fence's house. She'd settle up and then split...she should have enough for a room at the Inn, and once locked inside, she was not leaving!

Ecstasy Is Revenge

Date: 2008-02-19 14:50 EST
Bellora sat, crouched on the window sill, two stories up. She balanced nimbly on the narrow space, watching the necro-witch and her cursed devining bowl. She would repay the demon-whore for destroying her offices and "playroom".

Peering at the water, she watched the young Veronica as the gleaming surface wavered, following her every move just as Dalia did. Dalia was cocky, too sure of herself. Bellora would lie in wait, and when the timing was right, Dalia would be sent back to that Demon Master she so longed for.

Ecstasy Is Revenge

Date: 2008-02-23 13:49 EST
Bellora watched Dalia for days, noting her every move, her schedule, her weakness for rich food and pretty boys. She smiled, knowing how easy this was going to be.

The hunter was being hunted.