Topic: The Stone Emperor's Tomb


Date: 2013-07-17 09:42 EST
Postmarked Tuesday, June 25th, three days before the (mis)adventure in the Stone Emperor's Tomb...

Dear Gemethyst, Mesteno and Evander,

By receipt of this contract you are invited to join the Shidra-Ling Exploration Company. The contract will detail this company's purpose and your obligations should you choose to accept the terms. As a limited liability free adventuring contract your signature is requested but not required, and appearing at the exploration site (shown in the attached map) by nine o'clock in the morning on Friday, June 28th in the 2013th year of the Common/RhyDin Era (henceforth referred to as R.E.) will count as your acceptance.

To better inform your decision a history of the exploration site follows, then followed by your obligations and the division of rewards.

Shidra-Ling, colloquially known as the Stone Emperor's Tomb, was built on the alternate plane called Honghal by Xanshi, the Stone Emperor, who was known for his vast wealth and greed as well as his skills as a summoner, specializing in demons and other Abyssal spirits. It was widely rumored by his foreign contemporaries that his wealth and his summonings were somehow related, but this may have been mere propaganda, as his wealth was not in gold and other riches traditionally associated with demons but in his empire's active trade in jade and ivory.

Xanshi was buried in Shidra-Ling in approximately 450 R.E. along with enough jade and ivory to "live comfortably until his second life," based on the belief that the emperors were resurrected in their tombs for seven years before the gods took them to paradise to ascend to godhood themselves. Based on archaeologists' findings at similar tombs and the likely degradation of his treasure over the course of well over one thousand years, as well as my own personal experiences acquiring riches from similar tombs and the local market for jade and ivory artifacts, I estimate that there is approximately thirteen thousand silver crowns or thirty thousand universal credits worth of jade and ivory artifacts still in Shidra-Ling.

The tomb was separated from its home plane by the cataclysmic collapse of the Great Gate in 1313 R.E. and ended up intact in RhyDin. Its location is known only to myself and the recipients of this letter, and based on the puzzle locks and spike traps heavily favored by Xanshi and his contemporaries for their tombs, and my own initial survey of the tomb's exterior, we should be the tomb's first visitors since it was sealed upon Xanshi's death. However, other creatures may have taken up residence. Recent reports of cannibalized remains at campfires suggest there are trolls in the nearby limestone caves which may intersect with the tomb. Xanshi was buried with his entire palace guard, numbering some sixty elite soldiers, and with the emperor's experience as a summoner there is a high risk that he and his soldiers may have reanimated.

The Stone Emperor earned his name due to his obsession with fine statuary, and he was reportedly buried with his entire collection. He once famously had his entire palace staff beheaded for accidentally chipping the horn off of his favorite antelope statue, and he may have been just as obsessive and possessive in death as he was in life. We should give his statues a wide berth.

The purpose of this company is to explore the described ruins and their vicinity for the purpose of acquiring its valuables.

Mesteno and Gemethyst have expressed that they have no interest in the treasure itself, though Gemethyst has indicated an interest in arcane scrolls and weapons. Therefore Gemethyst is to be given first rights to any unique scrolls and weapons encountered by the company, with the exception that myself, Ilinoira Abernova Tiranel Sibreth, be granted access to any items containing information on the Mystic Empire of Halcyr or the world it occupies, to be returned to Gemethyst immediately upon assessing and recording their relevant details.

The treasure itself, including the jade and ivory artifacts as well as gold, silver, jewels and other valuables found within the Stone Emperor's Tomb as well as any associated outbuildings and remains, any space between these structures or within one hundred yards of them, and also including any caves directly connected to the Stone Emperor's Tomb, outbuildings and remains, will be divided in half between myself and Evander. In the event of my death my share of the treasure shall go to the RhyDin Welcome Center. Where Evander's share would go in the event of his death will be determined upon our meeting at the Stone Emperor's Tomb. One half of my share will be held in reserve for Gemethyst, and one half of Evander's share will be held in reserve for Mesteno, for fully seven days after acquisition and be granted to them should they change their minds, after which time both myself and Evander are free to use the reserved part of our shares.

This company exists for the duration of the exploration of the Stone Emperor's Tomb and acquisition of its treasure, and no longer. During that time members of the company agree not to kill, maim, assault, oppress, possess or steal from one another. If a member of the company is in immediate danger, the rest of the company should attempt to keep them from harm, death, possession or grievous discomfort. Failure to do so will forfeit that person from membership in the company and remove associated benefits and protections.

Upon dissolution of the company, former members are still bound not to steal, blackmail, pillage, loot or con the rewards gained from the Stone Emperor's Tomb and described vicinity from one another. They are also disallowed from killing, maiming, assaulting, oppressing or possessing one another in pursuit of said rewards.

I eagerly await our adventure on Friday.

Your friend and cohort, Ilinoira Abernova Tiranel Sibreth "Noira"