Topic: The Treasure.

Marek Kharune

Date: 2009-11-24 08:39 EST
"Whatever you say, Boss."

Dover shifted in his chair, his cyber arm flexed as he shifted his boots upon the table before him. Marek gave a shake of his head as he lowered the mug in his hand from his lips. "Not this time, Dover. Everyone has to make a choice. Their own." Dover lifted his other hand, the human looking one and rubbed at the whiskers upon his chin. He gave a nod over at Kent, the light skinned Ork who was currently putting an assault rifle back together. "What are you doing, Kent?" The Ork gave pause and lifted his gaze to those about. "I'm with Marek on this one. We can't allow such a Treasure to fall into the wrong hands." He gave a nod over at Marek, who in turn gave a light smirk and a nod in reply. Goliath, who was probably one of the largest Trolls who'd operated in Seattle with Marek, shifted Treena upon his lap and gave a toothy grin over at Marek. "You know my vote. Let's do this deed and ensure the Treasure is delivered." He gave a little slap to Treena's behind, considerably smaller as a Troll, she was still a looker as far as Troll females went and she was a hundred percent Goliath's girl.

"Anna?" Marek glanced over at the scarlet haired woman in the white tank top. She sat back within her chair and then gave a slow nod of her head to the rest of the team. "I'm in." Marek nodded with a light smile, turning his gaze back over at Dover, who next to Marek, was possibly the most enhanced with gear. Dover slid his boots off the table and stood up with a grunt. "All right, I'm in. But I'm not doing any swimming." Marek chuckled and gave a nod of his head over at Dover. "Fair enough. I need a list of what you all think we'll need for this job. Once I have a list from everyone, we'll talk about them all together and see if there's something we missed or something we can cut. Gonna need a boat for sure. Something big enough to salvage some clues from the sea, once we find them. Kent, gonna need some good rifles. Start considering what small arms and rifles we'll need. Anna, any weather spells you've got on hand we might need while out at sea. Hopefully we won't be out too long. Goliath find us some good means of travel and some safe houses here and in the spaceport. Just in case we need to lay low here and there during this. Dover, get your predator pistol ready, you're gonna need it I bet."

Marek Kharune

Date: 2009-12-14 22:38 EST
"I heard you could deliver. I heard you could come through with the goods I need to complete the objective that lays ahead of me. I heard you were the one to go to. Now here we sit and you are changing the deal."

Marek narrowed a brow across the table at the vampire in the suit. A light shake of his head as he moved to stand from the table. "This is why I don't deal with blood suckers. They think they're smart. They believe they can do whatever it is they want to and not answer to anyone. They believe, nothing can touch them. FUBAR." The Vampire looked aside to his associates and then back at Marek as he started to walk away from the table. "What is this...FUBAR?" Marek glanced over his shoulder as he neared the door. "It means, you're out of work."

Sniper fire rained in through the windows. The advanced techno' rounds penetrated the vampires flesh and one by one they found their death. Technology had caught with the things of the dark. The advanced rounds were supplied by a contact Marek had obtained the rounds from before to complete objectives against vampires and demons. As Marek exited the building he slid a satellite phone free of his leather jacket. "We good?" The Ork on the other line was quiet a moment, checking through the high powered scope on his sniper rifle from the roof top cover he currently held. "You're clear. Dover and I have your back. Proceed down the street and to the pick up point." Marek rubbed a brow with his free hand as he moved down the street. "We need a new supplier. I'll check with my contact here in the city. See who he recommends."

Marek Kharune

Date: 2010-01-15 05:17 EST
"We got a hit."

Marek and Dover moved into the cabin onboard the salvage vessel they'd obtained. Rhydin's seas weren't perfect and between possible creatures of the deep and a storm or two, it took sometime to find what they were looking for. Marek's eyes moved over the screen. "Can you magnify that?" "Does a bear crap in the woods?" Came Anna's remark with a perked smirk upon her lips. A tap of fingertips to the keyboard before her and the image on the screen was brought into focus better with the zoom lens on the underwater remote. "Debris, some of it. But that right there is definitely a door. Metal. I'd have to get it onboard to run some tests as to what types of metal and possibly give us a time date of when it could of been made. Granted here on this planet with people of different worlds and realms...well it might take a little time." Dover squinted at the image on the screen before turning his eyes onto a second screen above the first. "What's a metal door, doing on a old wooden ship? I ain't the smartest fish in the barrel, but even I know if it belonged there it should be made out of wood." A flick of a long ear, Kent leaned in to examine the images and then looked at a third screen before the Ork would speak. "Your correct, Dover. Back in port look at the wooden ships. If you're lucky, you might find one with a bit of metal besides that of the door knob. But the entire door made of that is odd. But look here. These markings on the one side. Looks as if it was pried off, of whatever it was attached to." Marek gave a slow nod of his head at the screens. "Let's bring it up and anything else you think we should have a closer look at, Anna, Kent."

Marek Kharune

Date: 2010-01-15 05:29 EST
"Listen...I...I don't know exactly. But I know it's trouble. Lot of people have died asking about this Treasure." The man stuttered and shook his head as Marek quirked a brow at him across the table. "Julius, I need to know where it could be now. I need to return it. The Treasure doesn't belong here." The man shook his head and glanced about the tavern. "They could be anywhere ya know" People wanting it for themselves. The people that have it currently could have eyes and ears listening and watching for someone to be asking about so they can move in and make them disappear. I don't know. I just don't know. I had my buddy Sal and Micky go and make some inquires right' Three days go by and Micky ends up floating off the docks one morning with two in the chest and one in the head. Sal was beat up so bad by this bunch that stopped in a car, he might not be up for a long long time." Marek quirked a brow. "Micky was killed, classic execution style. What kind of car did they get out of? The ones that beat up Sal?" "I...I don't know. Like one of them range rover things ya know" Four wheel drive probably to get out and past the city limits. Listen...I don't want to even know about this Treasure anymore okay' I don't want to be anyway linked to it. People are missing and dying around this. I'll tell you a few names and you can go from there right' Leave me be?" Marek nodded slowly over the table at Julius. "All right. What are their names and where can I find them?"

Marek Kharune

Date: 2010-01-15 06:50 EST

Goliath using his Troll strength, course his cyber arm might of helped, knocked the door off it's lock as he busted it open. Marek and Dover pushing into the home, guns drawn. The first two spotted were shot almost point blank in the head. Kill shots. The next one was slammed into a wall with the aid of Dover's cyber left hand. "Where's the Treasure old man?" Dover growled as he lowered the business end of his Predator pistol down at the man's head. "It's been moved." Weakly as the man tried to regain his focus from the hard hit to the wall. "Where?" Marek inquired as Goliath moved with a shotgun to check the rest of the small house. "It's been moved. It's in the city. He sent you, didn't he?" Marek glanced about for anything left, before turning his eyes back on the older man. "Yeah, he did. How'd you know?" The older man perked a light smile but shook his head. "People I work for, said he was there years ago. Things on this planet still get to me. Their age ya know" What they've seen in their lifetime. If he was there, he must be...what...well over..?" Marek lowered his pistol and holstered it. Nodding down at the man sitting on the floor. "Yeah. Will you give me any information you can' The Treasure needs to be returned. We have a window and it's closing on us." The man nodded slowly. "Treasure doesn't belong to us. It should go back. We had no right to take it. I told them to leave it but they wanted it. They'll probably kill me. But we're all marked men aren't we? Anyone's that been around this Treasure." Marek offered the man a hand up. "Come on. Let's get out of here before the people you work for decided to check back here."

Marek Kharune

Date: 2010-01-15 07:31 EST
Shots rang out inside the warehouse by the dock district. Dover and Marek were quickly dispatching the men that came at them with machine guns. Round after round found it's mark. Kent tossed a fragment grenade over a few stacked crates. The resulting explosion killed four armed men. "I give up wait I surrender!" Shouted one man as he tossed his gun to the flooring. Marek turned his direction and sent two rounds into the man's chest. Effectively sending the man to his back upon the floor as blood oozed from the holes in the man's dress shirt. Kent was busy neutralizing another three men with the business end of his assault rifle.

"Clear!" Shouted Dover. "Clear here as well." Came Kent's voice. Marek glanced over the bodies and then about the crates. Lifting a hand and tapping the ear pierce hooked around his right ear. "Anna, tell me something." "Checking the second room upstairs." A moment or two would pass of silence before Anna's voice broke over the ear pierce again. "Marek....I...I found the Treasure. You...won't believe this..." Marek gave a nod to Dover and Kent to wrap things up. "Check to make sure nobody else is hiding anywhere. We move out in five minutes." He dashed to the nearest set of metal stairs and upwards he went fast as he was able. Down the hall and glancing into a few rooms before he caught sight of Anna coming out of a room looking a bit pale. "I got it. Go downstairs and get the van ready to move out." Anna opend her mouth, but nothing came out at first. Her words were slow when they came finally to her lips. "It's in...there." Marek nodded and holstered his pistol. Settling both hands to her shoulders and looking into her eyes. "Anna, listen to me. Go downstairs and get the van ready to go, okay' Tell Dover and Kent to wrap up and get outside to the van. Can you do that for me?" Anna blinked a few times, then nodded before Marek let her go and she slowly moved for the stairs. A watchful eye on her a moment, before Marek would turn and push into the dimly lit room. His eyes glanced about the room before finding what he'd come for. "Hello, Treasure. It's time to go home..."

Marek Kharune

Date: 2010-01-16 06:41 EST
The drive wasn't too long. It actually could of been shorter if they hadn't of take a few extra turns to make sure they weren't being followed. Marek pulled the hood up over the smaller form's head. A light nod to Dover and Anna, who turned away when they'd realized they were staring. Something had come up and their original drop off point had to be changed to plan B.

When the van came to a stop in the clearing, only Marek and the small figure in the sweatshirt stepped from the vehicle. The others would wait in the van, while Marek and Treasure would move about fifty feet away to where a few rocks had been placed. Rather, arranged by a friend from the city. "I am sorry for what some here have done to you. I know it must of been frightening and painful. They took blood didn't they?" The small figure's head nodded in the hood of the sweatshirt. "People fear what they don't understand. As many and vast as the species on this planet are, you're still something new. Some see something new and all they think about is some way of making profit off of it." Marek smiled a bit as he talked to the silent figure. "I know what it's like to be poked and prodded. You run me through a scanner, most of my insides don't look like a normal humans should. Most of my organs have been replaced. Drek, my bone structure has been mixed and molded to make it stronger. Changed, so I'd be better at what I do. Better at working in the Shadows back home. I've got since I've come to this world two I'd call Boss. That I work for doing some jobs. Neither one is like me, or you. I guess in a way they're unique too. Sometimes I wish I could go back you know" Go home and just live a normal life." Marek smirked a bit and then shook his head. "But then again, that wouldn't be me now would it' Wife, kids, two car garage" Life doesn't turn out as you always plan it to. Things happen and you take another turn. A left, instead of a right or vice versa. I have a daughter here. Her names Janan. She's got her mother's grace and beauty." He holds out a hand. "She's about that high. Six I believe. Probably giving her mother trouble. Family life ain't for me I guess little buddy. My life is in the dark. Dealing with people that need to be taught a lesson. People that hurt others. Like the people that took you. I found the ship. The door we found to your vessel was still onboard. Followed the tracks through the years to who bought your vessel up to last month. How we found out who had you. Seventeen owners of that spaceship of yours. Through the years. None of them could figure it out. Your ship is going to be transported to our mutual friend on this planet. The one with the tail" I think you know who I mean." The hood nodded slowly at Marek as the dark eyes watched him. "He's going to make sure it's put away where nobody can find it. Use it for something negative. This world has enough negative drek in it." A low humming sound could be heard in the distance, Marek tilted his head up toward the clouds as they slowly shifted in parting. "Well, looks like it's time for you to go little buddy. I'm sorry about your friend. What they did to him was...well, I'm sorry for your loss." Moving to stand from a rock as a saucer like craft slowly lowered from the sky above. The top was a slow radiating light of green while the bottom section held a reddish hue to it. The small figure got up from the rock he'd been sitting upon and lifted a small hand to take Marek's. Long fingers curled around his. Marek gave a light smile and a soft nod down at figure. "Sorry little buddy, I can't come with. Maybe someday. When I'm ready to leave. But not tonight. Not for a while yet. You be safe now." The small form gave a slow nod of his head. His grip easing in turn from Marek's hand as he moved toward the odd saucer like craft. A bright white light perked from behind a lowering plank into the vessel. As the little figure moved up the plank he sudden gave pause and turned around in step. Reaching up to ease back the hood from his features. His head was slightly large, bald of hair. Eyes dark as night looked back at Marek. The voice was quiet, like a whisper upon the wind. "Thank....You." A small hand lifted and long fingers gave a wave as the plank lifted upwards into the craft, bringing the small form with in. Marek gave a light smile as he waved back and whispered. "You're welcome...little buddy."