Topic: The whims of a child


Date: 2008-04-10 00:38 EST
It had been less than half a moons cycle since Simon had escaped the carnage, fled the wrath, eluded his attackers, and even jumped worlds to get away from his mentor's killers. They had come in the night. Well at least it had been night time in Faerun. Long were the shadows for which the Dale had been named when the Zhent's had arrived to do their worst.

How they made it through his masters defensive wards and spells was beyond the young man's comprehension. Kelvin was by no means the realms greatest wizard - in fact he was far from it - yet by no means was the man a slouch when it came to his protection or divination magics. That was in part the reason for Simon's mastery in both of those schools in the 'science of magic", as his master has always so eloquently put it.

Many days and nights the young man had spent in his chambers studying and rereading the incantations and gestures that went along with the spells needed to discern an enemies intentions. To protect himself, or another should he find those actions to be detrimental to either's well being. "These are the most important of all magics dear Simon." He could hear his mentor's words ringing clear in his head. "Without the proper knowledge and protection for yourself, a spell meant to strike another may end up useless, or worse, you could end up inflicting pain or death on one who is undeserving."

Of course that had not stopped them. Had not even halted them in their tracks for a moment as the Zhent's stormed his masters home from outside and in. Siege weapons had battered the shell of the tower as portals opened within, allowing hundreds of Zhentarim soldiers and worse into his mentors stronghold. The battle was over quickly. The swift hand of death was around Kelvin's neck before he could utter a single arcane word of protection for himself, his followers, or his apprentice.

The imps and lesser demons tortured servants as the devils of deeper darkness had torn asunder those of Kelvin's order. The Order of the Shining Truth was no more. Simon could still hear their screams, their terror stricken cries for mercy, and even worse their prayers. Hopes and reverent petitions to a god that for some reason would not answer their pleas.

"Why Azuth' What made you abandon your truest of followers?" Simon had called out. Screamed out his question. Demanded an answer from the very god himself. The Shining Hand had never answered him. There was not a whisper, nor a sound, not even a sign to show the young man any kind of answer for his bitter and foolish accusations. Who was he to demand a reason of judgment from a god" One of the greater gods at that. He was not even certain who he was himself, yet he demanded an explanation from one of the greater deities of his realm"

"How childishly foolish of me." The youth chided himself as he recalled his last desperate attempt to flee from the gruesome scene before him. When the alarm had sounded, when the crashes of thunder that were the ballistae and catapults from the outside had mingled destructively with the spells and curses of the lesser realms within the tower, he had fled to his masters secret chamber.

"The day may come my child, my Simon. Pray it does not. Yet if it should arise that I have fallen and all is lost I implore you to make haste for the deepest of secrets in this tower" our tower." For that is what it was. Kelvin had vowed to leave everything, the order, the magics, and most of all the trust of his life's works to his youngest and most promising apprentice. The child he had taken in at the mere age of eight.

"Find our hidden chamber, and there you will find your destiny. You may not know what lies before you, but you should know, you have to know, that your legacy lies within those sacred walls." That had been the only message, the only warning the aging man had given him just days before the attack. He had to have known. He must have been aware that the youth would carry on his teachings, in this world or another. As long as The Order of the Shining Truth lived on that Kelvin, his mentor, and most of all his friend would be able to rest easy no matter what realm he found himself captive on.

"Tis not good enough my master" my friend. I will avenge you. Perhaps not today, or tomorrow, yet one day the banner of the Shining Truth will rise over a tower once more. Our tower my dear Kelvin. I promise." With silent sobs he pulled his knees close to his chest, a shiver sent through his body as he spoke the words. He knew that one day his mentor would be proud of him and honored by him. Little did he know that the day had long since passed.

The campfire before the young man sent shimmers dancing off the soft blue robes he had been bequeathed, the silver runes glinting in the firelight as he leaned against a tree and fitfully, sorrowfully, and torturously drifted off to sleep. Lost, yet aware of his place in the wilds of this new land he swore vengeance upon those who had taken his one true friend. "Kelvin the Wise" your name will live on throughout history in this land and every other I set foot in. I owe you that and so much more."

The young apprentice was about to drift off when he heard a familiar voice in his mind. "Never lose your childhood my dear Simon. That is the true beacon of truth, do not let that go my child. That is how our order will live on."