Topic: The Wolf-Lord


Date: 2013-05-28 04:27 EST
William Blackmoon frowned as he closed the door behind him. The night breeze was brisk and refreshing yet left a scale of dust on his proper attire. He bared his canines briefly as he frowned at the dusty sleeve of his jacket.

"Bleeding filth," he muttered as he wiped his hand over his clothes, primping himself to appear more acceptable to the eyes that would pay him a careless glance.

A decade gone, a brief return, and full-out war finally pushed him back to this place. He draped his coat over the rack and glanced at the two wolves that flanked his sides. They growled lowly at the place. These two never liked new places.

I'll be fine, the wolf-lord sent to them in mindspeech. I'm a stranger returning home. I doubt my enemies will be waiting in the shadows.

William made a smooth arc through the common area as he walked. His fiery violet eyes took in the detail of every patron he passed. He wondered if his daughter would really meet him here like she had promised.

Winter, his daughter, would he recognize her" Would she recognize him' It had been a decade, more or less, probably more than less, since he had laid eyes on his first-born and then it was only the image of her back as she took the reigns of the Pack and took them all out of his life.

He stopped before the fire and stared into its angry, cracking flames. His hand slid into his pocket where he grazed his fingertips across the silver circlet he once wore as a healer. After the slaughter of hundreds, he couldn't bear to place it upon his brow in good faith. Oh well, life has a way of turning you in many directions.

After the brief pause to chase the chill from his bones, William circled the common room again. This time he took up residence at the bar. He dared not find the booth that had been all too familiar to him when he lived just outside of town. The memories were sweet but painful and stank of the time before he changed, when he was strong and sure and obeyed the Light despite living with the Dark.

"Miss her?" a cool, sensual voice tickled his ears.

William glanced down at his empty scabbard then growled. His eyes slid to the temptress sitting beside him and he bared his canines again. How he hated this woman, if you could call her such.

"Leave me," he grumbled to the demoness.

Nightfell's laugh was dark and melodic and needled him to the core. It was hard to believe that he had survived for so long tethered to the demoness in their twisted, symbiotic relationship. Though he had become used to her antics, she still irritated him to no end.

"I'm sure your precious Cayt has moved on," Nightfell chided.

"I'm here for my daughter," he spat.

"Oh' Which one?" she purred. "Winter, the one you tried to kill once and forced out of your life" Or Aurora, the one you never let into your life in the first place?"

Her words stung with blazing truth. Perhaps one day he would let guilt get the best of him and finish the job so many enemies had failed. William felt her hand brush over his shoulder and across his chest then he snapped at her as she plucked the tiny scroll from his breast pocket.

"Father," Nightfell read in an overly sarcastic, childish voice. "The Pack is falling apart. Roanoke has abandoned us and the Darkness chases us to the four corners of the world. I need to see you. The Pack needs their true leader back. Meet me in the Red Dragon Inn."

William and the demoness were silent for a while.

"You'll destroy them if you return," she said.

"Yeah, I know..."


Date: 2013-05-28 23:10 EST
William accepted an ale from the barkeep and gazed at its smooth, glassy surface. The weight of his words bore down on his shoulders like a ton of stone. His thoughts churned and spat out a dozen questions or more.

Would the Pack accept him back" Would Winter accept him back" Could he accept them back"

A lot had changed about the displaced wolf-lord. True in the past he would slip into the Darkness to fight for the Light, using every ounce of skill and ability to serve his pack of Guardians. Though he would always return to the Light and walk a path of quazi-righteousness. Not anymore.

He lived in the dim shadows of gray that separated the Light from the Dark. Rarely did he toe outside of the line, either way, but when he did, it was always on the side of Darkness. It had become routine for him to do such.

Then there was Nightfell, the blasted demoness that had caused him and his family so much pain. Bound to her as both master and slave, he shuddered as he thought about how much Cayt hated her or the time Winter had feebly tried to kill her. No matter how much they had tried, they just couldn't completely accept the bond between him and the demoness.

Nightfell had done so much to aid him as well. Aside from providing the essence necessary to keep him alive, on several occasions she had given him the strength to survive against amazing odds. In her womanly form, she didn't pose much of an imposing figure. She seemed like nothing more than a flirtatious harlot that seemed to enjoy his company.

But as a sword, she was a symbol of death. It wasn't just the tiny swirls of light that would spiral into her blade to be absorbed by the Darkness forged inside of her. It was knowing that the merest touch of her edge could steal enough life from a man to render him defenseless. Yes, she had done so much for William.

"Can you just leave me alone?" he asked the demoness.

She stared at him with smoldering, dark eyes. She would do as he commanded even though being away from him made her feel lost. Through the centuries of her existence and the hundreds of hosts she had had, William was the strongest and she was attracted to him, though she would really never admit it.

William watched as his demoness slipped out the back entrance of the Inn the turned his eyes to the large mirror behind the bar. He'd aged well, still looking in his early to mid-thirties. The scar that ran along the left edge of his jawbone had faded some. He didn't look two hundred or so years old.

The brisk night air swirled through the front door and William turned on the stool to see who had entered. A slender woman appeared and he narrowed his eyes to study her closer. It wasn't her. He doubted she would really meet him there.

Then hand touched his shoulder and he turned to see who it was.



Date: 2013-05-29 00:30 EST
"Winter," William whispered in shock.

When his daughter withdrew her hand there was a bitter coldness that coalesced around them. Neither had the urge to wrap their arms around the other in missing. Their reunion was far from heartwarming but it was still a reunion.

"We need you," Winter said softly. "Our situation is much more dire than in my message."

"I doubt my return to the Pack will help," he said after a pause and shake of his head.

"They need your strength and your leadership, father," Winter rebutted. She caught a glimpse of movement by the front door. Two wolves, Darkwolves, with blazing yellow eyes, stalked toward them. Winter growled and drew her blade. She looked at her father then to the wolves again and readied to lash out and slay the evil beasts.

William stood from his stool and positioned himself between his daughter and the wolves. He could hear the breaths escalate in Winter as the beasts drew closer. He closed his eyes and prayed for the strength to endure his daughter's disappointment.

The Darkwolves stopped at his feet and he bent down to run his fingers through the fur between their ears. When he turned, his daughter's face was a ghostly white. Her eyes were wide in shock and her jaw trembled speechlessly.

"They're mine," William said in a little more than a whisper.


"I've changed," he said, mentally dismissing his guards to take up their previous perches near the front.

"But," she started. Her knuckles were white with strain as she held onto her sword still. "How" Why?"

"Because I've made my share of enemies in this world," he explained, "and like me, these wolves kill with no regret and no remorse, something the Guardian's weren't created to do."

"But it's wrong!" she shouted.

A number of patrons glanced over at them. A few decided they were sitting a little too close for comfort and moved tables. But none of them even hinted at interfering with their father-daughter spat. It was probably a good thing too. The barkeep probably wouldn't have liked cleaning up unnecessarily.

"But it's what I am," he replied somewhat coldly.

The two bared their canines at each other before Winter slapped William across the face. It should have broken his heart to cause this kind of pain and disappointment to his daughter but it didn't. He wished it had and had he then there may still have been a chance to redeem himself to the Light.

"If that's it, you should go,? William said.

A single, solitary tear made the slow trek down Winter's cheek as she stared at the man she had called her father. She made up her mind that this time, when she left, there was no coming back. She'd leave his life once and for all and never ever return.


Date: 2013-05-29 22:52 EST
"You were right to turn her away," Nighfell whispered as she slipped her hand into William's and watched Winter disappear from the Inn.

The wolf-lord looked at his demoness for a moment before dropping his darkened, violet eyes to their hands. The vemon welled inside of him and he envisioned the countless ways he could kill her, and himself in the process. He truly despised her.

William's fingers tightened around hers and he pulled her roughly against him. His free hand clasped her throat and squeezed until she coughed violently. It was funny. Times like this made her almost seem as human as she appeared.

"Do not touch me again," he growled then shoved her away. William burst through the back entrance of the Inn and into the shadows of a nearby alley. He stomped down the cobblestone in blind rage. As he emerged from the alley, something crashed into him, knocking him to the ground.

He was on his feet faster than he drew his dagger. A old man was standing there, hands raised with his palms out, babbling apologies for the incident. William took the man by the collar of his tattered shirt and glared at him. Then in the beat of a heart, William drove his dagger into the man's chest. "Father!" a voice pierced the calm of night.

William turned quickly to see a girl, young, pehaps in her early teens, rushing toward him. Her face was partially obscured from the shadows of the moon but he could feel the fear and pain swirling inside of her like a terrible storm.

"Father!" the girl cried as knelt and cradled her father's corpse in her arms. William's face flushed and his eyes opened wide in terror. His fingers loosened and the bloody dagger fell to the stone. He watched the girl stroke her father's graying hair as he slowly backed away.

I'm sorry.

The wolf-lord turned and fled quickly down the dimly lit roadway, searching for a path that would take him far away from the city as possible and as far away from the girl. William ran until his lungs and limbs burned with fatigue. And even then he pushed forward until his legs gave out and he crashed to the damp earth.

Tired. So tired.

William felt the night consume him and his eyes closed.


Date: 2013-05-31 22:27 EST
William stirred and felt dizzy. When he opened his eyes, he was floating, a few feet above the ground. A softly glowing cloud carried him through the dark landscape.

The wolf-lord tried to move but his body wouldn't respond. He closed his eyes to concentrate, trying to will Nightfell to appear at his side. Despite a myriad of attempts, the demoness never appeared.

For the moment he felt scared and lost. His sent his lupine senses out to scour the area around him as floated along but he felt nothing. It was like he was in a gigantic void and it was very unsettling.

Up ahead he saw a faint glow and felt a familiar pull, a tingling he hadn't experienced in quite some time. It was the Spring of Light and the closer he got, the more intense the tingling became. By the time he reached the Spring, his entire body felt like it was on fire.

My son, a familiar voice intruded into his mind.

It was Yoshi, the Guardian's first Pack Leader and the one that helped raise him as a child when he was first conscripted into the Pack. William shook his head to rid his thoughts of the haze. He could move now and suddenly found himself standing at the foot of the Sping.

The ghost of his adopted father emerged from the Sping, glowing faintly from the eternity of death. Yoshi's muzzle lifted and his nostrils flared from the stanch of Darkness within William. His enormous paws dug into the soft, moist earth as he studied William.

"Why have you brought me here?" William asked.

I didn't, Yoshi sent. You brought yourself.

Suddenly the Spring's light spiked, forcing William's eyes closed from the brightness. When the light faded to a subtle glow, he opened his eyes again and looked around. The wolf-lord stood there in silence as he looked at the images of his past slowly float around him. It was painful to experience and he tried to flee but something held him in place.

His dark, violet eyes gazed sadly upon the image of Sarah, his first wife, and their newborn daughter, He remembered how excited Winter was to have a little sister but Shayla never saw her first birthday. Both Sarah and Shalya were killed when brigands stormed William's homestead looking for him. He had been out with Winter at the time, teaching her the nuances of the Hunt as her Guardian traits had begun to emerge. When they returned home, they found nothing but rubble and two lifeless bodies hanging from a nearby tree. Winter never remembered what had happened to her mother and sister, or so she told him, except that they had died.

Next came his second wife, Beth. His eyes darkened even more until their violet hue had turned nearly black. He had married her during the height of war with the Darkness. He was the Pack Leader then and as such, he spent most of the first two years of their marriage away. The times he managed to return to her were full of fire and passion, but as the war dragged on, that changed. Beth had grown neurotic and one day when he returned home after the war, he found her dead in their home with her wrists slit and an apology scribed on a parchment.

Other images appeared then faded and when they had made their pass and left him alone, William shuddered. It took him a while to realize there were some very important people missing. The pain was nearly overwhelming but he managed to endure it. Had he seen Cayt or Aurora, or even his brother Roanoke, he surely would have broken down.

It's time to return home, my son, Yoshi sent.

William nodded and slowly stepped toward the Spring. He could feel the warmth of its power and the soothe of its Light. The wolf-lord stepped into the Spring and slowly sank into the glowing water until he disappeared beneath the surface.

Suddenly William woke up in the dark clearing he had collapsed in. His eyes burned with bright violet as he looked around. He was alone and he knew what he had to do.


Date: 2013-05-31 23:45 EST
William stood and brushed the dirt and leaves from his regal attire. He scanned the area slowly, still trying to process what he had just experienced. Had it really happened or was his mind just playing tricks on him, or even worse, was he growing a conscience and feeling guilty about leading himself astray. A faint rustling pulled him from his thoughts and he looked around.

His Darkwolf escorts appeared and approached him cautiously. Their ears were flattened back against their heads and their canines were fully bared. He eyed them dubiously as they stalked toward him. William tried to reach out and touch their minds with his speach but couldn't. Suddenly they attacked.

The fight was over in less than a blink of an eye. The wolf-lord stood over the dead bodies of the wolves. He looked at Nightfell in his grip and gazed hatefully at the sword. He felt the rush of the wolves' life essense as the demoness fed it to him slowly. It was power, pure, intense power. This time though, it felt different. It didn't feel like he was being dragged into an abyss rather he felt invigorated, like he used to so many years ago.

He glared down at the Darkwolves' corpses for a moment then a pair of arms slid around his torso from behind.

"A change of heart?" Nighfell whispered in his ear.

She brushed her lips along his earlobe and cooed at the thought of William re-embracing the Light. She had to admit, to herself of course, she would never say it to her master, that she preferred him to align with the Light. While she was allowed to feed much more often when William would stray into the Dark, her meals were much more satisfying when he fought for the Light.

"I don't know," he answered, too preoccupied with his thoughts to realize his demoness was gently rubbing her body against his.

"What are you going to do now?" she asked.

She held him tightly and laid her cheek against his shoulder. While she didn't relish being within arm's reach of Winter, she knew that ultimately her master's happiness laid with his daughter and the Guardians. Nightfell shivvered. Perhaps the William she had fallen in love with would return. William brought his hand up and cupped it over hers.

"Find my daughter..."


Date: 2013-06-03 23:53 EST
"So he's really gone?" Roanoke asked his neice.

"It appears so," Winter replied as she gazed into the campfire.

"Why would someone ever embrace the Darkness like that?" he mused.

"You should be one to talk, Ro," Winter fired back.

Despite the long separation she had endured with her father, she still defended him. Winter especially hated it when her uncle talked bad of him too. Roanoke was as about dark as a soul could get. He was a bloodthirsty, power-tripping brigand, though in his defense, he never called upon the Darkness. He didn't exactly bask in the Light either which is what had caused a rift between him and William to begin with.

"Look it, little one," Roanoke said. "I may be wild and rowdy and would sell my brother for a bottle of ale, but have I ever not been here for the Pack?"

He leveled his gaze at his neice and waited. She glared at him over the flickering flames. He was right, more or less, and Winter hated him for it. She hated her father for it too because it was him that pushed Roanoke away until he finally left. Not until William had stepped down as Pack Leader did her uncle return to help her run things.

Winter felt more like a figurehead than a Leader.She knew that Roanoke would have made a better Leader, but she was, after all, the wolf-lord's daughter so she had to be just as great and powerful and wise as he, right' Far from it. Had her uncle not returned, she was sure that the Pack would have been extinct by now.

"I'm sure your father had his reasons to leave, reasons aside from the ones he told us," Roanoke said before taking a pull from his bottle.

For the life of her, Winter still couldn't figure out why her father left when he did. William had the Guardians poised to crush an upstart movement of dark-mages who were trying to take over some far away kingdom. The Pack was direly outnumbered and suddenly he disappeared. All he had left was a stupid note with a stupid excuse for having to go rediscover himself. But somehow they survived and destroyed the mages.

And now a new Darkness descended upon them. One so vast that the Pack had their doubts they would survive. They needed William. Winter needed William and it took every ounce of strength to make contact with him and ask for his help only to be dismissed like a grubby urchin begging for food. It angered her but saddened her more.

"Hey!" Roanoke shouted and flicked a tiny stone at his niece. "You've got me! Doesn't your vagabond uncle make you feel warm and fuzzy?"

Winter tried not to laugh at the funny expression on his face. He wriggled his nose and waggled his eyebrows and finally she snorted and started to laugh. Roanoke drank form his bottle again then gave her a big, cheesy smile before moving to sit beside her.

"Thank you," she whispered as she leaned against her uncle and put her arms around him.

"You're very welcome, little one," Roanoke said then kissed her on top of the head. "I'll be leaving in the morning but I'll be back in three days."

She nodded and nuzzled against him. She never worried for her uncle. He was as crafty as he was rambunctious and the kind of man what would come back from the grave just to haunt someone for fun. Winter would miss him for three days.


Date: 2013-06-19 23:41 EST
"What the hell are you doing?" Roanoke screamed at his brother.

Only a few minutes ago, William and Nightfell had been walking down a dirt road, musing over his future with Winter and the Guardians. He had sensed something was wrong but couldn't put his finger on it. Then suddenly his brother, Roanoke, burst from the lining trees and wrestled him to the ground.

"Tell me!" Roanoke commanded.

He stared down into the violet pools of William's eyes and pressed his dagger harder against the wolf-lord's throat. Something had told him that William would be here. Something compelled him to find his brother and deter him from seeking out Winter and the Guardians. Roanoke wasn't quite sure why, but rarely had he been moved in such a way and when he was, he followed the compulsion.

"Get off of me!" William growled, trying to find some sort of purchase to kick his brother off of him.

"I know you're looking for Winter," Roanoke said lowly. "Leave her alone. Leave us alone. Go back to your demon whore and your Darkwolves and die a Lightless death."

Nightfell, who had been standing nearby and not interfering with the brothers on her master's order, couldn't take it. She screamed and lunged at Roanoke. He ducked and rolled off of his brother. He found his footing just in time to deflect Nightfell's second attack.

Roanoke juked and lashed out with his dagger, etching a crimson line in the demoness" cheek. She cried in pain and pressed her hands to the wound, reeling backward. It never ceased to amaze him just how mortal she could appear.

Roanoke turned back toward William. William was crouching on the ground then sprang up at his brother. The two collided and fell to the ground. They struggled and rolled around until William flopped to the side. Roanoke looked down and saw his dagger buried in his brother's side.

The demoness threw herself onto the ground and crawled over William, shielding him from any further aggression made by his brother. Her gaze was dark and level and boiled with contempt and Roanoke dismissed it errantly. His hand slid down to the hilt of his sword and held steady.

"You'll live," he growled.

"How do you know?" Nightfell snapped. "Your brother's changed. He doesn't heal as quickly."

"And I should care why?" Roanoke spat. "Because he left the Light to embrace the Dark" Because he left the only daughter he ever really knew?"

"It wasn't his fault," she said, defending her master vehemently.

"Let Winter be," Roanoke said, glaring at his brother. "Go make amends with Cayt. If she'll let you, try to be a father to Aurora. You owe it to the both of them. But leave Winter alone or you'll have to contend with me."

Then without another word, Roanoke turned and disappeared into the brush, leaving his brother lying on the ground, severely wounded, and the demoness whore crying at his side. Roanoke vowed to protect his niece at all costs, even his life. He would be damned if he would let William break her heart again.


Date: 2013-06-20 21:23 EST
Nightfell rocked back and forth on her legs as she knelt beside her master. She gazed worriedly at William's face. His eyes were closed and he wore a peaceful fa"ade but she knew that inside he was struggling for his life.

The wound was much worse than she originally suspected. It took her nearly an hour to stop the bleeding. Nightfell had kept the dagger in hopes of one day returning it to Roanoke in a rather violent way.

She hated that man and she knew the feeling was mutual. It always seemed that when anything bad happened to William it was because of his brother. Whether Roanoke was the direct cause or the incident had its roots with him, he caused William, and Nightfell, a tremendous amount of pain.

William coughed and stirred before returning to his placid state. Nightfell broke from her dark thoughts about his brother to return her attention to him. For the life of her she didn't know what to do. Actually she did, she just didn't know what to do about it. William needed life essence.

She wondered if she could kill then feed him the essence. Nightfell had never tried that before. Usually when she received the essence it was because she was in her sword form and William had just run someone through. She could try. It couldn't make things worse than they really were for him so she set out to a small town they had passed not too long ago in search of a victim.

An hour or so later found Nightfell standing outside of the local tavern. She was staring at the door, hesitant to reach out and open it as if it would suddenly come to life and bite her. She didn't do too well around others when William wasn't nearby. The demoness realized just how much she had come to depend on her master for strength and courage, human traits that her maker had built into her to make her easier to handle.

"Are you lost?" an angelic voice came from behind her, pulling Nightfell's attention away from the door.

She turned around and caught her breath at the voice's source. The woman was young-looking, with a smooth, slender face with delicate, attractive features. She was dressed in dark gray that accentuated the fairness of her complexion. Nightfell liked her. Nightfell liked her very much.

"I'm not from around here," Nightfell said, warming to the young woman. "I'm in search of a healer."

"Then what luck you have," the woman said with a smile in her voice. "I'm a healer. Are you ill?"

"Oh no, not me," the demoness replied as she wondered what the woman looked like beneath her heavy robes. "My travelling companion and I were attacked and he is badly wounded. Not too far out of town but I lack the resources to transport him."

"I see," the woman said. "I'm Gemini, by the way. Come. Let's go to my house so I can pick up my equipment and go tend to your companion."

"You're too kind,? Nightfell said.

She licked her lips from behind the woman as they walked through the small town. She couldn't wait to help her master.


Date: 2013-07-08 22:45 EST
NightFell and Gemini walked down the dark road to where William was at. The entire time NightFell, would brush her hand against the healer's hand or hip and eventually the two women held hands as they walked.

"So how long have you been a healer?" the demoness asked.

"As long as I can remember," Gemini answered with a smile.

"That's dedication," NightFell remarked, glancing over at the young woman with her dark eyes. "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking."

"I'll turn twenty-seven next week," the healer said with a giggle on her voice. "What about you?"

NightFell was silent for a moment. No one had ever asked her age before. She wondered how she would explain that she was thousands of years old. Gemini was sure to think she was insane so she deflected the question.

"How old do you think I am?" NightFell said, stopping and pulling the young woman around to look at her in soft moonlight.

"Oh, I don't know," Gemini said breathlessly as NightFell pulled her closer. "You look so young and perfect."

"As are you," the demoness whispered into the healer's ear.

She wondered what was going through the young woman's mind, or for that fact, any of the women she had seduced in her long, chained life. The man that created her was twisted, deeply twisted. She had been built to feel the same kind of desires as her master. Had she been wielded by a woman, she would prefer men, but so was not the case with William. However, something drew her to him to the point she would rather lay with him than anyone else.

It was dark and disturbing and just another way to keep her endentured to him. She hated him for it but knew it wasn't his fault. NightFell reluctantly gave into the pull and wondered what it would be like to be with him. She had had so many opportunities but the couple would never happen. He hated her. Every woman that had been a part of her life hated her. Perhaps one day.

Gemini shivered and closed her eyes. Her mind whirred and she felt this deep desire pang through her body. It was like someone was reaching into her soul and touching it just right, like a life-long lover manipulating her flesh until she stood at the edge of an endless ocean of pleasure. Suddenly Nightfell pulled away, hiding the wicked smile on her lips from the healer and continued down the road to where her master fought for his life.

When they reached William, his flesh was cold and clammy and drenched in sweat. Gemini unpacked her bag and inspected his wound. It was deep and the edge of the skin was already discolored where it was dying. The healer had never seen anything quite like it before and it worried her. She wasn't sure if she would be able to save him.

"What's wrong?" NightFell asked after seeing the concern on the young woman's face.

"His wound is bad, very bad," she said.

NightFell pulled her away from William and attacked her. The energy she felt was mindnumbing. It coursed through her body and stimulated every nerve built into her. When she was done, she threw the healer's corpse aside and curled up next to William.

She put her arm across his chest and hooked her leg over his. With her cheek pressed against his shoulder, the demoness closed her eyes and slowly fed the healer's essence into William. His body absorbed it like a sponge and she gave everything she had taken and more until her body quivered from being overtaxed. She closed her eyes and waited.

Hours later, William stirred and opened his eyes. He glanced over at the demoness asleep at his side. The touch of her body against his was sickening but he was still too weak to move away. The wolf-lord snorted softly and bared his canines. He didn't care that she had saved his life and he would surely bring it up to her when he was further recovered.