Topic: Tokimeki Memorial


Date: 2008-01-09 00:02 EST
Tokimeki Memorial

Tokimeki Memorial is one of RhyDin's best kept secrets, a large Japanese-style high school system and dorms located on the edge of West End. The null of magic the school was nestled in provided a uniquely safe zone from most of RhyDin's dangerous denizens allowing for a high degree of safety for the children attending.

Driving up to the main gate a guest is treated to a beautiful stone archway and wrought iron gates sandwiched between granite block walls that stretch up to nearly twenty feet line the entire perimeter. The road afterward leans up an incline several hundred feet that was forested on either side and plateaus to the main grounds. Dead ahead is the biggest two buildings, the left being a gorgeous European-style university for the students to attend classes in. Four stories in height and a light steel chain fence on the roof top to allow students and faculty access and safety. The inside of the school mirrored a more traditional Japanese school, with wooden sliding doors, paper panes and raised teacher platforms.

The right building attempts to keep the same look except for the large glass and steel lattice structure on the top to provide light to all the various indoor activities, such as indoor track, swimming and basketball. A baseball diamond that remains covered in snow during the winter stretched back out from the athletic building giving a fair amount of room for snowmen and snow angels. Much further back away from the athletic building was another cluster of buildings, two L-shaped apartments that stretched up six stories each housed all the boys and girls who stayed in the dormitories, a separate dorm for each gender of course. The rooms were nice, but it was in fact the bath rooms, sitting rooms and lobbies that were coated in decadence.

Of course school dress was mandatory, the girls in a tad ruffled skirt, white shirt with the option of long or short sleeves and a orange vest with white trim. The boys wear traditional black slacks and white button up shirt and also the option of wearing the same orange vest. The staff was allowed to dress as they pleased as long as it was business dress.

All in all it's a perfectly normal school for such an abnormal city. Ranked number one in education and safety in all of RhyDin and the surrounding areas it also boasted of the largest housing of many of RhyDin's high status children.

And now it was Frank's new work place.

Unexpected morning visitors were greeted by two guards coming out from the gatehouse, the uniform was black and gold trim, shiny polished combat boots and the Personal Defense Weapon FN-P90. Both men moved in tandem to flank the sides of the arriving vehicle and up to the designated stopping zone near the spike strip.

"Name and purpose please." Greeted the guard on the driver side, the other peeking into the vehicle from the far side, weapon half raised in anticipation of trouble, several other guards also emerging from the guardhouse now also looking out at the exchange.

Welcome to Tokimeki Memorial.

Frank Paszinski

Date: 2008-01-09 15:12 EST
A muddy, dirty Wrangler that looks like it's seen better days slides to an easy stop in front of Tokimeki's gate amid the squeak of worn brakes. Frank pushes his sunglasses down to peer over the rims, as if the sprawling decadence of the school was somehow obstructed by the tinted lenses. His eyebrows raise, impressed and maybe a bit disgusted- and he's not even inside yet!

It's cloudy and cold, but the Wrangler's roof panels have been removed and the windows are down, allowing a clear view of the inside, which has been altered drastically, but undeniably fits the man sitting in the driver's seat. The rear seats face backwards and fold, to allow more space for cargo. Amid toolkits carefully organized and strapped to the inside wall lay several car batteries, assorted easily-identified car parts, that an auto-cannon' It is. A half-disassembled auto-cannon, and a box of 20mm chain ammo, and just in case you couldn't tell, everything is neatly labeled. Looks like he brought shop with him. Literally.

The driver, like the jeep, needs a good scrub-down, though his clothes are clean. The black t-shirt probably isn't army issue, but the fatigue pants are and the pockets festooning them are clearly full of whatever Frank needs to wage a small war. A FAMAS assault rifle lays in the passenger seat, along with several full magazines, a flak jacket, two grenades, a magazine on gun care, a veritable encyclopedia on car repair....and a brightly colored girl's umbrella.

What' It looked like rain.

Frank eyed the guards, and noted the nervous movement of gun barrels in his direction. So, he lit a cigarette, keeping his hands where they could see them, then responded, "Frank Paszinski."

He pauses to draw on the cigarette. "Purpose is a little tougher, y'know", he drawls. "I mean, I hear these stories 'bout people searching for purpose their whole lives, climin' mountains, 'n walkin' over hot coals, n' shit." He'd figured by now if his name didn't get him through, there was no way they were letting a guy fitted to wage a small war through those gates. So he rambled on while they checked channels, talked to whomever needed talking to, patted each other's butts on a job well done (yeah, career security guards were like that). No matter that if he'd -really- wanted to be inside, he probably could've killed the whole pack of 'em three separate times since he pulled up. The guy next to his window, probably closer to five.

The guard glanced away at his compatriots for a moment. Make that six.


Date: 2008-01-09 18:54 EST
As the security guard glanced away to his buddy who was pointing out some of the weaponry in the back the walkie talkie on his belt crackled, "Chuck, he's got an appointment to join the ranks, Boss says to let him in. Park the Jeep for him in the lot, bag him and lead him down, but treat him with extreme caution, heat sensors say he's traveling alone. Radar shows no unusual traffic in the vicinity and satellite confirms his path here from the last ten miles, we're continuing to trace back but it looks like he's got no backup."

In a heart beat the barrels that could produce 5.7mm bullets most effective against armored targets were leveled at Frank and not a one of them were smiling. Dead-man-walking-six-times-over continued in the same voice as before, "Mr. Paszinski Sir please shut off the vehicle, place the keys on the dashboard and exit the vehicle and?" hesitating to remove a bag from his vest pocket, "Put this on your head, we'll be leading you downstairs. Welcome" Sir.? His lips quirk into a slight smile.

Frank Paszinski

Date: 2008-01-09 19:02 EST
Paranoid lunatics. He was working with a bunch of paranoid lunatics. Heat, radar, satellite? He didn't even know there -were- satellites over Rhy'din! Swell.

"I have a better idea", he says to the six-times-dead paranoid lunatic. "How about I -don't- turn off the vehicle, leave the keys in the ignition, and you open that gate there so I can drive in and -park my own damn jeep-. I will let you tell me where I can park," he concedes, as if that should iron everything smooth.

The black bag was just so far off the radar, he didn't even dignify it with a response, let alone take the damn thing from the man's hand. He grins back at the man's smile.


Date: 2008-01-09 19:42 EST
"Sir the only way you're getting past this line is either on foot with a bag over your head, or bullets riddled through your body and shredded ti-?"

The crackle of the walkie talkie interrupted him, "Chuck, what the hell is taking you so long" He's one guy."

"He refuses to any of our requests, Sir." Chuck licks his lips nervously and glances down again at the communication device and back up, finger almost twitching instinctively.

"Well hell, Chuck. He's ex-earth military. Handcuffs, oh no, he's ex-marines. That's an ornery bastard up there I'm sure. Listen, just get him out of the vehicle, search him for weapons and bring him down. Ain't got all day. If he refuses tell him he can stuff himself, I got four other applicants down here waiting and he ain't a unique ****ing snowflake."

Chuck's eyes narrowed a bit and he shrugged lightly, "You heard the Captain. You playing ball, getting yourself killed or driving off??

Frank Paszinski

Date: 2008-01-09 22:07 EST
"Look, buddy, I've been paid already so if you wanna turn me away, that is perfectly fine with me. You or your captain or one of the other stooges around here can tell your boss how you wouldn't let the guy they hired in to do his job. I'll just go find me some shady dive and have me a good drink and a smoke and you all can let me know when you change your minds."

Snowflake, huh' He was going to have to remember that one.


Date: 2008-01-09 22:43 EST
"Yeah man, I'm sure you've been paid before we've even accepted you to the job Mr. Paszinski." The man grinned and nodded at one of his buddies, "**** the snow flake right guys?" A few nods and laughs from the other guys and they holstered their weapons and gestured for him to pull forward "You're a piece of work, a horrible liar, but you don't flinch. Take an immediate right after the gate, but if you bring anything explosive with you into my compound I'll put one right between your eyes. Now get going?"

The rows of serrated blades dipped down below the pavement allowing Frank to roll forward. A small parking behind the wall contained a number of bicycles, hummers and jeeps, a good collection of guard's vehicles. A couple spots remained open and Chuck had walked in before the gate closed to wave him towards a small building. "C"mon you slacker??

Frank Paszinski

Date: 2008-01-09 23:03 EST
"Hey, people come to me, you rent-a-cop." he shakes his head and guns it past the security station as they giggle about snowflakes like a bunch of retards. The tires stay firmly glued to the pavement as he makes his right and pulls into an empty space. The beat up Wrangler looks out of place amid all the splendor of the school. Even the cars look pristine.

He's shrugging into his flak jacket when the guard walks up to hurry him along, "Make up your damn mind, princess. Three seconds ago you were playing hard-ass gatekeeper and now you want me to hurry?" he grabs his rifle and his gear, leaving the grenades, as requested. He listened when it suited him.

"Lead on, Six.", he announced when ready, adjusting his sunglasses. He grabs the guard by the front of his uniform before he can start leading him anywhere, "And if you -ever- call me a liar again, I will put two in your chest and one right between your damn eyes. Clear?"