Topic: Turn the Page

Red urThorne

Date: 2010-07-22 09:58 EST
((This is a diary that Red is reading, it is highly unlikely anyone would get to read it but I hope you enjoy reading something about her none the less. Smile ))

Winter was wrought among high hills and a manner of speaking that is how I came into being. I see my life as having two distinct phases, a punishment turned to my advantage and gave me a second chance at being someone of whom I could feel pride. That's jumping ahead though and I've decided to write down the details of my life here in the hopes that one day I'll feel secure enough to share it with others, with one other specifically but for now only the paper will get to hear the tale.

The beginning is a place to start but my beginning probably will spawn images of folklore and superstition and so I will accompany it with some facts. I am an Angel or more properly I am a Fallen Angel, but that is also not the beginning. When I was created I knew little of the world at large, I was given a single emotion, that of worship.

Few humans can comprehend, indeed few beings at all, the fact that angels are not like other beings. We were not given free will, nor free reign over our thoughts. We were only what we were meant to be, that is until God made humans.

God must have known that giving a person freewill would eventually lead to strife and misery as he began to give his Angels different skills that he foresaw as being necessary. But like with many things adding onto a creation after it's completion these new skills and tasks sat poorly , like clothes a few sizes too large, or too small. We moved through the motions of our new responsibilities like dutiful clockwork toys. Those that were told to guide humans, guided them, those that were told to embody love, hardwork, dedication all strove to accomplish those tasks. But what were these things to beings that had only known worship" We had no basis other than that which God taught us, and he is not a verbose teacher.

Humans, at first, mistook us for gods, and gave us names to suit their need to understand the world. I was given many names among them were: Agasaya , Badb, Anouke, Erra, Enyo, Dev, Kat"al"ain, Riza, Athena and Ares. Humans could not distinguish our sexes and therefore attributed multiple faces to each of us, and we did not care because all we were doing was following a script.

By the time Judaism came along I had been playing the part of God/Goddess of War for an aeon. The practice of worshiping God every day had long since dropped from my plate and I was kept busy sowing seeds of dissent and then guiding those I favored in war. And oh was there war for man was thirsty for it. Michael and Gabriel were the names given unto me in the Bible, at that point in history it was inconceivable to man that a female aspect could do what I had done in the name of my God.

It was around the time that man was coming to fear me, not pray to me that I began to understand that my very existence was a plague. War was embedded into human history and there was little I could do to stop it at that point, but I began to perceive that I did not want to foster it either.

God is not forgiving. God is harsh and, for his first creations most especially, he shows no mercy. There were hundreds of us that learned that lesson as the tasks we had been doing for centuries, had been forced to do for centuries, finally began to mold us into something other than what God wanted.

God is also vindictive, I of all the fallen Angels know this well. After all, I was the one that He sent on some many missions of death to demonstrate his displeasure. It was fortuitous for me that when I finally rebelled it was at a time of chaos and thus the punishment God handed me was less of a punishment and more of a blessing. Lest you believe this was Gods intent, I will tell you that later, when this error was brought to His attention, He attempted to rectify the situation and bring me back under His control. But that is also later in the story.

Perhaps I will attempt to put down my life as it was during the time before my Fall, but most of it can be found in books of legend and lore. I wish I could say they were far from the truth, but the stories are mostly accurate, excepting perhaps the Bible. There are other books on other worlds that tell tales of my earlier years as well and perhaps I will include those at some point. I am not now what I was and I can not change my past. At this point I am not sure that I would, for my past has brought to my present and I would do much to preserve that.

So these pages will hear of my punishment next and the start of the woman that people call "Red." Red "ur Thorne ?il Farve.

Red urThorne

Date: 2010-07-26 13:10 EST
%~ Dark were the clouds o"er the deep rolling sea~%

The punishment mete out for me was to be banished, as it was for many of my breathren when we dared defy our Creator by proclaiming that we would no longer follow a path just because He set our feet upon it. The timing was key, it was a mass exodus and that, I believe, is the reason my punishment turned the way it did.

Our Creator did not listen when we told him we had changed. The fact that we, or perhaps it was just me, that had in some fundamental way that even I did not understand yet, was the reason my words fell on deaf ears. He cast me down in a place called Ta"gant"althan. The place was similar to that of Earths Scotland, the largest difference being that it was torn with wars that never reached such heights in those highlands. In that place the people congregated in clans, some were strong enough to stand alone while others formed alliances to keep their land and people safe.

I was born again to a human woman from the small, but respected Clan Thorne. I was the fifth child born to Helena "ur McGaun "il Thorne, the first daughter. If asked Helena would have said that she was not happy to have another child when she first learned of her pregnancy; that view changed the moment the small baby girl was set into her arms. Her husband, Gahan, had nearly torn the roof off of their humble abode with his shout of joy at learning he had, at last, been gifted with a daughter.

Few that knew Gahan outside of his clan would have credited him with the behavior that he exhibited toward me, his one and only daughter; he doted on me day and night. His sons followed suit, they treated me, named Gabrielle but called Red, like some precious doll to be dressed up, teased and protected.

Growing up I had been shown more love and fierce loyalty than I had ever been afforded in my previous existence. It fostered in me a chance to access the myriad of emotions and to develop a true sense of self. My brothers helped foster a playful spirit that reveled in pranks. My parents showed by example how deeply a family could care for one another. There were no sweeping proclamations nor demands, but rather a constant show of love and support. But perhaps that is getting ahead of the story as well.

My childhood was not free from conflict for the land was still rife with war and it was always a concern. My training started when I was seven, two years later than the boys in deference to my sex. At seven I stood five foot three and towered over other children my age, it was a forecast to my eventual six foot four but it also meant I was gawky and ill at ease with my body as it changed month after month. It also meant that my mother had given up on trying to dress me in pretty things she made by hand, opting instead to throw on some of the boys old kilts. The kilts were easy to adjust and I seemed less likely to roll in mud while wearing them, I never took well to pretty dresses.

My training was something that I reveled in, and I wound up surprising both my father and my brothers in my aptitude for bladework. My training started with my youngest brother, Alain with footwork and some tactics. Alain was four years my senior and very like me in mannerisms, or I suppose I like him.

It was through him that I learned the finer arts of prank playing and oh were we a plague on our Clan. We were in trouble more oft than not because of something we had done, either separately or together. There was one time that we went a step too far, we dyed the neighboring Clans sheep pink and our father was forced to put a foot down.

It might have frightened us straight for a bit if he could have kept the laughter from his eyes, I think he was proud we managed to get all the sheep done without anyone seeing us during the act. Unfortunately pink dye is unforgiving to flesh and the two of us were pink from the elbows down for weeks — otherwise we could have, indeed would have, gone with a staunch denial of wrongdoings.

Perhaps my next venture at putting down the tale of my life will give some background on Gahan "ur Thorne ?il McGaun. Yes, the more I think on it the more I believe that knowing more of him will enable the reader — if ever there is one — to understand what follows.

Red urThorne

Date: 2010-08-03 12:19 EST
~Oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure. ~

Memories of a mountain.

The first winter I can recall was harsh. Now considering I'm calling it harsh will tell you something later, for I have a consistent habit of downplaying most events. I suppose that I was around four at the time and already showing signs of the artist I would be; in other words I was driving my poor mother up the walls chasing me about cleaning up the walls after I had scribbled on them.

The crop that year had been scarce and our animals were slowly being picked off by the bitter and unnatural cold. Our family was a close knit one though and we were managing as best we could. My favorite memories stem from a family tradition that began that winter;once a week we would sit around the hearth and tell tales; some true some pure fantasy.

My family was an encouraging one and so they would listen attentively to my four-year old ramblings as intently as the others. Perhaps it was that they would find out in that five minute rambling that it had been me that had performed some trick upon them during the week. In my defense it was my brother Alain that encouraged that particular trait in me;much to the later woe of many a man and woman from coast to coast as I traveled.

But again I get ahead of myself....It was also during that bitter winter that the tales and whispers of war to the south began. I can remember one heated argument between my oldest brother Timeron and my father on whether he'd be allowed to travel south and join the fray.

I think that it surprised my father when one day he took me to Tear's point to watch the waves crash against the icy rocks below that I asked what was war. The irony of this was not lost upon me when I regained the memories of my former life, but it was this moment that allowed for a restructuring of thought in the matter.

His words echo within my thoughts at times,"Ach, me bonny lass, me ken you listen too well, at times. War is something tha' you should wish ta stay far from our home. It is a game tha' none can win, there are only losers in such.".

His wistful words would haunt me later, I wanted to ask him more but the expression on his face nearly frightened me — in my defense, my father was 7" tall, and as big as a bull, when he looked thoughtful, it was as though a mountain moved and frowned down upon you. He gently scooped me up and swung me over his shoulders, "I ken tha' it be time for your bedtime, Red, my lass. Tomorrow, we'll be going ta town ta get you a present."

His words working the magic he desired, I forgot my questions about war and why my brother wanted to go play a game that there were only losers and focused on what wonders I would see the day after at the town.

Red urThorne

Date: 2010-08-11 21:03 EST
~You could no sooner move the mountains~

My brothers were a stabilizing part of my childhood, they taught me to fight, play, laugh, to love learning and to love. I was their mischievous sister that they would defend no matter the guilty look upon my features and the neighbors dyed sheep.

The oldest of my brothers was Timeron, a huge tower of a man. He stood six inches over six feet, his shoulders were broad and his dark curls fell to touch them. The most remarkable feature about him though were the gray-green eyes which held a treasures hoard worth of knowledge and compassion.

Timeron had decided early in life to study everything and anything, he was a walking library and for me he was my hero for any question I might have.

One day was I was about thirteen, I can recall a conversation with him; it's one of my fondest memories for he answered all my questions with honesty and sincerity (if with a bit of slight amusement).

~* *~ — Note, I have attempted to recreate the sound of the accent from my homeland, it brings back memories of a time and place. I hope any readers in the future will forgive my indulgence.

"Red, lass, why do ye approach me with tha' look 'pon yer face" I ken ye have a question, aye?" He set down the book he had been reading, the firelight flickering shadows across his features.

I paused a moment before beginning. Although we had an open relationship I had never asked him on such a personal issue before. I believe he sensed my hesitation and patted the seat beside him. "C'mon, lass, ye can no ask a question tha' ah'll not answer for ye, ifn' ah can."

Flopping down into the chair, I was still an ungainly teen trying to get used to the recent growth spurts I had gone through, I thought on how to phrase my question.

"Ye'll no tell da, will ye, Timmy?" I'm sure that I was looking up at him with a look of imploring youth.

"No, Red, ask yer question." The look on his face telling the tale that he thought he was about to be asked of some legality that she had "accidentally" broken with one of her pranks.

"Wha' does a girl do ifn' a boy asks to kiss 'er?"

"Wha"! Who asked fer ye ta kiss 'im' Ah'll...well ah'll..." he had stood up and was half way to his sword before he turned back. Noting the crushed look of disappointment on my features he settled down, moving to take the seat across from me.

"Forgive me, lass, aye' Ah ken tha' ye are growin' up, but ye are still mah little sister." He took my hands in his, clasping them tenderly. "Lass, ifn' a boy asks ye ta kiss 'im, ye tell 'im tha' yer waitin' on someone special. Someone tha' be worth yer kisses will accept tha' lass."

"How will ah kno' who ah am waitin' for, Timmy?"

"Ye'll kno' lass. Yer heart will start ta flutter, yer 'ands will tremble at the thought of a mere touch, most importantly, the lad will no ask fer more tha' ye can give. The lad will no' demand o' ye, nor make ye uncomfortable. He will spend time w' ye because there is no other place he would rather be than basking in yer light."

Unable to help myself, I giggled. "Mah light, Timmy' Mah 'air is bright, but it does nae shine."

"No, lass, but ye do and will be a lucky lad tha' gets past da and yer overprotective brothers ta see it." He leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Ah, tis no so difficult, ah get past ye all often."

He chuckled softly. "Aye lass, ye do. But there is no a man as wily as ye out there. So ye will need ta find yerself a smart one; one worthy of ya, else ye'll be livin' out yer life as an old maid."

~* *~

Timmy was felled in a battle just south of our home. His body was brought back to us on a cart drawn by four horses. Before I knew what the cart carried I, in my youthful curiosity, sprung forward to lift the sheet that had been carefully strewn over him.

It had been only a few months before that we spent that time by the fireside, whilst he spoke of protecting me. That was the first time that I felt a negative emotion in that new life of mine. It was foreign and vile, it took me a long time to figure out that it was hate.

Much to my fathers dismay I announced that day that I was intent upon training to join the Kings Calvary. For it was also that day that my blood felt the first burning flame for the need of revenge. When I look upon the still body of my brother, his features pale, breathless, his beautiful treasure filled-eyes closed forever. I knew that I could not allow another of my brothers to stand alone in battle. When next my brothers went to battle I would be there to protect him.

Red urThorne

Date: 2010-08-23 10:56 EST

The moment I opted to join the military was a key turning point in my life. Somewhere inside a switch was thrown and pieces of my former existence began to seep into the mundane life I had been given. I excelled at any weapon handed to me, it took me no more than a few practice sessions to outstrip those that had wielded a weapon for years.

More telling was my skill at strategy, I could analyze a situation within minutes and construct a battle plan that would succeed time and time again. My father and brothers began to worry over this turn in my focus, looking back they didn't worry nearly enough. My paintings had been laid aside and forgotten, left to collect dust in the home along with my mother who never conceived that her daughter would also go to war.

When my brother Danor was called to service, I went with him despite being too young. The Thorne clan was too well respected to be thrown out and I was too stubborn to be talked out of the decision. War is not what you read in books. It is muddy, cold, wet, it stinks of men in need of baths and blood that gets in your pores and mouth so that all food turns to copper. It is seeing men you know, have grown with, laughed with, shared aspirations and dreams with die while you fight to save yourself.

There was no argument that would have changed me being there on the field of battle with my brother, I know that. Knowing that does not make it easier to accept that it was the catalyst to shattering the illusions of myself. There were other memories in my head and I had begun to feel a difference in my body long before that battle but I ignored them, pushed them aside as though they would go away.

I saw them, three soldiers had spotted my brother and were heading toward him. Danor had our Clan colors on, killing one of the Thorne blood was something that would earn bragging rights, we had a reputation. I had begged Danor to wear something else, it was not tactically sound to announce our bloodline on the battlefield....however stubborn was not a trait that I alone had in our family.

We had gotten separated during the initial melee, there were a dozen men between myself and Danor. The three soldiers engaged Danor as I fought my way toward him; my blood raged, my sight narrowed and all before me fell. I registered the fact that one of the men had been wounded by Danor by the time I got there, Danor could hold his own but three to one were bad odds.

It's possible that the day could have gone differently. I arrived to help Danor, three to the two of us were good odds. It was possible right up until the moment I saw that Danor had a cut across his side and his blood was spilling out and soaking his leathers. He was turned so that the wounded side was facing away from the attackers but his face was drawn with pain.

If the Thorne clan was not already feared on the battlefield before that day they would ever after cause men to hesitate and retreat. I have yet to remember the specifics of that day, the haunted look in Danors eyes afterward told me more than I wanted.

The costume of humanity dropped from me and once more I was War. The next morning I found myself sitting by a bed with Danor resting quietly. I was caked in dried blood and the stench of it nearly made me choke. It was what I saw in Danors eyes as he opened his eyes and saw me that made me want to cry. My brother looked at me and I saw fear there; a fear so deep that I thought I would drown just by looking into it.

Danor never mentioned that day and he tried to treat me as he had....he tried at least.

War is not what you read in books. Even those that survive....die.

Red urThorne

Date: 2010-08-25 15:46 EST
When worlds collide

I have mentioned before that God has little mercy, especially for the first of his children. His attention had been elsewhere but freed momentarily he took note that the punishment mete out to his fallen was not what he had intended; some of us were happy and that would not suffice.

For me he took a direct route at correcting this oversight, though I still was not fully cognizant of the who I had been I would there after remember. Danor had been sent home after taking those grievous wounds on the field of battle, and it would be another six months before I was released from duty and sent homeward.

By the time I got leave I longed for home, the warmth of my family and the feeling of security I felt there. I had begun to unravel without the stabilizing presence of my family and it had formed a thread of worry that never ceased to burn somewhere in my heart.

I saw the fire from a fair distance, and despite the fact that my heart would not allow me to think that billow of black smoke came from my home, my brain knew that it was the only structure in the area that could produce such an abundance of smoke.

I urged my horse, a fine war stallion named Thor, to a full gallop and closed the distance between myself and my destination. When I crested the last major hill between myself and home I could see the flames that were devouring my home, hungry and fierce.

I whipped Thor into a lather as I raced toward my home. I leap from his saddle as he wheeled by the front of the burning building, balking at being so close to the all-consuming flames. Rushing into the burning building I called out desperately, searching for any signs of my family. Turning a corner I came to the sitting room and found them...

Slaughter had been done. Not one of them had weapon in hand, nor even nearby. By the placement of the bodies it looked like they had been sitting around the hearth, likely recounting the day to one another. There was so much soaked the floor and the furniture. Smoke filled the room, congesting my lungs and searing my eyes, I felt none of it.

The thread of worry that had been growing in my heart the past few weeks burst, the howl that escaped from my lips was not human. For a moment it felt as though my body was exploding, there was a bone-jarring shiver that raced up my spine and from my shoulder blades a set of wings burst through the flesh.

I filled the valley with my rage the howl piercing the silence of the night; my loss too deep to bear it needed release and a target. I heard the chuckle somewhere close by and stalked toward it, still unaware of the new appendages that had grown from nothing on my back. It was then I saw Samael, he cut a striking figure bear to the waist, the twin swords in his hands dripping with blood. His wings, black as the night, curled around his shoulders ready to flare for defense or flight.

"Ah my love, my Angel I see you have found your wings." His voice wasn't human, it was deep, resonant and reminiscent of a roll of thunder after a deadly lightning strike.

I had nothing but rage in that moment, all I had come to love, to want and need was torn from me and this man presented himself as a target. This man, whose name sprung into my mind and from my lips before I could process from whence that knowledge came, was a focus now. "Samael, I will kill you for this. There will be no mercy this time." Again, I knew not where the memory of giving him mercy came from, but it was there. Bitter and sharp with the knowing if I had not given it to him in the past this present would not have happened.

He tsked at me as though I were a child reaching for dessert before I had completed my dinner. "Now, now love. You must have known that Father would not leave you here. Your skills are far too valuable."

"I am not your love." That a phrase that felt oft used. "And my skills are not for any to use but myself. When and how I choose." I meant that, but even then I knew it was pure bravado. I did not have the power to resist my Father no more at that moment than when I attempted to break from him....earning this punishment which had now turned to true punishment.

"In time you will come to see this was for the best, love. I'll leave you to ponder the consequences of you doing what you want, how you chose and come back when you are more amenable to talking." With that he spread his wings and lifted to the sky.

The return of my wings was too fresh for me to even consider going after him. I should have, I should have tried to end things then and there. But even Angels cannot foresee our own futures....and at that moment I could not conceive of finding love ever again so perhaps it would not have mattered. Some day I might even come to believe that lie....someday.

Red urThorne

Date: 2010-09-08 12:45 EST
To break a heart of stone...

I spent years wandering. Not just on that world but on others as the abilities of my former life seeped back into my consciousness. I learned quickly that the wings were a problem. Nearly every civilization I encountered thought me an angel, or a demon; at the time I wasn't inclined to admitting to either. At the time I wasn't sure what I was any more, certainly not an angel as people would have me be, nor did I fit what they called demon.

Tiger, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or eye Could frame thy fearful symmetry" I stumbled across that poem around the twelfth year of my wandering, it struck a resonant chord within my soul — something I was just beginning to suspect I possessed. It occurred to me that I was that tiger. There were some that looked at me with awe and wonder, and others that trembled in fear. For those that interact with me now that might seem far-fetched but I will say, in all honesty, I am not now what I was then. It was a choice I made and one I struggle with at times, but I will not be that again, I cannot.

The only time I felt at peace was during the heat of battle. Odd to think of it now but I was created and molded to be the incarnation of War and so I suppose that should not have surprised me. There was something about being in the middle of a fray that calmed me. The sweat, blood and bone of men struggling for something they believed in to the core of their being lulled my thoughts and I could be someone other than myself.

Other than myself was all I wanted in those years. If I had realized that I was being played the pawn I would have stopped sooner, but I wasn't a being made for deep thought....and I hadn't yet come to understand the depth of betrayal.

What the hammer" What the chain" In what furnace was thy brain" What the anvil" What dread grasp Dare its deadly terrors clasp"

Where fools dare not tread....God lead me on.

((The quoted poem is from Tiger Tiger by William Blake))

Red urThorne

Date: 2010-09-20 11:59 EST
For more than a hundred years I wandered lost....I was immersed in the who I had been long ago and could not seem to shake that ghost off. It was on a field of battle that I first met Shane, it was a gift surely though from whom I still don't know.

The ground was sodden with a recent rain and reeked of the coppery scent of blood; there were bodies, both dead and dying, carpeting the area. It would have been a pretty place were it not for the gruesome display of human aggression. There were rolling hills that gave way to mountains, the tops a pristine white against the gray skies.

The trees that lined the field, where not scorched by fire, rose into the air majestically, a plume of color exploding from the branches as they prepared to fade and die. Leaning against one of the huge trunks was where I saw him, one leg bent so his foot rested flush against the tree. His hair was fair, almost white for lack of color, his frame was tall, and finely built, and with a single finger he beckoned to me.

At first I thought there was another nearby that the man was summoning so casually and I turned to look around. I was alone, as I usually was, on the field. I had been walking through the fields since the end of battle some hours ago, my leathers were torn and bloodied, my sword was still in hand and my hair was plastered to my face by sweat, the tips of my wings dragged along the ground collecting mud, blood and gore.

And he beckoned.

The range of my emotions was so narrow at the time that I can only think it was a fascinated curiosity that lead me to respond to the summon. I can remember the feel of the hilt as I approached and believed, during some nightmares, I approached to kill the arrogant stranger — my life would have been worth nothing if that was the way it went.

"G'day to you Red." The finger used to beckon now flicking toward his head, as though to explain where he got the name for me, my hair a brilliant red that was rare to this world.

"Not so good a day. Not sure I remember what that is anymore." Was my response to him, and I remember feeling surprise. That wasn't what I meant to say....but it was said.

"May"haps I can do something to change that.? He pushed off the tree and extended a hand to me. We stood there for five minutes; his hand extended to me and I standing still and silent. I think I was ready to try and heal, or maybe it was I wanted to see if that arrogant smile had reason to exist...

Whatever the reason I took his hand and the first step of my journey back to sanity.

Red urThorne

Date: 2012-02-11 17:25 EST
The long winding path back to sanity was more difficult than the march I'd taken to madness. Madness is easy, you give it an inch and it takes a mile, sanity you have to fight for, every moment or else it falls away like a weak facade before a storm. Thankfully this was something he understood, something he lived through and could navigate with only a few setbacks. He redirected that insatiable drive for violence in me into something new, something less destructive.

We found a place that held gladiatorial matches and we fought as a team. He wielded a blade and shield while I kept the sword of my father. There were no other women in the games and we were only allowed entrance after we killed some of the other gladiators outside the arena. I was not yet past all bad habits, my humanity still distant enough that these actions did not bother me.

The arena fights themselves were rarely to the death, there were too few fighters to kill them off needlessly; but it was brutal, and bloody and eventually there were none that would step in the ring with us. When that happened we moved on to the next place we could find with venues to fight, and each place allowed for less and less bodily harm to be done. By the end of that first year with him I had calmed my ghosts to quiet whispers and did not feel driven to find conflict at every turn.

It was on our one year anniversary together that he got me a gift. I was lounging in the small apartment we shared, going over our finances and debating if we had enough for something a little larger when he came in with a large package under his arm and set it down on the table before me. My social niceties were still lacking and I didn't hesitate to reach out and tear the brown wrapping off. It was a large blank canvas, he had another, smaller package that contained a set of paint brushes and modest set of paints.

I hadn't realized I was crying until he sat beside me and gently stroked my cheek, wiping the tears away. "Red, this was supposed ta make you happy." There was such a tenderness in his words and expression. In that year we were together there was nothing physical going on between us, I had no such emotions to give to anyone, no such desires; the desires of the flesh I felt were all destructive ones. When I leaned in to kiss him I felt clumsy, out of sorts and vulnerable. His lips were warm, and responsive, and for the first time since the death of my family I felt like letting someone in.

Later I would realize that I did not love him in that way. I loved him for what he did for me, and he remains in my thoughts to this day. It's odd, you don't realize that you never really understood love until the day that one person that is what was missing from your life wanders in....I wouldn't know that until the day I met Rix, but then I had no way of knowing that; all I knew was I felt happy, and safe in his arms.