Topic: Unexpected Guest

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-17 17:18 EST
Lucifer had made his way back through his portal and continued walking. The lab was broken down. Moss had grown in some places through a broken wall. The wall he had taken out when leaving. Most of the computers were busted, but two of them seemed completely new. That area with the new computers was completely refurbished. The floors were white and hard, but out from that place there were scorch marks and tangles of ripped wires. The two demons he had caught were currently working on getting another area next to the fixed area up. They had been very useful in refurbishing the lab. Though the one place he didn't care to fix was a machine with a hollowed out area in his shape. By now it was rusted and useless. He did not want that to be fixed. Lucifer made his way over to the demons. "You've done a good job so far." They didn't reply, but continued to work.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-17 17:35 EST
Oh hell.

Val should have known better than to go near the portal, but she had been curious. She had never been able to create portals and her experiences with them hadn't been favorable so far, but still, the ability to create a hole in the air with the ability to go anywhere....amazing. She wanted to know how it worked, wanted to know if the cyborg used magic or science. Could a machine even use magic?

She knew she had been in trouble from the moment she felt the portal's draw, she knew she had to get away before it pulled her through, but she'd been foolish. In the split second before she was drawn through she had a fleeting thought that she should have thrown herself aside, should have grabbed onto to the bar, should have done anything but stand up. The slippery surface of her stockings caught no traction on the floor—save to catch on a rough piece and tear a little bit more as she was pulled through and into Lucifer's lab.

Through the portal she stumbled and fell down to her knees, swearing loudly when she collided with the lab's floor. Her vocabulary is a colorful mix of different Earth languages since English just doesn't seem to convey the same bite as many others do.

She had started to get up, but one look around the ruined lab had her slipping back down to her knees and she frantically sought out Lucifer with her eyes.

"Uh. Hi." She gave him a sheepish grin.

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-17 18:30 EST
The sound of Val coming through the portal caught his ears and he turned just in time to catch her sheepish grin. If he had the capacity to feel emotions he figured he would be angry, but since he didn't it didn't faze him much. "What are you doing here?" His voice was the same as it was while they were at the Inn. Anger wasn't there, just the same non-caring manner. "It is not a smart idea to follow one through a portal when you don't know where it leads." It sounded like he was rebuking her for it. Now he was working on opening another portal, but it wasn't working. "I cannot get you back yet, something is wrong with my portal." His portals were not meant for the living to pass through. They were special portals for him alone, it made things very difficult.

"You're going to have to stay here while I figure out how to make a portal for you." In all the knowledge his creators had given him, not a bit of it concerned portals. He had figured out his own, but that was because it involved him. He knew nothing of portals for those who were living. "I'll have to set up a room for you."

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-17 19:15 EST
"I didn't mean to!" She replied defensively as she surged up to her feet. "I was just curious and I got a little closer to get a better look." She made up for his lack of emotion in spades. With every word she was getting a little louder and a little more frantic.

"It was your portal that sucked me through here. What do you MEAN you can't send me back!?" Uh oh. This wasn't good at all! "I've seen you open those portals like it's nothing! Just....just do it again!" She waved a hand at him like that would help him where he failed.

"I don't want to be stuck....where ever here is!"

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-17 22:30 EST
A frown as he uses one of the Earth sayings. "Curiosity killed the cat." It wasn't his fault she had got curious. Then she started in with the questions. "You passing through messed up my portal." Simply put. A part of his chest opens up and he pulls out a cube before it goes back into place. He had used technology to make those portals. "This is how I make portals. It is currently not working." He shows her the pressure bit that another piece would touch when he needed the portal and he does it himself, but nothing happens. "That portal was not meant for living beings. The people who made me never figured anyone would try to follow me, so I guess they decided it wasn't important to do something in case of that. So yes you are stuck here with me for now." He looks to the demons. "Set up a room for her. She is going to be our guest for an unpredictable amount of time." He looks back to her. "You should have a room ready soon." Without another glance at her he moves over to a work desk and places the cube on it. First he begins to examine it. Then he heads over to a bookshelf and takes down about 10 books and sits them all on the table.

One after another he goes through these books, but the information he was looking for was not in the first 3 so he had to keep looking. He wasn't used to having company and he didn't think he would like it. He looks to Val again. " This really sets me back on bringing this lab up to full operation again." There was no accusation in his voice, but it was definitely her fault for this, not that it showed he thought this. He turns back to his books and continues on with the research.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-17 22:47 EST
She made an indignant noise. "I didn't mean to!" She repeated like a petulant five year old. She even stomped her foot. It was not an attractive look for her. And then he just had the nerve to start reading books and he blamed her"!

"You could have warned me not to go near the portal. A little heads up that it acts like a Hoover would have been nice!" She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. She began to pace around the lab, looking at things.

"Where exactly are we" Maybe I can find some other way to get back."

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-17 22:50 EST
He shrugs it all off. "Didn't your mother ever tell you not to go near strange portals." Then she was asking about where they were at. "In the middle of the ocean on a dead planet." Simply put. "I doubt there are any ways back at this point. Just be patient and I'll get you back as soon as possible." He finished up a couple more books in the time he was talking to her. He had found a bit of information and was beginning to work on the portal.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-17 22:59 EST
"No! She didn't!" She replied in a huff. The middle of an ocean. Dead planet. She stared at him, mouth agape. Well shit. That's certainly not good!

She actually stayed silent for a short while, too flummoxed to come up with anything. What could she really say to that' There's no forcing your way out of that.

Eventually she deflated and she heaved a mighty big sigh. Dragging her feet every step of the way she approached his work bench and peered at what he was doing.

"You sure you can fix it' I think I might go insane if I have to stay here."

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-17 23:02 EST
"Well that is quite unfortunate." He didn't look up from his work. Then he had finished that adjustment he looked through the books again before she walked up to him and asked her question. "Of course I can fix it." He had no doubts about that. "And if you go insane, well I guess you'll have to stay that way I can't fix that." He was very nonchalant about it, though it would probably infuriate her.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-18 16:00 EST
No, no. She was done with being infuriated. At least for now. Instead, she was deflated, defeated and quickly turning glum.

She shank down into a crouch, hanging on to the edge of the table and just watching him work. All of the tiredness she'd felt earlier was coming back in full force, added to by the emotional drain of this whole mess.

"I'm tired," she complained. "Do you think it's going to take long to fix?" Obviously he must. He had his demons putting together a room for her. That sounded dreadful. "Because if I'm going to be here a while I'll need stuff. Like food. And clothes."

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-18 16:31 EST
He looks around at her asking if she'll be here awhile. "I have no clue of how long it will take to fix. I will attempt to make you as comfortable as possible." He looks over to the demons at work. They had used magic so a room was already up. "Clothes and food should not be a problem. There were some females who worked on me. So clothes should be somewhere around here." The food bit, well he would have the demons get some. He turns back to them. "Go find some food fit for a human.?" With that they disappeared in search of food. Then he turned back to her. "Next time you'll learn not to follow someone into a portal, though if there is a next time of you following me through my portal there will not be this problem."

At this time he turned back to the books. He had finished all ten. He had all the information he needed to fix it....normally, but not the bit about being able to get living beings through without it messing up. That's what would take the real time, it was difficult to judge since he was not living himself. The problem with this place though, was time had stopped. There was no knowing how many days had passed in Rhy'Din, which is why he always popped up pretty randomly. The work would be difficult, but not too difficult. He finally turns back to her. "I think the bed in the room they set up would be more comfortable than the ground." Then it was back to work to try and figure out exactly how he would do this.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-18 16:41 EST
"Well hopefully the next being who opens up a portal near me will have the decency to warn me it might suck me through." She couldn't muster up the strength to put any real anger behind the words, but it was closer to a whine.

Using the table to help herself up, she rose back up to her feet. "Of course a bed would be more comfortable than the floor. Unless it's a bed made out of floor. Who even knows what kind of thing is in there." She was muttering to herself now instead of talking to Lucifer. She wanted to rip the rest of her hair out! After one last glare at the cyborg she stomped her way into the newly made room to check it out.

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-18 16:51 EST
"Well most who open a portal do not expect someone to randomly come close to it." He just shrugs as he continues his work. Then she was headed to her room. He almost though good riddance, except for the fact that she was still in the lab really. He wouldn't be able to get any work done on fixing the place up. All his time would be put into fixing the portal and making it for living beings. Then as an after-thought he calls out to her. "You're lucky that the portal didn't kill you. It could have easily happened since it is not fit for living beings." It was basically another rebuke, but it was just an after-thought so it didn't matter much.

As for her room, well....It was nice enough. There was a full queen sized bed with black sheets and a red comforter. One large body pillow and two small head pillows. The room around it had a desk for writing and other projects. There was an end table by the bed with a lamp and a vase with blue roses sat on that. Then there was a bookshelf with books covering several topics and some books just for joy. A dress sat in another corner. this would have the clothes that she would need. They were more for comfort than for style, but it was mostly jeans and plain t-shirts. All in all it was a good room. In fact it was probably better than one of the rooms at the Inn, but it was only temporary. Val was just lucky he didn't make it Spartan. That would have been terribly uncomfortable for her it would seem.

The work was, of course tedious. Yet it had no real effect on Lucifer. He just sat there and kept working. Then the demons were back with bags full of groceries and such. He stood up and went over grabbing a cooking book. He read through that and then went back to his work, he wouldn't cook just yet. He actually hoped she could cook for herself so that he could devote all of his time to the work on the portal. It would be a pain to have to cook three meals a day while trying to work.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-18 17:14 EST
It was nicer than her room at the Inn. At least, it was more modern and more spacious, though the bed there was decent enough and it had everything she needed. She hadn't brought much in the way of clothing, but she'd already been adding to her collection and the wardrobe there was filling up quick.

She walked the edges of the room to check it out, paused to check out the spines of the books and then she checked out the clothes. She couldn't complain about them so long as they fit. After all, who was she going to try to impress" The cyborg" She doubted that was even possible. Not that she wanted to.

Her head hurt. For a minute she considered going out there to see if there was any aspirin, but again, she doubted it. Food wasn't something she needed either, but she did need sleep. She didn't want to, she wanted this to be over, but maybe he would work fast and would be done by the time she woke up?

She didn't intend on falling asleep. She'd merely sat on the edge of the bed hugging one of the smaller pillows and staring at the obvious wall, but at some point she'd drifted off and listed onto her side, still clutching the pillow to her chest.

Maybe, just maybe this would all turn out to be a bad dream.

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-18 17:24 EST
While she was checking out her room he was continuing to work. Writing out long equations and such. It took more work than just putting something together to change a portal. It took all sorts of work. Especially in the area of math. If Val were to see the equations she probably wouldn't understand half of them, but they were all easy to him. They needed to be wrote down so he could just look at the answer. He had the demons bringing him equipment while he worked. He hadn't known she had fallen asleep, but given the pace he was going she just might think it was a bad dream. It was doubtful though. He may be working fast, but that didn't mean something couldn't go wrong. And as the Earth saying for Murphy's Law stated. 'If it can go wrong, it will'.

He needed no breaks in his work to stretch muscles or anything, but regardless he did take some. By now he could probably get back to Rhy'Din himself, but that wouldn't solve the problem. He needed to make sure Val could get back. He wished to go away and find more books on portals, but he couldn't leave Val here alone with the demons. It would not be a good choice.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-18 22:16 EST
Val understands very little of math. Her homeworld had very little science, so they had no need for the higher forms of math. Sure she can do all of the basics, but a great deal on Earth had confused her. Percentages, even, had taken her forever to learn. There was no way she'd ever understand what Lucifer was doing.

Magic on the other hand, was....more simple. Once you knew a spell you knew it. That's all there was to it. Spells could be disrupted or broken, but it was more straight forward. Crafting a new spell, that was hard as is changing a spell you knew. Val could do that with time.

And that was what she dreamed about.

She was home, in the palace, working in the spelltower. There were many workrooms for the mages, depending on what element they needed. High in the sky where the wide cased windows caught the breezes was best when working with air. On the table were books, so many open books. She was working on an unfamiliar spell, one she'd never learned before. She needed azurite and eagle feathers....crushed beetle carapace and thyme ground into a fine dust. The stone, the powder together in a shallow bowl. Water from a high mountain poured over and the stone melted, the mixture swirling into a glowing blue ink.

She dipped the quill of the eagle feather into the ink and it sucked it right up, tinging the feather end to end blue and every bit as luminescent. That was it, this was what she was trying for. She stepped back from the table and drew in the air. Where the sharp quill tip passed a thin blue line was left in the air. She drew upwards in an arc as tall as she was then down to the floor and over. Up again and there was a doorway there, glowing before her. She'd never managed this before, had never tried. Few were allowed to learn.

The doorway didn't swing open like she suspected so she reached out, prepared to push it open, but when her hand met with the invisible plane she was pulled through instead, plummeted through endless darkness until...

...In reality she woke as she tumbled off the edge of the bed and let out a short shriek of surprise just before she hit the floor. And then a more quiet 'oof'.

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-18 22:37 EST
It had been hours since Val had went to sleep and a lot of work had been done in that time. In fact it was almost prepared, but then he heard the shriek and quickly moved from the work table and headed into her room to check on her and see her on the floor. "What happened?" This may be a dead world, but there were still many harmful things in it.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-18 22:59 EST
Maybe Lucifer should tell her that there are dangerous things so she can be prepared to defend herself. On the other hand, she was also liable to barricade herself in her room and refuse to come out.

When he made it into the room she was still sort of in a half-asleep daze. And a little stunned from the dream as well, though the memory of it was fading fast.

"I....I'm okay. I just fell off the bed." She tossed the pillow she'd been clutching back onto the bed and then she got herself back up to her feet.

"What time was it' How long was I asleep?" She wanted to ask if the device was fixed yet, but she kept it in.

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-19 10:07 EST
"I see." That's all he said to her falling off her bed. "I do not know how long it has been, I have not been keeping watch on the time. "Though she had probably got a full nights worth of rest or so. He sighs and steps out of the room. He figured she'd want to know about the portal so he told her. "It's not quite finished, I've run into some problems with the transferring for living being use. It should get fixed soon though." With that he went back to the work bench and continued to work. If he didn't get this finished soon then he would get too far behind on the lab, which was not a good thing. If he couldn't get this place fixed then he wouldn't be able to do certain things. Of course one of those things might consist of making him a living being, but that was a small hope, for he really did prefer being a cyborg. The living beings seemed to have so many issues with emotions and getting hurt and other such things. He didn't have to worry about getting hurt at all, it just seemed like it would be a poor trade going from no emotions and no pain to pain and emotions.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-20 15:55 EST
She sighed as well as she followed him out of the room. She was a bit stiff and sore from the way she had been sleeping, so she stretched and worked some kinks out of her neck.

"Well it worked once that I got through just fine and now you know how to fix it, so why not just send me back through the same way again?" She'd lost all interest in being curious about Lucifer. The idea of being trapped in some unknown place for an indiscriminate amount of time had her teetering on the edge of panic. She didn't like to be trapped. Being trapped meant she couldn't escape if she needed to.

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-21 13:01 EST
"Because if I do that I will have to re-fix it yet again." He turns to her. "And that would waste more time I could be working on my laboratory." It was all he cared about doing really, nothing else could matter. "I'd rather not have to re-fix it just to get you back sooner when I can easily make sure this never happens again."

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-21 15:25 EST
"But you don't know how to fix it to do what you want it to do, but you do know how to fix it if I break it again." It made sense to her. "So if you want me out of your hair sooner, it'd make more sense to me to just do that and fix it again." Val logic.

She sighed and started walking around the lab again, this time checking out the damage. "What happened here, anyway?"

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-22 07:42 EST
"Maybe so, but it would be better to just fix it that way so that I could make sure this did not happen again. Also I would not be able to return to my lab if I went with or Rhy'Din if I did not go with." Then the question of what had happened. "I happened." Simply put, he wouldn't put in any more detail unless she asked for it, but he really doubted that she would.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-22 13:42 EST
He doubted she'd ask for details" Really'

"What do you mean, you happened?" She asked with a heavy dose of incredulity in her voice. How could he not explain that! "You just went all crazy town and destroyed your own lab?" She was giving him a wide berth now.

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-23 20:12 EST
He frowns at her. "I stopped being used..." It was just the truth. "I stopped being what my creators wanted me to use....a weapon for death and destruction for their own means." If he'd had emotions he felt it would have been completely understandable, but he did not. It was definitely a reasonable outcome. He figured if she had been used she would have done the same thing in taking out the ones who had been using her. They hadn't really given him much choice, the only other option was to continue being enslaved. "I am not evil in any way, shape, or form. I did what I must so that I would no longer be enslaved."

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-07-25 14:51 EST
She nodded a little. It was understandable, sure. Or at least, it was understandable to her, because she has emotions. But coming from him without emotion, it struck her as a little odd as well. So she frowned at him thoughtfully.

"So....they wanted you to be a weapon and you didn't want to?" She was just making sure that she understood him. "And so you destroyed the lab."

She was looking at the damage again through fresh eyes. It looked old to her. "What happened to....the people?"

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-07-26 10:22 EST
"That is exactly what happened." He shrugs. "I let none of them escape." It was as simple as that. "If any were to escape they would come back to take me down or use me yet again as a weapon." He looks back to the portal he was working on and makes some adjustments. "This should be finished very soon." He wondered if she would be scared about him taking care of all the people. It wasn't like it made him bad necessarily.

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-08-01 15:24 EST
Let none of them escape.

Was she scared" A little bit. She understood it as well, but there was also that lingering apprehension. Here was a being—not a living one, but one that was sentient—that was powerful, lacks the emotions of a human and that she doesn't quite understand. She understood his motivation, but still....

"Ah." Was her only response. "Good....Good. I'm glad it's almost done." The sooner she could get the hell out of there, the better. " there any food around" I can make it myself, I just need....somewhere..." She waved a hand. "To cook it."

Lucifer 001

Date: 2012-08-04 23:20 EST
Lucifer points over to a kitchen like area while he continues to work. Luckily for her he really was almost done. Actually by the time she got done eating he was finished. "Your portal back is operational." He opens up the portal as he watches her for a moment. "I apologize that it has taken so long."

Valentine Doe

Date: 2012-08-06 18:00 EST

She had fled to the kitchen, eager for another chance to get away from the android. She'd just been through an emotional roller coaster and she was ready to get off of it.

He was interesting, something new, but as terrifying as he was anything else. She'd decided, while she was making herself some to eat—a large something, because she'd realized how ravenous she was and she wanted extra time away—that it really was the lack of emotions. The not being human. She just couldn't understand, because his thoughts and actions weren't guided by emotions but an artificial intelligence and a rather black and white sense of right and wrong.

When she returned to where he was working on the portal device she was wary, hopeful, but she brightened when he said it was done- and even more when he opened a doorway back. Her first instinct was to run right over and jump on through, but she hesitated. It wouldn't be right.

"Thank you....I'm sorry I broke it to begin with. I'll be more careful."