Topic: Watch Files: City Incident Reports

Taj Kohli

Date: 2010-06-04 17:40 EST
Date: May 26. Time: around 20:00 hours.

Arrived after end-of-shift at the Inn. Heard commotion, attempted to apprehend fleeing suspect. Shots fired. All attempts to stun, incapacitate, or reason with the suspect failed. Fire returned via automatic SMG. Suspect left blood trail, and OOS followed. Suspect discovered deceased within small cubby. Initial investigation suggests self-termination. Remanded body to ME for further forensic inquiry. ID could not be found at that time.

Officer's Note: Don't think this is going to be the last such instance. Call it a hunch.

Taj Kohli

Date: 2010-06-19 23:21 EST
Watch Report, Red Dragon Inn, June 16.

8:30. Arrived at Inn. Two other men present, discussing their options for the evening. No incidents.

8:45. No change.

9:00. No change.

9:15. No change. Coffee needs a hot topper.

9:30. No change. Should have brought something to eat during shift.

9:45. Barkeep, one Antonio Falconne, arrived. Got hot topper. No other incidents.

9:50. Seriously ugly guy, smelled dead, appeared. Caused no problems.

9:51. Dr. Maranya Ergin-Falconne arrived. Greeted Antonio warmly. Very warmly.

10:00. Suspicious character entered, identified by Falconne as "Gav". No known record. Also, a small red drag. . .wait. A dra. . . Grr. A dragon. There, I said it.

10:05. Business started picking up. Many more arrivals. One spoke in near biblical dialect.

10:10. Aja Bird arrives, gets a beer. Armed, with weapons I'm not familiar with. Must ask about those.

10:19. A woman walks into the bar. Couldn't resist that line. Quite the looker.

10:20. Another woman entered. Still no incidents. A quiet night, which is good.

10:30. Another woman appeared out of a cloud of mist. Starting to not like magic very much.

10:40. A very large bear apparently made some good stew.

10:55. No incidents to report, called it a night. Went back to the precinct for end-of-shift.