Topic: Web of Dreams


Date: 2016-06-14 14:07 EST
1. A Hunted Creature

Asteria took a few practice swings through the air, spinning about as she cut high and low. She sliced the tufted heads from the grass before her and whirled around in a flurry of flashing metal and dancing golden curls.

"I don't see why you have to wave me around like that, Asteria. You'll give me motion sickness and there's nothing to fight," the sword in her hands whined.

"It's so when there is something, I'll actually know how to fight it. I don't get much practice if you refuse to leave the safety of your scabbard every time somebody comes across our path." She hacked away happily at the tops of waving grasses, lunged forward, and parried the air. Her cloak lay discarded in the grass behind her. Erebus napped there, curled up beside the pair of boots she had removed to feel the grass under her toes. Every so often he opened one golden eye to watch the sword weave through the sunlight.

A form burst from the underbrush across the Glen in an explosion of foliage. It appeared a large deer, sparkling with iridescent scales. Silver fire dripped from its mane as it raced from the darkness of the forest, black eyes wide in fear. It glanced behind it towards the shadows.

Asteria saw something shoot out of the tree-line from the corner of her eye. She rose from a lunge and shielded her eyes with her free hand as she watched a shining form barrel across the open field.

"That's not another unicorn, is it Gram?"

"I hope not," the sword groaned. Tendrils of bronze wound from his hilt and wrapped around her hand protectively. She held the blade up to eye-height and wrinkled her nose at her distorted reflection playing across its polished surface.

"Really Gram, great and powerful sword you turned out to be. Afraid of a bastion of purity and symbol of innocence." The sword in her hands seemed to shake.

"You're not the one repeatedly being smashed into things and whirled about. Don't you ever think about how I feel" Do you know what kind of horrible migraines you'd get from crashing into a metal breastplate over and over again?" Asteria sighed.

"You don't have a head, Gram, so how can you get headaches?"

"It's the principle of the thing. Imagine if I could, how horrible it'd be."

The creature seemed not to notice anything in its haste. Its long legs beat the ground, whipping the grass around it into a frenzy as it shot across the field. It left a line of white fire trailing in its wake. It still looked behind it towards the trees, unaware that it was heading straight towards another across the field.

"I think we had better move Asteria. That thing looks like it's coming right at us." The tendrils of bronze wrapped tighter around her wrist. But Asteria refused to move.

"I think it's frightened, Gram. Just look at it." She motioned towards the line of white fire that drew ever closer. "Maybe it needs our help." She took off running, sword in hand.

When the creature turned its head there was something rushing at it, a woman it seemed, with the glint of a sword in hand. The deer-like creature skidded to a halt with a screech like a trumpet. It leaned back on its hind legs, cloven hooves raking the air in a frenzied defense.

Asteria was right in front of the creature before she saw it stop and rise in a defensive position. Only then did she realize Gram was still clutched in her hand. She waved both arms in front of her.

"No, no I didn't mean that." Gram glinted in an arc of light. "I just came to help," she gasped as she ducked under beating hooves.

The woman was right under the creature now, waving a sword wildly. This close, iridescent scales shown on its hide, soft and powdery like butterfly scales. Its dark eyes were wide in fear, and the shaft of an arrow protruded from its shoulder. A gold liquid dripped from the wound and across its side. It beat at the air, trying to strike the woman or at least bat away her waving sword.

As she bobbed and wove, Asteria saw something sticking out of the creature's side. She tried to drop the sword in her hand but with its bronze tendrils wrapped around her wrist, she couldn't let go.

"Gram now is really not the time to get clingy," she yelled as she tried to shake the sword free of her wrist. "Really, though. I don't mean you any harm. You're hurt," she ducked again, trying to back farther away with her sword pointed to the ground. "I just want to help."

The creature's ears pricked at the sound of her voice. It dropped back to all fours, head low and horns pointed at the woman who waved frantically in front of her. But with the sudden pressure on its injured leg, it collapsed to the ground in a flurry of shimmering scales, taking the woman in front of it to the ground as well. It was wreathed in a frenzy of silver fire for a moment before the light subsided and a woman lay there, wrapped in nothing but a long sheet of black hair that hung to her knees.

Asteria hit the ground with a thud before she was enveloped in flames. They didn't burn, but she was blinded for an instant before they were snuffed out. When she opened her eyes the creature was gone. A woman lay across her.

"I, I..."

The woman reached into the mass of hair at her back and pulled out a golden sabre, pressing it to the throat of the woman beneath her. She pinned Asteria's arms to the ground by pressing her knees into both forearms. Even as a human, her eyes were pitch black, pupils wide and mouth set in a frightened snarl.

"I have had just about enough of your kind for today."

Asteria lay on the ground, mouth open in astonishment. The woman, who she now noticed with a flush of her cheeks was completely naked, lay atop her so her legs were pinned down. With a sword to her throat, she tried to think but all words had fled. There was a flurry of wings and a black form darted across the field. A black raven drew to a hover above Asteria, eyes burning gold.

"And I have had enough of your kind for a lifetime," he snarled at the naked woman as he perched lightly on her blade. The extra weight caused it to prick Asteria's neck and a drop of blood welled up on her skin. "If you do not release her, that lifetime will be yours and it will rapidly come to an end."

They were frozen for a minute, the three of them all staring in silence as tension grew. The woman glanced about her, eyes narrowing. She stared longest at the girl under her. And then, in one fluid movement, she withdrew the blade. The raven fluttered away. She leaned forward, long hair brushing Asteria's face.

"If you draw a blade, you had best be prepared to use it." And then she rolled off of the girl's legs, wincing as she tried to stand.

((Based off of a chat in the Southern Glen))


Date: 2016-06-21 11:51 EST
2. Power Meets Power

Asteria blinked twice, stunned into silence. Her free hand wiped a thin trail of blood from her neck. Erebus had flown to a perch in a nearby tree but watched carefully, feathers puffed in silent fury. Asteria sat up, still shocked.

"I'm sorry," she whispered. She held out a hand to the strange woman with a shy smile. "We're only trying to help." The woman tried to back away from Asteria, propping herself up on her sabre, but she collapsed forwards with a groan into Asteria's outstretched hand.

For the second time that day, Asteria fell backwards with an undignified "oof? as the woman landed on her. They went sprawling across the grass, legs flying. Finally, Gram rolled away from her hand into the grass.

"You're really making a habit of this, aren't you?" Her grumble was muffled by a mouthful of the woman's long black hair as she tried to right them both. From there, she could see the arrow wound more closely. She reached out a gentle hand, pressing fingers to the raw wound. Where her fingertips touched the woman's skin, they glowed with a faint light. "Why would they do this to you?" All thoughts of the sword to her throat were forgotten as she saw the wound. The woman let out a cold chuckle.

"It's not my first run-in with hunters. But as always, it is the last time they will mistake me for a White Stag. But really, is the hope of good fortune and the thrill of the hunt really worth the promise of death?" Asteria shrugged and gently steadied the woman with both hands. Her shoulders tensed under Asteria's touch and for a moment her eyes widened in fear. Asteria just smiled.

"I've never hunted much of anything." Aster disentangled her legs from under the woman and rose unsteadily, brushing off strands of grass before holding out one hand to pull the woman to her feet. The woman hesitated a moment and then gingerly rested her hand in Aster's outstretched palm before allowing herself to be pulled up. She leaned heavily against Aster's side to keep from tumbling over. "I don't need your help. I would have been fine had you not gotten in the way," she grumbled as she tried to steady herself. Her knees buckled before Asteria grabbed her round the waist and helped her settle back to the ground. The woman looked up at her, brows furrowed. "Who goes chasing after wild things from the woods anyways" Are you looking to die?" Asteria's fingers trailed away from the woman's waist. The woman shivered as Asteria's fingertips brushed against the small of her back. Both looked to the ground, afraid to meet each other's gaze though they didn't quite know what they feared to see there.

"I wasn't chasing. You're the one who came shooting out of the forest like a land bound comet. Now stop struggling this instant before you bleed out on the ground." Asteria firmly pressed the woman back in the grass and knelt down next to her. "Trying to trample me isn't much of an introduction, so I thought we'd start again. I'm Asteria, and I'm going to take that arrow out of your shoulder." The woman tried to pedal away backwards on her hands and knees. She winced as another spurt of golden blood trickled down her bare shoulder.

"I'm Qirin, and no you most certainly are not."

"Unless your goal is to paint the forest gold with your blood, I'd sit still and stop complaining, you mangy fae," Erebus growled as he landed by Aster's side, dropping her discarded cloak. He glared at Qirin with burning eyes, puffing up his feathers till he seemed nothing more than a writhing ball of black. Maybe his witch could forgive a blade to her throat, but he couldn't. Asteria sighed and ruffled his feathers. She could see the fear in Qirin's eyes. Her mouth was set in the desperate snarl of a cornered beast and every time Asteria held out a hand to calm her, Qirin would freeze. Slowly, carefully Asteria held out her cloak to Qirin.

"Don't worry, I'm a witch. We'll have you fixed and free in no time." Qirin snatched the cloak from her hands and hurriedly wrapped it across her chest. She took a deep breath and brushed the long cascade of dark hair away from her injured shoulder. She grasped the shaft of the arrow with both hands and grimaced, preparing to wrench it from her flesh.

"No, no! Qirin please, let us help. You'll bleed out." Asteria pressed her hands to Qirin's, trying to calm her. She could feel Qirin's fingers shaking and her heartbeat thrumming against her chest like the fluttering of a desperate bird. "Please." "No tricks, witch. I know your kind. All you want is to chain and control." Asteria smiled and squeezed her hand gently.

"All I want is to help. Now, this might hurt a bit. Sorry." Without waiting for Qirin's response, she pushed Qirin's hands aside and pressed two fingers into the wound. Qirin shuddered under her and gasped. One hand clenched around Asteria's throat as she snarled up at her with the vicious fear known only by wild things. Asteria gasped down a shallow breath and pressed her fingers deeper into the wound, following the shaft until she could feel the tip of the arrowhead.

"I can't just pull it out by the shaft, see. The gut that wraps the arrowhead loosens when wet, and blood does happen to be wet you know. Pull the shaft and the arrowhead will dislodge, and then I'll really have to go digging." She chuckled halfheartedly but kept her tone soft and even. "You've done this before, have you witchling?" Asteria wouldn't meet her gaze.

"Well, um, I did read a book about it. But I promise, it was a very thorough description." That did not seem to soothe Qirin at all. But she loosened her grip around Asteria's throat. There was a curious tingle up her fingers as she felt the Power coursing through Qirin's blood. It felt familiar and alien all at once. It burned and froze, beckoned and threatened. She was cold fire and a boiling sea under Aster's touch. It was intoxicating and deliciously wrong to feel that Power so naked at her fingertips. Witches were used to Power in controlled, filtered bursts. But Qirin's Power was raw and vicious. It felt like Aster was seeing her naked all over again. She could stare right through her, down to her very core. Aster swallowed hard. "Well, um, good thing is I don't think it's caught on bone. I should just be able to ease it out now and you'll be on your way." Aster tried to slide her fingers to the tip of the arrowhead, but felt a sharp pain as she sliced a finger along its edge. It bit with the cold sting of iron.

And then, the world collapsed in on them. Asteria and Qirin both gasped as Aster's blood dripped into Qirin's shoulder. Power met Power, waves crashed against an inferno. Howling wind tore at glacial mountains. White hot light and dripping shadows seethed within them. Asteria could feel the stab of pain blossoming in Qirin's shoulder. Qirin could feel the pounding rush of voices clamoring in Aster's head. Asteria fell back, wrenching the arrow free.

They both lay there, gasping and shaking and clutching at their own skin to figure out where they ended and the world began. Asteria threw the arrow to the ground and clutched her knees to her chest. She screwed her eyes closed to block out the swimming silver fires she had seen. Her mouth tasted of blood and ash and something else that seemed to dance away the longer she focused on it.

Across from her, Qirin's chest heaved as she tried to gasp down air after a ravenous wind had stolen the very breath from her lungs. Her fingers rose shakily to press to the wound at her shoulder, but her golden blood had already hardened into a shimmering seal across the raw flesh. Her hand clutched at the arrow by her side. The sting of iron grounded her, pulling her back to this world. She tried to rise to her feet but felt the all-too-familiar tug deep in her chest. She was being called away. She was too weak to resist, and in a flurry of shimmering silver scales she disappeared. She took with her a cloak of stars and an arrow of iron, and left Asteria only with a mouthful of blood and a pounding head.

((Based off of a chat))


Date: 2016-06-22 18:36 EST
3. The Nother World

Qirin could feel herself being bound, wound, and dragged away. There was the familiar string of song wrapping its way through her mind and chest, so loud it almost had a physical presence. It thrummed against her soul, and she could feel her spirit slipping away from the plane of the true world. Her body, having nowhere else to go, followed along and she was plunged into the Nother.

But there was a twinge there, like a hand against her shoulder. Something held her there. For a second she felt as if she was being pinned between the two worlds, stretched out to everything and smashed to nothing between two disparate planes of existence. And then there was a snapping. A thin web of Power that was not her own had broken, and she tumbled down into the Nother.

It wasn't quite the world, but it wasn't quite not. It wasn't just another world; it was a Nother world, a bubble of reality tethered to the true world by filaments of Power as thin and strong as a dream. It fed from the true world. Like all things of Fae, it drew Power from the meaning of things. It sucked the heart of the world dry, cutting the truth out of the true, the warmth out of the sun, the hunger out of the fire. With these meanings it built its own reality, both more and less real than that of the true world it echoed.

It was a whole world woven of allegory, or as much of a world as its queen could hold together. As Qirin materialized back in the Nother, she could see her Mistress there, perched on a throne of a thousand thousand shards of glass. If she turned her head, they shimmered and danced with oily light. But if she tried to focus too hard they became indistinct. Everything in the Nother danced away from close inspection this way. It was only the idea of a throne, only the dream a throne dreams and nothing more. The whole Nother danced like a distant landscape in the cruel heat of summer. Even its queen seemed to shift and oscillate. Possibility dripped from her shoulders in a writhing black cloak. It whispered of words unwritten and the whole not-quite-real hall echoed with twisted words. As they bounced back and forth through the Nother they grabbed at pieces of dream, memory, hope. Anything to give them form. They crawled at the edge of Qirin's vision like spiders, but if she turned her head she knew they would be nothing more than noise.

Qirin collected herself and took the first breath of the air wind dreamed of being. It crackled in her chest as if it breathed back. She bowed low, one hand brushing against the soft carpet of not-moss below her. As her hand hit the ground she could feel it grasping greedily at the leftover reality of the true world that still clung to her skin. The Nother hungered.

"Why reel me in so soon, Mistress?" Qirin's voice echoed through the not-hall. By the time it bounced back to her ears it was not her own anymore. Stray wisps of dream had latched onto the noise and the sound was a garbled mess of Power. The Mistress clicked long nails against her throne of glass. One hand brushed against blood red lips. A smile spread across a face cold and perfect as the grave.

"I felt your fear, your pain. They tasted like a bloody sunset, like ragged breath, like cold metal. It was delicious, my pet, but not why I sent you hunting." She sighed and the world around her sighed. Towering walls sank against each other before ballooning out again, like viewing the world from inside a ribcage. The Mistress glanced towards Qirin with eyes too hungry to bear a color. They seemed to drink up all color and light around them. They both glowed blindingly bright and sank into darkness. It left Qirin reeling with dizziness just meeting her gaze. "For a hunter, you spend too much time being chased. Sometimes I wonder if you want them to catch and butcher you." Qirin bit down on her lip to taste blood. Anything that was her own, anything she knew was real in this shifting world of nothing.

"Sometimes I wonder the same."

"Don't worry, my love." The hissed words wound around her throat as a hand brushed against Qirin's cheek. Suddenly the Mistress was right by her side, though she hadn't moved at all. Her touch cut like a blade of ice, though it left no mark. It pierced far more than flesh and bone. "I won't let them hurt you. You are free, my wild thing. You are free in my embrace. You are whole in my love. You are more you than you could ever hope to be. And I am the only one who can truly love you for it, aren't I?" Qirin tried to choke out a response, but the familiar strand of song was wound too tightly around her throat. She could barely gasp down a breath of not-air before the blood red lips pressed to her own. It tore the very thoughts from her mind, the very breath from her lungs. The Mistress pulled away and Qirin was too weak even to gasp for air.

"You taste so sweet, my huntress, like sunshine and summer breeze. Bring me that sunshine. Bring me that light you have gilding your heart." She pressed one taloned finger into the seal of gold blood across Qirin's shoulder. "This world grows weak again. We need it. I need it. You need it, just as you need me." With that she turned from Qirin and the whole world unwound around her. Qirin was plunged once more into the Between. The hungry Nother tugged at her, ripping off pieces of Power she was too weak to protect. She let the darkness swallow her without a fight.


Date: 2016-07-04 16:02 EST
4. A Token of Thanks

Asteria wandered along the edge of the trees, dancing barefoot over fallen logs, skipping between stumps. Erebus bounded behind her, tail flicking in mock irritation. "All I'm saying is, you should be a little more careful. Look before you run after wild creatures." Asteria hummed and twirled.

"She was gorgeous wasn't she" Like nothing I've ever seen. She was like an avalanche." Erebus" tail puffed in frustration.

"She held a blade to your throat."

"I know." Asteria sighed. She bent to pick a wildflower and twirled it in her fingers, lost in thought. "And then she was just...gone."

"Probably for the best. She wore trouble like a cloak." With a giggle, Aster grabbed the cat and spun him around.

"You never want me to have any fun."

"I just don't understand why your idea of fun has to involve so many near-death experiences." They continued around the forest?s edge.

In the shadows of the trees, Qirin stalked silently through the underbrush. Her bare feet barely touched the leaves beneath them. She caught sight of a girl dancing on the sunlight's edge, where the field lapped at the forest. She watched, a length of fabric clutched in one hand. Maybe it was best if she just left it there and disappeared. She waited.

Asteria loosened her grip on the cat and he settled around her shoulders. They seemed bare without her deep blue cloak. But she held her head high, her eyes thrown to the wide blue sky. She seemed so far away today. Perhaps it was the foreign Power she still felt tingling in her fingertips. It was an exhilarating, almost forbidden breach of privacy to feel another's ghostly essence clinging to your skin. She had washed away the golden blood, but the energy remained like a whisper just beyond hearing.

"I can't stop thinking about her."

"Probably because she made off with your cloak of starlight and all its contents when she disappeared," Erebus grumbled. But she was too lost in reverie. She grabbed fistfuls of her skirt and waltzed between the rows of wildflowers.

"It'll find its way back. It always does. Stars always know the way."

From where she hid among the shadows, Qirin could see the demon hunched protectively around Aster's shoulders. She remembered his previous threat and hesitated. Really she could just leave it and melt back into the forest. No one would even realize she'd been there. One hand pressed gently to the wound at her shoulder, still raw and covered in a slick seal of golden blood. She moved forward, quietly and precisely. Debts must be repaid.

She paused at the forest?s edge with the bundle in her hands, unsure of what to say. The girl hadn't seemed to notice her, or anything else. But there was a jolt in her shoulder that shot straight through to her heart, an aftershock of Power that felt so familiar and so foreign. It seemed to beckon her forward. She took a deep breath and called out.

"The universe has a funny way of pulling things apart and bringing them back together." That wasn't what she'd wanted to say, but it was already too late. Asteria whirled around so quickly Erebus went flying from her shoulders with an undignified meow.

"I uh, you, um." All clever words had fled Asteria at the sight of her. She was clothed this time. A flowing tunic of sky blue was gathered at her waist by a belt of woven silver, her hair left in a loose sheet around her moon face. She glanced at the girl with sharp black eyes and held out the fabric in her hands.

"I wish to bring this back to you. I was pulled away. You gave me my life, and I will be beholden to no one. This is the least I can do." With that, she dropped the cloak into the girl's hands and faded farther back into the shadows.

"I never thought I'd see you again, I mean it again," Asteria mumbled before the cloak fell into her arms. And then, just as suddenly as Qirin had appeared, Aster was left alone. Asteria's head whipped around in confusion, her face flushed. She looked to the cloak and unfolded it gingerly. Pinpricks of light danced across its surface. As she whirled it across her shoulders and fastened it with a brooch, the myriad constellations seemed to whirl too, always mirroring their position in the sky no matter which way she faced. She could navigate even in the darkest storm with her own piece of the sky.

Qirin held back in the shadows. Her task was finished but still she watched. She waited, though she did not know why. There was another twinge of foreign Power tugging at her chest. She slipped a hand under her tunic and pressed her fingers against the bare skin of her shoulder. It was warmer than the rest of her skin, and she could feel a faint fluttering there that wasn't her own heartbeat.

Erebus popped his head out of a clump of wildflowers, spitting out a patch of moss he'd dislodged after his not so delicate landing. He bounded over to Asteria, shaking off his fur.

"There you go, cloak returned and this ridiculous business finally behind us." But Asteria just spun around, letting the cloak blossom around her. She could still feel the energy tingling there, just out of reach. Erebus shook his head with a sigh and turned towards the line of shadow at the edge of the forest. There was something there. He narrowed his eyes.

"What is it Erebus" You can't be mad at me, can you? It turned out alright, didn't it?" Aster paused. He seemed intent on the tree line. "Is everything alright?" He flicked an ear, but wouldn't take his eyes away from the shadows.

"For now. But choices must be made." With one final glare towards the trees, Erebus relaxed, turned to face Asteria, and curled up with his tail around his paws. "And who am I to make them?" He mumbled cryptically.

The demon had spoken right at Qirin before turning his back. The choice was hers. But the choice of what? The thrumming beat that wasn't her heart quickened under her fingers. Who was she to fear demons, or witchlings for that matter" She was a creature of the forest, and she would not hide in the shadows any longer. She stepped forward out of the darkness, hand on the hilt of her sabre. Asteria was facing away from the forest, but when she heard the snap of a twig she turned around. Qirin turned to the girl, one hand held out.

"What I said before, I was wrong. The debt has not been paid. You gave me my life, and deserve more than your own cloak in return." She opened her hand. A long arrowhead lay on her outstretched palm, etched with silver runes and stained with golden blood. "You are a silly thing. You run when you should walk, brandish a sword you will not use. You greet everything with an outstretched hand, not knowing if it will bite. But in kindness you plucked an arrow from my side, and I will not forget that." She dropped the arrowhead into the girl's hand. Asteria felt a jolt when the arrowhead hit her palm. It seemed to drain all warmth from her hand, and she shivered. For a second she was unable to speak.

"You don't owe me any debts." She closed her hand around the arrowhead and held it close to her chest. "I'm sure any traveler would have done the same." She stared down at the arrowhead for a second, tracing the runes with a finger before looking up with a deep frown. "Wait, did you call me silly?" A pointy grin spread across Erebus' face which he quickly tried to hide.

"I think what she means is thank you. Now you won't have to follow us through the forest anymore," he mused with a lopsided smile. So he had noticed her there in the shadows. Qirin's brows furrowed.

"Well, you should keep a closer watch on her. Waving swords around wildly and traipsing around like she's safely in her mother's garden. There are things in these woods that would eat her soon as look at her." Erebus stood, hackles raised.

"Says the creature that was almost a trophy mounted on a wall. You should learn where you're wanted. She doesn't need your help." Asteria stared between the two, dumbfounded. She couldn't help feeling small.

"Actually, um, thank you for watching over me." But her words were lost as the two argued.

"Well, you overgrown shadow, it wasn't as if you were doing a good job of it. You're so busy preening she could fall off a cliff and you wouldn't even notice." Qirin leaned forwards, hands on her hips, her eyes completely black.

"Oh, I'm the vain one here. You're the one who put on a fireworks show because someone shot you once. You're nothing but drama and hot air."

"I'm right here you know, and I'm fine. You don't have to talk about me like I'm some sort of statue on display," Asteria called, but they wouldn't listen. She balled her hands into fists and winced as the arrowhead bit into her palm. Both Qirin and Erebus turned on her, bristling with anger.

"Look what you've gone and done. What a stupid idea to hand her a spelled arrow like that. Do you know what it might do' Do you have two thoughts rumbling around in that empty head?" Erebus growled. "Probably not or they'd spark together and start a fire between your ears."

"Well you're the one who keeps lecturing her like a school teacher. You're a demon; she's a witch. You're supposed to obey." Blood welled up between Asteria's fingers and dripped onto the grass, but she hardly noticed. She could feel heat rising in her throat. The crackle of a fire roared in her ears. When she opened her mouth, her lips dripped with smoke.

"Quiet, both of you." They both fell silent, staring at her with wide eyes. "I'm not some trophy to be fought over, and I'm not some wayward child who needs a nurse. I'm a witch."

"Does she spit fire often, your little witch?" Qirin whispered to Erebus. They both stood dumbfounded. He wouldn't take his gaze off of Asteria, but shook his head slowly.

"No, I can't say that she does." He blinked and turned to Qirin with his tail fluffed in anger. "But I'm sure it's your fault. She was fine until you started following her around like a lost dog. And now look what you've done."

Asteria groaned and stalked off into the forest, leaving behind a spattering of blood that sizzled as it hit the grass. Behind her, she could hear them arguing as if they hadn't notice her leave at all.

((Based off of a chat))


Date: 2016-08-02 13:55 EST
5. Hands for Breaking

Qirin had been patrolling through the woods when she spotted the girl wandering between the trees. She recognized the head of golden curls and stalked closer. Not too close, never too close. But at her back she felt the gentle tug of the Nother, like a rope around her waist. The Nother hungered. She took another step forwards, into the world and away from the Not-World always at her back. The girl seemed so silent now, barely a shade of the shining face she had been the other day. The demon still trailed her like a shadow, but he too seemed absorbed in thought. Qirin moved closer, curiosity overtaking good sense.

Asteria wandered aimlessly through the woods. Her hair was matted with twigs. Her bare feet were caked in mud and dried blood wound down her legs from scratches. Behind her, she trailed her unsheathed sword. Its tip bounced off of roots as she stumbled forward. The enchanted sword had fallen silent today though, all whining distilled down to a few muffled grumbles as it skipped over rocks. Erebus fluttered beside her, glancing anxiously at her as he tried to dodge branches. She hardly seemed to notice his presence as she wove through the trees in a listless dance. When a root caught her foot, she didn't even brace herself against the fall. She just tumbled and sank to the ground. She lay there and accepted it, face pressed to the cool moss of the forest floor. Erebus tugged on her cloak with clawed feet.

"Come on Aster. Don't we have a unicorn to chase or a sphinx to riddle with' If you wrap yourself in memories like this they'll swallow you whole." Asteria sighed but didn't move.

In the underbrush, Qirin watched the witch fall and then just...lay there. It seemed so wrong to see the girl without her accompanying easy laugh and wide smile, like seeing a butterfly stripped of its wings. Qirin frowned and stepped from the shadows, making sure to rustle leaves as an announcement of her presence.

"You have your sword unsheathed again. Have you finally had the strength to use it?" She regretted the words as soon as they left her mouth. Erebus paused and glared at the woman who materialized from the shadows. Asteria turned her head and, upon recognizing the fae in front of her, tried to stand. She groaned as she tried to rise and doubled over in a fit of coughing that left her mouth bloody. She looked down at the sword in her hands and threw it into the underbrush with a feeble hiss.

"No, but I had the weakness to use it," Asteria snarled, biting back hot tears. Qirin stood in stunned silence for a moment. Asteria seemed so different, brimming with a festering anger. Gone was the sunlight, plunged into a choking night brimming with storm. Not too close, never too close, her mind screamed at her. But Qirin bit down the rising words of caution and knelt beside the witch. She brushed a few strands of hair from her face and gently wiped a trail of blood from the girl's lips with her thumb, fingers barely touching her skin. This witch was a broken thing, fragile with sharp edges. She was just as likely to cut as crumble under the fae's touch. But broken things see the cracks in each other like nothing else can.

"I didn't know," Qirin whispered, brows furrowed. She had not meant to cause pain. Asteria wouldn't look Qirin in the eyes. She nudged her head free of the fae's touch and stood with a groan.

"You should be pleased, shouldn't you? What good is a sword unless it has tasted blood" But then, what good is a witch unless she can keep her power in check?" She ground her hands into white-knuckled fists at her side, clutching them tighter to quell their shaking. Too close, far too close. But closeness be damned; only up close could you see light through the cracks of a broken thing. Qirin sighed and rose fluidly. She gently grasped Asteria's clenched fist and eased it open. She held it out, palm-side up as she traced the lines on her palms with long fingers.

"These don't look like a killer's hands to me. Maybe they are stained with blood, but blood can wash away." Asteria stiffened at Qirin's touch. There was blood on her hands: her own coppery blood and a strange purple blood that had dried and crackled. When she noticed it there, her hands began to shake. Tears welled up in her blue eyes. She pulled her hand away and furiously tried to wipe it off on the hem of her tunic.

"Don't touch me," she growled as she turned away from Qirin. "All I do is break things." Qirin sighed, again. This girl was exhausting. Too close, too far. Couldn't she just make up her mind" But, Qirin respected her wishes and leaned into the bushes, plucking the sword Asteria had thrown there and holding it out to her.

"Things are beautiful because they are fragile. Sometimes we too have to break to see what we were all along."

"Are you saying I'm broken?" Asteria turned on her heel but stumbled, reaching out to the woman as she was overcome with another fit of coughing that left blood dripping down her chin. Qirin dropped the sword in her hands as Asteria stumbled forward and braced her shoulders.

"Not broken, just stronger than you think," she mumbled as she tried to steady Asteria. Erebus glided over and perched on her shoulder, glaring at Qirin. He puffed out his feathers like a furious fluffy ball of black.

"What have you done to her this time?" When the raven reprimanded her, Qirin snapped.

"I could ask you the same, demon. All of your kind are alike. You sow seeds of darkness and feed off destruction. Does this make you happy' Is this what you wanted?" She shook Asteria's shoulders to prove her point, but the witch tried to claw herself away. She grabbed up the fallen sword in shaking hands and placed the blade between the two of them. Too close now. See, broken things bite back.

"I am not broken. I am a witch. A witch is whole. A witch is strong. A witch is always in control, and a witch certainly does not cry," she growled through tears. She swung the sword erratically, anything to keep Qirin away. Asteria couldn't have her that calm and close. A fire burned in her throat, and Asteria just wanted it to devour her. Reduce her to ash and crumbling bones. How many times had she been strapped to the pyre, and how many times had she refused to burn" Stubborn thing. Foolish thing. Broken thing. Couldn't she just burn herself out and be done with it'

But Qirin just stepped forward, calm as an advancing glacier and just as inevitable. She grabbed the blade with her bare hand, wrapping her fingers around cold steel. It sizzled against the fae's skin and golden blood dripped between her clenched fingers, but she did not flinch.

"Whoever told you that was no true witch. Witches break, I have seen it. And they cry, I have caused it. And they can be strong because of it. There is Power in tears, just as there is Power in blood. So you spill one or spill the other. That does not make you strong or weak. The strength comes from why." Asteria felt the fire draining from her. Her arms went limp and Qirin gently eased the sword from her hands and dropped it to the ground. She reached out her hand slowly, carefully like one trying to calm a cornered beast. She slipped her fingers into Asteria's.

"I didn't mean to. I never meant to." That peculiar, invasive otherness washed over her again as the fae's blood smeared across her palm. The tears she had fought to bury dripped from her cheeks, sparkling as they landed on Qirin's skin. The fae winced for a second and then pulled her hand away. She wiped a smear of golden blood from her palm and then held her hand up, wiggling five perfect, unmarred fingers.

"See, your hands are not just made for breaking.?

((Based off of a chat))


Date: 2016-09-01 21:30 EST
6. Duty-Bound

Qirin kept an arrow nocked as she paced the thick underbrush. It didn't bode well to hunt impatient, but she had been growing reckless lately. She had wandered farther afield than normal, prowling the edge of the forest where man beat out order from the hungry chaos of the woods. The trees bore the scars of man's work, and she could smell the stink of iron and cloying ash of hearth-fire on the whisper of breeze. This was man's world, no place for fae. She shouldn't dare to hunt in their land, but time was running thin.

There she was, caught between two worlds again: the ravenous, inconstant realm of fae and the cold, controlling realm of men. Both were out for blood, and both had their teeth in her flesh. Best be done with it soon, or they'd tear her apart. The job would be easy if she stuck to the glen. She knew deep down that a prize above prizes was just within reach, but she forced herself away. Some prey didn't deserve the hunt. Some things were too wild for the chase.

So, she turned her sight on mundane dreams heralded by hearth-fires and the clanging toil of men. There was a snap of twigs, and Qirin spun on her heel, pulling the bowstring taut and scanning the trees in one smooth arc. Three figures buzzed in front of her, iridescent in the dappled light. "Remove your cursed feet from off these lands. I know what you are with your Unseelie brands." The three pixies hovered closer, clicking and hissing in insectoid rage. Qirin lowered the bow. No need to waste an arrow on pixie nuisances.

"Stop the rhyming act. You must spend too much time around gullible peasants if you think it'd impress one such as I, you disgraceful excuse for fae." In the light dancing between the leaves, the tiny fae sputtered through a series of colors, base emotions flitting over their tiny frames without an ounce of restraint.

"One such as thee, and what would that be" Kin-killer" Dream-chaser" I see only one disgracer." One pixie licked a row of fangs with a long tongue and flew closer, emboldened by numbers. Pixies were never known to level-headed creatures. It landed on the tip of her arrowhead, balancing there on one clawed foot. The others moved in behind it, raking jointed talons across the smooth wood of her bow with a sickening screech.

"We know just who you are. Last of your kind, and you"ve fallen so far. We know you"ve come to taint this land, and so we"re here to stay your hand." Qirin shook the bow in her hands, scattering the pixies to the air.

"If you've heard of me then you know what I can do. And still, you think you can stand before me and keep me from my duty. You must either be very brave, or very stupid." "Oh, so it is duty that brought you here" And where was that duty yesteryear" Was it duty drove you to kill your kin, or doom an empire to ruin"" Bright red spots flicked across its face as its venomous words emboldened the tiny fae. Behind it, the others buzzed in agreement.

"And of course "twas duty not shame, that sent you running to sell your name to any fae who could take away the pain and visions of the ones you"ve slain." Qirin clenched her jaw, daring herself not to move. They wouldn't goad her into attacking, not on their protected land.

"And now your master sets you loose to coax and steal, threaten and seduce. But the men of this town feed us blood and milk, to chase away all of your dark ilk. So take your curse and be gone, there"s no one here for you to prey upon." Try as she might, there was anger stirring in Qirin's blood. One wave of her hand and she could swat them away like flies. But then all righteous retribution would be theirs, and the horde of fellow pixies that doubtless waited nearby would swarm, ripping the Power and life from her bite by tiny bite. All they needed was an excuse. "My past has nothing to do with why I am here. It is nothing but dead ash. I broke free of my human chains, and you scorn me for it. Yet you're the ones begging for scraps at human doorways like lost mongrels. Are you proud for defending those who scorch and trample the land you once ruled" Does protecting sheep from wolves and finding lost stockings live up to the glory you once had" You're nothing but echoes, easily dispersed on the wind. I am a hunter. At least men still speak of me in hushed terms of respect and fear. Now leave me be." She flicked them away as she slung the bow over her shoulder and turned towards the dark depths of the forest and away from the lands of men. Though she spoke with pride, shame bubbled up in her. She had been a protector too once. She had looked at the hope and determination of men with fondness, and dreamed their dreams of progress. But now those dreams were nothing but murky nightmares swimming with the dead. Now she was nothing but another predator in the shadows. "I will leave your little hovels be, but do not mistake this as a victory. I don't fear the likes of you. I pity you, chained to iron and convention while we rule the night." And so she left them to their duty and she continued with her own, sinking back into the shadows of the forest.