Topic: When Canaries cry

Charley Cadence

Date: 2010-02-07 07:33 EST
(Parts of post taken from Rihanna-Photographs)

Winter cleaning kept her mind detached from the ever present front of her thoughts of Devon's disappearance. Maybe he had found a way to return home. He always had missed home in his own way and sure AJ probably did too....but AJ had a family here now. A husband and the baby and the whole perfect world. Why would she need to go anywhere"

Charley sighed to herself as she drew up her leg, arm embracing the denim clad knee as she rummaged through various items as she sat on the floor. Even Blue had found his home in New York City.

Heres a little story I gotta tell 'Bout this boy I know so well Back in the day was cool and all He fell in love I fell in love I thought he was the one for me Other boys I could not see And look what happened to our love I'm like how could it be

There was no envy when it came to Charley. She was happy for them all but she had to wonder what was becoming of her when even the Gypsy Rose and her 'Big Brother' Brandon looked over her with such worried eyes. Like she might shatter.

Fingertips lifted one of the pictures of her and Devon together. The day on the beach. Snapped pictures of both of them grinning, arms around each other. A wrinkle of nose as she sniffled and set the picture down. Was it just a Summer fling" Come the winter was just something that was meant to die? Did it mean come the next summer he'd come back....

It shoulda been me and you It coulda been you and me But boy you broke my heart And now I'm standing there It shoulda been me and you It coulda been you and me

Dusting herself off, the boxes were shoved aside and straightened as those sapphires spared a glance over to her jeweler's work station. Maybe she could get lost in work. Maybe she could open her own shop. Maybe she could run away to New York and hide in Jacob's shadow. Maybe Maybe Maybe.

Now all I got are these photographs All I've got All I've got All I've got Are these photographs All I've got All I've got

Its nothing without you, you, you Got nothing without you, you, you Got nothing without you

She wasn't falling apart but something had become a bit broken in her spirit. After mulling it over, she knew what it was that had shattered. Her heart.

Now baby its killing me I'm saying its killing me The fact that you aint around Baby, I'm falling down I need me a remedy Been looking for remedys I need you to be around Baby I'm hurting now I know you're a better man (when I was your girl) This land is a better land (when you're in my world)

It was time to move on. Time to say goodbye. It didn't seem like he was coming back but still she was grasping at those strings of hope. Charley would still smile. She would still find a way to laugh. If only to live in her sweet world of make believe. She knew this time she had not made him up. There was too much that existed around her to make his presence real rather then illusion in her life.

All I've got are these photographs I remember when I used to make you laugh I don't wanna be stuck in the past But you're all that I have that I had And I don't wanna lose what we've felt this far This is me and you, you're my superstar I'll give anything baby, heres my heart My heart

Moving on. It would be the hardest thing she had to do. Maybe come the summer he'd come back. She had waited but the months....had grown and he wasn't back.

All Charley could to was pick up the broken pieces and learn to live with all that had been left behind. Because in the end....that was how it had ended....with her left behind

Charley Cadence

Date: 2010-07-28 20:07 EST
Winter had become Summer again. She had waited hoping that Devon would come back but there was no return.

It was time to move on. Already she'd moved out of the house where AJ had her happy family, she envied it all but then she was so happy for them.

Occasionally she got a letter from Jacob and it'd bring a smile to her face. Then Cyrus had come along.

A man that seemed just as lost and broken as her, even though she'd never admit it to him. He was just so angry and hostile and wary of everything, everything save for her.

Then he had disappeared and she wondered again if it was just a figment of her imagination. Her own steps in life seemed delirium twisting patterns around her, piercing sunshine through those dark patches.

A marriage she was just a spark of presence in, places she no longer belonged.

It made sense to move out and take a room at the Red Dragon. Concrete Canary again, just getting by.

She had met Audrey then, the breathtaking dark beauty with all that world class, old time charm that made her think of the black and white movie stars.

After a few nights in the presence of the woman and Chester her life seemed to have changed again, seemed piece by piece to start to come together. New friend, new....sister....maybe even. Truth be told Audrey's words of Charley reminding her of another friend spooked her to no end. That creepy feeling of uncertainty of times long since gone.

Then Cyrus had come stumbling in drunk and all Charley could do was cry to see her friend broken again. They'd been sharing each other's company anymore as if it was something about survival now.

To get through it all and just get by. To manage and move on. It all came down to that in the end....moving on and getting by.

Now finding that sometimes the smallest things could mean everything. Watching Cyrus sleep peacefully for once, all beside the sweet presence of a little white kitten. A kitten called Hope.

Cyrus Merrick

Date: 2010-07-29 07:13 EST
He's standing in a place so very much like a graveyard, marked with crude wooden crosses. At least a score of them.

A man standing there with him, telling him that they are alike. That their powers set them apart, that they should be used for the destruction of the enemy.

Why was it the enemy looked so much like they do"Had similar gifts, abilities...these were not the dark creatures the man, with his dark eyes and bronzed skin, had said they were.

Well, some of them were. Bloodthirsty creatures that tried to feed on their flesh.

But others...others pleaded not to be subdued, begged not to be placed in the cage, screamed in grief and frustration as they were buried.

One or two even offered their understanding.

And yet, despite it all, he kept on.

He could have left, but...

...he discovered something.

He liked it.

And so, he stands there, facing the crude wooden crosses, with the dark man's hand on his shoulder next to him, listening to him say it.

"We are the same, Cyrus..."


Darkness of the room meets his eyes as he sits up in the bed, no longer the barren ground studded with crosses made of thick branches torn from trees.

Just a dream...and yet, it had all happened.

He had come to this place to get away from the darkness in his life, away from the violence and killing, and instead he had taken it right back up as if it were second nature.

Turning to the side of the bed, his feet finding the floor, he starts to put his head into his hands, only to find the motion halted as he stares at them.

His hands. Deadly hands, capable of horrific things, deadly purpose.

And he had used them for it, just as he had sworn to himself not to.

He had believed the dark man and his words of promise, of purpose.

And had almost slipped over the edge into the darkness he had hoped to avoid.

"Why am I here...?"

Charley Cadence

Date: 2010-07-29 21:42 EST

~The Past~

"Jazz, C'mon we gotta get ya out on stage!" "Cici...I can't do it tonight....I just...can't." "But..."

The dilated pupils, the bloodshot eyes. It all was telltale that Jazz was in no means fit for the stage. A side glance and she saw the needle still stuck in Jazz's arm, the high flying adored state of the drugs in her system.

"Go....go sing in my place." "But...Jazz....I can't..." "You have to, please, for me. You owe me. Without be....nothing. Just another Jane Doe."

One look back, those sapphires pained by those words. The truth of it pushed aside as she confessed to herself it was just the drugs talking through her friend.

That's all it was.

That's all it had to be ....otherwise....she was nothing.

Hands pushed through her hair, citrine canary strands a glowing halo in the shadows of the back stage. One deep breath and she stepped out into the light....glaring brilliance so blinding...

————————————————————————— —————————-

*Present Day*

That blinding light was the sun shining through the open window as she groaned at the fact she forgot to close the drapes to shield the light.

A light to drown the shadows and she was unable to see for a moment.

The realization brought a strangled whimper of fear from her before swallowed down as her eyes regained focus and through the citrine strands of canary yellow she saw him with his head in his hands.

The strain and lines of his back gave evidence enough that he had been up for long hours, kept in that position.

A shuddering sigh and she crawled over to him in the bed. Even still she had kept her innocence, him always sleeping above the covers with the blanket and she beneath them. The proximity though kept the nightmares at bay.

Without thought and through pure instinct she wrapped her arms around him from behind, cheek pressed to his back as she closed her eyes and merely held on to him as if her life depended on if his did too.