Topic: When one door closes... well that just fracking sucks

Dr Daniel Jackson

Date: 2015-05-18 21:44 EST
Discovering the Gate address to RhyDin had been quite advantageous to the team. Not only had Daniel managed to make his way back to his universe, but it allowed him to come back. The multiverse had proven a great resource in fighting the Wraith and even more so the Asurans. Jack was, of course, ecstatic for whatever information Daniel could glean from the great library, Sam and General Hammond were less enthusiastic.

What about the chance for creating paradoxes" How did RhyDin overlap their world" They had seen the negative effects from such travel before, though it had also proven beneficial. Without it they would have never been able to move Atlantis to it's new home world by activating the star drive.

Daniel had been shocked at the amount of information he had found on the Lanteans in the Great Library. Or maybe he shouldn't have been. They had already suspected not all had Ascended when they abandoned Atlantis. Just like when the Altarans had left Earth, a few had gone elsewhere. And they had ended up on RhyDin, where their knowledge barely held a candle to the beings that populated the strange world.

Still, it had been a surprise. A pleasant one that helped Daniel with Janus's research.

He was even more surprised to find a remnant of RhyDin on Earth.

It was a device that had been held at Area 51 for longer than they had record for. It was long suspected to be an alien artifact, but had been shuffled away after they had no idea of how anything with it. It was only by chance that Daniel had come across it while looking for another invention of Ma'cello that they thought they had finally divined the purpose of.

The item was a chest of sorts, a perfect cube with flat, obsidian sides that were marked with a luminescent writing only visible in a certain light spectrum. At only a foot square it wasn't suspected to be capable of holding anything of military value. Daniel was shocked that he had recognized the writing as something he'd come across in the Library.

Daniel pestered General Landry for months to return to RhyDin to do more research. However, the Coalition of Planets had been causing problems for Atlantis and Daniel had almost lost a ship to some thief while the rest of the crew had been taken hostage.

When he finally had permission to travel back through the Gate, Daniel wasted no time. A team was supposed to follow him through for safety, but he insisted he would be fine to go ahead to the city alone. That was probably his first mistake. Okay. It definitely was.

He'd barely made it to the city limits when he had found himself amidst some....something. A brawl of sorts, he supposed, between creatures he didn't have a name for. He managed to get out of there without getting hurt, but his escape lead him far afield of where he wanted to be by nightfall. Rather than risk another attempt he headed back to the gate to call home and wait for reinforcements.

Only when he'd gotten back to the gate, the generator he'd brought back with him to power the gate was dead. He didn't have the technical know how to fix it and he couldn't even tell what was wrong with it. It didn't seem damaged and there was no reason for it to be depleted.

He hunkered down near the gate to wait for them to dial in for the scheduled check in.


"I can't see any damage, Daniel," Sam said through the MALP screen. Daniel was standing nearby ruefully looking at the device his teammate was examining through the camera.

"I know," he replied dolefully. "It doesn't seem like it was tampered with, and the only tracks in the area are mine." He grimaced and looked around. "Not that there probably isn't something, many things here that could have done something and not left a trace..."

"There is no reason for it to be depleted," Sam went on thoughtfully, more like she was thinking out loud. "But in the past when you've traveled there, the reactors have been oddly low in power. The naquadah should last for....well....way longer than that." While she went off on a tangent about the math, Daniel paced around the clearing a bit.

"So what are you saying, Sam." He scrubbed a hand through his hair. He just barely caught the exasperated expression on Sam's face.

"I'm not sure, Daniel. Maybe something about the atmosphere affects the energy. I don't know. Past readings we've gathered....I just don't know how to interpret some of the data." He could see her throw up her hands. "I can't wrap my head around magic." Another face peered over her shoulder, General Landry.

"Dr. Jackson, I'm not sure how I feel about sending a team through with no way back." Landry was always so no nonsense. A third head popped up over Sam's other shoulder.

"I still say we can spare SG-11," said Cam. "I'm sure before long the eggheads will figure out something, or maybe you can find one of the locals to zap the generator or something." Sam next to him look horrified.

"No! We have no idea what that would do." Daniel pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Guys, just....I'll be fine here. I'll grab a room at the inn in town....and I'll ask around. Over the mountain is a starport, I bet I can find someone there." He was already going through a few people he'd encountered on past visits in his head. "In the meantime, I'll do some research. I have the scans from the cube." Sam and General Landry looked worried. Cam hid it well, as always.

"I'll run some simulations on the generator," Sam replied. "Maybe I can figure out a way for you to recharge it. Or maybe there is still a latent charge and you can..." General Landry started talking over her scientific babble.

"And Dr. Jackson, make sure that it's well hidden somewhere safe. Depleted or no, that generator can still be dangerous. We'll check back in, in..." He checked his watch. "24 hours. Stay safe."

"I'll do my best."

Daniel let out a sigh when the wormhole winked out of existence, taking with it the wide pool of light it'd cast on the clearing.

Looks like he was stranded. Again.
