Topic: Winter born


Date: 2011-03-14 19:25 EST
He could hear the angels calling his name, it was a whisper beneath the chaos that surrounded him. Lifting a small child, perhaps four years of age with brilliant blue eyes full of fear and tears as he ran through the village. Holding the boy close to his chest as he leaped over flaming timbers of a fallen home, his shield was across his back and a bloodied blade in his free hand.

The boy was Odd and his parents, Jokull and Hilde had lost track of him as they rushed about, the world crashing in around them. His face was covered in dust and smeared by tears but he had tried to understand what was going on. The bells, he heard the bells and then there was a world shattering thunder. There was fire and timbers falling, his mother was wrapping up his baby sister in a blanket as his father hastily pulled on armor.

There were words passed between his parents, he didn't hear. They rushed out of the burning building, his mother was telling him to stay close. Loki, their dog, was barking and he sounded trapped inside and Odd had turned to try and return into the building. He couldn't get the door open, something inside had fallen and blocked the way, when he turned back around he could not see him mom anymore.

That was when he was swept up into the arms of Alaric. Everyone knew Alaric the Just, and despite his fear, Odd felt safe.

Gruffly he called out as he approached the door to the keep. "Open the doors, its Alaric." It took what felt like forever before the great wooden door opened just enough to allow him to press the boy through. "Close it up again. Get him to the others. Don't open them again."

He didn't stay to see if the woman that grabbed the child listened, he knew that she would. The alarm bells still tolled and could be heard over the crackling of flames and the crashing of buildings falling under the weight of debris and bodies.

The sun was dying, the fires now providing more light than the sky itself as he raced back toward the battle. He could hear his men singing mightily as they fought and a fierce pride gripped him. It was the enemy, and the enemy was hungry tonight....he would feed them cold, hard steel even as he was called to sacrifice. It was a sacrifice he willingly gave for he was winter born.


Date: 2011-03-16 13:48 EST
Smoke rose and filled the world. Flickering images in the unsteady light of flames showed the terrible carnage that was before him as he fought to make the front. His men were dying, their blood coated the ground and tainted the smoke with a coppery scent. The ground was soggy with the volume of blood it could no longer contain, his footing was compromised but he continued on.

The enemy was visible now, above the heads of the men that still fought on. Alaric could see one clawed talon dart over the rim of a shield to slash at the man that held it high. The claws tore through the metal with the a grinding sound that pierced the ears of men and forced them to step back. Another flailed, unfurling leathery wings that spanned a good fifteen feet just before it sprung over the line of men to attack some of the bowmen behind. Alaric saw several wicked arrows punch through its hide before it landed though and its movements were more of a thing dying than attacking by the time he reached it.

The Gods only knew why the enemy existed, perhaps it was to test the mettle of men. Alaric thought it might, just might, be to provide entertainment. It could not be a satisfying eternity to watch men plow, live, love and die in beds.

He wondered if it would be a satisfying eternity to watch the enemy kill all men and then " what? What would these creatures do when there were no more men to hunt and murder" As far as they knew they did not consume men, so it was not for sustenance that they came. They took no prisoners, no supplies for they burned all they passed. So what then?

Some men feared that they collected souls and that those killed in battle would not go to the promised afterlife but rather to some type of living hell. Fire, all fire would be his version of hell, something that burned all things and people in his life that made it worth living.

It was for those people that he now roared his defiance and drawing from the power of his blood called forth the powers of frost and fury in the shape of lances of ice that rained down upon the enemy. Their screams echoed off the sky, or so it seemed to Alaric. Good, he thought, let the Gods get their fill of entertainment. Let them get what they need and then leave him and his men to a time of peace again.

Only that was not to be....not for him, not today.


Date: 2011-03-21 12:42 EST
There is a moment in battle where everything becomes clear, the details formulate the full picture and a leader can see the ending if all things remain the same. He had made the front, his men were fighting with hearts upon their sleeves for it had become quickly apparent that the enemy fought this time for keeps.

There was something in the brutality that signaled a final clash of wills and wishes and his men were desperately attempting to save that which they held dear. It was not so far to the walls of the Keep and the women and children within. His wife and child were in there and he could feel a part of his soul bleeding with a wound....he knew they could not win.

Then things cleared before him and in his mind he could see a chance, a slim one but a chance none-the-less to save his people. It would mean his death for a certainty. Perhaps that why his father, despite having passed down the method of it, never spoke of it as a viable option. Alaric doubted his father had ever believed that the enemy would come to wipe them out for good.

Alaric drew upon the well of magic within, he filled himself with the source of it until he could feel it burning his flesh and dimming his sight. His men cried out in shock, perhaps awe, seeing him embody the essence of their Gods. He shouted a command that his men would not be able to disobey, it was augmented by power and a deep abiding trust in his leadership.

A light now flooded from his pores, washing over the enemy and causing them to momentarily retreat, this was all he needed to allow his men to move back a hill and out of harms way. He waited as long as he could manage before he released the power he held. If any of his men did not make it he would never know for the moment the power flowed out of him it stole his consciousness with it. There was an image of the enemy howling in frustration as his lands and people were forced onto a slightly different plane of existence, out of reach, out of harms way.

A song of his ancestors sang in his heart and though his lips would not form the words he could feel them thrum through his being as his soul departed from his body. So bury fear, for fate draws near And hide the signs of pain With noble acts, the bravest souls Endure the heart's remains Discard regret, that in this debt A better world is made That children of a newer day might remember And avoid our fate. *

He found peace. It was not until later that he would discover that peace had not yet found him.

((Authors Note: Lyrics from Winterborn - by Cruxshadows))


Date: 2011-03-21 14:20 EST
When he woke he was disoriented, he had not imagined the afterlife to be so very confusing. Nor did he imagine it would be so painful. It seemed to him as he lay there, his back against something cold and wet, that everything hurt. Not just hurt, no that would be too simple a descriptor for the agony he felt from the bottom of his feet to what he would swear was the end of his hair.

It was then he realized someone was trying to speak to him, but he could not understand the words. "What?"

The words stopped for a moment and the air filled with music, it was a lovely sound and he began to believe that perhaps he was in the afterlife but it had gotten off to a rocky start.

Then, as though she had always spoken his language she said, "You really look a mess, mister. You try and eat the stew?"

The voice was melodic and although he thought he might have heard a trace of concern it was overcome with a sense of " amusement"

"You really shouldn't crash here, you never know who might find you. Or your things." He could feel a light touch now. It seemed to be drifting over him and his things but he could not yet bring himself to sit up, nor even think about preventing further investigation.

"Your armor has a lot of blood on it. Some of it, I'd wager, is yours. David might not like me bringing a strange man home. Ah well, he'll get over it, but I'll need you to do some of the lifting yourself. Your armor alone looks like more than a Minx could handle."

The woman definitely sounded amused. There was also a feeling that the woman was lying to him but that she wanted him to know she was lying, but why he could not fathom.

He forced his eyes open and for a moment he could not breath. She was as lovely as her voice, with a halo of light glimmering off of golden hair that surrounded exotic features; her pale grey eyes were focused on him and full of the amusement he had heard in her tone.

"You are valkyrja?" He had never thought they would look so....delicate.

"No, I am a Minx. That's my surname, not the animal or the adjective, no matter what you might hear from others. Gwen Minx. Now, let's get you up off the ground." So saying she slid an arm under him and he heard himself groan in protest. "Sooner started sooner done." She said as she heaved him up all the way to his feet in a smooth motion that showed a strength he would not have credited to her slight frame.

"I am," he paused not knowing what to say next. This was not his home, as his sight recovered he could see he was in some type of lush green glen, so where" "I am Erik."

For a moment she fixed him with those eldritch grey eyes. "My dad always said that one liar could spot another like a bear recognizing another bear. It was a saying he regretted telling me because it was, by way of Minx logic, an admission that he lied to me."

She shifted him so that he had an arm around her shoulder and could lean his weight as necessary. "He tried to retract the statement but, like many things in life, that was something that could not be undone. Life is like that, you know. Still, the manor is this way, off we go.? Gwen did not wait for him to consent or speak but rather started off in a westerly direction and he could do nothing but comply.


Date: 2011-03-24 17:29 EST
The breeze was bitter, it bite into any flesh it found with a ferocity rarely found outside of nature. The men were pulling hard at the oars and they were making good time despite the waves that worked against them with ever stroke.

Alaric had just come off a shift at the oars and was warming himself up with some ale with some of the other men; they were too few for him not to pull his weight. The other four boats were in view and he felt in high spirits. The hunt had been very successful and what they were bringing home would sustain the village for at least a month.

He shook out his limbs, absently noting that icicles had formed on his coat and were falling to the deck. One seemed to take a long time falling, as if it had forgotten that gravity was its master and when it did strike the treated wood it shattered into a thousand shards all of which gave out a thunderous protest.

The expressions on the men around him did not change, they were all still smiling and laughing, relaxing after hard hours on the oars. Something was not right, he could feel it but not pinpoint the source.

He grabbed ahold of Einarrs arm and spoke in a hushed tone, "Do you feel that in the wind, brother?"

Einarr did not turn to face him, nor did he reply but rather continued to speak to Hagard who was next to him. It was then that Alaric realized he could no longer understand the speech of his ancestors and a panic gripped his heart. Fear was natural, it was the bodys response to danger, he was no stranger to fear. The sensation of loss hit him harder than any wave and threatened to drown him, paralyzed by an irrational terror growing in his chest.

"Einarr, speak sense to me brother. I am in need of your strength." He heard a pleading quality in his tone that he did not recognize as his own.

This time Einarr did turn toward him and fixed ice blue eyes upon him. "No brother of mine. No longer. The valkyrja have taken you to a place that we can not find. Be at peace brother, but not here." With that Einarr put both hands on Alarics chest and heaved, the unexpected attack sent Alaric overboard and into the arms of the unforgiving sea.

When he opened his mouth to protest the midnight waters rushed in and filled his lungs before he could react. He flailed and kicked and attempted to scream but his lungs burned with salted waters and nothing but coughing came out.

"Woah there Erik, calm down. You are not in danger!"

Abruptly he realized that he was in a darkened room and there was another person there with him, holding his arms as they wildly swung at the air and straddling his waist. He was in a bed, it took him a moment to reorient himself and come to the realization that it was Gwen that was desperately attempting to keep him calm.

"You are safe! Safe I say!" There was a force that beat against him with her words that seeped into his flesh and stole some of the panic, enough to allow the rest to recede back to the depths of his nightmare.

Gwen sung a short burst of words he did not comprehend and suddenly there was a ball of light in the space above them. She had a nasty looking bruise forming on her cheek and her lip was split. Her grip on his arms was impressive and he forced himself to relax his muscles and go limp.

"Did I...?" Horror returned as he realized that it was probably a blow from his hand that left those marks on her pale flesh.

"It was my own fault. I've seen people in such nightmares before and I didn't take the proper precautions. You sounded like you were drowning though and I won't have a guest die in their sleep under my roof. You hear me, Erik?" Those last words were punctuated by sharp pokes of a finger to his chest. "No dying under my roof."


Date: 2011-03-31 08:36 EST
The nightmares continued. He could not close his eyes without them coming to hunt and haunt him. It was wearing him thin and whether awake or sleeping he felt a pale shadow of the man he had been.

Gwen seemed a stabilizing force. Whenever he was near her the world seemed to solidify and make sense, but he could not bear to be close to her for long periods of time. He could not put words to it but staying in her presence too long brought him a type of pain.

Alaric knew he needed to get out and find something productive to do with his time. There was never a time, not that he could remember, where he was as idle as he had been here. There were rumors of some outlying Lords or Ladies that were in need of swordsmen, he could certainly do that. Protecting just any Lord or Lady would not satisfy him long, he needed, bone and sinew, to do something that mattered. Protecting the people of him home, that had mattered; he knew each one, worked by their side every day and was invested in their survival and happiness.

The bonds between Gwen and her cousins mirrored what he felt for his people, perhaps that was why he felt akin to the woman. For all the facade she projected to the world of a frivolous girl, he could see the depths of loyalty that sank to the center of the worlds when it came to those she cared about.

When he was not avoiding Gwen, or sleep, and at a loss for where to look for meaning next the memories of his homeland consumed him. The image of his wife and his sons brought him such pain that he had to retreat to his room until he could breath again. Surely they were safe, the Gods would not allow that he made such a sacrifice only to throw them in harms way. Surely.

Such thoughts and more followed on his heels as he left the Seaside Manor to, once again, search for meaning in this foreign land.


Date: 2011-04-10 10:42 EST
The day was warm as he wandered through the streets of the city. It was bigger and more crowded than he was used to and it seemed to him that few of the people actually interacted with any one else. He passed by a sign that he could only make out one of the words, "Orphanage."

There were a gaggle of children out front and they were playing with a range of toys that looked to be third or fourth hand-me-downs. There was a frazzled looking woman arguing with a man in front of the building. He found himself moving toward the couple until he could hear what was being said.

"But you said that you would do it for only one gold an hour and that the work would only take a day. We can't afford ten gold an hour and a week!" The woman sounded as though she was at her wits end.

"It's the going rate, I can't be giving my labor out for free." The man retorted without a hint of remorse.

"The roof is leaking and the kids are getting wet, can't you work with us on the price" Surely you can write off a portion as charity." The woman was wringing her hands in the apron she wore.

"I'm not a non-profit, lady. Why not have a bake sale or something, you seem to be able to get enough gold out of the suckers around here."

"Excuse me." Alaric moved forward to make his presence known. "Might I ask what services this man was offering to complete?" He addressed the woman, dismissing the man obviously by placing himself in between them as he spoke.

"The roof. It's taken damage from the attacks this past winter and well the winter itself. We got the materials as a donation but I....I don't know how to do the work." She really was sounding desperate.

"I've done such work before. I'll do it for free."

"Hey now! We had a deal, lady!" The man attempted to interject but Alaric put a hand on the man's shoulder and began to walk him toward the gate.

"You will go home and not bother us again." Alaric spoke softly but in a tone that would brook no argument.

From there Alaric spent the day preparing to get the work done. The lady, her name Alaric found out was Ms. D"Marco, did not possess any type of tools and so he borrowed them from the Manor with Gwens? permission.

The next few days he spent at the orphanage finishing he necessary repairs on the roof. He occasionally found himself covered in small children, the younger ones in particular seemed to find a great amount of joy in using him as a jungle gym.

It was fulfilling and when the roof was done he found himself taking on some of the other projects around the orphanage. It was the first time since he'd arrived that he felt more like himself.